#id die immediately obviously but thats not important
embersofhope-if · 1 year
🤏this close to making a game about vampires and shit
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ganondoodle · 3 months
(more elden ring radahn thoughts)
on whats really left of him .. and his soul? general too many thoughts about him- long post and probably incoherent, but you know me, im never coherent anyway, many thoguhts, head full, quite literally
in base game, he has lost his mind we are told, and clearly he isnt like he used to be, but we really dont know the extend of it hes clearly capable of fighting rather .. controlled; its not like hes biting and clawing after you, he still uses his swords (and bow, sth he doesnt even have in dlc) and magic, we know even in this condition he held back the stars AND still fought you hard at the same time (i know undead people can still fight in elden ring, pls hear me out)
and i wonder .. how much of his mind did he really lose, obviously some since he eats people now which isnt sth he used to do, but ... we dont know how talkactive he used to be, we get one (two? i can only think of one) quotes from him in the descriptions of an item, he might have been a man of few words already, so him not talking at all isnt that good of a measure (not saying its the only measure, just wanted to mention), resorting to eating people that atack you might just be an act of desperation too
we get told he kills friend and foe alike (and im not questioning that really) but in his cutscene we see him drag along the bodies of cleanrot knights, who are under direct dommand of malenia, and by extend miquella, im guessing they kept sending them after him to finish him off; now knowing that him dying means being sent to the realm of shadow, to miquella, and NOT knowing if he wanted that, i feel that that detail has grown in importance-
when you start the fight, hes rather defensive, shooting at you almost immediately upon you entering the arena with no extra cutscene either, what he shoots at you a long ranged gravitation bolts that stop you dead in tracks with a very high stagger rate and if you are on torrent it stagger you off of it; i know it could be just tactical and bc all he knows now is to fight as best as he can BUT, you could also look at it as a defensive strategy, to keep you away, and away from him .. even though you are not told he is afraid to die and he eats people now, sure he could come over there and snack on you once he shot you enough times, but the important thing is that you as a threat to his life is eliminated AND he doesnt seem to have some sort of insatiable hunger for people that makes him charge and snap at you immediately, there could be self control there still (if i wanted to reach a little further i could also say he could be trying to keep you away from him not jsut to save himself but to save you from him too, but thats a reach and i know that)
once you get close enough he usually changes to fire a salve of arrows that fall from the sky and follows you around, also high in stagger- its only when you get too close that he pulls out his swords and charges at you
his arena is interestign as well, its a piece of land in caelid that is inaccessible (unless you can fly?) from all sides, a barren battlefield only reached through a teleporter, im not sure if it is the same place as when he fought malenia or not (wasnt that in the middle of caelid where you find the rot needle?) but i doubt anyone could have put him there against his will, so did he .. go there himself? or stay there for that matter- how quickly do you lose yourself when infected with rot? and how quickly for him, since hes a demigod? did he intentionally isolate himself there? make it harder to reach him for both friend and foe alike?
another point is that most enemies (as far as i can think of) that are infected with rot/are in caelid also deal rot damage, radahn does not, hes even really vunerable to it in fact, its an intersting detail to me bc he only uses either standard attacks or gravitational magic, given that hes been in this condition for a long time and its caelid id expect the rot to be somewhat important there, but its not
how much has he really lost his mind, is he really as mindless as jerren makes him out to be? is he trying to stay alive no matter what, isolating himself on an (almost) island and only living off what comes there, which is usually people that want to kill him, be it friend or foe, all are out for his life one way or another, could it be defensive ... desperate even? no one but him and miquella/malenia seem to know that him dying means hes put into the land of shadow, where miquella is waiting for him; (why wouldnt he tell anyone? was he not able to? was he afraid to upset the golden order by spilling it out?) could he know that would be the end of him having his own will, knowing what miquella can do to people? ... perhaps even .... having been manipulated by him before when he was less experienced and more in direct vicinity to him, to promise something he doesnt actually want?
this is a reach too but ... could he be trying to make himself unusable for miquella, theres no real cure for the rot, could he have decided to stay alive as long as he can to both destroy his own body (and soul even?) intentionally so it cant be used against his will, like a desperate act to destroy himself rather than become someones unwilling puppet? did he succeed in both somewhat but not enough to become fully worthless and unsalvageable? just how much would he have had to destroy himself for him to become useless to miquella, is there even a limit? would he have been "revived" no matter what, no matter what little was left of him?
