#Isaiah x Mona
danceyreagan · 6 years
Isaiah and Mona~First Kiss
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Masterlist  Moodboard 
A/N: Mona is Black. Representation matters. 
A big shout out to my girl @blinder-secrets for editing this and giving me writing tips. I love you girl. 
Mona was standing in the doorway of the Jesus household, watching Tabby and Jeremiah move around the small kitchen. They had a rhythm going. One was setting up plates, the other cups, Jeremiah grabbed silverware, Tabby pulled the food out of the oven. Mona wondered if Isaiah ever assist in helping make the meals, or setting up the tables, or was he in charge of clean up and what was the dynamic when his mother was alive?
They moved around each other with ease and deep in conversation. Tabby was telling Jeremiah about the colleges she was applying too. The conversation though continuous did not seem to distract them from their movements. Mona didn’t dare speak up, or join in, for fear of throwing off their rhythm. She was waiting for Isaiah to come home. The dinner was his plan, and yet, he was nowhere to be found. He was late, in fact he was almost an hour late and Jeremiah decided to go on and eat without him.
Tonight was supposed to be their third date. Their first date had gone well, better than they both would have expected and, much to his surprise, she had agreed to another. For their second date, he’d taken her to the pictures and to a small restaurant on the outskirts of town away from prying eyes. What surprised Mona most, was how easy it was to be with Isaiah. He never tried to force the romance or make her uncomfortable by staring too long, or over complimenting her appearance. Hell, he hadn’t even tried to kiss her. He was a complete gentleman. The most they did was hold hands across the table while they talked and joked about the Shelby’s. He told her about how country Michael was in the past, and she was determined to find a joke that made Him laugh. Though, she failed miserably every time; only earning an, “Oh no. That's just bad,” alongside the infamous, and totally adorable, disgusted face he made. Which may or may not be the reason why she continues to tell bad jokes.
So, this was the third date. Tabby had invited Finn as well, which annoyed Isaiah to no end. He stomped around the house like a toddler for hours after he found out. To be honest, he was embarrassed for Finn to see how soft he was in Mona’s presence. It wasn't as if everyone hadn't already been witness to the starry gazes they shared whenever in each others presence. This was, in fact, a popular topic of conversation in his absence.
“What time did my brother say they were supposed to be home?” Tabby asked, snapping Mona out of her daze.
“Half past six,” Mona replied, noting the clock on the wall.
6:55pm. Mona was beginning to worry.
She’d woken that morning with a terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen. She immediately called her parents, who were fast asleep. Then she phoned Isaiah at the shop, to make sure he’d made it to work safely. Michael had answered, seemingly annoyed - he was so monotone there really was no telling, before passing the phone to Isaiah.
“Are you okay, Isaiah?”
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, confusion laced in his voice.
“I'm not sure. I just have this feeling.“
”I'm okay. I promise.”
“Yeah. I’ll be in the office all day, working the books with Michael. The only thing I'm in danger of is fucking boredom.”
“Be serious, please.”
“I am, I promise. Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you tonight, yeah?”
“Okay. See you tonight.” The funny thing about premonitions is that they seem to always come to fruition. She went through her day with extra caution still not feeling at ease after her conversation. She went through everyone she cared about calling and making sure everyone was ok before heading to work that morning.
The sudden and shrill ringing of the phone brought Mona back to reality. It rang twice more before Tabby shed her oven mitts and made her way to the phone.
“Hello?” Her face was indecipherable as she listened to the person on the other end. Aware of the silence, Jeremiah exited the kitchen to join everyone in the sitting room, all trying and failing to listen.
Tabby hung up the phone, looking at her father. ”Pop, Isaiah’s been hurt, he’s at the shop.” “Did they say what happened?” Mona asked, her voice laced with concern as she began to wring her hands together.
“No. Just thats he’s been hurt.” If Tabby was worried, she didn't show it. Mona tried her best to mirror her emotions. Afterall, it was her brother and if she was calm, then Mona thought it best not to get too worked up.
Before anyone had a chance to speak again, there was a knock at the door. Mona nearly jumped out of her skin.
“It’s me, Finn.” Mona, being closest to the front door, stepped forward to let him in. Finn’s face was flushed and there were light beads of sweat collected on his forehead and temples, and his chest heaved violently, as if he ran the distance from the shop to their home. He immediately pushed past Mona, making his way over to his girlfriend wrapping his arms around her and placing a gentle yet urgent kiss on her forehead. Looking down she noticed small bits of dried blood on his knuckles.
“He’s okay.” Finn said finally getting a handle on his breathing. “He’s been stabbed. He sent me here to sit with you while Jeremiah goes to the betting shop. A meetings been called.”
“Are you armed Finn?” Jeremiah asked. “No.” “There's a gun in the drawer of the side table, and one in Isaiah’s room. Just in case.” He gave Tabby a small nod before turning and leaving.
“Are we in danger?” Mona asked “No. I don’t think so.” Finn moved to the side table, taking the gun and checking for bullets.
Mona nodded in response, unsure of what to do or say next.
An hour had passed and still no word. The room was quiet as if its inhabitants were afraid to speak. The food sat cold and untouched in the kitchen still in the pots and pans from where it had been abandoned earlier. Mona was on her fifth cup of tea, from the looks of it she might make it to six. She was wired to say the least. Currently, she was pacing the length of the sitting room. She had been sitting beside Finn, shaking her foot frantically but he told her she was giving him motion sickness, so she took to pacing instead. Tabby sat with her arm hooked through Finn’s, resting her head on his shoulder while he sat with his arms crossed, and resting on his knees.
“How has she not gone to the bathroom yet?” Finn whispered to his girlfriend, earning a slap on his arm.
“How are you not more worried, Tabitha?” Mona asked frustratingly as she finally stopped pacing.
“Sadly, I'm used to it.” Tabby gave a small shrug “If it's not Isaiah I’m worried about, it’s Finn. After a while you learn to cope.”
Mona turned her attention to Finn,  “What happened exactly?” She was so on edge that she hadn’t thought to ask before now.
“We were on our way out the door, to come here, but Tommy stopped us. Wanted us to go and intimidate a group of thugs out of Peaky territory. Isaiah and I did everything we could to stay calm but, they were looking for a brawl. Next thing you know, a knife was pulled. And well, you know the rest.”
Mona stopped pacing and took a second to process the information. “Can you walk me to the shop? Please?”
“Isaiah’s orders were to stay here,” he said, looking to his girlfriend to back him up.
“I need to know he’s alright. You can stay if you want, but I’m going with or without you,” she demanded, raising her eyebrows at Finn. Mona wouldn't dare claim that she knew Isaiah well, but she knew that he’d be angry at Finn if she walked the six blocks to the shop alone, especially after dark. Finn looked at Tabby once more, to see if maybe she could assist him in convincing Mona to stay. But, she just looked between Finn and Mona, unsure of what the right move was. “Tabby, don’t you want to see if your brother is alright?” Mona asked, knowing exactly what nerve she was hitting.
That was all it took. Tabby looked at Finn and shrugged. Letting out a deep sigh, Finn agreed. “Fine, lets go. But I'm taking the gun with me.” 
When they arrived at the shop, everyone was in the the sitting room of the house. There seemed to be a gloom hanging in the air. Isaiah’s shirt was on the table next him, and Mona could see the blood stains from where she was standing by the door. She searched for Isaiah, finding him sitting next to his father with his shirt off, looking at the wooden floor as he absentmindedly shook his leg. Her heart fell into her stomach.
Tommy ran down a list of tasks. Polly was standing towards the back while, on the other end of John, sat Arthur and Esme. No one seemed to notice them enter the room, until Finn cleared his throat.
“We need to strike now, and fast be-“ Tommy stopped and looked towards the sound.
Mona gave a nervous wave at everyone. She had met the Shelby’s, sure, but she had never been in a room with all them - it was really quite intimidating. She started the get the feeling that showing up was a bad idea.
Tabby walked over to where Isaiah was sitting, “Are you okay, brother?” “Yeah, I'm okay. Hurts like hell though,” he said, looking over to see Mona beside Finn.
Her eyebrows seemed to be frozen together. She wanted to speak, but everyone was there, watching them.
It’s as if Isaiah read her mind. “Will you excuse us please, Tommy?” Without waiting for a response, he stood, motioning for Mona to follow him through the doors to the empty betting shop. She nodded, and followed, only somewhat aware of the eyes on them.
Mona wasted no time, once the door was closed and she knew he was alright, she went from worried to irritated. ”I told you. I fucking told you. I had a bad feeling and you didn't listen.”
“You did, yeah,” Isaiah said, slightly taken aback by her harsh language, but also pleasantly surprised by how much she cared. He couldn't help the slight smile that began to form. He looked down at the desk next to him to try and hide his face.
