#idk how to put it it's so...therapeutic. relaxing. calming.
ternterntern0 · 1 year
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it's a revenge for hiwiko on artfight
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I’ve had to unfollow a lot of longtime mutuals on my primary blog. While it’s heartbreaking, it’s also become apparent to me, in recent months, that some of you only use social media as a means to make yourself and others miserable, and I’m just not about that. I’m here to have a good time. Real life is already doing a good enough job at keeping me grounded in sorrow. This place is my escapism, and I simply have no interest in intaking negative news about anything, as it literally does nothing to encourage me to keep fighting. I’ve already gotten my fill of negative news from irl sources, so even if it’s far and few, I prefer to focus on the positive news, here. That keeps me going and proves to me that, even if it’s tiny, progress is being made, and it’s worth it to keep going. I’m tired of living in this perpetual fantasy land online where people pretend it’s a resourceful use of your time and energy to intake negativity. I’m tired of feeling like I’m surrounded by people that live in a delusional single-issue world that lacks complexity. I’m tired of the knee-jerk takes of people spewing the same anti-progressive rhetoric as conservatives because new technology makes them uncomfy. I’m just tired of it. I prefer to be realistic. I prefer to live in the real world, where there are multiple issues going on, but I’m aware that I can’t solve them alone. My opinions are just that: opinions, and not some definitive call to action I’ve convinced myself can solve everything if I believe hard enough. My opinions on any given matter don’t have to be black or white, and I’m allowed to focus on more than one issue, including those that might intersect with one another, because that somehow feels like less of a drowning experience that the single-issue world social media tries to pretend exists. I just feel like I’m surrounded by delusion 24/7 on here, and this stupid phone is the window to it all. Life is so simple and easy, yet wonderful and complex, on the days I set my phone across the room and focus on other stuff. Idk. I’m rambling. I just felt a certain way and needed to write out. I’m not upset in the slightest, it’s just that my form of meditation is reminding myself of reality and grounding myself in the world. Writing things out like this, where I feel I have a space to be calm and emotionally mature without people thinking I’m making some declarative manifesto that needs to be critiqued is therapeutic. This thought is still far from complete, and the way I feel about this and things relating to it is impossible to put into words, so I guess I’m done for now. I just needed to relax a little; Sort my thoughts out and trim the intimidating entanglement of vines that has been my brain, lately. Sometimes it’s important, when everyone online is screaming about how every little thing is going to end the world, that you remind yourself: Life goes on.
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sukkanen · 1 year
I think I remember you talking about how you did/do horse therapy and I wanted to ask you how you like it or how it helps you? My therapist has talked recently about wanting me to do horse therapy and no matter how she explained it it confused me. Even tho I really love horses, it kinda scares me I guess. If I'm mistaken feel free to ignore this lol
yeah i used to go to horse therapy!
for me, it's been an amazing help at specifically recognizing the physical symptoms of my MIs, as well as managing them/staying functional long enough to be able to go to a safe place (for example, being able to hold off a panic attack long enough to go somewhere safe before it's all on me)
therapy with horses/animals in general is also very good at keeping you focused, since there's.. an animal there. it can help with moments of dissociation, since they can often physically keep you in the moment (with the help of a guiding therapist) and can be much more comforting than a human can be, since animals are very genuine creatures :3
horses in specific are also great mirrors for our feelings, since they are very sensitive. i think it depends a lot on their training, and the therapist in question, but for me it was always very therapeutic to be tense and nervous, and the horse reacting to me very tensely, but as we started working on calming down with my therapist, i could visibly see and feel the horse relax, and calm down with me.
a situation that happened in therapy, that i'm gonna carry with me forever: we were in an enclosure and my then-current therapy horse was allowed to roam free. i got really overwhelmed and started crying, and my therapy horse, who had up until then just walked around trying to eat the grass outside the fences, perked up and walked to me and breathed in my face until i stopped crying. a real storybook moment ;w;
ANYWAY that all said, despite being nervous/scared about it, i think it's worth giving a shot if you're allowed the chance! the therapist is not likely to put you into any situation you're uncomfortable with, and is obviously going to put both your and the horse's safety and comfort above anything else, so there's no need to fear being in a situation you're not ready for! also, just in case you're nervous about it; riding a horse is not mandatory in horse therapy, it can all be done with or without getting on the horse!
im sorry this is very messy and idk if i even answered your question properly but AAAaa aaa feelings words thoughts, jumbled up in my dumb head!
