#tws in tags for abuse and drugs
borderlinejackiee · 10 months
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rockabully · 1 month
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adem stop .
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the-satellite · 2 months
So like. We all know Johnny pops pills and drinks like dry ground but I haven't seen anyone really say anything about Johnny being pretty explicitly shown to shoot up. Like.
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These bottles pop up in Never Fade Away during his argument with Alt. They're sorta oversized versions of the kind injected medication comes in (I know them at a glance bc my dad had diabetes and his insulin came in these). Whatever he's got he's dosing it via a needle and by the looks of the bottle it's prescription. I can only imagine the finnicky business of trying to prep a needle with a prosthetic that can most likely only feel at the fingertips if at all.
I guess my point is there's alot of possibilities related to this detail and I don't know if I've ever actually seen anyone acknowledge it. J was working with like 4 methods of substance abuse.
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astrolionking · 11 months
TW: Abuse, drugs, emetophobia and (Implied) infanticide (it’s gonna end happily I swear)
Sorry this is much more darker than usual and it should NOT be this dark for a film abt singing Trolls with rainbow hair. But I have dark thoughts and project them onto my kins and comfort characters.
So anyways, as far as I know, Floyd has no story abt what was going on while he was gone (if he does, the novelization never said it).
So… Floyd is known to love rock music (as shown on the BroZone website) so I had a thought that maybe he found some rock trolls outside of Volcano Rock City and he met one that was a goddamn S N A K E.
He hurt him badly, did unspeakable things and Floyd managed to run away to safety… until he got kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer.
So the story with these: After learning abt different genres becoming friends, Floyd was calm… until a certain rock troll shows up. The troll harasses Branch even when he says no to him and safe to say Floyd is triggered and he knocks that fucker on his ass. JD and Branch pull him away and ask what was up bc Floyd is NEVER violent unless there was a good reason. And Floyd explains it all. They are HORRIFIED by the stuff he tells them and they thirst for blood.
And they may or may not have erased the horrible troll’s entire existence on behalf of Floyd with help from Barb. Once the deed is done Barb claims the troll never existed… ROCK TROLLS DON’T LET SHIT SLIDE.
What happens in the future is up to you. But just know Floyd is happier.
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almightyhamslice · 2 months
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Queen Bouncelia redesign!! I might sound like a broken record here but I feel like the bros rlly missed a lot of potential with her! She presents herself as a kind angel of a character, but she's the Naughty Ones' mother and she was a part of Sir Dadadoo's conspiracy-- she was aware of his plan and was ok with raising her children to be an army. I think that's so interesting but she's just a plain good guy who dies in the game!!! not fair. Maybe someday we'll find out she's not rlly dead n we'll understand what her deal is?
My AU differs from canon in that Bouncelia was actually a fully active mascot in the resort, allowed to interact with the public in two character greeting areas: an extravagant castle and a trampoline park. She was very popular with young girls back in her prime. She was a very charismatic person and had a sense of warmth and comfort to her that many of the other mascots lacked.
She and Sir Dadadoo were always somewhat warm towards each other, they'd meet during evenings, between the end of Bouncelia's shift and the beginning of the resort's curfew, when Dadadoo would be active. They'd spend most of their nights together. He would often muse to her about his plans of escaping the resort and going out into the real world, and she was enthralled. Soon enough, she began scheming with him and working out a proper plan. Sir Dadadoo figured they'd need an army, so he invited Syringeon to help him create his own "subcases" (or rather, mutants). After lots of trial and error, it was decided that Bouncelia and Dadadoo should create the mutants with a combination of both their DNA, and so Bouncelia agreed. Though they were initially both very clinical about the creation of the Naughty Ones, Bouncelia grew attached to them and doted on them. They were a family after all, in a strange kind of way.
Of course, everything went wrong when Bouncelia and Syringeon were caught. Management realized Dadadoo was the mastermind and would be unreasonable and unpersuadable, so they sought to target his cohorts in hopes they'd all gang up on him (under the threat of their lives). So, they did, though Bouncelia begged and pleaded management to spare his life and the lives of their children. Management heeded her request, but in a very twisted way. Syringeon was ordered to sedate Sir Dadadoo and the naughty ones, and seal them inside Queen Bouncelia's pouch using givanium entrapment, stitching and fusing her pouch shut. The hope was that the Naughty Ones and Dadadoo would slowly suffocate and starve, but the Naughty Ones were desperate to survive and began to cannibalize each other like fetal tiger sharks do (please don't look that up if you're squeamish!).
