midnightactual · 1 year
@ice-cold-shihoin wrote:
“Uh oh…she’s got the Purple Sweats.”
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"It turns out too much Dark Energon is bad for you. I feel... an irresistible urge... to wrestle! Come here!"
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waspandr · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin said:
Yuuno yawns dramatically as she lazily droops her arms over Soifon's shoulders, her chin resting on top of her head. "You look..." she stopped before pausing to yawn for real this time. "...you look tired, oh Captain. My captain." she commented, referencing that line from Walt Whitman's poem.
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For once, and at the behest of her Lieutenant, Soifon had found herself seated on the office couch with piles of papers stacked in rows on the table in front of her, a bureaucratic nightmare or cruel joke as she'd been so keenly made aware. Well over three-fourths of the day was wasted playing catch-up and filing tag between Omaeda, Yuuno, and herself with several papers still required her investigations.
"Tired is a word for it," Though there were far more venomous words she might've used instead. She flittered some sheets between palms, shuffling them between readings while Yuuno draped and clung to her.
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"But, I don't think I'm in as precarious a state as you, Lady Yuuno. Should I move so you can use the couch for a nap?"
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ryusxnka · 1 year
"My goodness, he fits in a trash can....LOOK, EVERYONE! CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA IS IN A TRASH CAN! LIKE GROUCHY OSCAR FROM THE STREET OF SESAME!" (ice-cold-shihoin 🙃)
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      " Were you never taught how to proficiently ascertain the disparity between a Shinigami and their Gikongan, Shihoin? " Adolescent vocalizations abruptly resounds, with a tonality detailing exasperated indignation, from adjacently behind the woman's physicality. It goes without saying that this meddling individual still required intellectual teachings. - His brace of loosely veiled appendages, svelte in structure yet vigorous in sustainability, forthwith intersected thereafter whilst he sauntered by her boisterously tangible entirety.- When he had instructed King, a manufactured creation likewise Kon, to expeditiously abscond from the battlefield now subjugated, and hereby superseded, with congenial tranquility, he hadn't foreseen for them to stash their pseudo - anatomy within the vile interior of a garbage can of all things, little less for another to witness the uncharacteristic exhibition 'fore he could relocate his Gigai's position; how degrading. " If you're done with making a complete fool out of yourself ------ leave me to my work. "
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glacialdeath · 2 years
@ice-cold-shihoin from here:
Yuuno had managed to break away from the stuffiness and haughty vibe of having to be with the rest of the nobles. Yuuno was much like her older sister with regards to nobility and the etiquette that should be practiced between nobles and "commoners". Although when needed, she can put on the appropriate front and vocabulary for when she does need to deal with other nobles. Her typically messy, lavender locks which she usually liked wearing freely and to her shoulders, were tied up into a high bun with some hairpins running through the bun. She was wearing an orange kimono with some streaks of light blue instead of her usual Shinigami uniform. She found a nearby tree to finally find shelter from the stuffiness of these irritating nobles and sighed as she leaned up against it. And then she sensed something. Her instincts kicked in as her hand flew up with some quickness that it almost seemed like her hand was always in that position as she snatched something out of the air that was descending towards her. A sandal? "What in the world..." she muttered to herself as she inspected it. She then heard a familiar voice. "Rukia?" she uttered as she saw the Kuchiki making her way towards her. Immediately she noticed Rukia was only partially barefoot. Well, that makes sense. The sandal must be hers. "Don't worry about it, Rukia. It's going to take more than a sandal to so much as touch one of us Shihoin." she replied with a chuckle as she handed the sandal back to her. "Finally exhausted of all these buttoned up, stuffed up fuddy duddies and their empty bragging?"
Having made her way over, Rukia grabs the sandal from the other, placing it back on her foot quickly, and ceasing her hobling on her foot. She balances herself properly upon two feet, her sock hiding the dabbles of dirt about the end of her feet beneath. Rukia can’t help but remark on the quick skills she had witnessed..“Your instincts sure are sharp, even in a place like this.  Hmm. I guess some instincts never fully sit still.“ But to be that alert even here, Rukia can’t help but wonder what kind of environment the shihouin must live in. “Do you ever drop your guard?”
She waves off such direct whining, turning humble, not quite comfortable as an adopted folk to comment fully on matters such as that, not that she doesn’t agree. “I just wanted some fresh air. It feels like a waste to just sit and chatter while I’m here. It’s good for thinking. I suppose you’re probably similar in that regard?”
