#spicy nuggets are gods creation
maliceinborderland · 4 years
I know for a fact that Niragi would talk about dumb stuff "Is water wet" type of stuff and Last Boss would look annoyed but actually secretly enjoy his weird ass
And that’s the thing! Niragi would argue that water is not wet and Last Boss would think “what in the actual fuck cuz yes it is” and it would cause Niragi to bust out all of his brain cells to support his argument, I mean his dumb ass would 100% have a PowerPoint presentation made as to why water is not wet but because it isn’t possible in the borderlands, he’s made doodles on a whiteboard. (He’s not a good artist, and his handwriting is so gnarly it would even make doctors scratch their heads, bless his little soul)
I’m 100% sure that when they go on rounds, scouting around Tokyo for food or supplies, that when they’ve driven past a Burger King or whatever, Niragi would say some shit like “yo, I miss their spicy nuggets.” And LB would be like “their nuggets? You’re a grown man. Dont you eat the burgers?” And Niragi would be like “no mf spicy nuggets for the fucking win don’t get me started on the chicken fries” and LB is just like “why tf are you ordering chicken at a BURGER KING WHERE THEY SELL BURGERS” but he’d probably not voice this last but and just flare his nostrils and widen his eyes at Niragi who’s moping while looking out the window because Burger King’s spicy nuggets are, in fact, missed.
More than anything Last Boss is deeply disturbed by most of the conversation topics Niragi would come up with, not because of how gruesome they are, not at all, but because as much as Niragi says and does the dumbest shit throughout the day like “lol look at me freak the fuck out of this pigeon with my laser scope” he’ll bust out some deep ass thoughts in the middle of their last night rounds like “we’re alive but are we living” and it would just fuck with Last Boss so bad because is he living? is he just alive? But would he entertain Niragi?
Anything and everything Niragi throws Last Boss’s way is met with a “shut the fuck up, kid.”
To a certain extent, I think Last Boss enjoys Niragi’s company. Keep in mind, LB was a hikikomori in the real world, so having someone around you all the time is bizarre, perhaps tenfold when it’s Niragi. Even though Niragi’s behavior is shaped by his “freedom” in the borderlands, I think LB connects with Niragi in the sense that neither of them felt “alive,” or felt a sense of purpose, until they got to the borderlands.
I think this is what makes their companionship work.
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Based on this request
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Words: 1540
Summary: Since there's no way you'll eat the things you don't like, even though they're healthy for you, Loki masters the art of hiding them in your food.
Warnings: Loki hides gross stuff in your food (Stuff I personally don't like, if you like them I fear you) Mainly fluff, but caution for the gross stuff and the betrayal.
Loki Taglist: @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @lucky-foxface
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Zucchini, meatballs, beans, mushrooms, green bell peppers, sea food...There were things in the food world you thoroughly despised. They either made you gag, or simply you just didn't liked the taste or consistency, so you just didn't ate them.
But your boyfriend is stubborn.
"Y/n, this is good for you" you shot at him an angry look and refused to open your mouth. In the end he got bored, so he took the spoon out of your hand and tried to feed you, which was not very fruitful. You put up a hell of a fight, so he gave up.
You smiled triumphantly as you walked to trash the pieces of zucchini into the trash can, then you walked out of the kitchen and went back to the room you two shared.
He smiled as soon as you left, he had a plan, and it was going to be amazing.
The next day he put on his apron that said ‘Good lookin’ is gonna start cookin’, and he made pasta, because he knows you love it, but he was clever. He let the mushrooms fry in soy sauce, then added a pinch of pepper, the green stalk of a single chives, and half a can of tuna. Then he added a tablespoon of cream cheese, heavy cream, and a pinch of salt.
Then he mixed everything together and let the sauce thicken a bit in the pan before adding the pasta once it was done. He made sure he cut the mushrooms tiny enough so you wouldn't notice them.
“Loki, this is incredible!” you moaned and praised his abilities, “I’ve been practicing” he bashfully smiled. Since the Avengers wouldn’t call him much for mission work, he stayed in your house bored to death. Until he found a cook book in one of the shelfs in the kitchen, and for pure leisure he began to read, then to put into practice, and ended up liking it, so he insisted that he would take care of the meals at home.
