#icon jamie campbell bower
talaok · 2 years
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Pairing: Jamie Campbell bower x Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You, Jamie, and Joseph are on the press tour in Brazil, and when they realize you're feeling stressed, they offer to help.
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex(men and female receiving)
A/n: This is the dirtiest thing I've ever written and I'm profoundly ashamed of it. (Also How the fuck didn't I think of it before!?)Jsyk the alternative title was gonna be Paris
"So, this is an interesting group they decided to send here, huh?" the interviewer asked, his Brazilian accent coming through strong. You all looked at each other and laughed "I know right?" you chuckled as Jamie and Joe calmed themself down "When they first told me I was like" you acted confused "Really?" you snorted "That's the team you chose?". It was objectively a weird one, I mean, None of you had had scenes with each other. You were in the Cali storyline, Joe in the Hawkins one, and Jamie, obviously, in the lab one. Sure, you had met at the table read and would see each other on set at times, but you just were not the group anyone would have expected. "Oh thanks Y/N" Joe looked at you, pretending to be offended "Yeah, really nice of you" Jamie followed his lead. "Oh please boys, you know what I meant" you rolled your eyes, still smiling. "Oh yeah, don't worry. We do" Joseph continued. You looked at him and couldn't help but burst out laughing as you took in the sassy expression he was making. You hid your face in your hands and heard both joe and James snort, clearly amused by your inability to stay serious. "I'm sorry" you breathed " I'm sorry, please begin with the questions" you told the interviewer that had been looking at you confusedly the whole time, clearly not getting half the things you had just said. "ok" he smiled awkwardly"So, first of all, I have to ask, how are you liking brazil?" "I just got here yesterday night, so I actually have only seen the inside of this hotel thus far" Jamie answered first "Y/N and I went to Domo last night, and it was absolutely amazing" Joseph said, mimicking his mind blowing "Oh yeah!" you exclaimed "it was one of the best meals I've ever had" "Just the two of you, was it like a date?" the interviewer asked, not missing an opportunity to gossip. You bit down a smile. "Well, yes, just us, but it wasn't a date" Joe clarified "It wasn't?" you feigned shok Joe shook his head as he grinned "It wasn't. but if you're interested in one, you know I'm always available for you, sweetheart" he smirked. "oh wow!" the interviewer exclaimed as all the three of you laughed. You were used to it by now, Joe would always flirt with you and you would always flirt with him, it was kind of a game you played, it didn't actually mean anything. "he's kidding, don't mind him" you calmed the interviewer down, making all the excitement on his face disappear, as he realized he hadn't gotten a big scoop as he had believed for a moment. "Well if he's kidding then I volunteer as a replacement" Jamie grinned, making you raise your hands to the sky in exasperation. God, this poor journalist. "Who says I was kidding?"Joe raised his eyebrow. "Guys!" you looked at them frantically "Do I need to remind you that we're supposed to do an interview?" you pointed at the men in front of you. "Yeah, sorry. Please continue" Jamie chuckled "Yeah, we'll talk later" Joe said as he gave his cast mate a pretend dirty look.
"That was fun" Joseph said, as he took a drag from his cigarette. "It was" Jamie agreed as he exhaled the smoke from his mouth. You had a 15 minutes break from interviews and since both of them smoked, you had gone outside with them, not wanting to be left alone in there. "Yeah, I'm sure it was for YOU" you scolded them Both Jamie and Joe chuckled "Oh come on, you started it" Joe accused you You made a shocked face, "Me?!" you pointed at yourself. "yes, you" he grinned, gesturing towards you with the hand in which he had the cigarette. "And when would I have started it? tell me" you put your hands on your waist. They looked at each other and snorted at your pose. "Well," Jamie tilted his head" he's actually right darling" "You too?" you asked stunned. They both laughed softly again. "Will you two stop laughing at me?" you threw your hands to your sides. Jamie bit down a smile as he turned towards you "I'm sorry, You just look so cute when you're stressed" Joe nodded in agreement, as he took another drag of his cigarette. You huffed and rolled your eyes. "I'm not stressed" you said, trying to sound calm. They smiled again, and you shot them a dirty look. "Here" Joseph said, handing you his cigarette "It helps me calm down". You looked down at it and then up to him again, biting your lip as you considered whether or not to take it. "Ok" you almost whispered, as you raised your shoulders and took the cigarette from his fingers. You brought it up to your mouth and inhaled as you noticed both of them staring at you. "what?" you asked confused, exhaling the smoke. they looked at each with an understanding look, as if they had been thinking the same thing. Jamie wet his lips while joe bit down a smirk. Jamie opened his mouth to say something just as the event organizer appeared beside you "You have to get in, the next interview is about to start"
You were absolutely exhausted. As much as doing interviews all day sounded fun, it was actually extremely draining. You had just now finished doing press for today and you, Joe, and Jamie had decided to go to the hotel's bar to drink something. "You know, you were right this morning" you said as you sat down on one of the stools in front of the counter. "I'm sure I was, but about what exactly?" Jamie smiled. "me being stressed" you explained. "I don't know." you bit your lower lip "it's just that all of those people constantly asking me the same questions over and over again and having to smile and be polite all the time and having to wake up at 5 after having gone to bed at 2" you caught your breath "It's just a lot, y'know?" The two of them looked at each other and then at you, there was something in their eyes you couldn't decipher, but they looked like they were talking without actually emitting any sounds. The silence was killing you. "I'm sorry" you smiled to relieve the tension "That was" you cleared your throat "that was a lot to take in, I'm sorry." "Oh no. It's totally fine. I'm sorry you feel that way Y/N" Joseph immediately intervened. "yeah darling, that must be awful" Jamie said sweetly. "let me buy you a drink" Joe offered "Oh thanks" you smiled up at him, as he reciprocated. As the barman put on the counter each of your drinks you immediately picked up yours and took a big sip. God, you needed that. just as you did the two men beside you looked at each other again, the same look in their eyes, the same understanding passing between them. "You know, as much as alcohol helps relieve stress, there's one method that's unmatched" Jamie said, as he picked up his glass, his eyes never leaving you. "oh, god if you're suggesting we do drugs I'm gonna respectfully decline. every time I smoked pot in high school I started believing that my friends were plotting my murder" you spat out, making them chuckle. "No, No, sweetheart. That's not what Jamie meant." Joe looked at you with a knowing smirk. You looked at them confusedly as they smiled at each other for a brief second before focusing back on you. Joe placed a hand on your thigh as he leaned into your ear "They say orgasm is the best remedy" A shiver made its way through your whole body. You swallowed thickly as he leaned away, his hand not leaving your body. "I-I-" you blushed "I-I-don't understand" you mumbled, making both of them grin. "Well" Jamie placed his hand on your other thigh, and you swore you could feel your heart pounding in your throat "we don't want you to be stressed" he said with a low voice. "We really don't" Joe stoked your thigh with his thumb "And we'd like to help" he bit his lip. "What kinds of friends would we be if we didn't offer to?" Jamie asked. You felt hot. like really hot. like you needed to take a cold shower and then sleep in an igloo naked hot. You were pretty sure your whole face was red by now and that you had stopped breathing approximately a minute ago. Were they being serious? Was this some kind of twisted joke? It was all so confusing. "I-I don't know" you stuttered shyly. Jamie wet his lips "We're gonna treat you well Y/N" "really well sweetheart, you don't have to worry" Joe whispered. Why was this turning you on so much? "I-but-" you muttered as you looked at their hands on your legs. "Darling " Jamie toom your chin with his fingers, making you look up at him."It's just a way to relieve some stress" he said softly. "It's gonna be fun sweetheart, I promise" Joe whispered to your ear, as another shiver went down your spine. "O-Ok" you whispered They looked at you, you didn't know if it was surprise or satisfaction you could see on their faces. "Ok" you said, more surely this time as you nodded at them. "Good girl"