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jaideite · 5 years
I loved the headcanon you did with Bakugo and Midoriya reacting to their so chooping off their hair. Todoroki and shinso ( idk if there is a "u" in the name ir nah)
Omg hahaha I’m so glad you liked it :))
no theres no ‘U’ in hitoshi’s last name, but i know some people put it even tho it’s not supposed to be there lol. it’s like how sometimes people put u in Shoto’s name I know I do sometimes when there literally isn’t one oop
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— you have always loved your boyfriends hair
— it’s so pretty and unique and super satisfying to look at
— you like mixing the colors and then rearranging them so they’re even
— it’s relaxing for him as well because he enjoys your fingers running through his scalp
— he loves it
— and you too
— you’ve always complimented him for it
— “You probably get tired of me saying this, but I love your hair.”
— “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that, y/n. Trust me.”
— he doesn’t mind because it helps lull him to sleep
— which annoys you because he’s like a dead body mixed in with a koala when he sleeps
— sometimes the tables get turned and he raked his fingers through your long hair
— he loves you and your hair so much
— it’s so therapeutic for him and it helps calm him down when he’s on the verge of a panic attack or having a nightmare oops lol
— so it’s safe to say the whole class is shook when his face eyes go wide and his mouth opens slightly
— half of them freak out when he says
— “...what the hell...”
— even your shook cause you’ve never heard him curse before
— “I think she broke him.”
— “Shut up Kaminari.”
— you laugh and twirl a little lock of hair “I...wanted to do something a little different, ya know?”
— “Uh...”
— “Do you like it?”
— he just reaches out and fiddles with a lock and lets a soft smile put
— “I don’t mind it.”
— he’s a little sad to see your hair go, but he doesn’t really think about it too much
— he can still run his fingers through it and that’s enough for him
— so he just plays it off as not bothered
— bUT then you know apparently his approval was some kind of affirmative for you so two days later
— you come in with some cruela de vil hair like him
— except yours is black and whatever favorite hair color you like
— and he’s just
— cOnfLiCtEd
— y/n how could you do this??
— w-w-is something wrong??
— is someone picking on you???
— cause he knows people he’ll have a hit man ready lickity split
— who hurt you lmaooo
— but your just like
— “Wha—no Sho, please don’t kill anyone. I just...kinda thought it would look cute if we had something else in common.”
— “But were dating.”
— “Shoto—“
— “Y/N I’m not understanding.”
— “Oh uh—“
— “And Kaminari told me when girls change their hair it means that they are going through something. Is something wrong? Did I do something?”
— your just like 🥺 because he’s so cUTE AND CARING hOW AND WHY IS HE DATING YOU ???¿?
— but lmaooo he’s low key kinda panicking he doesn’t want you to leave him
— “First off...baby...never believe anything Kaminari says to you about relationships...and second, thank you for worrying, but nothings wrong, trust me! I love you and I wanted to change my hair because I felt I needed a change, ya know?”
— once you finally break it down to him he just still confused
— but kind of gets it
— “So...you changed your hair so you could match mine?”
— “Yeah! You know, Half n Half...Half n half? Get it?”
— this poor boy is just all kinds of slow so you just gotta bear with it
— he doesn’t get the joke until he wakes up abruptly the middle of a bomb good nights sleep and goes “Ohhhhh.” And then flops back down to sleep.
— it doesn’t matter tho
— he can still run his fingers through it and bury his nose in it so that’s ok
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H I T O S H I S H I N S O ( U )
— lol ok so I don’t really uhm know how to do shinso but ima base him off Aizawa so ✌🏽
— he doesn’t really care lol
— well to a certain degree
— he’s gonna say it straight
— you walked in expecting something positive from him like a little smirk and a little “look at you”
— pfft no
— he just
— “What the heck is going on with you?”
— “What, you don’t like?”
— he just stands up and fiddles with a lock of your what was once long hair and then places a hand on the back of his head
— “It’s not bad. It could have been a little longer.”
— “Wow. Just wow.”
