#so like. notif to all my followers of my url change
felicitywilds · 1 year
when i changed my url like. six years ago when i first got into taz balance, someone else had claimed “felicitywilds”, leaving me to stick it out as just the singular “felicitywild”. but on a whim i decided to check if theyve vacated, and they DID so now its MINE
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rpclefairy · 2 years
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collection of tweaks for tumblr.
note this is directed at roleplay blogs, which is why i may be removing features that a regular personal blog would use, but everyone is free to use and customize these to your own liking.
i recently posted a quick tutorial on how to use ublock to remove the annoying shop button with the permanent "new" notification and i was asked both if i use any other tweaks for the dashboard and if i could compile my previous tweaks such as bigger dms, so here i am bundling all my tumblr fixes / tweaks. to install these you'll need ublock origin (feel free to experiment and adapt this to other adblocker extensions!) and stylus (apparently stylish has some privacy concerns so i'm no longer using that)
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ublock / adblocker part: following the steps on this tutorial, you'll open the filters panel on ublock origin and paste this. all filters are named and categorized in case you want to pick and choose.
follow the instructions in the notes! you'll have to replace my url with yours and if you have sideblogs copy paste the filters with the urls of your other blogs:
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stylus part: install this style, follow the "get stylus" button if you don't have this extension installed. optional customizing the css:
.j17Mp makes the dms window size bigger, adjust to your liking.
.k31gt various is all text / posts settings:
1. "text-align: justify;" justfies text, remove if you don't want justified text. 2. "font-size: 13px;" changes the font size of both normal and small text to a default 13px, adjust to a size comfortable for you!
.k31gt.ljmFj removes the gap between blockquotes.
everything else removes the empty gaps from removing ads with ublock.
before and after still screenshots:
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araekniarchive · 8 months
i'm moving!
hi all :)) it's been a little while since i've been very active on this blog, and whilst a good chunk of that is chronic illness/job related, another big part is that i've been really struggling with my own tagging systems, to the point it feels like work just to reblog something properly. this is primarily because the theme tagging system for this blog evolved as i did, and a lot of the tags i used to use on her became superfluous, or repeated, and despite how many i have i still struggled to find stuff!
in addition to that, because of the way the tumblr editor used to work, the way i added images to posts would randomly add blank image descriptions to the pictures that just said 'image' and i couldn't change them, which made the webs look very ugly on mobile and also inaccessible to people using screenreaders or with sight issues on any browser, which is the opposite of what i wanted. thankfully, this has now been fixed for new webs, but is unfixable on the older webs which is a real bummer :(
so, a couple of weeks ago i randomly decided to do something about it. and i did! a few of you have noticed that a new blog, @otheraraekni, has been reblogging some of my webs and adding image descriptions in the reblogs, but i've also been remaking some webs as well with the alt text finally working as intended. i've made a new navigation page for my blog organisation, full of some tags i've kept, some i've slightly changed, and a whole new kind of tags for those i use most often. currently all the links on there will lead to this blog (so some of them will lead nowhere, as they may be new tags) but my intention is to switch urls.
so -- moving? in a day or so (once i've got the last kinks worked out) i will be turning my otheraraekni blog into araekni, and this blog into an archive. because araekni is a sideblog, i don't really have the option to just attach it to an old email and set it adrift, and i'm hoping not to have to get notifications from it forever, so in a month or so it will be deleted.
why a month? hopefully that will give everyone time to save any webs they like from this blog that i haven't decided to move over to what will be the new araekni! obviously, a good portion of the followers on this blog are from a couple of years ago when i was posting webs much more regularly, and i am not at all expecting the new blog to reach the same level of popularity as this one did, but if anybody would like to follow the new blog this is your chance :) i'll queue this post a couple dozen times so as many people as possible see it, but if you don't wish to follow me over there, please know how much i have loved keeping this blog over the years and how wonderful of an experience it has been <3
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jinwoosungs · 2 months
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hello! my name’s rei and this is my new blog. i just felt the need for a new start, hence why you’ll see me over here. i didn’t wish to change my url again, so if you’d like to follow me here, then you’re free to do so (⺣◡⺣)♡
this post will serve as my masterlist, and it’ll make my page appear much neater! thank you so much for supporting my works and i look forward to writing brand new stories for this blog!
theme is best viewed in goth / rave pallete !!
all banners are made by @/cafekitsune !!
original blog: @sylusjinwoon | sylusjinwoon
free palestine
sung jinwoo mini masterlist
update as of 9/9/24: please don’t tag me in any stories / posts unless we’re mutuals or close friends. i only appreciate tags with stories that i’m actively reading or am invested in. if you wish to tag me in anything, send me an ask, first. this is to keep my notifications in check, and i would greatly appreciate it!
latest works:
09/20/24; 06:20pm - sung jinwoo
09/21/24; 08:45am - LADS men
09/23/24; 01:32pm - 18+; LADS men
unknown date and time - sung jinwoo
unknown date and time - LADS men
writing tag
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slenbee · 8 months
Common scams and you
Hello everyone!
I'm finally writing out the idea that has been floating around in my head for a while now, and I'm honestly surprised there's no videos on youtube (that I've found) that talk about the most common scams that are out there on the internet that you may encounter.
So! Let's start.
#1. Virus pop up scams.
These types of scams are based around inciting panic and fear in those that encounter them. They are generally encountered by mistyping a url in the search bar that then leads you to a web page containing a flashy visual alert (and sometimes audio alert) stating something like the following:
Your system is at risk! # Viruses found! Warning!
Your system has been compromised!
Viruses / Trojans found!
The majority of which then provide a phone number that scam victims would call to get the issue 'resolved.' Those who fall for this scam contact the call center seeking help, and those there- the scammers, lull their victims into a false sense of security that they'll solve the issue. They then have their victims download remote access software such as AnyDesk and UltraViewer.
These programs allow a user who connects complete and TOTAL CONTROL of your computer. They can view your screen, track what you type or click, not to mention they can lock it, and they can change the password, holding it at ransom. They can do pretty much ANYTHING as long as the software is installed. It runs in the background and they can monitor everything you do.
They will tell you that to get rid of the virus/'hack', you must pay a certain amount (usually between $300-$1k or more) for them to clean your computer and 'add an antivirus'.
