#id like to keep a d20 reference for either of these things if anyone has suggestions
felicitywilds · 1 year
when i changed my url like. six years ago when i first got into taz balance, someone else had claimed “felicitywilds”, leaving me to stick it out as just the singular “felicitywild”. but on a whim i decided to check if theyve vacated, and they DID so now its MINE
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
Interest check:
Weekly-ish, zero obligation Dragon Age RP, text-based with a tumblr set up section during the preceding days (information gathering, small encounters) and then a live event (30min-2hrs depending on attendance/engagement/schedules) in discord with optional VOiP for OOC. Zero commitment/attendance requirements.
I used to run this sort of thing all of the time. It wouldn’t be the official DATTRPG set up - no character sheets, no roll modifiers, no lore police. It’s story-character heavy not mechanics heavy. More details below.
English isn’t my first language... Is that okay?
Yes. We’re not policing anyone’s grammar or spelling. You may be asked to clarify things, but I promise I am often asked to clarify things and I speak this garbage as my first language.
No roll modifiers? What the heck? My character is a master [x]!
This style is designed for busy people with busy lives. We have limited time to do events and limited time to build character stats and limited time to look up rules. Does this mean a mage can accidentally backstab a dragon and kill it? Yes. Am I okay with that? Yes. Because it’s funny.
No, really, come on, no modifiers?
Sorry, you’re right, really strong characters get handicaps if they are winning all of the encounters so that everyone gets a chance to shine.
My character is [x] which means they have [y] ability. Is that allowed?
As long as you have an explanation for how that makes sense, yes. It does not have to be canon or even fully canon compliant. Everyone rolls the same D20 for if they can do something and I’ll apply plot armor to baddies if an ability is too OP to keep it fun for everyone.
I may bring Cakara, my non-Dalish, but Very Elfy and has never been socially oppressed before elf whose back story is 100% non-canon.
I don’t like that [x] character can do [y] thing.
Too bad. Either suck it up or leave. As mentioned above, I’ll ensure that everyone gets a chance to shine, so unless I believe [y] thing was added to directly undermine your character, it stands.
[X] thing isn’t canonical or canon compliant!
See above. We’re here to have fun, not to do research.
Okay, surely there are some limits...
Characters cannot have substantiated claims of relationships with canon characters. That is to say, your character can say they’re dating/banging whomever* but no NPC will support that and an NPC will likely shut down any PC-PC bickering over who is dating whom, so best to avoid it altogether.
*Related to this, but also as a separate issue, characters espousing real world politics or prejudices are prohibited. For the purposes of this RP, we’re going with a world state of:
Egalitarian politics and social strata
Racial equality within groups (humans do not discriminate based on skin color)
Acceptance and non-issue of trans and other LGBTQAI+ characters socially
I’m not comfortable with fantasy slavery or prejudice against elves/qunari/the poor/dwarves.
Your feelings are totally valid. Big respect. However, this group is not for you.
Do I get bonuses for coming every week?
No. As mentioned above you might even receive a handicap. The world state is persistent and events may be referenced in future sessions, but there are no meta bonuses. Attendance will never be incentivized in this fashion because it will be functionally impossible for everyone to attend every week and I won’t punish people for being busy.
What about... You know  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?
No. While these events may be a great way for your characters to meet other characters, the dedicated side blog & the discord will be 100% rated PG-13/T (except for curse words, which are fine). If your characters are banging on your own blogs/otherwhere it’s okay to reference it with PG-13 language.
What if another player makes me uncomfortable?
You are to let me or another moderator know as soon as possible. Your feelings are valid and I will do anything within reason to ensure that the source of that discomfort ends as quickly as possible. Freedom of expression is secondary to everyone having a good time.
There are exceptions, like the above-mentioned fantasy slavery that I will not be removing, but even if you think it’s silly please let me know so I can fix it. Unless a player is actively malicious (in which case they’ll just get banned because no one has time for that), they will not get in trouble for causing you discomfort. I’m going to be assuming that any issues of this nature are completely accidental and will treat them as such. The person who causes the discomfort will receive a message along the lines of “Hey, please don’t do/mention [x] thing in the future. It’s squicky to some participants.”
Can I DM?
Established participants may be considered for opt-in DMing on the condition that they follow all of the established rules. If you want to use this barest of bones system for you own thing, uh, sure? You don’t need to ask, just go ahead, but occurrences in your sessions will not be substantiated in the world state of the RP.
I’m under 18, but since the content is all PG-13, can I participate?
Nope. Sorry. I’m not going to ID check anyone, but if you tell me you’re underage, you get the boot.
There’s a lot I’m missing, but this is just an interest check, so give me a break, lmao
Anyway, if you’re interested, please direct message me here or on discord (Tk-DuVeraun#6565 - here’s an interest check discord if you don’t want to friend me on discord (required to DM) https://discord.gg/N8VnqUF )
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