#icy cave insomniac...
eggsandramem · 4 months
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🧊 the dungeon master 🧊
. < [ hermit-a-day may - day 23 ] > .
forever obsessed with his DM skin like holy fuck GRAHHH
anyways, late once again bc wrist hurts like i prev mentioned, but im so happy w this tbh,,,, first one thats actually properly lined LMFAOO
anyways, didnt only draw DM tango because i love his design, but also because of all the HADm posts having the artifact names based on each hermit,,, ehe <33
small note; i am SO sorry if theres a slight outline,,, i think its only a pc thing, but i cou,dnt find out how to fix it </3
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The Forgotten Realms, A Look Back At The Worlds Of Spyro Year Of The Dragon: Sheila's Alp
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The biggest thing that Spyro Year Of The Dragon added to the formula of these ,now three years running, games, was variety. Three games deep into Spyro, it was clear that Insomniac was beginning to run out of ideas with what they really wanted these games to be, and how they wanted to change up the moment to moment gameplay. So what do you do when you're faced with another game being just like the last two you made? You start adding in more playable characters of course! Sheila is the first of new playable heroes to appear in Year Of The Dragon, and not only is she my favorite to play by a mile, she has the best introductory level of any of the other new characters. Sheila's Alp isn't a complicated level, nor is it a very long level. In fact, it's one of the shortest levels in the game. After all, the character specific intro levels don't exist for much more than to give each of the guest characters one full level that introduces their mechanics. So, doing a lot of heavy lifting, this level is not.
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All that said though, even if it isn't complex, Sheila's Alp is a truly delightful level. Funnily, it's also a pretty inexplicable level. For some reason Sheila The Kangaroo lives in a Swiss inspired alpine mountain ridge. With close friends who are all Billy Goats, and seem incredibly ineffectual at defending themselves and their homes. Why the Australian coded Kangaroo woman lives in the Swiss alps is unknown, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say Insomniac was working with the assets they had, rather than inventing some whole Australian tile set just for this level. Which, as deep as they were into Spyro, and putting out a new game every year, can you blame them? Whether you do or not, the aesthetics of Sheila's Alp come together in a way that lets the brilliant cartoon visuals of these games shine through. And make no mistake, Sheila's Alp is a fantastic looking level. The grassy mountaintops contrast with the icy cave systems. The Rynocs are all dressed like weird little mountain climbers and come out of small homes shaped like Mushrooms. It's all a big mish-mashie hodgepdge of light Swiss stereotypes and cartoon logic. But when you've got a Kangaroo living in such a strange location, would you have it any other way?
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holy-honeybees · 4 years
Rating: T+ (for swearing)
Summary: Three friends and  their dog get lost in a snowstorm while investigating the paranormal. Amidst swirling flurries of white, some lose their way and get lost in their memories, others lose sight of their friends and loved ones, and an unforgiving winter quickly fills in the footprints one would follow to get back home.
A/N: I started this back in November but sadly never finished the work. I was thinking of holding off till it started to snow again, but figured now was as good a time as any to try and finish this.The title is taken from Snail's House song "[snowdrift]" which you can check out here!
The last bit of fluff before the storm!
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Chapter One
Chapter Four
Mystery woke slowly the next morning to the sounds of hushed conversation, wriggling out from under Vivi’s arm as the heaviest sleeper of the group continued to snore away. He stretched out his hind legs, giving himself a good shake before blearily regarding the two young men deep in conversation. It would figure that the ghost, who technically didn’t need sleep, and the insomniac, who pretended that he didn’t need sleep, would be the first two up. The disguised kitsune mused momentarily over who had been the first to rise before discarding the train of thought as largely pointless at this ungodly hour of the morning. Instead, he trotted over to the rear doors of the van and, having long ago discarded all pretense of being a semi-normal dog, gripped the handle in his teeth and opened the door to the outside world.
“Mystery, wait—” The warning came too late however, and a sudden gust of wind wrenched the door out of his grip, tumbling him headfirst into a snowdrift as he lost his balance. The kitsune struggled for a moment to right himself, only to find he was buried almost up to his haunches in the snow. It would quickly be approaching Vivi’s knees, a height that Mystery was quite familiar with, having spent most of the human’s lifespan at the same level. The cold didn’t bother him much, with his thick fur coat providing protection from the freezing temperatures, but the prospect of having to hop through the snow was simply embarrassing. He had been just about to shift to his natural state when a large hand grasped him by his scruff and hoisted him back into the van, pulling the door shut behind him. Back on solid ground, Mystery quickly shook the loose snow from his pelt. He could see Arthur shivering in the corner, the icy blast of air he’d unintentionally let inside severe enough to even wake Vivi from her slumber. The girl mumbled sleepily and rubbed at her eyes.
“Good morning,” the kitsune deadpanned. Vivi glared at him, though the expression lost some of its heat by the way she was squinting as her eyes adjusted to daylight.
“Arthur and I were just talking about the situation outside,” Lewis said.
“The situation?” Vivi mumbled, putting forth a valiant effort to stay awake.
“The snow hasn’t let up at all,” the ghost said, “In fact, the van’s almost buried up to its wheel wells.”
“According to the radar, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be stopping anytime soon either,” the mechanic explained, gesturing to his laptop screen as he turned it to face the others. There was a large patch of icy blue stationary in the middle of the screen.
“Unless the satellite image froze again…I think the weather is starting to mess with the van’s internet connection,” Arthur muttered.
“So we’re snowed in?” Mystery surmised. Lewis and Arthur shared a look before nodding their heads.
“We were discussing possible solutions before you guys got up. With the snow so deep, the van won’t budge.”
“I could make the van ‘go ghost’ to see if we can get past the snow that way, but, well…” Lewis spared a glance to the mechanic who’d paled at the reminder of the monstrous purple semi-truck.