how is he mindless, yet his soul it taken when you kill him, his body beyond repair, but his soul intact? that seems like the opposite of what he is, and you are told he is, in the base game to me (maybe hes just fallen into madness i guess, but given the soul is like .. the self, he should be mad in the dlc too then, unless miquella can just pick out the parts he likes and throw away the rest .... which isnt impossible either)
now, there could be the argument that he might have actually agreed to it, hes been a big fan of godfrey, who is a consort to marika, a god, and little more than her pawn as well, his 'young' look you see at the end of the dlc could also be connected to it, the braids i thought where a sign of miquellas influence could also be just how he looked back then, an imitation of godfreys hairstyle- and we dont know for sure he didnt used to have them even after gettign older since they could just have loosened after spending so much time in a zombie lite condition (or is it?)-- but his portrait in volcano manor doesnt seem to have them either, hes also sporting the armor you see in base game (i think) there the fact that, according to godfrey, strength is the only thing that matters and to become a consort you need to be the strongest of all to be worthy, could also be interpreted that way- though i dont if he would have wanted to replace the golden order, he was a fan and follower of it, did he even think of it the implications? did he even know? was he just young and stupid? (very possible tbh)
then theres the idea of there being less left of his soul, so in the dlc he is barely if anything at all, himself, both in body AND soul, how much was there even left after all that time in caelid, he is silent except for like two grunts he does also in base game (he has more sounds there too), completely unexpressive, with very few gravitation magic, in the second phase miquella literally snakes his arms around his neck, almost every single attack is filled with light magic, clearly coming from miquella and not him (i know bringing up leonard might seem overemphasizing his role, but in these games what information you get is very scarce so every bit you do learn is important and was written intentionally- but he stayed together with him in caelid, all his attacks involve him in one way or another, he only started to learn that magic for leonard, so radahn didnt have too abandon him as he got too large to ride him, he uses gravitation in dlc too, so it means that at the point of his life that he is recreated as he already had leonard or that that is a sign of whatever is left of his soul that comes from a much older him, and if it is, its very little) (also this is a reach too but most enemies with horses have separate health bars, he doesnt, he and leonard basically share the same health bar, literally inseperable uwu)
"theres no evidence hes mindcontrolled" people say to me. have you seen him? how he acts? or more, how he DOESNT act? that miquellas entire deal is THAT HE BEWITCHES PEOPLE, ffs he STEALS YOUR HEART if you get grabbed by him twice in the dlc fight- theres no evidence he wasnt either, you are told they had a vow, but you never know what exactly that was, when it was (in the memory of miquella wishing for radahn to be his consort you only see miquella- was it a silly wish between kids tha miquella never grew out of?), in what circumstances, you never get to hear radahn say anything about it, its completely left out, thats a little unrelieable to me! idk!
but fine, maybe he did agree to it, maybe he thought being a consort to a god would make him just as cool as godfrey, maybe he fought malenia, who was said to be undefeated, only to prove he had the strength worthy of being a consort and it backfired when malenia infected him with the rot (why then? also he doesnt look exactly thrilled about what she say to him in the trailer but that could be just me too i guess lolololol), maybe he wanted to die all along but his pride meant he couldnt just let the rot win, maybe the festival was really what he wished for and told no one what the real goal was, maybe he wasnt rotten in the first place and just acted that part so he had an excuse to die without having to fight with all his strength as even the undefeated warrior wasnt able to beat him, maybe becoming a consort to miquella was worth leaving leonard behind to him, maybe he wanted to be nothing but a pawn to a god, to be used and discarded, maybe he really believed in miquellas wish for a "gentle" world (aka all love miquella)
it makes sense, im not going to lie about that, but the other does too- and in the end, we will never know what the truth is! we will never know if that was what he wanted, or if he was manipulated even back then, i wish we could to see his part, his voice, his will, but we never will, and it doesnt matter, in the end it doesnt matter if he wanted it or not, the fact remains hes a silent frankensteins monster of miquella, expression- and personalityless, a voiceless pawn to a god that steals everyones hearts
i dont need to be "right", i like to think about things, i am in the camp of he didnt want to or decided against it, but it doesnt really matter, even if miyazaki himself went onto stage and loudly declared that yes it was all planned from the start and radahn was in on it the whole time- i still would think the other way around it, i jsut think about him alot, i want to question things instead of taking everythign i hear at face value, especially when its very strangely told from one side, i will question every little thing if i only hear one side, no matter how much sense it makes or not, it makes me suspicious
(i some of this can be attributed about purely gameplay stuff, like the change in armor so he doesnt look the same etc, but i dont care, i like to think about the implications it brings with it, intentionally or not)
and there he is in a barren battlefield, eating the remains of whoever enters his isolated cage with the intent to kill him, never succeeding, howling like a lonely old wolf at the sky, is it desperation about a fate he cannot escape, grief about what hes done or failed to do, is it a call of yearning? for freedom?
we dont know. and it doesnt matter.