Mona looked around, confused. “What? Why are smiling?” “You care,” he said with the smile still plastered on his face.
”Of course I care, why wouldn’t I? Stop smiling.” “I'm alright by the way. Thanks for asking,” he said.
“Yeah, but, what if you weren’t? What if there's a next time?” she asked, Mona’s tone changed from angry to concerned.
Mona knew Isaiah’s job was dangerous when she agreed to go out with him. That was the one setback. But, Isaiah liked his job and, more than anything, the status that came with it. Being a Peaky meant consequences to those who crossed him. Being a black man was hard enough and she understood that being a Peaky meant security for him and his loved ones because most people weren't too keen on having their tongues and eyes cut out over a racial slur. Besides, after the burning of the Marquis of Lorne, people had left him and his family alone.
Seeing the concern on her face alarmed him; he didn't want to be the cause of her stress. He knew she didn’t like his job, and to be quite honest, he was afraid she was going to end everything. Isaiah moved closer, stretching out his uninjured arm and placing his hand on Mona’s shoulder.
“Look, I’m alright. It's nothing, barely hurt. I promise.” She raised an eyebrow, as if to say “yeah right”, but before anyone could do or say anything the door swung open, and John entered. “Ok, let’s go, get your things. I’m driving you all home.” The car ride to Mona’s was short, and made in relative silence. The only conversation was between John and Esme in the front seat. Mona sat looking out the window as Isaiah held her hand. Once they reached her place, Isaiah hopped out first and made his way to Mona’s side of the vehicle to open her door. John looked on in the rearview, rolling his eyes at the sight. Esme just shook her head. “He’s being a gentleman, John. Wouldn’t kill you to try sometimes.” “Yeah, it might. Besides, you love me anyway. Can't keep your hands off me.” Mona turned to face Isaiah once they reached the front door. “So...” she said, hands joined together behind her back as she rocked nervously on the balls of her feet. “So. How about we try again? Tomorrow night, my place?” “Yeah, okay,” Mona said. She stood there for a second. Without thinking too much, she leaned forward, and placed a quick kiss on his lips. Isaiah was too surprised to react. He stood stiff as a board.
”Im glad you didn’t die,” she said, embarrassed, wanting to enter her home as quickly as possible. But, before she could, Isaiah grabbed hold of her wrist. “Can we do that again? Please?” He asked looking towards the ground.
Mona nodded in response. “Okay.”
Isaiah leaned in slowly and paused, waiting for Mona to meet him halfway. When she finally met his lips, he worked his un-injured arm around the back of her neck to gently hold her in place.
Once the kiss began, Mona’s nerves dissipated. Being with Isaiah was easy, they just seemed to fit. Isaiah, however, was mentally freaking out.
He had wanted to kiss her since that day in the Shelby kitchen, and it was finally happening. His arms went cold with nerves, his fingertips began to tingle, and his skin was covered in goosebumps. Mona’s lips were warm and soft against his own. He could smell the oils she used in her hair mixed with her perfume. She smelt of eucalyptus, lemons, and fresh water springs. He knew from this moment, that he never wanted to kiss anyone else.
However, the kiss was cut short from the sounds of John whooping and cheering from the car. “Whoo! Get it Mate!!!” Mona pulled away, and looked down at her shoes. “See you tomorrow, yeah?” Isaiah asked
“Yeah, okay,” Mona replied with a shy smile. She leaned forward to place a quick kiss on Isaiah’s lips, before taking a backwards step into her home.
“Hey, Isaiah!” Mona shouted as he walked to the car “Try not to get stabbed this time!”
Feedback is always welcome. Inbox Open
@allaboutjoecole @pb-bonniegold @twistedrunes @thewanderingblinder @collecting-stories 
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The Complete Peaky Blinders + Characters of Color Masterlist (edit: no longer complete)
Edit: this masterlist is no longer complete, as I am no longer using this tumblr very much and won’t be around to update it
All works on this list are set in the world of Peaky Blinders and FOCUSED on at least one canon or original character of color. (This means no Michael-centric fics with only one or two scenes involving Isaiah, etc.) All works should be longer than 500 words and located on tumblr or archiveofourown. 
Last updated 10/16/18.
WARNING: I have not read all the fics on this list, and fully abandon all responsibility for their quality, content warnings, etc. Read at your own risk.
🎖 indicates a personal favorite of mine + notes on why I like it
FIC W/ A CANON CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any fic that focuses on at least one canon character of color.
FIC W/ AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any Peaky fic or imagine that focuses on at least one original character of color.
READER x CANON CHARACTER OF COLOR - This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between Reader & a canon character of color.
READER OF COLOR x CANON CHARACTER - This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between a Reader of color & a canon character.
CONCLUSION - some parting thoughts
This is any fic that focuses on at least one canon character of color.
🎖 ISAIAH-CENTRIC - me aka Ashling on ao3 //  Isaiah Jesus and the Sucker Punch Heist // Multi-chapter heist fic focusing on Isaiah, w/ side helpings of Isaiah x WOC, other original characters of color, action, friendship, drama 🎖 notes: really did my damnedest to make this a fun, good one
ISAIAH x FINN - rxttenk1d on ao3 // Finn Has A Choking Kink // smut, written in the second person
ISAIAH x FINN - me // picnic // short modern AU romcom fic
ISAIAH x FINN - me // coffeeshop // Finn has been waiting a long time for his goddamn espresso. 
ISAIAH x MICHAEL - cyrusbarrone // change // exquisite prose, incredibly short 
ISAIAH x MICHAEL - cyrusbarrone // saint dymphna // exquisite prose, perfect 100-word drabbles
ISAIAH x MONA MALLORY - @danceyreagan // several fics on this masterlist //a black OC, Mona Mallory, is cute as hell and dating Isaiah Jesus
ISAIAH x OC - @justaclichewhitegirl​ aka justaclichewhitegirl on ao3 // Hell is Empty and the Devils Are All Here // Alexandra wanted the past to stay in the past, but when doing a business deal with the Shelby's that doesn't always happen.
ISAIAH x OC - wishfulwriter on ao3 // Don't forget where you came from // Living with the Blinders is no walk in the park, especially not if you're somewhat involved with some of them.
🎖 MR. ZHANG x TOMMY - KeithKoenar // For what are we but weak men in a mad world on ao3 // In which Mister Zhang is terribly sick for two weeks and Thomas Shelby ultimately ends up stealing a damn prostitute, because he is a foolish, weak man. 🎖 notes: intriguing, original, smutty
This is any Peaky fic or imagine that focuses on at least one original character of color.
CHADDA “SAM” SAMRA x ISAIAH - @peakyposts // The Art of Sneaking Around // Multiple Chapters // Finn Shelby, Isaiah Jesus and Chadda “Sam” Samra had been friends since they were children, but as Chadda gets older her responsibilities become more important than hanging out with her friends. How is she supposed to juggle helping out at her mother’s hair salon, going to school, and eventually falling in love with one of her best friends? Especially when one of those things is completely forbidden by her traditional parents? 
MONA MALLORY x ISAIAH - @danceyreagan // a black OC, Mona Mallory, is cute as hell and dating Isaiah Jesus. There’s over half a dozen small fics on danceyreagan’s masterlist about this couple, plus some moodboards.
RADHA CHAKRAVATI x FINN - @peakyarthurs // “It was all about helping a friend in need.” (Indian OC)
UNNAMED OC x MICHAEL - [PENDING] @alfiesolcmons​ plans to write a fic set in America, where the OC is a woman of color. More info forthcoming.
EVE CHEN x TOMMY - [PENDING] I plan to write a multichapter fic about Eve Chen, a fiercely guarded and independent Chinese woman who develops an enemies with benefits situation with Tommy. Moodboard here, more info forthcoming.
This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between Reader & a canon character of color.
