#idgaf chicken products are superior
maliceinborderland · 4 years
I know for a fact that Niragi would talk about dumb stuff "Is water wet" type of stuff and Last Boss would look annoyed but actually secretly enjoy his weird ass
And that’s the thing! Niragi would argue that water is not wet and Last Boss would think “what in the actual fuck cuz yes it is” and it would cause Niragi to bust out all of his brain cells to support his argument, I mean his dumb ass would 100% have a PowerPoint presentation made as to why water is not wet but because it isn’t possible in the borderlands, he’s made doodles on a whiteboard. (He’s not a good artist, and his handwriting is so gnarly it would even make doctors scratch their heads, bless his little soul)
I’m 100% sure that when they go on rounds, scouting around Tokyo for food or supplies, that when they’ve driven past a Burger King or whatever, Niragi would say some shit like “yo, I miss their spicy nuggets.” And LB would be like “their nuggets? You’re a grown man. Dont you eat the burgers?” And Niragi would be like “no mf spicy nuggets for the fucking win don’t get me started on the chicken fries” and LB is just like “why tf are you ordering chicken at a BURGER KING WHERE THEY SELL BURGERS” but he’d probably not voice this last but and just flare his nostrils and widen his eyes at Niragi who’s moping while looking out the window because Burger King’s spicy nuggets are, in fact, missed.
More than anything Last Boss is deeply disturbed by most of the conversation topics Niragi would come up with, not because of how gruesome they are, not at all, but because as much as Niragi says and does the dumbest shit throughout the day like “lol look at me freak the fuck out of this pigeon with my laser scope” he’ll bust out some deep ass thoughts in the middle of their last night rounds like “we’re alive but are we living” and it would just fuck with Last Boss so bad because is he living? is he just alive? But would he entertain Niragi?
Anything and everything Niragi throws Last Boss’s way is met with a “shut the fuck up, kid.”
To a certain extent, I think Last Boss enjoys Niragi’s company. Keep in mind, LB was a hikikomori in the real world, so having someone around you all the time is bizarre, perhaps tenfold when it’s Niragi. Even though Niragi’s behavior is shaped by his “freedom” in the borderlands, I think LB connects with Niragi in the sense that neither of them felt “alive,” or felt a sense of purpose, until they got to the borderlands.
I think this is what makes their companionship work.
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