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matoitech · 2 years
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Sexuality Headcanon: bisexy i love that this is a go to for him from ppl but again one of those things im not like THAT committed abt yk like bi or gay we win forever with autistic masc transfag swag guy
Gender Headcanon: hes a trans guy i respect other ppls various trans hcs for him but this is the facts 4 me. i feel like its just obvious lmao i think when u have a character that trans men all look at and r like yeah You thats pretty telling. also cis galo feels like a hate crime if i never had to see it again it would be too soon
A ship I have with said character: the movie romance literally what could top galolio! 
A BROTP I have with said character: hes buddies w lucia for sure i love their interactions if they made a promare like tv series galo and lucia shenanigans should be the B plot of the episodes that focus on other characters
A NOTP I have with said character: anything weird is the obv answer but stuff thats not ‘technically bad’ but i HATE is ppl shipping galo w remi it would be funny if it wasnt so insulting. also one time i saw heris/galo and i was like god damn not only do u have to say fuck lio u have to say fuck aina too.. help... WHO THINKS OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT
A random headcanon: i was talking abt this w a friend last night i think he fucking sucks at video games. like he has a console of some sort but hes just rly not great at gaming he doesnt rly have the right coordination for it and he gets bored too fast. he shows lio how to play some game of his and lio immediately picks it up and surpasses his skill level rly quickly and galos like god damn. my gamer boyfriend :)
General Opinion over said character: hes my favorite character of literally all time theres so much ive said abt him theres so much ive thought abt him there will never be another character like galo. hes so important to me him n lio both. i love him SO much. there’ll never be another autistic character like u galo u rly did it all 
Sexuality Headcanon: again bi or gay im not committed both r awesome i think he self describes as transfag tho
Gender Headcanon: trans man too but i also like switching it up w him im very solid abt galos specific flavor of transgender but i like all sorts w lio!! i write him dif depending on whatever i feel like doing that time around its just fun :) but whatever it is hes always trans, cis lio is not fucking real
A ship I have with said character: OBVIOUSLY GALOLIO ROMANCE OF THE CENTURY. i dont care abt anything else. amen
A BROTP I have with said character: HIS BUDDIES HIS BROS GUEIRA AND MEIS. also i think he would get along w lucia too
A NOTP I have with said character: the ppl who ship him w thyma r on another level like the ppl who literally think lio was in love w her. what a thing to witness. tho i do think in aus where they dated in the past and broke up when one or both realized they were gay/trans etc is smart and fun ^_^ i like in general when theres aus and thyma gets to be alive and stick around and hang out w them
A random headcanon: he gets a pet snake post promare and he also names this one detroit
General Opinion over said character: id fucking die for you lio. i love him so much i love tyhe promare guys so much theyre everything to me theyre important to me the depth of my feelings cannot be overstated. fave characters fave romance ive seen in media like ever fr
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wormywormz · 5 years
OK im gonna go a bit more in depth about characters/plot that i cant really put into drawingz. plz enjoy
(major spoilers for the first 3 professor layton games and pretty much everything in ace attorney. ill keep out of huge spoilers for the prequel pl games because i know you havent played those yet ghostie!)
to preface: ive never played plxaa and i dont know what happens in it but the idea of layton in a courtroom and phoenix solving puzzles really tickled me so i wanted to like do that but as a whole thing
i really dont know how to word this correctly but the plots for each games are essentially the same just told in different ways (as layton youd be solving the crimes in court instead of out on the street using puzzles and the same for phoenix but like the opposite) i briefly entertained the idea of layton having to solve a puzzle to get someones testimony but since its a complete swap it doesnt make sense for both layton and phoenix to be solving puzzles in different situations. still really good though
while the plots are the same theyre toned down a lot for layton (lost future isnt clive trying to destroy london because his parents died he like… killed the prime minister because his parents died) and more extreme for phoenix (i dont have an example really but the first game would probably be more about the von karmas/miles with professor layton type stakes. like a mech or something)
thats the basics for the stories i wont go into specific games because this would be very long and id only talk about lost future, the best game
laytons original motivations for becoming a defense attorney are spoilers for miracle masks entire plot so i wont go into it but claire was also a big motivator for that. her trial went down awfully and layton was already looking into law so that was probably what solidified that motivation. hes still the same character overall though, hes just a gentleman
luke is.. literally just the same character except he was an important witness in laytons first big trial & then went on to become his apprentice you know how it goes from there
i cant go into anything about descole so instead ill touch on floras character. the lawyer layton (working title) stories would be played out chronologically (spectres call to lost future) layton adopts her halfway through his career and she tags along to crime scenes a lot, much to laytons dismay
im gonna make a stark decision and say layton either gets disbarred or retires not long after lost future (he keeps adopting kids during his career and at some point he goes “hmmm maybe i should take care of them”) katrielle wants to follow in her fathers footsteps so she takes on an apollo-like role and becomes a defense attorney. yeah this means phoenix is the one who goes missing
phoenix is an arts professor! i lean more towards drawing instead of theatre but also it doesnt really matter. he never found out what happened to miles all those years ago so he didnt do any drastic career changes. hes very fond of puzzles but sometimes he would like people to give him information without having to solve a puzzle first
you guys remember andrew schrader? no? cool thats who mias swapped with. she stays alive and probably teaches something cool like criminology. i dont think she really tags along on adventures but shes a good friend to phoenix
maya is also essentially the same character. obviously since mia doesnt die im gonna say she lives with her but whenever phoenix finds himself wrapped in a new mystery shes immediately by his side
miles is interesting: his father was an avid puzzle solver, and he shared the same affinity for them as a child. hes also the reason phoenix is so fond of puzzles today. he still…. sort of enjoys puzzles as an adult. but its definitely something hes embarrassed about thanks to manfred drilling it into him his whole childhood that puzzles are dumb or whatever. you know how manfred is. 