Reader x Isaiah Jesus
🎖 by @birminghamblinders​ 
🎖 notes: haven’t read these imagines but I know birminghamblinders can write
son of a preacher man // Isaiah had been in your life for what seemed like forever, but was really no time at all. 
love, in phases // Isaiah, quite honestly, knew he wanted to marry you from the first time he spoke to you. 
by @blindersbeach​: 
dad’s plan: pt 1 / pt 2
with purpose // “Isaiah and the reader are best friends spending Valentine’s day together, but become more”
by @blinder-baker​
Brown Eyes // Reader reassures Isaiah
🎖 by @blinder-secrets​ 
Perfect // Reader marries Isaiah
🎖 notes: tooth-rotting fluff
by @bonniebird 
untitled // Imagine hiding that you and Isaiah are dating 
by @collecting-stories​
untitled // sex worker Reader falls for Isaiah 
🎖 Visiting // Isaiah meets a black girl from America and is completely smitten: pt 1 / pt 2 🎖 notes: sweet stuff
morning // protective Isaiah
untitled // reader stands up for Isaiah against some racist
by @ijustwant2write​ 
“Let me help you!” // Reader helps her friend get out of an abusive relationship & Isaiah gets caught up in the mix
by on Jordy___9 ao3
A Long Time Wait // Michael x Reader; Michael invites Isaiah to join them, and he agrees to the idea.
by @la-dame-fleur 
untitled // SMUT
by @lucachangretta 
give over // jealous!Isaiah
by @michaelshelbys 
dramatic // in which isaiah jesus is quite frankly sick of sneaking around with the youngest shelby sister
by @nogods--nomasters​
untitled // You and Isaiah having to hide your feelings
“Please don’t cry. I hate to see you cry.” // Shelby sister Reader
“Why are you so nice to me?”
by @peakyxshelby 
Item // Reader is John’s daughter
Forbidden Flame // Reader is a Shelby sister: pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4
by @peaky-blinders-lit​ 
Savior // country girl gets lost in Birmingham, meets Isaiah
by @shelbylimiited 
blissful unawareness // Reader is a Shelby sister
helping hand // Reader is a barmaid at the Garrison; Isaiah helps
disapproval // Reader is kicked out of her home for dating Isaiah
by @theshelbycompanyltd​
of fire, fighting, and other “f” words // You went to the Shelby wedding in search of a little excitement. You found Isaiah. 
Reader x Jeremiah Jesus
surely somebody has to have written this, and yet I cannot find anything?
Reader x Colonel Ben Younger
the universe is nothing but a vast disappointment. that man was CUTE
This is any Peaky imagine that focuses on the relationship between a Reader of color & a canon character.
Alfie Solomons
by @peaky-yamyam
Wisdom and War // “Alfie falls for a beautiful black lady who is strong, intelligent, curvy, badass, and is as nutcrackers as him”
by @mrschangrettawrites
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Persian reader)
by me
🎖 A Curious Correspondence // WOC reader gets to know Alfie Solomons through writing him letters as a volunteer during the war🎖 notes: I reread this one sometimes for kicks and giggles
by somebody
I KNOW somebody has an adorable fic that I think is titled Habibi which is ROC x Alfie but I can’t for the life of me remember where I saw it???? please send help
Finn Shelby
by @twistedrunes​
untitled // Isaiah’s sister is rescued by Finn.
Isaiah Jesus
Note: These are only the Isaiah Jesus imagines with a reader that is explicitly a POC; see above (pt 3) for all Isaiah Jesus imagines
🎖 by @collecting-stories​ 
Visiting // Isaiah meets a black girl from America and is completely smitten: pt 1 / pt 2
🎖 sweet stuff
John Shelby
by @xxdearlybeloved​
Among the Stars (masterlist, 10 chapters) // the reader is Jeremiah Jesus’ niece, forced to return to Small Heath from London.
Luca Changretta
by @mrschangrettawrites​
Acquisitions // (Turkish reader) “Every person has their purpose, and yours has just come up.”
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Indian reader x Tommy x Luca)
Tommy Shelby
by @mrschangrettawrites
Another Kind of Language // (black reader) “You couldn’t speak the same way others could, but you still knew how to communicate.”
[PENDING] untitled [promo post] // (Indian reader x Tommy x Luca)
Isaiah is deeply beloved by all. do you have any idea how many fucking tabs I had to open to sort through the Isaiah fic and imagines? I had to bust my ASS
WOC are desperately underappreciated, but at least we’re doing better than fucking Steven 
someone: “I want to write fic but I am not a POC/not that kind of POC/unsure of how to do this” 
me: “listen, just use google & your common sense, then you’ll already be 2 steps ahead of steven fucking knight”
AGAIN, if you have any additions, subtractions, recommendations, send me an ask or a message or whatever. talk to me
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twistedrunes · 5 years
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Third Times a Charm by @danceyreagan​ - Isaiah Jesus x Black!FOC
The third (the first two are headcanons) in a sweet series about Isaiah and his somewhat flawed attempts at wooing the wonderful Mona. A girl with sass who is taking no rubbish from the young man. It’s such a pleasure to read a fic where the woman knows her own mind, values and standards. Honestly, this is also too cute for words. 
Mona, was by no means impressed by the reputation or occupation that Isaiah held, but she had eyes and there was no denying he was a handsome man.
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mylifeinshowtunes · 7 years
BOOTYLEGS (updated nov 22 2021)
Hello! Here’s a list of my bootlegs. They are all video, the ones which are audio are specified. 
If there’s only the title of the show then I don’t know which cast it is (sorry). 
I’m willing to gift these but  trading is appreciated! 
If I gift you a bootleg PLEASE consider donating something to my Ko-Fi, I’m putting away some money for University, and your donation no matter how small can really help me out!
If we are trading send me your list and I would appreciate it if you sent your bootleg first. 
If you want any of these MESSAGE ME, also be nice, i won’t give you anything if you are rude so please keep that in mind. 
I might not always be able to answer, so just wait, if more than 2 days pass write again. 
PLEASE be specific about the bootlegs you want. 
*All shows starting with “the” are under the letter T*
Thank you :)
unknown cast 
West End Cast - november 2019
21 Chump Street - Brooklyn Academy of Music (June 7th, 2014) - Original Cast
A Chorus Line (2006 Broadway revival, opening night)
Broadway 11.3.13
2013 PROSHOT Globe
Bridge Theatre NTL
2015 cast
1998 cast
National Theatre Live (2016) PROSHOT
Original Broadway Cast
AMERICAN IDIOT | Los Angeles | Full Show PROSHOT
Broadway 2017 cast
unknown cast
Anastasia OBC (Hartford Stage, off Broadway)
Anastasia on BROADWAY
National Theatre Proshot version
2003 mini series
Original Broadway Cast
On Broadway, unknown cast
Bandstand - Fatham Events
Off Broadway cast
West End version july 2017
West End (with Alex Thomas Smith as Tink)
AUDIO bootleg
The play (Chicago at the Griffin theater), THIS IS NOT A BOOTLEG OF THE MUSICAL VERSION
INCOMPLETE bootleg of the musical (first 35 minutes)
AUDIO revival (11.10.17)
AUDIO Australian Premiere Cast
Beetlejuice - 09-2019- BROADWAY CAST
closer view
Beetle juice play original cast (7•27•19) ( 1080 X 1920 ) [Missing Girl Scout Song]
Beetlejuice with Presley Ryan
Beetlejuice with Will Blum
Los Angeles, CA (Center Theatre Group), 8th August 2015
Billy Elliot (Chicago 2010) Tommy Batchelor
Billy Elliot the Musical Live PROSHOT
NBC cast reunion 2020
alan cumming 1998
Cabaret (Emma Stone)
Cabaret Adam Pascal.
West End cast December 2018
Carrie the Musical- 2012 Off-Broadway Revival
Broadway OBC
Charlie Mezzanine OBC
charlie broadway Audio First Preview
AUDIO, Chicago (12/3/17) featuring Todrick Hall as Billy Flynn (link in text)Cast: Leigh Zimmerman- Velma Kelly, Charolette d'Amboise- Roxie Hart, Brian O'Brien- Fred Casely, Peter Nelson- Sergent Fogarty, Raymon Bokhour- Amos Hart, Nicole Bridgewater- Liz, Gabrielle McClinton- Annie, Donna Marie Ashbury- June, Tonya Wathen- Hunyak, Robyn Hurder- Mona, LaVon Fisher Wilson- Matron "Mama" Morton, Todrick Hall- Billy Flynn, R. Lowe- Mary Sunshine, Beth Johnson Nicely- Go-To-Hell-Kitty, Michael Scirrotto- Harry/ The Jury, Jason Patrick Sands- Doctor, Denny Paschall- Aaron, Barrett Martin- Bailiff, James T. Lane- The Judge, Barrett Martin- Court Clerk
Broadway Proshot 2021
West End Production AUDIO, February 25, 2019 - Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), George Blagden (PJ), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Richard Henders (David), Ben Lewis (Larry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo), Grant Neal (u/s Harry).
