#idk bro my anti is rly bad and im like. what if there was someone Worse than him
me spending all day in bed thinking of all the ways my version of Jack could be even more fucked up and horrific than anti 
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saintobio · 3 years
[visibly shaking and crying] hey, Satoru redemption arc antis, [sniff] y-y-y-you, you got what you wanted [sniff] toji fuckers [sniff] it’s our time [sniff] i-i-it’s our time t-to shine [cries harder]
—that is the first and last time I type shit like that, anyways, i took a break from slandering Satoru and instead now i found a new hobby of defending homeboy now for fixing his wrong doings. I say i don’t believe in second chances but in reality i give everyone irl second, third, even eighth chances. As i see it is that fuck a second chance because if you do give someone a second chance it meant that they fucked what would have been their only chance (idk if that makes sense), however second chances, imo, are only valid if they do show that they learned and grew from their previous shit and now i’m rambling. WHAT IM SAYING IS THAT SATORU DEFINITELY IS VALID FOR A REDEMPTION ARC BUT I LIKE DRAMA AND THROUGHLY ENJOYED THE ENDING WAYY TO MUCH
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–This is how i imagine Satoru walking back into his apartment after all of THAT
Disclaimer: i could have edited that better but rn isn’t the time
part of me was so happy that Sera was negative and Ieiri was so quick to put her in her place [deservingly] because god damn for claiming that MC is selfish and entitled, that’s so hilarious to hear her say that, considering her track history of entitlement, egotistical and narcissistic tendencies, shits hilarious.
Bitches and Bros, and Non Binary hoes, [respectfully] Naoya
On god, fuck Naoya, I don’t, what crawled up his ass and died along with any sense of kindness is beyond me and what i would like to know why does this sense of evil manipulative genius kinda hot? IM SORRY BUT IM LIVING FOR THE DRAMA. As much as i enjoy the idea of fucking shit up on the expense of Sera getting used, now that it’s put into practice, i really do feel bad for her, like damn Sera thought she did something while MC just was so done with her shit and just ENDED her existence with one sentence ONCE AGAIN IM LIVING FOR THIS,
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I hope you’re doing well and you take care! Please take your time and don’t rush yourself with any future chapters, you deserve to put yourself and your health first rather than this, this ask is already way too long, but to sum all of this up:
Saint, respectfully and platonically, hand in marriage pls <3
YULI OMG THE GIF IM LAUGHING SO HARDJFJS AND UR GOD TIER MEMES AS ALWAYS 😭😭😭 help ur intro to this ask too i rly enjoyed reading through this, thank u <333
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impulstor · 3 years
explanations behind my song choice for my 3lsmp playlist under the read more! keep in mind, some of these songs don't really have a reason beyond just... vibes. and that some ideas have changed over time. anyway!
playlist here
anti-hero — originally added as an etho song, and still applies. with him being prepared to fight & kill for ren + the rest of the red army. also, he tends to be a bit unpredictable and has a very different moral standing from someone like, say, martyn.
kill the sun — fits with the series as a whole, with shifting alliances and friendships, and with people killing and being killed by one another.
special — this ones for all the mfs who didn't pick a side until really late, or were bouncing between factions for a while 💪. especially for tango, as an example, making friends with someone who he can also consider his enemy, and being completely unsure where he stands in any group, though he wants to have their faith.
villain — this song is just really good for making a mental amv for lmao. it's good for demonstrating differing alliances n sides, n of course that applies here.
oh, death — not a lot of specific thoughts for this, just. yknow, death, vibes, dying for someone, watching your friend die, etc.