They will tell you that you need to go to walmart/wallgreens to get gift cards. Or they will ask you to provide banking details so that they can steal your banking/login information to transfer money via zelle or other methods while under the control of the remote access application.
If you or anyone you know has made it to the installation part of this scam, make sure to disconnect the internet immediately and uninstall the program that they installed upon the computer.
This scam can ALSO happen to people on mobile. There are websites and apps configured to show that you've got a virus, and much like above, it will tell you that you need to call a phone number or download an app to get it resolved.
Clicking off the page / notification gets rid of it. There was never any virus to worry about. So don't worry too much if you see something like this while browsing the internet. Just try and be safe!
#2. E-Mail scams.
The most notorious of all of e-mail scams that I've encountered over the years are as follows:
Your <brand> anti-virus has expired. Click here to re-new!
You have been charged <huge amount> for <brand> anti-virus. If this is a mistake please call <phone number> to get this resolved.
You have received a PayPal invoice from <scammer name/brand> for <huge amount> please call <phone number>.
Much like the virus pop up scam, these scams follow a similar path when it comes to the end result. You call them, they have you install a remote access application, they tell you to pay x amount of money so they can install their 'anti-virus', and/or they do a fake 'scan' in the console, and likely install a real virus that harvests your information.
All in all, best to avoid it/delete the e-mail. No proper anti-virus is going to send you an e-mail telling you to call them. Nor are they going to charge you $300 for a 'renewal.'
As for the paypal invoice, just ignore it and check your actual paypal. If there's no invoice, there never was one in the first place. Flag it as trash and delete it.
#3 Phone scams.
These can be scary, especially if you've got a son, daughter, or relative who might live out of town.
Mom/Dad I lost my phone can you send me money for a new one?
Hey I'm with your kid and they're hurt/arrested/etc can you send me some money to pay the ambulance/bail/etc.
Your kid said I'd bring you these things and you'd pay me.
This is <name> from <fake business/tech support> on behalf of apple/microsoft to let you know your warranty has expired.
Sadly this means that your phone number has likely been leaked online somewhere, and scammers are now attempting to use it to get money from you. Best advice is to hang up and block the number immediately before calling your child/family member to make sure they're okay.
#4. Text Scams.
These are generally pretty easy to notice, and pretty easy to avoid, if you know what to look out for.
Any random number that texts you with something akin to the following, is a scam:
Fedex has your package click this link to update your information.
UPS has failed to deliver your package. click this link to-
Hi <name that's not yours> are we set for our <event> next <day>?
<name not yours> I'm looking forward to <activity> next <day>. Are you going to be busy?
While links to scammy websites are easy to avoid, the last two might not be so easy to some people. Replying to them in any form puts you on a list of 'active numbers' for them to target. They will text you repeatedly with different prompts which all lead down the same line.
You say 'wrong number', they say 'this isn't <name>?' you say 'no' they say 'i'm so sorry i thought this was <name>' you say 'no problem' they say 'oh you're so kind want to be friends?' which then leads into 'i'm <fake name> from China/Singapore/<country> but I live in california/new york. I'm a fashion designer/investor/owner of a small company' and they send a fake picture of them which is likely stolen from somewhere online. They also ask for you to send them YOUR pictures. Don't do this.
End goal is for you to download WatsApp/Telegram to send them money and/or invest in fake crypto.
There are also text scams similar to those mentioned above where it's someone pretending to be a sugar mommy/daddy and they try to get you to spend time and hook up with them. They ask you to pay a 'fee' so they know you're 'legit' or something which, of course, is just a way to get you to send them money.
#5. Facebook Scams.
These are rather new, but once you know the signs, you'll know how to avoid them.
When buying/selling something on facebook, if someone says they can't pick it up but <brother/sister/cousin> can and they ask if you take cashapp, zelle, etc, it's a scam.
If you or someone you know who is older/elderly is contacted by someone who's in the military/ex-military/ex-cia/ex-fbi etc and they flood your DM's with affection and kindness and lots of love and attention in an effort to get you in a relationship with them, this is known as a romance scam.
They will ask for money to 'get a new phone' or 'to send pictures because my camera is broken.' or to 'buy a plane ticket to come see you'. It's a scam, a big scam, and a lot of elderly people have been scammed out of a lot of money because of it. They will call you and talk to you and say they love you and all that kissy kissy mwah junk just to build trust so they can try and get money.
It's not real. As sad as that is to say, all these people are after is money.
If you know anyone who might be in any of these situations, PLEASE try and talk some sense into them. Especially if they've sent large amounts of money to someone over the internet. Google is your best friend, and there is information out there for people who want to find it.
All in all, just make sure you're careful in who you trust.
#6. Discord/Steam Scams.
These can be less obvious to those who aren't tech savvy, but once you know the signs they're hard to miss.
Anyone who randomly DM's you about beta-testing their 'new game' is trying to get you to click a link that leads to a website containing an application that contains a virus. This will harvest your information and give the hacker access to everything on your computer.
Anyone who randomly DM's you saying that they found 'compromising photos/information of you online' most likely will try to get you to click a virus link that will infect your computer.
Anyone who randomly DM's you saying they 'reported you to the discord/steam admins' for something inappropriate/illegal will try to get you to contact their 'friend' who is a 'discord/steam admin' to get it resolved.
This will either involve them sending you a virus link or trying to get you to send them money/gift cards to get the issue 'resolved.' They will also sometimes send you to a legit looking steam page which is fake and will harvest your steam login data.
Again, these are easy to notice once you know the signs. Just note that sometimes your friends might send you messages like these or ask for money, which in that case their account was likely compromised/hacked. Make sure to report them so that discord/steam can help get the account back in the right hands.
I know I've likely forgotten some other types of scams but for now these are the most common that people should keep an eye out and look for.
Protect yourself and protect others!
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Hiii, miss me?
Now you want to kiss me (or have to? Wasn't there a song like that?)
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This month my blog turned two years old. I got the notification in my email. Last year I made an entire celebration post by publishing the funniest/ridiculous asks I got. There were good times back then. Still. Not so much afterwards.
I wasn't the nicest presence in the last few months leading to me abandoning the blog. And I wasn't too discreet about it. Although there was more to it, a lot more. But I'll get there.