he used to give phoenix hints for free as a kid but he REFUSES to give any hints as an adult, even when offered hint coins (all his unlocked hints would be some degree of “too difficult for you, wright?” or something. i dont know dialogue but hopefully you get the gist)
alright thats it. this is really long and i dont think ive touched on everything but this is probably a good place to end it. if youre still reading this thank you. i hope this post is actually readable
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lokismercedes · 6 years
A History Lesson and a Date
 A Loki x reader one-shot based on the Valentines Day prompts from loki-the-fox:
44: “Yeah nothing says ‘I love you’ more than bouquet that’ll die in two days              time.”
46: “My mom gave a rose because she felt sorry for me”
Author: Lokismercedes
Summary: After you and your husband split, your uncle Tony Stark moves you and your 16 year old twin daughters into the compound. A certain raven haired god takes a keen interest in you three and in turn you give him a history lesson about Valentine’s Day.
     You had gotten pregnant in high school when you were 16. Even though it was incredibly hard you still managed to finish school and graduate. Your uncle Tony was disappointed to say the least, but he always supported every decision you ever made. Telling him that you wanted to keep the baby (Even after you found out it was twins) was no different. Your mom had kicked you out when you told her, and immediately uncle Tony demanded you move in with him. When you were 20 you met your husband. After a whirlwind of a romance that lasted 6 months he proposed and you said yes, a month later you two were married in a small ceremony that only a few friends and family members attended. Now eleven years later, here you were, living with Uncle Tony again after being kicked out. He truly was a God send and the only family member that didn’t shun you for getting pregnant at sixteen. Today not only marked your humiliation after finding ‘the love of your life’ cheating on you with someone who was ten years younger than you but it also happened to be Valentine’s Day. Now you were never one to really care about this holiday, but you desperately longed for the simplicity your life used to be. You missed living in Tennessee so much, the way everyone in your small town always smiled and waved at each other, and always made small talk whether they knew you or not. That was your favorite part of living in the south: The Southern Hospitality! Living in New York was VASTLY different. 
     On top of moving to New York with the twins you had recently started going back to school to get your Registered Nursing License. While you were desperately trying to cram a study session in this morning you noticed the girls weren’t in their room, cursing you texted them asking where they were. They both told you they were with the Asguardians in the common room kitchen eating breakfast. You blew out a sigh of relief knowing they were already eating breakfast, and knowing that Happy - Uncle Tony’s assistant - was going to drive them to school so you could worry about studying for your nursing boards. You grabbed your books and notes and grabbed the girls backpacks (They conveniently forgot in your living room of the suit you lived in) and started reading over your notes walking to the elevator to meet up with the girls.
     Your boards were coming up in a couple of weeks and you knew the material easily enough, what was worrying you was the fact you also had to do a clinical exam on top of the written exam. You knew there was some things that you really needed to brush up on but the girls were way to wirey and wiggley to use them, you know you could always ask Uncle Tony or Aunt Pepper, but you feel like you have already imposed on them enough, and didn’t want to ask them unless absolutely necessary. As you stepped out of the elevator and into the kitchen of the common room you immediately heard Thors’ booming laugh, and the girls came running at you.
“Thank god we don’t have to run back upstairs to grab them.” Savanna sighed in relief.
“Is Happy here yet?” You ask them.
“Not yet, but we panicked when we couldn’t find our bags.” Dakota piped up. “Oh mom, there’s a bouquet of roses in the kitchen that has your name on the card.” She said as an afterthought. 
