#idc to listen to all that. i simply do not wish to engage w it at all
fastidious-and-a-mess · 6 months
Just coz dream is racist doesn't mean minecraft roleplay is Bad its not the same thing a jkr man. Jkr actually had fucked up shit in her story dsmp is literally just a bunch of people (NOT dream!) roleplaying. Dream didn't even stream dsmp...
honestly now that most of the dream/dsmp drama/discourse/wtvr you wanna call it has blown over, i kinda dont give a shit anymore lmao. when i put that in my bio, it was Everywhere and people were being toxic asf and just generally assholes and i just got tired of it.
also i never said minecraft roleplay is bad. i was a Huge mcrp fan for yeeeaaars when i was younger. there was just so much bullshit specifically with dream and the dsmp that i got tired of it. it’s not about the content or lore or whatever of the dsmp, it’s more so about the community that got cultivated around dream in particular.
but i do agree, it’s completely different from jkr, who has had waaaayyyy more of an impact on the actual real world. two totally different levels of pop culture, two totally different medias. i just put them together bc they both have fanbases with a tendency to insist on defending people for things that shouldn’t really be defended.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
Larrie posts would get 10s of thousands of likes. It was like a huge wave that carried you along.//// I was there. And honestly, I still go through some Larry theories once In a while. Just for fun. I recently read one of the scarlet letter and how both HL signaled their lives pertaining to the themes of the book- and it’s prob just a coincidence and the person who wrote it is obvs delulu but damn was it Interesting. Especially as a literature geek, that was a fun post to read. Very engaging. Bulletproof larrys blog is a hilarious place. And I am absolutely not a Larrie bc I just don’t have the time and energy to read into this now unlikely theory anymore. Not when all logic points to it being false all along. And not when the cult leaders are doll lady and Gina the fan fic lady. Both misogynistic assholes who are solo harries in disguise.
But the 1d fandom has been such a core part of my life that I simply cannot let it go. And why would I if I love being here? My happiest memories are 1D concerts and tumblr discussions and jokes and all types of ppl who ship different things and have different lanes and opinions coming together to just have fun. Like the day Eleanor and Lou broke up most of us were genuinely there for each other, just making jokes and talking abt how we miss and love her(bc god was 2015 a mess and what came after was all the crazy theories and confusing times). Only the toxic larries like I doll lady and lassurex(I think?) were being assholes that day and onward. The tumblr community on here was, by in large, a wonderful (dare I say safe for my introverted ass w only online friends at the time) place. And this fandom was SO SO SO huge that we usually squashed the rude peeps under a boot and went back to making jokes.
I do have plenty of friends who are still Larry shippers/larries, engage in the fandom, etc. It isn’t that deep for me or them- we’re just doing our thing. And they’re Def not toxic or crazy like the cult leaders. They’re just spectating and agreeing w certain things. I can’t relate- but I don’t like argue w them. I’m still streaming their music till this day( u can’t tell me what a feeling isn’t a BOP like it’s a B O P). (And strong has no right making me feel things in 2021). I still play the last 3 albums a couple times a month.I still watch some old videos and interviews where their youthful and vibrant personalities shine through… especially the ones from the midnight memories era bc that was the best era. I still read Larry fics(💀) bc it’s just fun. One of the best things I’ve ever read is that young & beautiful fan fiction. Truly a skilled writer. And yes in a fictional world I do ship it idc if all the other anons will have my head for it. The chemistry was v much there during those years, U won’t convince me otherwise. U can’t make me Unsee what I still see when I watch those interviews and vids. I do see the nature of their relationship during those years as suspicious and very intense and idgaf if I’m just crazy for it cus I’m not actively pushing it and pretending I know the facts. And fuck is it fun to do these things in my free time. And that’s the purpose of fandom. To have fun. None of this is that deep. And this was a fandom for those of us born in the 90s/early 2000s. Our middle school or high school or college years WERE these 5 kids. Some maintained their authenticity. Some fell off. Some- Idk. Some’s solo stuff I enjoy, some I don’t. Some I think are secretly assholes cough mr homewrecker, the rest I think are good at their core(Exept Liam I’m eh on him but I wish him the very best.) I don’t Stan them per se anymore(though I’m still emotionally attached to 1/2 of the Larry ship cough it’s not the one we hate on), but they’ll always mean a