First things first. Why am I here when on the 24th of March I dramatically declared that I'm leaving forever? Well, that was a very emotionally-charged post and the result of a few factors. I'm not entirely proud of how I made my exit, but it's also a true reflection of my personality so there's no point in making excuses. Nevertheless, I will explain as much as I can (I still care about privacy, just like before).
On that Friday, I woke up excited. I took a day off from work (yes...I know), I listened to Face, watched the music video. All good. But I was also dreading a bit having to come here because I knew there was this expectation of me to come up with some thought-provoking analysis, say something smart and all that. I was exhausted on all levels, emotionally and intellectually. I had also promised to leave after the promotions were over, somewhere in the middle of April (who would have thought it would last 9 days? Not me), but the plans changed. Not to drag it too much, but on that day I also officially announced to some concerned parties that I'm changing career paths. You know, just something I thought I'd be doing until the day I die and I've been working towards for at least 10 years. No big deal. I was planning on doing it anyway, but actually saying the words and make it real is a different story. I felt extatic, full of adrenaline, so happy with my decision and at that moment, it felt the right time to close BMT. It was somehow directly connected. I made the blog as an escape and now I got the opportunity to turn the page over. It was perfect. Best day ever. I clicked post, I logged out, and then I sat. And after a while, the reality of my decisions hit me in the face. And I felt sad and empty because what the hell am I doing now and what is my identity? I closed my blog too which was my main hobby. And so followed some difficult days. And then it got better. And then bad again. And so on, because it's a roller coaster.
The thing is, I can change my interests, but I can't stop myself from being opinionated. And getting excited. And wanting to talk about it. And share all that on a public platform with some strangers that are interested in what I have to say. Or they used to. It's who I am.
This blog won't remain Bangtan Media Thoughts because I want more than that. I will rebrand this page. I could start fresh with a new blog, but this is still my space and I know some people were interested in reading about other things as well from me, not just BTS. I hope I can built something from that.
The blog won't reflect only a specific niche of interests, but everything that I like in terms of pop culture. From movies, music, fashion, gossip, you name it. Including Kpop. And if I feel the need to rant about Hybe after talking about Ryan Gosling's Ken, I will. Same about JM, JK or whoever I feel like it. If there is a good advice that I got in the last few months, is to adapt and not force myself to abandon something completely. Because it's not as easy as it sounds. And to be honest, it was easier to give up smoking than completely lose interest in kpop. It's a habit. Perhaps this new blog will reflect the way I try to deal with that. A bit more honestly, a little less discourse, certainly less essays because I don't have them in me at the moment. But never say never. This blog will be all me, not just BMT.
I will change the name and url 24h after I post this. This will be an opportunity for all my followers to decide if they want to stay or they are not interested in the new direction. Feel free to do as you please. I welcome new people and greet the old ones who didn't hit unfollow for some reason.
It will go like this:
Bangtan Media Thoughts > Reflections in a Critical Eye
New theme, new profile photo, new beginnings.
All the old posts will still be here. I don't plan on deleting anything. They are all a product of me and my brain and they have their place. I'll probably pin some new posts these days that have to do with the rebranding. It will be like a construction site, but it will be worth it.
One last thing though. After I abruptly left, I received some DMs. I saw them back then. I do feel sorry about those who wanted to check in with me or with whom I used to talk regularly. But I do hope that some of the things I said today will explain my behavior. I also won't start communicating again like that, at least for now. I always felt a bit pressured and I'm not the best at maintaining conversations in private. If that changes, I'll make that clear.
That's it for now. I'm excited. I feel like writing again so here's to another chapter.
My inbox is open and will be, just as usual. No more messages to BMT, but you can call me M. Like in the Bond movies 😉
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yourlocalnerd07 · 7 months
So about that post I made about CoHost
Turns out it was all a fucking lie. Check out Kaara's response. This was a complete lapse in my judgement and I am fully to blame. My sincerest apologies.
Oh, and please get cohost plus to support CoHost especially after this whole incident. (it's at the bottom of the settings page which is linked.
Instructions on how to get mastodon are still below if you'd like to hop on early!
So about that CoHost....
So uhhh. One of the cohost peeps turned out to be uhhh not a cool person. I only found out about this after a mutual brought it up to my attention when they showed me a post.
If any of my mutuals are still here, get off of cohost and add me on the fediverse. My handle is @[email protected] and you can add me by clicking the follow button and entering your instance name, or going to your home page and typing in that handle into the search bar.
If you have no idea about Mastodon or the fediverse and just want an account, I suggest making an account at wetdry.world. If you want a similar experience to transfem.social but don't feel comfortable joining that instance, there is of course lethallava.land, and you can still add me on there to get notifications for my posts. There's some brief information on this page about some aspects of mastodon, but you can always feel free to send me a DM on Tumblr if you need any help with anything!
Now, you may be asking, "How is the fediverse going to solve this?" Well the thing about it is there is no one central company or server to run it all, it's an interconnected web of servers, each with their own rules and governance. If that all sounds confusing to you, don't worry! You don't need to think about it. It just means that there's less likely to be controversy and messy migrations. Migrating from one instance to another is as easy as clicking one button and all your followers get copied over automagically.
Juuuust as a reminder: I'll be sticking here on Tumblr for the time being. I don't see this changing any time soon because I'm stubborn as a stick. They're not getting rid of me or any of the others. They can try if they want to, but I won't let them win. I'll at least give them a fight. I just want to give you guys a way to still connect to me if I get banned or we truly lose this site. Additionally, the fediverse isn't quite so mature yet. There is no good Tumblr-like experience and the closest thing, wafrn (wiki), is still in development. But the seeds are sown, and so I will wait patiently until they ripen and once they do, that's when I jump ship (But that'll be so long in the future, you won't have to worry about me leaving. I'll probably still be here, though, for the foreseeable future)
Feel free to spread this around to your mutuals to share the news MASSIVELY IMPORTANT UPDATE and help them get on the fediverse, a more permanent solution. I've archived the pages in the first paragraph in case they disappear, just add "https://web.archive.org/web/*/" to the beginning of the URL.
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khaopybara · 2 months
tag game ✨
@mbjw saved me from saturday boredom and tagged me in this, so thank you jubs, i enjoyed these a lot.