  You were trying really hard not to make your hand shake as you opened your room's door. Was this really happening? You opened the door and got in, followed by both of them. You walked up to the middle of the room and stopped as you turned around. The sound of your own breathing was the only noise you could hear. "So" you swallowed nervously "H-how does this work?" you asked. You really had no idea. They both glanced at each other before turning to you. "Is this the first time you've done it this way?" Joe asked You nodded shyly as he bit his lip, contemplating what to do. "It's like you would normally do" Jamie explained "We can start by just kissing" Joe said with a nice voice, like he was doing anything to make you at ease. "You'd like that?" You nodded as you bit your lip. "Good" Joe said, as he stepped in front of you." very good" he whispered as he leaned into you and stopped a second to glance at your eyes before gently placing his lips on yours. you felt bubbles jump and burst into your stomach as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to get a better angle. He tugged you closer as his hands found your waist and his tongue made its way into your mouth, twisting together with yours. You whimpered softly as you felt Jamie's hands land on your back while he placed his mouth on your neck, starting a slow trail of kisses. Jamie's hands slid lower until he found your ass and he started caressing it as Joe's hands came up to cup your face, deepening the kiss. Your fingers found the back of his neck, sliding into his hair as you moaned softly at the feeling of both of their mouths on you. Joseph grinned into the kiss before leaning away. You frowned confused "It's his turn" he whispered against your mouth, as you felt Jamie's hands come up to your waist and turn you around swiftly. You squeaked surprised and weren't even given the time to fully stabilize before he pressed his lips onto yours. This kiss was diffrent,harser...hungrier. His hands made their way to your back as he pulled you closer. You felt Joe's fingers trail down your whole body as he admired you. His fingers found the hem of your skirt as his mouth sucked on a spot on your neck, causing goosebumps to erupt everywhere on your body. his fingers made their way under your skirt and he started slowly caressing his way from your ass to your core, feeling the wet spot on your panties. He hissed just as he did "She's already wet" he groaned. Jamie took your bottom lip between his teeth and looked at you maliciously before giving your lips another quick peck and leaning away. your legs were already feeling like jelly. "get on the bed" Jamie commended, and you looked at him briefly before obeying. You sat on the bed and they darted at each other, the same mute communication traveling between them. You swallowed nervously as they walked toward you. Without saying anything, Joe got to his knees between your legs and looked up at you, while Jamie sat behind you on the bed. "I'm gonna take this off" Joe breathed out, as his hands found the waistband of your skirt. "And I'm gonna take this off" Jamie whispered to your ear, as his fingers started unbuttoning your blouse. Your breathing got faster and faster as you found yourself more and more naked, more...vulnerable. The desire in your belly was increasingly growing. "You need to get on all fours sweetheart" Joe said coyly, and you obeyed, having gotten more eager. in front of you now was Jamie, looking at you with his penetrating blue eyes. You felt Joe's hands find your panties as he pulled them downs agonizingly slowly, making you whimper. "Oh,Y/N" he whispered as he passed two of his fingers between your folds, collecting your juices and making you moan faintly. You were so turned on, every touch was heightened and felt like ice on your boiling skin. You pushed your waist back, desperately trying to lean into his face. "Oh baby" he murmured amused before he licked a stripe of your pussy, and groaned with delight "You taste so good" he licked you again "She really does" he told Jamie before gripping your waist and starting to suck on your clit. "Oh fuck Joe!" you screamed Jamie chuckled " as much as I enjoy those sounds, I think there's a better use to that mouth right now," he said, gripping your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He quickly undid his zipper as you kept moaning from the pleasure. Jamie's cock sprang from his boxers and you froze for a second. Oh god, that was big. You gulped and looked up at him with concern "Don't worry darling. I'll be gentle" he reassured you as he placed his tip on the entrance of your already slightly open mouth. You wet your lips and inhaled before taking him in. He groaned loudly at the feeling, and you started bobbing your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks to please him even more. You felt Joe's fingers enter you and you moaned onto Jamie's cock as you continued moving your head. His hands came up to your head and he gathered your hair up away from your face in a fist, using it to guide your movements. You felt tears stream down your face as he pushed himself into your mouth and blocked your head down on his cock for a few moments, making you gag. You caught your breath as he let you go, but had to quickly hold it again as he choked you on his cock once more, this time for longer. "Oh fuck" he muttered, before letting you go. You could feel your orgasm building up from Joe's tongue movements, and you moaned loudly as you bobbed your head on Jamie's cock. "Oh no Y/N" Jamie said, his breathing ragged "You can't come yet" he smirked," We have just gotten started darling" he smirked, before pulling his cock out of your mouth as Joe stopped his movements. You whined as your pussy clenched around nothing, being denied its release. Joseph chuckled as Jamie wiped some tears off your face, got up from the bed, and walked beside him. "You missed out" Jamie said, almost out of breath. "I'm sure there'll be another time" joe answered "You ready darling?" Jamie asked, stoking your ass. "Yes please yes" you begged "now that's what I like to hear" he mumbled as he positioned himself between you and pushed into you harshly. "Oh fuck!" you cried out, as he bottomed out completely and his balls hit your ass. "God, you're so fucking tight Y/N" he groaned as he started moving in and out of you fast. "OH MY GOD JAM-" you shouted as he kept his pace, making you bounce with each thrust. You heard Joseph unzip his pants as you felt your orgasm already building up inside your belly. You turned to your right and saw Joe stroking himself while looking at you, more specifically darting between your tits bouncing beneath you, your pussy getting stretched out and your face making desperate faces. "I-I " you breathed out "I-I'm close" you stuttered, looking at Joe who was now looking directly at you, his hand not stopping. "Oh no baby" he spoke "You gotta wait" he said coyly, bending down to be at your level. "You can't come until I say so" he whispered against your mouth before kissing you quickly. You arched your back as Jamie continued pounding into you relentlessly. The pressure in your lower belly constantly growing. "p-please" you cried out "Please I'm almost there" you pleaded. "no sweetheart" he stroked your cheek and leaned into your ear "I wanna feel that pussy come around my cock" he said, getting up again. "Oh f-fuck" you moaned, as Jamie put a hand on your back to have more leverage. "God you feel amazing Y/N" he growled as his thrusts became more sloppy. "So fucking tight darling" he continued, as you bit your lip, desperately concentrating on not coming. "God" he hissed "My fucking go-" he groaned loudly as he came, pulling out of you a moment before and shooting his cold cum all over your back. You tried to catch your breath when you felt Joseph's cock pushing into you, making you gasp loudly. "Oh, Shit" you cried out. The feeling was different, his cock felt thicker than Jamie's and it was stretching you out in a completely different manner. he groaned as he felt your tight pussy clench around him. "you were right" he told Jamie before he started moving in and out of you "she's fucking tight" he hissed. "Joseph- fuck" you moaned "take it all sweetheart" he cooed you "take it baby" he said as he thrusted hard into you. "F-Fuck" you stuttered. you were a mess. Your hair was in your face, your knees hurt, your face was all sweaty and all you were able to do was produce meaningless moans. But you didn't care. You needed to come. the room filled with your moans, Joe's grunts, and the sound of the bed creaking underneath you as he kept pounding into you. "I'm close" you exhaled "please" you begged as a tear streamed down your face "please" you whispered faintly as the orgasm in your belly formed itself again. You doubted this time you could have held it, even if you would have wanted. "please what sweetheart?" Joe grunted You moaned, as his fingers found your clit and started circling it fast. You moaned loudly "What are you begging for Y/N?" he gripped your ass, pushing into you even harder "use your words" "I-" you tried "I- want to come, Joseph, please please please, let me come" you pleaded. He groaned "you're so fucking hot when you beg" "come sweetheart" he hissed, not stopping "Come all over my cock Y/N". Those words were enough to send you over the edge as you came immediately, screaming and moaning his name incoherently. Your pussy clenched tightly around him and he couldn't help but come at the feeling, pumping into you all of his cum while grunting your name. "Fuck" he said out of breath as he pulled out. You fell onto the bed and turned yourself around, just to see both of them staring smugly at you. You smiled blissfully at them, through half-lidded eyes. "I'm not feeling stressed anymore"
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killzmydoubt · 4 months
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Jamie Campbell Bower
⁘ 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒖𝒔𝒆
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robertpattinsonslut · 2 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐂. 𝐁𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧. 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝐝𝐨𝐦!𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐣𝐨𝐛, 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝!𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭.
