#idk how much sense these tags make but i can't be bothered to fix them
starkerscoop · 2 years
I’m going to lose my mind
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historicfailure · 3 years
I'm tempted to ask almost all from that ask list, but I'll try to keep it short :D
1, 7, 8, 9, 33, 48, 49 :D
If it's too much, just pick some of these and don't worry ^^ Hope you're having a good day!
Oh my, hey there! Welcome back and thank you for sending in this ask! ;D My, they are a lot, but I sure as hell will answer them all ^^
1. When did you start writing?
I think I always wrote somehow. I vividly remember already writing fanfiction about a horse PC-game I played when I was younger, then I stopped for some time during High School and started up again when I started university classes. I had to commute and that commute was like... 3h every day, and you can only do so much reading ^^'' I started to write again and haven't stopped ever since. I think that was now seven years ago :)
7. Favourite writing advice?
Take whatever you can in. Just literally everything. When you look out of the window, sit in class and drown out the voice of your teacher, when you are on a walk with friends and inspect your surroundings. Everything can give you an inspiration.
That and write at least ten minutes every day. The exercise makes writing overall easier.
8. Favourite fic from another author?
Ooof, there are so many. But I think one of my favorite ones which left a lasting impression on me was "A Stranger" and its companion pieces by @loekas . I can't stretch that enough, their writing and planning is incredible, their perspective on the characters and how everything seamlessly flows together is absolutely mind-boggling. Not even to talk about the hot, steamy smut ;D When I read that fic I have to say, I was jealous for a moment in the way of "damn, I wish I had that idea first and wrote it" but then I took a step back and realized that their unique experience allowed them to create this wonderful piece of art and that I wouldn't be able to replicate that. In a sense, they have given me a good new, healthier perspective on my writing and the writing of others :) (Not to talk about that they're a wonderful human being ;D)
9. Favourite fanfiction author?
Again, there are so many! I will list some here:
@loekas - yet again, as their other fics for some lesser known fandoms are a delight to read as well
@lemony-snickers - I don't have to say much here, even though they deserve a whole novel written about them. Wonderful ideas, the writing is impeccable and I'm in love with their characterization of Kakashi.
@kinksandkurlsss - Listen, if you haven't read all their Kinktober entries, drop everything and read them now. Incredibly hot and kinky, always unique and so well thought out that I find myself hanging onto every word.
@whatshernameis - when I need a fix of Obito content, absolutely my place to go. I still hate myself for not having left any comments (yet, I take this tag as a reminder to myself to get off my butt). Their grasp on Obito's character is immaculate, the plot is always interesting, and again, the smut... Holy hell, I'm getting hot and bothered just thinking about it >-<
Otherwise, I read more fics than I read authors (if that makes sense?), and currently I have fallen once more into a deep Kakashi/Iruka hole ^^''
33. Do you receive hate for what you write?
If someone sends some hate my way, tumblr at least has the mercy to delete the asks from my inbox. Seriously, I think I was extremely lucky up until now to not have received any hate thrown my way apart from the very, very rare unluckily worded comment on AO3. But I also haven't written something controversial yet? But then again, there are people who receive hate for the most normal things, which is again extremely weird af. Idk, I just don't get hate, sorry.
48. How do you deal with coming up with titles?
Hah, I don't deal, I make them up on the fly and hope they somehow fit. For example, for my fic "Build A Close Connection" I hust thought it was funny at first because of the phone connection pun. Or "End My Loneliness", was for me a play of words, as both the Reader and Kakashi are lonely in their own ways, even though it might be less visible for Kakashi in this fic. Mostly, I make up titles when I sit in front of AO3 and stare at the empty bar for a few moments, before I come up with something xD
49. How do you deal with coming up with summaries?
Same thing as titles, I don't think much about them until I'm faced with cruel reality of having to write them in AO3. In summaries, I try to capture some of the spirit of a fic and give an insight on what readers can expect. Sometimes that might be a small snippet of the fic, sometimes I write a little excerpt, like a blurb on the back of a book of some sort ^^
Oh man, thanks for all these asks! Thank you so much, this was a lovely experience ^^ And sorry in advance to all the people I tagged.
