thepixelelf · 9 months
Jun healing soulmate au (your soulmate's touch heals wounds) where he's a mixed martial artist who met you when both of you already had partners (it's pretty rare in this universe to find one's soulmate, so dating/marrying non soulmates is commonplace) and so you both agreed to not pursue anything. Then, a while after Jun's broken up with his previous partner, he starts showing up at your place with little bumps n bruises, sometimes scrapes. You don't really understand why he needs you for these, and you tell him as much, but he just shrugs you off and stays relatively quiet until he leaves before your partner comes back from wherever they are. After that, the injuries start becoming more serious (he's scared you'll turn him away if you think he doesn't need you but you don't know that), and you're starting to get a little concerned about his job, but he still doesn't talk much during his visits, so you have to fill the empty space. It turns out that your current partner has slowly started to become abusive, though you don't call it that when you complain about them. Since it's not physical (it's mostly emotional and financial) and this is your first experience with a partner like this, you don't recognize the signs right away. Neither does Jun, but he still gets angry internally hearing about all the shitty things you tell him your partner is doing. At some point, you get acquainted with Jun's manager, who sometimes drops Jun off at your door when he's real beat up. One such time, they stick around while you heal a sleeping Jun, who normally tries to stay conscious while you heal him, but was just too exhausted to stay awake. You ask them a little bit about the MMA world, and they don't tell you that much, but eventually you say something about how if Jun's losing so much, why does he keep doing this at all— to which his manager quirks a brow. He's not losing, they tell you. He's their prize fighter. You're shocked, of course; you thought for sure Jun was losing almost every match, which would explain why he would need your healing so often. Apparently his manager has noticed that Jun's been letting a lot more hits land on him than usual, when (before a couple weeks ago) he'd normally dodge/block them with ease. And despite receiving a lot more damage, he still always comes out on top. You don't really know what to do with this information; the next time Jun returns for more healing, you don't fill the silence with mindless babble or more complaints about your partner, you just let the quiet permeate. Jun notices this, and he doesn't know why you've suddenly drawn back, but after the first day of that, he starts to speak up. He asks you about your life— not just the things you want to vent about, but your interests, your hobbies, the little things that make you happy. Eventually you start to look forward to his visits, gruesome and bloody as they are, simply because you like talking to Jun. It works. It just fits. One night, though, Jun comes to you and finds your cheekbone bleeding, a little cut just beneath your eye. From your partner's ring, you explain, wincing under Jun's touch because of the bruise forming there. Jun almost storms off then and there, wants to find your partner at whatever seedy bar they've gone to after hurting you and teach them a lesson, but you put your arms around him, and the healing sensation mixed with your warmth is enough to calm him down. Mostly. "Don't," you beg Jun. "Please don't. I don't want to make a mess, I just want to—" You look around your apartment "—I just want to go. Please, let's just go." And Jun helps you pack up everything, then escapes with you leading the way, riding the high of that "let's" all the way home.
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thepixelelf-too · 2 years
Ummm rata-tat-tat mv badboy™️ Jangjun except he's not a badboy™️ he just likes those kinds of clothes but when he rolled up to uni like that everyone was like "whoa hunk alert 😳" and he went "SHIT" and proceeded to pretend to be a classic badboy™️ (idk he watched vampire diaries or something for research?) because idk societal pressure y'know. At some point he brags that he has a sickkk bike but uh oh now people wanna see a motorcycle he doesn't have so now he has to find one and oh? Who does he know that has a motorcycle? That's right, you, his super cool and attractive neighbour who also happens to be a mechanic (CINDER INSTINCT) and, okay, maybe if it was anyone else, he would be too embarrassed to say yes if they asked him if he wanted them to teach him how to ride, but when you ask him with a smirk (because you KNOW he has literally never been on a bike before), he is embarrassed but ALSO extremely wants to sit behind you on a motorcycle. And maybe hold on to you for dear life but he doesn't know that yet
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thepixelelf · 11 months