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐲<3 𝐁𝐓𝐖 𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒!!!
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There are plenty of ways to get back at Jamie for what he did to me. This was war.
Yesterday, after teasing me all day he brought me to his bedroom. I was so ready to be destroyed, but he fingered me until I almost finished and stopped short and left. It was just cruel.
Ideas wracked my head of ways to get back at him until I came up with a good one. A letter. A very dirty letter I would give to him at the beginning of his interview. That would drive him crazy, so I got to writing.
Dear James Metcalfe Campbell Bower,
with love your only whore Y/N
I knew the letter would get a rise out of him. It contained details I knew he would go crazy over and not be able to get me off his mind the entire interview.
The plan was to give it to him as he was about to step on the stage so he reads it after I went to the backstage. This whole interview was two hours long so he would suffer for a very long time, then I could get out with Alicia and go to her house, because I know that she is the least favorite of Jamie he wouldn't even think that I'm with her and he would have to deal with the same frustration I had.
The time comes for the light checking and I stand behind his back tapping on it. He gives me a quick peck on my lips and hand him the note as I go back to the backstage and he sits down on one chair infront of me.
He slowly opens the letter and his eyes widen. He starts to shift uncomfortably in his chair and bites his lip. I look down and pretend to be innocent while I can feel his eyes on me. Quickly glancing up I meet his eyes, they are full of want. You smile knowing your plan has worked.
Before I know it Jamie gets called on stage and he gets up from his chair clenching his jaw on me. I continue to look at my phone as he goes out on the stage and I hear some fans screaming.
He tries to focus on Jimmy and shorts after he crosses his legs, trying to hide his bulge.
Thirty minutes after he got on the stage you do not hear any cheers. I wonder what is happening outside. I didn't have time to think about it because suddenly a security guard came up to me and told me to drive home our car.
I leave the backstage and start to walk to our car wondering what could have happened. The security guard is gone now so I couldn't ask what was wrong. As I turn to the corner of the street someone grabs me and slams me against the wall, Jamie.
He whispers, "You really think you would write that and get away with it so easily?" My stomach drops but in an excited way. He wasn't getting a punishment anymore, I was getting one instead.
The whole car ride I was thinking about what will happen. I hope I didn't take it so far and that we are not going to argue because this idea came to my mind aswell.
As he reached for the doorknob of our bedroom he let me in and locked the door behind him. He grabs me by the ass and pulls me into him, "You better have meant what you said in that letter, because it's about to come true. okay?" he says holding my chin up.
Suddenly I'm very nervous and reply "okay" in a whisper. My stomach twists and I forget to breathe while he's staring at me dead in the eyes, hand on my chin so I have to make eye contact with him.
Our lips clash together and his hands are over me, pulling my clothes off until I'm left in my matching bra and underwear.
He pulls me back so he's laying on the bed and I'm on top of him. I feel him under me and instinctively rock my hips back and forth. He kisses me down my neck to my bra, leaving a line of hickeys across my chest.
He unclaspses my bra and groans, "Lie face up on the bed now." I quickly follow instructions and his lips travel across my breasts, circling around my nipple, then traveling downwards and slowly kissing right above my underwear line. His hands are brushing up and down my legs.
He then starts to kiss from the bottom of my thigh, to my upper inner thigh. His fingers are going under the sides of my underwear, moving back and forth. He continues this for an agonizingly long time and I'm definitely soaked through.
It was like he just read my mind, he pulled my underwear off slowly and said "Duck, you are so wet for me." His fingers lightly grazed me and I arched my back for more. Frustrated, my hand made its way down, which was quickly interrupted by his. He grabbed it and snapped, "don't you dare."
He started by rubbing light circles and inserted one finger inside me. I let out a light moan to which he replied "you like that slut?" adding another finger.
Soon enough he was three fingers deep inside me. My head thrown back on the desk and mouth partly open. It felt so good, I never wanted him to stop. but then he did.
I thought for a second he was doing the exact same thing he did last time, until I felt his lips on my inner thigh. They slowly got closer and closer and I started to bring my legs together.
He noticed and grabbed them, spreading them apart to give himself easy access. As much as my legs wanted to come together he would not let them.
His lips touched where I was the most sensitive and I let out a shaky breath. He looked up at me and said, "you're such a slut" then continued to pleasure me further.
Soon he was using a mixture of fingering and his tongue to give me the best feeling I've ever experienced. My legs started to shake and squirm in his hands and my moans became louder and more frequent. Jamie noticing, stopped what he was doing immediately.I look up at him in disbelief and say "Please" he responds by lightly laughing, "You really think i would let you cum that easily? get on your knees now."
Legs shaking, he helps me off of the bed and I bend down on my knees. He pulls his shirt over his head while my hands fumble with his belt. I slowly slide his pants and boxers down together and make my way up to his dick. I have never seen it so hard and a look of pure need on his face ever this much before.
I attempt to start slowly, teasing him where I know it would drive him crazy, but instead, he mutters "no, you are mine and you do what i want." and takes my head in his hands.
He grabs my hair and brings my mouth to his dick. I start sucking, slowly but he makes me pick up speed. As he is practically fucking my face as he demands, "look at me darling."
I keep eye contact with him. The image of me looking up at him while he in pumping in and out of my mouth, completely naked kneeling on the floor probably is driving him crazy, and seeing him groaning with pleasure as I feel my hair pulled is doing the same to me.
His dick was so far down in my throat I thank god for not giving me a gag reflex. If I had one there was no way I could be doing this.
I can feel the pace change and I can feel he's close to finishing. Grunting a wide range of cuss words, he finishes in my mouth. As I lick my lips clean he smirks, "atta girl."
I get up and walk over to my clothes to gather them after they were scattered across the room. Jamie's hand grabs my wrist and he pulls me in. "what do you think you're doing?" he whispers.
I reply, "grabbing my clothes." he rolls his eyes and pulls me even closer, "no you're not. i am not even close to be finished with you." I feel him start to harden against me again.
He kisses me and I kiss him back. I want more. I need more. His hand travels to my ass and squeezes it, making my mouth jump open, which gives him the opportunity to slide his tongue in. His other hand inserts a finger into me and I let out a soft moan.
"Holy fuck you're so wet for me. that's my little whore" Jamie says roughly.
Without meaning to say it, I whimper "Jamie fuck me" he looks at me and grins, his finger still pumping in and out of me and he teases, "oh yeah?"
I look away and he grabs my face, "your letter will not be fictional anymore darling. bend over that desk, now."
I don't waste time and do exactly as he says. He is in control. As my body is on the desk he stands over me he teases my entrance. He has spread me wide apart at his mercy.
He spends time touching my body, but never where I need it most. He is doing it for my torture. He has been teasing me the entire night.
Finally, when I wasn't expecting it he slides into me. He starts hard and fast. The desk is shaking as he pulls my hips into him to quicken the pace.
He is so deep inside me and hitting my g spot, my moans get louder and louder, I'm almost yelling. He is shouting up a storm calling me his fuck toy, degrading me in every possible way. Normally, I would be offended but man it was so hot when he did it.
Just when I thought it literally could not get any better, his hand travels to my clit and he pleasures me more. I'm so close to finishing and I yell, "faster, please, faster" but he instead slows down.
I'm so close but he once again is not going to let me finish. He is fucking me slowly. Holding me down so only he controls the pace. There is so much built up inside of me, but it'll never come out this way and he isn't letting up anytime soon.
I know he doesn't want to go this slow either, he is almost in as much frustration as I am. So I only know one way out of it. "stop. please stop." I say. Immediately Jamie stops and backs up off of me.
I grin knowing I'm out of his hold and he looks at me in disbelief, "you fucking tricked me"
I push him so he's sitting on the desk and he doesn't resist. As much as he wanted to continue his revenge, he wanted it just as much as I did.
Still impossibly hard, I climb on top of him and sit down, his dick fully inside me. He kisses you lustfully and my hands travel through his hair. He grabs my hips with his strong hands and brings me up and down. I quicken and slower with each minute. I'm pulling his hair as light moans interrupt each kiss.