lot to me. And when any of them drop an album I will listen. Even when hs3 drops I’ll be a masochist and listen to him whine about cockburn. That’s just what it means to be a directioner. And yk what the Larry ship was so much fun for us fans but it caused sm harm to these real ppl- I wish ppl would’ve accepted it’s just a fantasy of two men who just have this intense chemistry, and likely a deep bond(that WASNT A ROMANCE.) I wish ppl would’ve accepted it when they denied it, even if their behavior was, like I said, intense and suspicious, it’s not the fandoms business. These boys were overworked asf I’m sure they didn’t appreciate us bugging them 24/7 abt it. And clearly, larries were wrong abt their perception of this bond. And if Larry ever were something *more* it’s sure as hell over now. Mr Donny chav and mr homewrecker probably never want a teenager daughter who’s allowed on the internet bc us teenage girls basically ruined a lot for them. And yk what? I feel guilt for the very minimal part I played in it. Even if it was never too serious for me- I should’ve called out some Tin hat behavior some mutuals displayed.
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moxle · 4 years
42 questions w/ angela seo!
want the blank? come here! (yes it’s a meme but idc i did it anyways for developmental purposes)
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1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
angie walks with a skip in her step. with her resting smile face, she walks around the campus with an excited energy. her arms naturally move a little more than usual. she essentially walks as if she’s always in a good mood and perhaps that’s because of the fact she always tells herself to start her day right. 
2. How much physical space do they use, active and at rest?
she’s kind of unaware of how much physical space she takes up. essentially like any other quirky girl, she gets into people’s spaces without intending to. it’s only when they point it out to her that she takes notice and creates a little bit of space. 
when she’s resting, she likes to hug things when she goes to sleep. if she isn’t holding something in her bed, she will be staying up all night. 
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
she’s aware of the fact that she’s a little peculiar, so she doesn’t mind being the center of attention. rather, she naturally gets the spotlight without even wanting it. it’s because she’s a spontaneous person and doesn’t exactly know when to tone it down. 
4. What is their size and build? How does it influence how they use their body, if it does?
angie’s slim and thin, so a lot of people like to look at her as if she was gentle and kind. with the fact that she’s not into a lot of sports, that also doesn’t give her the impression of being someone who is physically strong. but she doesn’t let that become a problem when doing what she wants. 
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
her fashion is more soft girl vibes. essentially anything that’s pastel or cute and would be on pinterest. she’s huge on pastel pink, blue, and purple (and that’s a coincidence that’s also the colors of her sexuality) and you can expect to find a variation of tennis skirts in her closet. she likes hair clips and scrunchies, and also loves wearing jewelry that resembles something ˆcute, like anything with one of those craft store mini teddy bears or lollipop earrings. 
one thing that remains constant about her though is her necklace that she had received from her parents long ago. it was when she was still a very young child—before her relationship with them became... strained.
6. What are they like in motion–in different environments, and in different activities? What causes the differences between these?
in class - genuinely tries to keep focused and seem interested in the topic she is learning about (esp if it’s herbology or potions). however, if you’re her friend and you’re in the same class, there’s no doubt she’s going to pester you during class time. but at the end of the day, she wishes to try her best so that she can be able to prove herself to be a good healer to her parents. 
out of class / in public - constantly smiling and waving to everyone she happens to make eye contact with. she’s the type of person to smile at the sound of birds chirping. and since she’s clumsy, she’s also the type to get distracted saying hi to someone and then bump into a wall. in general, though, she is perhaps the perkiest person in the room. and she likes to do things her way as well, so other people might be a little bewildered by her behavior. 
on her own / just you and her, and you’re close - she’s a lot more gloomier than she is with everyone else. you could essentially compare her to the night sky in which she’s bright and bubbly when the sun is out, yet calm and thoughtful when not many people are around. she likes to show off to everyone how carefree she is, but she is actually a thoughtful person when alone. she just doesn’t exactly feel comfortable with revealing that part of herself to anyone yet. 
