#idk i think it's pretty neat atm
alteredphoenix · 1 year
I am two volumes into Clockwork Planet and I’m wondering how the hell is this so much better than No Game No Life.
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wreckedhoney · 3 months
it might be the hormones talking but i am like in some throes of discouragement
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antirepurp · 1 year
there's a free con going on this weekend that's meant to be centered around finnish comics (though as expected there's a huge focus on anime and plenty of people go there to cosplay which is cool) and like after perusing the artist alleys and seeing all the cool comic stuff people do i really wanna make a comic too but i know for a fact i struggle creating anything longer than a page or two wah
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cosmicpoutine · 5 months
dude I just love your art, especially anything with Bernard in it! You just make him so pretty! And your like my main sorcery of Bernard fanart because no one else is really all that interested in him but like, he's my little guy, that's my baby, he's the character I'm obsessing over- and your here drawing him!. And just, your art is so beautiful and you draw everyone so well!
Oh and your stephcass is mouth watering too btw! Wow you draw them so, just, wow! And I saw the dragon prince stuff you drew, and it's so awesome too! Currently re-watching it atm and it was such a a lovely surprise to scroll through your blog and see Callum and Rayla!
Anyways I love your art, wish I could eat it, like it just looks so good I need to like grr idk it's just amazing! And yeah I want you to know I appreciate your Bernard, I love him, and I love you, and yeah I just want to let you know I think your blog is really neat! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night!
shkfhwoah you're too nice, have a bearnard
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the bernard loving community is small and we're all a bit crazy, but its fun here.
also PLEASE we need more people in the tdp fandom, im gonna get annoying about it again when the new season comes out.
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probablynotamimic · 23 days
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Successfully finished my map of the airship from my fic!
"If I Too Am Forgotten, Will You Look For Me In The Stars?"
(Was originally gonna be three decks but the last one is just empty cargo space so its not worth the effort lol)
(As I've said before, quite a few sprites are just edited/taken from the game, but any stuff that you don't recognize from the game is made by me.)
I've also annotated some neat details/notes! ^^
Annotations and non annotated version below the keep reading thingy.
2. Star windows! ✨The light from them is faintly visible on the floor of the dandelion room!
1. The control console for the airship! It has a comically oversized compass, and reasonably sized barometer and a wind-speed-cup-spinny-thingy- you know what i mean.
Anyways it also has two little magic-crystal-wishcraft-orb-thingys that the pilot somehow uses to control the ship- idk ill figure that out later, they've got little stars in em though cause i think it looks neat!
3. Dandelion room! I think in my fic I may have described patterns all over the room- but imma retcon that to just the circle thingy depicted here, it only glows when the ship is actively being flown- so technically its impossible for the dandelion to be visible while the symbols are glowing but idk it looks cooler this way.
4. Hey! See those constellations?! Those are the irl zodiac constellations! all of them are as accurate as I could make them, with correct number of bright pixels for stars and lines in as close to true lines as i could make them
5. So all the stuff in the house is sorta low detail cause its frozen in time, so I got to be pretty creative coming up with details for the door!, it's got stars everywhere and even the writing along the top!
6. Odile has blocked her window on purpose, she doesn't need any more reminders how high in the sky they are :P
7. Mira has her ~bonding papers~ she needs distractions with the new emergency haha
8. Bonbon and Nils rooms! They're pretty barren, as they're both a bit mentally lost atm :(
But Bon has some of the food & spice supplies stored in theirs and Nils has Bon's sleeping bag in her room due to nightmares that may or may not occur in the futureee.
9. Loop aint gonna make their bed.
B. The stairway to the cargo bay! As I said before, i didn't map it as its basically just alot of empty space and crates & barrels etc.
Why is it "A" now instead of "10"??? Because the annotation circles I made didn't have room for two digits in this font! And I wasn't about to start over with bigger circles :D
A. Sif and Isa's room is arranged for optimal cuddle configuration.
C. Somebody's keeping an eye on the fam! (/◕ヮ◕)/
D. How does a stove work on a wooden airship???? IDK magic probably
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Now at long last I can start writing the next chapter 🙃
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bee-ina-boat · 9 months
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heres a collection of concept art for the rest of the entities for the mythos au!! if you're wondering where the eye is, they've been drawn already!
they are all FAR from done. keep in mind these are all just my initial concepts and i plan to do in-depth design sheets as i go to explore their designs more.