Queen Bouncelia couldn't be allowed to know that this was meant to slowly kill her family members, so was put on a heavy dosage of sedatives while the resort was still active. The function was twofold-- the drugs clouded her mind so she wouldn't realize what danger they were in, and they kept her from jumping around and potentially ripping her pouch open by mistake. Bittergiggle, her most trusted friend, was tasked with delivering her medicine every day; however, they never knew what the true purpose of the drugs were.
Post attempted rebellion, Bouncelia still tries to keep a kind and warm demeanor, but everything is so scrambled now. Thanks to the steady supply of intense sedative drugs, she always feels half asleep and half awake, finding difficulty in telling dreams from reality. Not so much a perpetual hallucination (though she is likely prone to hallucinating as well), moreso thinking on a completely new and almost alien plane. Things she says make sense through word associations in her head, but are nearly indecipherable to outsiders other than Bittergiggle.
I love her so much. I'm going to cry if she's literally just dead in canon n the skeletons in her closet were like, accidental lol. I had lots of fun designing her especially her mask n cape! Also I really don't think the scepter is magic I'm sorry that's just jumping the shark for me lol.
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putridement · 1 month
i beg you to give me the strength to unalive myself.
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treatsf · 2 months
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Characters: Scout, Pyro
Genre: Angst / Hurt/Comfort, Character Study
Warnings: Drug Abuse, Heroin Addiction, Needles, etc.
Word count: 3.9k
“Pyro had this odd, almost uncanny cat clock in their room, the kind that had those swiveling eyes and pendulum-swinging tails. Scout had never exactly liked it, but it wasn’t his room, so he never let himself make a fuss about it. But now, when was he spread out on the cold linoleum flooring of the other mercenary's room, the only sounds to distract him from his ailments being the quiet bubbling of boiling water, the drone of the ceiling fan, and the repetitive clacks of plastic striking plastic? He couldn’t tell whether he was relieved by the clock or driven mad by it.”
Scout, deep in a heroin addiction ripping him apart at the seams, goes to Pyro for some assistance.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
Law would make such a cute big brother. 🥺 He'd be so protective, keeping you either stuck in his quarters or by his side 24/7. You complain, but you know he's a notorious pirate right? People want your head by association. If a bounty hunter were to capture you they'd basically have Law caught too. Your safest right next to him.
It's even better if you're sickly- maybe a chronic illness? He has even more reason to keep you near. He's stoic and mean, but when you're hurting he takes good care of you. He would tsk when you ask if you can skip this injection, toussling your hair and murmuring that it'll just be a little pinch and afterwards you can lie down and he'll bring you a treat. If you're a good girl that is.
You're so pretty, he has to share a bed with you. If you were left on your own who knows who could sneak into your bed? Would you be able to fight back? Of course not. It doesn't stop you from asking though. Why can't you go out of an errand alone? It's frustrating don't you know, Law? 😔
On days you seem more restless than usual he quietly drugs your food, faux worry gracing his features as you stumble around. He's a doctor, let him take you to the infirmary to get checked out. You're so dizzy, the sub feels like it's spinning. Maybe you throw up.
He holds your hair back as you vomit, not saying a word but mentally scrolling through his plan again. Once he has your face wiped clean he's laying you in the recovery position. You're about to fall unconscious soon. Even though it hurts his heart, you're so cute when you're sick. You're so reliant on your big brother. You need him to survive.
As you fall under he sets up the monitors and machines suspiciously already prepped for a situation like this. Sticky elctrotrodes on your chest, a clip on your finger, an oxygen mask strapped to your face. Imagine if you'd become this sick while outside without him. 😔 His fingers trail through your hair, admiring your chest as it rises and falls as you sleep.
He hasn't decided how long he'll keep you under yet, your questions about going out alone had upset him. Maybe when his heart heals from the pain of hearing you ask for a moment away from him he'll let you curl up into his arms again on your own free will.
Oh boy, anon. I don't know how you managed to crawl inside my head and find my love for these types of scenarios but like... be careful on your way out so you don't trip over some weirder things.