1. why did you choose your url?
i love khaotung. khaotung was obsessed with the capybara song last year before i even knew who he was. capybaras happen to be a very common animal in the region i live. i was very happy they were getting the recognition they deserved. put them together, we have lovely khao + capybaras = khaopybara (i'm also super sure i've seen people here and on tw use this and i just stole it. i'm not creative especially when it comes to usernames).
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
i have two other sideblogs. @tuseryoo for all of the gifs i make so i can have all of them in one blog just because, so i feel like i'm not losing track of the things i create (even though i haven't updated that one in a while), and @captain-xandis that some moots might have noticed in their notifications bc i recently created that one to post gifs about critical role, but i always forget to check which blog appears on top of the thingy, so i'm constantly deleting and reblogging things in the right blog these days.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
as of july 3rd, i've been here for 11 years now, so since 2013? which tracks with my super strong k-pop phase tbh.
4. do you have a queue tag?
nah, i have a queue going for gifs that are requests or for episodes that already aired, but usually i just post things whenever.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
ha, i was into super junior. and i was experimenting with fandom for the first time at the time. that's it. i felt like tumblr was a lot more creative and pretty than twitter or facebook, so i stayed.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i am a mook defender and apologist. i also think aya is super cute and super pretty. i change icons so often though, i blame all the pretty women in qls these days for making me change it all the time.
7. why did you choose your header?
i am breathing and living for the heart killers and kantbison and unfortunately i'm dying from lack of content. the tattoo table kiss is going to change lives i think, so until we don't get the official version, i'll have this masterpiece displayed there somehow.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
as of now, it's a 23.5 official trailer gifset of sun being jealous of ongsa with amazing 939 notes, but the gifset of lada protecting earn from hitting her head on the table is quickly catching up with 877.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
17 mutuals? i think that's right.
10. how many followers do you have?
843 if you count the main blog + side-blogs.
11. how many people do you follow?
... 27 blogs.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean, sure? i do get embarrassed by my own shitposts sometimes and i delete them tho.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
all the time. it's my favorite social media for sure. i get to see pretty things and my dash is much better curated than other apps. it's great.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don't think i ever fought online. i block people with remarkable expedience tbh if i don't like their vibe or their tone or the shit they post, and i also make use of the filtered tags, so you know, no reason to fight.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
these exist? good for them. you shouldn't tell people what to do.
16. do you like tag games?
sure! i only started being part of them now, so sometimes i forget them, or i just don't see i was tagged, but i do enjoy them.
17. do you like ask games?
i don't think i've ever done an ask game but that's mainly bc i think people won't want to know and won't send any asks, and i'd rather spare my ego from that humiliation.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i think many of my mutuals are famous in our ql bubble which makes it a little crazy that some are my mutuals tbh. that's most of them actually.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i do have people that make me kick my feet when they interact with my posts like, twirling my hair, silly smile, giggling because they've noticed me. but actually crushing, imagining our lives in the countryside, with a kitchen facing the meadow in a fine spring morning, with two dogs and three cats, no.
20. tags?
i'm tagging @namtanfilm, @aylinaliens, @sollucets and @sherrymagic, @ayansukkhaphisit and whoever feels like doing it, and to those i've tagged, just ignore this if you want, too, no pressure.
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formicarum-rex · 7 months
ive been on cohost on-and-off since november, and i think im going to stick with it (famous last words, i know, but i am genuinely enjoying my time there, meeting some nice people and enjoying the posts that come across my dash)
home page
my blog
general observations, differences between here and tumblr (both good and bad), and caveats under the cut
the ability to use html and css in posts is fantastic, and while i do sometimes miss being able to change the formatting with a simple highlight like on tumblr, the added abilities to customize more than makes up for that. i've only used it a bit myself, but plan to use it more going forward, and you can get some fantastic shitposts on your dash because of this. note that only posts are hyper-customizable. blogs themselves aren't as customizable as on tumblr (think the default/mobile theme here)
i think their pro-privacy, anti-algorithm, anti-numbers philosophy is admirable. it's not perfect-- funding is a continual trouble, although they have plans for making it sustainable.
as with all smaller websites, it is a bit of an echo-chamber and has its share of drama and controversy.
the fewer number of people also lead to there being fewer good posts than on here, especially if you have niche interests, but my dash is still quite active, and i have to check it at least once a day to keep up-to-date.
if you edit your original post, all reblogged versions of the post are updated as well.
it has a comprehensive cw system built into posts, more reminiscent of mastodon than tumblr. there is discourse about its use or over-use, but on the whole i think this is a big improvement.
i (thankfully) haven't run into anybody or any post that required blocking or silencing or muting yet, but the options are there and thorough.
related, there is a no-nonsense attitude towards bigotry. i havent run into any bad eggs myself, but from what i've been given to understand they are sniped more or less as soon as they're discovered. there may be moderation issues as the website expands (this is one issue where places split up into smaller groups like mastodon have benefits) but as of right now, it seems to be working just fine, and better than tumblr.
there's no general within-post search for the sake of privacy and to limit harassment opportunities, but unlike tumblr, the tag search is functional. in addition, all posts with tags you've bookmarked show up in a separate, single tab on your dash, in proper chronological, non-algo'd order, which is a good way to discover new people to follow and posts to reblog. this is similar to "your tags" on tumblr, but unlike tumblr, i trust it to work
i haven't used this yet, but sideblogs are able to comment, ask, like, follow, etc, separately. no more "follows from [main url]"
in general, i like the vibes better than pillowfort, the other tumblr replacement site, and its a much more satisfying tumblr replacement than mastodon, because, well, its not like twitter (although i do like mastodon for other reasons).
there are some odd things that differentiate it from tumblr that you have to get used to at best, and can be extremely frustrating at worst:
notes cant be viewed per-post. they're all under your notification tab, chronologically listed. this hasnt been a problem for me, but i understand that this can get messy if you have a lot of followers/notes
if you are not OP, you cannot view others' reblogs. i've found that this is mostly fine, but it does mean you cant dive into the notes to see if anyone has added anything you'd like to reblog instead of the version on your dash. changing this is one of the most requested features. it doesn't seem to conflict with the site's anti-numbers ideals as long as it only lists contentful reblogs (those with additions), so i'm hopeful it will be added.
