okazaki-trash · 23 days
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🥹🫱🫱✨✨✨✨✨ For my boi ✨
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iamallyetnotatall · 2 months
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I ended up doing two prompts for Day 1!!!
Here we have: Day 1 - Secret Relationships Ship: Identityshipping (Ryou x Rishid)
This fic came about because... the poll I had the other day with all the numbers? (Which had determined my Free Day fic!) The lowest number out of both polls was 2 which belonged to Rishid. And that disappointed me because 2 is my favourite number, so I gave Rishid and Ryou their own fic ❤
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 11 months
Round 1: Poll 2
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Identityshipping (Ryou Bakura/Rishid Ishtar | Odion Ishtar)
Propaganda: I know it’s pretty obscure but to be honest me and a friend got into it a while back pretty much just bc we love Rishid SO MUCH and him & Bakura are both traumatized sweeties who deserve the best. I think they’d get along well and be happy and kind… it’s a comfort ship basically
Pairing 2: Occultshipping (Yami Bakura/Ghost Kotsuzuka | Bonz)
Propaganda: Yami Bakura enjoys scaring Kotsuzuka, and while Kotsuzuka finds Yami Bakura terrifying, he also admires him for it. They could scare everyone, together!
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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card-gays · 7 years
Which of your ships could you see getting married and/or having children? And which ones would, at most, just move in together and maybe get a pet?
I love this question!!! But some preamble first: some couples are in lifelong romantic relationships, but don’t actually want to get “married” in a legal sense. Which I only mention bc I do have some ships like that~ And, since I definitely have too many in general, I’m only gonna do a few here. Other than that, you can feel free to ask if there’s one I don’t mention that you want an answer for. ^^ One in particular I left off was Prideship. Which sounds funny considering it’s My OTP, but I know I’m gonna have a mile long answer for it, and I wanted these to be about the same length so.. lol
(Also, prepare to see how different combos weirdly change my ideas for whether or not certain characters have kids/get married.)
So here we go- 
Peachship (Anzu/Yugi):- Anzu and Yugi I can easily see going from dating to getting married. They’re not exactly traditionalists, but they plan on being committed long term, and they love the idea of saying so publicly to everyone they know with a huge commemorative party. So why not! Like, especially after they’re both well established in their careers enough that Yugi can work from anywhere and just location hop with Anzu if she’s going to be abroad for work for more than a few months, or if they need to move so she can work at this one really prestigious theater… Either one of them would absolutely pop the question once they’re sure they’re happy living like that. And the Mazaki-Mutous would be a wonderful couple. As for kids… idk. I know Yugi’d be happy as a homemaker, so that’s taken care of, but I think Anzu would have to have branched out into acting or something first. I’ve heard being a professional dancer and a parent is really difficult, what with the travel, and while she’s said over and over her dream is dancing, her not mentioning kids makes me think Dream First? So I imagine her dream would have to shift to a different career before she’d consider it. After that? Probably yeah.