He stops kissing me only just to look down at me bouncing on top of him and mutters "holy fuck." I look at him and wonder how I managed to get him, I mean it's not an anyday thing that the god of sex is dating you, but wow. His abs are lightly defined with a v-line, his chest is covered in barely noticeable hickeys around his tattoos from days prior, and his face is just perfect.
He has definitely surpassed anything I would have expected. I'm completely at his mercy even when I think I have control. He is using me like his fuck toy and I'm enjoying every second of it.
He speeds up and the entire desk is shaking, I'm surprised it hasn't broke. We both are so close and there is no way he's going to stop this time. In a low voice he says, "fuck... don't.. stop..." and continues to rail me harder.
"I'm gonna fill you up real good mhm? Give you my babies. Fuck... you would look so sexy with a bump and with swollen breasts" He moaned into my ear as I digged my fingernails into the back of his.
He reaches his breaking point and lets go inside of me. He fills me up and I'm so close again. All it takes is his fingers to make me have the best orgasm I have ever had in my entire fucking life.
We both are left sweaty, clothes all over the floor, faces beat red, in his bedroom. He kisses my forehead and says "wow. Good Lord that was amazing." his hair is super messy and voice is slightly raspy. Fuck he's hot.
I try and stand up but my legs are shaking and it's hard to walk. He sure railed the shit out of me. He helps me put back on my clothes and carries me to his bedroom.
He helps me shower and wash my body. Innocently leaving kisses all over me and telling me how beautiful I am. There really are two sides of Jamie and I love both of them.
Later I explain to Alicia wondering where I was that I wasn't feeling well after Jamie's interview. That's why I stayed at him all night and he was taking care of me.
While I didn't get payback on Jamie, he sure did on me on attempting, but honestly, I may have won anyways.
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luffyzs · 2 years
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mikqls0n · 1 year
Meddle about || Jamie bower x reader
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Summary: the song meddle about
Warnings: smut, not edited, first time doing smth like this so..
Extra: ty @angelst4re for telling me this idea😍
Come get it now,come get it now.Baby show me what you’re doing,come and turn around
You were sitting on top of jamie in only your shirt,while Jamie laid beneath you,his hands resting on your hips as he watched you bouncing on his cock,you both loving the feeling of it sliding in and out of you.
‘Cause it’s not just a figure of speech,you got me down on my knees,it’s getting harder to breath
You were spread across the bed, loud moans were the only thing that came out of your mouth as you tugged on Jamie’s hair,whose face was between you things,pushing his tongue in and out of you. Jamie slowly brought up his hand and teasing your clit with his index finger before pushing it past his tongue,making you left out an gasp as your grip on his hair tightened.
We only met each other just the other day,but you already got me feeling some type of way/If I could figure it out I’d take you back to my house so we could meddle about
Jamie pushed his front door open, his lips not leaving choirs a second as he closed his door and pushed you against it.you unbuttoned his shirt as quickly as possible as his lips found its way to your neck, sucking on it that lead you moaning out his name.when you were both only left in your underwear, Jamie picked you up by wrapping your legs around his waist and walked upstairs to his bedroom,your lips leaving kisses on his collarbone.
Girl Just scream it out,tell me what you’re thinking,oh I wanna see you undress now
Your panties were pushed to the side as jamie roughly pushed inside you,making you scream.Jamie smirked at you as he pulled out and thrusted into you again all the way in.
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cuethemulti · 10 months
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Happy anniversary to THE Jamie fit that killed me
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whoreicf · 2 years
Dear Lord, when I get to Heaven
Please let me bring my man
When he comes, tell me that you'll let him in
Father, tell me if you can
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927 notes · View notes
melxojamie · 11 months
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editfandom · 1 year
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Henry Creel - Stranger Things, S04
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rollforhellfire · 2 years
can they adopt me
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170 notes · View notes
talaok · 2 years
More jamie x reader x joseph content please. I'm literally drooling and growling at your fic about them. God even these stupid fucking emojis can't describe what I'm going through rn >:|
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Pairing: Jamie Campbell bower x Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: This is a sequel to stressed but you can read this without having read that. basically, you are at the fan expo Canada instead of Grace Van Dien, and Jamie and joe want to replicate what happened last time.
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex( female receiving), bit of fingering, and...anal
A/n: This is loooong but trust me it's worth it. Also disclaimer, I wrote the first part half-drunk(dignitosamente brilla) so beware. Yes, this is a 3 months old request and no, I do not care God, I wanna go to sleep.
Having fun
"Hi" you whispered awkwardly as you arrived backstage. You'd had a problem with the car and now you were late. Everyone was waiting for you, ready to announce the beginning of the panel. You were mortified and angry at yourself as you stood there in front of Joe, Jamie, and Finn, expecting them to be mad or at least annoyed for making them wait, but to your surprise, you were met with the complete opposite reaction. "Hi y/n" Finn greeted you with a smile, immediately going in for a hug. You felt relieved, suddenly feeling able to breathe normally again. "Hi darling" Jaime said, placing a hand on your back, taking you by surprise. "Hi sweetheart" Joe's low voice made you turn your attention to him as you were politely smiling at Jamie. Joe was leaning back on the wall, looking at you with a slight smirk. All this worrying about being late and you had forgotten about what you really needed to be stressed about. You could feel the ability to breathe normally disappear again. "We were worried" Jamie said in a low voice. "Yeah y/n, we were really missing you"Joe added We. You knew what the sentence meant grammatically, but you couldn't help but see another sense to it. You knew what we, really meant. It had been a while since you had seen Jamie and Joseph, and well... your last encounter hadn't been exactly the most usual. It wasn't every day you got fucked by both your cast mates. You had no idea how they were gonna handle the situation. Maybe they wanted to pretend that nothing happened, maybe they had forgotten about it, or maybe they didn't even think of it as much. You had no clue, and so you decided to just follow the direction they were going in. "I-I'm sorry I'm late" you cleared your throat" I had a problem with the car" you explained shyly. "Oh it's fine" Finn said reassuringly. "all that matters is that you're here now" Joe said, stepping closer to you. "Yes, that's right" Jaime agreed, stroking your back with his thumb. "Mh-mh" Joe smiled as he brought his hand up to caress your cheek. Oh fuck, you thought just as you heard your names getting called on stage.
For the first time in your life, you were relieved to be interviewed. As much as you hated being the center of attention and having people looking at you expectedly every single time they asked a question, and as much as you hated the weight on your chest when you looked at the audience, as they waited for you to say the most extraordinary thing they ever heard in their life. It was all much better than the alternative. All it took was one second of being in the same room with  Jamie and Joe, and you had already forgotten how a normal human being acts.  And as if that wasn't enough, your original plan had failed miserably. You wanted to see how they were gonna act so you could have just followed their lead. But, since that stupid car decided to arrive late, you now had no idea how they wanted to handle the situation. The greeting had been very weird, to say the least. But the problem was that you didn't know if they were flirting with you, making fun of you, or if that was just the way they had always acted, and you were just now noticing it.  You were feeling nauseous and at the same time, you wanted to cry. You had spent the past week angry at yourself for having made such a stupid decision. At the moment it felt like a good thing they were both so hot and you hadn't really thought about the consequences. For all you knew, that was the last time you were gonna see each other. But as it turns out, your plan wasn't so foolproof since you were part of the same TV show,  that was still on air. You wished you could be chill about this, and not be bothered by it, you really really wished you could just chuckle thinking about what had happened, but that wasn't you. What was you, was panicking just at the thought of having both of them sitting beside you, one on each side. God, it was like they were doing it on purpose. "princess" a faint whisper startled you. You widened your eyes and turned your head to the right, finding in front of you Joe with an amused look on his face, his lips twisted up in a thin grin. "She asked you a question" he whispered, holding the mic far from him. "oh" you said mortified "I-I'm sorry" you smiled, trying to salvage the situation "W-what was the question?" you turned towards the interviewer. "oh don't worry" she waved her hand to emphasize her words, "I asked you about the recent press tour you went on in Brazil. How was the country and how was it being left alone with these two?" she asked, nodding towards Jamie and Joe. You have got to be fucking kidding me. You were certain your cheeks were the same color as what the flames of hell probably look like. You swallowed nervously as you kept your eyes on her, desperately trying not to make eye contact with the men beside you. It was like you could feel the smirks on their faces. "I-I" you cleared your throat. just be professional y/n, and pretend for a second that nothing happened. It really isn't that hard. you smiled nervously"Well, Brazil was amazing, really, and so were the people there. And you know, Jamie and Joseph are-are great, so... yeah, everything was good" you finally did it. "Just good?" Joe asked, a wide grin on his face. You were gonna kill him. "Yeah, from what I remember, you seemed to think it was more than just good" Jamie added, with the same expression as the other fucker. Oh please, not him too. You gulped, trying to at least look like you were breathing normally. "I-I, N-no you are right." you gave in, trying to make them stop. "It was actually really good" you said, staring at your shoes. "That's better" Joe whispered to you. Making an involuntary familiar feeling pool in your lower belly. Oh, you were so fucked.