Broadway OBC
AUDIO with MLB as Evan Hansen (7-12-17)
AUDIO Colton Ryan as Evan Hansen
AUDIO 7.19.17 (MLB as Evan, Colton as Jared, Garrett as Heidi)
AUDIO, DEH PREVIEWS WASHINGTON DC (slight changes to songs, should be OBC) 
AUDIO, MLB AS CONNOR (first act cuts off after Sincerely Me, second act complete)
AUDIO, MLB as Evan, Olivia as Zoe, and Garrett as Heidi
AUDIO, second stage audio
AUDIO, Ben Platt last show
AUDIO, Colton Ryan and Olivia Puckett 
AUDIO, Lisa Brescia Cynthia 8-3-17
AUDIO, Noah Galvin
9.30.18 Taylor Trensch (Laura Dreyfuss, Alex Boniello, Lisa Brescia, JLT, Phoenix Best, Asa Somers, Sky Lakota Lynch 
Taylor Trensch Broadway (Mallory Betchel, Alex Boniello, Lisa Brescia, JLT, Michael Park, Phoenix Best, Sky Lynch): 
 JANUARY 2020 Broadway Cast (Jordan Fisher)
Netflix Proshot 2021
2003 off Broadway
Elisabeth das Musical Wien 2005 English Subtitles
West end Proshot
AUDIO west end 21.11.17
PROSHOT version 
Amazon Prime movie 2021
Proshot version (with audio fixed, i also have a subbed version)
Frontal view
Side/up view
Falsettoland - Original Off Broadway Cast
Falsettos LA1993OBC(Jason played by Sivan Cotel)
Falsettos Lincoln Center Revival National Tour April 19th 2019 Cast: Max Von Essen (Marvin), Nick Adams (Whizzer),Eden Espinosa (Trina),Nick Blaemire (Mendel),Thatcher Jacobs (Jason), Bryonha Marie Parham (Charlotte),Audrey Cardwell (Cordelia) Notes: Pretty much the full show. Missing the last 15 mins of Act Two. Ends at the Bar Mitzvah Scene. Occasional head blocking the right of the stage. (thegr8ststarofall master)
AUDIO Falsettos Oct 1, 2016 (Today4uTomorrow4Netflix’s Master)
AUDIO 08 January 2017 - Closing night
AUDIO 1/6/17 (Peyton Lusk u/s Jason from Making a Home)
WEST END video Septemebr 2019
 AUDIO, fiddler on the roof revival (jessica vosk understudy for golde starting in act 2)
NTL 2019 production PROSHOT
NTL PROSHOT with Johnny Lee Miller as The Creature
NTL PROSHOT with Benedict Cumberbatch as The Creature
AUDIO: Frozen (Denver) First Preview (August 17 2017)
Victor Garden Theatre Proshot
Funny Girl with Stephanie J.Block 
Ghost Quartet at the McKittrick Hotel, Jan. 12, 2015.
first preview (set breaks)
AUDIO, Edmonton, secon preview 
AUDIO, Hadestown (audio, Off-Broadway)
VIDEO of West End Production at National Theatre
Broadway Preview
Broadway January 2020
Hairspray with Andrew Rannells
Hairspray Live (12/07/16)! Cast: Maddie Baillio (Tracy Turnblad), Dove Cameron (Amber von Tussle), Kristin Chenoweth (Velma von Tussle), Garrett Clayton (Link Larkin), Billy Eichner (Rob Barker),  Harvey Fierstein (Edna Turnblad), Sean Hayes (Mr. Pinky), Ariana Grande (Penny Pingleton),  Derek Hough (Corny Collins), Jennifer Hudson (Motormouth Maybelle), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Little Inez), Andrea Martin (Prudy Pingleton), Rosie O'Donnell (Health Ed Teacher),  Ephraim Sykes (Seeweed J. Stubbs), Martin Short (Wilbur Turnblad)
Hairspray with Aaron Tveit
Hamilton OBC (I also have a version eng subbed, and one with ita sub)
Hamilton OBC filmed from stalls
Drunk History full episode with Lin
Hamilton Chicago
AUDIO Hamilton with Jon Rua (for cast details message me)
Hamilton with Andrew Rannells (FIRST ACT ONLY)
AUDIO 08/16/2017 - Los Angeles - Michael Luwoye (Alexander Hamilton), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Schuyler), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Lafayette/Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Mulligan/Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George)
AUDIO ANDREW RANNELLS (What Comes Next and I Know Him)
HAMILTON TOUR 2017 (VOB, It’s the one which used to be NFT)
AUDIO, Hamilton Tour Cast (Oct 6, 2017)
Hamilton West End November 2018 Cast: Sifiso Mazibuko (s/b Alexander Hamilton), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza Hamilton), Giles Terera (Aaron Burr), Rachel John (Angelica Hamilton), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Cleve September (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Michael Gibson (King George III), Jade Albertsen, Johnny Bishop, Leslie Garcia Bowman, Jon Scott Clark, Kelly Downing, Gregory Haney, Leah Hill, Waylon Jacobs, Miriam-Teak Lee, Phoebe Liberty, Gabriel Mokake (Ensemble)
DISNEY PLUS PROSHOT (also with Italian subs)
 National Theatre, Andrew Scott (PROSHOT)
The Globe 2018 PROSHOT
april 2017 bootleg
Broadway (undated)
Broadway April 2019
Heathers the Musical (New Version-proshoot)
I also have another version found on youtube
heathers oobc
AUDIO, Heathers with Thomas Sanders 
Heathers | West End | 2018/11/24 Closing Night
West End July 2021 (Christina Bennington as Veronica)
Andrew Rannells
Andrew Rannells (better quality)
Neil Patrick Harris
Lena Hall
Anthony Rapp
Darren Criss
Michael C. Hall
Hedwig Lena Hall (25-11-16) 
AUDIO: Andrew Rannell's birthday show
AUDIO: Hedwig Andrew’s closing night 10-12-14
Andrew Rannells 21-08-15
Andrew Rannells 30-08-15
John Cameron Mitchell 2015 Proshot
2017 movie version 
Daniel Radcliffe
If-Then (Broadway preview performance)
low quality proshot
Indecent- 08-03-17 Pro-Shot
Into The Woods(OBC PROSHOT)
Broadway AUDIO Broadway November 2019
Andrew Rannells 12/22/07, FIRST 15 MINUTES ARE MISSING 
2018 PROSHOT Concert
The film
King Lear (Donmar Warehouse NT), PROSHOT (Derek Jacobi)
Kinky boots (unidentified cast)
Kinky Boots 2017 with Brendon Urie (starts at Sex is in the heel)
PROSHOT by BroadwayHD
AUDIO, with Brendon Urie as Charlie (Opening Night)
AUDIO, with Todrick Hall as Lola
OBC VIDEO Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Lena Hall (Nicola), Andy Kelso (Harry), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Daniel Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Tory Ross (Pat), Jennifer Perry (Trish), John Jeffrey Martin (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Caroline Bowman (Maggie), Sebastian Hedges Thomas (Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola)
Original Cast Proshot
Legally Blonde The Musical -MTV (Christian Borle) proshot [I also have it with english subtitles]
Legally Blonde - February 24th 2007 - San Francisco, CA (it should be OBC, it features Christian Borle)
Legally Blonde - September 16th, 2007 (I think it’s OBC)
Legally Blonde | 2007/10/25 | Broadway | VOB [no smalls] | MEGA
Becky Gulsvig (Elle u/s), Andy Karl (Emmett u/s), Richard Blake, Kate Shindle, Michael Rupert, Orfeh, Nikki Snelson, Haven Burton, Asmeret Ghebremichael, Tracy Jai Edwards, Matthew Risch (Kyle/Dewey u/s), Rod Harrelson (Grandmaster Chad/Carlos u/s), Cara Cooper (u/s). Note: Starts in the middle of "Omigod You Guys."
Les Miserables (2014 Broadway Revival)
AUDIO BOOTLEG, current west end cast (summer 2017)
les mis london cast 2010-11 (Samantha Barks as Eponine)
Les mis with Carrie Hope Fletcher (London 19th September 2013)
AUDIO Les Mis west end (2017 09 02) [NFT]
AUDIO Little Shop of Horrors Pasadena Playhouse 9/17/19 (first preview) Cast: George Salazar (Seymour), Mj Rodriguez (Audrey), Amber Riley (Audrey II), Kevin Chamberlin (Mr. Mushnik), Matthew Wilkas (Dr. Orin Scrivello), Brittany Campbell (Ronnette), Tickwanya Jones (Chiffon), Cheyenne Isabel Wells (Crystal)
Little Shop of Horrors, Menier Chocolate Factory production. UK Tour, 2009.
