#idfk I don't wear ties
c4n1d43cup1d 4 months
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Some hogcanons. notes (me rambling) under the cut
So silver was the reason i wanted to make this in the first place despite him looking the most on model (not entirely obviously, but i don't have many hcs for him). Mostly i wanted to draw his height compared to the other hedgehogs since him being freakishly tall despite being younger than sonic and shadow is funny. I saw someone say hes probably the most conventionally attractive hedgehog and i think that's true, hes a pretty boy and his fur/quills are really sleek and well maintained. The fluff on his chest is less spikey and more fluffy looking plus i put some fluff in his ears as well. I think his paws and nails are black and he doesn't wear eyeliner his lashes are just really long and hes got black markings on his eyes. Coming back to this after writing Amy's desc but i think hes genderqueer in some way idk maybe bigender i need to study him under a microscope some more every character i touch becomes transgender
Sonic has a few more added details, i like giving him a little nick in his ear and top surgery scars because that hog is trans. I haven't really seen many people give him stylized top surgery scars surprisingly, i tried to make his look kind of lightning bolty because uh something about him being fast. idk man. i think i imagined its similar to what itd look like for him to run in a zigzag? whatever i think it looks cool. I think his claws are kind of uneven and he doesn't really care too much about how they look especially since he just has them under gloves most of the time
Amy is fat because i said so, also i gave her wavier quills and heart markings everywhere. Her ears might look a little strange since it like implies her skin is making that heart shape but i imagine thats her fur spiking into the point. Her nails are painted the same red that shadows markings and stuff are mostly because i think them being besties is cute like. i see shadamy as a queer platonic relationship. Theyve always been my favorites im going to to make them as close as i want. Anyway, i think she and sonic are tied for having the shortest ears, and hers are the rounest (might make them even rounder the next time i draw her) also not entirely related to her design but i think shes transfem and genderfluid.
Shadow my son. im taking custody from black doom and gerald. anyway, i have the most headcanons for him because he is my absolute favorite guy ever he rots my brain. I think he and Amy are the same height, his rocket shoes are like platform/heels and so when he has them on he looks like Sonic's height or maybe a teeny tiny bit taller. I give his quills extra little spikes for no reason other than i think its cute, i could bullshit that its a black arms thing but idrc. What are black arms things though are his eyes and claws, his scelera is a more yellow compared to everyone elses (jaundiced as my friend put it. thanks endy) and i didn't draw it but his pupils are slits. Claws are long but are even longer when all the way out (retractable) his gloves are thick enough that he doesn't pierce them but he probably has a few spare pairs. Also not pictured but black arms related: his teeth are fucking razors, larger than the other hedgehogs and also serrated because i think thats cool. his tail is the longest out of all of them though i think it used to be longer but was lopped off in the name of science and never properly grew back. also his inhibitor rings are connected to a sort of device that does the task of being a proper gateway between his internal energy and the rings themselves, i didn't draw them but essentially its like a smaller ring that is embedded into his wrists i think. also hes trans but in a sort of alien way, i think the black arms can do the clownfish genderswap thing and shadow has it to a somewhat lesser degree its like an internal tshot i guess idfk
ok yeah thats all if u made it to the end thanks for reading the ramblings of a mad man
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sempsimps 1 month
Gregory Violet head cannons + NSFW
Season 4 of black butler has me thinking about a certain emo (Gregory not ceil but check out my friend @serve-corps if your into that) but like omfg he's so fine what for and like man wears lipstick I just he's so adorable I've never wanted to own the manga more in my life he's so- I should stop but like aaaaaa so this is head cannons mixed with actual cannon that was on the fandom wiki so that's fun I was thinking of writing a full story later but for now....
this is head cannons, and at the bottom, I'll have a warning for my nsfw thoughts. lol, just remember you're responsible for your Internet consumption, but before i get into this, it's all my opinions. Don't take it as gospel or anything like that, im having fun, alright? okay then.