It’s as her hand hovers over the fan in her sleeve while she tries to cross her arms that she has a thought and her curiosity piques as she tilts her head at Yuuno. “Hmm, I don’t suppose you have much experience with entertaining hobbies? Tea serving, dance, music... that sort of thing?”
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houseshihouin · 2 years
Continuing with @ice-cold-shihoin:
Taking the offered gift, Yōsuke's attention shifted from it to Yūno and back again periodically as she spoke. He was and had been many things, but oblivious was seldom one of them—he knew nerves when he saw them. And so he did his best to not make her more anxious by focusing entirely on her.
A little nod followed as she finished and he undid the wrapping with some care, setting it aside to momentarily inspect and open the box. His brows lifted slightly and he brought it up a little closer to more carefully inspect the cufflinks, soon lifting one to consider the workmanship more thoughtfully... albeit not for too long. It wasn't long before he carefully set it back with the other and smiled at his daughter.
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"I can tell a lot of care was taken with these. They're elegantly made. I do actually own a suit, you know? Want to see what these look like with it?"
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uraharashouten · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin asked:
"Heh....glad to see she didn't kill you after all." (To Kisuke from ice-cold-shihoin)
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[[ meme || reflective prompts ]]
Kisuke blinked blearily against the glare of artificial sky from his supine position in the dust, the scent of singe and char filling his nostrils. He swallowed painfully against the burning sensation in the back of his throat, and winced as he drew himself up on his elbows.
"You wouldn't know it, but she does pull her punches..." A hand rose to rub grit from his eye. "I suppose she's found a reason to keep me around after all."
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"I sincerely hope that proved a fruitful demonstration, and that you were paying careful attention." He grunted, shifting slightly, and smiled weakly up at Yuuno. "—Do you plan to render medical aid, or would you prefer simply to gloat?"
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crashingheavens · 3 years
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Falling Kingdoms starters
@ice-cold-shihoin​ said:
"you’re lucky you’re beautiful. it absolves you of many shortcomings."
“Hah! Don’t I know it,” Taking yet another chug of her bottle, Kukaku burst into a fit of mild and drunken laughter then. She knew full well of her downfalls and weaknesses, and how acknowledging them was half the battle to overcome them. That said, however, she also knew how certain other parties would jump at the chance to argue otherwise, and, lucky for this one, those parties weren't within earshot.
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“So, you think I’m beautiful too, huh?” She’d tease.
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neverxalone · 4 years
Nozomi said:  “I’ll hate going out in the storm.”
"Then you should probably stay here at the Shoten for the night then. I'm sure my sister and Kisuke won't mind you staying here to wait out the storm."
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Nozomi met the other woman’s suggestion with reluctance as she checked her phone for the time. 8:44 PM. It was already getting late and the reception was near non-existent thanks to the ravaging weather. The Kurosaki’s must be worried sick, she thought.
The Mod Soul tucked her hands and phone into the pockets of her cream cardigan. She gazed at the other woman, breaking the awkward silence that began to pervade amidst the rapping of the rain. 
“Looks like we’re both stuck here, hm?”
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midnightactual · 2 years
@ice-cold-shihoin liked for Christmas Stuff:
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"I told you to bring a swimsuit because we've got a jacuzzi and it's a lot more pleasant than a sauna." There was a skylight above the pool atrium and the air was quite a cozy temperature. Yoruichi passed Yūno a waterproofed Christmas hat. "You did bring one, right?"
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waspandr · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin​ asked:
"Want to spend New Year's with me? There's movies and snacks." 
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Soifon blinked.
"It would be better than Omaeda's plans to drag me into his families celebrations," Truth be, anything would be better than being around her Lieutenant and his... ostentatious family for an entire eve, but few could be as easily excused.
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"Sounds like you've already a place and plan in mind too, Lady Yuuno. Care to fill me in?"
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin asked:
"I need ideas. What can I give Kukaku for Christmas?"
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"If you're only getting her something purely out of obligation, she'll be able to tell in a heartbeat, you know? Same if I just told you something she'd like. Among others, she enjoys things that explode jovially, and plants. So think along those lines. Maybe some nose cone lathes, or a succulent."