“It’s not the best idea,” the ghost concluded, “And the nearest town is still miles away, too far to walk,”
“Why don’t we just stay here?” Vivi suggested, already settling back into the blankets on the floor.
“We can’t stay here forever,” Arthur frowned.
“Not for forever, just until we figure out a solution we can all agree on or until we become unstuck. We’ve got plenty of supplies,” Vivi yawned. Mystery thought it must be exhausting being so optimistic and loved the young woman all the more for it.
“I’m not sure hot cocoa counts as ‘supplies’,” Arthur said, “but we do have enough food for at least a couple more days.”
“What about your ghost hunt though? You were so excited to go,” Lewis said.
“I’m excited to spend time with you dorks,” Vivi snorted, “Besides, yesterday was fun. We can teach you how to make a snowman now that you’ve mastered snow angels.” The specter huffed a fond-sounding laugh.
“I suppose that settles it then,” he said, Arthur nodding in agreement. The three turned to look at Mystery for his acquiescence.
“I have missed the snow,” the dog conceded.
“Good,” Vivi mumbled sleepily, her eyes already drifting shut again, “We’ll try to head out later today if the snow melts some. Otherwise, we stay until tomorrow. Just think of it…as a…snow day…” And the blue-haired girl was asleep once more, snoring away as if she’d never been disturbed.
“I better let my parents know about the delay. As if my dad wasn’t already worried enough …” Lewis sighed, shaking his head, “Would it be okay if I borrowed your laptop again, Arthur?”
“Sure, for as much good as it will do you with this crappy internet connection,” the mechanic shrugged, “The radar image either keeps freezing up or there’s a particularly stubborn snow cloud that’s decided to park itself right over top of us. I’ll check to see if I can get a better signal after another cup of coffee.” Lewis narrowed his eyes at his friend.
“What? The instant stuff isn’t that bad,” Arthur joked weakly.
“Yes it is,” Lewis replied, “And it’s not so much the quality of it that I’m worried about but rather the quantity of how much you drink.”
“Oh, come on! This will just be my—”
“Fourth cup,” Lewis interrupted, giving the mechanic a withering look, “I’ve been counting.” Arthur squawked in indignation, and Mystery barked out a brief laugh before turning back to the rear doors, leaving the two young men to squabble over what an acceptable caffeine intake should be for the jittery mechanic.
“Uh, Mystery? Looking to do a repeat performance from earlier?” Lewis said.
“I have to go outside,” the kitsune replied.
“W-Why, is there some-something out there?” Arthur asked in alarm.
“No, I just have to…” Mystery put his ears back in embarrassment, “Go.” There was a moment of silence in the van before the ghost and the mechanic broke into a fit of laughter. Vivi mumbled in her sleep and turned to her other side.
“Oh man,” Arthur said, wiping at his eyes, “Sometimes I forget you’re still kind of a dog.”
“Here, let me get the door for you,” Lewis offered. The kitsune grumbled in annoyance at the two young men’s antics. It appeared they weren’t just children in Mystery’s eyes after all. With Lewis propping the door open, the dog leapt from the van gracefully, landing in the snow in his kitsune-form so as to not get stuck again, his six tails lashing about in the wind. To his dismay, he saw that the indentation from where he’d landed minutes earlier had already begun to fill in, quickly losing its definition as the snow continued to pile on the ground. He would be very surprised if the Mystery Skulls managed to leave their temporary resting spot today.
“Just let us know when you’re ready to come inside, okay?” Lewis said. Mystery gave him a curt nod before trotting away through the snow to find some privacy, hearing the door of the van click shut behind him as he made for the tree line in the distance.
The kitsune truly had missed the snow, and it had been decades since he’d had a proper winter that reminded him of home. He admired the way his breath fogged around his snout in short bursts, thinking of centuries worth of winters spent in Japan. He wondered if he was growing old and senile, reminiscing the way he was, or if it was just his softer side showing. Oh, how the other yōkai would laugh if they could see you now, Mystery mused, passing between barren trees with snow-laden branches. A lot had changed since he’d first met Vivi’s ancestor and been subsequently defeated by her. He was no longer the feared and respected fox spirit he once was. But it was a change for the better, if for the company alone, the three young humans he’d come to think of as his pups. Mystery knew he would go to great lengths to protect them, having failed to do so before. The world was a dangerous place, something Mystery, as one of the dangerous things in it, was well aware of. He had thought that by playing the role of the unassuming mascot he’d been protecting them, but it had nearly cost him everything. The kitsune had chosen to keep silent when he knew they were walking into danger. He thought he’d had everything under control, that if it became absolutely necessary to intervene, he would be fast enough.
He was wrong.
Mystery had wondered if the cave would be the end of his little pack. By some miracle, fate had brought them back together though and allowed for reconciliation, which was more than he could have hoped for. Now, he would give his six tails just to keep his pups safe. As far away as he was, the kitsune could still sense them clearly, would be able to sniff out their souls from miles away if he had to. The burning, electric purple scent of Lewis, so different now from his once muted yet strong mulberry color. The familiar blue that was comfort, love, home, Vivi, the ephemeral sparks of her magic potential flickering through the blue like frost on a window pane. Arthur’s sunshiny yellow pulsing like a beacon. Even as the mechanic had healed in body and mind after being possessed, the damage done would leave Arthur vulnerable for the rest of his life, unaware that his soul was broadcasting an enticing signal to the supernatural.
Mystery thought back to the day before uneasily. Arthur had been so sure he’d seen…something in the road. Mystery had checked then to see if there was anything out there that could pose a threat to his pups and had come up empty, but perhaps the jumpy mechanic’s worried nature was beginning to rub off on him. Over-confidence had cost him dearly in the past, and it was a lesson the kitsune had taken to heart. Mystery pushed the boundaries of his senses to their limits, concentrating hard until he was confident he had encompassed a wide enough radius around their present location for his extrasensory search. Like last time though, he came up empty. There was the purple, yellow, and blue, his own strong red scent, but not another living thing for miles, and no supernatural entity he could detect waiting in the shadows. Besides the colors he was so familiar with, everything was as tasteless, scentless, and colorless as the snow Mystery waded through. Satisfied with his thorough search, the kitsune shook himself free of his troubled thoughts along with the fine layer of snow that had gathered on his pelt. He took care of his business before heading back towards the van and the blended colors of the souls he loved so well. They’re safe this time, he told himself, even as the feeling of being watched prickled at his skin and caused the fur along his back to stand on end.