Little head cannons
-he likes poetry. He gives that vibe like come on...(literally an hour later) Okay, so like, just seen a manga page of him drawing a jabberwocky around ceil like a sleep paralysis demon. a little back story on this particular poem is "a nonsensical poem about the killing of the jabberwocky" in 1871, apparently. this is very relatable to ceil and Gregory alike and like Google it for real (so like I was completely right about that and I didn't even know)
he smells like a mix of charcoal and acrylic paint like dusty but kinda nice, ya know (i go back to this further down)
-why dose he seem like he has autism, i cant explain it but, i have it to, so I'm not trying to be rude, but the bowtie he wears is like a normal tie but looser and nicer. and i hate ties, so i feel that in my soul. he also seems like he wouldn't like synthetic material idfk. also social situations suck, his voice is mostly monotone and quite, its not the typical "not understanding cues or not getting jokes" but its more like a social anxiety thing, and that's usually diagnosed with autism i think? (I'm not a doctor i don't really know. Maybe I'm projecting here a little)
-he's like defo bi or pan or perhaps an ace group. I'm not that educated on that lgbtq+ aspect apologies but that's the vibe (again, that's my opinion)
Dating head cannons male or female [brackets if pointed to someone with tits lol]
-bones. Need I say more? I like bones and rocks soooo be like, otters give him a bone (not like that-) or rocks he strikes me as a rock guy like smooth ones. idk how, but just get one he deserves it.
-painting dates if you struggle, he can easily guide you through it, his hand gently moving to help you use the right brush stroke. he's clearly more skilled in pencil/charcoal works, though we haven't seen much else [that takes skill and I take art like damn that's difficult]
-So apparently the sun and dancing makes him dizzy (it was on the fandom wiki) so definitely have water on hand and well he doesn't seem like the type to like anything plain becuse of the drink mixing so water is a no go to boring and i get that so grab one of those ball tea infusers and make flavoured water he can put the flavours in it like idk lemon slices and let it sit in the water maybe add suger (wait thats just flat lemonade lol whatever I'm a genius ik don't flatter me)
-stolen hoodie? Nah, stollen emo robe looking ass. it seems everyone in purple house has one, and well, yall could swap, or ya know, just wear his. if he has another obvious man is never seen without it, it could be a comfort for him. but like, he seems like he would have a bigger one, and it would smell so nice like charcoal and acrylic paint (that i mentioned earlier). Don't question it, but you can smell that, right? but there's a hint of passion fruit becuse he's trying for you (aw how cute) you can not tell me he doesn't like perfume and like its either passion fruit or cola adjacent like i know it probably wasn't around at the time but like you can see it (maybe i based this on a meme i found but shush)
-you paint each others nails need i say more? and even if you dont like/want to, he would just like to take time off with you to do his own or you do his. oh my god, I just remembered he wears eyeliner the same thing, but he likes you doing it. For some reason, you're better at it, and he doesn't want panda eyes.
-sneaking out at late to hide behind the boarding house, to just chill or chat, looking at the stars. It's a nice area, but yall gotta dodge the house master most of the time. Still, a little thrill never hurt nobody, just maybe given a Y or two if you're caught.
-hiding in your shoulder when the sun or people get too much to deal with. (I feel that so much)
-Gregory is a mix when it comes to pda. Overall, he doesn't like it could be a little overwhelming for him, but when yall with the other prefects, he might hold your hand, he's trying, and we love him for it.
-Gregory seems to observe his friends a lot, and so i think he truly values any relationships he has with anyone. on a whole, he usually draws people that are around him, like ceil, and i think i seen one of Lawrence. (idk i don't have the manga) so i think he would have a lot of sketches of you, be it in his work as doodles, or fully fledge charcoal drawings, maybe even a painting. but he values and enjoys being with you a lot.
-little snacks like fruit and chocolate almost like a picnic in the swan gazebo, but ya know not sharing with everyone unless Gregory wants to, also the fact your with the others in the swan gazebo is becuse, 1 your allowed to be there they've invited others before, 2 you get along with the prefects and drudges and they really don't care, 3 your either his drudge or the first two already applied before hand so you both seen no point in doing that.
okay, so i can't think of anything else wholesome to put down, and i just can't stop thinking, so now this is the warning I REPEAT NSFW BEOYNED THIS POINT!! ALSO HE IS 18-19 ACORDING TO GOOGLE
NSFW head cannons
- some general things, he's a switch or power bottom idk but i can see it so much he prefers you on top, though
-favourite body part would be chest. tits or not [but defo would love them so much like a stress toy] or the space between shoulder and neck, to hide in and bite....(he is a wolf lmao)
-right, so first off lipstick. oh my god... imagining it smeared in places and having prominent marks on your body made by him, like hickeys but removable. and like after he gives head, it would get so messed up on his face or you and just kissing him with it like that, getting some on your lips... (jesus, i need to touch grass)
-he likes art obviously, and well going back to the lipstick and hickeys, he wants to see what colour they turn, your like a brand new canvas just begging to be painted on by him, and honestly vice versa he's too pretty not to mark up..... (no comment)
-this is an all boys school they most likely don't have sex ed here and so you would have to teach him what to do but once he knows it kinda clicks right ya know [another reason i think he would just love titties becuse he wants to learn and i mean like he would get kinda fascinated with them] also he would be really sensitive in general and that's a great advantage to top (but hey you didnt hear that from me 0^0)
okay then that was that and ive run out of ideas now and i need to get this out of me ive got like 2 more things to write about this emo becuse i love and relate to him so much anyway hope that was good i try to be accurate even though this is head cannons and not real at all im still trying to be in character sorry if my writing sucks :)
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the-invisible-queer 1 year
I had a weird Criminal Minds dream. It's super fucking long.
