#idfk why we been so goddamn unstable recently
femmefaggot · 4 months
woke up fuckin hours ago barely sure who we r jst know its enough lila for us to wanna play th path but works tmorro (doesnt have 2 sleep 4 like 10 hrs but this head suckssss)
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moon--melon · 7 years
WKM - Headcanons, Theories, and Confusion.
The text below is a series of headcanons, theories, and questions about the Who Killed Markiplier? (WKM) series. If you’re curious, it would mean the world to me for you to continue reading my post by clicking “Keep Reading”. Thank you regardless of your decision! Hopefully we can get @markiplier to see this, so reblog to help out!
Seriously though, there’s some juicy stuff in here. It would mean everything for you to check it out. I’m mentioning that fact again because I’m very passionate about this. I didn’t sit on my ass for two and a half hours straight typing this for no one to pay attention to it!
(Sources for videos/resources have been provided with links)
From the livestream, we actually now know a lot more things about WKM and its characters than ever before, but of course…there’s still plenty of questions that have gone unanswered (despite them being very simple questions).
But before I get into the questions, I want to go over some headcanons and my theories, which I deem very likely. (Not out of ego or anything, but just because Mark has mentioned/implied these theories and comments). I will save the questions for the final notion of this post. Thank you again to anyone reading! And special thanks to Mark if he just so happens to read this. __________
First off:
Some things to know! (these have all been confirmed by Mark and the teamiplier crew in the livestream):
-Mark, Mayor Damien, and the Colonel have been friends since they were kids.
-Mark and the Detective have been friends for a long time, but Damien and William (the Colonel) didn’t know of the Detective.
-Mark hired the Detective kind of as an investigative body guard. He hired him to keep things in check and to look into anything mysterious. Over time, they became friends.
-Damien was the only one who REALLY cared about everyone and what was happening. He viewed Mark as a true friend, and was genuinely distraught from his death. The Detective is the second most one who took this all to heart.
-Mark and Celine were married and lived together in the house for a while, but eventually Celine and the Colonel ran off together, leaving Mark alone in the house (for a long time).
-Celine and Damien are brother and sister (Mark didn’t necessarily confirm this; he just said that this was an idea he was heavily leaning towards, and that it is technically up to interpretation. However, Mark confirmed that they have NO romantic relationship whatsoever).
-The Chef and the Groundskeeper (who are good friends) have been living at/in the house for years; the Groundskeeper had been living there the longest, even before Mark showed up.
-The broken bottle in the cellar has a backstory: (this took place during the events of WKM) Mark brought William down into the cellar to settle things, but in actuality, it was all apart of Mark’s plan to get back at the Colonel for taking his wife (that’s how Mark sees it. Celine ran off with William on her own accord though) He offered William alcoholic drinks, getting him completely drunk while Mark stayed totally sober. Mark then offered to play Russian Roulette, putting one bullet in the Colonel’s gun. Mark pointed the gun at William and pulled the trigger, but the gun did not shoot. Mark then gave the gun to William, saying something along the lines of “There, now you can shoot me, and if it doesn’t kill me, we can put our anger behind us and become friends again. I can forget that you ran off with my wife, and you can forget that I was ever angry with you”. The Colonel hesitated, but he agreed, proceeding to shoot Mark and kill him. William, of course, freaked out and frantically hid the evidence, quickly cleaning everything up. That’s why he was avoiding everyone, including Damien, and that’s why he said that all of this was an accident. Mark…planned for this. He wanted the Colonel to kill him; it was all apart of his plan for revenge.
-Mark is just a heartbroken idiot, and his original plan doesn’t go exactly accordingly.
-Mark is the one who stabbed himself 37 times, drowned himself, beat himself, and poisoned himself. Mark (the real one. The one discussing the livestream—so not the character of Markiplier) said that (character) Mark was once trying to commit suicide, because his friend “stole” his wife and betrayed him.
-Mark took control of Damien’s body to rid himself of his original body, which was absolutely fucked up (His original body was…y'know: stabbed 37 times, beaten, poisoned, etc.). Afterwards, he presumably left the manor for good. (Mark didn’t mention that last sentence, but it is implied, and it makes sense).
-The inside of the house is VERY different from the outside—it’s like stepping into a different dimension, or as Mark put it, “stepping into someone’s mind” (which is JUST AN ANALOGY!). No one can die inside of the house. If something happens to you, you keep that injury and keep on living in pain. You can only die outside of the house (obviously, because that’s where the real world is)
- ^^^ That means that the Detective is still alive, and so is the viewer.^^^
-Damien and Celine used your body to get out of the black, purgatory-esc realm. They then ditched your body, turning into Darkiplier. Virtually none of Damien and Celine are left in Dark. Just like the groundskeeper said: “Everyone is…[gone]”.
-Damien and Celine did this ^^^ because Celine thought she knew more than she actually did, she thought she had more control than she actually did, and Damien trusted and believed her, so he thought it was in your best interest to “let them in”. In actuality though…the viewer is left stuck in the house.
-By the end of it, Damien hates Mark, feeling betrayed and left alone to live in pain and regret.
-The Colonel (obviously) turns into Wilford Warfstache. His red overalls faded into pink ones over the years.
-The Colonel sits with your dead body for 10 HOURS STRAIGHT, cradling Damien’s cane. At that point, he is not experiencing madness…he is experiencing pain, regret, mourning, and sorrow. He doesn’t experience madness until your dead body (which has been lifeless for 10 HOURS), suddenly gets up. (Keep in mind that in normal circumstances, rigor mortis sets in between 2 and 6 hours after death. The house prevents you from decaying, because you cannot die in that house).