You guys don't even know about the one-sided enemies to lovers catboy uji bodyswap au where you and Jihoon are both music producers at an entertainment company but Jihoon is kind of dismissive of you because he thinks you're a nepo baby (your mom is the ceo) and one day he just wakes up in the body of a black cat (he thinks it's a dream) that turns out to be your black cat and he's like huh okay weird but just spends his time in the "dream" lazing around in your apartment and letting the dream version of you take care of him because whatever right? but then he goes to work the next day and everyone is like where were you man we tried calling you like a billion times and he checks his phone and an entire day has passed that he doesn't remember (well, as a human anyways) and he's like. wtf. and the next day he wakes up as your cat again and he's like holy shit this is real and oh god he let you pet him and kiss his little cat forehead the other day he is soooooo embarrassed so he avoids you the entire day and you get kinda lonely about it but he doesn't really care because he needs to find out what the hell is going on except there's not much he can do as a cat. at some point you let him outside (I'm against outdoor cats but let's ignore that for a second) and he realizes you actually live really close to each other, so he tries to get into his own house but can't because he's a cat. he has no idea what to do when he's human either tbh he tries googling literally everything about the situation and even seeks out a witch online who turns out to be a hoax but on like the fourth or fifth day that he's a cat (at this point he's slowly letting you pet him again because okay, fine, it feels really fucking nice) there's a knock on your door, and when you open it, it's Jihoon. But, not Jihoon, because Jihoon is currently your cat. Human Jihoon immediately hugs you and you're just frozen in place like uhhhhhhhh and Jihoon who is a cat is like !!!!! Oh my god your cat has taken over his body and now it's embarrassing him to an unbelievable degree!!!! Anyways cue adventures of cat Jihoon trying so hard to not let your cat in his body completely destroy his reputation while also learning that you're a good person (and that the ceo is actually not your mom and there's family history that has her hating you which means you got your position through hard work and talent) and you being super confused as to why Jihoon's personality keeps flip-flopping from day to day because sometimes he's cold and ignores you (he's too embarrassed to face you) and sometimes he's completely mute but almost overly affectionate (your cat in his body) and you both fall in looooooooove
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thepixelelf · 1 year
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thepixelelf · 10 months
this is definitely a stretch but a slightly off kilter dimension 20: mentopolis au where, consider Jeon Wonwoo, "junior researcher at Gobstopper Industries, a retro-futurist conglomerate, working on all sorts of amazing art deco technology in a gilded, non descript, past-like past..." ("gah, he paints a picture with his words!" 03:12) who works in the neuroscience department, kind of a loner, always focused on his research. Often closed off because he is led by his logic and ambition. Pushed down his sense of conscience years ago because of an incident involving an ice skate to the face but he doesn't like to talk about that or frankly even think about it so... work it is.
Anyway, one day Mr Big Boss Guy walks into Wonwoo's office/lab with you, and he introduces you to him as a specialist in projectiles. You two are going to be working on the new Psychometer project together. Wonwoo just nods, shakes your hand, and registers your sweet nice to meet you smile too late because he's already turned back to his calculations and now it would be too awkward to say nice to meet you too and damn it, why is he so damn awkward?
You don't pay it much mind— you've met plenty of awkward, shy nerds at Gobstopper Industries and while Wonwoo is maybe one of the nicer looking ones, you're no stranger to clipped greetings and noses buried in research. You yourself are quite the nerd, anyway, so it's no skin off your back.
[warning: fake science ahead! also cw for guns!]
For a while you two just work on your own things— him with his weird neuro something something tech, and you with your projectile prototypes. You're signed on as a temporary contract, so Mr Big Boss Guy never really told you what kind of thing you're making the projectiles for. But it does occur to you at some point... why would you put a projectiles guy and a neuro guy on the same project? What the heck are you even building?
So you ask him. "Hey, Jeon. Can I call you Jeon?"
He seems a bit jumpy at the sudden appearance of your voice, which is fair since you guys haven't really talked in the days since you started working together, but he turns to look at you and eventually nods.
"What is it exactly that you're researching?"
"Well... it's— it's... uh..." And it takes him a couple seconds to get his bearings, but then he goes on about brain waves and electrons and oxytocin and aromatherapy and a lot of other stuff that you honestly don't understand much of, but the more he speaks, the more you realize he's very much into all this research he's done. "It'll be a pioneer in mental health, this machine. If we can go into the mind and find exactly what's wrong— just imagine what that can do for the world."