Somehow me, JJ, Matt and Luke get kidnapped together. We're all still wearing our bullet proof vests and being kept in this room.
The unsub keeps somehow drugging us to feel weak so we don't fight back.
The unsub only keeps taking Luke and Matt out of the room for a chunk of time but when they come back they don't tell us wtf is going on.
And JJ and I don't ask, but we know they always come back looking a little more upset every fucking time.
Me and Matt are married and have kids. Whether they are the Simmons 5 or not idfk. I just remember talking to Matt and grabbing his face like "we are going to be okay. We'll get out of here and get back to the kids before we know it" and he snaps and says "you don't know that. We might die here".
So next time Matt and Luke leave me and JJ talk about what the fuck is going on. And we're like we gotta just ask them wtf. We don't get a chance because then the unsub takes us out of the room. We're in an abandoned building that's falling apart.
The unsub ties us up. We have no fucking clue where Matt and Luke are.
JJ and my chairs are facing each other. To the left of us is this giant window we can't see through until a light turns on and we see Matt and Luke.
The unsub tells us over some intercom if we answer a few questions correctly we'll all live. But if we lie we die. We have three strikes.
Their voice is distorted like a voice changer.
Me and JJ agree there is no fucking lie worth dying for. Unsub asks us first our relationships with Matt and Luke. JJ says friends. I say husband and good friend.
Unsub said I've got my first strike and I'm like wtf? Then the unsub asks me if I've ever lied to Matt. And I'm like yeah it's happened but nothing major.
Get my second strike.
Unsub says my third strike puts a bullet in Matt's head and I don't fucking understand because I've been telling the truth.
Unsub asks JJ some questions. She doesn't get a single strike.
Then it's my turn again.
Unsub asks me if I've ever cheated on Matt. And I look at Matt and he's trying to say something to me through the glass but I cannot hear him or read his lips.
And JJ asks "is that what this is about?" trying to buy me more time to try to understand what Matt is saying. And JJ lies through her teeth about cheating on Will.
That gets her, her first strike.
Realizing that I cannot fucking understand him, I read his lips saying "I love you". I return it.
The unsub repeats the question.
Being that I've gotten the strikes while I've told the truth I figure I'd try lying this time.
And I say yes I have cheated on Matt. I lie about having an affair with Luke because I'm starting to realize the unsub is convinced that's a thing based on the first question.
The unsub comes into the room and points a gun at my head, telling Matt that they're doing him a favor. And he's clearly upset, trying to get out of the chair he's tied to.
Desperate I say "killing me won't undo the pain your wife caused". I buy myself time by explaining the bullshit profile I have just in time for the team to come to our rescue.
Emily starts talking over the intercom that they found the unsub's daughter and if they want to see her they cannot harm me. The unsub says that ridding the world of people like me is their purpose and their daughter will understand.
And I'm just like why is this how I die? I keep telling Matt I love him and to tell our kids I love them. I'm crying because I don't want to die because someone else is convinced I'm guilty of something I didn't fucking do.
A little girl's voice comes over the intercom begging their mom (the unsub) to let them (us) go. Apparently wherever the intercom mic is there are cameras into our room so Emily says "don't let the last thing your daughter sees of you be this".
The unsub lowers her gun from my head and Spence, Dave and Tara bust into the room to save us.
I'm still like wtf freaking out. JJ is trying to calm me down. Spence arrests the unsub and Tara begins untying me from the chair, asking if I'm okay.
I'm obviously not. I don't see Matt until we're outside the building. He hugs me and I break down again. I keep telling him it was a lie. I'd never cheat on him. And he's like "I know. That's what I was trying to tell you to do". And he just holds me for a few minutes as I get it all out of my system. Finally once I calm down, he says "let's go home".
And that was that.
Anyway CM hire me as a writer.
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singingvio 3 years
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I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories, and all of the things I have seen Will be gone, with my eyes, with my body, with me
- Me and My Husband (Mitski)
Dave Harley (Inversestuck) in his version of Jade Harley鈥檚 space dress
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