“WHAT?!” You nearly shouted. “Please tell me they are from you two?” You say.Both girls shook their heads
“Nope, looks like you might have a secret admirer.” Savanna smirked. 
“God I hope not.” You mumbled walking into the kitchen. “Morning Odinsonbros” You gave the gods in greeting.
“And what a glorious morning it is Lady Y/N.” Thor said pulling you into a hug a lung popping hug. Loki nodded in your direction and flashed you a dazzling smile.
“Girls, why didn’t you wake me up, instead of the boys?” You asked.
“Well, mom, we really didn’t want to bother you with today being Valentine’s Day and all.” Savanna spoke up. You rolled your eyes and gave them both a hug and a kiss.
“Beside, Lady Y/N, we were up anyway.” Thor smiled at  you. Loki grumbled something into his breakfast indicating Thor was lying, but trying to be polite.
“Guys, I’m fine, makes me feel like you like the boys more than me, you know today really doesn’t mean much to me, never has.” You responded.
“Mom, read the card, I wanna know who sent you flowers.” Savanna urged handing you the card.
“I really don’t.” You grumbled taking the card, worried they may have come from your Soon-to-be-ex-husband. The look of worry must have been on your face because Thor asked what was wrong.
“Nothing really, hoping to hell its not from my ex.” You shrugged.
“Well if they are, can we burn them?” Dakota asked hopeful
“ABSOLUTELY! That’s the best idea I’ve heard this morning!” You beamed at the girls, earning a chuckle from Loki. You placed your notes that you were studying down on the counter and sat next to Loki. You could see him trying to read the card over your shoulder and you smirked.
“Jealous?” You nudged him with your shoulder.
“Hm hardly, just merely curious as to who’s attention you hold” Loki waved his hand nonchalantly. 
“HE SPEAKS!” You winked at him, and you swore he blushed a little.You looked down at the card and read it:
Honey, I heard about what happened between you and H/N, and I’m terribly sorry. Here’s a little something to, hopefully, brighten your day a little. Call me when you’re free.
                                    -XOXO Mom 
You rolled your eyes, handed the card to Loki so he could read it, grabbed the roses and threw them in the trash can. All four of the people in the kitchen gave you a quizzical look. 
“Why did you throw them out? I think its an endearing gesture.” Loki asked
“Too little, too late” You told him. 
“Who are they from, mom?” One of the girls asked. 
“Nobody important.” You shrugged. Right then Happy walked in to take the girls to school. You noticed Thor give Loki’s shoulder a squeeze and he too made an excuse to leave. 
“Now why would you say your mother isn’t important?” Loki moved to take his plate to the sink, then casually leaned againsed the counter and folded his arms across his chest.
“Long story short, she kicked me out when I got pregnant at sixteen, then her and all of her side of the family disowned me.” You shrugged.
“Maybe shes trying to mend her relationship with you. Possibly for the sake of your daughters.” He pondered.
“Hm nice try Mischief, but my mom gave me a rose because she felt sorry for me, since the separation.” You tried to sound indifferent. “She really wasn’t a hands on mother to be honest, we have always had a rocky relationship.” You really wanted this conversation to end. This was actually a very touchy subject to you and you know Loki’s just trying to make you feel better. 
“Or, she really does love you, and is trying to finally reach out.” He walked over to you, and you noticed he was picking at his hands
“Riiight, Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a bouquet that will die in two days time.” You quipped back smirking.
“Always the optimistic I see. Stark did tell me a little bit about this midguardian holiday. Can’t say I’m a fan of lovesick couples groping each other in public, whispering childish sentiments, and spending ridiculous amounts of money on stuff thats obviously just going to get tossed in the bin at the end of the day.” He gestured towards where you threw the roses out. 
“Actually it only turned romantic around 1375, when the medieval English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote a poem called “Parliament of Foules.” where he linked the dreaded V-Day with Love. It used to be a pagan celebration called Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, it was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman God of Agriculture. Around A.D. 270 the christian church decided to place St. Valentine’s feast to Christianize the pagan belief.” You told him matter- of- factly. Loki stared at you in shock. “What? I like history and being catholic I specifically like the history of different saints.” You smirked at Loki’s absolutely stunned look. 
“What else do you know about this holiday?” He asked genuinely sitting back down motioning for you to join him. “Please enlighten me more about this tediously mundane holiday.” 
You sat next to him and faced him. “Um, well, lets see, nobody really knows who St. Valentine really was, there could actually be up words to 15 different people. The one that Roman Catholics seem to really focus on was a Roman Priest in the third century.” Loki was just staring at you while you talked occasionally smirking at the passion for which you spoke. “Technically in my opinion, were celebrating a temple priest that was arrested, beaten, sentenced to death, and eventually beheaded on the 14th of February.” 
