#chief accountant
dragonnnfly · 11 months
Tuffnut: Remember kids! Be yourself, stay healthy, commit arson, steal from the government, and eat the rich-
Hiccup: Okay, that's enough
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nullwork · 2 months
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how i imagine it was
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sher-ee · 5 months
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just for the record, the Lilith myth undermines so much of Christian theology as to be on par with Dan Brown's myth of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene. No Christian is obligated to 'respect' it or regard it as anything but cheap, no matter how Jewish or medieval it is.
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doom-dreaming · 1 year
Do you think cortana posted chief for national girlfriends day on the unsc's version of Twitter (he didnt even know about it until weeks later)
It had been nearly two weeks by this point and it only seemed to be gaining momentum. Groups of S-IVs would try to hide their snickering as they passed him in the halls. Whispering Marines would quickly shush each other when he walked into the room. He noticed the sidelong glances, the elbows jabbed into ribs, all the little movements that weren't as subtle as they thought. He'd even caught Roland and Captain Lasky in the middle of a hushed but heated conversation that he, apparently, didn't have the clearance for.
This had been normal when he was still a new fixture on Infinity, but several years had smoothed the edges off his reputation - at least enough that people could relax around him. Or so he thought. A backslide like this was...unexpected. And it wasn't even necessarily the principle of being left out of something that had started to bother him, it was more the fact that everyone seemed to be in on something he wasn't. And that it seemed to be about him.
"Mm, kind of rude," was all Cortana had muttered when he'd brought it up a few days prior. She'd been distracted, deep in the middle of analyzing something for Halsey, and he didn't think much of the dismissal at the time.
But by now, the strange conspiratorial energy aboard the ship had all the trademarks of a bomb about to go off and it was making him antsy in a way he didn't appreciate. "Cortana."
It takes a fraction of a second longer than usual for her projection to appear on the holodeck - a detail imperceptible and inconsequential to anyone but him - but she's bright-eyed and smiling as she materializes. "You rang?"
"You have to know something." He cuts right to the chase.
She sighs. "Chief, you know they put me on restricted access. I don't like it either, but I have to play nice. It's Roland's ship, if you want to know what he sees, ask him."
John narrows his eyes. He didn't believe her for a second. And she knew it.
She holds eye contact as her lips twitch into a barely-contained smirk. "Maybe there's something going around on the socials," she continues with a shrug. "Could be worth a look if it's really bothering you."
The suggestion was still sitting in the back of his mind days later, unheeded. He had more important things to be doing than trawling through message boards trying to find a joke that no one had bothered to let him in on. It always felt like tuning into an unsecured comm. channel - lots of chatter with very little substance.
But he knew Cortana. And she was up to something. Besides, he had a few hours to kill before Commander Palmer needed him in the simulation room. He taps his way into his account, remembering his password with a combination of muscle memory and sheer luck. His inbox is overflowing with messages, but he opts to ignore them in favor of hunting down the threads with the heaviest, most recent traffic.
A thread simply titled 'Girlfriend Day' rises to the top of the list. His finger hesitates over it for a second, unsure if this was the lead he should be following. It seemed unlikely, but none of the other contenders had anywhere near the same engagement numbers... Resigning himself to a potential dead end and waste of time, he opens it.
The initial post is a picture of a young couple, both smiling. The man has his arm around the woman's shoulders. They're somewhere sunny, in civilian clothes. John doesn't recognize either of them and doesn't spend much time skimming the accompanying text before moving on.
He doesn't have to go far. Less than a dozen posts into the thread, he finds a photo of himself. It's not a bad photo, all things considered - it's a nice candid shot, he's cleaning a gun, his helmet sits on the bench beside him - but the rose-tinged filter and tiny pink hearts aren't doing it any favors. It'd been posted anonymously without a caption and he only has to read a few of the comments underneath it for things to start falling into place.
The holodeck glows a dim blue for three full seconds before she appears, hands on hips, eyebrows raised.
John silently tilts the screen toward her.
"Do you like it? I thought the hearts were a nice touch."
"Pink's not my color."
"Agree to disagree." She settles into a more relaxed stance. "Who knew one picture could get the ship buzzing like this? Infinity's starving for gossip, apparently."
"Everyone wants to know whose girlfriend I am," John sighs, finally setting the datapad down. "Where'd you get the picture?"
