midnightactual · 1 year
@ice-cold-shihoin wrote:
“Uh oh…she’s got the Purple Sweats.”
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"It turns out too much Dark Energon is bad for you. I feel... an irresistible urge... to wrestle! Come here!"
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waspandr · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin said:
Yuuno yawns dramatically as she lazily droops her arms over Soifon's shoulders, her chin resting on top of her head. "You look..." she stopped before pausing to yawn for real this time. "...you look tired, oh Captain. My captain." she commented, referencing that line from Walt Whitman's poem.
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For once, and at the behest of her Lieutenant, Soifon had found herself seated on the office couch with piles of papers stacked in rows on the table in front of her, a bureaucratic nightmare or cruel joke as she'd been so keenly made aware. Well over three-fourths of the day was wasted playing catch-up and filing tag between Omaeda, Yuuno, and herself with several papers still required her investigations.
"Tired is a word for it," Though there were far more venomous words she might've used instead. She flittered some sheets between palms, shuffling them between readings while Yuuno draped and clung to her.
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"But, I don't think I'm in as precarious a state as you, Lady Yuuno. Should I move so you can use the couch for a nap?"
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crashingheavens · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin​ said:
*Yuuno sneaks up from behind her and suddenly hugs Kukaku*
"Strange...you have that same 'huggable-ness' as Big Sister. No wonder you two are so compatible."
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Kukaku didn't even budge from the hug, her hands still carefully winding and squeezing the gel-like substance from the fresh light vines until the strand ran dry.
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"Yeah?" She'd affirm, setting the sticky strand of vine off to the side to dry, "How funny, you've got quite a bit in common with her too," She then grasped at Yuuno's arms, wrapped so tight around her, and wiped the viscous residue off on them."You know I don't even let Ganju hang off'a me like this, right?"  
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houseshihouin · 2 years
Continuing with @ice-cold-shihoin:
Taking the offered gift, Yōsuke's attention shifted from it to Yūno and back again periodically as she spoke. He was and had been many things, but oblivious was seldom one of them—he knew nerves when he saw them. And so he did his best to not make her more anxious by focusing entirely on her.
A little nod followed as she finished and he undid the wrapping with some care, setting it aside to momentarily inspect and open the box. His brows lifted slightly and he brought it up a little closer to more carefully inspect the cufflinks, soon lifting one to consider the workmanship more thoughtfully... albeit not for too long. It wasn't long before he carefully set it back with the other and smiled at his daughter.
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"I can tell a lot of care was taken with these. They're elegantly made. I do actually own a suit, you know? Want to see what these look like with it?"
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
☭ x (specifically from Ice-Cold-Shihoin)
Battle Quotes
Battle Intro: "I ask for your forgiveness regarding my indulgence, Shihoin-san." Victory: "You are not there yet, but you are getting closer." Half HP: "A good effort, but frostbite is simple to cure." Low HP: "Do not let down your guard, Shihoin-san. This is not over." Defeat: "Incredible. I cannot help but applaud your growth." Death: "Please remember this...for this...is what awaits...us all..." Assist: "Pardon my intrusion; I am here to lend you my aid." Taunt: "What good is a deadly gaze if you are blinded by such a large shadow?" Reacting to Taunt: "Yoruichi-san tried that one too." Flee: "I believe I have seen enough." Reacting to Flee: "Discretion is the better part of valor, as they say." Tie: "Are you satisfied with my performance thus far?" Perfect Victory: "My apologies. With all the effort you have put in to refining your strength, I was expecting something...more." Low HP Victory: "With a performance like that, Yoruichi-san just may be within your reach." Finishing Move: "Prepare yourself. Behold the Blade of Eight-Thousand Styles!"
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baiika · 1 year
“Nah, it’s not that bad. I’ve had worse.” (ice-cold-shihoin)
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Momo laughs. "I know. Everyone is always so dramatic upon being cut." It's happened twice to her twice. Each time, her anguish was in her head, not her chest.
She turns Yuuno's wrist over. It's not a bad cut. Blood soaks the hypodermis, but the fat layer isn't seen. This is something Momo can easily fix. While she hold's Yuuno's wrist, her freehand glows with kidou. The skin foams and stitches itself together with no issue, and Momo smiles at Yuuno upon completion.
"Does it feel okay?"
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ninguisinferna · 1 year
"Do you want help?" (from ice-cold-shihoin)
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Perhaps she underestimated the power of paper mountain she's been carrying around with every atom of her strength. But that wouldn't last long for she's struggling in these crucial seconds.
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"Don't wor--"
And she's so close to lose the balance and have all the papers fly in the air.
