#idk got ‘scar knitting something for grian’ as a promt n ran with it
smallbunn · 2 years
New Sweater!
It’s shocking, really, just how bored Scar gets up in the desert house Grian built. Sure, he spends a lot of time out of the house, roaming the world, trading with people, even getting into fights, but there’s still a lot of time where he can’t think of anything to do, so he stays in the desert. He wanders, patching up holes and making the desert generally safer, he tends to the garden he and Grian have, and he adds more decorations to the inside of the house.
And yet, he’s still bored. Well, he was, until he found something to keep him busy. The idea comes to him when he’s petting Pizza, watching grian flutter around the desert, putting cactus around the edge. When Grian comes back, Scar can't help but notice how torn up his beloved red sweater is. There are rips in the collar and bottom of the shirt and the holes where his wings fit through have been stretched out, leaving parts of his back exposed.
Scar lights up when the idea finally clicks in his head! He rushes inside, ignoring Grians questioning noise as Scar runs past and heads to the storage area. There’s shears in here somewhere, and if not, there’s plenty of iron to make some! When he runs past Grian again and Grian asks him what the shears are for, he simply says that Pizza needs a shaving so he doesn’t overheat. It’s not necessarily a lie, Scar was planning on shearing Pizzas wool at some point, but Scar tries avoiding Grian for the rest of the night, to keep himself from accidentally telling him what he’s really up to.
Scar ends up saving Pizzas wool, storing it under his bed, and spends a few weeks practicing with sheeps wool, just to make sure he gives Grian the best sweater he could make! It takes a while, Scar can only really work on it at night, when Grian is sound asleep, or when Grian is out on solo missions, though that happens rarely.
He practises everyday for over a month before he finally decides he’s ready! The only problem now is that he doesn’t know Grians measurements, much less how small the holes in the back need to be to fit his wings through while still covering his back.
Which may result in Scar doing something that, in hindsight, was probably a little dumb. Scar, however, does not realize that until he is knocked out of Grians bed so hard and fast, he hits his head on the floor and Grian is yelling at him in confusion.
“Scar?? What the hell was that?? What were you doing in my bed?” Scar chuckles a bit before stammering out, “Well, I, uh, I was cold! You don’t know how cold it gets at night, G! You’ve got your wings to warm you up, I was just trying to get warm too!”
Scar is not sure Grian believes him. In fact, he's almost certain he doesn’t, but Grian softens anyway, wings pulling themselves back to his body, as Grian lets out a sigh followed by a small laugh and shake of his head. He doesn’t look at Scar as he motions him over to his bed. He doesn’t look at him when Scar hesitantly crawls under the covers. He doesn’t look at Scar in the morning after waking up to Scar spooning him. And even though Scar didn’t get the measurements he needed, he wouldn’t call that night a failure!
After a few more days of trying (and failing) to get the proper measurements, Scar decides to wing it! He makes the sweater slightly bigger than he thinks he needs to but, hey! Better too big than too small! Scar struggles a little bit, but he spends countless nights awake, knitting the sweater until it’s perfect.
The sun is high in the sky when Scar comes around the back of the house to find Grian tending to the garden. He has the sweater hidden behind his back and he knows immediately that Grian is suspicious of him when he looks up. He can’t stop himself from bouncing on his toes, a huge grin on his face as he takes the sweater out from behind his back.
“I noticed your sweater’s been in pretty bad shape for a while now and I can’t just let you go running around like that! So, here! Make sure you thank Pizza for the wool she provided!” Grian stares at Scar for a moment, his mouth open, glancing between Scar's face and the sweater. Hesitantly, he gets up and wipes his hands on the front of his pants before taking the new sweater, a smile spreading across his face.
“Scar, I- Thank you! When did you even work on this?” There’s confusion in his voice but his fluttering wings let Scar know that he really does like it. Scar wastes no time in telling Grian about how he had come up with the perfect plan and executed it to perfection while they head into the house for Grian to change.
When Grian comes out after putting the sweater on, Scar practically tackles him in a bear hug, nearly yelling about how cute Grian looks in it, Grians face burning red at the compliments. Grian lets Scar hug him for a few more moments before he pushes him off and tells him he has to finish replanting the potatoes.
If Grian notices Scar staring at him the rest of the day, he doesn’t mention it. In return Scar doesn’t mention Grian wearing the new sweater to sleep. Doesn’t mention how Grian is extra careful around the cactus when he’s wearing his new sweater. Doesn’t mention how happy he feels seeing Grian wear the new sweater he made him.
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