"Guys, I gotta go, it was really fun though. We should hang out more often." Finn said, standing up. Oh no, your life jacket was escaping. You were sat on some couches in a room backstage. After the panel had finished you had decided to stay together a bit more and obviously you had found yourself sandwiched between guess who? You guessed. them. And that hadn't been that much of a problem because Finn was there, but it wasn't looking so good now. "Already? We see each other so little" you asked Finn, trying to persuade him to stay "I know, I'm sorry, but I really gotta go" he said with a sad smile. You smiled anyway, you didn't want to push it and make him feel guilty or anything. "It's nothing Finn, it was really nice seeing you"  "You too" he hugged you before leaving. Now the fun started, and by fun, I mean absolute panic. The room fell silent the moment the door closed. "I-I should probably go" you said. "But sweetheart" Joe placed a hand on your back "we just got here" You swallowed thickly. "I know,b-but I'm tired" "you are not avoiding us, are you y/n?" Jamie asked, amusement clear in his voice. "N-no, I just didn't sleep a lot last night" "Darling" Jamie put a hand on your thigh "You seem tense" "I-I" you stuttered "Just like last time" Joe murmured, making you shiver. "You know... We'd be happy to help you again" Jamie continued. "More than happy"  Joe said leaning closer to you, so close you could feel his hot breath on your cheek. Your brain had melted, just like the rest of your body. You were hearing a distinct buzzing in your brain, and suspected that was all that remained in your cranium. It was all so confusing and strange at the same time. You needed air. "Guys," you said faintly "y/n" answered joe "I need to go" You said decisively, looking at them. They were both still grinning, which made you mad, hadn't they heard you? It wasn't gonna work this time. It was just too much. "y/n" said Jamie, caressing your thigh. "No" you stated "I'm sorry but this is wrong ok? I'm not saying that I didn't like it last time, because I really did, but I just can't do it. I'm not cool or calm or any of that shit. I've been panicking all day because I had no idea how to act, and it was so tiring and I don't wanna do it again. I'm sorry but I can't do it. I can't have casual sex with people I know I'm gonna see every day for 6 months starting in 2 weeks. I'm simply not made for it."You caught your breath"So no, I'm sorry but no. I'm going." You stood up and walked away, proud of yourself for having finally gotten it all out. You didn't know what this meant but you were just happy to have done what you knew was the right thing.
You were laying on your bed in your pajamas, watching Gilmore girls on the computer, when you heard a knock at the hotel room door. You were expecting this, it wasn't a surprise. What actually was surprising was that on the other side of the door was only one of the people you expected to see. "Hi" said Joe with a genuine smile. "Hi" you answered There was an awkward silence as you tried to understand what to do. "can I come in?" he asked, making you raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "I'll behave, I promise" he raised his hands in defense. "All right" you said, opening the door for him. You pretended not to notice how he checked you out as you sat down. His eyes traveling slowly from your bare legs, covered only by some very short shorts up to your bra-free tits, hidden only by a little pink tank top he very much wanted to rip off of you. "So" you sat on the bed"Why are you here?" He set beside you, making the bed squeak "I wanted to talk to you" You smiled "please do, then" He reciprocated your smile as he started "Ok. I'm really sorry we made you feel uncomfortable y/n. And I hope you know that it was not our intention at all. Really. And if we knew that it would have made you feel this way we would have never proposed it in the first place. So I just wanted to apologize, that's all" You hummed, taking it all in "Why isn't Jamie here?" you asked, genuinely curious. He smiled "We didn't want to put too much pressure on you. So we thought that only one of us should have come here first, and the second would join in later." he explained "that's smart" "The other thing that we wanted to say is that" he cleared his throat "It doesn't have to be weird. we could keep doing what we did last time without making it a big deal. Just see it as occasionally having fun, in an adult way, and outside of that, we can just act as we have always done around each other. It would be easy don't you think?" he asked. You frowned "I-I don't know Joe, I mean it's not as easy for you as it is for me. You saw me today during the interview, I looked crazy" "you did not. and" he shrugged "that was partially our fault, we were taunting you " "But it's not just that,y-you have this effect on me. It's weird" He chuckled "And what exactly do you think you do to us?" he licked his lips "You know, it's very hard to concentrate on an interview when you look at me with those eyes and bounce those pretty legs or smile so innocently" he confessed, making your heart flutter. "Ok" you said "So if I wanted to do this, we could just be normal around each other in everyday situations and you guys will stop taunting me, right?" you waited for him to confirm "Absolutely" "And it would just be us having fun?" "Yes, sweetheart" he grinned, putting a hand on your bare thigh. "And could we have fun now?" you whispered "It's solely up to you princess" he said, leaning closer. There wasn't much thinking to do having his face a few centimeters far from your face. After all, It was a good plan and you really, really wanted to kiss him. So you did. You gently placed your lips on his, closing your eyes and starting to slowly melt into the kiss. You put one of your hands on his strong chest and the other one at the base of his neck, toying with his hair. You smiled, breaking the kiss. "You liked that?" he asked, gently moving some of your hair behind your ear. "Mh. Mh" you hummed, making him smile. "Good" he said, leaning in to kiss you again, this time his tongue slipping through your lips, and exploring your mouth. "And you liked this?" he asked "Yes Joe, I really liked that" "good" he said again, leaving a quick kiss on your lips again. "Tell me what you like"  You swallowed nervously "I-I don't know" he kissed your neck, making you whimper "Tell me what you liked last time then" "I-I liked everything Joe,it was amazing"  He smiled as he was sucking your neck "I know it was amazing princess, I just want to know what you liked" You bit your lip nervously and he came back up to look at you. "C'mon y/n, I know you can do it" he said, before kissing you briefly and returning back to work on your neck. "O-Ok," you said, your breathing ragged "I-I liked when you-" you didn't know how to say it. "Well, you know" "No, I don't. I wanna hear you say it baby" "I liked when you-When you licked me there" you explained "I'm gonna need you to be more specific sweetheart" "Joe, please" "y/n please" "When you licked my pussy" you whispered, making him groan. "Good girl" he said, his hand traveling down to your panties, only to toy with the hem of them. "Please Joe" you pleaded "Please what baby?" "please touch me" "I can't" he said, retrieving his hand and making you frown "not until Jamie gets here" "That's mean" "it's only right" he kissed you "but that doesn't mean we can't do other things in the meantime" he stroked your cheek with his thumb. you smile curiously "like what?" he kissed you again "well" he looked at you "you could let me undress you" the idea intrigued you "Would you like that?" "hm-hm" you nodded "I need you to use your words baby" "Yes, Joe, I would really like that" you said, earning a proud smile from him. "very good" he said, kissing you one last time before kneeling in front of you and putting his hand on the hem of your shorts. "raise your hips princess" he ordered, and you eagerly obeyed, finding yourself completely naked from the waist down in a matter of seconds. He hissed at the view, his eyes fixated on your pussy. He couldn't control himself as he bent down and left three spread kisses on it, making you moan faintly. "I thought you weren't supposed to touch me"  "Well, Jamie doesn't need to know about everything, does he?" he looked at you as he came back up to sit on the bed. "No, he doesn't" you agreed, making him bite his lower lip "God, you are perfect sweetheart" he said, before kissing you again, this time his tongue exploring your whole mouth. he leaned away eyeing your shirt. "You don't wanna take that off?" you asked, making him chuckle "Oh trust me, there's nothing I want more on this planet than to do that, sweetheart" he said, placing his hand on each side of your torso, making you shiver, and bringing his hands up to meet the shirt. He gripped it and agonizingly slowly took it off, leaving you completely vulnerable. You had never seen him smile so widely in your entire life. "You are a masterpiece y/n y/l/n" he said, gently touching your boobs "I hope you know that" You smiled giddily at the compliment as you heard a knock at the door. You gasped softly, but before you could say