OP is not notified of tags on reblogs. all comments that are towards OP and not towards your followers belong in the comments. unlike other things in this list, this isn't a downside so much as a neutral difference that has taken me a long time to get used to.
the comments are generally important. reblog chains are still used, but comments (replies) are more functional than they are on tumblr, with proper ability to reply in comment threads and a better UI. they are used more often on cohost than on here, especially if you want to start a convo with OP and others viewing the post. as far as i can tell, everyone can see every comment, unlike the reblogs.
photoset layouts are not as flexible as on tumblr
no DMs
discovery hasn't been a big issue for me as someone who is primarily a reader/viewer (if anything, the functional tagging system and unified bookmarked tags tab makes it easier), but ive heard that for creators it can be frustrating
i am under the impression that pillowfort is the place to go for specifically fandom posting. more fandom people have been joining cohost though, especially since a bunch of tumblr people joined a couple weeks ago.
i realize this isn't exactly a hard sell, but want people to be aware of potential downsides before creating an account. despite these things, i really do urge you to check it out if youre interested! it's a good place :)
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
Taglist Rehaul and Notification Customization!
Like so many blogs before me, it’s time to update story notification systems.
Taglists don’t always work. Notifications are glitchy at best. Sometimes you just wanna be able to customize your fic-reading experience, and I’m here to help!
Whether you want to be tagged for fic or you want to cut out my daily flailing to see only my stories roll past your dash, have I got a deal for you!
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You deserve the freedom to jump in and out of notifications with ease. So I'm doing as many of my peers have done and created a sideblog where I will post my writing just as I do on my mainblog, but without all the daily rambles; pure fic straight into your mainlines! 
Follow @oonajaeadira-writes for stories without all the Pedro flailing. 
(Or the reblogs. Or the fic recs. Or the capybaras. Or the piccrews. Or the skulls and knives. Y’know, all the things that make life worth living.)
Oh. I'm sorry. Did I just say one sideblog? My mistake. 
I meant multiple sideblogs!!!!
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Not interested in all my characters? Just here for one series or character? Want to pick a mix? No problem; I've got a sideblog for every character I write for. Choose your favorites to customize your follower experience.
Now, the way these sideblogs are supposed to work is that you follow them and turn on notifications. Caveat: this only works on mobile, and sometimes only if you happen to be online when a chapter drops. But. If you’re following any of the blogs, new posts should still turn up in your feed. Just a warning that I will only post each new story/chapter once on these sideblogs tho, so if you don’t see it the first time, you’ll have to visit the blog itself to find any new stuffs!
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If you’d still like to get a tag, that’s just fine too! I’m not quite ready to forego my taglists just yet. But they do need a massive rehaul. Taglists tend to get unwieldily after as while as people deactivate, change urls, update settings, or just plain lose interest, so it’s only natural to dump old ones and refresh.
I’ve cleared out my taglists and rehashed the taglist form. If you’d like to sign up or remain on a list, please visit the form. 
I will honor all new sign-ups from October 1st on. If you’re not sure if you’re on a list but would like to be, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form just in case!
In the past, I’ve offered taglists for characters and series, and in the name of reclaiming my sanity, I’m going down to simply characters. Thanks for your patience on this. 
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I’ll still be going about my business on my mainblog, posting stories and reblogs and responding to comments there. So if it brings you joy to sift through my blog like a hunt through a deranged flea market, by all means, take no action and keep keeping on, kitkat. I’m so glad you’re here!
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thekqipond · 26 days
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hello, my darlings! welcome to 'thekqipond'
it's still me, kquil! this side blog is where i will be reblogging all my new fics from now on.
i am no longer doing taglists as they were becoming a little tedious (some darlings like to change their url, some darlings have accounts that are too 'fresh/new' to be tagged, some darlings want to opt out of taglists, some darlings want to be on multiple taglists -- it's kinda a lot sometimes) and even made it difficult to post longer fics. so this is my solution!
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ONE. you darlings can follow this side blog, TWO. turn on notifs and THREE. get notified whenever i post new fics, all without being bombarded by my other interactions and silly little ramblings hehe~
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-- i know it's not the perfect solution but this felt like the best and easiest one where everyone can be happy! and, of course, i named this blog after my main account's masterlist, just for continuity <3
i'll be tagging reblogs here based on love-interest characters and the fic type as well as the series a fic may belong to, i will also be reblogging from my nsfw account too (@kqote); i'll be setting up a tag library soon enough so that you darlings can peruse my writing to your heart's content (⸝⸝⸝╸w╺⸝⸝⸝) happy reading~
also this was a really great chance for me to explore a new blog aesthetic hehe~
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main : @kquil ; masterlist | nsfw : @kqote ; masterlist | tag library
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project-perfiful · 4 months
To all my Bugsnax followers: I've turned this account into a main account and made a new Bugsnax-only side account.
I absolutely hate Instagram and I get NO reach on there (and I love attention <3). I feel like Tumblr has a way better algorithm and community so I want to post more OC stuff on here. But I want OC stuff to be my main account and the only way I've found to do that is to change the URL for this acc and then make a new side acc 🤷‍♂️. If there's a better way then PLEASE tell me bc I would hate to have to restart this acc from scratch.
I plan to either leave up all my Bugsnax posts and just start posting like it's my main, or just leave up a few posts with the highest amts of notes and then repost most everything else onto my new side acc.
TL;DR: If you see an account called "project-perfiful" in your notifs, that's me I just changed my URL :3. So if you care to keep following just my Bugsnax stuff, that has its own side acc now.
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
This is a LOT and probably half of it doesn't make any sense and looks like gibberish but yk what thats fine. Sorry I couldn't fit everyone!
@clovers-garden-co - my first ever moot, my one and only, bae, love of my life, my beloved, and the person who helped me make this blog so BIG SHOUT OUT to them!! ALSO CHECK OUT THEY'RE BLOG THEY DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE 💕💖💘
@fitzkn - my dawg, my guy, my fam, he's canonically a cat and part of the menace society. If you ever see me rb a convo with him, 9 times outta 10 it's gonna be something... idek how to explain it but you might laugh, you might cry, you might log out and rethink your life on this app. Conversations can range from genshin to a lawn mower don't ask me cause I have no words. He's also a talented writer an artists but will never admit it. If you're a fan of angst and genshin, I recommend digging through his blog and finding a fic called butter knife... I was in tears. HIS OTHER WORKS ARE CHEF KISS TOO MWAH
@some-stale-bread - we don't interact much but they're one of the OGs who welcomed me when I first started my blog. They're really cool and they're a good artist so check them out some time!