As Mystery had predicted, the Mystery Skulls were not to depart that day, everyone preparing to spend another night on the floor of the van instead. The snow continued to fall, adding further inches to the foot or so already on the ground. The wind had picked up as well, now violently swirling outside. As the snowstorm increased in intensity, so too did Mystery’s feelings of unease. He couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched despite knowing that they were the only ones out here. The dog eyed the door to the van warily, and though nothing had passed beyond the rear windows except for more falling snow, Mystery still couldn’t force himself to relax. Had he any less self-control, he might have even let out a whine.
An unexpected, hesitant touch to the back of his head startled the dog badly, causing him to leap to his feet. The hand quickly withdrew as Mystery whipped around to look at the source of the touch, only to see Arthur staring back, eyes wide with panic. The kitsune couldn’t fault the young man for being afraid of him, particularly when Mystery had been the source of the mechanic’s impromptu amputation, but it still hurt whenever Arthur jumped at his presence or eyed him warily. This had all been so much easier before he’d come clean about the truth of his existence, when he could just ignore what he’d done, what he was. The kitsune wondered if he had kept his secrets to protect himself from their fear and rejection as much as he’d done so to protect the Mystery Skulls themselves. Arthur still raised his hand though and, extending it slowly, bridged the gap between them. The mechanic patted his head and Mystery did his best to ignore the tremors he felt running through the young man’s hand as he leaned into the touch.
“Y-You okay, pal?” Arthur asked in a quiet voice, “You seem kind of tense.”
“Just eager to get going again,” the fox spirit reassured as the mechanic continued to pet him, “Tired of being cooped up in the back of the van for so long.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but Mystery didn’t want to reveal the true cause of his unease, certain it would further unnerve Arthur. Vivi and Lewis were in the opposite corner of the van, chatting amicably as Vivi composed an email to send off to her parents while they visited her Granny Yukino in Japan. The ghost and the girl were blissfully ignorant of the troubled conversation he and Arthur were having. Vivi’s enthusiasm for their so-called “snow day” had yet to wane, and Lewis was more than happy to just go along for the ride. Mystery would prefer to keep it that way rather than worrying his pups any more than he already had. Arthur continued to stroke his fur as Vivi concluded her email and got up to pass the laptop back to the mechanic. He paused to give a final scratch behind Mystery’s ears, just the way the dog liked, before receiving his laptop with both hands. Mystery would have loved for the petting to continue, childish comfort as it may have been, it had helped settle him significantly. There was no one out there, no danger to his family. Just the wicked winds of winter howling outside. Accepting that, he contented himself to just lay down and listen as his humans talked.
“Any word on how your Granny is doing?” Arthur asked.
“She’s still recovering from her fall, but she’s tough as nails,” Vivi replied proudly, “Mom and dad are just there to make sure she doesn’t overdo it on her own. She has a hard time just taking it easy.”
“Still, I’m sorry about the timing, it’s not fun being on your own for the holidays.”
“It’s alright, I’ve got you guys to keep me company!” Vivi said, unwaveringly cheerful, “Besides, me and Mystery are this close to cracking the secret to my mom’s fried chicken recipe. It has to be in the dredging. I think we’ll have it perfected just in time for dinner on Christmas Eve! It won’t be so different from any other year that way, I just won’t have to fight my dad for the last drumstick.”
“I’m looking forwards to being able to cook Christmas dinner for my family again,” Lewis said, “It’s one of the few days the restaurant is closed, so it’s nice to see mom and dad relax and put their feet up for once. Plus, I make a mean lasagna.”
“Heh, I think Uncle Lance gave up on cooking for Christmas after that year he tried to do one of those beer can turkey recipes. Hell, the fire chief might’ve expressly forbidden it. I think we’re doing Chinese takeout again this year.”
“At least orange chicken is something normal to eat…” Vivi teased.
“Hey, don’t bring Surf’s Up Pizza into this!”
“It’s so nice to be able to see the restaurant decorated with poinsettias again,” Lewis said distractedly. He had a wistful expression on his skull, seemingly unaware that he’d even spoken aloud until he noticed Vivi and Arthur staring at him intently, their playful argument abandoned.
“Mom always decorates the restaurant with poinsettias around Christmas. I…I never thought I’d get to see it like that again,” Lewis confessed. Vivi smiled at the ghost warmly, giving his arm a little squeeze before she turned her attention to their other friend.
“What about you, Artie? Lance do much decorating at home?” She asked.
“I don’t think Uncle Lance is real big on Christmas. The only Christmas movie he’ll even watch is Die Hard. I think he only decorates ‘cause he knows I like it,” Arthur began, “Growing up with my dad though…we were on the road pretty often and spent a lot of nights in the car, even on Christmas. Not a whole lot of room for a tree in there, but he’d always make sure to get one of those little tree-shaped air fresheners to hang from the rearview mirror. We’d set our presents up on the dashboard under it.”
“You don’t talk about him a whole lot,” Lewis said.
“Y-Yeah, I try not to think about it too much,” Arthur replied, making an attempt at a casual shrug, “But…ever since it started snowing, it’s been hard not to think about it. I haven’t seen snow since I came to live with Uncle Lance, so I guess it’s just bringing up old memories.” The mechanic rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, seemingly caught off-guard by his own admission. Mystery nosed tentatively at Arthur’s hand and was rewarded with a few more pats to the head and a small smile from the young man. Over the tops of his glasses, the kitsune could see Vivi and Lewis exchange concerned glances.