6up 5oh cop-out — first of all, I'm just a slut for will wood sometimes. second, a lot of the lyrics on their own could 100% be applied to events in the series (I mean I did use some from it for my etho n tango drawing for funsies) so. it's a strange song but the vibes fit well, in my opinion :]
kill of the night — a bit self explanatory, I think. in a series about trying to outlive, and to eventually kill your friends? no doubt you're going to end up hunting certain people down, hmmm? revenge, n all that. works well for multiple characters, really.
you're gonna go far, kid — impulse. just like. tango, or maybe etho, at impulse. "with a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit em right between the eyes" I meaaan 🤔 how is it NOT impulse lmao
kill the lights — once again, killing, death, murder, yknow. good vibes. also people lying and betraying one another, and watching as their friends and enemies die in front of them, people being changed by the events that transpire.. also technically they ARE actors sooo. kill the actor, yknow
mad IQs — mostly this song just slaps (thank you eexer 🙏) but also the lyrics fit well with the events! death, murder, killing your friends, burning. there is a lot of fire.
go get your gun — works very well for the whole war goin on. one side vs another, fighting and losing allies, fighting to win for their fallen allies, cheating fate if they DO win. also the line "when this is over, we'll raise a glass straight up to the sun" could be seen as like. everyone coming together to be friends once it's all over bc they are!
c'est la vie — it fits well. bad things happen, you lose people, you hurt, karma kicks your ass, but that's just life, and that's the game. c'est la vie.
i'm gonna win — fits for how they're all fighting to be the last one standing. and also with having to work through literally dying and to not give up, if you want to win.
mr capgras... — once again, I just like will wood. also fits well with people fighting each other, mostly with the chorus. "you'll never take me alive" / "you better pray that I die" likjkeeeee 👀 you could make art fitting those lyrics tbh
curses — red & green duos (at least. when they were intact :/) sticking together, taking care of one another when everything is going to hell, people are dying, and it's getting intense. they trust each other, at least.
under the pressure — don't really have something specific, it just fits well, with the lyrics. honestly this one fits well as a skizz song, now that I'm thinking about it. he went from trying to be friends with a lotta people to taking two out for good and went out in a blaze of glory. yea. that's what I got lol
everybody wants to rule the world — I dont think I really need an explanation for this one. it just fits well with everyone trying to win the whole game, and with everything slowly ramping up in intensity
rebels — for scar and grian being crime bros for the first while :] everything IS burning, good for them!
outrunning karma — impulse once again. playing everyone, playing to everyones good sides as much as he could, until the act didnt matter anymore. but karma might really kick him in the ass, if he ends up as one of the last survivors, and others turn on him for betraying everyone earlier on.
you're nobody til somebody wants you dead — shrug emoji. just fits well mostly. friends fighting eachother, betrayal, yadda yadda.
thanks i hate it — mmm,, tango? idk, im just a tango enjoyer, and he has spent quite a bit of effort trying to please certain groups to like. no avail. especially team crastle. like tbh he was solidly on board with em for a while, and mightve gone back to them on his own. but cleo blackmailed him anyway. rip tango.
the riddle — ALL OF IT. the whole series. it fits
crazy = genius — i dont rly like brendan urie like at all. so i might remove it from the playlist at some point. but it does fit with scar and grian being villains.
icarus — mmm fits well with grian. with the wing imagery, and with the fact that he made SO many enemies by working with scar. and he never reaallllyyyyy apologized, did he? he's walking a dangerous line, with few allies,
cradles — idk lmao. vibes only.
wolf in sheeps clothing — impulse again mostly lol. sung by skizz or etho probably. betrayal <3
how villains are made — again, for those neutral parties that had to choose a side. its about being torn between two sides & having to choose. honestly, I could see it fitting bigb, if he does some funky villain stuff next session. he deserves it I think <3
killing butterflies — trauma, ouchie, angst, murder your friends. everything hurts.
king — ren!! that's it.
little lion man — bruh if ren dies and leaves martyn alone.... ghost ren to martyn.... ouch.
gives you hell — red army @ sand people. specifically etho and ren get to be petty at scar i think
wine red — [gestures vaguely] all of it
i bet my life — red and green duos again. though it could be after some of them permadie.
miss missing you — (thanks again eexer this one also slaps <3) ouch impulse and tango angst. or impulse and etho angst. OR etho and tango angst. THEM. :(
youth — all of it but like. after it's over. just like going back and looking at how it all went down.
a gorey demise — i just think it would be fun to animate everyone's different deaths to this song tbh
another one bites the dust — they are once again Dying. but it's not angsty and dramatic this time.
god rest ye merry gentlemen — 😔 the whole thing again. pain
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akatsvmu · 3 years
ok hot take — but also because I’m genuinely curious — I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the anti - Asian racism in shadow and bone and how it was unnecessary + obvious that the writers were white, etc.