You try to. You think about how the whole "mental health" thing is just starting to get on the public's radar, and what it would mean if doctors could just... look in there and then tweak the undesirable bits. Huh.
"That's fascinating," you tell him, not seeing the way his eyes practically light up at your, albeit monotone, interest. "And... why am I making it into a gun?"
At that, Wonwoo just blinks. "I... don't know. I think the decision came from marketing? Perhaps they think it will be more valuable if the machine is portable."
"Portable, huh," you mumble, but you don't say anything else. Wonwoo goes silent too because he literally cannot carry a conversation (esp with someone he finds smart and attractive) unless he is answering questions. So, you both just go on with your work.
Until another day, after you dropped off the latest prototype on the boss' desk, when you ask Wonwoo, "Hey, Jeon, with your mind reader thingy—"
"It's not a 'thingy'," he interrupts with an almost imperceptible pout, but you catch it and smile at how oddly cute your fellow researcher is.
"Okay, your Psychometer..."
(His eyes light up again. They keep doing that.)
"...is it only for looking?"
He frowns, not understanding. "What do you mean?"
You tilt your head to the side, tapping your sharpened pencil on your desk. "I mean... can you use it to do anything about the stuff it sees?"
"Tampering with the brain is an extremely dangerous endeavour. There's no telling what could happen if the Psychometer were used to manipulate emotions or desires—"
"Wait, so it can be used like that?"
Wonwoo's frown deepens, he scoots to the edge of his chair towards you, one hand on his knee. "No. The technology could potentially be altered to manipulate the brain, yes, but the result could be disastrous—"
You jolt up onto your feet. "It's a mind control device???"
"I don't think you understand—"
But you're not listening to him anymore. You lean over your workspace, eyes darting over all your blueprints and scrap metal prototypes. "Holy shit," you mutter to yourself. "And I designed it into a weapon..."
You didn't always know there was something off about Big Boss Guy, but after meeting and getting to know Wonwoo and his research, you thought it was a little strange. Big tech industries like Gobstopper don't care about the good of the people like Wonwoo does... they care about money. And Big Boss Guy always seemed so smug when you updated him on the Psychometer project... yeah, a patent for a brain scanner would probably make him millions... but a mind control device? He could move to fucking Mars if he sold it to the right people.
Or used it on the right people.
In a frenzied panic, you begin swiping your hands over your desk to try and collect all of your research into a pile, while Wonwoo watches you with his confusion mounting.
"What are you—"
"Wonwoo," you breathe out, heart beating much faster than healthy. "Can I call you Wonwoo?" You don't wait for his answer; you're not even looking at him. "You need to get all your shit on a hard drive, and then you need to delete it from every Gobstopper computer—"
"What? Why would I—"
You walk straight up to him and put both your hands on his arms. If he wasn't confused and defensive right now, he'd probably be flustered.
"We made a fucking mind control gun, Wonwoo. Do you know what that means?"
Who is he kidding? He's flustered. He shakes his head.
You close your eyes as you let out a sigh. "We made a weapon. A very dangerous weapon. And the only way to stop it from going to the wrong people is if—"
Wonwoo watches you stop, and it's not like when he can't continue speaking because he doesn't know the answer, or when you pause because you thought of something funny, like you often do, but you actually freeze. Your mouth stays slightly open, caught in whatever you were going to say next, and your arms go stiff. Wonwoo is about to speak when he hears his boss' voice from the entryway.
"The wrong people?" he says, calm as ever as he lowers the Psychometer prototype he'd just had pointed in your direction. "C'mon, Jeon. You know I'd never put this in the wrong hands." He admires the machine in his hand. "It's much better off with me, don't you think?"
It's not that Wonwoo has no idea what the fuck is going on. In fact, thanks to you and your recent revelation, he finally actually knows what the fuck is going on.
It's just that he has no idea what the fuck to do now.
"You can't— this—" He looks at you, who have never been so close to him for so long, and right now it's completely against your will. He hates that thought. "Whatever you did with the Psychometer, turn it off! Reverse it, just— let them go!"
His boss shows off a mocking pout. "But they were saying such mean lies, Jeon. I told you: this machine is going to change the world. Don't you want that?"
"Not like this!"