“What exactly was his crime?” Loki wondered
“He was helping couples wed, you see, when emperor Claudius the second made marriage illegal because he wanted unwed men for his army.” You smiled at the look of disgust on Loki’s face.
“Barbaric!” He exclaimed
“It really is, he was only canonized in 1988, by pope John Paul the second.” You were becoming more and more aware of the way Loki was staring at you, almost like he could see into your soul. 
“Lady Y/N, I would love to hear more about this, lets say, over some dinner and maybe wine?” He asked almost shyly, picking at his hands again. You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
“Like a date? Loki are you asking me out?” You were sure you heard wrong.
“I suppose I am.” He looked up to finally meet your eyes, he had so much riding on you saying yes. It all clicked into place now, the constant figiting, Thor squeezing his shoulder earlier, he’s always been so good with the twins, that’s why the girls never woke you up this morning! He’s been planning this and they have been helping him! Your heart was racing. 
“Tell you what, Mischief, if you convince your brother to check in every now and then with the twins, maybe stay overnight with them, not only will I have dinner with you, but you can help me play nurse-” You started but was interrupted by your Uncle Tony walking in right at that moment and spitting his coffee out. Both you and Loki burst out laughing.
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alexanderpusheen · 5 years
when you are immediately starving art is obviously not your first concern but to dismiss art as less important to the poor than to those who can have all their needs met is so....fucking...elitist....like how is this at all different than the quite literally fascist art critics who believe that art itself must die out because it can never be elite enough. how is that different in the fucking slightest.
i am not going into personal details of my life any more because i find that it never actually makes a difference in changing peoples minds. but i do know what its like to live...not well. going into detail about that doesnt matter. and yet, ive always wanted to be an artist, a writer, to go into the humanities and produce art. and i was discouraged from doing so because art wouldnt help me pay the bills. art wasnt for poor immigrant children like myself. i had to become a doctor. and i failed miserably because im a teacher now (even though that suits me just fine), much to my mothers fury that i am not making her boatloads of money. 
the point of this is that i knew from very early on that i loved art and literature and its almost a direct result from being a poor immigrant. my mother left me in the town library for hours while she worked and at the end of the day she’d come pick me up and take me somewhere else so she could hit the night shift. then, early in the morning, we’d go home. but id spend at least six hours a day at the library, just reading, or pretending to, before i knew how.
and what a risk that was, because we were very much undocumented at that moment and she was leaving her kid in a strange city thousands of miles away from her family so she could work...like, that was a risk. but, she did what she did, and i did what i did. 
to suggest that the poor do not need art is criminal, fascist, wrong, stupid. defund libraries and museums. i mean, art is just for the rich, right? theyre not one of the very few public spaces where people can hang out, no questions asked. in fact, while i was in library school, the question of homeless patrons came up and yeah thats like, a big reason why we need libraries; homeless people can use the bathrooms to freshen up, or hang out inside when its too cold or hot, or try and find jobs on the public computers, or just use the fucking library as intended cuz its a public library. but no we should get rid of all public art because like, only the rich have time to think about such fancy things!
some of you morons try to sound mega fucking galaxy brain woke and end up more extremist than hitler on your social policies, and this is NOT an exaggeration, you people need to fucking relax
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y01te-moved · 5 years
i almost cant even count how many this is but im doing every single one anyways and you cant stop me despite the fact that this obviously took me ages to actually answer
1: if ur reading this ur legally obligated to follow max (sender of this ask) Right Now. Just Do It.
2: i think more ppl with my sense of humor should watch Spider Riders bc listen..  if somewhere along the line that show suddenly gained more popularity again in this fine year of 2019 id be both actually funny for once but also revolutionary. by all technicalities some of my hcs are fucking great but i dont think i could say a lot of them and even be comprehensible outside of orientation based ones that are just rlly controversial. granted im not even sure i could or would actually recommend the show to people cause its kinda dumb a lot of the time and also fairly long at least to my standards so its harder to finish unless ur like really invested in it :pensive:
3: also on that note the next time a horny person even THINKS about Corona im Going to break into their home and then break their knees. i hate that she has so much fanart thats basically just fetish art or otherwise managing to be nsfw in some way shes like 15 at best fuck off!! its rlly only a problem on like. deviantart but it still makes me die inside.