@senjusonlygirlfriend - we go way back, though we didn't interact much in those early moments. They're an amazing writer and friend and I love chatting with them <33
@path-of-yaksha - we also been moots for a while but I got hella confused bc you changed your url. They're a pretty chill system even though we don't interact much
@y-umiko - fell in love with their blog aesthetic <3 wish we interacted more. They like genshin and TR so it's a yes for me
@mansplain-manipulate-malewife - I don't know how this happened, but it did and I don't regret it. I feel like im falling through portals from rick and morty whenever I open their blog. It's a nice change of scenery. Hii Alex, hope you're doing well
@official-megumin - The best wizard in tumblr so powerful I had to follow. IDK WHAT CHECKMARKS MEAN AND WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE??? EXPLAIN??? She's cool, though I rarely see them when im active
@oddshroom - MY GURL, MY G, MY SHROOM- MUSHROOM? HAMVKTIRLOE. ANOTHER ONE PART OF MENACE SOCIETY. They're an awesome person, really sweet, amazing writer, we also speak in code 🦞 but you'll never know what we're saying. They gang fr doe 💅🏾✨
@dorothy-rainbird - WE DONT INTERACT ANYMORE *sobs* or have we ever? I see you in my notifs a lot though so you're part of the misfit gang. RESPECTT. Wish I seen you on my dash more tho :')
@vellichxrr6782 - HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU HUGGING YOU. You're really sweet and I wish we talked more <33 I wish you the best my friend
@cross-crye - ANOTHER AMAZING WRITER HELLO??? They bouta put me on twst fr im this 🤏🏾close into falling down the simp rabbit hole. HELLO SETH I ALSO WISH U THE BEST
@omori-1 - daily reminder that I need to finish watching omori... I PROMISE I WILL AJUFKRI. VIRGO GANG. TALENTED CREATOR GANG. IF I COULD EAT THEIR BLOG I WOULD. Put it inna air fryer and drizzle some sauce on afterwards yum. Another one part of menace society. LOVE YA CHAI, YOU DESERVE THE WORLD AND THEN SOME
@xiao6ao - My love. My life. My will to write. MY LOVELY EDITOR. MWAH MWAH I LOVE YOU. She's my life support for real and also deserves the world and good fortune and just Nbhvgtdikmk This world shall know pain if anything happens to her. AMAZING WRITER YET ANOTHER ONE WHO DOESNT ADMIT IT. Grammarly 2.0. Always come in clutch. Menace society CEO. AHH I LOVE YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE
@atskas - MY FAM. TALENTED AUTHORS ALERT. TIMEZONES SUCK FR BUT I STILL LOVE THEM. Another one locked in, in the menace society, rip their sleep schedule. HI ARII ILY- HIARIILY... That actually looked like one word- GIRL I WISH YOU THE BEST MWAH
@lunartcmpest - it's always the aesthetic blogs that melts my heart. TALENT WRITER ALERT BEEP BEEP BEEP. GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG RN OR IM SNATCHING YOUR ANKLES. Wish we interacted more but it's all good. She's pretty cool tho. SHOUT OUTS TO YOU KAIRI, WISH YOU WELL
@albed0kreideprinz - They haven't been active in a min and I hope they're okay, but here's an amazing rp blog for all those interested. They're amazing and really sweet and I hope the world treats them well <3
@ventisweetheart - IF ONLY I COULD HUG SOMEONE THRU THE INTERNET! You're so sweet and I'm glad we're moots and I always look forward to our interactions
@micheya - I dont know why and dont ask me, but if I could squish you like a gummy bear I would... IT MIGHT BE THE AETHER PFP IDK. We don't interact much but <333
@1eaf-me-alone - This year, I think you should turn a new 1eaf... g-get it BECAUSE MUYGITKR,ICRLT. Forgive me, I had to. PFF S,MUTFR THEY'RE REALLY COOL CHECK THEM OUT. HI HELLO HRU. I love our interactions please dont block me for my Cyno jokes, I'll 1eaf you alone if you- AUMSUFKRDE IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT!!
@scaranya - the fact that I had to basically type your full name out because scaranation is so big on tumblr... N E WAYS, RECENT MOOT HERE. Love to see your comments <3 Please stay safe and well!
@qingxin-dream - ENVIOUS OF YOUR WANDERER KEYCHAIN GRRR GRRR SUNYUFKRIKRCF. Another great writer here, please check them out!
@enassbraid - Yall with these url changes. I HAVE BAD MEMORY OKAY! She's lovely okay and deserves the moon and back
@cynotical - RECENTLY BECAME MOOTS BUT IVE BEEN A FAN FOR AWHILE ✨✨✨ Another talented writer please check them out as well as their other blog!!! THEY'RE AWESOME AND SUCH A LOVELY PERSON TOO
@sonder-paradise - idk how but their writing manages to break me down and put me back together again every time like— UGHHH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE. Talent writer alert x20. Should have 2 novels and an ongoing series already because wth
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onelonelystory · 1 year
I know a bunch of people are making way more helpful beginner’s guides to tumblr but for anyone who may be making the leap during the Reddit exodus here’s my two cents:
try following friends first. get the hang of how reblogging functions and of all the posting features. if you use desktop add an xkit extension and use their quick reblog. change your header and profile and title from the default. consider not using an unstylized picture of yourself as a profile; anonymity is valued here (though of course, coming from reddit, I’m sure you understand.)
curate your own dash. follow people who post about things you’re interested in, follow friends, follow friends of friends, unfollow anyone at any time if you notice that their posts are not for you. don’t feel obligated to follow certain people just to participate in certain corners of the internet. if they really have so much good shit to say, it’ll probably make its way over to you eventually. the trending and for you pages are kind of useless and serve best as an occasional peek into a funhouse mirror version of the internet you thought you knew.