"Tell you what, Jeon," his boss says, unfazed. "How about you finish doing your job like you were asked, and I make your little projectile friend fall in love with you, eh? You'd like that, wouldn't you? I see the way you look at them when you think no one's watching."
Bile threatens to rise up Wonwoo's throat. To make you like him— no, he never wanted that.
"Don't," he growls.
"Alright, alright. Then I guess I'll just have to offer a slightly worse deal. You make me my fully functional Psychometer, and I don't go through all the steps up to making their death look like an accident." He pulls out a sleek, silver gun and points it straight at you.
"Fine— fine!" Wonwoo holds out a hand, the other one now holding onto your arm. "I'll build it, but..." He bites the inside of his lip. He hasn't taken anything close to risk in years. "...but I need their help."
His boss raises a brow. "I don't think they're gonna want to be helpful."
"I'll make sure the comply," Wonwoo assures him, although he's not that confident in his ability to convince you.
He just needs you back to normal.
His boss clicks his tongue and tucks away his gun. A long time ago, he told Wonwoo he liked him because he listens well to authority. "Alright, Jeon, but make sure they do, and fast. Otherwise, I'll have to find somebody else for the job."
Wonwoo doesn't miss the thinly veiled threat, but he pays no attention to it. His boss points the Psychometer at you once again, and with a gasping breath, you fall to your knees. Wonwoo immediately joins you at your side, not hugging you like he kind of wants to, but patting your back as you cough.
Faintly, he hears his boss ordering people to barricade both exits from the lab.
"Holy..." You gag, and cough, and almost throw up, but don't. "...shit."
"Are you alright?" Wonwoo asks.
You whip your head to glare at him. "Am I alri— Wonwoo, do you know what you just agreed to?!"
So you heard everything, huh.
(It's not what he should think about first, he knows that, but Wonwoo feels heat on his face knowing that you heard his boss talking about the way he looks at you.)
"It was the only way for him to unfreeze you..."
At that, your panic and anger soften. You sigh. "I... Thank you."
"You're welcome," he says automatically, then cringes at how the words sound.
"You know I'm not helping you make that thing, right?"
Wonwoo nods. "I don't want to make it either."
"Good, then..." You stand up, Wonwoo keeping his hands hovered only inches away in case you're unsteady on your feet, and you reach into one the the inner pockets of your labcoat.
From which you pull out a grappling hook.
Wonwoo's eyes widen, and he has half the mind to ask you if you keep one of those on you at all times (???), but you stride past him to look out the floor to ceiling windows of the lab— which is four floors off the ground.
You turn to him with a sickeningly sly grin. "You ever looked at a window and asked yourself if you could break it with a good ol' shove?"
Wonwoo shakes his head, incredulous. "No!"
"Well." You shrug, going to grab as much of his and your paperwork as you can and stuffing it into your bag. "It's either the window, or mister 'I'm gonna rule the world' out there."
Wonwoo weighs his options. On the one hand, you're...
Well, you're there.
And, okay, on the other is a guy with two different guns, so...
Wonwoo goes over to his computer, taps at a fews keys, and initiates a total manual reset.
Once he turns back around, you've already started tying rope around yourself. "Get over here," you grunt.
And so Wonwoo lets you literally tie him to you, and then he jumps out of a god damn fucking window.
