#ickle finnikins
danceyreagan · 6 years
Finn Shelby~Has Good Sense and is A Good Friend.
Summary: Finn and Mona look for a present for his girlfriend and he tries to convince Mona to date Isaiah.
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After They left the betting shop Mona and Finn went to a jewelry store to try and find a birthday gift for his girlfriend. The walk over had been rather quiet and bit stiff. Finn was sure it had something to do wit Isaiah. Him and Michael had walked in on them and judging from the energy of the room something happened. Ever since Mona had been rather quiet and he was waiting for the proper moment to break the ice. Finn knew Isaiah was infatuated with Mona and wanted to get to know her better. He figured it was his duty as his future brother in law and best friend to plead his case for him.
Currently Mona was staring at the jewelry case at a green and brass jewelry set that was so ugly Finn questioned her taste levels.
“Hmm?” Mona hummed a response still never looking up from the case.
“What do you think?” Finn asked holding up a pair of emerald earrings.
“Bit much. Where is she going to wear those? The library?”
Finn shrugged his shoulders and put the earrings back on the counter.
“What about this ring?” Mona asked holding up a ring so discolored Finn wasnt sure if it was supposed to be gold or if it was rusty.
“Why not?”
“Because it ugly”
Either Mona had no taste, which was hard to believe because she was always so put together, or her mind was elsewhere. Finn was sure it was the latter.
“So...” tired of the tension, it was time get to the bottom of this.
“What were you and Isaiah talking about?”
“The party.” Mona moved around the counter so that now she was facing Finn but her eyes were downcast on the case below her.
“What about it?”
“He was either going to invite me, which you already have. Or, he was going to ask me to be his date but, Tommy interrupted us so Im not sure.”
“What would you have said if he asked you for a date?”
“Honestly?” Mona asked finally looking up at Finn. “I dont know” and that was truth. She was conflicted. She didnt know how she felt. In fact she barely knew him. Having never spent more than five minutes in his presence didnt give her a lot to work with.
“what do you mean?”
“Oh Look!” Mona held up a pair of earrings. Ugly. Again. She really wasn’t taking this serious.
“She’s 16. Not a 30 year old prostitute”
“Fair enough. How about these?”
Finn rolled his eyes and exhaled growing irritated by Mona’s tactics “You’re avoiding the question”
“Am not”
“Are too.”
“Am not”
“just answer the question!” Finn raised his voice finally reaching his breaking point.
Mona looked up from the earrings she had been admiring with a mock innocence. “What was the question?”
Finn fascinated himself. How could he remain so patient? He was sure it had to do with being Tommy’s errand boy. But in all honesty Finn had more patience and sense than all his brothers combined. He really was heading for Sainthood. At least thats what Polly tells him.
“No. Or yes. I dont know.”
Finn looked at her and raised eyebrows in a gesture to get her to elaborate.
“Look, Isaiah seems like a nice guy. But I dont really know him do I? She looked down and let out a long sigh before continuing. “But Finn, what I do know, I dont like. He’s killed people. And Im not sure thats something I can handle. Who’s to say he wont kill the wrong person and they want revenge? This either ends with him or mysef getting hurt or worse.”
Finn couldn’t fault her for feeling that way. He knew if anything happened to Tabby because of the Shelby business he would never forgive himself. He may actually kill Tommy himself.
“Plus, I know at least three women at my work who all brag about sleeping with him. Why would I do that to myself?”
Finn wasn’t sure how to respondz he knew Isaiah and Michael slept around. There was no denying that. But, Isaiah was his best mate and he had to do what he could to win Mona over.
“He’s never killed anyone”
Mona looked down momentarily, then back up at Finn with a questioning look.
“Killed, blinded, he’s still dangerous Finn.”
“Yes, Isaiah has slept around, I wont lie to you. He likes you, like properly likes you. Just get to know him. Business and women aside, he’s a good guy. He’s full on soft once you get to know him. Just give him a chance.
“Finn...” Mona said in a kind of whisper eyes still on the jewelry case below her
“Mona, you never know”
“No, Finn look, I know what you can get Tabby.”
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@thewanderingblinder @twistedrunes @allaboutjoecole @finnbloodyshelby @pb-bonniegold
Feedback is Always Welcome. Inbox open.
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danceyreagan · 7 years
Thinking about doing Sick Shelby Boy headcanons? Who do y’all want to read about first?
Please let me know y’all.
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danceyreagan · 5 years
Peaky Blinders S5 Ep2 “Black Cats” reactions.
Posting on mobile. No cut. Beware.
*******SPOILERS AHEAD********
1. Tommy looking like Brother Malcolm at the window.
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2. Charlie, no!!!! I really thought they were about to kill Charlie and I almost threw my phone across the room.
3. Not sure if I trust Michael. He resembling J Cody too much these days. See what I did there?
4. “We are the people, and we’ve had enough!”
5. Oswald whatever the fuck his name is better fucking recognize. He set tripping.
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6. Oswald: Who’s she?
Ada: “Im pregnant, I dont want you. Boy bye.”
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7. Finn Shelby, is tired of being ignored.
8. They need to leave ickle finnikins alone.
9. That entire scene with Michael vs. Polly and Arthur. My black ass was like, “Polly, you gonna let him talk to you like that?”
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10. Gina Shelby, looks like a fish. I cant explain it. Im sure the actress is beautiful but all I’m getting is fish.
11. Tommy vs Michael? Hilarious.
Michael: “Im having a baby”
Tommy: “me and your unborn child both know a mutha fucking lie. Get the fuck outta my face”
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12. Arthur didnt have to insult the mans singing? Poor Billy looked like he was about to fucking cry. I actually felt bad.
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13. Finn over here talking and setting up schemes. He stomping with the dogs now.
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14. POOR BONNIE!!!! I screamed so damn loud my sister ran in the room and thought I was hurt. I had to pause it for a couple minutes after that.
15. Everytime Linda opens her mouth.
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16. Aberama, you’re new round these parts, but JOHNNY DOGS WOULD FUCKING NEVER!!!
17. Lizzie: “get away from my child.” But Charlie? What about him huh?
What y’all think of the episode?
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