"Took it myself. Last month. It was hard picking a favorite, you know. I went through a lot of them."
"...how many do you have?"
"Oh, thousands. I don't show them to anyone. Well, aside from this one exception." She nods toward the datapad, then crosses her arms in response to the face he can feel himself making. "What, a girl can't have a hobby?"
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hey-its-sybarite · 1 year
In too many stories, the protagonists kill God. God is not redeemable. But, in dying, God is not held fully accountable for God’s own actions. In the locked tomb series, killing and dying are shown as easier than living. But what if God were to live? What if instead of swift dispatching, John Gaius must atone, take care, give back? What if redemption runs through him, the same way destruction does?
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carnelianwings · 3 months
Something I find really funny is how for all the rumors that Seed’s staff/writers don’t like Cagalli, Orb under her leadership just keeps ending up in a better (political) position with each addition - Seed Destiny ends with Logos wiped out, Blue Cosmos severely hampered, and the entire Seiran family wiped out, including Yuna. This leaves Cagalli with almost no political opposition in Orb (since the second Battle of Orb would’ve flushed out a majority of the Blue Cosmos/Logos sympathizers within the government/military), along with giving her a boost in popular and military support thanks to her actions and field leadership during the battle.
(Cutting for me just rambling on a bit about the in-universe politics after Seed Freedom)
You can tell with how much she’s managed to get done in the years between Seed Destiny and Seed Freedom - in that short year and a half to two years, she was able to propose and found COMPASS, secret away and upgrade the Impulse, Destiny, Strike Freedom, and Infinite Justice, arrange for ties between Orb and Terminal to investigate/exchange intel (Athrun and Meyrin), and put into place all the evacuation/defensive protocols in case of another attack on Orb (as seen vs Foundation and Requiem, even if she needed Kira to pull an “I lived, bitch” to Aura 😅).
And it doesn’t end there - thanks to Foundation, Cagalli arguably has an easier time internationally now, because the Eurasian Federation leadership also got hit and the Eurasian Federation, while not necessarily Blue Cosmos sympathizers like the Atlantic Federation, was very staunchly anti-PLANT, which I think would’ve caused some problems for Cagalli, especially post Seed Destiny with Lacus joining her for that broadcast.
I actually think Orb probably has fairly decent diplomatic relations with PLANT (I think Chairman Lament mostly cut off that call after everything went south in Eldore because of the whole nuke situation), especially since Lacus is COMPASS’s inaugural president, plus the time both Dearka and Waltfeld (I’m not sure if he’s in Orb or PLANT as of Seed Freedom since his silent cameo has him helping to stop the coup in PLANT in Seed Freedom) spent there. And we have a very prominent all-Coordinator team with the Yamato Team - truth be told I actually wonder how much the Earth Alliance invested into COMPASS because everything we see on screen is either contributed by Orb (Archangel, Murrue and crew, Kira, Mu, and the Murasame Kais), PLANT/ZAFT (Millenium, Konoe and crew, Heinlein, Shinn, Lunamaria, Agnes, Gelgoog, and Gyan), or arguably both (namely, Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice). Unless I missed a minor crew member along the way. Which is possible.
Also pure speculation on my part on this - but the fact Seed Freedom has Athrun going into intelligence with Terminal (which we first see as having a presence in the PLANTS) from the Orb side and Yzak and Dearka going into intelligence from the PLANT side can’t be a coincidence. I want to think the three of them decided on it together because being in intelligence/covert ops gives them the chance to work together without having to force anyone to change their current loyalties - I don’t think Athrun can be truly loyal to anyone except Cagalli after Seed Destiny, and Yzak was always loyal to PLANT, and if Dearka hadn’t been captured and made to realize how extreme PLANT had become under Patrick Zala he wouldn’t have switched sides to Orb/Three Ships Alliance during Seed either. Which also indirectly feeds into Orb and PLANT having better political relations than Orb and Earth Alliance.
Which brings me to my final point - I would be very surprised if Orb isn’t the primary target for the antagonists in a Seed Freedom sequel. At this point Orb’s capable of doing too much with the limited resources it has as a small nation with too much military strength at its command. And there is room for a sequel (setting-wise) because while Earth Alliance took another major hit with during the Foundation Conflict, the ideologies that led to the First and Second Earth Alliance-PLANT wars still exist - even if Blue Cosmos lost another leader, even if the believers of Coordinator Supremacy lost another leader (in Jagannath) those ideologies still fundamentally exist. All the Foundation Conflict did was serve to take down the military leadership of those ideologies - even if the public on both sides see those views negatively it doesn’t make them go away.