7. How do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? What causes the differences between these?
as mentioned above, it usually depends on the situation. but you’d naturally find angie being kind to everyone she meets. there’s not really much of a mean bone in her body. she likes to greet others with a big smile and described as someone who’s “too good for her own good”. 
the same applies to magical creatures or even inanimate objects around her: she always treats them with care. there’s a few opportunities where you’ll see her apologize to a trash can for bumping into it at least every two weeks. the only thing she’ll leave an exception for is things in her dorm... because she’s a very messy person who isn’t always the most organized. 
8. Where and when do they seem most and least at ease? Why? How can you tell?
it actually is hard to tell when angie is uneasy with her kind of personality, simply because she doesn’t really want to burden anyone with her negative thoughts. really, the only time you can find her at the least amount of ease is when she’s visibly upset and there’s no way to cover that. if in the case you’re in the same room with her while she’s deeply upset, if she isn’t off to somewhere more private to deal with her emotions on her own, she’d be apologizing for “feeling this way” or try her best to get out of the room as soon as possible. 
otherwise, you’d naturally find her comfortable so long as she has a smile on her face (which is not a rare thing to see from her). she wishes to be everyone’s friend and when she’s around people who are her friends, she feels like the version of herself that she wants to be. 
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
energy - in the case she’s very excited over something, her tone of voice gets higher. her eyes sparkle more than they usually do and she looks as if she’s seen the god of cats and a million rainbows that follow behind him. she’s jumpy and very likely to pull someone in for a hug immediately. 
exhaustion - when she is physically tired (cause, like mentioned, doesn’t like to show that she’s seriously upset), she’s loud in complaining about how tired she is and is a tad bit dramatic with it. “AHHH! i am so TIRED!” it’s so that the other person who’s with her can laugh at her or sigh and shake their head for her being... her. however, if she knows that she’s not the only one struggling, she’s definitely going to keep the complaining to a minimum and work hard for both herself and the other person. after all, if she dramatically complained whilst the other person doesn’t seem like they’d be able to do anything positive in response, that’d only burden them. 
tension - she personally does not like expressing her upset emotions in front of everyone, but she tends to relieve of the stress by crying to herself. until then, she just tries her best to smile around everyone and hope for the best. is it the best thing to do in that sort of situation? absolutely not. but does she care? no, not really. 
10. What energizes and drains them most?
angie is the textbook definition of an extrovert, so naturally the answer to that is other people. being surrounded by others is what fuels her and keeps her upbeat. if she were to spend some time on her own, she’d definitely be a little more calmer and less upbeat. 
that being said, it’s best not to leave angie on her own. her thoughts can get a little overwhelming for her if she were to be left alone with them, mainly because her mindset of negative emotions is thanks to her parents. that being said, she is very much not comfortable with talking about family, so it’s best not to talk about that either around her unless you want to make it awkward for her. 
11. How are they vocally expressive? What kind of voice, accent, tones, inflections, volume, phrases and slang, and manner of speaking do they use?
having lived in england her entire life, it’s easy to assume that the girl has an accent when speaking english with a yorkshire accent. however, as she’s currently residing in mokseong, she would mostly speak in korean (seoul dialect because she can’t wrap her head around busan dialect), only speaking english to those who also speak it. her tone is bright and it’s sometimes loud. she is sometimes a little too comfortable with those she is speaking to, so it’s not rare for her to speak informally to some (or not as formally to everyone around her). anyone could call her out on that, but she won’t really pay much attention to it. 
12. How are they bodily expressive? How do they use nonverbal cues such as their posture, stance, eyes, eyebrows, mouths, and hands?
if she’s talking for a long time, she’s always moving her hands around to get them to do something and express herself more in a way. she’s usually standing straight, but she tends to move around even if her feet are set on the ground. her eyes are usually bright when talking to another person and she always likes to make sure she’s actively listening to others if not actively speaking. simply put, she’s energetic in her movement and her behavior. 