Rishid/Otogi (Totemship maybe? god help me):- Rishid and Otogi seem like they would be a really really really fun couple, but while I don’t have a hard time seeing them being a serious couple, the endgame couple/marriage headcanons elude me… because I don’t have a very firm grasp on Otogi? ^^” So I can definitely see and headcanon as far as “they date for a few years, have a great time together, and definitely get as far as moving in and getting a dog", but that’s about it. They are absolutely a pair that’d just be enjoying it as it happens, so I can easily think of them as being a long term committed couple, I just need to work on seeing the details. This is absolutely an open invitation for you guys to throw some headcanons at me. xD
Identityship (Rishid/Ryou): (I don’t get the ship name but I saw someone already made one and I’m taking it for now xD)- Okay so… I don’t even know how, but this ship’s really gotten me wrapped up in it. and it’s gonna have to be it’s own post because it’s A Lot. I think it takes awhile for them to get to the Dating stage because they’re both really careful people due to their pasts, and they both really want to be sure it’s not going to be anything that could get between Rishid and Malik’s bond as siblings. But the moment they’re sure everything’s in the clear, they’re near to inseparable. Ryou is a Cuddler if ever I’ve seen one, and Rishid never really had a chance to realize that was something he is Totally About until that first time cozied up on a couch for a movie. They probably move faster than they should for a bit, moving in right away, letting their ~pillow talk~ bridge into talking about their future a lot relatively soon, but somehow for them it just Works. Probably because they’re both totally honest about it. The only hiccup I can see is imo Rishid would absolutely want children, whereas Ryou’s got some anxieties about being 50% responsible for a small human bean. But, considering Ryou’s roadblock are fears capable of being worked through, instead of just not wanting any, I can see him getting on board with the idea all by himself the easiest if he’s with Rishid. I mean… the guy’s not only got experience helping to raise a kid, he’s got experience helping to raise a kid who is partially possessed. As far as well equipped partners go? Rishid’s got that pretty darn covered. (and as for the fears Ryou’s got about what kind of parent he’d be? Rishid’s right there with all the reassurances anyone could need) Their wedding would be simple, I think, but sweet. The people closest to them, a few of their own traditions mixed together in a lovely ceremony, and then Lots of pastries. (who knew Rishid shared his weakness for cream puffs…)
Visionship (Isis/Mai):- Okay so like…. these are No Kids Please people to me. Like they enjoy them, love them even, but… from someone else. Their nieces and nephews (in the traditional sense but also their friends’ kids) are adored and spoiled beyond belief by Isis and Mai, but they are not having kids. They’d rather travel the world and live in peaceful luxury, feeding each other fruit while sunbathing as people look at them in envy and awe. Or blowing exorbitant amounts of money on clothes and makeup and jewelry and perfume. Backpacking across Europe or relaxing in Spain, etc. They’d have a wonderful life together, with 0 regrets to the path they chose. Funnily enough, they are also probably the first of all of them to actually get married. It’s formal, it’s gorgeous, and honestly almost everyone cries when they first look at each other to walk down the aisle together because they are So In Love. The reception is a Party And A Half though. So whichever one of them (or both, if both) wanted to wear a dress definitely has a second one to have a great time dancing in…. Mai probably throws the bouquet, just so she can make sure Malik catches it and watch him have a meltdown trying to hand it to someone else.
The next three are just different combos of the same three people (Yugi/Ryou/Jou), and actually could all function together, so I’ll list them in one go!
Wishship (Jou/Yugi):- I see Jou and Yugi bouncing back and forth on the idea of a formal marriage because it’s not That important to Yugi (though he does want a cake) and Jou’s never really considered it so long as they’re gonna be together anyway. That said, they are fairly sure about wanting kids. Yugi’s always been an “either way is fine” kind of guy, and since Jou is really about adopting some precious kid of his own one day, Yugi is completely for it. If they did get married, they’d probably pick something fun and informal. Small and sweet ceremony, “reception” at a rented out arcade (thanks, Mokuba!)… Who’s ready for some laser tag? Family and friends of the grooms divided up into two teams, with Jou and Yugi as team captains. The losers still get cake but the winners get bragging rights. GO! (the fate of the match actually comes down to Shizuka, a sharpshooter, and Rebecca, the princess of finding cover)
Heartship (Ryou/Yugi):- By contrast, Ryou and Yugi are very sure about wanting to get officially married, and probably talk a lot about it well before the actual engagement. They know they don’t want to get married right away, but hey, they’re comfortable talking about ideas for it anyways…. They land on saying their vows beneath the projected ‘sky’ of a planetarium, with a similar motif for the reception. Their engagement and wedding bands, too. It’s all very sweet, though the vows get kind of existentialist. xD But because (as mentioned above) Ryou’s got some anxieties about it, and because it’s not super important to Yugi, I’m not sure about them with kids. Which is fine. They adopt some cute pets and have fluffy-children instead, plus they make great uncles to their friends’ kids! It’s a wonderful life.