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puddltabbi · 20 days
Okay fine, I can’t keep MeowNyation Racers hidden forever.
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I designed these like a month or two ago as a joke but I kind of….like this au a lot -to the point where I’ve even made my own altered cat version plot… (and versions of my own ocs as cats…)
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Bonus Chief doodles (guys did…did you know chief is my favourite character… betcha didn’t…) the traditional one isn’t finished properly yet :P
Anyway one of the main reasons he’s a fluffy white cat is in homage to a cat I used to know who was incredibly fluffy but disliked any physical touch. They would go crazy if you even attempted to pet them. (Sort of like that scene with Tag trying to give Chief a hug..?)
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to make things worse I even doodled my own mnr ocs as cats…this is how far I got…
I’m not 100% on Mother and Tag, I maaaay redesign them ever so slightly…
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paterday · 3 months
Halo fanfic idea haunt my brain
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
being both a leftist and an american football watcher is really fun bc it's just a constant process of going 'anyone else see anything a little fucked up about this? no? ok' because the only other people who care about football are wilfully blinding themselves to the idea of anything being wrong with it and the only people who can accept the idea of football being racist all refuse to learn anything at all about it
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mcbitchtits · 4 months
huh. wix owns dA now? well that explains... a lot.
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white-poppie · 10 months
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nando161mando · 10 months
Hundreds Rally Outside Woodward Inc. in Colorado Calling for Divestment and accountability
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MiqoMarch'24, Day #16: - twilight -
Every now and then when he watches the sun slowly sink beyond horizon, he catches glimpses of a far-flung memory. A past life where he is not D'nyr, but Polydeuces, where he is whole and happy and surrounded by many friends… He is taller too (though not by much; he still appears shorter than most of his colleagues!), with slightly longer and more tousled hair, his fringe pinned back on one side by a silver circlet-- it seems he is forever destined to have one eye left beset by hair-- and when the light hits, his face appears almost softer without his signature X-shaped scar. Part of the Convocation of Fourteen, his title was Theidos* the Recordkeeper and his role was to maintain and safeguard mankind's accumulated wisdom, an accolade which paired well with his main vocation as the Chief Archivist of Anamnesis Anyder. During the early stages of the Final Days, he sought assistance from colleagues like The Watcher (as well as from Hythlodaeus, Chief of the Bureau of the Architect) to develop a mobile version of Anamnesis which could be used as a fortress and sanctuary both, one that could protect the treasures and knowledge of the current age and carry them on safely into the future; a concept he dubbed "Alexander". As time grew short he would entrust his position to his senior-most advisor and step down in order to fully pursue these plans, however the advent of Zodiark and the schism that ensued upon its summoning threw a spanner in the works, and not just for the loss of a friend and collaborator-- although not a part of it, he was of course well aware of Venat's group due to his ties to Anamnesis Anyder, and in agreement with their views he cast aside his title of Theidos. In response to this, his Convocation-related belongings were seized with the drafts along with them and, left powerless in the wake of cataclysm, he fled… (These designs were later repurposed by the Ascians for their own ends in ushering in the Rejoining, and fragments would find their way to others through mysterious means, inspiring the actualisation of Alexander and everything that entailed!)
*from the Greek thymámai (to memorize) + eîdos (form); my WoL's lore has no Azem as I drafted this all at the time of base-ShB expac release when we knew close to nothing about the Ancients, and I haven't got an interest in retconning it to fit :')
(yes there is a Castor out there somewhere but he'll have to be on a free day bc none of the upcoming prompts make sense to introduce him on)
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iwatcheditbegin · 5 months
I’m just glad Jimmy Kimmel was showing the comments calling travis pookie and not all the weirdos calling him dad
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caracello · 2 years
doomguy on swlfship tumblr is like. hes got some incredibly basic black and red theme and he doesnt have a pinned post he doesnt know nor does he care about community terms. he rarely gushes and when he does its either a blurry screenshot with no caption at all or its like 3 words. his url is shipandtear. SOMETIMES he reblogs imagines but he doesnt like the soft mushy ones (he likes them a lot but hes too embarrassed to reblog them). iHave to assume hes also an animal crossing blogger
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