“Well, I don’t have Die Hard with me, but how about a movie?” Vivi suggested, eager to offer a distraction to try and lift their spirits. Without waiting for a response, she pulled the bag she’d packed for the trip into her lap, digging through it fervently.
“Duet’s not real big on commercial, non-secular holidays. So far, The Tome Tomb has remained unspoiled by those tacky Christmas stations you hear in most stores this time of year. I’m actually not sick of Christmas yet,” Vivi said as she rummaged, “Aha! Here it is, the best Christmas movie of all time!” She displayed the DVD case to the others with a flourish. Mystery perked up as he saw the familiar title.
“A Nightmare Before Christmas?” Arthur said, his smile now returning in earnest, “That would be your favorite.”
“I watch it every year with Mystery! Things have been so hectic lately, I haven’t had a chance yet though. What do you guys think?”
“So long as I don’t have to listen to ‘Feliz Navidad’ for the rest of our road trip, I’m happy,” Lewis replied.
“We should still have enough charge left for a movie,” Arthur said, handing his laptop back to Vivi. It was all the encouragement she needed, and with a whoop of excitement, the young woman quickly popped open the CD drive and inserted the disc. They all crowded in front of the small screen, glum mood from moments earlier all but forgotten. Vivi wasted no time in piling the blankets on top of her friends, making sure they were all sufficiently cozy before finally pressing play. Mystery curled up on Vivi’s lap as the movie began, his chin resting on Arthur’s knee as the mechanic resumed stroking his fur. The four of them chattered happily about plans for the holidays and the upcoming year, joking and laughing as the DVD played. Eventually they lapsed into a comfortable silence and began to doze before the movie even finished. As usual, Vivi was the first to nod off, though she was quickly followed by Arthur to Mystery’s surprise. Lewis, seeing them fast asleep, bade the kitsune a quiet good night as the black coffin he rested in materialized in the back of the van, disappearing just as quickly once its occupant was inside. With all of his pups resting for the night, Mystery surveyed the warm scene he’d found himself a part of. Arthur finally looked relaxed, a bit of drool dotting the corner of his mouth, and Vivi had cocooned herself entirely in blankets, except for an arm that had been flung around the mechanic’s waist in her sleep. Mystery chuckled fondly before he spared a final glance out the window, still seeing nothing but snowflakes flicker past the glass. Just as the credits began to roll, he finally curled up in the blankets at Vivi’s side and joined the others in sleep.
Outside, something colorless as snow stood poised to strike.
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dustedandsocial · 6 years
Music 2018 April: There’s too much music and it isn’t helping anyone. Please stop all music.
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Rock, punk, post-punk, psych, etc. Also folk I guess?
Full-Lengths Bart De Paepe - Pagus Wasiae LP (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) Blank Realm - Last Seen LP (Hobbies Galore) Blind Mans Band - Blind Mans Band CS [Orig. 2016] (Insula Jazz) Bridge of Flowers - Bridge of Flowers CS (Sloow Tapes) Bodies On Everest - A National Day Of Mourning CD (Third-I-Rex) Chris Cogburn, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, Bob Hoffnar, Henry Kaiser - En Las Montañas de Excesos LP (Self Sabotage) Christian Kann - Tang® Under the Bridge... CS (Metaphysical Circuits) Chocolat Billy - Délicat déni LP (Kythibong / Les Potagers Natures) Convivial Cannibal Clan - Autosarcophagy CS (Ignorant Ear Tapes) COXNOX - COXNOX CD (Econore) Death by Delirium - Pushing up the Daisies CS (Wilhelm show me the Major Label) The Doozer ‎- Figurines LP (Feeding Tube) DLVRNC - DLVRNC (Self-Released) Faux Départ ‎- Au Pied Du Mur LP (Colilla / Doomtown) Flesh Narc - Songs of Reality CS (NULLZØNE) Great Saunites - Brown CD (Il Verso Del Cinghiale / Hypershape / Toten Schwan) Gnaw Their Tongues - Genocidal Majesty LP (Consouling Sounds) Headroom / Dire Wolves - Split CS (Pome Pome Tones) Holiday Inn - Torbido LP (Maple Death) Hospice - Hospice CS (Scavenger of Death) Itchy Bugger - Done One LP (Low Company) Jacob Yates - The Hare. The Moon. The Drone. LP (Optimo Music) Jesus Is My Son - Tout a une fin (même l'amour) CD (Cheap Satanism) King Dick - KDIII LP (King Dick) KTB - KTB II LP (Feeding Tube) Lewsberg - Lewsberg LP (Self-Released) Leverton Fox - I Am Zebra LP (Not Applicable) Litku Klemetti - Taika Tapahtuu LP (Luova) Locean - Object / Disco CS (Box) Maailmanloppu - Tuhon Koodi LP (Svart) Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog - Yru Still Here CD (Yellowbird / Enja) Lonker See - One Eye Sees Red CD (Instant Classic) Makoto Kawabata • Richard Pinhas • Yoshida Tatsuya - Trax LP (Bam Balam) Mark Wynn - Damp Towels Stink Drama (Desert Mine) MÄSÄ - Viimesen päälle LP (Luova) Mr Sterile - Haters, Wreckers and other Friends CD (skirted) Ramble Tamble - Outlaw Overtones CS (Eiderdown) The Shna - Fairytape CS (Kitchen Leg) Sonic Death - Punks Against Mafia Vol. 1 (DTH Studios) Spost - Monkey Face LP (Self-Released) Stratocastors - Living Under The Johnny Vacances LP (Et Mon Cul C’est Du Tofu) Thee Agnes Muller - Le Bad CS (Degelite) The Submissives - Pining for a Boy CS (Egg Paper) Tommy Jay & The General - Florida Songs LP (Feeding Tube) Total Leatherette - For The Climax Of The Night LP (Mïlk) The Trendees - NIGHTMARE CITY (Self-Released) Vanta - Vanta II CS (Self-Released) Weasel Walter - Skhiizm CD (ugEXPLODE) Weeping Bong Band - Weeping Bong Band LP (Feeding Tube) Wombo - Staring At Trees CS (Sophomore Lounge) Yes Deer - Gloss LP (Abstract Tits) Ylayali - Pumpkin Patch CS / Picked Apart (Self-Released) Zëro - Ain't That Mayhem 2xLP (Ici d'Ailleurs)
