#id like to believe id rather pass on the powers to someone who’ll actually use them for the better
gammija · 3 years
Hi! I thought I'd send you some random asks because I like hearing people's responses and thought you might enjoy! ^_^
If you could be any creature (anyyything), what would you be and why?
If you could live within the reality of a certain fandom/work of fiction, which would you choose and why? Would you want to be an important character within that story, or more doing your own thing within the realm?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If applicable, would you use it to help others? How much would you sacrifice for this ability? Do you think that one person with one ability could substantially change the world for the better (besides just assassinating the people in government positions)?
aaa thank you so mcuh! i do enjoy an excuse to ramble about things, yes, very much so :D
1) aaaanything? hmm.... i think i’ll choose to be a very well taken care of housecat. just lounging in the sun all day, taking naps, occasionally chasing a mouse... sounds like a good life. Alternatively, ill be a dragon. Not because i think a hypothetical dragon life would be better but. c’mon. its a dragon
2) Okay, this one’s a p hard question, cause i realized quite a long time ago that, while adventure and danger sounds fun in theory, in practice i think id be way too much of a nervous wreck to enjoy it. Esp in worlds where you (and the people you care about) are constantly put in life-threatening situations - I want the least possible chance of people dying, please. Also im way too much of an uninteresting person to ever be a main character, so in a lot of worlds id just be a normal person. so in, for example, avatar’s universe, realistically speaking id be a farmer in the Earth kingdom, or smthn.  SO, with those two criteria, obviusly the best world to belong in would be a world where there is magic/supernatural stuff everywhere, so even I would get to enjoy some of it, but at the same time, basically no one ever dies and everything always gets resolved neatly...
oh dang. im gonna be a pony, arent i?
3) OOH the dreaded superpower question... dreaded cause there are so many good options! The obvious answers are usually shapeshifting, or time manipulation/pausing, so i usually skip those for something slightly more interesting: 
Intangibility. It might sound a lil lame, but if you think about it, this is extremely useful on an individual level. I mean, first of all, ill never have to worry about forgetting my house keys again. And, it’s very hard to get hurt when most things that would hurt you will just pass through you. Cant ever be held against your will, also dont ever have to towel off because you can just pass the water through you, no locked doors can stop you... on the individual level, intangibility rlly just seems like itd be neat to have.
Id use it to help others only insofar as i already try to help others with other things i can do. Which is to say, not a whole lot. because, to jump to the next question, no, i dont think any one person could substantially change the world for the better, not on their own (not even by assassinating people in government - power vacuums might cause societal change but not necessarily for the better) (unless we’re giving someone literal reality rewriting powers. but thats cheating).
I dont think id sacrifice a lot for either the shapeshifting or the intangibility. Time pausing might actually be able to change my life in a non superficial way, by giving me a lot more time to relax/finish whatever i want to, so i might go a bit further for that.
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