and that's all for this episode of diMEN—
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thepixelelf · 11 months
no more bumping into each other in a coffee shop meet cutes!! someone write two time hoppers unknowingly running into each other before anyone else in the timeline and trying to subtly question the other to try to figure out what decade it is while both don't know the actual answers
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thepixelelf · 1 year
anti-parent trap au where you meet cheol while his supposed only daughter is away for a summer-long camp, fall hard and fast, then get introduced to his pre-teen daughter, who in front of him is an absolute angel but you swear she doesn't like you. of course, you didn't expect the child of a single parent to immediately warm up to you or anything, but it's a little disheartening. at some point, you accidentally overhear his daughter on the phone with someone... except she suddenly has an accent? she says something about you, telling the person on the phone how you started seeing her dad recently and how there's something "suspicious" about you. after that you walk away because you don't think it's fair to eavesdrop, but like a week and a half later, you figure out why she suddenly had an accent-- that was actually her twin sister, separated a little bit after birth with cheol's ex wife who moved to another country while cheol stayed behind. you suffer through countless pranks and also cheol's daughters trying as hard as they can to get cheol and their mom back together. when you finally reach your limit, you tell cheol that you can't make him choose anything over his family, but cheol assures you that he wants to make this work, even if your life is a little (a lot) more crazy with him and his family in it
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thepixelelf · 2 years
warning: mentions of sex
au where you've been dating svt Chan for like a year nd a half and now you're for various reasons going to spend the holidays with him and his family at his parents' house. you're understandably a bit nervous but more excited and happy to see his parents again and also to meet his older brother for the first time... except when you ring the doorbell an awfully familiar face opens the door. Seungcheol, whom two years ago you were fucking regularly until he left you with nothing but a "you're too good for someone like me" and you never saw him again. but it's not only him at the door— while you and Seungcheol gawk at each other like deer in headlights, his fiancee greets you and Chan. you're shocked and so is Seungcheol but you shake it off and greet him as if you've never met before because holy fuck you've had sex with your boyfriend's brother (over six months before you started dating Chan but still. fuck). it's awkward but you honestly just try to avoid Seungcheol's eyes as much as possible as you and Chan get settled in to his old childhood room (it's quite sweet to see). Seungcheol gets the silent memo and doesn't really talk to you unless he has to. all things considered, things are going smoothly — until dinner, when Chan's parents casually mention that Seungcheol and his fiancee have been together for five years and you choke on your food. you try to make eye contact with Seungcheol across the table because you're telling me we slept together while you were dating your current fiancee???? but he completely avoids your gaze. Chan asks you if anything's wrong and you have to lie through your teeth because 1. you already pretended you don't know Seungcheol and 2. if you did mention anything about being together, what would happen to Seungcheol and his fiancee's relationship? it's all way too complicated and you definitely don't want Chan knowing you've fucked his brother but also does Seungcheol's fiancee deserve to marry someone who cheated on her?? you literally toil within yourself for the rest of the night until Chan is asleep next to you and you leave the bedroom, stepping outside into the snowy backyard. you don't get a lot of alone time because soon after, Seungcheol steps out too. you confront him with a classy "what the fuck is going on?! did you cheat on your fiancee with me?! what the fuck!" (all whisper-yelled because you're terrified of anyone hearing). Seungcheol is distraught — he explains that no, he would never do that to someone. he and his fiancee were actually on a break during that time, and now he's not sure if the relationship has fully recovered since then... he proposed to her because he felt like that's what she and both his and her parents wanted, but now he's unsure. he doesn't know if he wants to marry her or even still be with her, but his parents love having him home for the holidays and also never knew about the breaks he and his fiancee would take. he begs you not to tell his parents or his fiancee. his parents because he doesn't want them to think his future marriage is on a rocky sea, and his fiancee because even though she allowed him to be with other people during that time, she doesn't know you're one of those people (you're actually the only person he slept with, but he doesn't mention that in the backyard). he's not sure how his fiancee will treat you if she finds out, and he also doesn't want Chan to know because "he's clearly in love with you." and the thing is— you're in love with Chan too. it terrifies you that this could ruin what you have with him. you sigh and tell Seungcheol that you'll keep your mouth shut, and that he needs to get better at pretending you don't know each other. and he needs to either work things out with his fiancee or end things. he begs you to let him keep up the facade until after the holidays are over.
and it would be titled "A Little Complicated" :]
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thepixelelf · 1 year
rookie actor mingyu who keeps fumbling with and breaking props x seasoned props manager reader who always has spares but is still reaching their last nerves
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thepixelelf · 2 years
the prince & me au except when the prince gets sent to live as a commoner, his personal assistant (mc) also goes to keep him in check and even though the prince has known his PA for years he's finally realizing that they're a real person and also oh shit he's falling for them
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thepixelelf · 1 year
Thought of this right this second but I want a mini svt series a la the magic treehouse where you go on random adventures through universes, each time with a different member
Sipping Soda on a Sunday (with seungkwan and you in a mom n pop shop but there's a MURDER and you have to solve it)
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thepixelelf · 2 years
made-up fic title: instant meals and all the things you shouldn’t tell your best friend
omg this title is fire?????
okay so first thought is Jihoon fic...... him and his rice flipping "skill".....