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Singles, EPs, Demos Basic Human - Cassette CS (Meatspin) Bodybags - Demo 2018 (Self-Released) Can Can Heads - Duo Exchange in 4´42 Minutes EP (Self-Released) Cerkkyu - Demo CS (MYDY / Overflöd / Pissed Off!) Crude - Drug Culture 12" (Farewell) Dauðyflin - Dauþiflin 7" EP (Iron Lung) Dick Whyte & Finn Johansson - What Kind Of Bird Am I 7" (Ilk Ither) Ecstasy - Ecstasy 7" EP (Digital Regress) Fatamorgana - Fatamorgana CS (Self-Released) Floating Skull - FROSTED MINOTAUR / SECULAR BUTCHER CS (Self-Released) Gen Pop - II 7" EP (Feel It) Hetze - Bedbugs (Self-Released) Jesus Is My Son - Désolé 7" (Lexi Disques) Kovaa Rasvaa - Pahan vaimon käsikirja 12" (Svart) Laurence Wasser - The Garden CS (Kitchen Leg) Life Fucker - Z - 12" (Static Age) Merlin Nova - Protect Your Flame EP (Blank Editions) Nandas - EP II (Toxic State) No Future - Demo CS (Televised Suicide) NoNoNo - Cutting Edge CD (Self-Released) Photogenic - Demo CS (Self-Released) Physique - Punk Life Is Shit 12" (Iron Lung) Primer Regimen - Ultimo Testamento 12" (Byllepest Distro) Punctï - Quartz Hour Shining Sphere (Self-Released) Pvnisher - Pvnishment Demonstration CS (Razored Raw) Rapid Tan - Golden Wonder EP (Self-Released) Sara Fuego - soundcloud demos Scarlatine - Tine EP (Self-released) Slab City - Regina Delle Streghe CS (Always Restrictions) Slant - Demo 2018 CS (Headcount / Pissed Off!) Skitklass - Kaos Och Förstörelse 4-låtars 7" EP (Hardcore Survives) Stagger - Thermobaeric Blues CS (Self-Released) Street Gurgler - Live on WRUW CS (Adamant Blasts / Pete Smokes Weed Tapes) Terebentina - O outro (Self-Released) XUX - XUX CS (Hobbies Galore) [pictured] WAMEKI - 72 Hours EP (Self-Released)
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 Experimental, Avant-Garde, Free Jazz, etc
6majik9 - Ritual Zero / Monk Nun 2xCDr (chemical imbalance.) Ad`Absurdum & Strøm - Infest LP (Acoustic Desaster / Tonzonen) Adam Cadell - Bush Songs CS (Soft Abuse) Adderall Canyonly - The Limits of All Known Ice CS (Lighten Up Sounds) Aeolipile - Observational error CD (Foolproof Projects) AMK & WM Zarate - Embedded CS (Regional Bears) Amuleto - Misztériumok LP (Three꞉four) Aqueduct Ensemble - Improvisations on an Apricot LP (Last Resort) AmErIkAn TeEnAgEr - Bandcamp CS (Barreuh) Awkward Geisha & GX Jupitter-Larsen - Final Destination CS (Lurker Bias) Baldruin - Vergessene Träume LP (Ikuisuus) Bianca Scout -  __dislex-ia (Beatrice & Annie) Bella e Cadu Tenório - Vazios CS (QTV) Body Morph - The Three Mothers CS (Moon Myst Music) Brianna Kelly / Sympathy Pain - Split CS (Whited Sepulchre) Carlo Giustini - Sant'angelo CS (Purlieu Recordings) Chaos Echœs with Mats Gustafsson - Sustain LP (Utech) Chesterfield - Consuelo CD (Mikroton) Chow Mwng - Ah Alpine ! CDr (Self-Released) Church Shuttle - Natural Disaster 7'' (Soft Abuse) Columbus Duo - À Temps CD (Dead Sailor Muzic) Crazy Doberman - "Get Lost Pens Of Baldwin" Particle I & II CS (Fag Tapes) Dane Rousay - IMP-ENV 10'' (Colour8) Dead Voices on Air - Mirror Carrier CS (Format Noise) Dirk Wachtelaer, Jürgen De Blonde, Alec Ilyine, Gert De Meester - Tales From The Hellhole (Self-Released) Disposición Asoleada - Sigses Saturninos 7'' (Lexi Disques) Dwarfs of East Agouza - Rats Don’t Eat Synthesizers LP (Akuphone) Èlg - Vu Du Dôme LP (Editions Gravats) eRikm & Percussions de Strasbourg - Drum-Machines 2xLP (Percussions de Strasbourg) Fuck My WInter - Hic svnt leones CS (Jeunesse Cosmique) Jérôme Noetinger & Sec_ - La Cave Des Étendards CD (Mikroton) John Godbert - The Sealed Container CDr (Chocolate Monk) Kurt Liedwart & Petr Vrba - Punkt CD (Mikroton) kutin | kindlinger - Decomposition IV (Variations on Bulletproof Glass) 2xLP (Ventil) Lärmschutz - Divine Descent CS (No Index) Lao Dan 老丹 - 思維扭曲的行動體 Functioning Anomie CS (WV Sorcerer Productions) Les Horribles Travailleurs & Mechanical Ape - Collaborative Soundworks CS (Noir Age) Li Jianhong 李劍鴻 - 1969 CS (WV Sorcerer Productions) Louise Landes Levi - IKIRU or The Wanderer LP (Oaken Palace) Lucrecia Dalt - Anticlines LP (RVNG Intl.) Maria da Rocha - Beet Root & Other Stories CD (Shhpuma) Martín Escalante and Charlie Mumma - Escalante / Mumma CS (Sploosh) Me Donner - ÉÀ&! (Self-Released) Mei Zhiyong 梅志勇 / Ryosuke Kiyasu - 高円寺 Kōenji CS (WV Sorcerer Productions) Michael Foster / Ben Bennett / Jacob Wick - Glove Issues CD (Palliative) Mike Dilloway - Hay Bale Paws CD (Chocolate Monk) Nat Birchall - Cosmic Language LP (Jazzman) Neutrals - 0318 CS (Alien Passengers) Nick Hoffman - Salamander CS (Notice) La banane de