don’t overuse the add-to-reblog comment feature. if there’s additional commentary you want to share with your audience, that’s what tags are for! it shows up in the poster and previous reblogger’s notifications just the same. somewhere down the line someone might see your tags and decide to append them to the main post. we affectionately refer to this process as “peer review,” because once something has been added to a reblog any further iterations of the post will include that addition so it’s really just a way of saying said commentary adds to the post in a way that is not exclusive to your own audience.
that said if you do feel you have additional context or a necessary perspective to add to a post and you deliberately want to attach it, don’t be afraid to say your piece. people can reblog it or ignore it if they like, that’s their business.
if you disagree with the contents of a post, try not to do a discourse about it. If it seems like well-intended misinformation, you can add a correction with a source, or whatever additional context you feel is necessary for anyone who may not know better. any questions about what the post really means or follow-up is maybe best directed towards op’s ask box, as the narrative of reblog threads can get lost in the notifs tab. don’t be argumentative, don’t make assumptions; this is the internet. nobody on here gets an editor to make sure their words are framed exactly as they intended. if you really feel like being negative take a screenshot of the offending section, redact op’s url and any tagged or visible accounts, and make your own post. we all want to just tear into something from time to time and disagreements are a part of life. but try to avoid unnecessary conflict, it’s neither fun nor productive for any party.
if you see someone being a bigot block them. don’t dunk on them, don’t send them anon hate, don’t argue against them in the reblogs. there’s no algorithm on this site and nothing spreads without people spreading it. the best way to stop vitriol is to disengage.
block anyone. block people for being hateful bigots, block people for being annoying. block people for trying to start discourse on your posts even if you feel bad about it. if you start thinking to yourself wow, my life would be just a little bit better if this person couldn’t see my posts and I couldn’t see theirs, block them. block me for being preachy. block your best friend of six years bc they’re spamming your dash with their untagged spongebob liveblog and then dunk on them in your 20 person discord server.
treasure your mutuals but don’t feel like you have to be following people to be friends. tumblr dms are busted as hell just send someone an ask instead unless it’s that private. the search function does not work. polls are new and we’re all still constructing the etiquette of those together, but so far they’re mostly a vehicle for pitting characters against each other chunin exams style. ignore any part of this post that you don’t want to listen to I am legitimately not the boss of you. make your own truth go crazy drink water have fun.
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gh0stfellow · 2 years
RSS for Artists and the People Who Follow Them
RSS is the best thing for artists that you didn't know still existed. Tired of trying to figure out what new thing you have to do this week to get your posts seen? Tired of keeping up with 8 different websites to follow all the artists you like? Do you hate Musk/Zuckerberg, the general social media experience for artists, endless scrolling, or fractured communities? Use RSS! It's a super simple and comfortable way to experience social media.
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Keep reading below for the full how-to!
What is RSS and why should I care?
RSS is a standardized format at a URL that computers can read to monitor updates to a website. When a post gets made, the RSS feed gets updated containing the post's information. An RSS reader is the app you use to view these RSS feeds and subscribe to them. It displays updates to the RSS feed similar to a normal social media dashboard.
There are many more specifics we could get into, but the technical details aren't really what matter here: the main point is that you can use an RSS reader to follow all your favorite people from almost any site and never miss an update, all while being able to view the content at your own pace.
Through simple steps outlined further down, you can follow twitter, instagram, deviant art, youtube, and tumblr accounts, subreddits, personal websites, newsletters, and more! The cool thing is, unlike your twitter or instagram feed, the RSS reader has powerful tools to display the posts exactly to your liking with filters, sorting, AND posts that won't disapear until you mark them as read, so you can kiss FOMO goodbye. Of course, this does mean I don't necessarily recommend you use RSS for your general meme accounts where an endless feed is somewhat ideal, it's much better suited for following creators or others you want to keep up to date on.
I use Inoreader as my RSS reader because it's free (though you can pay for more features), has a good mobile app as well as a browser version, and a good UI that is comfortable for post viewing.
Benefits as a viewer
No algorithms (but you can set filters)
Posts stay until you see them, so you don't have to be online 24/7 to see art you followed for
You can follow people on any* site and see it all in one place
No logging into multiple accounts or checking websites for updates
No ads, sponsored posts - nothing you don't want to see
Benefits as an artist
No algorithms! Format posts any way you like without worrying about getting nerfed
Freedom to post where ever you want
If RSS became standard, you wouldn't have to worry about posting on every social media in existance; anybody can follow you easily, no matter where you are
You'll be able to reach your audience no matter the whims of social media changes
Like having a newsletter without any extra work
How to subscribe to social media feeds through RSS
Here's a quick run down of how subscribing to an RSS feed generally works:
A website exists that has RSS
You type website.com/rss/ into your RSS reader and it sees an active feed
You hit subscribe
Peace on earth is achieved
Of course, sometimes it's not that simple and a website's feed is at a different URL. There might be a little RSS button on the website you can copy the link from, or readers like Inoreader can be given the basic URL and it'll try to find if any RSS feed is attached to it.
In the past, most socials had RSS built in, but this has slowly been phased out in favor of notifications/algorithms. So unfortunately, it's not as simple as it used to be anymore. Fortunately, however, websites like rssbox or RSS-Bridge can automatically turn twitter and other social media profiles into an RSS feed.
Before we get to that, however, there is some great news: some sites, such as tumblr and DeviantArt, still have RSS built in to each profile!
Tumblr feeds are at: https://blogname.tumblr.com/rss (god bless tumblr)
DeviantArt feeds: https://backend.deviantart.com/rss.xml?type=deviation&q=by%3Adeviantname+sort%3Atime+meta%3Aall (as usual, DA likes to over complicate things)
Enter the user name of the person you want to follow in the URL where indicated, remove the asterisks, pop it into your RSS reader and you're good to go.
Youtube channels can also be followed by pasting the channel URL into your reader, where it'll grab the feed for you to follow automatically.
*Note: sometimes, there appears to be small discrepancies between someone's tumbr.com/username url and username.tumblr.com url, and you must use the second for the rss feed link even though clicking on their profile name usually send you to the first link version. If you're having trouble, I recommend going to the user's archive on tumblr and then replacing the word "archive" with "rss" in the URL you're at. This way you'll know your formatting is right.