4: character development is hard i never actually keep my ideas and what i have written down on like.  my actual bios for everyone on the same pace so its a confusing mess and i wish i was better at combating that
5: anon and kanon r such good loids i wish people used them more but i think a part of the problem is that i dont always look That hard for things that use them ahdbsadgashdj
6: alex is the best sdv bachelor and im not accepting criticism on that notion. 2nd best would probably be like..  sam except i havent tried hard enough to be friends with him yet which i feel bad abt bc he seems nice
7: i miss the cracking open a cold one with the boys meme that was still one of my favorites
8: (goes BACK to thinking about SR shdfjds) the anime had no right having like so many characters base their ideals off of how brade used to be in the past and all those good takes on like not necessarily Having to resort to violence as the ultimate solution and all that good stuff just to be like, “surprise!! he actually IS still around! but also he’s going to be minimally helpful at all until the last few episodes and otherwise we’re going to make a ton of gags about him trying to hit on the like 2 girls in the team who are also like 15 while he ignores practically everyone else because thats funny!” im still so mad about it. he is the absolute worst and he has no rights. there was also so much potential they seemed like they could have used and were trying to hint at using in terms of further developing more important details about the history of the inner world or at least some of the things that had been going on well before hunter ever showed up and then they didn’t do anything but hint at the idea of brade having known hunter’s grandfather. but even that wasn’t 100% confirmed bc they dodged around it the one time they had hunter ask. its a mess.
9: my taste is so fucking weird and i hate it bc its mostly just, “oh yeah i heard abt this thing and it seems cool im hoping to start getting into it soon!” for most things that are actually cool or popular or all that and never actually get into it, but then i see smth dumb as shit that i know would probably make me look like an absolute fool for liking and im like, “oh yeah yknow what i can do this one” and then i do like it but i cant say much about it either cause i dont wanna look like.   a fool.
10: these have been depressing as fuck so im gonna lighten the mood and say that himbo is a fucking hilarious word and i love it
11: also axel (kh) is a himbo. why? he just is.
12: im also bad at character design i think bc i always worry that my characters look too similar in terms of hair style like all the time and idk if its rlly that bad or not jfhgkf.  that and like. so many of my characters just wear jeans and boots in terms of the lower half of their body its so unoriginal but it always works so well…
13: still disappointed in myself for having never 100%’d even 1 tlodw game. lunatic mode.. Difficult
14: i dont keep up with ace attorney fans but i hope everyone out there agrees that miles has peak vampire energies based on the way he dresses alone
15: re:zero fans have no rights only bc i only ever see ppl talking abt rem and ram like. wh..   was no one ever going to tell me about reinhard or was i just supposed to watch him get introduced in the first few eps and then fall in love w/him immediately before even finding out hes supposed to be a knight which makes him 20x better
16: leon and/or leonhart is like genuinely a good name idk why it just sounds rlly nice
17: ive had like so many technical difficulties with this site since trying to answer this i hate tumblr
18: im pretty sure im like. genuinely just gonna go mute or some shit one day cause honestly ive mostly only ever gotten worse and worse about not actually being able to say things even when i know exactly what thought im trying to say, both physically and like. online. its so weird i feel like i just cant say things. it may just be being self conscious but i restrict myself soo heavily and its WEIRD….  its like being trapped in ur thoughts and it sucks.  probably doesnt even actually mean all that much but it still makes it hard for me to accomplish anything ever which i hate.
19: despite all the titles like ssbu and all that existing for the switch i think id only want one to play the new(er) inside system games i havent had the chance to yet like the spinoff card game and rudymical and also brave dungeon but w/neville and klinsy and whoever else was dlc on that game cause obviously i own the 3ds port but also neville..  good…  i wanna see how she plays..
20: i miss when i could be passionate abt cave story it just makes me feel tired seeing it sometimes at this point but it also still holds a great significance to me so its just confusing and im not sure how i feel abt it
21: the SR novels were cowards only on account of not giving us any official design for petra but also for writing igneous like.  That.  novelverse igneous is just too bitter in general and like i get it but they couldve done a lot more with him even though he is still somewhat respectable in the end, granted its hard cause like holy shit hes so fucking mean to hunter literally who asked for that. im just glad the anime let him be somewhat more idk..  i guess sociable while still keeping a lot of the inherently essential aspects his personality had like his almost over the top loyalty to the prince and taking things like training/combat in general very seriously. its just good and animeverse igneous is so good id die for him thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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the-mayor-of-space · 7 years
Do all thirty of those identity things have fun
do you have a creed?you bet your ass i’ll have fun
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? - uhhhhh fuckiinnnnn.... off the top of my head, im sure im missing a lot of important stuff here: listen to hawaii part 2, dinosaurchestra through to spirit phone of the lemon demon discography, and a bunch of miscellanious game music / siIvagunner. and just like have a base understanding of what vaporwave is about. probably you could get a pretty good sense for what im like by going through several hundred pages of this blog honestly. also if youve ever [media appropriate verb]ed anything where theres a theme of alternate timelines and resets and all that. lots of stuff has that kind of stuff going on recently. rick and morty, pokemon, hs, ut, you name it. also also, the story of the hollows from dark souls and the themes it brings up speaks to me on some level, so theres that.