13. How do they greet the world — what is their typical attitude towards life? How does it differ in different circumstances, or towards different subjects? Why do they take these attitudes, and why do they change? How do these tend to be expressed?
having grown up with parents that forced her to live a bit of a realistic (see: pessimistic) mindset, it only makes angie look at life optimistically. in her mind, there’s always a brighter side to everything and it’s important for her to hyper focus on that rather than the negatives. if she were to think too much about the negatives, she’d put herself in a position that she isn’t exactly comfortable to be in. so she always motivates herself with that mindset by constantly reminding herself of all the good things in life. 
as a result, whenever someone is harsh with her, she doesn’t take it personally. not many people can talk shit to her about other people, because she’d end up saying nice stuff in their defense instead. even when she’s struggling, she simply whines about it before continuing to go through it until she is complete because rewards will be given if she does the job. 
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
she’s an avid believer in the golden rule, specifically the philosophy of treating others the way she’d want to be treated. as a result, she always treats others with kindness even if they don’t give her that immediate reaction right away. it also explains why she could be a little more comfortable with others more than others would expect. it’s because she wants everyone to be comfortable around her! she wants to give soft vibes with everyone. 
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
her inner life, compared to the one that most people are used to seeing, is quite the opposite of how she presents herself to other people. if not surrounded by any company or distracted by anything, the girl’s mind would wander off to more negative though. loneliness is one of her biggest fears, so she’s definitely more on edge than she usually is. 
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?
she does dream! she;s even had a dream jorunal since her first year of hogwarts so that she could look back on any funny or peculiar dreams she’s had from then ‘til now. she has a few journals already, actually! her favorite dream is one in which she’s drinking butterbeer with cat people!! because kitties are so interesting. 
17. Are they more shaped by nature or nurture — who they are, or what has happened to them? How have these shaped who they’ve become as a person?
definitely nature. when she had started going to hogwarts, her parents began to be more hostile with her because they were already trying to decide on her life choices for her. the only reason why she is as bright and positive as she is today is because of her experiences in hogwarts. it even grew stronger the moment she stepped onto the mokseong campus, a new environment away from her family. she was practically free to do whatever she wanted... and so she did!
18. What kind of person could they become in the future? What are some developmental paths that they could take, (best, worst, most likely?) what would cause them to come to pass, and what consequences might they have? What paths would you especially like to see, and why?
(writing as the mun) 
as of now, i can really see only two paths for her. one is where she can make peace with her family while also being able to follow her dreams of becoming a healer and not disappointing them that way. alternatively, she can get the healer ending, but still hold a grudge against her family and still find herself feeling unhappy because of their awkward relationship. ANOTHER ONE... is death :) but i need to think more on that before i can act on it aha
19. How do they behave within a group? What role(s) do they take? Does this differ if they know and trust the group, versus finding themselves in a group of strangers? Why?
though she usually takes the role of being the center of attention in the group, she would usually be more of a follower than she would be a leader. is she obnoxiously loud? absolutely. would she like to take order and be responsible for anything? not exactly. she is simply there to have a fun time with everyone there. and it doesn’t matter whether or not she is close with the group she is with, as she will always try to make sure everyone (including herself) has a good time. 
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
(don’t exactly have much relationships with her yet, because i’ve been sucking at plotting with her recently. but i’ll just type out what i had in mind in the general basis) 
friends - she is perhaps the most at her element when she is surrounded by her friends. if you already saw her smiling while walking through campus before, you’ll immediately see that smile brightening if she sees you from across the campus. and she can even be a little too comfortable around a person, so make sure to set your boundaries so she can understand and respect them!! because she will!! she loves everyone. 
