#idk I feel like sometimes on this site people have a hard time empathizing with people who they cant relate too/whose experiences they cant
allgremlinart · 2 years
u can join my hypersexuals supporting asexuals/ace spectrum squad 2day admittance is free
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bluemoonpunch · 5 years
Hey, any tips on getting to know yourself better or “ascending”? I’ve been into all this self love and becoming a better person trend lately but no idea of where to start. Love your work here darling, you don’t need to answer if you don’t really know how.
Well, for me personally, to love yourself is to recognize and take responsibility for how you feel and what you experience in your life, and then once you’ve done that, take that recognition of responsibility and turn it into the power and the will to serve yourself. Honor yourself by following what you feel. If you don’t like someone or something, don’t try to force yourself into it just to make someone else feel better. Obviously, don’t go out of your way to be an asshole either, but you know, balance. Be mindful and take care of yourself so that you can tell what makes you uncomfortable because it’s genuinely not a match for you, and what makes you uncomfortable because you’re afraid of it. This is actually really important because a big part of self-love for me is nurturing and promoting self-expansion on all levels. I have really bad anxiety so sometimes it’s hard for me to tell the difference between a frequency mismatch and something that I’m repelling simply because it’s beyond my current comfort level. Have to stay mindful of that and ask yourself why you feel the way you feel, and be kind enough to yourself to not shove those feelings down or rip them out, but to FEEL them, process them, and integrate them.
A big thing with stuff like that is that it’s really hard for a lot of people to integrate their negative qualities and experiences. Like really, really hard, and it’s so personal when it comes to how people actually do that, so I won’t go into what I do with that, but know it is important. It’s important to recognize negativity and to not show hatred or shame towards it within yourself and simply embrace it. If there are negative qualities that genuinely hurt you or hurt other people (such as my tendency to be a judgemental asshole with a big mouth) then recognize that as being PART of who you are and try to “spread it out.” Hard to explain, but rather than having this one giant lump of upset energy of feelings, spread it out, thin it out, and use it as a tool rather than a pure state of being. Like my asshole tendencies make me a really good person to help others analyze their own situations and issues, however, I have to THIN IT OUT. I have to be mindful to not run my mouth and tell people how to live their lives. I use my judgment but I’m careful of how I express it. 
 For me, that’s like the peak of self-love. It’s learning to use and appreciate negative aspects in a way where they become an asset. I’m still judgemental, I’ll still pick people and their problems apart, but I’m mindful to express it in a way that is constructive and provides guidance rather than authority so that they can come to their own conclusions based on their own perspectives. It makes me feel better about being an *~!~*ASSHOLE*~!~* because that negative quality is now something beneficial to myself and other people.
It can be a long process to go through and it takes real solid effort and dedication to keep yourself in that perspective, and there are slip-ups every now and again, but really all self-love is acceptance of your own existence, not just specific qualities, not just what you have to offer, but the whole thing. Your whole mind, body, and soul and every experience that that mind, body, and soul have produced in this lifetime.  
Anonymous: I know it’ a bit random, but your site and Tumblr blog are really beautiful.
Thank you! I’m annoyingly keen on organizing web pages making things look nice and clean and easy to use, so I appreciate you noticing, lol. :)
Anonymous: I don’t really know what it is, but every time I visit your blog I get a really heavy feeling. Really “dense”, too. Thoughts? Your posts are curious, yet I can only read through one page until I have to take a “break”
Hmm, interesting. I don’t know what that would be exactly other than a negative response to the frequency of the activations that in some of the readings, but for sure if something makes you feel like that you shouldn’t partake in it. Even with people that I watch on YouTube religiously, if there’s ever a video that just doesn’t feel right to me or I know it’s coming from a different wavelength that I’m just not on yet, I’ll turn it off and go back to it down the line, or sometimes not at all as I feel that it just wasn’t meant for me.
@liannie93 Hi, idk if you’ll see this or even answer it but I want to say that I really fucking admire you and what you’re doing with your blog and how strong of a person you are. You might find it hard to view yourself that way but it’s the honest truth, you’re amazing. Even though you don’t put many personal details out there, the things you’ve said really made me empathize with you because I’ve had similar experiences and have PTSD and other mental illnesses that I deal with, I’m really proud of you 💕
Thank you so much! :)
@liannie93 Hey, so I’ve been doing research on spirit guides/guides recently and read your post on them in the faq but I’m pretty sure that I actually don’t have spirit guides and just guides? Especially since you said that I was mostly getting guidance from my higher self instead of my guides and that they were taking a step back so barely any cards came out? I don’t know for sure though, it’s just a feeling and if I do only have guides I don’t know how many or how to find out?
Yeah, people have a lot of different kinds of influences and “helpers” that guide them and push them along. Some people have very, very strong influences from ancestors, but don’t seem to have set Guides in place for purpose work, or they’ll have Guides but they won’t have any soul connections with Spirit Guides or ancestors. It all depends really, what you chose, what was necessary, and what/who volunteered to help you out is all a factor, and when it comes to origins and all of that, that can dictate what kind of guidance you have with you and how they actually go about helping you.
The only way I know to actually find that stuff out is through channeling and meditation. You can use guided meditations, but for something like that it may be better to do a meditation on your own, just make sure to clear your energy and put up energy blocks, set the intention that only your guides and positive influences with good intentions can enter that space while you are trying to connect with them. 
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