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who? - no i dont think so. i dont really do a lot of reading anymore, even though i used to be captain books when i was younger. 
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. - god this is a good question but the way its worded just doesnt jive with me. its so 2013 tumblr you know? that being said the more i think about this the less of an answer i have. sorry thats boring and not giving an answer defeats the whole point of the ask.
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better? - i guess. i mean its alright, im not really sure what i would rename myself to if it was up to me to choose. i like that you guys all call me “mayor” here though. obviously that doesnt work outside of the internet but like you know. 
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do? - instead of adressing the stupid jumble of words masquerading as a deep question, im gonna take this opportunity to express my worry that my answers to these asks might just be a bunch of inane, barely legible rambling. if nothing else im sorry that my formatting is shit. in response to that second question though, yeah sure i guess. dont we all?
are you religious/spiritual? - pffffft no no no.
do you care about your ethnicity? - not particularly, although i realize that the fact that that’s my answer is a luxury in and of itself 
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? - like i get that technically its not a wrong usage, but “lifetime” feels like its implying that im way older than i am and also that im dying. anyways. neil cicierega, recently at least. although im well aware that connecting to someones music is different than knowing them as a person, its a lot more interpretive than just actually getting to know someone.
are you an artist? - debatably.
do you have a creed? - nope.
describe your ideal day. - its foggy and raining outside, me and my lover are curled up in bed with food and computers. maybe we go out and take a walk, mostly we just spend the whole day together. mayb we’re having conversations that arent as deep as we think they are. maybe we’re playing games. doesnt really matter. we’re together.
dog person or cat person? - cats. arent you guys happy when my answer to something isnt three run-on sentences worth of esoteric thought?
inside or outdoors? - indoors. i just realized that you can say “side” or “doors” for both of those words and it means the same thing either way. thats kind of interesting isnt it?
are you a musician? - nope. i like the idea of being one, but i dont think i have whatever it is it takes to be one. a bunch of my coworkers assumed i was though, so thats something. must have been my hair.
five most influential books over your lifetime. - uhhhhh
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same? - theres probably a preppier version of me out there in an alt timeline? idk. i wish someone got me to learn how to code earlier, thats relevant to my interests and actually useful going into the 21st century. as it stands im just starting out now, shit at it, and beating myself up over the fact that im not that good at it despite the fact that sitting on my computer all day is just what i do. its a small event if i bother going anywhere.
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”? - ehh? idk. nobody is exactly the same in all contexts, the situation you’re in influences how you’ll act, that doesnt mean one of them is more of the “real you” than any of the others, theyre all facets of one person. god that was pretentious and psuedo-intellectual. the point im getting at is “yeah sure.”
what’s your patronus? - i took a test online and it gave me a hare. so there you go. i wouldve assumed some kind of bird but w/e.
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle? - i took a test for this too and it said slytherin. now im having a small crisis over whether or not im an edgy boy.
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? - the pokemon world is pretty idyllic all things considered, lets go with that. 
do you love easily? - nope. i crush easily though. though for what its worth, i can always tell its not real love, so i never wind up acting on it. mostly im just constantly lowkey sad that i cant find anyone to have a long term relationship with. how the fuck do you become close to someone.
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. - christ dude idk i dont have stats for this shit
how often would you want to see your family every year? - .3 times a year sounds good to me. i’d settle for .5
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone? - no. what does that even mean. 
could you live as a hermit? - “could” i? i think you mean “do”. and yes.
how would you describe your gender/sexuality? - captain privellege. the downside though is i dont know even one straight woman, so ive got nobody to fall in love with. real inconvinience this is. not much anybody could do about it.
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”? - i’ll spare you guys another ramble a la question 17. my point would be “yeah sure i guess”
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin? - depends on the person, if im not already predisposed to liking you its probably like a 4. none of you people reading this will probably have to worry about it though, id assume if youre the kind of person who would send an ask or message me youre also probably the kind of person i like, so dont feel scared of bothering me. i’ll be pretty clear if you are. [which you won’t be]
three songs that you connect with right now. - i alays have so much less to say about music than i think i will. borns - electric love, mystery skulls - get it together, hotline miami ost - daisuke
pick one of your favorite quotes.- guys i want you all to know how much i hate that quotes are one of those things that immediately drain out of your mind as soon as youre asked to recall one. theyre like jokes. im gonna default to my usual boring answer of morty’s “nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die” speech to summer. i wish i could come up with something better for that though, im not feeling that nihilistic right now.
lemme use a couple more fuckin commas here, just sprinkle some in there,
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