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glacialdeath · 2 years
@ice-cold-shihoin from here:
Yuuno had managed to break away from the stuffiness and haughty vibe of having to be with the rest of the nobles. Yuuno was much like her older sister with regards to nobility and the etiquette that should be practiced between nobles and "commoners". Although when needed, she can put on the appropriate front and vocabulary for when she does need to deal with other nobles. Her typically messy, lavender locks which she usually liked wearing freely and to her shoulders, were tied up into a high bun with some hairpins running through the bun. She was wearing an orange kimono with some streaks of light blue instead of her usual Shinigami uniform. She found a nearby tree to finally find shelter from the stuffiness of these irritating nobles and sighed as she leaned up against it. And then she sensed something. Her instincts kicked in as her hand flew up with some quickness that it almost seemed like her hand was always in that position as she snatched something out of the air that was descending towards her. A sandal? "What in the world..." she muttered to herself as she inspected it. She then heard a familiar voice. "Rukia?" she uttered as she saw the Kuchiki making her way towards her. Immediately she noticed Rukia was only partially barefoot. Well, that makes sense. The sandal must be hers. "Don't worry about it, Rukia. It's going to take more than a sandal to so much as touch one of us Shihoin." she replied with a chuckle as she handed the sandal back to her. "Finally exhausted of all these buttoned up, stuffed up fuddy duddies and their empty bragging?"
Having made her way over, Rukia grabs the sandal from the other, placing it back on her foot quickly, and ceasing her hobling on her foot. She balances herself properly upon two feet, her sock hiding the dabbles of dirt about the end of her feet beneath. Rukia can’t help but remark on the quick skills she had witnessed..“Your instincts sure are sharp, even in a place like this.  Hmm. I guess some instincts never fully sit still.“ But to be that alert even here, Rukia can’t help but wonder what kind of environment the shihouin must live in. “Do you ever drop your guard?”
She waves off such direct whining, turning humble, not quite comfortable as an adopted folk to comment fully on matters such as that, not that she doesn’t agree. “I just wanted some fresh air. It feels like a waste to just sit and chatter while I’m here. It’s good for thinking. I suppose you’re probably similar in that regard?”
It’s as her hand hovers over the fan in her sleeve while she tries to cross her arms that she has a thought and her curiosity piques as she tilts her head at Yuuno. “Hmm, I don’t suppose you have much experience with entertaining hobbies? Tea serving, dance, music... that sort of thing?”
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maddmuses · 1 year
"You're making that face again. What's got you looking so serious one could easily confuse you for your older brother?" (To Rukia from Ice-cold-shihoin)
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"He may have invented it, but I've perfected it."
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midnightactual · 2 years
@ice-cold-shihoin liked for Christmas Stuff:
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"I told you to bring a swimsuit because we've got a jacuzzi and it's a lot more pleasant than a sauna." There was a skylight above the pool atrium and the air was quite a cozy temperature. Yoruichi passed Yūno a waterproofed Christmas hat. "You did bring one, right?"
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waspandr · 2 years
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@ice-cold-shihoin​ asked:
"Want to spend New Year's with me? There's movies and snacks." 
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Soifon blinked.
"It would be better than Omaeda's plans to drag me into his families celebrations," Truth be, anything would be better than being around her Lieutenant and his... ostentatious family for an entire eve, but few could be as easily excused.
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"Sounds like you've already a place and plan in mind too, Lady Yuuno. Care to fill me in?"
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Just saying Hi
Jusy saying Hello and popping in to see how everyone is doing. I've been hanging out over at my Bleach OC blogs over at @the-lightning-underdog and @ice-cold-shihoin. Was hoping to get some fluff with Tenten muses or interactions. But looks like this community is really quiet and Tenten muses are as rare as ever.
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catnippp · 2 years
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𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬
@ice-cold-shihoin​ asked: Blossom
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blossom— would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?
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❝ I ain’t super huge on tattoos, but-- and this stays here, no where else, but I’d probably figure out a symbol for me and the girls and get that tatted. I hate them with my fucking guts but. They’re gonna stick by me no matter what so. I’d like somethin’ for us four, y’know? I don’t know yet, but I think it’d be really badass, havin’ our lil faction symbol, hah! ❞
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caeruleum-feniks · 1 year
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Hidy ho! Just popping in to say Hi to everyone and hope y'all are doing well. Muse has been pretty spotty here and across my other blogs. But you can find me here or over at @artillery-blade-master, @the-lightning-underdog, @ice-cold-shihoin.
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Just saying Hi
Just popping in to say Hi and see how everyone is doing. Mainly been over at my Bleach OC blogs over at @the-lightning-underdog and @ice-cold-shihoin. Was hoping to get some fluff on here with Cana or any of Jack's other pairings. But looks like the community is pretty quiet and Cana blogs are pretty scarce.
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ryusxnka · 1 year
"My goodness, he fits in a trash can....LOOK, EVERYONE! CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA IS IN A TRASH CAN! LIKE GROUCHY OSCAR FROM THE STREET OF SESAME!" (ice-cold-shihoin 🙃)
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      " Were you never taught how to proficiently ascertain the disparity between a Shinigami and their Gikongan, Shihoin? " Adolescent vocalizations abruptly resounds, with a tonality detailing exasperated indignation, from adjacently behind the woman's physicality. It goes without saying that this meddling individual still required intellectual teachings. - His brace of loosely veiled appendages, svelte in structure yet vigorous in sustainability, forthwith intersected thereafter whilst he sauntered by her boisterously tangible entirety.- When he had instructed King, a manufactured creation likewise Kon, to expeditiously abscond from the battlefield now subjugated, and hereby superseded, with congenial tranquility, he hadn't foreseen for them to stash their pseudo - anatomy within the vile interior of a garbage can of all things, little less for another to witness the uncharacteristic exhibition 'fore he could relocate his Gigai's position; how degrading. " If you're done with making a complete fool out of yourself ------ leave me to my work. "
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