Hakim - Q EP (Self-Released) Q'uq'umatz - Tepeu CS (WV Sorcerer Productions) Paulie Shankwank / Zawinul Cropse - Split CS (Post-Materialization) Red Brut - Red Brut LP (KRAAK) Richmond Avant Improv Collective - Communion / Il Delirio E La Mortalità Di Amore 2xCD (Arachnidiscs) Rob Michalchuk - Where Did You Learn To Fly CS / Thirty CS (Poor Little Music) Saboteuse - X CS (Crow Versus Crow) Sensual Spasmo - Lichhouse Drip Feed CS (Moon Myst Music) Simon Cummings - 間 (ma) CS (Crónica) Sparkle in Grey - The Bones of Quietness CD (Grey Sparkle) The Spiders - Bit Offset 2xCS (chemical imbalance.) STARBIRTHED - The Dweller On the Threshold CS (Flower Room) Tasos Stamou - Musique con Crète LP (Discrepant) Tatras / Oostanaula - Split CS (Park 70) Thembi Soddell - Love Songs CD (Room40) Threes And Will / Deludium Skies - Kraaipan / From The Dirt Arose The Lesser King CD (Xtelyon) Tomaga - Music for Visual Disorders LP (meakusma) Torben Snekkestad, Agusti Fernandez, Barry Guy - Louisiana Variations CD (Fundacja Słuchaj) VA - 2018 Balkan Experimental Survey - Post Industrial Culture Series (Unexplained Sounds Group) VA - New Modernism (Unexplained Sounds Group) VA - Solidarity Is Our Weapon Against All Prisons (Anarchist Black Cross Benefit) 2xCS (Totes Format) Uton - Sax On, Sax Off CS (Eiderdown) Vanessa Amara - Manos LP (Posh Isolation) Wukir Suryadi - Atas Nama Bunyi /  In The Name Of Sound 2008 EP (Self-Released) Zohastre - Pan And The Master Pipers LP (S.K Records)
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Reissues, Archival
A New Personality - A New Personality 1981-84 (No Label) Cardiacs - The Seaside (Original Edition) [Orig. 1983, Remastered] (The Alphabet Business Concern) Dino J.A. Deane - For Leena 2xLP [Rec. 1991-1998] (Lullabies For Insomniacs) Expo 70 - Mother Universe Has Birthed Her Last Cosmos 2xCD [Rec. 2008-2010] (Zoharum) Goz Of Kermeur - Greatest Hits 2xLP [Rec. 1992-1996] (Jelodanti / Et Mon Cul C'est Du Tofu / Degelite) Heldon - Electronique Guerilla LP / Heldon II LP [Orig. 1974, 1975] (Bureau B) Nexda - Words & Numbers LP [Rec. 1982] (Emotional Rescue / Blowpipe / Mannnequin) Nocturnal Projections - Complete Studio Recordings LP / Inmates In Images LP [Rec. 1981-1983] (Dais) No Trend - You Deserve Your Life. LP [Rec. 1983] (Digital Regress, 2018) Norgez Bank - Samfunnets tjenera LP [Rec. 1980-1982] (Fucking North Pole) Onyx - Complete Works 1981-1983 LP (MIND Records) Peggy Lee & Dylan van der Schyff - These Are Our Shoes [Orig. 1998] (WhirrbooM!) Pellethead - The Best of a Bad Bunch LP [Rec. 1992-2017] (GNUinc) PRRRL JAM - Prrrl Jam 2xCS [Orig. 2014, Expanded] (Grog Pappy) Residents - The W⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎ B⁎⁎⁎ Album LP [Rec. 1971]͙͙ (New Ralph Too) Shatterbox - Strung Out On The Line LP [Orig. 1981] (Dig! Records) Sun Ra - God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be LP [Orig. 1979, Remastered] (Cosmic Myth) Tunnelrunners - Neath Abbey Road CD [Rec. 1980-1982] (Only Fit For The Bin) Unknown Artist - Early Sampling Puzzle, Potentially Recorded During The Late 1980′s LP (Delodio) Unovidual - Synthetic Solitude CS [Rec. 1983-1986] (Kontakt)
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AQXDM - Aegis 12'' (Bedouin) Astrid Sonne - Human Lines LP (Escho) Beat Detectives - Rhythms & Edits Volume 1 CS (Altered States) Blue Nude - Blue Nude CS (Puff Boys) burnet207 - forever CD (Jacktone) C_C - Brumas, Nieblas, Neblinas CS (Zamzam) Chloé - Recall Remixes 12'' (Lumière Noire) Curses - Pedal To The Metal And Don't Look Back 12'' (Bordello A Parigi) CVN - Kaisou CS (Altered States) Cyclist - Alabaster Thrones 12'' (100% Silk) Eomac - Reconnect LP (Eotrax) Garland - Preludes #1 LP (Lullabies For Insomniacs) House Of Kenzo - Bonfires Of Urbanity CS (Ascetic House) Hugo Jay - Tape Two LP (Coastal Haze) Hysteric - In The Moonlight 12'' (Violette Szabo) Jack Patterson - Snapping The Golden Thread CS (Archive) Kiwi - Mountains Of Dew 12'' (Disco Halal) Lauren Tosswill - My Home In The Year 12'' (Enmossed) Low Jack - Riddims du Lieu-dit LP (Editions Gravats) Mateis e. aqir - Geography of Nowhere 12'' (Jungle Gym) Mind Safari - The Dream Manipulator CS (Jacktone) Modified Man - Modifications꞉ Set 2 LP (Albert’s Favourites) Mrs Dink - The Norma Meetings EP (Run On Recordings) NN* - Cave Of The Birdbath King CS (Self-Released) Opal Beau - Open Window CS (Altered States) Overloper - Aposynthesis 12'' (Pater Noster) Piotr Połoz - Shameful Hatred CDr (Mik.Musik.!.) PSYCHOPOP - The Devil's Drums and the Angelic Electronics CS (HIT+RUN) Raquin - Ariclone CS (Janushoved) Ssaliva - WYIN 12'' (Collapsing Market) Somaticae - Planètes De Glace CS (ABRecords) VA - HU-MR96 3x12'' (MISTRESS Recordings) VA - Metallurgic 12'' (Metallurgic) VA - NOWHERE01 (Something Happening Somewhere) VA - One Instrument Volume 01 LP (One Instrument)
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erraticauthor · 8 years
Golden Girl, popato chisps, and The Insomniac
An explanation:  So the groupchat I’m in gets some pretty weird names, and I jokingly mentioned how we all sounded like third-rate superheroes, and thus this story was born.  I’m not a structured person, so who knows when I’ll get to writing chapter 2, though. 