Original Off Broadway Cast
Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Joseph Milson, April 29, 2010; London (Pre-Changes)
Australian cast 2011, PROSHOT
AUDIO Mary Poppins - Christian Borle
Matilda Broadway (Queen Lesli)
Christian Borle and Laura Michelle Kelly
HQ broadway 
July 4, 2018 BROADWAY
AUDIO, Mean Girls - DC First Preview 10-31-17 (opening night))
National Theatre Live 2014 PROSHOT
merrily we roll along encores 2012 (Lin Manuel Miranda)
Miss Saigon.25th Anniversary.2016 (proshot)
Boston cast
Budapest 2003 Proshot Cast: Wolfgang: Dolhai Attila, Constanze Weber: Szinetár Dóra, Colloredo: Szabó P. Szilveszter, Nannerl Mozart: Janza Kata, Leopold Mozart: Földes Tamás, Waldstätten bárónő: Polyák Lilla
Proshot with David Tennant and Catherine Tate
AUDIO, closing night (9.3.2017)
AUDIO Demo Album Dave Malloy (Pierre), Phillipa Soo (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Grace McLean (Marya), Lucas Steele, Amber Gray, Nick Choksi, Blake DeLong, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto
Demo songs including If He Were Here Now, Prologue, Natasha Lost, Charming, Letters, Sonya Alone tracked, mp3
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 25/03/2017, Broadway   Josh Groban (Pierre), Denée Benton (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Grace McLean (Marya D), Blaine Alden Krauss (u/s Anatole), Amber Gray (Hélène), Nick Choksi (Dolokhov), Nicholas Belton (Andrey/Bolkonsky), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maid Servant/Opera Singer), Paul Pinto (Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer) [* The master was sitting in the orchestra right next to the curvy walkway so you can hear footsteps/stomping (and Hélène during the Abduction)! Includes the BC/EFA speech by Josh Groban and Denée Benton.] Tracked, mp3
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 05/05/2017, Broadway  Dave Malloy (t/r Pierre), Denee Benton (Natasha), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maidservant/Opera Singer), Nicholas Belton(Andrey/Bolkonsky), Nick Chokski (Dolokhov), Amber Gray (Helene), Grace McLean (Marya D), Nick Gaswirth (u/s Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer), Lucas Steele (Anatole), Reed Luplau (Opera Dancer), Mary Page Nance (Opera Dancer), Sumayya Ali, Courtney Bassett, Josh Canfield, Kennedy Caughell, Ken Clark, Lulu Fall, Ashley Perez Flanagan, Alex Gibson, Billy Joe Klessling, Reed Luplau, Brandt Martinez, Andrew Mayer, Mary Page Nance, Shoba Narayan, Azudi Onyejekwe, Celia Mei Rubin, Heath Saunders, Cathryn Wake, Katrina Yaukey, Lauren Zakrin(Ensemble)
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 03/01/2016, A.R.T Denée Benton (Natasha), ​Scott Stangland (Pierre), Lucas Steele (Anatole), Brittain Ashford (Sonya), Gelsey Bell (Mary/Maid Servant/Opera Singer), Nick Choksi (Dolokhov), Lilli Cooper (Helene), Nicholas Belton (Bolkonsky/Andrey), Paul Pinto (Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer), Sumayya Ali, Courtney Bassett, Josh Canfield, Ken Clark, Erica Dorfler, Daniel Emond, Lulu Fall, Ashley Pérez Flanagan, Nick Gaswirth, Azudi Onyejekwe, Pearl Rhein, Heath Saunders, Katrina Yaukey, Lauren Zakrin
AUDIO Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 22/08/2017, broadway  Scott Stangland (Pierre), Denée Benton, Brittain Ashford, Grace McLean, Lucas Steele, Kennedy Caughell (Helene), Nick Choksi, Nicholas Belton, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto untracked, m4a
Closing night highlights
AUGUST 13, 2017 OAK 
Dave Malloy and Shoba Narayan
U/S for Pierre, Scott Stangland
Proshot version
AUDIO BOOTLEG (pretty good quality, unknown cast)
corey and kara (-finale)| MIKE FAIST, better quality
AUDIO Mike Faist as Jack Kelly
AUDIO Newsies Italia Audio (November 7, 2015) - (Note: This is all in Italian!) Cast: Flavio Gismondi (Jack Kelly), Roberto Tarsi (David Baum), Giula Fabbri (Katherine), Simone Leonardi (Joseph Pulitzer), Simona Patitucci (Edda Esposito), Andrea Fazio (Gruccia)
Next to Normal Broadway - last performance of Alice Ripley, Jennifer Damiano, and Brian d'Arcy James
Next to Normal US Tour - Original Tour Cast (Los Angeles)
2003 Broadway revival [Antonio Banderas, Chita Rivera, Laura Benanti, Mary Stuart Masterson, Jane Krakowski]
Proshot with english subs
Once On This Island 1118 matinee
Peter and the Starcatcher (Christian Borle) 
1998/1999 broadway cast [-peter pan: cathy rigby -captain hook/mr darling: paul schoeffler -mrs darling: barbara McCulloh -wendy darling: elisa sagardia -tiger lily: dana solimando -michael darling: drake english -john darling: barry cavanagh -smee: michael nostrand]
- May 17, 2014 Cast: Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Laird Mackintosh, Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Heather Hill, Christian Sebek, Deanna Doyle
The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall
London 1995 proshot (Ethan Freeman, Jill Washington, Simon Bowman)
Broadway 1988 (Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton)
with the wonderful Andrew Rannells
The TikTok  musical 
Rent (2008 Live on Broadway), PROSHOT, ALSO SUBBED
Rent (OBC Opening Night)
Rent (OBC  5th anniversary reuninion)
RENT 08-06-10 (Aaron Tveit)
No Day But Today  - The Story of Rent (documentary)
Rent opening night documentary
AUDIO, 20th anniversary
Rent (Bruce Haasl, Mike Spee)
AUDIO, Rent 10/25/97 Ahmanson Theater, Los Angeles (NPH as Mark)
10th anniversary reunion OBC
20th anniversary tour FIRST ACT ONLY (12/9/2016)
Rent Tour, LA, 1998-01-09 (NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AS MARK)
AUDIO Rent - 1997-06-10 - BWY
RENT Manchester Production 2021 PROSHOT 
Rocky Horror 04-20-01
R&I Lily and Robert PROSHOT
National Theatre Live 2017 PROSHOT
National Theatre Live 2017 PROSHOT
Sister Act OBC ( 2 april 2011)
AUDIO SiX London 15th January 2018 10pm
off west end oct 2019, Luke Bayer and Ben Darcy
OBC PREVIEW March 28, 2015
Something Rotten - 2016-06-20 (Rob McClure)
Something Rotten Tour Cincinnati - 2017
AUDIO Something Rotten 3/22/16 - Andre Ward (Minstrel), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah), Kate Reinders (Portia), Christian Borle (William Shakespeare), Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), Eric Sciotto (u/s Nigel Bottom), Edward Hibbert (Lord Clapham/Master of Justice), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Marisha Wallace (u/s Bea), David Hibbard, Brad Oscar (Nostradamus)
Will Chase, Rob McClure
Spamalot  2005 Full Show Original Production (with Christian Borle)
Off broadway (12.31.16)
AUDIO, SPONGEBOB OBC BROADWAY (minus Nick and Carlos, Plankton and Krabs)
sa may 18 2008 (should be the last show with OBC)
Deaf West Presents Spring Awakening
sa  deaf west 10/18/2015 
sa 11-29-06
Sweeney Todd OBC (PROSHOT)
2014 Revival (christian Borle) PROSHOT
Berlin production with english subtitles 
OBC (I also have it with subtitles)
OBC from balcony
Ben Platt 
Kj Hippensteel as Elder Price (first part is missing, starts at their arrival in Africa)
Book of Mormon Jumamosi (2nd national tour, Cody Jamison Strand)
Cody J Strand, David Larson
AUDIO: Kj Hippensteel as Elder Price on Broadway
AUDIO: West End (Kj Hippensteel, Cody Jamison Strand)
AUDIO: The Book of Mormon (London 10-19-16e)
BOM AUSTRALIA (not complete bootleg, just clips)
BOM US TOUR (Gavin Creel and Jared Gertner)
BOM AUDIO WESTEND Book of Mormon (KJ Hippensteel/Cody Jamison Strand) (6th Oct 2017)
BOM AUDIO west end September 9 2017 (the u/s for Cunningham is on, message me for cast info)
BOM WEST END (jan 3rd 2018)
Pre-Broadway Chicago July 13, 2018
Broadway (undated)
Revival cast
The Drowsy Chaperone OBC
West End Video (most of act one, parts of act 2)
Bristol Old Vic Proshot
TLT off-broadway 2017 cast
Lightning Thief - August 20, 2014 Off-Broadway - Percy Jackson: Eric Meyers, Grover: Jordan Stanley, Annabeth: Kristin Stokes, Mr Brunner/Chiron/Poseidon/Hades: Graham Stevens, Sally/Clarisse/Thalia/Mrs Dodds: Zakiya Young, Luke/Ares/Mr D/Charon/Gabe: Parker Drown
Royal Shakespeare Company PROSHOT
2005 Film with Eng Subs
The Prom - Broadway - February 2, 2019
Proshot 2018
The Vote (07 May 2015)
Tick Tick BOOM 09-18-01
Tick, Tick...Boom! (Original Off-Broadway Cast) 
11th September 2018, pre-Broadway, Chicago Production
 Urinetown The Musical - Entire Show - Studio Players
VICTOR/VICTORIA 2001 production
november 2013 b-way (McKellen, Stewart)
OBC (not sure though)
Betsy Wolfe 
Jessie Mueller
AUDIO June 21, 2017 Matinee show Cast: Betsy Wolfe (Jenna), Charity Angél Dawson (Becky), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Eric Anderson (Cal), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Joe Tippett (Earl), Molly Hager (Mother), Matt DeAngelis (Father), Dayna Jarae Dantzler (s/b Nurse Norma), Chris Diamantopoulos (Dr. Pomatter), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Stephanie Torns (Francine), Ella Dane Morgan (Lulu), Ensemble: Kayla Davion, Matt DeAngelis, Thay Floyd, Molly Hager, Dayna Jarae Dantzler, Jeremy Morse, Stephanie Torns 
AUDIO Betsy Wolfe, Jason Mraz
BETSY WOLFE 06.29.2017 (VOB, It’s the one which used to be NFT)
WAITRESS featuring Colleen Ballinger
2003 proshot (?) version
West Side Story starring Matt Smith
Wicked OBC pre bway 10 11 03
Wicked OBC (Idina Menzel last show)
WICKED OBC (Idina gets injured, comes up in the end in a red tracksuit)
Donna Vivino
04.09.2010, NYC, Mandy Gonzalez, Katie Rose Clarke
Aaron Tveit
Eden Espinosa, Megan HIlty (megan's last show)
Wicked (Laurel Harris, Kara Lindsay)
Stephanie J.Block
Wicked Annaleigh Ashford
Teal Wicks, Adam Lambert
October 29th, 2015 2nd National Tour - VOB + smalls Mary Kate Morrissey (s/b Elphaba), Carrie St. Louis (Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Liana Hunt (Nessarose), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard). Lee Slobotikin (Boq), Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Filmed from orchestra but follows the action very well. MKM slays as Elphaba. There’s an audience member near the master in act two that yells a few drunk remarks, earning some laughs from the audience.