anything Joe spoke "I think you should get that". you smiled shyly as you stood up, feeling Joe's eyes glued to your ass. You took a deep breath and very slowly, opened the door. The look on Jamie's face was the perfect mixture of shocked, pleased, and horny. "Now, This, is the way I like to be greeted" he joked, making you smile, before coming into the room and closing the door behind him. You walked towards the bed as he followed you. "So I understand you like our plan?" he said, placing his hands on your waist. "I do," you said gently "Very good," Jamie stated, looking for one second at Joe before crushing his lips with yours. His hands explored your whole back as he walked you toward the bed. He pushed you on it, making you notice how Joe had gotten up. "What were you watching?" You turned to see Joe with your computer in his hands, looking curiously at you. "Gilmore girls" "Figures" he smiled to himself. You would have gotten mad at him at another moment but you were feeling particularly frustrated right now. "C-can you touch me now, please?" you begged to no one in particular. Jamie raised an eyebrow at Joe "You were really able to stop yourself?" he asked incredulously. "I know" he eyed your body "Trust me, it wasn't easy," he said, winking furtively at you. You whined, trying to make them bring back their attention to you, and like clockwork, both of the men turned towards you. "Of course darling, today is only about you" he said, spreading open your legs. You bit your lip as he bent down and kissed your clit. "So pretty" he murmured, kissing it again "such a pretty pussy for such a pretty girl" he whispered again, before licking a stripe between your folds. You whimpered as you shut your eyes closed. "And soo desperate" he smirked before attacking your clit with his mouth, sucking and liking like it was his life long-duty. "oh god" you moaned, as he continued undaunted. "tastes good doesn't it?" Joe asked, his eyes never leaving yours. "better than anything I ever tasted"Jamie responded, looking straight at you. A wave of pleasure cursed through you at the scene. You moaned loudly as you started grinding on Jamie's face. "And sound soo good too" Joe said, as he took off his clothes. You turned your head towards him as he got out of his shirt and as he slowly unbuckled his belt, clearly wanting to put on a show for you. You moaned again as he slipped his pants off, remaining only in his boxers. A very visible tent, prominent under them. He smirked as he stepped closer to you, kneeling down on the side of the bed. "Such pretty sounds" he whispered against your cheek. "From such a pretty mouth" he continued before meeting his lips with yours. His tongue immediately made its way into your mouth as his right hand found your cheek and his other one your boobs, starting to gently grope them. You moaned into his mouth as he pinched your nipple, making him chuckle. "So sensitive" he whispered against your mouth before starting to work on your neck, leaving hot opened-mouth kisses all over it, just to finally start focusing on a spot under your ear, sucking and kissing it desperately. You were a moaning mess, between his hands on your tits, his mouth on your neck, and Jamie's work of art you were surprised you had not already lost your voice from how hard you were moaning. And just when you thought it couldn't have gotten any better you felt Jamie's fingers at the entrance of your hole. "Jamie" you whispered "Yes, darling?"  "please" "Please what?" he kissed your clit, making you cry out "Please use your fingers" He smiled against your pussy "At your orders" he purred before sloooowly pushing his digits in. "Oh god" you screamed "God has nothing to do with this" Joe murmured to your ear, before going down and taking your nipple into his mouth. You were either gonna die or ascend to another dimension. You felt a bubble form in your lower belly as Jamie started to work his fingers in and out of you, while his mouth resumed its impeccable work. "I-I'm coming" you stuttered, expecting Joe to object like last time, but were surprised when you actually heard him say "Please do princess, let us see you come undone baby", and who were you to deny him of his wish? You let go as the bubble burst in your belly, making you shout incoherently as thousands of little fireworks went off inside of you. "Oh shit" you smiled blissfully, as you caught your breath, making them both grin widely. "so it was good huh?" Jamie asked, making you roll your eyes. "it was amazing" you sighed "That's better" Joe smiled before kissing you passionately. "So" Jamie stated, as Joe leaned away and you propped yourself up on your hands. "Who do you want inside you, sweetheart?" Joe continued for him. You blushed, which was stupid considering the situation, but you couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed being asked it so bluntly. "I-I" you stuttered "It's just a question baby" Jamie said, sweetly. "I-I don't know" you said  "There are no wrong answers princess" Joe murmured, stroking your cheek. "I-I know it's just-" you bit your lip "Just what darling?" "I-I want both of you. I can't decide" You said shily. A thin grin appeared on their lips. "well..." Jamie started, sitting on the bed with a hand on your thigh "You know, there is a way we could do that" "You mean like last time?" you asked innocently. "not exactly" said Joe, looking at Jamie for a brief moment before turning back to you. "Oh" you frowned "then how?" Joe looked at you hungrily, biting his lip. "Well, we could use both of your pretty holes" he murmured sultrily. You gulped. This was new. You had never done that before and definitely not like this. "We'll be gentle" Jamie interrupted your train of thought. "really really gentle y/n" Joe followed. "you wouldn't have to worry about a thing" Jamie added. "We'll take care of you princess" said Joe. You bit your inner cheek as you pondered the proposal. You would be lying if you said it didn't attract you, imagining both of them in you at the same time... heaven. You looked between them, both staring at you hopefully before speaking up "you'll go slow?" "of course" Jamie reassured you. you took a deep breath "ok" you exhaled "I wanna do it" They looked at each other with the same faces children have when they enter a candy shop, it was almost cute. "You won't regret it sweetheart" Joe said, grinning widely, making you smile shily. Jamie took all his clothes on in a matter of seconds as Joe took off his boxers. His cock springing out of them. making you instantly rethink your decision. how was all that gonna fit? "I'll go slow princess, I promise" he said, noticing the shift in your expression. You nodded, as Jamie laid down on the bed beside you. You turned towards him and were met with an adoring look. "Come here" he said sweetly before kissing you hungrily, his hands immediately finding your hips and guiding you on top of him, without ever breaking the kiss. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him positioning his length at your entrance. "you ready darling?" he made sure. You nodded eagerly, and he didn't waste any time, pushing his tip in and slowly raising his hips until he had bottomed out completely. "Feels good?" he asked "Amazing" you sighed, as you bent down to kiss him. Your hips involuntarily starting to move on their own accord. It felt soooo good already, and you wondered how it was gonna feel with Joe too. Just as you did, you felt him getting beside you. You swallowed nervously as his tip touched your other entrance. You heard him spit on what was probably his hand and then another time directly between your cheeks, making you gasp. "Relax princess" he purred as he used his fingers to spread his spit all over your hole. "O-ok" you stuttered, as you stopped moving on Jamie's cock. "It's gonna feel good baby" Jamie assured you. "mh-mh" you nodded, as joe positioned himself. "It's gonna hurt a bit now, but it'll be worth it" Joe said, taking a moment before veeery slowly starting to tear you apart. You hissed at the feeling. he wasn't kidding about the pain, you thought as he continued to push himself into you. "Good" he murmured "You are doing so good princess" he said as he kept going. You felt a single tear stream down your face, and Jamie immediately went to wipe it off "You're doing great darling" he said sweetly. "J-joe" You cried out "I know baby" he cooed, using one of his hands to stroke your back reassuringly "You almost did it" "and..." he finally pushed himself fully into you, making you gasp as his balls hit your ass "there" he said proudly "You did it sweetheart" You bit your lip, as you took in the feeling of having both of them so deep inside of you at the same time. "Can I move?" he asked gently. you turned to look at him, a smile appeared on your face, as you nodded at him, making him groan with enthusiasm. You chuckled at his reaction, but were soon interrupted by an animalistic moan you let out as he thrusted into you. It was like nothing you ever felt before. it still hurted a bit, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure you were feeling.  "oh f-fuck" you cried out as he did it again. and just as you were starting to get used to it, without any warning, Jamie started moving too. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as they both pounded into you more and more fast. You were completely filled, and unable to say or do anything. it was like you had fallen into some kind of ecstasy-provoked trance. "Shit, you feel so fucking good y/n" Joe groaned  "You really do" Jamie agreed as he gripped your hips to thrust into you even harder. You cried out his name as he smirked smugly. "It's so tight" Joe whispered, putting a hand on your back to gain more traction, making you literally scream. You were completely useless, a doll at their mercy, unable to even move. If heaven was a real thing, this was probably what it felt like. "You're perfect y/n" Jamie purred, as you kept bouncing up and down or left and right. You had no idea at this point, you just knew it felt absolutely incredible. "So fucking beautiful" Joe groaned "taking us so well" Jamie complimented you "So.fucking.hot" Joe continued, as he kept his pace. Their words together with this feeling were really pushing you over the edge. "I-I" you wined, not able to form a coherent sentence "You're coming?" Jamie asked gently, his breath ragged. "Mh-mh" you hummed weakly "fuck" Joe swallowed "fucking cum princess" he painted "cum all over us" "Yes darling,please do" Jamie continued. "I.I" you failed again, as a familiar pressure formed itself in your belly. "cum y/n" Joe commanded "do it baby" Jamie whispered, sending you over the edge. You screamed their names as your orgasm hit you so strongly that everything went black for a moment. "F-fuck" you heard Joe stutter "Imma fill you up sweetheart" he breathed out, as you were still riding out your orgasm. "me too darling" Jamie said, "gonna fill this pretty pussy with my cum" he said, just seconds before, with a loud grunt they both came, one just a few seconds after the other, making you moan loudly at the undescribable feeling. Everybody remained still as you all tried to calm your breathing. Joe chuckled lightly as he pulled out of you, making you involuntarily laugh a bit too, as you pulled yourself off of Jamie, who was also smiling widely. "Well" said joe "Well" Jamie continued, as you all looked at each other amused. "I'm glad we made this work" you finally spoke. "So are we"  "Definitely"
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jamiebowerserenity · 1 year
Jamie Campbell Bower laughing to brighten up your day. :)
Take care. x
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mattmaesonnatural · 2 years
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icpsv · 2 years
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he is so pookie fr
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mikqls0n · 1 year
Jealousy || Jamie bower x wife!reader
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Summary: Jamie wanted to make you jealous but it didnt go like planed
Warnings: smut,jealousy (obviously), use of y/n, its longa asf😭
Extras: I made this with the amazing @jamiebowersslvt 🫶!
Jamie loved to make you jealous and you both knew it. Though it would always end up with a fight, you both would just talk at the end. Everything would be over and you went on with your life, but he would never stop.
Today you and Jamie were going to Sam's birthday party as he just turned 18. He wanted to celebrate it with a big party with him, his friends, and of course, his brother and sister-in-law.
“Are you ready, love?” You heard Jamie yelling from downstairs, as you were still in the bathroom fixing your hair a little.
“Yeah wait one second!” You walked downstairs in a not-too-long but also not-too-short black dress while Jamie wore a matching black suit.
“You look stunning”
Jamie said as he kissed you.
“Hmm, you look amazing too”
“Jamie, Y/N! You made it” he hugged Jamie, then you.
“Happy birthday Sam,” You said as you three entered his house, stepping into his garden where everyone else already was.
“Ok, so there’s still a few people that are missing but they should be here soon! So maybe grab a drink or something? There's also a bar over there and I’ll see you both later!” Sam patted his older brother on the back and disappeared. Jamie didn’t waste any time before grabbing your hand, softly pulling you with him towards the bar.
“Uh, I’ll take a coke, please. What would you like, darling?”
“I’ll just take some water. Thank you.” You smiled.
After you both got your drink, you sat down on a bench waiting for all the others to finally start the party.
“Hey, can you hold my drink for me, love? I’m just gonna go to the bathroom,” you said as Jamie nodded and you handed him your drink.
After you came back you saw Jamie talking to a girl, laughing and smiling.
You went over to them and grabbed your drink again.
“Hey what’s going on? Who is this?” You asked and Jamie turned to you.
“Oh yeah, Y/N meet Lila, she recently just moved here and is friends with Sam. Lila meet my wife.” Her face immediately dropped when Jamie introduced you as his wife. She was very clearly interested in Jamie.
“Oh, you’re his wife. I thought you were old friends or something. I didn't see a ring on your finger?” She smiled, which you returned with a fake one.
“Yeah, we actually don’t wear them in public because they were really expensive, Would be sad to lose them.”
“Yeah, uhm okay anyways! I’ll be with Sam so if you need something or someone you know where to find me” and winked at Jamie before going Sam's way.
After the party was over you and Jamie sat in the car again, which was silent.
“Everything alright, my love?” Jamie asked, to which you didn’t respond.
This goes from the moment you stepped into the car. Jamie just decided to give in and just ask you at home again.
After Jamie opened the front door, you immediately went down the hallway, leading to your bedroom. Jamie stopped you, grabbing your arm, and turned you around.
“Why the hell are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Jamie asked with a confused look.
“I don’t know, did you?” You snapped back.
“Is it because of Lila? We were just talking while Sam was gone for a little”
“Yeah okay. She was definitely flirting with you and you didn’t do anything! You just let her” Your jealousy was now clearly visible.
“You know I’m yours. I would never go for anybody else and you know that!” Jamie said with a chuckle in his voice as his hands flew to your waist,pulling you in for a hug.
“How should I know?” You said.
“Do anything you want to me, so you know I’m only yours.” You raised an eyebrow and put your arms around his neck.
“Anything you say?” You smirked.
“Anything." He whispered straight into your ear. Sending a shiver down your spine.
You smirked and grabbed him with full force, dragging him to your room and slamming him to the door, making him wince. Lips immediately connected as Jamie tries to slip his tongue in, denied. He bit down on your bottom lip with full force. Making you gasp as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. Kissing with tongue for a while, you break the kiss. Walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge.
“Come here.” You obey. “Get on Your fucking knees.” You look him dead in the eyes. He chuckles for a second before realizing you were serious.
“You’ve gotta be joking Y/N …if you think I’m getting on my knees your fucking crazy.” He spat.
“Then I guess I’ve gone mad.” You say sharply before ripping his belt off of his waist and tying it around his wrists, forcing them behind his back. “Get on the ground and eat me out. Since you want to act like a bitch, I’ll treat you like one.”
“Jesus fucking christ Y/N. I love it when you talk to me like that it’s so-“ you placed a clean slap on his face and he let out a whimper.
“Silent.” He rolled his eyes and began to take your underwear off with his teeth. Not gonna lie, the sight of that almost made you cum by itself. He started with a small lick to your clit, making you groan before he took the nerve in his mouth and began sucking, hard. Letting out a moan your hand went to his hair. “God baby the things you do to me” you half whispered. He dipped his tongue into your cunt and your eyes went back. Whining against you he sent vibrations down your body.
“holy sh-shit Jamie!” You Moaned out. As he continued to eat you out he pulled away for a second.
“Can I use my hands..? Please?” He cocked his head to the side as he begged
“Yeah. Yeah use your hands.” You sat up and undid the belt around his wrists. He placed a soft kiss to your clit before sliding two fingers into you with no warning. His other hand on your hip. You were almost ashamed at the moan you let out, it was so loud that it echoed throughout the house. “Fucking hell Jamie!” You flopped down on the bed as he continued his actions. Your hand tugging on his hair as you came on his face and fingers. Jamie groaned as he licked his fingers clean and put a kiss on your lips, you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. You moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue. He climbs on top of you while your lips are still connected. moving down your jaw, then your neck, then your boobs, then your stomach, and back up to your lips. He slid his knee onto your bare pussy, sliding it up and down against your wetness.