family - and by everyone, that excludes her parents. she’s a little more reserved when she’s around them because she doesn’t exactly have a good relationship with them. it had been like this since she had turned eleven and gotten her hogwarts acceptance letter. it’s mainly because she would try to ignore their comments on her life decisions, as they would always have something negative to say about them if not solely her. if someone were to ask about her family, she’d basically give the rosa (brooklyn 99) response and say “i have one :)”
lovers - she’s never actually been in a relationship before and she has her family to blame for that. as much as she tries to ignore their cruel comments and ways so that she could live her own life, she sometimes feels as if she doesn’t deserve love if they don’t love her. she’d simply be a nuisance to her future partner, she thinks. (aha prove her wrong) 
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
as mentioned previously, she’s never actually been in a relationship before. but her ideal relationship is someone who she could rely on or trust. someone who she could be vulnerable around without feeling like she’s burdening the other by doing so. simply put, she wishes to be with someone who makes her feel safe. who could love her for her. and who could give her soft kisses and cuddles. and she’s not a super kinky person, but she will be here to serve ahaha 
22. How do people respond to them, and why might these responses differ?
her aura and personality could be compared to the sun and with that being said, there’s usually two kinds of reactions that she could possibly face as a result; people who enjoy the warm energy she gives or people who find her light to be a bother. there are people who could find her a pleasure to be around and appreciate her optimism and spontaneous personality, but it is possible for others to be overwhelmed by her presence or find her to be annoying. either way, she doesn’t exactly plan on changing her ways and she can only hope for other people to get that gist and adapt to it. 
23. How do they respond to difficult social moments? What makes them consider a social situation difficult?
for a social situation to be considered difficult to angie, there needs to be conflict. she’s not exactly the type of person who would know how to handle arguments in general. she personally wouldn’t want to get into one with her friends, so seeing her friends, or really anyone, argue in front of her would stress her out. so she tries her best to tone it down if she even sees a sign of a situation escalating. 
24. How do they present themselves socially? What distinguishes their “persona” from their “true self”, and what causes that difference?
though angie doesn’t really like to consider her “persona” to be labelled as that, it essentially is a cover up that hides how lonely she is. however, she likes to live as if she has two sides of herself: day mode and night mode. day mode is what she presents to everyone and how she regularly acts when others are around. however, if left alone or when not surrounded by others, she’s a bit more calmer in energy. and if you leave her alone, she may find herself being overwhelmed by loneliness. 
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
no matter what relationship it may be, angie in the end wants mutual happiness from both sides. from someone who’s usually grouchy, just a small “i appreciate you” or “you’re not too annoying” is enough for her. in the end, she really wishes to help people and make them feel better, even if it’s through something small.
26. How do they view and feel about relationships, and how might this manifest in how they handle them, if it does?
having never been in one, she sees them as an adventure that she has yet to explore. though she’s a bit romantic about everything in life, she is for sure a hopeless romantic and is longing for the day someone can finally give her heart a chance. until then, she will continue to have fun with knowing everyone else besides her, as she’s gotta focus on having fun while she continues to study in mokseong. 
27. What do they strongly like and dislike, in any category? Why?
she’s a fan of all kinds of flavors, but she isn’t too fond of anything too bitter. if you’re getting her anything from the cafe or local coffee shop, make sure it’s fruity.
while she generally likes most of her classes, the one class she isn’t exactly the best at is defense against the dark arts. it’s mainly because of the fact that angie tends to stray away from anything she considers “negative energy”. not only that, but she doesn’t want to get hurt easily and that class always makes her a little anxious. but of course, she has to take that class for her major. 
and while she is generally accepting of everyone she comes in contact with, she does get a little irked when she runs into someone like her parents. she tries to keep her distance from people who believe they can control her. maybe little jokes about it will not bother her, but she really does not like demanding people. 
28. What are they likely to do if they have the opportunity, resources, and time to accomplish it? Why?
journal!! she’s very into journalling. she’s got a few bullet journals and everything. she will make pretty entries with pretty pens, markers, and sticky notes!! you can expect her handwriting to be good, even if she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would have good handwriting. 
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative?
she has been journaling since her third year in hogwarts and she’s found it to be quite therapeutic, as it helps get her frustrations about her family out of her mind. she also likes to bake whenever she has the free time to do it, mainly because she believes that anything sweet could make anyone smile.
and as a member of the gaming club, she also has played her spare share of games on her laptop and on her switch. (also some dating sims on her phone shh) and compared to those first two hobbies, this one is a little negative in her life. but at least she gets to make friends even if she’s staring at a screen for longer than she should! 
she also has a guilty pleasure and yes it’s one direction. do not @ her. 