(also au context: the magnus mythos is an au where the entities are all gods, similar to various religious mythology, rather than paranormal entities that feed on fear)
design thoughts for each of them under the cut
The Web - God of Fate (she/it): im pretty happy with her design atm, shes meant to be a half spider half woman thing and i love that for her. shes probably the one ive thought the most on so far given her importance to the story. i want her to wear silks and shiny silver jewelry that just sparkles like wet spiderwebs do, not sure if im gonna keep the veil?
The Dark - God of the Dark (she/he/it): probably my weakest concept at the moment. it doesnt do the dark any justice. i mean i like the cloak idea but i want them to be very tendrilly, all consuming, shadowy, but i dont know how to properly portray them :/
The Desolation - God of Destruction and Fire (they/it): i have a neat vision for them! i want them to be made of coal and ash and smoke, to be burning and glowing on the inside, and their body is decorated with melted wax to look like clothes. not quiiiiiite sure about how their melty candle dress is now? i want it to be less constrictive
The Stranger - God of the Unknown and the Whimsical (he/she/they/it): it's meant to be this. weird wirey creature hidden behind masks and a lot of fabrics, like the framework of a poseable plush doll? i like the way the masks look but im not so sure about the body.
The Vast - God of the Above (she/he/they/it): im not so sure about his design at all im gonna be real. i want them to look like the atmosphere and be covered in clouds and have mountains for feet and an ocean cape but i feel like it might be a bit?? idk??? im just not that happy with it :/
The End - God of Death and Time (they/it): ugh i love this concept sm, making death read as less scary and more divine is so fun. theyre based on a seraphim and a sand timer,
The Buried - God of the Underneath (she/he/they/it): ANOTHER OF MY FAVORITES!!!! i love them. theyre inspired by hermit crabs!! and they have silver chains holding their shell to them. they look so endearing with their lil lopsided eyes ;; <3
The Flesh - God of the Body and Meat (she/he/they/it): i have so many ideas for the flesh y'all- im very excited to do a concept sheet for them. theyre meant to have no skin, just exposed bone and muscle, large limbs, hooves, exposed heart underneath a ribcage, teeth that close around their abdomen. white bandages that wrap around like clothes. a teeth/horn crown? i dont quite know whether to go for a more animalistic look or a more human one? like- theres so many ways to go with him idek!!!
The Hunt - God of Predators and Pride (they/it): see, i like this design but i feel like its too werewolf like? yknow? thats cool!! but itreads more monster to me than God :/
The Corruption - God of Nature, Rot, and Disease (she/they/it): i love this weird bug thing. this one i was really inspired for (mostly because. corruption aligned. so obviously im gonna think about this one alot) theyre this weird bug thing, the veil is inspired by the one from the art on the wiki! i want to maybe make them a bit more gross and weird because nature is like that sometimes, a moot on tiktok suggested that i add animal bones!! and i think thats SO smart im absolutely going too
The Spiral - God of the Incomprehensible (it/its): this weirdo is so hard to pin down istg. i imagine them as this spiral thing. body is kindof liquidy, arms are spindly and long, multiple shifting faces, overall just constantly changing and moving and like!!! how am i meant to draw that??? when my brain cant even wrap my head around what its supposed to look like yknow??? bruh jrdbhgfjdldgfh- that being said i think the main problem with the design is that it just gives me too many Michael vibes!!! is it the hair? the arms? its probably both.
The Lonely - God of Solitude and the Self (they/it): i like what this one has going so far! theyve got fog hair, fog tears, their body is meant to be splotchy like turquoise marble, i vibe with it so hard. not so sure what to do with their outfit tho :/
The Slaughter - God of War (he/they/it): another one of my more stronger designs i think! centaur with weapons sticking into them, face concealed, medieval armor and antlers- it vibes
the extinction isnt drawn because i literally have no idea what they should look like aside from color palette-
once again any and all suggestions will be taken!!!! i need ideas!!! plese!!!!
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kadextra · 1 year
The rescue today & similar posts I was seeing lately have got me thinking about this idea again, so naturally I’m going to ramble out a whole post about it too:
People who say “this is my favorite character!” *proceeds to put them through horrors* this is kinda how I feel about q!Bad atm. He’s my favorite little guy but I think it would be pretty neat if something Crazy happened to him in the story at some point in the future. Like get him taken away by the Federation or the Codes, idk
Simply because 1. He's already made an enemy of both entities 2. He might finally know sleep 3. Everyone knows this man can roleplay his heart out, it’d give us a lot of banger content and 4. Please consider the effect this would have on everyone in the island- bc it’s badboyhalo!!!
