#ideal pets
alokastrology1 · 2 years
Which pet is good for me as per my zodiac sign?
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Choosing a pet is a difficult task because it involves more than just playing and snuggling with them constantly the time. In order to get along with you, they must fit your (zodiac sign) lifestyle and personality. We frequently make the error of selecting a pet that doesn’t fit well with our family, which forces us to give it to someone else. Not everyone enjoys owning domestic animals of any kind. You should conduct some research to determine which is ideal for you.
Know about which Pet is best based on your Zodiac Sign. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
But if you make your decision depending on your zodiac sign, then you don’t need to do any research to pick the right pet for you. Each solar sign has distinct personality characteristics, which are reflected in astrology. So, we would also select a different pet. Our zodiac features can determine the ideal pet for us. Learn more directly below.
The ideal pets for you, based on your star sign.
Aries: A canine
Bold, passionate, and extremely energised describe Aries people. They enjoy interacting with others greatly. Although dogs also crave a lot of attention, an active and energetic puppy would best fit their enthusiastic attitude.
Virgo: Hamster
Taureans are practical, reliant, and a little bit sluggish. They are looking for a pet that is affectionate and low maintenance. Hamsters would therefore be suitable for them. They are adorable, cuddly, and simple to care for.
Parrot: Gemini
This zodiac sign enjoys thinking and talking incessantly. And they are huge animal lovers. The best choice for them to raise is a parrot. They will talk to you nonstop and are not only fascinating and intelligent.
Hedgehog: Cancer
Any pet with a lot of energy is not a great idea for persons with Cancer because they are also quite emotional and irritable. Hedgehogs are therefore a suitable pet for Cancerians. Also, they excel at nurturing.
Leo: Cat
You enjoy being the focus of attention all the time and being surrounded by exotic items. Hence, a cat, particularly a Bengal cat, would be appropriate for Leos since they can also draw attention to themselves through beauty.
Aries: Fish
This sun sign’s representatives are meticulous and well-organized. They enjoy keeping things tidy and spotless. Because of how much mess they generate, a dog or cat would not be a great option for them. A Virgo will almost always choose a fish because they are clean and make excellent companions.
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Virgo: Rabbit
Librans enjoy being in attractive environments. So, they will constantly desire a pet that will draw their attention from everyone. They do, however, frequently desire to cuddle their animal companions. The ideal pet for Librans is a charming and cuddly rabbit.
Scorpio: Snake
You have the mystique of a snake, the depth of an emotional serpent, and the evil side of a snake. Just the peculiar elegance of this reptile allows you to grasp the snake’s enigmatic character.
Sagittarius: An elderly cat
The most intrepid of all the signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius, would like a pet that is highly low-maintenance and doesn’t require any kind of attention. Thus, a senior cat would suit you the best.
Capricorn: Guinea pig
This zodiac sign’s inhabitants are exceedingly diligent but also very patient. so that they may provide their dogs with the love and attention they require to thrive. You can therefore rescue a Guinea pig.
Aquarius: Birds
You want a pet that mirrors your personality and is distinctive. Instead of being beautiful and needy, you wish your pets to be smarter. You can therefore have birds that are intriguing and intelligent.
Pisces: Senior dog
Pisceans require a pet that can relate to them because they are highly emotional. An elderly, well-mannered dog is a wonderful alternative for you to snuggle with often.
We hope this blog gives you a delightful insight into which kind of pet is suitable for you according to your zodiac sign. We come up with new topics and blogs every day to tell you more about the traits, characteristics, and personality traits of the 12 zodiac signs. Stay tuned for more!
Read Also:- Is your mood affected by Waxing and Waning Moon? 
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dazzelmethat · 26 days
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Anteater Weevil. Smaller than a great anteater and more arboreal, the species combo would eat more termites and sap from trees than ants on the ground.
@weevilsdaily Hope you don't mind me tagging you. Your blog is what got me to get down and fully design an idea I've had for a while.
I love both great anteaters and weevils so so much.
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
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Hyuna saves Mizi due to her own personal reasoning, not out of rebellion duty or obligation. First, to make up for the death of someone dear to her, and second, as an act of self-consolation. Hyuna sees her past self in Mizi, and believes that saving her will help free herself from the past that she's been shackled to.