But, well, he wasn't called the god of mischief for nothing.
A few days passed, he put his plan to work again. This time, he used beans, meatballs and a bell pepper.
Since you've been craving burritos all week, he made a black bean paste and he crushed the meatballs you didn't liked from the day before and seasoned them with spicy taco seasoning.
Then he prepared the guacamole with tiny pieces of green pepper, avocado, tomatoes, and half an onion chopped in squares. Then he set up the shredded cheese, lettuce, and the yoghurt sauce in different plates.
All the spices covered the flavors of the things you didn’t liked. He watched you fill your burrito with a bit of everything he displayed. So naïve and innocently enjoying his deceiving cuisine.
The following recipe was a bit more elaborate, however simple. He made chicken nuggets without a hint of chicken. He shredded fish, seasoned with pepper, salt, oregano, and a few tablespoons of a highly concentrated chicken broth.
After letting the fish rest for a few hours, he rolled it with flour into balls in his hands, shaping them into nuggets, then dipping them into beaten egg and panko before frying. He accompanied the nuggets with a portion of sticky rice with vegetables.
Before, any type of fish would make you gag, but watching you eat and actually enjoy his creation, he realized how easy it was to fool your brain to make you love the things you hate.
But it wasn't just that you didn't like certain things, you had problems eating itself. You always had a poor appetite, according to you it was because you had a "small stomach", which was not true. He was there when the nutritionist gave you the list of things you had to eat for your body to regain its health.
Your skin was pale before, you had low energy, trouble sleeping, intense and changing emotions, emotional breakdowns, depression, anxiety. All that for not eating as you should.
Sometimes it was exhausting for him, having to fight with you over something as basic as your health, but he understood where this problem was coming from. The words that had knotted your stomach when you were younger, the looks, the insults. With the passage of time you only limited yourself to eating little to be thin as they wanted you to be, almost going to the extreme of eating cotton (said as an unrealistic humorous measure).
It was comforting for him to feel how your body recovered, your skin was softer, you had curves that became his weakness, your natural skin tone beautiful to look at, you also slept better, you went out for a run and to swim with him to do exercise and have fun.
You were noticeably better. You were you again.
Of course, his plan went to hell because of a little mistake with the mussel soup. You had eaten happily, but you found out because you saw him getting rid of the shells. "What is that?" your tone was severe, you didn't even abbreviate your words, you said all three with a space where he swore he saw fire come out of your eyes.
"The mussel shells, empty" and it was as if a stake had been driven into you, "But you know I don't like them!" even though you were angry he saw your outburst as just another pout, so he decided to handle the situation calmly, as if he were dealing with a child.
"But they do you good, you didn't even notice them, you never do" he ruined it again, he missed that line and you couldn't look angrier. "Loki Laufeyson, how long have you been hiding shit in food?" By shit he understood that you were talking about things that you did not like, so he couldn’t do more than tell you the truth.
"A couple of months now, but look at you, you're healthy, you feel good about yourself, I did you a favor" you let out a laugh, "A favor? I trusted you!" you walked up to him and poked a little too hard on his chest, you felt betrayed, deep down you knew he had a good and noble reason, but you were mad and betrayed, so you couldn’t think very clearly.
You just muttered a few things before walking away from him, “Y/n, please listen” you took the keys but stopped at the half opened door, “Did you made all this just so I could be pretty for you?” you had that insecurity for a while, heck, more like ever since you met him, Loki being so attentive with how your body looks now just aggravated your overthinking tendencies.
Your question simply threw him overboard, and his patience was at its limit. He took your arm and drew you to him, using his seiðr he locked the door, put you on his shoulder and walked to the bedroom.
"Loki put me down! Right now Loki or I swear you will regret it!" the poison in your words only came from anger, he knew it, so he paid no attention to them.
He dropped you on the mattress, his magic removed your clothes, leaving you in your underwear, "Loki what are you doing !?" He tugged on your arm and placed you in front of the room's full-length mirror. "This is how you looked before my love" the image appeared in front of you, you could barely keep your eyes on it, you did not recognize yourself.
"I fell in love with you looking like this, not knowing that you were hurting yourself. After that visit to the doctor I understood that I was going to lose you if I let you do what you wanted, so I took your health in my hands and I do not regret it" He spoke embracing your body, keeping your eyes on the mirror.