“No.” You speak into his ear as you flip him under you. You bit his neck, hard. Making him whine. Your hands fly to his dress shirt “take this off.” You kissed down his body to this fly, pulling the zipper down. Your index finger traced the waistband of his pants as you teased the man below you, finally pulling them down along with his boxers. He hissed as the cold air hit him and you placed a long lick up the underside of his rock hard dick, followed by a kiss to the tip. His hand came down to your beautiful hair, stroking it softly.
“Please..Y/N. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it ever again. I want you. Only you please baby.” If you weren’t such a slut for this man you would have laughed at his desperation but every muscle in this man’s body turned you on. The way his hair flowed on his face, the curves on his hips, the faint bruises on his collarbone, he was literally fucking perfect.
After a little more teasing u finally gave him and took him slowly into your mouth, inch by inch until you felt the tip of his cock on the back of your throat which made Jamie grabbed the sheets from the pleasure you were giving him.
You looked up to him as you slowly licked the side of his cock which was far down your throat.
Jamie thought your actions were a little too slow, so he grabbed your hair again with his right hand as he bucked his hips, forcing his cock further down you throat as you fought against your gag reflex.
Jamie had now the control of you as he fucked you throat by thrusting his cock in and out of your throat with his hand, mixed with his thrusts by his hips.
His loud moans were like music to your ears- also knowing how much he enjoyed himself as he fucked you throat.
“So good- fuck… taking me so well like always..”he praised you as he thrusted hard into your throat.
“Hmm- love i’m gonna cum-..” he couldn’t finish his sentence as his cum spilled out of him down you throat as you swallowed everything that came out of him.
He smirked as he looked down at the sight of you swallowing his cum.his hand was still buried in your hair as he still weakly thrusted his cock a few times down your throat while he orgasmed.
“Hmm such a good girl, letting me fuck your throat like this-mhm..” his eyes rolled back and his head fell back onto the bed as you looked up at your moaning husband.
After he finished his release you got on top of him again as he’s still laying on his back.
Since you both had your underwear off you could feel Jamie getting hard again,against your left thigh but ur were busy taking off ur shirt which left you both completely naked as Jamie’s hands were slowly sliding down from your breast to ur hips.
“Fuck…”he mumbled under his breath as you brace yourself with one hand on Jamie’s shoulder and with the other one, you took his cock in your Hand as you lift your hips a little,lining his cock to your entrance before you sink down on him as you both left out a loud moan while you slowly adjusted his size.
When you felt ready you,at first rocked your hips a bit forward and backwards before you felt Jamie roughly grabbing your hips tightly as he thrusted up to you as you felt him going deeper inside you as you started to bounce on his cock creating a rhythm as Jamie also thrusted into you ever now and then.
Your eyes closed as your hand was still on Jamie’s shoulder giving you balance as Jamie scanned your face before he also shut his eyes close feeling the same pleasure as you do.
You felt yourself getting closer to your high as you felt Jamie hitting all different spots inside you whenever your hips met, making you clench around him.
“Are You close?” Jamie asked between his moans as you nod your head- impossible to speak as the only thing coming out of your mouth was loud moans that were to jamie also music to his ears.
The skin clapping and the loud moans- you wouldn’t wonder if the neighbourhood would hear you, but you two couldn’t care less right now as the only thing on your mind was how good this felt.
“Fuck.. jamie i’m close…” you were sure you were squeezing the hell out of jamie’s cock but it felt so good neither you or Jamie cared.
“Hold it for me darling, please- hmm… gonna come inside you okay? I’m close too..” you nod as you felt yourself reaching your high as you came around Jamie’s cock, and right after you felt his cum also spilling inside you, filling you up as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
“Fuck you’re Doing so good for me, my good girl..” he praises you as he stopped filling you up. You sat up a little more straight- his cock still inside you.
When u slowly calmed down Jamie unexpectedly grabbed your hips again flipping you over as he hovers over you causing his cock to slip out of you before he connected your lips again.
His kisses went down from your lips to your neck as he grabbed one of your leg, wrapping it around his waist and he roughly thrusted into you again with no warning which made you let out screaming his name.
“Yes scream my name like the good little slut you are for me, let everyone know who’s fucking you so good…” he mumbled between kisses against your neck as you wrapped your other leg also around his waist, pulling him impossible closer to you.
His thrust become faster and harder as everything you could do is moaning in Jamie’s ear as he’s literally destroying you from the inside.
“Please…” tears begin falling down your checks as you hold onto Jamie’s back as if your life would depend on it.
“Please what? Huh… don’t cry baby..” Jamie wiped away the tears with his tumb as his lips met yours again.
“Please- more…” it was almost impossible to speak as the pleasure begin to become a little to much as you still needed more.
Jamie moved his free hand down to your clit as he drew circles on your clit with his middle finger- adding the pleasure to you.
The moans that were coming out of your mouth became louder, when you buck your hips as Jamie thrusted into you. skin clapping and the sound of yours and Jamie’s moans were the only thing audibly in the room right now.
You clench around him as you feel his movements slowing down a little.
“Keep doing that and I’ll be cuming the same second I swear to god y/n..”
Your couldn’t help but clench around him again as you suddenly feel him filling you up again as jamie’s movements stopped completely and he holds you close, his head in your neck,leaving sloppy kisses on it as he feels you cum on him too a few moments later.
He thrusted into you a couple times more before slowly pulling out of you but be still in the same position on top of you.
He kisses you as his kisses went down to between your breasts and then to your pussy as he pushed his tongue inside you to which you couldn’t help but moan at the sight when you looked down.
After he pushed his tongue in and out of your wet pussy for a while, he licked you clean, tasting your cum on his tongue before going back on top of you, letting you taste yourself as you lips connected.
Jamie let himself fall beside you on the bed as he pulls you into his arms, covering the both of you with a blanket.
“You should get some rest love, we have a big day tomorrow, i love you” he whispered as he sees your eyes slowly shut.
“I love you…” you said before you fell asleep.
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fanfictionvibes · 2 years
Summary: Imagine you are the child of Joseph Quinn
Author note: First can we talk about how good of a father he would be! 🥹
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Definitely 1# dad written an all over him
I think he would be a gentle laid-back but also strict kind of parent? You know?. He would be chill and gentle about a lot of things but when when it comes to it he will not be afraid to tell you no or set you straight when needed
Would probably send you behind the scenes videos on the movie/ tv show sets as well as personally take you to see them live as he is acting his scenes
When he talks about his family in interviews, to coworkers, or his bosses he talks about you with a lighting spark in his eyes and talk all the great memories you two have with each other if asked
Would definitely buy you your favorite candy/chocolate at random times?. It’s 1:00pm chocolate/candy time. Before diner, chocolate/candy time (he rarely let’s you do that). 2:00am midnight snack?, chocolate/candy already on the counter for you with a note saying
“ I looked at 4 gas stations for this candy/chocolate you better eat this”
— Love Dad ❤️
Worship the ground you walk on to the max
Would get protective over you when in public and getting crowded by the paparazzi
He took you to the stranger things premier as his plus 1, with your permission of course the least thing he wants you to do is feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed in crowded situations, cause he’s like that too 🥹
His fans adore you two together
 We all know Joseph likes to keep his personal life a secret to the world, so it would take him a lonnnnggggg time for him to mention you cause he wants you to have a normal life as possible
His love language is no doubt physical affection. He always has his hand in your hair softly massaging your scalp, rubs your back, and holds your hand in crowded spaces or near strangers in general.
If you don’t like being touched that’s fine! 😊. His other love languages are words and actions, he with bring or make your favorite foods at dinner or when your doing school homework/work at home for hours at a time. He then will tell you how amazing you are and he is your biggest supporter.
He’s your hype man for life 😌
He supports everything you do especially your career choices. If you want to be a actor/actress he will do his best to put in a good word for you in the Industry because he knows the struggles with becoming an actor/actress in the long run.
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