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filibusterfrog · 2 months
Is Monty a rescue?
yeah he is. im not rly onboard with birds being part of the pet trade cause theyre mostly too smart and too delicate with really specialized needs to be well taken care of by most owners, but the reality is that they are part of the pet trade so i thought id get a rescue and make sure he had as good a life as possible
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…What’s this?? WWX not being a self-sacrificial idiot??
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It’s almost like… that isn’t a personality trait…
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axollungz · 1 year
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dang girl u crazy (affectionate)
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highwaywhump · 1 month
remember this piece?
unnamed guard dog is still unnamed.
TW/CW: pet whump, (former and current) dehumanization/animalization, distraught whumpee, whumpee idealizes death mentions of scars and injuries, long term whump situation, tbh not much is happening here but two old men are having a moment ig
The flames weren’t real. 
They were the first thing the guard dog saw when he was pulled from the abyss. Orange LED lights scattering through lenses and refractors, creating the illusion of a pile of embers that would never go out. 
And still, he noticed he wasn’t particularly cold. It wasn’t slick linoleum or cold metal against his skin, it was… fur?
He blinked and looked around, trying to get his eyes to refocus. He was on his side on a cream fur rug, facing a fake fireplace with neverending little fake flames dancing along the edges of fake logs. He turned over, biting his teeth together as his shoulders protested the movement. He was getting too old to be laying on floors, even if they were covered by plush fur rugs. 
Then again, that wasn’t up to him. 
What had even happened to land him here? It was a living room with high windows stretching up and up and up towards even higher ceilings. An luxurious-looking leather sofa, complete with a matching pair of chairs, made up the seating arrangement. There were bookshelves along the walls, a huge blue-hued painting of foggy hills on another. Everything looked needlessly expensive. 
Who had put him here? Why?
He tried to sit up, only to groan and rub his face with his palms as a sharp pain shot through his head. He hadn’t just been sleeping, he figured. He was always groggy after naps, but never like this. Somebody must have … given him … something- 
The guard dog lurched forwards, doubling over on himself and gagging violently as the memories flooded back to him, filling all his senses. The cold examination table, the clammy blue gloved hands, the bright light, the syringe… He would have thrown up, had he had anything to eat the last seven days. His pulse was racing, his hands were shaking as he grabbed onto the fur of the rug, trying to ground himself. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck…
“Oh, good. You’re awake.”
The voice pierced through the blood rushing in his ears. 
“Thought I lost you there for a second. Again.” 
The voice was more familiar to him than the ache in his bones, the taste of blood in his mouth, the tight skin of his scars. 
He didn’t have to turn around and face the source of the voice to know who it belonged to. More importantly, he didn’t want to turn around. He didn’t want to believe it could be real. 
That he was back with him again. 
It took him several long, grueling seconds to find his voice. He realized he hadn’t used it for weeks, and when it finally came out of his mouth, it was gravelly and rough, nearly impossible to shape into words. For a moment there was only bare sound, akin to that of a wounded predator. 
Then, finally, did the words come. 
“I… I was supposed to feel better.” 
The voice of the man he did not want to face, scoffed, caught off guard. “What?” 
The guard dog keeled over, his scarred, wide hands digging into the rug as he yelled into its plush fur. 
“I was supposed to feel better!” 
“I fucking hope you do!” the voice snapped harshly, and a pair of fine leather shoes trod across the dark hardwood, into the guard dog’s line of sight. 
“You better feel fucking great! They were going to kill you!” 
“Yes!” the guard dog moaned, hiding his face in his hands. His shoulders shuddered, the scars there dancing. “That was the point.” His voice took on a sore quality, like he was straining to control it, to keep it together. He didn’t look like the mighty guard dog he once was, hunched over on the plush rug, stifling his sobs. 
“That was the point, so why didn’t you let them.” 
The other man was silent for a beat. The guard dog could, between his fingers and through the tears fogging up his eyes, catch a glimpse of the black Oxfords he wore, perfectly shined as always. 
Derbies are for doormen and loafers are for geriatrics. If you forget everything else, remember that, pup. 
The man sighed and went down on one knee, steadying himself with a hand on the floor. He wore the same ring he always had. The red garnet shone in the fake firelight, reminding the guard dog of all the times that hand had struck him, the ring often slicing the skin of his cheek. 