After a while the horrible image disappeared, you saw your current reflection and immediately smiled, the tears rolled down your cheeks, and he also stopped looking so calm, he hid his face in your neck, letting his tears spill down your back, it was many emotions.
“No, I did not make you change for my pleasure, I only helped you fix what years of pain did to you, now you are yourself, the one you always should have been, the woman I fell in love with is here" he pointed to your head, "And here" he lowered his finger to your heart, "The exterior does not interest me, but I could not let you be in danger".
You turned to hug him, your arms clinging to him as much as you could, almost trying to merge with him, "I’m so sorry, I was just angry, thank you so much Loki, you’re right, I do feel better” he lowered his body so he could be facing you. His eyes looked puffy but full with adoration and love.
“You have no idea of how much I wanted to tell you what you were eating” he laughed, you hit his shoulder in light annoyance, “You are ruining the moment” you giggled reaching for his neck to kiss him, “I love you” he said in between kisses, “I love you more”.
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thespiantherepist · 4 years
Warnings: Slight spiciness, Denki being an idiot, electric shock.
Shooting my shot with another android.
So... howd you get here?
You tried to make a robot.
No, you succeded!
However, your dumbass spilt coffee on the damn bot.
So, it electrocuted you.
Now you were trying to find a soulution, to fix the short circuting android; whrn suddenly.
It stopped.
No buzzing, no sparks.
You stepped forward cautiously. Giggling when you knew the coast was clear. You stepped forward quickly, smiling like a madman.
You put your hands on the side of the male androids cheeks turning them slightly. Looking him over you chuckled with glee.
"Perfection, look at you! Just a little nore polish, and you're a masterpeice!" You pushed up your goggles. Broadly smiling and turning him to face right at you.
Suddenly the green light on his neck came on. You raised a brow in inquisition.
"What in gods na-"
Two hands were placed on your face, pulling you forward. Lips came into hard contact with yours.
You were bamboozled, and you pushed yourself away from your machine in haste.
"Thanks for the compliments, I could say the same for you cutie!" A cheerful voice piped up from above you.
You opened your eyes while crawling backwards.
"Whats wrong sunshine? Oh! Thats good, waiiit! I can make it better. SUNSHINE NUGGET! BECAUSE NUGGETS ARE TASTY, KINDA LIKE YOUR LIPS!"
You stared flabbergasted at the robot above you, his Golden eyes boring into yours. Admiration swimming within them.
"You heard me beautiful," He held out a surprisingly warm hand to you, you grabbed it and he pulled you up.
You brushed yourself off.
"Your eyes are supposed to be Black." You said bluntly. He just shrugged, sticking his tounge out. You rubbed your temple.
"Whats your name?"
"I DoNT KnoW."
'What the hell?' You thought, he was supposed to be brilliant, he bad to know his name. Maybe it was a bug, you'd fix it later.
"Ill have to this later, for now you should know your name is Denki."
"Why cant I be Pikachu?"
Your eyes bulged. This robot didnt have a bug. He was sentient!
This was groundbreaking, if you show the commitee this youd be sure to-
"Dare me to shove my entire fist in my throat?"
This. Was. Exhausting.
"Denki, get me my candy."
He would hand you a strawberry.
"What is this?"
"Its a strawberry, its healthy."
"Denki Im on a video call stop doing tictac dances in the background."
He thought it was hot when you got flustered. It was terrible. The day, the day, you took him to see the commision. He decided to try that shit.
"And thus I say this android is in fact sentient!" You projected to the table, showing Denki off proudly.
To which he got surprised, short circuting himself.
"EEEEEE" He idled back, and fourth. His red power liquid leaking from his nostril. You face planted, but the commison got a kick out of it.
They started a roaring applause.
You restarted Denki quickly. Dragging him to sit down next to you. The head of the commission started congratulating you loudly. The other members nodded in tandum, giving thier own opinions.
Denki only had one thought in his mind, 'Im hungry, oh look a neck!'
He hugged your waist, lightly nipping your neck at the base. He also slightly licked it. Yiu stayed still, trying to remain professional. Blushing madly.
He started sucking, leaving purple hickies on your neck.