*this ended up being long so I put the rest under the cut*
before I begin I just want to say that im just putting this out here to hear what others have to say !! I’m open to whatever u have to say legit I just want to talk to others about this hahah. I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but if I do then I apologize and if you feel like it, to let me know why exactly so I can be more aware next timee
okk so, reading what everyone else had to say after finishing the season made me question myself BIG TIMEEEE because tbh ..... I didn’t really see what the problem was as I was watching the show 😭
I didnt watch any trailers or promo vids before the show bc I didnt want to expect anything. so the first time I heard about Alina being half - shu was when she said it in the show — and TBHHH I was actually so happy (since I’m South East Asian) it was a pleasant surprise, I was like “omg I can relate to uu !! <33” kind of thing ya know.
After i watched it, I read the discussions on how they handled it and everything and I was worried bc I was still having such a hard time seeing what was so wrong about it,, I genuinely felt really bad at this point bc I was thinking like ... am I racist ?? Or am I actually contributing to racism and all that ?? soo I wanted to just share some of my thoughts here and if you actually finish reading this maybe like share some of your thoughts too ??
okok so hear we go — Alina being changed into half - shu didnt bother me at all, as I said earlier it was a nice surprise since it allowed me to relate to her more, i remember i even texted my friend bc i was so happy lmaooo (plus I thought it fit well since Jessie is actually half chinese).
About how the racism was ‘unnecessary’ since it’s a fictional world and all >> I get how they technically didn’t need to add it in — BUT... I kind of liked that they did add it ?? since it showed me that, oh you know she went through all of that, was discriminated against, etc. but was still able to do all the things she did and she didn’t let any of that stop her (I've finished the trilogy so I know how her story ends, assuming they stick to the books in later seasons lmao).
I mean tbh I even felt kinda better ? Hopeful even ?? My line of thinking was like “even the sun summoner faced some racism yet she was able to push through her journey !!” and all that ++ plus how she didn’t let it affect her — she even said, “don’t change my eyes” in that one scene which made me feel really proud for some reason.
about how they only centered the racism around Alina >> like how Jesper or Inej didn't really have to face any racism ++ and how it was all anti shu ..... again that didn’t rly bother me bc like ..... she’s kind of the main character ????? Not to say that the other characters stories don’t matter (lmao im not done w crooked kingdom yet but I already prefer their duology over the trilogy 😭🤚🏼) but given the fact that this particular adaptation of the story (or even season) is about Alina and Her experiences,, it’s kind of a given that the story will literally revolve around her and the challenges she faces ?????
the books obviously talked about what inej and the others went through + but that was because they had two books and individual chapters to flesh out their characters, plus we learned about their origins through a flashback type thing, it wasn’t a linear storyline.
This season had 8 episodes, so I really didn’t expect them to focus on their backstories since it's established that they’ve been working together for a while (the three crows, not Nina and Matthias). In the show, Alina has just discovered her powers = meaning her arc has just started.
lastly, about how it was unnecessary that Zoya was racist to Alina >> This one confused me a lot im ngl, because in the first book zoya does act like a lil bitch to Alina and everyone in the little palace — Marie and Nadia constantly talked shit abt her behind her back — bro even Genya didn’t like her lol — ALSO she even admitted to this in the second or third book right ?? So considering where her arc goes — I thought that this was obvious ?? she was meant to be disliked at first bc she literally has a redemption arc (AHHH don’t get me wrong here I loved zoya in the end pls shes so snarky ahidhshshs she a lil bitch but she owns it 😌😌 as she should)
I know she wasn’t outright racist to Alina in the books — but she was mean to her — *if I’m not wrong doesn’t she also whisper to Alina in front of the king about how she was an orphan peasant?* given the changes in the show, I thought it was understandable for her to treat her that way (not that it’s ok for anyone to be treated that way but you get the point right...) also idk if this counts but she does correct that one lady saying that Inej was suli and not whatever she originally said.