Pale wisps of moonlight filtered through the blinds of the window in the back corner of the room, illuminating a floating cloud of dust that had recently been disturbed.  Pacing across the room and launching more debris into the air with their rapid movements, The Insomniac let out a breathy sigh.
Something was wrong.  They could feel it -- a bubbly sensation just below their skin, like an itch, making them jittery and afraid.  Mind racing, The Insomniac thought back to the events of the previous week, searching through memories of math homework, Academy lunches, and sleepless nights for any sort of clue to explain their current state.  But nothing stood out to them-- no big event or mental breakdown had occurred-- everything had gone as it always had, in a colorless blur of days heavy with schoolwork.  And yet something was very, very wrong.
Shaking their head in a weak attempt to clear their thoughts away, The Insomniac stepped aside from the window.  The tenseness of their shoulders told them that they needed a distraction.  Something that would at least lessen the growing anxiety tightening its grasp around their lungs.  Impulsively, The Insomniac grabbed their phone off of the night table that sat below the window, taking a moment to revel in the familiar weight of the object in their hands.  With the tap of a button the screen lit up, making The Insomniac squint at the sudden display of light.  Another unhappy sigh escaped their lips as the number 4:47 glared back at them.  Hour by hour, minute by minute The Insomniac had watched the agonizingly slow crawl of the numbers, sleepless through them all.  With only an hour left left before they were expected to be up and facing the sun, The Insomniac doubted they’d get any sleep at all tonight.  It was a common enough occurrence for them.
Shuffling to their bed, The Insomniac drew a blanket over themselves, and took a seat, red eyes floating carelessly about their room.  Silence clung to the air like honey, thick and cloyingly sweet as it seeped, slow and heavy into everything The Insomniac owned.  Stuffed animals seated atop mountains of books sat unmoving, soulless eyes staring back at the teen with their own type of deathly silence.  It was moments like these where The Insomniac felt as if they were frozen in time.  Moments where the lack of movement and sound, the lack of life around them weighed on their conscious, bringing them to what felt like the edge of insanity, or perhaps the edge of loneliness, as they found themself questioning whether they too were truly lifeless.
Another click of the button. 4:54 now.  A melancholic smile made its way onto The Insomniac’s face.  It had felt like hours since they’d last checked the clock, and yet only seven minutes had passed.  Depression had a funny way of working like that-- like having your head trapped underwater, all noises blocked out by the crashing of waves against your skull, as water sloshes into your ears, drowning your brain and suspending all thoughts.  And all the while your lungs struggle to find air where there is only water, and the darkness is creeping into your vision, ready to take you back to the beginning of it all until finally you just -- shut down.  Gone to the world, and unaware of anything around you.  A living doll, with the same lifeless eyes as the rest of them.
The Insomniac just wanted to sleep now.  Something unknown was still wrong, and now thoughts born under the icy darkness of the night came flooding over them.  Sleep was a better option than tears, but it was far less likely.  The Insomniac was tired-- they always were, but it was the type of tired where one’s limbs feel heavy enough to drag them down, the mind whispering candy sweet please to just give up and lay down, to forget everything-- the past, the present, the future.  It was not the type of tired that would allow their head to hit the pillow and dream of sugar plum fairies.  It was not the type of tired that could be cured by under an hour of sleep.  They were tired.
Time, however, cared nothing for their problems, and with each passing second brought another day at the Academy closer.  The Academy.  A building of weathered bricks with hallways long enough to get lost in, a place where your mind might wander and never return, where the stone itself seemed to sap away all will and brightness of spirit.  Just thinking about it sent waves of fresh anxiety rolling within The Insomniac, pounding across their ribcage.  The flyers sang praises of the Academy, elevating it in the minds of the people until it was holy in appearance-- the best place to send children to learn societal customs and skill to save and to harm.  It was a place where freedom went to die.  Even jails, with their barred windows and leaky ceilings infected with mold were more hospitable.  Jails don’t hold the same influence that the Academy does-- a slippery vine that sprouts within the mind, growing with passing year as it twists and curls around bone and organ until you’re no longer the one in control.
It is a parasite.
The Insomniac’s lips tighten into a thin line, a coffee like taste prominent in their mouth.  The analogy wasn’t fair, their own bitter pride supplying easier to digest words to their brain that what was ultimately the truth.