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glacialdeath · 2 years
“☽” (from Ice-Cold-Shihoin)
Send me“☽” and I will pick a random tarot card and write a starter based on its meaning. Hierophant (Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs)
With such lengthy lives as souls had in the seireitei, time was difficult to measure. But it was change of season, the falling of leaves or the blooming of sprouts that always signalled some gathering among nobles was due. With the changing from green to red and yellow of leaves, it would seem that the fall season drew the nobles near quarterly gathering of theirs to begin. The event was a sort of masquerade, on the surface notable guest would feign interest in each other but often it boiled down to their own brags and jabs with fangs of power hidden underneath flowery words. It was a world Rukia had grown accustomed to but not one she particularly enjoyed. Never did an event go by without some prod at her origins but she has the tolerance to dance around them and bear a gentle composure with every twist of their daggered words-- That was the way of the Kuchiki or at least the way she was taught. She wasn’t born noble but she could very well play the part when needed.
The pink floral elegant kimono she adorned was far more restrictive than her usual shinigami uniform and she could feel her legs itch for their full step. The obi upon her waist was nearly as tight as the company about. Her tolerance for this type of company could only go for so long. Luckily enough today she had an item to twiddle in her fingers beneath the elongated sleeves of her dress and vent estrangement in passing it between her hands;it was a particular red fan that when caught in the light would reflect with a sort of pride as it transitioned to a pure white color.
At some point as she tends to do during these things, she finds an opportunity; in one swift motion of her leg smoothly moving to the outer circle of the group, to some corner masked behind a wall where no one had eyes in another motion, to then out of sight and amongst no one but the trees. There is no shunpo involved in the manuouver, just clean movements built on a survivor that never forgot old skills and never forgot mistakes turned into old lessons taught by the violent streets. Rukia would let out a breath now that she was away from the stifling air. Usually her leave was just to reset her state, get some distance from the noise of constant chatter. The one benefit of these events is that nobles love scenery and Rukia, despite not being born a noble, typically very much likes to retreat into nature, and she would be a fool to miss out on the time to take it in fully. What most nobles probably don’t appreciate in where Rukia chooses to appreciate said nature, but that would probably be only an issue if she were ever caught. 
All of it feels very natural; the way she  lifts up the edge of the kimono by her ankles above her knees, the single moment of hesitation before she goes with the momentum and somehow makes it seem like her geta have spikes to give her better leverage upon the trunk of the tree. Settling upon a branch above where any normal person would be gazing she shuts her eyes for just a moment. It isn’t until her hands wander back to the fan in her possession that she opens her eyes. It’s while her gaze is locked with the crimson color as she unfolds the fan that the swing of her legs while perched on the branch goes beyond her control for just a second, and the sandal upon one of her feet goes flying, zooming ahead, making its way towards Yuuno’s shoulder. Grimacing at her silly mistake, she curses under her breath as she makes her way down the tree she had just settled into, somehow making it down quicker than she got up and jumping the rest of the way to the ground when she’s more than half way. With a small hop in her steps due to her missing footwear, and embarrassed blush to her cheeks, she makes her way over, bowing in apology. “My deepest apologies Yuuno, I didn’t expect to lose my footwear so easily! Are you alright, I didn’t actually hit you, did I?” 
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin asked for Spending Time Together:
[GYM] (Ice-cold-shihoin)
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“Come on, it’s only 10 G’s of gravity. Even Chad could take 4.5. You can do it, you’re a Shihōin. Now stop complaining and give me 50 more reps.”
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midnightactual · 1 year
[ Continuing with @ice-cold-shihoin ]
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"Good news then, because it's not." It was something Yūno would hate even more if she knew the particulars! "But enough about that. It's a good thing you showed up, because I promised somebody I'd introduce you to them. Are you busy?"
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin asked:
"Want to spend New Year's with Yuushiro and me? We're watching the Back To The Future films."
The truth was that the day mattered far more to Yoruichi as her own birthday than it did as New Year's, and she knew where she wanted to enjoy it and how. Spending six hours with Marty McFly and Doc Brown wasn't part of that equation. Spending it with Yūno and Yūshirō... Kūkaku wouldn't rebuke her for declining, but she knew her wife would advise her to go. And... She exhaled.
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"Kūkaku hasn't seen those either, so if she can come, we can stay through I and II?" she offered. Two-thirds was fair, right? And III wasn't that great anyway...
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin asked for Text Post Sentence Starters:
“i may act like i’m sassy but if you’re mean to me there’s a 900% chance i’ll cry.” (ice-cold-shihoin)
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“Yeah, believe me, I know.”
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