Law needs you to be reliant on him, needs you clinging to him, vulnerable and desperate for his attention and his care. Don't you understand how dangerous it is for you, especially in your weakened condition? He's the only one who knows how to treat your sicknesses, both real and fabricated--how could you ever want to be without him? He'll claw and gnash his teeth at your last shreds of independence until you learn, until you learn that you need him more than anything, your devoted big brother who only wants what's best for you--and what's best for you is to be in his loving arms.
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borderlinejackiee · 10 months
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elialys · 8 months
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"There were a couple of scenes we tweaked quite a bit, particularly one where Lindsay, her boss, takes her home. And it's one of my favourite scenes in the show, actually.
And I think because it is so ambiguous, because it is never commented on after, you couldn't put a scene like that into a modern day show without having some repercussion for it, or having her have a conversation about the specifics of that. But we very, very specifically did not want to do that, we wanted to simply present it. And then the audience has to live with it. And that's the uncomfortable part that they're living with." Anna Torv [x]
THE NEWSREADER | 1.02 "Once in a Lifetime"
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
He doesn’t know why, but he’s laying down.
It’s the first thing he realizes. A stupid thing to notice, but just one minute ago, he was standing behind the counter at Family Video, and now he’s laying down.
His eyes are heavy, and it feels like it takes a huge amount of effort just to open them.
He’s in a fucking hospital.
He knows from the stupid white color of the stupid drop ceiling tiles. From the stupid annoying beeping of the stupid heart monitor. From the stupid scratchy gown he’s wearing instead of his sweater.
He heard a muttered curse next to him, and slowly lolled his head over to look.
Hopper was sitting next to his bed, his hat balanced on his knee, looking grumpily at the crossword printed on the back of The Hawkins Post. Steve wanted to laugh at the image, the chief of police swearing as he scribbled out something.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know that? Nobody knows what the fuck that is.”
“Blame Nancy,” Steve croaked. His head throbbed and he closed his eyes again. “She convinced them to add that. Said sales would go up.”
There was a rustling of paper.
“Smart girl,” Hopper said. He paused for a moment, and Steve felt like he needed someone to come and crowbar his eyes open or they would stay closed forever.
“You collapsed. Scared the shit out of your girlfriend, and everyone else at the video store.”
“Not my girlfriend,” Steve mumbled.
So that makes sense, why he was at work one second, and in a lousy bed at Hawkins General the next.
“You didn’t hit your head. Hargrove caught you before you went all the way down.”
Jesus, Billy’s reflexes really are something else. Steve’s gonna need to thank him for that. The last fucking thing he needs is another concussion. Maybe, to show his gratitude, he’ll suck Billy’s-
“I’m here because we need to talk about what the doctors found in your system.”
Steve’s mind went blank, and his eyes flew open.
Hopper was looking at him, his face an unfamiliar mix of sad, and angry, and fucking, disappointed.
Steve felt like he could vomit.
“They ran your blood. Routine E.R. shit, I’m told. But they found some, some substances that shouldn’t be there.”
Steve swallowed down the lump in his throat.
He knew the guilt was written all over his face.
“How long?”
“Since the summer.” He couldn’t look at Hop in the face. Not while he admitted this shit.
He was fucking stupid to think he wouldn’t be caught.
It’s a miracle Robin hasn’t walked in on him doing bumps in the bathroom at work, or Billy hasn’t found his stash tucked between the mattress and the box spring.
Hopper sighed.
“I know we all went through a lot last summer. With your friend getting trapped in the Upside Down, and you getting captured-”
“Tortured. I got tortured.”
Hopper sighed again.
“Getting coked up isn’t going to help anything.”
“What is this? Fucking Family Ties?”
He felt Hopper’s glare more than he actually saw it.
“It’s stupid-”
“You just don’t get it! Okay?” He really didn’t mean to yell, his head just fucking hurts and he’s so fucking stupid.
“Oh yeah,” Hopper snarked. “I fucking forgot. You’re the only person in the goddamn world that’s ever dealt with fucking drug addiction. So sorry.”
“I’m not addicted!” Lie.
“I don’t fucking believe you.”
Steve glared at Hopper.
“So, what? You’re here to arrest me?”
“No. I’m here to talk some fucking sense into you.” He shifted in his chair, the newspaper slid off his lap and fell on the floor. “You’re around those kids all the time. You fucking drive them around. You have been endangering their lives for months. And why? Because you can’t handle the trauma? We all have trauma. You think your friend Hargrove is totally fine after being stuck in that place? After realizing some fucked up doppelgänger was killing people? You think your girlfriend is totally fine after being tortured by the Russians too?”