"Congratulations doctor, youve just won yourself a spot in our-" Denki right then, and there bit hard down on your neck, electroucuting you at the same time.
"NYYYAAHHH!" You moaned loudly.
The entire commision stared at you, silently. They watched as you confulsed from the electric shock. Your eyes watered with tears from embarassment, and pain as you starred at your creation.
He was also in shock, but he short circuted once more.
Your face was on fire.
The head laughed kindly.
"My he's such a character! Dont worry now, its okay, we understand you were trying to be professional."
You nodded your heart clenching.
"Why do I have to stay in the closet!" Denki whined loudly as you tried shoving him in.
"You embaressed me you screwed up of bolts."
"I didnt mean to shock you!"
"You shouldnt have bit me!" You shoved him in closing, and locking the door.
"Sunshine..." He said muffled throught the door.
You sighed.
"Yes Denki?"
"I love you."
"I love you to dunce face."
"Aww... so mean."
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Story request: How would Loki deal with a shrunken female reader who's a picky eater? By @lucky-foxface
You ask, I write! Thank you so much for your request!
I really loved this one! Is so emotional and lovely 💜💜.
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Tiny!Reader (7 Inch reader)
Words: 1600
Summary: Since there's no way you'll eat the things you don't like, even though they're healthy for you, Loki masters the art of hiding them in your food.
Warnings: Loki hides gross stuff in your food (Stuff I personally don't like, if you like them I fear you) Mainly fluff, but caution for the gross stuff and the betrayal.
Loki Taglist: @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @lucky-foxface
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Hidden Charms
Zucchini, meatballs, beans, mushrooms, green bell peppers, sea food...There were things in the food world you thoroughly despised. They either made you gag, or simply you just didn't liked the taste or consistency, so you just didn't ate them.
But your boyfriend is stubborn.
"Y/n, this is good for you" you shot at him an angry look and refused to open your mouth. In the end he got bored, so he took the spoon out of your hand and tried to feed you, which was not very fruitful. You put up a hell of a fight, so he gave up.
You smiled triumphantly as you walked to trash the pieces of zucchini into the trash can, then you walked out of the kitchen and went back to the room you two shared.
He smiled as soon as you left, he had a plan, and it was going to be amazing.
The next day he put on his apron that said ‘Good lookin’ is gonna start cookin’, and he made pasta, because he knows you love it, but he was clever. He let the mushrooms fry in soy sauce, then added a pinch of pepper, the green stalk of a single chives, and half a can of tuna. Then he added a tablespoon of cream cheese, heavy cream, and a pinch of salt.
Then he mixed everything together and let the sauce thicken a bit in the pan before adding the pasta once it was done. He made sure he cut the mushrooms tiny enough so you wouldn't notice them.
“Loki, this is incredible!” you moaned and praised his abilities, “I’ve been practicing” he bashfully smiled. Since the Avengers wouldn’t call him much for mission work, he stayed in your house bored to death. Until he found a cook book in one of the shelfs in the kitchen, and for pure leisure he began to read, then to put into practice, and ended up liking it, so he insisted that he would take care of the meals at home.
But, well, he wasn't called the god of mischief for nothing.
A few days passed, he put his plan to work again. This time, he used beans, meatballs and a bell pepper.
Since you've been craving burritos all week, he made a black bean paste and he crushed the meatballs you didn't liked from the day before and seasoned them with spicy taco seasoning.
Then he prepared the guacamole with tiny pieces of green pepper, avocado, tomatoes, and half an onion chopped in squares. Then he set up the shredded cheese, lettuce, and the yoghurt sauce in different plates.
All the spices covered the flavors of the things you didn’t liked. He watched you fill your burrito with a bit of everything he displayed. So naïve and innocently enjoying his deceiving cuisine.
The following recipe was a bit more elaborate, however simple. He made chicken nuggets without a hint of chicken. He shredded fish, seasoned with pepper, salt, oregano, and a few tablespoons of a highly concentrated chicken broth.
After letting the fish rest for a few hours, he rolled it with flour into balls in his hands, shaping them into nuggets, then dipping them into beaten egg and panko before frying. He accompanied the nuggets with a portion of sticky rice with vegetables.
Before, any type of fish would make you gag, but watching you eat and actually enjoy his creation, he realized how easy it was to fool your brain to make you love the things you hate.