One of the strongest, most prepared players- him and his egg rarely ever fall, and if they do it's met with immediate emergency response. He knows everybody well, and is someone that's always active on the server doing things, talking to people. The totems in your kids’ hands & the armor on their backs? whispered conversations to update you on the latest gossip and theories? Traces of Bad’s caring presence can be felt everywhere. he is a guy that every. single. person. on this island feels safe to fully rely on, and who they all unanimously love. If something happened to him... do you understand the pure chaos that would follow?
Dapper would be alone. and he will immediately go on a warpath to save their dad
All of the Brazilians and French would be in a panic mobilizing the rescue team. that’s their badboy/bébou!!
Ordo Theoritas loses an important core member
Foolish loses his best worstie
The island's first-rate babysitter and first responder is gone, eggs are now in more danger than ever
ough. it's scary that all a powerful entity would need to do if they really wanted to send the island into utter disaster would be to take bbh away.
His friends would fight tooth and nail to get him back at all costs in a “you don’t know what you had until you lose it” type way. to see the person who always cares for others, become the one overwhelmingly cared for… i’d want to see it happen ngl
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psyduc · 3 months
get to know me game
thank you for the tag @tjarry mwah mwah 💛
do you make you bed? not really? my bed is Neat but not made, but i think it looks cozier that way and as someone who takes naps during my lunch breaks, i'm not making my bed more than twice a day lol
what's your job? adjacent to car insurance is the easiest way to describe it! when vehicles get totaled i deal with the DMV paperwork
if you could go back to school, would you? i don't think so, but only because i have absolutely no idea what i would even wanna go back for
can you parallel park? i've only done it once (1) in the middle of a anxiety induced disassociation episode (i don't drive for A Reason) and was told that i did a phenomenal job and nailed it on the first time so. yes, apparently i can sksks
do you think aliens are real? i do and every night i am blowing them a kiss and hope they enjoy their lives on their planets
can you drive a manual car? no <3
guilty pleasure? i don't believe in the concept of guilty pleasures tbh. like's too short, enjoy what u want man who cares
tattoos? not yet BUT i do have a friend who tattoos on the side and we have been chatting, so this might be the summer i actually get my deat's-head moth tattoo hehe
favorite color? YELLOW 💛
favorite type of music? god i have to pick one? love me some punk pop, love me some hard rock, but i've recently been into what i'm calling pretty girl pop so imma say that atm <3
do you like puzzles? YES SO MUCH
any phobias? spiders are a big one and like. deep, open water. like i can't even play video games that deal with it, the thalassophobia is That Bad
childhood sport? i used to play softball but you know the cliche/joke of like. the one kid standing out in the outfield picking flowers and chasing butterflies instead of focusing on the game? yeah. hello
do you talk to yourself? no because oscar is usually shadowing me so i talk to him instead (and he talks BACK it's great, highly recommend getting a cat to everyone)
tea or coffee? tea <333
what was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up? a veterinarian because i wanted to chill out with animals. did u know that there is much more to being a vet than that. 5 year old emily did not know this
what movies do you adore? so many. labyrinth is my all time FAVE, but i genuinely... have so many, i just love movies yall
guilt free tagging some beloveds (idk who else has done this or not yet whoops): @muppetjohntavares @lasciatemi-stare @solittles @jirving @barkovsasha @guentzel @croziers-compass
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Idk why but while I can fully accept that Clara hates Big Mama's guts in all continuities... I can't help but think that if she existed in Family Web, Mama would be very overprotective and doting on her. Like... if she chose to be her assistant in secret due to timeline shenanigans in FW and Big Mama learned who she was she'd insist on keeping Clara with her 24/7 b3cause "grand baby must protect"
Ok, a FW!Clara being Mama's assistant would be neat, b/c yes to all those things you said. Mama would absolutely be doting and overprotective of her little future granddaughter. But also, i'm pretty sure the assistant was in "many unhappy returns" meaning Clara would have been made her assistant before Big Mama even knew the turtles were her kids.
So it would be either this, Clara convincing Big Mama that she was important so Big Mama hires her without knowing that's her granddaughter until later, then the doting begins like a switch has been flipped.