“I don’t do it when I have to drive the kids, Hop I swear.” That, was the truth. “Okay, the other stuff, I get your point, but I need you to know, I wouldn’t hurt the kids like that, I-” the heart monitor was speeding up, getting louder in Steve’s panic. “You have to believe me, I’ve never driven them high.”
“Okay, okay. I believe you.” Hopper sighed again. “Just, why?”
Steve gulped.
“The Russians, they drugged us. They said it would make us tell them the truth. And I don’t know what it was, but fuck. It felt good. I couldn’t feel the pain, and I wasn’t scared, and I just. I didn’t know how to stop being scared.”
It was embarrassing.
Admitting that he’s been scared shitless ever since that first demogorgon dropped through the Byers’ ceiling.
Admitting he’s been doing lines of coke to keep himself from spiraling into inconsolable panic.
“I did some at a party, and it was the closest I felt to that feeling.”
Not technically true. He and Billy did some together last August, and it was like the fearlessness washed over Steve in warm waves.
But he can’t throw Billy under the bus like that.
And if Billy ever found out, that one night of drug experimentation between lovers turned into a full-on addiction, he’d never forgive himself.
There was a pause.
“Have you been snorting or shooting?”
“Okay,” Hopper stood up, stretching his arms above his head and placing his hat back on. “I’m going to tell your friends what’s going on. Not the kids, just Hargrove and Buckley. Joyce, too. Then, when you get out of here, you and I are going to clean out any stashes you’ve got. And we’re all going to be watching you like a fucking hawk.”
“Wait,” Steve croaked, his heart rate jumping up again, the beeping speeding up. “Don’t tell Billy.” Hopper shot Steve a look that said really? “Let me tell him. He needs to hear it from me.”
Hopper paused, on hand on the doorknob.
“Did he get you hooked? Is he on it too?”
“No! Nothing like that. Please? He’ll be upset unless I tell him.”
Hopper gave him a look that was a little too searching to be comfortable.
“Okay. Okay, kid. I’ll send him in. But he’ll know what’s going on one way or another. Don’t make me tell him that you’ve lied. Don’t think he’d appreciate it.”
He left the room without another word, leaving Steve to stew in his shame.
He’s such an idiot.
Why did he ever think he could get away with this and not one person would notice?
Even if they didn’t know he was regularly doing cocaine, Billy and Robin already knew something was up. They kept asking him if he was okay, coming over for impromptu sleepover parties. It was nice, he loves them both, but it was only a matter of time before the penny dropped.
It’s just embarrassing. That a routine blood test exposed the amount of uppers in his system. Exposed how little he’s dealing.
He rolled over, waiting for Billy to come into the room and blame himself for Steve’s stupidity. He didn’t want that.
Billy didn’t have a drug problem. He thought it’d be fun for them to get a little high and do stuff together. And it was! It was so fun, and they’d talked about doing it again.
Steve can kiss that idea goodbye.
He wouldn’t be surprised if Billy started following him into the bathroom to make sure he wasn’t doing anything he shouldn’t be.
It’s sweet, that his boyfriend cares so much about him that he would, hypothetically at least, do that.
But Billy’s got enough on his plate, and if Steve knows anything about him, it’s that he blames himself for shit just as much as Steve does.
He focused on the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Still elevated, his nerves for the coming conversation getting the best of him.
His head was pounding in a way that said it was time for his next fix.
He squeezed his eyes closed, willing away the need thrumming under his skin.
“So, you finally gonna tell me why you’ve been actin’ all squirrelly lately?”
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florenceisfalling · 7 months
i have so much fun writing anti as such a specific brand of shitty guy that it makes me insane its so sad that i havent been posting writing of him consistently in years and all my old stuff is garbage. you guys would be insane for the shit i exchange with june on discord. my version of anti is so distant from canon in a lot of ways but not in his pathetic, attention whore, mockery-intolerant, "i will kill everyone in this room including myself" bullshit. like he's not scary because he's skilled or has self-control, he's scary because he will literally do whatever the fuck for attention. he will break his own bones and show up at your house sobbing about it. he will relapse and fuck his dealer and send you pictures of his own fresh and oozing cigarette burns alongside a text that says "wish you were here". he will threaten to kill himself and force you to watch. he will gut your boyfriend alive and deliver you a tape of it. he will break into your house while you're gone, cook you food and leave it on the stove with everything else inexplicably untouched. he will start impersonating you online and blackmail you so bad all your family members block your number. he will test every single boundary you give him. or, he will be self-indulgent, and just kidnap you to torture you every day. and he would rather you beat him to a pulp than abandon him or ignore him.