30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much?
she loves to be around people and talking to others! social gatherings are practically her calling and even fun places such as the arcade or amusement park make her go off the walls! when she isn’t surrounded by people or in the company of others, she tends to get a little negative and sad. if she were to ever write a handbook on how to take care of her, the number one and most important rule would be to NOT LEAVE HER ALONE. 
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
anything that can ruin a good time for her, or anything for her at all, is the topic of family. if you were to put her in a place where she had to talk about her relationship with her family, she would either try to dodge that question or just straight up say no! 
however, if you want her to treasure her forever, just simply serenade her with a one direction song and she’ll think you’re soulmates. other than that, it’s not exactly hard to get on angie’s good side!! she’s kind of a people pleaser to begin with anyway. 
32. Do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? What are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why?
as mentioned previously, there is a coin necklace that angela always wears. she was given that necklace at a young age by her mother and father for her birthday. when she looks at the necklace, it reminds her of the good times in which her relationship with her parents was constant. after she had enrolled in mokseong, she had cut off contact with them entirely. but even if so, she still loves them until the end. it’s why she keeps it around her neck still. 
33. How do they learn about the world–what is their preferred learning style? Hands-on learning with trial and error? Research, reading, and note-taking? Observation or rote memorization? Inductive or deductive reasoning? Seeking patterns and organization? Taking things apart and putting them back together? Creative processing via discussing, writing about, or dramatizing things?
when in classes, her preferred method of learning is taking notes. she’s gotta use her calligraphy skills for something, right? 
34. How do they understand the world–what kind of worldview and thought processes do they have? Why?
angie doesn’t exactly think about the world too much. all she knows deep in her heart is that they are people who are either already good or are capable of being good. with wanting to be able to do something good for the world, she thinks it’s a responsibility for her as well as other people to try and help others become people who are more loving and accepting. 
35. How and why do they internalize knowledge? What effect has that had on them?
besides her usual notetaking, angie is able to learn valuable life lessons from her own personal experiences that she’s observed. because of that, she keeps that to heart with future interactions. like how she shouldn’t talk too much about being an auror because she knows little to nothing about that, but she can go on and on about all the magical creatures on campus. 
36. How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this?
she mainly relies on emotions. the reason why she likes to live life a little bit more spontaneously is because she wishes to do everything her way no matter what others tell her. she does not care about what others may think of her when she does it. all she cares about is whether or not whatever she’s doing will make her happy or not. 
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
before hogwarts, she was essentially learning standard education that other muggles have learned. however, she has been struggling with adhd since she was a little child. it wasn’t until her fourth year where she was able to get medication for it. because of that, she needs to take her medication if she wishes to do an assignment, otherwise she will struggle heavily with it. 
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?
she’s satisfied with how she views the world and her thought process before making decisions. it’s really other people (cough mother and father) that she wishes she could change. 
39. What sort of questions or thoughts recur in their lives, either specifically or as a theme? Why are these never answered, or answered permanently to their satisfaction?
“do they still think of me?” - in relation to her parents after she moved out. 
“is what i’m doing really worth it?” - also in relation to her parents, specifically about whether or not they were right when they advised her not to be a healing major. 
“how can i make today start great?” - her daily routine to ask that to herself every day. 
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
she often thinks about how many people are out there and if they, like her, are struggling as well. obviously, she knows she isn’t alone, but it’s something she wonders about and she can’t help but feel supported by the fact that there may be people out there. she can’t help but think about how wonderful everyone is and how each of them could make a contribution to make the world an amazing place. she just thinks people are neat!
jokingly speaking, she asks herself whether or not a “butt” is singular or plural. 
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
rosy red nose and flushed cheeks. cherry red heart shaped sunglasses. getting lost in sunflower fields. hiding her tears among yellow flower petals. running her hands through the grass. perfectly imperfect day old curls. 
no reason why. just because. 
42. Who is her favorite member of One Direction?
mr harry styles 
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