But it wasn't just that you didn't like certain things, you had problems eating itself. You always had a poor appetite, according to you it was because you had a "small stomach", which was not true. He was there when the nutritionist gave you the list of things you had to eat for your body to regain its health.
Your skin was pale before, you had low energy, trouble sleeping, intense and changing emotions, emotional breakdowns, depression, anxiety. All that for not eating as you should.
Sometimes it was exhausting for him, having to fight with you over something as basic as your health, but he understood where this problem was coming from. The words that had knotted your stomach when you were younger, the looks, the insults. With the passage of time you only limited yourself to eating little to be thin as they wanted you to be, almost going to the extreme of eating cotton (said as an unrealistic humorous measure).
It was comforting for him to feel how your body recovered, your skin was softer, you had curves that became his weakness, your natural skin tone beautiful to look at, you also slept better, you went out for a run and to swim with him to do exercise and have fun.
You were noticeably better. You were you again.
Of course, his plan went to hell because of a little mistake with the mussel soup. You had eaten happily, but you found out because you saw him getting rid of the shells. "What is that?" your tone was severe, you didn't even abbreviate your words, you said all three with a space where he swore he saw fire come out of your eyes.
"The mussel shells, empty" and it was as if a stake had been driven into you, "But you know I don't like them!" even though you were angry he saw your outburst as just another pout, so he decided to handle the situation calmly, as if he were dealing with a child.
"But they do you good, you didn't even notice them, you never do" he ruined it again, he missed that line and you couldn't look angrier. "Loki Laufeyson, how long have you been hiding shit in food?" By shit he understood that you were talking about things that you did not like, so he couldn’t do more than tell you the truth.
"A couple of months now, but look at you, you're healthy, you feel good about yourself, I did you a favor" you let out a laugh, "A favor? I trusted you!" you walked up to him, since he was down on one knee so he could hear you better, you poked a little too hard on his chest, you felt betrayed, deep down you knew he had a good and noble reason, but you were mad and betrayed, so you couldn’t think very clearly.
You just muttered a few things before walking away from him, “Y/n, please listen” you jumped on the table next to the door and took your keys, although you stopped when you jumped off and had already the door half open.
“Did you made all this just so I could be pretty for you?” you had that insecurity for a while, heck, more like ever since you met him, Loki being so attentive with how your body looks now just aggravated your overthinking tendencies.
Your question simply threw him overboard, and his patience was at its limit. He took your arm and drew you to him, using his seiðr he locked the door, put you inside the pocket on his apron and walked to the bedroom.
"Loki let me out! Right now Loki or I swear you will regret it!" the poison in your words only came from anger, he knew it, so he paid no attention to them.
He dropped you on the mattress, his magic removed your clothes, leaving you in your underwear, "Loki what are you doing!?" He scooped you up with his hand and placed you in front of the mirror he bought for you on top of the dresser.
"This is how you looked before my love" the image appeared in front of you, you could barely keep your eyes on it, you did not recognize yourself.
"I fell in love with you looking like this, not knowing that you were hurting yourself. After that visit to the doctor I understood that I was going to lose you if I let you do what you wanted, so I took your health in my hands and I do not regret it" He spoke embracing your body, keeping your eyes on the mirror.
After a while the horrible image disappeared, you saw your current reflection and immediately smiled, the tears rolled down your cheeks, and he also stopped looking so calm, he pressed his forehead to the back of your head, letting his tears spill down your back, it was too many emotions.
“No, I did not make you change for my pleasure, I only helped you fix what years of pain did to you, now you are yourself, the one you always should have been, the woman I fell in love with is here" he pointed to your head, "And here" he lowered his finger to your heart, "The exterior does not interest me, but I could not let you be in danger".
You turned to hug him, your arms clinging to his collarbone as much as you could, almost trying to merge with him, "I’m so sorry, I was just angry, thank you so much Loki, you’re right, I do feel better” he lowered his body so he could be facing you. His eyes looked puffy but full with adoration and love.
“You have no idea of how much I wanted to tell you what you were eating” he laughed, you hit his shoulder in light annoyance, “You are ruining the moment” you giggled reaching for his neck to kiss him, “I love you” he said in between kisses, “I love you more”.
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