ooh maybe a best friend's best friend au?? Jihoon is Soonyoung's current best friend and roommate, while you are Soonyoung's childhood friend who suddenly needs a place to stay
Jihoon is sort of a closed off guy but because of the way everyone's schedules work, he and you actually end up spending more time together in the apartment than you and Soonyoung do. For a while he just sticks to his room and you hang out on the couch (your temporary bed) but y'know a guys gotta eat so he has to venture out to the kitchen eventually. Every time, though, he makes either instant noodles or rice and you see this and after a while you're like okay!! I can't take this anymore dude I am making you a real meal!! And then while Soonyoung is doing evening shifts elsewhere, you and Jihoon start having dinner together most days and he warms up to you (a little too much maybe) and realizes he's falling for his best friend's best friend and because Jihoon is weird he decides to take this to his GRAVE so whenever Soonyoung asks him if he's getting along with you he skirts around the topic and low key lies but like?? You're not lying you're telling Soonyoung that Jihoon has gotten a lot nicer and even let you listen to one of his unfinished tracks (which he doesn't even let Soonyoung listen to). So Soonyoung is hearing two different testimonies on your relationship and is just like ???? but also not ?? because vv obviously Jihoon likes you lol
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thepixelelf · 1 year
so is anyone gonna write figure skater minghao x hockey player reader or do I have to
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thepixelelf · 2 years
https://pin.it/5vqfvpu getting 1-10 should be a fic prompt:D
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anon you have the dnd nerd and the romantic in me squealing rn...
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thepixelelf · 2 years
camping fic with doremi line but they're all City Boys the entire time
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thepixelelf · 2 years
for ur wip reveal ask game, i simply MUST know more about ghost hoshi detective jihoon please 😌🤲🏻
ask me about a wip!
title: Ghost Hoshi Detective Jihoon
ahhhh this one I love the idea so much but I'd want to make it long and I just don't have the attention span 😭😭
warnings! reader discretion is advised. the content ahead includes mentions of death, murder, & serial killers
basically the idea is that about a year before the story "begins", Soonyoung and Jihoon were detective partners, both investigating the case of a serial killer -- called the Red Letter -- who had run rampant in their city. except, one night Soonyoung got a little too close with a new hint or clue, and he was murdered by the Red Letter. Jihoon was obviously devastated and enraged, but the police captain (Seungcheol bc who am I kidding) took him off the case because it was now a conflict of interest for Jihoon. unbeknownst to him, though, Soonyoung's ghost stayed behind. he seems stuck to Jihoon for some reason, but he has no way of communicating to the living. for a year he just drifted along, watching as his best friend fell apart over the loss he experienced while unable to do anything to comfort Jihoon.
enter you, a server in a small bar near Jihoon's precinct. Jihoon's finally broken down for some reason and goes to the bar to drink himself stupid and just forget. you've just arrived for the late shift and taken over your coworker's tables -- including the one Jihoon's sitting at. Soonyoung is there too, though no one can see him. he's just sitting across from Jihoon going "man, you've really let yourself go..."
until you go up to the table and say "can I get anything for either of you?"
Jihoon barely registers what you've said, but Soonyoung's eyes go wide and he's like "you can see me???". you tense up and focus your eyes on Jihoon once you realize Soonyoung is a ghost -- you've been able to see ghosts your entire life, and it never goes smoothly when they find out you can see them.
anyways basically Soonyoung convinces you to help him solve his murder because it's the only way to bring Jihoon back to life (the irony!) and it would be really sad but also funny. you find out that Soonyoung can actually possess your body (most ghosts can which is why you don't want them knowing your abilities) and it's the only way he can really communicate with Jihoon without just using you as a parroting telephone.
also it would be a poly au because jihoon realizes he was in love with soonyoung who falls for you along the way and you fall for both of them but feel so distraught because you feel as though jihoon only needs you to have soonyoung and you're not just a vessel for soonyoung to speak through goddamnit
and after a big argument jihoon shows up at your door, goes "you're more than that to me," and pushes you against a wall and kisses you until you forget your name ANYWAY
(gotta clarify that I am not a shipper, the story and these characters just went this way in my head)
I have the first 1 and a half chapters of this written, so lmk if you wanna see a snippet!
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