-The house (as you could’ve guessed) doesn’t follow the laws of physics in its layout, and in it’s overall reality. For example, it was hiding the Detective’s room from the viewer. (Although, Mark seemed to lean away from the idea that the house could be sentient).
-The Detective’s room has been that way for years, recent stuff has just been added to it. When the Colonel angrily says that the Detective has been “keeping tabs on us”, he means that the Detective has been doing that for YEARS. Remember: Mark hired Detective Abe to keep tabs on people and to look into anything of question, and that’s exactly what he did. __________
Now that that’s out of the way! Here are my headcanons/theories (these are not 100% confirmed! Although, some are very likely):
-William (Now Wilford) wears bowties because of Damien. (Notice how Darkiplier doesn’t wear a bowtie/any tie at all [anymore]). (This headcanon was mentioned by Amy).
-After the events of WKM, the Chef and the Butler went as far away as they possibly could from the house. The two of them, although they did not particularly like each other, worked at a restaurant together (as seen on A Date With Markiplier). The Butler becomes a waiter and befriends another waiter (Ethan), the two of them also working at a small, independent theatre.
-The Mark (character) that we see in all other (important) sketches/skits is actually Damien’s body, but is just being controlled/possessed by Mark (from WKM. It’s not a “new” Mark, it’s the same one, he just has a different body—-Damien’s body).
-Wilford, being mad (insane), sees Darkiplier as Damien, being unable to see him as broken and corrupted. Wilford doesn’t see the glitchiness and unstableness of Darkiplier, he just sees his old friend Damien.
-Dark, being nothing more than a husk with the feelings of revenge, uses Wilford, not actually considering him as a friend. Dark contains virtually no trace of Damien and Celine anymore. Their spirits have been corrupted with hatred and revenge so much, that all it is now is Dark. __________ The questions (HOEPFULLY TO BE ANSWERED BY MARK!):
-What is the time setting?! Mark and the gang VERY briefly brush up on this in their livestream explaining WKM, but what they say is even MORE confusing. Mark says that it takes place around the ages of the 1920’s through the 1950’s. I am going to completely dismiss that idea, because it makes no goddamn sense. Maybe Mark meant that it was based on those eras? But then Amy goes on to say that they wanted WKM to seem timeless. Idfk, this needs to be cleared up. The timeline is VERY important! For some reason, Mark always dismisses it!
-What happened to the Detective? The person speaking at the end of Chapter 4 of WKM is confirmed to be the Detective. He says (verbatim): “ *recorder beep* *intense coughing* Colonel…*coughing* if you can hear this…you better run”. Clearly, the Detective is angered and full of hatred towards the Colonel. He knows that he killed Mark, so maybe he will also be out for revenge? If not, what is the importance of his character? It’s clearly left on a cliffhanger. Is the Detective still stuck in the house with the viewer? If so, why was that last audio clip put in? (I understand this particular question cannot be answered yet. I just want everyone to think about it, because it seems to be that everyone forgot the importance of this character. No one’s talking about Abe!).
-What exactly happened to the Butler and the Chef? I tried to answer this question using my headcanon, as seen above, but I think it’s still good to mention here. I consider them to be very important characters, and I think that Mark could answer this one very easily.
-Is the Groundskeeper still keeping the grounds of the manor? Obviously, after the events of WKM, George (the Groundskeeper) definitely vowed to never go back in that house ever again. But…he’s done this before…so did he go back to his job? Or did he leave for good? (This may not be important at all).
-What’s the deal with Wilford? All that we know about Wilford is that he is insane, and that he is now working with Darkiplier (as shown in Markiplier TV), but what are the specifics? Does he know that Dark is (or, ..was) Damien and Celine?
-Are Wilford’s other videos not canon now? Now that Wilford has an official origin story, we are left to question his first origin story. Yep! You read that right. For the new fans of Markiplier: Wilford has always had a backstory. We see it in these videos (which are in order; that’s important) The Warfstache Affair and The Ned Affair. He was a journalist who slept with someone who was having an affair with her husband. After shooting and killing the woman, her husband, (and their neighbor and their dog), Wilford burned the house to the ground and fled the scene, being wanted by the police. Did those videos not even happen, or did they just happen way after WKM? (Also, does “Warfstache Interviews Markiplier” have any canon or importance?)
-Who is the new Markiplier? As mentioned in this post, Mark took control of Damien’s body and left the manor, planning to leave the Colonel, Damien, and even the viewer. So what does that mean for the Mark character we see in A Date With Markiplier and Markiplier TV? I think that it’s still the Mark from WKM, but just in Damien’s body, but that has not yet been confirmed or disapproved.
-Who is the new viewer? The viewer’s character (the one looking at everything in first person) is confirmed to be stuck in the manor at the end of WKM, …but, in A Date With Markiplier, there seems to be a new character for the viewer’s perspective. Who is this new person? They have to be significant in some way! In ADWM, Mark’s character says SEVERAL times: “Do I know you from somewhere?” “you look familiar” “Do we know each other?”. What does that mean?? I’m pretty sure that was NEVER explained! __________
And with that, this post has officially concluded. Sorry…that it’s so long. I’m sure that fact will deter Mark from it :(
Thank you to anyone and everyone who decided to take the time out of their lives to actually sit down and read this. It took me a long time to not only type this, but to do the small amount of research that went along with it.
Mark, this post means a lot to me….it would mean so much for you to comment on it and explain a few things. You inspire me every single day, and the WKM series is a masterpiece that I absolutely adore. I’m very confident in this post, so I think it would be pretty close to a total waste if you never come across this.
Once again, thank you everyone for reading this. You have no idea how much it means to me. I’m going to spread this like the plague—I need people to see this, I’m so passionate about it.
Again, special thanks to Mark.
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