DUTCH WICKED: closing night (willemijn verkaik and keet deel)
GERMAN WICKED: Oberhausen 27th February 2011
proshot with Billie Piper
Young Frankenstein November 10th, 2007, Broadway VOB (Cast: Roger Bart, Christopher Fitzgerald, Sutton Foster, Andrea Martin, Shuler Hensley, Megan Mullally
AUDIO Andrew Rannells Live From Lincoln Center 12.20 7.30pm show
Andy Mientus Cabaret London
The Jonathan Larson Project at 54 Below 2018
Any BOM bootleg I don't have, especially anything with Kj Hippensteel as Price, Cody Jamison Strand as Cunningham and Steven Webb as Mckinley.
Wicked with Alice Fearn as Elphaba and Sophie Evans as Glinda
Any recent Charlie And The Chocolate Factory bootlegs with Christian Borle
Any recent DEH
Any VENICE boot
Anything with Christian Borle
WEST END boot of RENT 2021
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dyemelikeasunset · 8 years
Ok playlists! Nae, Ellie x Nae (honestly are you even surprised? :p), Sam, Mallory, Sam x Mallory, Morgan, Dominique, Morgan x Dominique, Kye, Kye x Rilu, Ash, and Autumn! ... Wow, that's a lot, sorry!! I even tried to narrow it down a bit asjdghgklj
OH GOD ok ok, this is gonna be a long ass post my friend! Some of the relationship playlists have duplicates, but if the song was already in a character’s personal list, it usually means it holds a special significance to them and their perspective of the relationship(I haven’t had any songs for Autumn since her redesign, so I’m sorry she’s the only one not on this list!)
Under a cut cause this gets so long ( ´ ▽ ` );;;
Naelia (Bee made this list!):
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
Sometimes - Ariana Grande
Hold On Til May - Pierce The Veil
Sum + Some - Speakrs
Truth or Dare - Mariana’s Trench
Haven’t Had Enough - Mariana’s Trench
Meant to Be - Two Steps From Hell
Naelia/Elliel:(there are a ton of duplicates in this one, most of the ones that weren’t listed before are at the beginning!)
Truth or Dare - Mariana’s Trench
Heartfelt - Tilian
Two Weeks - FKA Twigs
You’ll Forget Me Soon - Tilian (ft. Sofia Sweet)
Touch It - Ariana Grande
Let’s Get Lost - Carly Rae Jepsen
A Faint Illusion - Tides of Man
True - Tilian Pearson
My Understandings - Of Mice and Men
Golden Age - Speakrs
Sum + Some - Speakrs 
Hold on Til May - Pierce the Veil
Meant to Be - Two Steps from Hell
Sam:(UH this one and the following few are really sad, maybe not good for if you’re feeling low)
Shadows and City Lights - Deas Vail
Sunset - the XX
The Whaler - Thrice
Empty Streets - Late Night Alumni
Night Diving - Thrice
This is the Last Time - Keane
Summer Forgets Me - Deas Vail
Shoreline - Deas Vail
Before Midnight - Deas Vail
Bloom - Mae
Jenny - Studio Killers
Young Forever - Nicki Minaj
Artful Temptress (Paint Me Senseless) - I the Mighty
The Dreamer (acoustic) - I the Mighty
Not My Love 2 - Tides of Man 
Meaning of a Word - Deas Vail
Summer Forgets Me - Deas Vail
Pulling down the Sun - Deas Vail
Islands - the XX
Heart Skipped a Beat - the XX
The Whaler - Thrice
Not My Love 2 - Tides of Man
Islands - Young the Giant 
Morgan/Dominique:(Dom and Mor ended up going together. Their stories and songs are intrinsically tied to each other)
White Noise - Mogwai
Castles - SZA
Dismantle.Repair - Anberlin
The Haunting - Anberlin
9 - Willow Smith (ft. SZA)
Four Letter Words - I the Mighty
Warm Winds - SZA (ft. Isaiah Rashad)
Quiet - This Will Destroy You
Space Enough To Grow - Of Mice & Men
Letters To The Metro - Mogwai
Kye:(Kye has the most fucking music out of anyone asdjkhfsdf, they’re kind of my main musical muse, very mood-based)
Detached - Sonya Teclai
Spellbound - Sonya Teclai
High - Njomza
Shattered Ring - SZA
Lost in the World - Kanye West (ft. Bon Iver)
Deep Sea Diver - Angel Haze
Monster - Big Bang
Eyes, Nose, Lips - Taeyang
Cold War - Janelle Monae
Chandelier - Sia
Alive - Sia
Tokyo - Lianne La Havas
Ceremony - Moko
Eyelids - Pvris
rEaR vIeW - ZAYN
Kids - MGMT
Starboy - The Weeknd 
Runaway - Kanye West (ft. Pusha T)
Wild Ones - Flo Rida (ft. Sia)
We Own the Night - Dance Gavin Dance
Move Your Body - Sia
Vinyl - Angel Haze 
PCH - Jaden (ft. Willow Smith)
Gotta Be You - 2ne1
Fire Meets Gasoline - Sia
Bulls in the Bronx - Pierce the Veil 
Cave Me In - Gallant (ft. Tablo and Eric Nam)
Unstoppable - Lianne la Havas
Tomorrow - Tablo (Ft. Taeyang)
Eyes, Nose, Lips - Taeyang
We’re Wild Animals - Weaver at the Loom
Go - My Favorite Highway
Masterpiece Theater I - Marianas Trench
Futures - Jimmy Eat World 
29 notes · View notes
beatwithhookblog · 6 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK00gSXSc2U free for non profit beat catalog : http://bit.ly/2ENxVc6 email for contact : [email protected] twitter : god_rodney ...
The post Kendrick Lamar [Feat. Isaiah Rashad x Kanye West] – Mona Lisa II l Free Type Beat appeared first on BeatWithHook.com.
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kiddphresh2012 · 6 years
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I don’t care that The Carter V just came out, IMMA TALK ABOUT IT!!!! If you think Lil Wayne ain the best rapper alive, YOU A LEGENDARY LIAR AND YOUR BREATH STANK!!! Talmbout I deadass had the ugly face the whole album, face looking like mans locs without his hat on bruh. This is my 1st spin breakdown & review. I legit shed a tear after experiencing this project. Way too premature to call it a classic, but I will say Tha Carter V was an artistic masterpiece that was well worth the wait. Let’s get into it.
Aight so boom... Album pops off with Ms Cita giving praise to her Kid (pun definitely intended there 🐐). Shit I lowkey cried with her, with my bitch ass. We know all the classic hip hop albums had their mom talking on the album from Hov’s Black Album to Kendrick’s GKMC, it was the perfect way to open up a comeback. The album then segues into, Don’t Cry, with the haunting croons of Xxxtentacion (R.I.P.) singing the hook of the title track. Ultimately the most appropriate way to to follow up the intro. The 3rd track titled, Dedicate, is where Wayne really got in his bag for the 1st time in a long time & showed us why he’s the best rapper alive. It was like his version of Nicki Minaj x Ganja Burns. Bar for bar hitting us with lyrical paradigms & reminders of how much he singlehandedly changed the culture from 2007-Present Day, we gotta respect it.