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dearramiel · 5 months
Where I've been.
* I accidentally posted the original text and now I'm going to quickly recap everything
Hi everyone, I noticed that there's a lot of new people who followed me and I made many promises last year about posting content, which I never got around to actually doing because of a situation that occurred.
I know its probably not appropriate to be using these tags, but I just want to share this.
I will probably delete this within the next couple of days.
This is messy but I really want to get this off my chest.
During late September and very early October, I was in an incredibly toxic 'relationship' with a person I had met almost a year to date.
I was tired of dealing with constant guilt tripping, threats of self destruction (self harm; etc), as well as drug abuse if I would threaten to leave. This person would often love bomb and compliment / praise me after fights as they knew I struggled with esteem issues.
I would often stay up til early hours of the morning on school nights because of them. I was constantly dealing with heavy anxiety that it had began to take a physical toll on my body. I would often feel so sick to my stomach that I began to actually get SICK.
It had grown to the point where all of my fears and dread had turned into hate and resentment. I hated how much this person had used me and ultimately decided to end the relationship indefinitely, there was protest of course, and as much as it hurt, I ignored all of the threats they had made against themselves.
I was so tired, more than I had ever felt in my life, and at the same time had never felt so much relief. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted but it's also hard to forget how dependent I had grown on their attention and words of 'love'. Emotional manipulation is incredibly scarring and relationships will just never be the same to me.
After the 'break up', I surrounded myself with new people I had met after a job I had taken. I realized that at that point, I didn't even have friends at all. Not until after I had separated myself from this person. Many of my friends from my previous year had either blocked me on socials, or just stopped talking to me altogether. I'm not really sure how that came to happen, and if it really was my fault, but I've grown to accept how different things are now.
I only share my experience, not for 'pity points', comfort, or sympathy, but to remind everyone that you are NOT responsible for threats anyone makes against themselves as a way of manipulation. You are not responsible for whatever happens if they've chosen to follow through with these threats. I can't emphasize how much of an affect this has on one's mental health. It's tiring and exhausting.
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batvvvvv · 9 months
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ALRIGHT last ref for a bit🎉 had every possible technical difficulty during the process of this so it's a little rough. stuff below the cut, some warnings for child abuse and mentions of drugs! be safe!
jonathan's childhood is.... a lot. this is definitely an oversimplification, but i'll get into it more later on!
his father wanted a son. that was all he wanted
first, he had a daughter. then, nearly a decade later, jonathan was born. but everyone told him something was wrong with his child, that he was a changeling, or the antichrist. really jon just.. didn’t express things. never smiled or cried, rarely spoke until it was beaten out of him. jon's father resolved to make him a man. the boy was scared of his own shadow! what scared jonathan most, though, was the scarecrow in their field. it always just watched.
one night, jonathan's mother disappeared without a trace, to escape her husband. jon's older sister followed suit, refusing to take her mother's place, and leaving jonathan alone with his father.
and, when he was 16, jonathan snapped. this is an event that... probably requires its own post to do it justice lol. but with this they had begun to conquer their fear, and everyone left them alone afterward!
jonathan applied to every college he could, desperate to get out, and when he was 19 he moved across the country to study medicine at gotham u. there, he met pamela isley, soon to be his first and only friend.
later, jonathan switched to psychology instead, and moved in with pam. life was good for once. money, however, was not, and with jonathan's knowledge of chemistry he... created and sold some things to get by! gotta pay the bills somehow!
eventually they both graduated and lost touch. jon got a job as a psychologist in training under a professional, but the times he got to work one on one with patients were where he really... flourished
jonathan had been intrigued by fear for a long time, and now he could explore that. they just asked questions at first, but he wasn't getting the answers he wanted. they needed to SEE the fear firsthand! so he took to scaring them himself, bringing spiders and needles into the office under the guise of exposure. until that was no longer enough, and they turn to their past explorations of chemistry. if they could create something to stimulate fear, they could study it as much as they wanted!
until he's fired for mistreatment of patients. lmao
jon once again turned to his Chemical Experiments to make a living. but their creation (fear toxin, they later name it) had made its way into their head, and they became obsessed with perfecting it. the drug tears through the streets of gotham like wildfire. and, hey, if he uses his own drugs to test them, that's fine. he's fine! this won't be a problem!
and, as jon's reputation grows, they begin to call him the scarecrow. he likes the sound of that. the master of fear.
so, with that, all four of our main characters are free to unleash hell on gotham city :) i'm sure nothing else bad will happen to them! !