okk that’s all I can think of now, if you made it this far I wanna say thank uuu so much ily 🥰 ,, I know this was long I didnt think I had this much to say.
if you want then pleaseee share some of your thoughts 🤲🏼🤲🏼 i don’t want to subconsciously be a racist apologist or anything 😭😭 so I’m open to hearing what u have to say ++ also I’m really just wondering why I saw this so differently compared to everyone else ahshsjhdhs.
edit: ive only read the trilogy and six of crows so far. i havent had the time to start crooked kingdom or nikolai's books bc school :/ soo if youre gonna comment, please dont mention anything about crooked kingdom and anything after that !! huhu shhshshsa
SECOND EDIT: someone commented on this but i posted it accidentally and deleted the old one and didnt see their comment im gonna cry aaaaaa
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soccialcreature · 4 years
There are people comparing the “romance” with Maul and Ahsoka with that of Rey and Kyle and I’m just 🤢
ok im just gonna put out there rly quickly:
star wars. fans who are MAINLY fans of clone wars are p chill about 99% of the time. clone wars stays unproblematic and excellent. the issue is when the REYLOS get their nasty hands on the show. most of the tweets I've seen about maul/ahsoka start with “i don't watch clone wars but...” like what?! and EVERY tweet I've seen about maul/ahsoka is from someone with a blue butterfly in their handle. basically what im saying is that reylos should be banned from ever speaking ahsokas name. luckily, most clone wars fans have been responding to these tweets like “bro shes 17 and he's 40″ but UNluckily, the reylos response is usually “so? she wont be 17 forever.” or “shes old enough to make her own decisions” or “shes practically an adult” which is just SO harmful.
the reylos whole mission statement is “people only dislike reylo because they don't like seeing women express their sexuality on-screen” which is like. 100% incorrect. i could name a million movies where women are attracted to men on screen. that's like, MOST movies. its actually good when creators take a step back from this trope and let women have aspirations other than loving a man or starting a family or whatever. and I've honestly began to ignore this whole situation because its just insane and everyone agrees its insane but now they are starting to apply that philosophy to ahsoka???? a 17 year old girl??? they want her to be into darth maul???? whos fucking ancient. its just crazy to me how they cant see the error in their ways. 
ahsoka is a fantastic influence for any girl (or boy, for that matter) watching star wars. i speak form experience. im 18 now, so i was 6. when i first met her, so I've essentially grown up with her and i can see in my own personality how watching this character has affected me for the better. i watch her fight maul and feel that sense of empowerment that most other women felt watching the ‘no mans land scene’ in wonder women. like u have no idea i seriously wanted to go outside and run around on rooftops after watching the phantom apprentice. (rey never gave me that feeling. sorry). its so fucking wild to me that reylos want to revert BACK to the times when all women cud do in media was fall in love with a man, and then call themselves progressive. it didn't bother me as much when they just did it with rey because i don't really like rey or the sequel trilogy at all. unfortunately for reylos, people other than them really. like ahsoka, and connect with her and are protective of her. they've been getting SOME heat for the shit they. say about rey but i really want them to know that what they think about ahsoka is straight up not okay. its not a ton of people saying these things, but its enough to get me worried.
anyway. im sure you didn't want me response to be this long, so sorry about that. i really hope that some reylos see this and perhaps use their brain to change their opinion. im aware that not all people that shipped kylo and rey think like this, and if you are one of those people, please. let. the bad reylos know. that this is not!!! fucking okay!!! they wont listen to antis bcuz according to them, not shipping reylo makes u a misogynist, which like. okay? weird. im a lesbian but okay. sorry again for the rant. idk how many ppl will read it but. :) 
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sege-h · 5 years
I HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY so Im gonna get rid of it by rambling about Storm
I think I hinted in one of those OC ask games recently that he doesn’t age, but I don’t think it’s rly come up how and why recently
Imma put it under readmore because I feel VERY rambly and Idk how long it’ll get
Ok so I have a brief explanation beforehand about why this is even a thing. This was YEARS ago. Like ‘I was still chat-RPing Storm and Archie Sonic hadn’t had a single genesis wave’ ago. Ironically, the Genesis wave happening in the comics made it easier to explain just what Storm had done to his body.