Remember when Lil Wayne said, “I got so many styles, I am a group”??? He proved it with this project. Giving every variation of Tunechi that ranges from The Dedication 2 all the way to No Ceilings. Where, for most Wayneheads, it was his pinnacle. He credits his series of seizures from 2016-2017 too over working himself & prepping this album, in the end, his dedication paid off. Wayne has made an irrefutable comeback to hip hop when a lot of us counted him out during the debacle with Birdman & a string of lackluster singles that only showed us glimpses of who he used to be like Jordan with the Washington Wizards.
Can we get into production tho?? Sonically, DV, is top 5 album of this decade, the music was crazy & he effortlessly bodied each one like a smooth criminal.
DEDICATE samples Dedication by 2 Chainz on their joint effort Collegrove, which was a tribute to Wayne. A song Wayne said he shed a tear the 1st time he heard it. Shit was golden.
Let’s go back to “Green Ranger” Ft J. COLE. The same song that featured a sample from a NY Harlem Shake anthem, ‘Special Delivery’ & Wayne proclaimed “I don’t like this beat” but proceeded to rap anyway. That sample got a reboot & made its return on ‘UPROAR’... Wayne ate it 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I’m not sure song was sampled in CAN’T BE BROKEN, but if you know like I know, that was a vintage song Tune had in the vault. It has that 2006 ‘I Feel Like Dyin’ vibe to it.
DOPE NIGGAZ which features Snoop Dogg and samples Dr. Dre’s Xxplosive which was a spin on Erykah Badu’s Bag Lady. This song so smooth it don’t make don’t damn sense bruh. I grew up around dope niggas.
HITTAS, Wayne samples himself from a viral clip from his 2012 hilarious deposition 😂😂😂. Around the 2:00 mark, Boosie fans will hear a familiar song in the background. It’s Boosie Badazz song ‘Jealousy’. Nigga putting on for LilWeezyana.
DEMONS... My God, The Crowns of Glory sample was definitely necessary. TDE fans may remember this sample from Isaiah Rashad’s x Heavenly Father, but the full song is Lord Hold Me In Your Arms by The Crowns of Glory 🙌🏾.
DOPE NEW GOSPEL, Reverend Carter summons his former beau, Nivea, from the abyss of irrelevancy. As Nivea serenades us Tune delivers the sermon over a sample of Marvin Sapp’s x Never Would’ve Made It. Hallelujah, look to your neighbor & let ya lighters flick. Amen.
I could very well be wrong, but PERFECT STRANGERS sounds like it has a spin off Tupac x I Ain Mad Atcha.
Top 10 Favorites:
Mona Lisa ft Kendrick Lamar
Took His Time
Start This Shit Off Right ft Ashanti
Let It All Work Out
Dope New Gospel ft Nivea
Used 2
Open Safe (Even tho we all know Tyga should have been on that song.)
Initial Reaction Rating:
9.5 (inflation for hypebeasts included)
Many of us have been anticipating this album for years, some of us were loyal to his legacy, some of us labeled him washed. Something I believe we can all agree on, this album was/is/will be indubitably 1 of the greatest comeback hip hop albums of all time. Welcome back Tunechi, the game has been missing you. #ThaCarter5 #Waynehead
0 notes
danceyreagan · 6 years
Isaiah Jesus~ First Date
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gif not mine. Beta’d by @black-john-lennon
Here it is guys 2085 words of pure Isaiah and Mona
First Meeting  Second Meeting Third Meeting  Backstory  Backstory pt II
Part Four.  Moodboards.
Isaiah’s heartbeat nearly beat out of his chest. After speaking with Finn about the conversation with Mona in the jewelry store he reported everything back to Isaiah. “She likes you mate, I’m sure of it. It’s your job she doesn't like.” Finn also went on to inform him about the women he slept with at Mona’s work. Isaiah cursed himself, but wasn’t too surprised, he had terrible luck when it came to Mona and trying to win her over. Unsure of what to do next, he figured it was best to ask his father for advice.
“How’d you get mom to go out with you?” Isaiah asked his father late that night when returned home from preaching.
“I showed her respect and treated her like she was different, special even. If you want a woman to believe she’s important to you, you can’t treat her like anyone else on the street.”
That’s how he found himself, walking into Mona’s job, a single yellow chrysanthemum in hand, heart beating a mile a minute. His blood ran cold with nerves, his hands were clammy. He was prepared to make himself look foolish just for the prospect of a date. Taking His father's words quite literally, he opted for the less popular but equally beautiful flower because they were his mother's favorite, and the so often decorated his home as a child.
Entering the tailors, Isaiah spotted Mona sitting towards the back, fast at work on her sewing machine. He took a second to admire the sight. Her eyebrows furrowed, deep in concentration as she passed the garment through the needle. God was she beautiful.
“Isaiah?”  he heard a voice call from behind. He turned around to find Lucy, one of he poor unfortunate women he had the pleasure of sharing a lustful evening with.
 “Can I help you?” she asked.  Isaiah felt a twinge of guilt remembering how he ignored her after their night together.
“May I please have a word with Mona?” rolling her eyes Lucy walked past Isaiah up to Mona and whispered in her ear. She looked up and straight at the counter where she met eyes with Isaiah and smiled.
“Is everything alright? How are Tabby and Jeremiah?” Mona was genuinely concerned, she was sure something tragic happened. Why else would he come to her job,
Isaiah’s heart was in his stomach, and he was aware of six pairs of very sharp eyes staring daggers at them. He abruptly he shoved the flower in her hand and blurted his words out so quickly they came out as a jumble of sounds that were barely comprehensible.
“I was wondering if you would like you to go on a date with me on Saturday?” He gave her an awkward smile,snatched his hat off his head and turned his hat in his hands.  Mona’s bit her lip to try to keep her laughter in, but there was no hope. Her shoulders began to shake and her eyes watered, and before Isaiah had time to react she let out a deep guttural laugh.
“Im sorry, what?” She asked through her laughter.
Isaiah knew there was a chance for her to say no, but to flat out laugh in his face was just rude. He wanted to disappear. The floor could swallow him whole and take him to an eternity hellfire and that  would still be better than this.
“What’s so funny?” “
“You! You should see your face” Mona attempted to recreate the scene but she was laughing too hard. Isaiah couldn't help but smile to himself. The sound of her laughter was his favorite sound in the world.
“Stop laughing” he said trying himself to keep from laughing.
“Okay” Mona straightened up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Sorry.”
“So?” He asked nerves still getting the better of him.
“So...yes. I’ll go on a date with you Isaiah Jesus”
The date was planned and Isaiah was ready. He was aware a lavish night on the town in some swanky club was not Mona’s scene. Besides, he wanted to have a quiet outing where he could conduct a real conversation. When he learned from his sister that Mona had never been on a horse, he arranged a date at Arrow House. With Tommy’s blessings and keys to the stables, he planned a short horseback ride to a small pond where they would have a picnic. Polly assisted by making the sandwiches. She was proud, it was more than her whore groping son and nephews ever asked from her.
“My God, you must really like her” She said as she packed the basket with sandwiches.
“Thank God you're not like my Michael. I’ll be dead in the ground before he ever settles down”
She made her way to the liquor cabinet and handed him a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“For your nerves.”
“Are you scared?” Isaiah asked as he opened the stable door for her.
She looked beautiful. She wore a grey riding suit she borrowed from Tabby that Isaiah had seen a million times. However, on Mona it looked brand new.  She managed to make the semi cheap fabric look like it cost top dollar and her brown skin and eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight. The wind kicked up at just right moments allowing her short hair to billow behind her. Isaiah found himself mesmerized by her beauty with each passing moment.
She gave a tight lipped smile and slight nod in response.
“A bit yeah”
“You’ll be fine. I promise. Butterscotch here,won't hurt you.” He said motioning to the light brown horse with a white stripe running down his long face. The horse brayed and huffed as he led him out of the stable on to the open grounds of Arrow House.
“Take your left leg and place it here. He instructed pointing to the bottom of the saddle.
“As you pull yourself up swing your right leg up and over the saddle.”
Mona did as she was told and mounted the horse with ease. Isaiah went on to instruct Mona on how to direct the horse using the reigns. She was great at following instructions, and such a natural that he wondered if she was lying about this being her first time.
“You’re a natural” Isaiah encouraged as he looked up at Mona with a smile.
“I just have a good instructor,” she smiled back making eye contact with him. It dawned on her, this was the most time she had ever spent with him. It was second nature. She felt comfortable and safe. Besides, her nerves about the horse, she was completely comfortable in his presence.