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abubblingcandle · 4 months
you have so many incredible fics, this is a STRUGGLE
can I please hear about concrete vandalised by dandelions and/or eating disorder fic?
Thank you love!!! An anon has asked about eating disorder fic so I'll do Concrete Vandalised By Dandelions here :)
So you will know this as my Bad Things Happen Bingo fic that had the working title "James Tartt Money Grab". After LCA and being turned down by Ted, Jamie just disappears off the grid. No one has heard from him, he's not replying to Keeley, and she gets worried. His name is still out there but never in person and in increasingly shady occurances. She finds out that Jamie had a mental breakdown after his time on LCA, went on a binge and ended up hospitalised. His Dad came to get him, and then filed for deputyship over Jamie's financials and his medical treatment. He was awarded it for two years with a reassessment at the end of the two years. She finds Jamie drugged to the gills, clearly abused and a complete mess. The fic follows as they try to get Jamie out of there and to help him rebuild his life.
Here's a little snippet:
“Roy I,” Keeley stammers as soon as he turns on the settee. Roy frowns, placing his bookmark in and resting the book on the table. Every moment was slow and precise, like she was a skittish horse he was trying to approach. Keeley bet she looked like a mess. She had spent the whole drive barely able to see through her tears and auto pilot being the only reason why she had made it to Roy’s safely. “Keeley? What’s happened,” Roy muttered, reaching out to her over the back of the settee. Keeley stood there, her arms wrapped around her waist as she shivered. She wanted to take Roy’s hand but she didn’t deserve comfort. She had just left Jamie there, with those people. They could kill him, or make him worse and she had run away like a coward. “Woah now, don’t cry,” Roy shot to his feet. Keeley hadn’t even noticed the tears running down her cheeks again. How did she have more tears left to cry?
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swervdcity-arc · 6 months
hi hii i love you all. just wanted to drop an activity/life update on the dash since ive been almost radio silent. by no means do you have to read all of it, but just know i might not be online for a bit until i get my shit together! if inactivity bothers u at all, feel free to hardblock me if you so desire. tw for drug abuse, substance abuse, self harm.
ive struggled with substance abuse problems for a big part of my life, almost ALWAYS exacerbated by anxiety and my chronic stomach problems. i was clean from painkillers for almost 8 months (give or take) and i relapsed this week. i talked with my partner about it and weve already discussed plans of action, but so far, ive been good for the past 4 days so thats a winnnn.
i can already feel a MASSIVE difference in my body since. i've been trying my best to keep myself healthy these past couple of days, and at the least feel like a living person, and its really fucking difficult. i dont have a lot going on for me rn, so theres not much i can do to distract myself. i did hang out with one of my long time besties last night and had a blast, so that was really really awesome.
i have a support system, i'm safe, and i know from here its back to the uphill battle. it can feel really really bleak, and its honestly been incredibly embarrassing to even acknowledge a relapse or that i had a problem in the first place. but im really grateful that i'm truly in a place and surrounded by people who care for me and want to see me get better.
if ive been super silent lately, this is why. i try to tend to me relationships the best i can, because i do care for them truly, and i love chatting with my tumblr besties. ive just been exhausted and havent had the capacity to even say "heyyy im going thru it im going dark for a bit." but please know im not ghosting you or anything, i just havent had the brain power to say whats going on.
i will be here though! soon! when i feel better and capable of doing so! i wont lie, i LOVE writing here even though it kicks my ass sometimes. its become such an important creative outlet for me, and despite the Problems, i feel safe and happy in my community. i love writing with yall, i love the people with make up and making them kiss, i love reading and writing lore. its really important to be as a hobby, so you definitely will see me back.
i might pop on the dash every now and then to say hi and yell about stuff, i might draft sum shit up soon, but im going to be prioritizing getting my shit together for the time being.
xoxo godsip girl
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