(side note: Atem would be a bit jealous of the planetarium vow idea when he first hears about it. it’s Such A Good idea. Kaiba would offer off-handedly a honeymoon on the rebuilt space station when Atem mentions it. And Atem nearly drops his fork in surprise because they’d never talked about…. that’s the first time he’s…)
Jou/Ryou/Yugi (Cuddleship?):- This is where it all kind of comes together. xD Jou would consider the whole wedding thing a bit more seriously with Ryou involved, because while for Yugi it’s not a very big deal (so he wouldn’t mind if they didn’t do it), it is a pretty big deal for Ryou. So while the three of them initially plan to just be long-term committed with each other, with Yugi and Ryou being married officially as well, their planning would lead him to wonder if, you know, there really is much of a difference between what he wants out of not getting married and what he’d get if he was officially married. And the thing is? There’s really 0 difference for him. So if it really makes a difference emotionally to Ryou, yeah, he can do that. And (answering the very first question Ryou has when he says it) he can happily do it, wants to do it. “It’s just a promise made in front of a bunch of people, instead of in private. I’m okay with that.” Tbh he probably sort of catches some excitement for the idea before he even decides to tell them about it. He still doesn’t get the difference, personally, but he’s really excited and all about what it itself means and how happy Ryou and Yugi will be to plan it with him. As for kids….. okay, anxiety aside, Ryou honestly loves them? They’re messy and expensive and loud and all but made to give you a heart attack… but he loves them, and he’d want to have one. And with two other parents around to help, after a couple years, he feels comfortable bringing it up himself and saying he’d like to talk seriously about possibly adopting a baby. (they do. and name her “Amane”)
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dmbakura · 7 years
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the pairing no one asked for but im gonna deliver on anyway. also i just find it really hilarious because it reminds me of this
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Ship Names
Okay so like some people might know that pokemon ships have really pretty names that are more than just combining the names of the two characters together (ie PreciousMetalShipping, LonaShipping, ClingyShipping, etc) so what if we did this for other fandoms, too? I have some ideas that might work for a few separate fandoms.
Klance --> something like PurpleShipping or RivalShipping or PilotShipping or RedShipping
Shieth--> GaneShipping or MentorShipping or BlackShippng something
Shallura--> LeaderShipping (that’s the only one I can come up with sorry)
Kallura--> AlienShipping or WarShipping
Lanlura--> BlueShipping
Hance--> BuddyShipping, LegShipping, CrewShipping
Shatt--> GarrisonShipping
Star v FOE:
Starco--> SquireShipping
Stom--> RoyaltyShipping
Kellco--> BreakupShipping
Heckaco--> ScissorShipping
Jaco--> CreekShipping
Tomco--> SentenceShipping
Steven Universe:
Stevonnie--> JamShipping
Lapidot--> BarnShipping
Amedot--> ShortyShipping
Pearlmethyst--> TeaserShipping
Pearlose--> CrystalShipping
Adrienette--> IdentityShipping
Ladrien--> CrushShipping
MariChat--> SarcasmShipping
LadyNoir--> HeroShipping
Alyino--> BestFriendShipping
These are just a few fandoms that I could think of but you could do this for literally anything so yeah. 
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 10 months
Round 2: Poll 1
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Obsesshipping(Cyndia/Kisara)
Propaganda: It's a ship so rare it doesn't even have a name in the "official" fan made ship list XD I saw a single fanart of it one day where the artist basically said "What if these two ladies totally dumped their obsessive boyfriends and just went for each other?" And I was like, "...Yeah I'm a hundred percent on board with this concept" XD I love subversive tropes and surprising ships
Pairing 1: Identityshipping (Ryou Bakura/Rishid Ishtar | Odion Ishtar)
Propaganda: I know it’s pretty obscure but to be honest me and a friend got into it a while back pretty much just bc we love Rishid SO MUCH and him & Bakura are both traumatized sweeties who deserve the best. I think they’d get along well and be happy and kind… it’s a comfort ship basically
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 11 months
Yugioh DM Rare Pair Poll: Round 1 Master Post
Group A: Posted on Tuesday, November 7.