So what about twitter and other bastard sites? That's where our friends on github who make open source projects come in. As mentioned above, rssbox and RSS-Bridge are both great options. You can host them on your own server, if you're into that kind of thing, to ensure you never lose service and your feeds might get updated faster, but both have free to use websites that make it as easy as:
Copy the profile URL of the person you want to follow
Locate the corresponding social media section on the rssbox/rss-bridge webpage and paste the URL in
Adjust any settings you want
Copy the URL it gives you and subscribe to it in your RSS reader
*Note: Many RSS readers mention having twitter and other social support (usually with a paid subscription), but I've yet to see one that doesn't cap you at like, 20 accounts. This is a ridiculously small number. That said, Feedbro is a reader that is available as a browser extension only and DOES offer real, free, endless social media to RSS feed conversion. Personally, I hate its UI as well as the way it automatically marks things as read, but it's up to you and what works best for you. I probably just missed a reader when I was looking around, so if this matters to you do your research on what reader you use.
Another feed source of note is newsletters. Again, many readers will do this automatically for a price, but I enjoy the website Kill the Newsletter that'll do this for free. You can type in what you want to call the newsletter feed, click generate, and then sign up for the newsletter with the email address it creates for you. You'll then copy the second URL on the page (the one that ends in .xml) and this is what you'll plug into your RSS reader. Done! This is helpful for cleaning out your inbox of emails that you do want to see, but aren't important, and would otherwise end up cluttering up your inbox and burying time sensitive items.
Most websites, RSS feed or not, can have an RSS feed created for them if you're okay with it being a bit hacky. So I highly recommend doing some googling if you're interested in something I haven't mentioned here. You can also sometimes find RSS feeds for a website (if they aren't up front about it) by Inspecting the page and looking in the html head element for a .xtml or rss link. I'm passionate about this, so feel free to send me an ask if you have questions! (but also try to figure it out for yourself first)
How to get your own RSS feed
If you're on any kind of social, someone can follow an RSS feed of your art using the steps outlined above. However, I highly recommend you start posting your work somewhere with RSS built in! You don't have to do any extra work as your RSS feed is automatically made/updated on websites like tumblr and deviant art that still support RSS. I believe cohost might also be adding RSS support soon as well. I recommend following your own RSS feed so you know what is getting sent out.
If you want a space to truly call your own you can easily make a tiny website or blog. There are a lot of options for this, but if you're looking for simplicity I recommend bearblog.dev! Just make an account and start posting and your RSS feed is automatically made at: https://yourblog.bearblog.dev/feed/
Wordpress and Neocities also have built in RSS feeds, and likely a lot of other platforms that advertise blogging.
Now you have an RSS feed! And no worries about engagement from followers - it's easy to click the post link in your reader to a post, comment/like it, and then hop back into your RSS reader. It's made for that, even. Remeber to advertise your RSS feed; I hope they become the norm again, but until that happens you'll probably have to let people know it exists.
Closing Remarks
Listen, I'm realistic about this. I don't think I'm going to make this post and then RSS will return in full force to the internet like wolves being introduced back into Yellowstone. However, I spent years being dissatisfied with how I was forced to engage with artists on social media - the endless scrolling, feeling like "if I don't look at the next post I'll never see this piece of art again", the usual horrors of the internet we've fallen into - and if I can introduce a real solution to that for just one person I'll be happy.
I was born in the 90s and so can remember personal sites and forums, but never learned what RSS was and thought it was only something for power user programmers or stuffy business men. I have a feeling a lot of people have the same misconception, and it pains me to think of people out there that could benefit so much from this if only they knew of it properly. If you have ADHD, this is a game changer, I assure you.
I wish someone would've told me about this years ago. RSS is the answer to a lot of problems artists have. It's been there all along, it just hasn't been properly introduced to the wider community.
So I might not have much reach, but I feel so passionate about this; for the people this could help and the community we could create if we wiggled out from under what corporations have turned the internet into.
And oh, people have tried to fix this, sans RSS. I've watched many art websites come and go claiming to be the one to fix everything, but they usually fail because they divide the community and don't gain traction quickly enough. That, and non-artist support is extremely valuable and usually alienated in these attempts. RSS, on the other hand, is everywhere! Anybody can use it, anybody can follow it, and you aren't restricted to just one thing.
I say RSS is the solution because it's not just RSS. It's a tool that allows you to have the flexibility to make whatever solutions you need and be where ever you need to be on the internet.
RSS used to be everywhere, it used to be advertised - but of course, RSS feeds don't display ads, so it's only natural their head was on the chopping block. So my advice is such: pressure websites to add RSS back in! Make a tiny blog or website! Follow some feeds! Help reclaim the internet and regain control over the content you want to see. You don't have to be stuck in one spot, forced to use platforms you don't like, to see what you want and have your work be seen. Companies want us to consume more and more of what we don't want to see, to make us want to scroll endlessly into a stupor, and they'll do everything in their power to make us think we want it too.
So I dunno, follow some RSS feeds. Could be fun.
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
Can you explain what you mean by side blog? is it kind of like a finsta? It took me 5 years to figure out that ao3 had filters and I only just got Tumblr and I rly don't understand the terminology/tags/blogs thing yet😭
So the way tumblr works, and has worked for a long time, is when you sign up, that is your “main blog”. You can change the url, but that blog is your main. When you open other people’s ask boxes, to send something, if you don’t go anon it will show up with that blog handle.
You can create side blogs - many people do this, it’s actually fairly common and pretty easy. Some people do it for if they have blogs of certain fandoms (i.e if you want to have an acotar account and an account to discuss fine cheeses, you could have two separate blogs).
Whenever I follow people, it shows up as my main blog on their followers, and it likely doesn’t show the “mutuals” button whenever they get a notification that I interacted with them.
My main blog has been around for a long time (it’s actually like ~10 years old now) and I did previously connect it to personal accounts, so when I wanted to start engaging in the acotar fic world, I made a sideblog (also at this point I had started following many creators, and really didn’t feel like having to start over). So that means when I log onto tumblr, I can choose which blog to post/reblog things to as I go about my dash.
Sideblogs have all the same capabilities (messaging, ask boxes, etc.) however I cannot send asks to other users with this handle (daycourtofficial) and most users likely don’t know whether or not I’m following them without knowing my main blog.
But yes it is pretty similar to a finsta.
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