They didn’t belong at the Academy and so therefore it must be a hellish landscape where everyone suffers.  It was a childish way of thinking, but it soothed The Insomniac more than they cared to admit.  Golden Girl and popato chisps, The Insomniac’s two closest friends, fit into the Academy like birds fit into spring-- thriving and smiling the whole way.  Jealousy was not a new emotion to The Insomniac, they craved the level of intelligence that popato chisps held, and the art of conversation that Golden Girl was so gifted at, but it was a difficult emotion to suppress.  There was always something The Insomniac desired for themself, always full of want, want, want.  They want to be warm, a person whose skin wasn’t cool to the touch.  They wanted to be able to smile, for once to be free of terror and truly comfortable.  They wanted to fit in as seamlessly as GG and pc.
There were things The Insomniac was-- cold, analytical, disconnected-- but there were far more that they weren’t.  Brilliant and kind hearted were qualities they could never find within themself, yet radiated off of Golden Girl and popato chisps.  Where the two were soft, The Insomniac was hard, a collection of mismatches lines poorly threaded together, the seams threatening to tear open.  Where the two were close, The Insomniac was distant, a third wheel stuck orbiting around a friendship as stunning as a night star, leeching off of borrowed warmth from something they were not a part of.  Perhaps the real parasite was The Insomniac themself.
But what else was to be expected of them?  Born to a man of supervillain blood, evil was quite literally inside The Insomniac’s veins, multiplying with every breath they took.  Graduation was slowly tip-toeing in on them all and they were expected to declare a side-- be a hero, or a villain.  It was designed to be a matter-of-fact choice, whatever your parents before you were, you too would be.  If you chose differently you were cast aside, thrown to the sharks, an outsider to your own friends and family.  Graduation was simply the illusion of choice.  Different was always ridiculed, always beaten away with harsh words or physical strikes.
Different was why The Insomniac’s father hated them.
The blanket around The Insomniac shifted and dropped from their shoulders as they raised a hand to their face, letting their fingers run along the more delicate bones.  Their face was short but thin, holding a pixie-like charm.  Their eyes were a stormy gray, holding a slight bluish tint that highlighted the sunken black and purple bags that were now a permanent fixture on their face, making their skin look sallow and caved in.  Their hair was neither masculine nor feminine, the sides shaved in an undercut with the top slightly longer and curling in all directions, untamable.  But what was most striking was the whiteness of their dyed hair, which drowned out all of their color, making The Insomniac look like the specter they felt they were.
The Insomniac was genderless, and it showed in their appearance.  Baggy clothes and worn down tennis sneakers that displayed no curves or heavy muscles, and a voice like red wine, both sweet and deep, yet dry with their years of piled up exhaustion.
Their father was not a fan of this, to say the least.  He never raised a hand to them, but rather raised his voice.  Quick, stabbing shouts and digs at The Insomniac’s appearance, their sexuality, their very existence.  Words stocked full of bigotry and ideas that should’ve been buried in the past, but somehow still survived like cockroaches.  He was a man of metallic rage and repulsion.  He was what The Insomniac was supposed to grow up to act like-- a mirror of the future.  He was everything they hated.
Red eyes began to burn once again, but The Insomniac knew that no tears would come.  They hadn’t cried in years, their emotions kept under too tight a lock and key.  Tears were a weakness they had learned to hide to avoid another onslaught of insults hurled their way.
The pain, however, lingered, making The Insomniac sick to their stomach as they curled into a ball, hiding beneath the blanket as if it could shield them from the barrage of intrusive thoughts.  Phone still in hand, they contemplated sending a text to the groupchat with GG and pc-- a cry for help, something to keep their own thoughts at bay, even for a couple of moments.  Logically it was simple enough, just open the chat and sent the word “help.”  They’d understand what that meant, they would save The Insomniac.  Nothing would ever change if The Insomniac stayed silent.  But silence was a habit they hadn’t broken, and deep down they knew tonight would not be the night that they did.  To ask for help would be an admission of weakness, and The Insomniac had not built all their walls to remain the powerless doe-eyed child they were in all the aging photographs that lined the halls of their house.  The only person they could continually rely on was themself, and they did as they always had, and began building another wall to lock away to the pain, to be forgotten, or dealt with at another time.
Problems were endless, like ant infestations during summer-- you could fine one in the kitchen sink, another on the ceiling, or even one crawling along the hairs of your arm, making you panic as you try and swat it off, suddenly imaging dozens of phantom ants all over your skin.  But you can never find the source, if you block off one entrance, they’ll always find another.  The Insomniac decided it was best to ignore the ants on their skin for now, as they knew that they themself were the source of those problems.  They just hadn’t closed off the right pieces of themself yet.
Far more insidious were the problems out of sight.  Those were the ants that one would never catch glimpse of, but knew existed because the food in the pantry would be demolished, leaving only only a few sad crumbs that were deemed unworthy.  Lurking, they were the problems that could destroy everything.  And so The Insomniac had found that they’d come full circle.  Muscles still tight, they found that what they were hoping to be a distraction had turned into an emotional breakdown that only make them feel worse, drained and empty, like a husk.
But apathy was fine with them-- if they felt nothing, then nothing could truly hurt anymore.  Like a drug, it was the only thing The Insomniac was addicted to.  Staring blankly at the ceiling, body unmoving, it was the closest they ever got to real sleep, to not existing for at least a small amount of time.
A sharp buzzing came from the phone in The Insomniac’s hand, a default jingle shattering the silence of the room with mediocre music.  Surprised, The Insomniac jolted upright and clicked the alarm off. 6:10.  It was time to get up.
They paused for only a moment to collect all the pieces of themself that had broken off during the night, before they threw the blanket off themself.
The morning passed as it always had, with skipping breakfast, and shoving homework into their backpack last minute.  Another day at the Academy, and invisible to the eye, The Insomniac could still feel that something was very, very, wrong.
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