 “Don’t tell me I should have let them murder you. I don’t want to hear it.” His voice was resigned, but nevertheless cold, not leaving it up for discussion. Some years ago, that voice would have been enough for the guard dog to forget even the mere thought of disobedience. 
“Why did you bring me back here? Why-” The guard dog hunched in on himself, caught in a coughing fit brought on by the sudden and harsh use of his gravelly voice. He wouldn’t be surprised if he coughed up blood on the fine fur rug. 
The man, now behind his back, did not react to the sharp onslaught. He remained silent until the guard dog’s wide shoulders had stopped their rhythmic contractions. His voice was still unwavering. “I am only reclaiming what is mine.”
“Yours?” The guard dog barked out, then groaned as his sore lungs protested. “You sold me! You didn’t want me anymore. You sent me away to the first caller!” 
“I sold you only because I had no other choice. You do not understand these things. You never did.”
The man reached out as he said this, hand folded, and slid his knuckles down the column of the guard dog’s neck. 
His touch was like an electric shock, his warm and gentle hand such a contrast to the guard dog’s cold surroundings that he flinched like he had been hit, his spine jerking away on its own accord. The skin contact was enough to wrench another violent sob from his body. 
“And I let Louie take you only because I couldn’t bear the thought of having to see you go any further. It was better to do it quickly. It wouldn’t have been healthy for either of us to wait around for the right person.” 
“There was nothing healthy about him!” groaned the guard dog. “He put me in the fights! I made his fortune when I knocked out Bruiser! And six months later he sold me on again, and after that….” His voice broke. His anger seemed to have dissipated now, replaced by violent sobs that caused his whole body to heave and lurch in between his words. 
“Oh, pup. What did they do to you…” The man’s fingers ghosted across his spine, following one particularly nasty scar, too jagged to come from a blade. “I never should have let you go, should I.” 
“I wish you never got me back.” Despite the words, the guard dog’s voice was not resentful, only fatigued and spent. 
“Don’t you like me anymore? You used to love me.” 
He was quiet for a while. The man wondered idly if he had passed out, but did not check.  
“It wasn’t love,” came the rough voice eventually. “It wasn’t about that.” 
“Then what was it about?” 
“Loyalty.” The answer came before he could even think of it. Loyalty was the fundament for everything he was, everything he would ever be. Everything he had ever done. “I will always be loyal to you. No matter what you do to me.” He recalled the very last beating they had shared, the evening before his new owner had retrieved him and brought him to the fighting rings. 
It was quiet for a while.
“I know you don’t believe me, but I will always be loyal to you, too,” the man said eventually. 
He looked up, suddenly face to face with the man he had been made for, all those years ago. Now older, rougher, gray around the edges, but still the same brown eyes, framed by the same perpetually upturned eyelids. The guard dog’s own eyes were bloodshot, tear tracks creating shiny trails down his cheeks. They were only a few inches apart, the man having knelt down to his level. 
It wasn’t the first time they had been this close, but the guard dog watched him with fresh eyes this time. Nigh on two decades of life away from his master had forever changed the curious atmospheric aura they once used to share. 
“You’re right. I will never believe you again.” 
The familiar brown gaze studied him for a second, jumping down and back up, roaming the litany of scars and blemishes on his skin, several stretching into his hairline. His lips made a peculiar twitch before he suddenly sat back up and got to his feet, limber and flexible despite his age. 
“In any case, you’re getting a hosedown before dinner. You smell like shit.”
@maracujatangerine (were there more of you? lmk, also lmk if you don't want me to tag you)
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if neopets really wanted my money they’d make something like a pokewalker so I could bring one of my pets with me to work or on errands or wherever
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3gremlins · 1 year
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you might have thought the best bit of bg3 is all the hot, romanceable people with intriguing personal trauma but actually that's just the 2nd best thing. the best thing is being able to befriend and adopt almost? every animal/baby monster you come across and then PET THEM (you can throw a ball for the dog now and also summon him as a familiar, kinda like the cat in divinity! also i just like talking to the owlbear cub, it's soo cute, they added some more scenes with it from the EA)
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 9 months
a really underappreciated aspect of goro's character is how much he wants/needs people to like him. like, people think he's "gotten over that" by third sem because he acts like he doesn't care and is an asshole. but like, that's so far from the truth. he still really wants people to like him. he's just completely given up on that happening. he's intentionally pushing people away on purpose by being the worst version of himself.