— “At least it doesn’t look like absolute trash?” He offers with that straight smile of his
— “Thats not helping your situation here.” You deadpan
— he shrugs and you just wave him off and continue on with your day
— and everything is just peaceful
— you guys are just relaxed
— until one day you just casually walk in with platinum white hair and sit
— he stares at you like you are crazy and you wave, blowing him a kiss as class starts
— all throughout class he’s just sneaking glances at you
— once it’s over your packing your back and he just walks over and stares at you
— “Y/N, what the fuck?”
— “What?!”
— “You know this is gonna be like this for a while right?”
— “I wouldn’t have gotten it if I didn’t.”
— there’s a staring contest between you too that looks suspiciously like the diddy stare down meme until finally he just sighs at you
— and it’s one of those long ass sighs where he took a big breath of air too and you just
— “So do you like it?”
— he perks up at that and stares at you
— “At least you didn’t go with some bright ass color like yellow.”
— you scrunch your nose up “Like that Class 1-A guy with the zig zag in his hair?”
— “Dont mention him. I’m getting a migraine just thinking about him.”
— “Awe I think he really likes you.”
— “Please no.”
— “I think a lot of colored haired people like you, Hito.”
— he just looks up at you
— “Theres only one colored haired person I like, and she’s standing right in front of me.”
— “Awe. Thank you.”
— you reach up and give him a kiss. “And there’s only one tired looking wild haired boy I like too.”
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oldfritz · 6 years
Deppressed. What do?
anon, that really depends on you. the best way to treat it is therapy. it helps to have a professional you can talk to and who can give you tips and tricks to manage it. of course, that’s not viable for everyone and some people aren’t quite comfortable with that. so here’s some non-medical things that help me deal with depression. hopefully, some of them work for you:
journaling. it really helps me if i write out what’s making me feel so down, the intrusive/negative thoughts cycling through my head, and anything along those lines. it helps to get all that negative crap out of my head and put it somewhere else. also, while doing this, the positives about the day come out and i remember things that made me feel good
writing poetry. any creative writing, but poetry especially since its the medium for raw emotions and angsty thoughts. i get to think through everything, phrase it, and attempt to make something pretty out of all the crap. and, if its not pretty, at least i vented and got it out of my system
talking to loved ones. it doesn’t even have to be another person - i talk to my cat, rina, about why my depression kicks me hard on a particular day. talking through it is therapeutic and gets you out of your head. the action reminds you that, no matter what your head is currently telling you, there’s people out there who care enough about you to listen to and want to help you through this
showering. not necessarily because you feel better being clean, but because i’ve always found showers to be relaxing. i can think, the steam opens my sinuses and pores, and i can cry in private if i need to lol. its a calming space. if you want to feel extra good and have the energy to do so, break out your nice soaps and shampoos and use a face mask. that little bit of luxury always perks me up
reading. books are my friends. i love to flip through some of my favorite books and feel comforted by a familiar story. i like to gravitate towards stories that deal with mental illness, but go with whatever you like. whatever books make you happiest. i like to go to Edgar Allen Poe and Oscar Wilde (mainly The Picture of Dorian Gray and Lady Windemere’s Fan), but i’d only recommend Lady Windemere’s Fan because the other shit is very morbid and, since idk you, i’m not sure how you’d react 
playing old pokemon games. i’ve played some version of pokemon (mystery dungeon and the mainline games) since i was…4 or 5?? they’re comforting and familiar. the dudes are cute, the musics soothing, and its a safe and familiar world where everyone (except the evil team) is happy to see me. i’ll also play the sims and animal crossing since they have the same effect. whatever games evoke that feeling in you, play them
exercise. i’m not talking some mild yoga. nah, man. when i’m depressed, i like to hit softballs cause it feels good and the muscle memory is nice. if that’s not possible since it requires my dad to pitch to me (if i want a longer bp), then i walk around the neighborhood or some nearby parks. really, whatever you like to do at whatever difficulty works. i’d recommend doing it outside because the sun and the fresh air are good for you (vitamin d babey) and they do help you wake up from some of the brain fog i’ve found depression brings
i really hope some of these work for you. depression is a bitch. i’ve been dealing with it for years now and it’s only recently started to improve in a meaningful way. keep fighting. celebrate the little things in each day and force yourself to do get through this. every victory counts and the fact that you seem to be looking for advice (even from weird tumblr people like me) is a step in the right direction. you’ll get through the storm
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