No one from our RP group had come online yet, and my bro and I were bored. The RP had kinda come to a halt plot-wise, and we’d discussed doing a long time skip since we’d already set some stuff up about what would happen in the future. So we decided to go ahead and get started on it as people came online (it being a chat based RP, we didn’t need everyone to start RPing)
As our group came online, they’d either ignore the time skip or kept forgetting about it. Like we’d wrap up a future RP, and then come online to the RPing suddenly happening in the past again. And then it turned into an amalgamation of weirdness and ‘yes we’re gonna bring up events that happen in the future IC, even though we’re apparently writing in the past’
So bro and I got tired of this happening. And at first we were gonna void the future RP stuff. But then my brain farted out an in-universe explanation as to why in the hell these characters know future events that haven’t happened yet.
Storm’s age and memory had been reset, and it was a sensitive issue still, so people acted like nothing changed.
Mind you at this point Storm was the average joe of the group. We were all either in early high school, or late middle school, so everyone else’s characters were some form of immortal or slow aging, so it was like ‘oh yeah ofc he wouldnt notice the only people he hangs out with are older’
Jesus ok. I DID say I was rambly tonight. So. ONTO THE MAIN THING
Theres characters in this other than Storm, and they are;
Exe- Storm’s adoptive brother (who is a being that doesn’t age)
Narc- Exe’s corrupted/anti alternate, who is also responsible for Storm missing his arm
Alt Storm- A Storm alternate from a bad timeline
Ok so how the immortal Storm ball got rolling was- Narc trapped Exe within his own dimension, and came out into the one he and Storm live in.
Exe and Storm’s entire team/unit pretty much broke apart and went their own ways soon after, having given up on the notion that Exe might come back. Storm resents them for it to this day, especially since Exe left him second in command, so it had that extra layer of ‘they didn’t think I could lead them because they always underestimated me’
He pretty much gets unhealthily obsessed with fighting and capturing Narc, since he’s the key to bringing his brother back. Pretty sure the guy would’ve stopped sleeping and eating if it didn’t mean he needs to keep himself in top shape to fight Narc.
This went on a few years, which made Storm encounter another problem. That being that he’s an average joe, and he’s getting older and is bound to start getting weaker, while Narc just stays at full strength.
Not wanting to risk the whole fight lasting even longer, to the point that he does really start to weaken from age, Storm starts experimenting on himself and slowing down his aging. A lot of the experimentation involves chaos energy. He doesn’t manage to stop his aging, but he does slow it down.
For the sake of putting a conclusion to this rather than doing a double rant, I will say that Storm does manage to stop Narc, and Exe does come back.
Later down the line, Alt Storm crosses paths with his regular counterpart (this part isnt as fleshed out yet story-wise since for the longest time I had no idea what to do)
Alt Storm is a user of Chaos Energy, a strong one at that.
I’ve mentioned before how regular Storm’s family lineage leaves him without any chaos powers, but instead he has the ability to endure chaos based attacks better than regular people. (Ex; a chaos attack thatd hurt someone would leave him dazed but relatively ok, an attack that’d badly hurt someone would just hurt him a little, etc)
Storm has no idea that this is a thing, so neither does his alternate. So an attack that was meant to kill him, leaves him barely alive.
However the amount of chaos energy messed him up by having a reaction with the chaos energy present from his own experiments on himself. His body basically had it’s own mini-genesis wave, essentially (temporarily) erasing a decade worth of memories, reverting him back to when he was 20, and stopping his aging.
He’s since gotten most of his memories back, though there’s still holes in them that he’ll likely never mend. But he does remember his experiments, and the event that made him stop aging rather than just have his aging slowed down.
And that is my ramble on why Storm doesn’t age
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