so something i really wish people explored more in post canon/redemption akechi fics is this desire to be liked. if goro starts to have hope again that he might be able to be loved, after akira and other thieves accept him as his true self, there's no way that's not going to affect how he acts. i just don't buy the idea that he's going to be a jerk all the time forever, not only because i think he needs to improve and be kinder as a part of his self betterment, but moreso simply because if he's shown kindness and accepted and gains friends, he's going to be terrified of losing them or accidentally pushing them away.
sure, they might accept him even while he was his worst, meanest version of himself, but that isn't enough to undo the trauma and akechi's fundamental worldview that he is inherently unlovable so long as he is himself. so there's going to be this conflict between his fear that he has to become the detective prince if he doesn't want to lose his friends, and the part of himself that hates the detective prince for being a false projection and his idealistic self he never could be.
i don't buy the idea that goro could comfortably be his true self with his friends in a "take it or leave it" sort of way. he might pretend to be secure in himself enough to act that way, but he's going to be internally terrified at all times that if he says or does the wrong thing they'll abandon him. at first he'll even accept it as inevitable, but the longer they stay, the more he's going to hope they could stay, and the more he's going to be terrified that they'll leave him like everyone else has.
i want more fics about goro struggling between the desire to be true to himself and the desperate need not to be abandoned again. i want more fics where he either decides to push all of them away because that's better than the alternative of them abandoning him, or he starts to transform himself and act in ways out of character just to keep them from leaving. or feeling like he has to offer them something or they'll abandon him because they'll never love him for himself. feeling like he owes them just for being loved. that sort of thing! just anything at all that explores how he thinks he is inherently unlovable that goes beyond simple self loathing. how is that going to affect how he acts in a world where he DOES have people who love him, but he can't accept that, because they must have some ulterior motive, no one could really love him for him? i think it's a really untapped part of post canon stuff.
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
i know i’ve rambled about this before but I think about it a lot with the various like “can reptiles/fish/non cat/dog pets ACTUALLY love you back” posts and articles about how to tell when your cat loves you and I just sometimes think it’s a little silly to act like love is both this grand ineffable mystery in regards to pets (or people) and something to be measured and assessed
like does Baloo let me hold her paw for a long time (a Measure of Trust according to many articles)? No, she doesn’t really like having her paws touched. But when she gets her head stuck in the back of a chair or her scarf’s caught on something, she stills the moment I touch her head and lets me—a big, strange creature (who frankly often runs into furniture and doorframes)—manipulate the most fragile and vital part of her body in order to help her.
love is an action imo. your dog doesn’t need to be able to comprehend the words ‘I love you’ to feel loved, and your snake doesn’t need to purr to show that it trusts you and likes being around you. love is going to look a little different in every setting and trying to both box it in and demand it meet certain criteria is just...kind of dumb
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onceinawhilemoon · 4 months
also absolutely ROFL @ how mycroft went FINE! go walk yourself into jail! see if I care! i'll see you in 20 years when you're a ROT! and stomped off and waved him a lil grumpy goodbye and then imagining his surprised pikachu face at sherlock actually going and doing exactly THAT when he found himself in the governors office like 2 days later bribing and extorting to get his stupid brother out. and then sherlock was so seriously upset that mycroft did NOT in fact leave him in jail to rot lmao like what did you expect when has your brother ever meant anything he said to you in his grumpy tsundere mode you both are equally hopeless and you’re wearing me outtt
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polararts · 2 years
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Ok so this is out of NO WHERE for you guys, buuuut. I'm doing a little preorder for these embroidered patches that double as stickers. I finally found a manu that has furry base fabrics to make them soft and touchable /sobs >> Preorder here till november 5th <<
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tired-demonspawn · 29 days
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joining the lil silly trend of making a deal with bill :)
anyway my eye hurts for some reason imma go check on that or something :/
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taters169 · 4 months
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Got this cutie today his name is George 💕
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modern au where zhongli has a nokia brick not because he doesn't understand how touchscreens work but purely because it's more square than most smartphones and he doesn't get side-eyed if it causes any damage when he *accidentally*drops it. because it's a nokia brick.
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