Monarchshipping vs Obsesshipping
Identityshipping vs Occultshipping
Cubeshipping vs Ardentshipping
Utopiashipping vs Tieshipping
Pompshipping vs Manipulashipping
Stakeshipping vs Sideshipping
Puffshipping vs Vanityshipping
Sealshipping vs Shrimpshipping
Twistedshipping vs Conquestshipping
Familarshipping vs Nellshipping
Minorshipping vs Bondageshipping
Siblingshipping vs Conferenceshipping
Fadeshipping vs Buddyshipping
Compasshipping vs Alternateshipping
Rescueshipping vs Euroshipping
Group B: Posting on Thursday November 9.
Fillershipping vs Protectshipping
Psychoshipping vs Snareshipping
Sweetshipping vs Casteshipping
Guardianshipping vs Switchshipping
Stubbornshipping vs Angstshipping
Kiddyshipping vs Ateloshipping
Mastershipping vs Powershipping
Sightshipping vs Coinshipping
Onyxshipping vs Toughshipping
Selfishshipping vs Mageshipping
Loyaltyshipping vs Devotionshipping
Beautyshipping vs Revolutionshipping- posted on 11/8. sorry.
Ringshipping vs Foreignshipping
Dragonshipping vs Unsignshipping
Visionshipping vs Yearnshipping
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 10 months
There are many things that one should be thankful for this Thanksgiving. One such thing is the tradition of our ship names, a convention still in use in the Pokemon fandom, a way to get across what pairing you're talking about whether you use their original names or if you associate them more with their dub names.
But how are those names chosen? Well, I can't answer that, but here are some of your theories about why they're named that way.
Shrimpshipping- They shrimps | If you mean why it's called "Shrimpshipping", it's probably a reference to their heights; compared to the rest of the main cast they always look super short. I would mention the fact that official bios state that they're a pretty average height, almost half a foot taller than Yugi, but that's neither here nor there. Despite what the bios say, the anime makes them look miniscule, so that's where the name came from.
Angstshipping- They’re probably the angstiest characters in the whole show, Marik with his whole family thing and Ryou with the whole “constantly getting possessed and having dead family” thing.
Beautyshipping- bc theyre both beauties | because they're both beautiful
Utopiashipping- For their duel in Dark Side of Dimensions, Aigami(Diva) says Yugi has potential like the Planas, and offered him the chance to create a "Utopia" with them, hence the name Utopiashipping.
Identityshipping- I’m pretty sure it’s because they both have secret identities? Like how Rishid lies about being Marik at first and Ryou obviously has the spirit of the ring rattling around in his brain
Stubbornshipping- [didn’t know ship name] |Theyre both strong willed characters | They are both known to stick to their opinions!
Sideshipping- I honestly don’t really know, I assume because they’re “side characters” but I’d consider Anzu a main character? Actually wait I looked it up and it’s because they’re always cheering on their friends from the sidelines! That’s pretty cute
Siblingshipping- It’s because they’re both siblings of main characters..! It’s… unfortunate though, isn’t it? I mean doesn’t it give you the wrong idea? Who did this???
Rescueshipping- I have no clue and I wish it had a better name :(
Snareshipping- Named so because in order to gain publicity Otogi set up a hidden trap (such as what a snare is) for Jonouchi to fall into. | because of the first ep otogi was in I heard that the trap that he prepared for katsuya is called a snare or something im not actually sure LOL | Idk maybe they play guitar together? that would be sweet
Cyndia/Kisara- They still need a ship name; maybe something like Obsessionshipping or Objectshipping or Idolshipping because they're both objects of obsession from men that break away from them towards each other hypothetically?
Switchshipping- Because of how they switch places in the arc that Adina shows up in
Fadeshipping- I honestly have no idea. My best guess is because fading away can be a way of saying dying??? No idea
Lector/Nesbbit- It has no pairing name! **cry.** I'm still looking for the perfect one.
Timaeus/Kisara- I'm not sure they even have a name I'm gonna be honest (if I had to give it one call it Wing or Guardianship? I'm sure it's been used else where but I mean they are dragon and they protect others so seems fitting to me)
Familarshipping- I mean they are in away Kaiba's familiars I suppose. They're two dragons heavily connected him and that he controls / uses so it certainly makes sense for the name.
Yearnshipping- There was no name for their ship, so I made it up. They both yearn for love, even if they had different goals.
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