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liyuesbian · 3 years
hahsddsf the headcanons are only in my head for now. I do write for another fandom but i wanna read more character backstories and lore before writing anything here (although I will eventually muster up the energy to actually write down a hand study for liyue). hopefully one day I will post things! so many characters are underrated and have nothing about them written except in ships 😔 (side note: does genshin fandom like headcanons lol? most of the writing I see in the character tags are either full fledged fics or x reader, since I think a lot of the char backstories are fleshed out enough that there isn't that much room for headcanons)
update on twitter: I think I fixed it lmao but yeah, the "x liked ___" really bothers me hsdjfsd I don't follow a lot of people because of it rip. going on twitter made me realize how customizable tumblr actually is shdfsd
!! two days until kokomi; the suspense is strong... imagine her and idk gorou playing chess in resistance downtime, and all the sangonomiya soldiers expect gorou's dog instincts would make him more competitive, but really gorou is the one doing it for fun; kokomi is the pretty grandmaster who plans her strategy to the T and is fiercely competitive (you are getting me on morally gray kokomi hype train and i'm here for it. she gives me the uwu pretty girl vibes but can and will kill you. there's nothing that a college au kokomi won't do to be top of her class, but that doesn't mean she can't look good while doing it)
manifesting ei and kokomi parallels, they really feel like two sides of the same coin huh
ahhh a hand study of liyue would be so so cool to read! will be awaiting any other hcs you create too :p
before i say my thoughts, i just wanna say that i am by no means a popular blog so not sure if i have the grounds to do an analysis on the genshin tumblr community from my small pool of posts haha. anyways, my musician!au (not a hc but ig they're similar enough ? since they're also not x reader ?) did pretty well for non x reader content imo, especially since i hadn't posted a lot before them and they were part of my first few written works. the inazuma one got quite a few notes but only bc it was posted during the big inazuma update. and yeah... most genshin headcanons on here are x reader stuff.. hmm your reasoning about the characters alr having so much detail to them makes sense but ig visibility of the post will depend on the kind of headcanons, how you write them, and your no. of followers as well? (also, presentation. i've learnt that presentation on tumblr does a world of good lol) i'm trying to think of my other fandoms in comparison to genshin's with hcs but i think they're abt the same tho i can't rly rmbr.. i haven't been invested in the general fanfic/writing space in so long until this blog so it might be a bit wack to compare it to stuff from 2016/17
yay! that's good to hear :))
!!! ahh ik !!! i can't wait! (will u be rolling for her?) AAH YES YES THAT SCENE IS PERFECT OMFG! HAHAH i am rooting for evil mastermind kokomi 🧠🧠 i don't usually do character story quests right off the bat but for our pink-haired war strategist, i might do it as soon as it drops
..........mystic... i think u're a genius. college!au kokomi?? i'm thinking of an x reader for this rn and it may follow smth along the lines of this manhwa - not sure if you've read/know it - called cheese in the trap! kokomi as the male lead who gave off a bad impression at the start etc. and secretly plans things to help his crush out (lowkey kinda creepy) AHHH BRAINROT. i haven't read it in years tho so i never finished reading it but this could be a thing 🤔
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calledchaos · 2 years
but how can one tell how they feel? like how does a man and a woman feel? it all boils down to gender identities to me. there's no like hive mind process in which you can pin-point things that every woman or man feel. like the biological factor it's all that comes to mind. like i was born a female, you were born a female. untill the moment you decided to make "fixes" on your body you just felt like you, nothing more nothing less. like every trans person i see it's like, ftm starts dressing in more masculine clothing, chops off hair, mtf immediately go to makeup and dresses and trying to talk more delicately, it's all very gendered still, even more when you think about it. like im a whole lesbian and i wear typically men's clothing, my hair looks like yours in the picture, i have hairy legs, i am very masculine and I've been asked if i was trans already?????? like that's what's confusing to me. idk if what makes me uncomfortable is this or just the gender role demand. i mean what defines it? what is it to feel like a man when i only know how to feel like myself? you said a trans man can be feminine, so what makes them say they feel like a man, what is there to feel? no man feels exactly the same, so how can i know i feel like a man? feelings, thoughts, mannerisms, clothing choices are not inherent to the sex you're born so what the fuck is up. bro i hate this what the fuck
sorry for dumping this on you btw lol my therapist is out of town and u have a sort of welcoming vibe, like u seem really nice.
anyway sorry again and thanks!!
I think you're focusing too much on binary genders and their stereotypes. You see, many trans people don't feel the need o change anything in their body to adjust to their gender identity. The majority do, that's true, but many really don't. I'm sorry I can't quite explain what I mean when I say "it's the way you feel". Because it was a complex process I went through and it didn't make sense to me until it did. So I'm sorry I can't really help you to understand that.
Each person, trans or not, look for what makes them feel comfortable to express themselves. I really don't think we should tag ourselves that much, like... Just live your life the way you want it. Labels are useful for those who want them, you don't need to put yourself into a certain category just to fit in if you don't want to.
Okay, let's start from the beginning so I can get around what's happening to you: what is frustrating you? Is there anything about yourself that you want to change? Anything at all? Are you comfortable with the way you are? The way you look? If people didn't come to you and questioned your gender, would you do it yourself?
Because, like you said, you need to figure out if what's bothering you is your gender identity or that people keep expecting you to be trans, so they can make sense out of you. Cause a woman being that masculine makes people uncomfortable, cause for them women shouldn't be like that, so if they can affirm that you're trans, it makes it easy FOR THEM to put you in a box.
So I think maybe it'd help you to first identify the source of your frustration.
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