Although Mona was doing a wonderful job, he still waited 15 minutes before mounting his horse and leading her to the picnic. Instead he walked side by side with her and butterscotch giving her instruction until she assured him she was confident enough to lead the horse on her own.
Once on his horse dark grey horse Storm, he instructed Mona to follow him. They rode around the grassy knoll for another 20 minutes before he led her to the pond where the picnic was set up.
“What’s all this?” Mona asked, she really was not expecting more. The lesson and horse riding was enough for her. She was pleasantly surprised at the thought and efforts he put forth to show her a good time.
Next to the pond was a large green quilt that was spread open on the grass. There was a woven basket and a bottle of champagne, two plates, and two champagne flutes placed on the edge. But to top everything off there was a single yellow chrysanthemum in a vase in the center of the blanket.
“Do you like it?” Isaiah asked cautiously.
As he dismounted Storm and tied his reigns to a branch. He made his way over to butterscotch taking the reins from Mona and giving her instruction on how to get down. Standing close enough behind her to catch her in case she lost balance.
Mona walked over to the set up, taking note of each item before turning to Isaiah who was watching her with anticipation.
“Yeah. it looks nice. Haven't tasted the food yet, so I'm not completely sure.” She smiled at him letting him know it was a joke.
“I went through all this trouble to poison you with sandwiches. You’ve figured me out” he said sarcastically.
Mona was currently sat across from Isaiah wiping her tears from her eyes, clutching her side as he told an embarrassing story from his childhood. It involved him trying to hop a fence and splitting his pants right down the ass crack when him and Finn were trying to leave school early when he were thirteen. Isaiah couldn’t help but think how he wouldn't mind hearing that sound every day for the rest of his life. He was ok telling humiliating stories and embarrassing himself, if it meant he could see her smile. The way the corners of her eyes and nose wrinkled, with that extra sparkle in her eyes was enough for him to propose marriage there on the spot.
“You really do have the worst luck” mona laughed out finally composing herself. She was having a good time. A great time. Isaiah was not his jo, she learned that today. . He was a nice man. A gentleman, who so far treated her the way she knew she deserved. As the laughter subsided, they sat there for a few seconds staring each other in the eyes. Noting the awkward silence start build Mona decided it was her turn to try and make Isaiah laugh.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
Isaiah smiled and nodded. “Yeah, okay”
“What did the ocean say to the other ocean?”
“Hmm...dont know”
“Nothing, they just waved” Mona could barely get the words out over her laughter and Isaiah just sat there. Watching her laugh at her terrible joke. She had such a strong laugh. It was like it started all that way from the soles of her feet. She looked up noticing he was just smiling.
“What?” She asked,confused
Wanna hear another?
“Why do they put fences in front of graveyards?”
“Because people are dying to get in”
He turned his nose up in horror.
“Ah, thats just wrong”  he couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that Mona was clearly tickled by her own terrible jokes. Right then a strong gust of wind kicked up, knocking over the empty glasses.
“It's getting cold. Come on, lets head back” he said standing up and reaching his hand out to pull Mona up.
“I had a great time.” Mona said making her way to her front door with Isaiah quick on her heels.
“You sound surprised”
“I am a bit yeah, I heard about you. Isaiah Jesus. loves to show women a great time.”
Isaiah felt the sting right in his chest as his heart fell to his stomach. And he looked down at his feet with a frown on his face.
“Sorry.” It was meant to be a joke, but it came out harsher than she expected.
“Well I was going to ask you for another date but I don't think I will now.”
“What makes you think I’d say yes?” She asked smiling and raising her eyebrows at him in question.
“Well you just said you had a great time.”
“I might have just been saving your feelings. Wouldn't want to make you cry and all that.”
“The date wasn't as bad as your jokes”
“Now you're being mean. My jokes were funny.”
Isaiah raised his hands in surrender. “Ok. Ok. It's just nice to know you're not perfect.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’m perfect.” She pushed his shoulder playfully, in response.
“So, how about it?”
“That depends”
“On what?”
“If you ask me nicely.”
“Mona, My Dearest , would you do me the honor of having dinner with me next Friday? He took a beat before he started up again.  I” promise I’ll laugh at your jokes.”
“Hmm.” Mona made show of her contemplation by tapping her finger to her chin. Then she surprised both herself and Isaiah and leaned forward and kissing him on the cheek, and turned to enter her home looking back once more with a smile on her face.
Isaiah smiled to himself as he turned to walk to his car.
“I’m gonna marry her” 
@allaboutjoecole  @twistedrunes @thewanderingblinder  @pb-bonniegold
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danceyreagan · 6 years
Finn Shelby~Has Good Sense and is A Good Friend.
Summary: Finn and Mona look for a present for his girlfriend and he tries to convince Mona to date Isaiah.
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After They left the betting shop Mona and Finn went to a jewelry store to try and find a birthday gift for his girlfriend. The walk over had been rather quiet and bit stiff. Finn was sure it had something to do wit Isaiah. Him and Michael had walked in on them and judging from the energy of the room something happened. Ever since Mona had been rather quiet and he was waiting for the proper moment to break the ice. Finn knew Isaiah was infatuated with Mona and wanted to get to know her better. He figured it was his duty as his future brother in law and best friend to plead his case for him.
Currently Mona was staring at the jewelry case at a green and brass jewelry set that was so ugly Finn questioned her taste levels.
“Hmm?” Mona hummed a response still never looking up from the case.
“What do you think?” Finn asked holding up a pair of emerald earrings.
“Bit much. Where is she going to wear those? The library?”
Finn shrugged his shoulders and put the earrings back on the counter.
“What about this ring?” Mona asked holding up a ring so discolored Finn wasnt sure if it was supposed to be gold or if it was rusty.
“Why not?”
“Because it ugly”
Either Mona had no taste, which was hard to believe because she was always so put together, or her mind was elsewhere. Finn was sure it was the latter.
“So...” tired of the tension, it was time get to the bottom of this.
“What were you and Isaiah talking about?”
“The party.” Mona moved around the counter so that now she was facing Finn but her eyes were downcast on the case below her.
“What about it?”
“He was either going to invite me, which you already have. Or, he was going to ask me to be his date but, Tommy interrupted us so Im not sure.”
“What would you have said if he asked you for a date?”
“Honestly?” Mona asked finally looking up at Finn. “I dont know” and that was truth. She was conflicted. She didnt know how she felt. In fact she barely knew him. Having never spent more than five minutes in his presence didnt give her a lot to work with.
“what do you mean?”
“Oh Look!” Mona held up a pair of earrings. Ugly. Again. She really wasn’t taking this serious.
“She’s 16. Not a 30 year old prostitute”
“Fair enough. How about these?”
Finn rolled his eyes and exhaled growing irritated by Mona’s tactics “You’re avoiding the question”
“Am not”
“Are too.”
“Am not”
“just answer the question!” Finn raised his voice finally reaching his breaking point.
Mona looked up from the earrings she had been admiring with a mock innocence. “What was the question?”
Finn fascinated himself. How could he remain so patient? He was sure it had to do with being Tommy’s errand boy. But in all honesty Finn had more patience and sense than all his brothers combined. He really was heading for Sainthood. At least thats what Polly tells him.
“No. Or yes. I dont know.”
Finn looked at her and raised eyebrows in a gesture to get her to elaborate.
“Look, Isaiah seems like a nice guy. But I dont really know him do I? She looked down and let out a long sigh before continuing. “But Finn, what I do know, I dont like. He’s killed people. And Im not sure thats something I can handle. Who’s to say he wont kill the wrong person and they want revenge? This either ends with him or mysef getting hurt or worse.”
Finn couldn’t fault her for feeling that way. He knew if anything happened to Tabby because of the Shelby business he would never forgive himself. He may actually kill Tommy himself.
“Plus, I know at least three women at my work who all brag about sleeping with him. Why would I do that to myself?”
Finn wasn’t sure how to respondz he knew Isaiah and Michael slept around. There was no denying that. But, Isaiah was his best mate and he had to do what he could to win Mona over.
“He’s never killed anyone”
Mona looked down momentarily, then back up at Finn with a questioning look.
“Killed, blinded, he’s still dangerous Finn.”
“Yes, Isaiah has slept around, I wont lie to you. He likes you, like properly likes you. Just get to know him. Business and women aside, he’s a good guy. He’s full on soft once you get to know him. Just give him a chance.
“Finn...” Mona said in a kind of whisper eyes still on the jewelry case below her
“Mona, you never know”
“No, Finn look, I know what you can get Tabby.”
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@thewanderingblinder @twistedrunes @allaboutjoecole @finnbloodyshelby @pb-bonniegold
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danceyreagan · 5 years
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beatwithhookblog · 6 years
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