Or Clara starts working for Big Mama by just straight up telling her the truth (most of it. Like she's from an apocalypse future and was raised by one of her sons) b/c she knew and trusted Apocalypse Mama thus trusts this Mama. Mama is skeptical at first and keeps her close and, upon finding out the turtles are her boys, it finally clicks that she's telling the truth and thus, once again, the doting begins.
And honestly, idk which is better lol.
Honestly, I'll probably end up keeping Clara confined to Seer Twins. As much as i love her, she'd mess up a lot of plot stuff if i brought her into anything else at this point. (Clara in Adopted Donnie would mean that Donnie just up and stole not one, but two kids. Which would be hilarious and would make his papa proud, but its definitely not fair for anyone else involved lol. and it would fk up Raphie more having to not only deal with the sad vent goblin that is CJ, but also the little ball of grieving rage that would be Clara.) I think the only other au i could get away with adding her to now, would be MIF, but that's only b/c i have, as of yet, refused to think about what their apocalypse future would look like. (and will continue to do so for the immediate future. i'm happy plotting the little kiddie adventures atm. and with their reliance on mystics, having their mystics taken away will, without a doubt, mess them up more than i want to think about rn.)
Thank you!
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d0tping · 10 months
Okay whilst I’m still technically in the fandom, I need to ask this….
Can we make Sanders Sides trading cards a thing?? Like the Roleslaying trading cards…but for Sanders Sides 👀
Is that a thing we can do? Is that a thing that can happen? Can we get Thomas to do this?
I know there’s not a lot of character options, orange isn’t even OUT yet, so there’s only the sides and c!thomas, but idk I think that would be really neat ^w^
I know it’s probably not the most original merch idea ever, (I mean…rswr has literally already done it and I literally mentioned it earlier xD) but idk, I feel like there could be so much more potential with tss merch than just what’s being sold.
Especially since it’s just…the same stuff rn. Like there’s nothing new in the store atm. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure there’s a poster of the month sort of thing with sanders sides, and that hasn’t changed (or idk, maybe it’s poster of the year? Again please correct me if I’m wrong).
Idk, apart from the new logo?? Thing? merch stuff that has dropped recently, sanders sides merch is pretty boring?? I really don’t want or mean to sound rude or harsh, I just think there could be more, you know?
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lofibeanie · 12 days
I have never been an Apple iDevice person but imma be honest, since Procreate put out the statement on anti-AI generated images and stuff, I have been looking into buying an iPad purely so I can start learning how to use Procreate (gdi for only being on iOS)
I have 3 pays until my birthday so HOPEFULLY I will be able to have enough saved to get it as a bday present to myself lol. I also have a con in a couple weeks so. Who knows how that will turn out. Artist Alleys make me wanna spend all of my money...I need to be careful :') I'm going both days so I need to be even more responsible LOL
Still umming and ahhing between the 11" and the 13" iPad Air M2 (I cannot justify the Pro, oof, I ain't made of money), and I definitely want the 256GB one. Obviously need the Apple Pencil too (Pro? Maybe?). Then there's the stuff like the case, need nib protectors too bc I want a paperlike screen protector bc I have a Samsung tablet atm and it's a glossy screen and it kinda sucks for drawing on. My Cintiq is a more matte screen which is SO MUCH NICER to draw on.
I have ideas and I want a portable option so I don't have to just sit at my desk, I can sit anywhere in the house or even bring it when I go out places, etc, etc...also Procreate has some really neat features (I love you CSP but I am not paying for 2 subscriptions) I was trying it out on my sister's iPad and it's pretty nice indeed, I could get used to this. Also the amount of user-made assets and tutorials for Procreate is so cool, I know I can definitely find something that's in the realm of what I'm wanting to do :3
Also I am one of those people who loves customising their devices and it's so much easier to do on an Apple device over an Android. I use a Samsung phone and I do have it to a point where I really like how I've customised it, but my tablet is another story - it's okay but ehhhh, I want it different. Yes I am going to change my icons when I get my iPad, this thing is gonna be so fun when I am done with it. Still thinking about if I should get a clear back folio case so I can stick prints and stuff in the back or if I should just go for a regular folio case, but that's a problem for idk, a few weeks from now.
Oh god my birthday is in just over a month-
Anyway yeah. Hoping to get the iPad and stuff around my birthday but knowing me it'll prooooobably be closer to Christmas but also I hate waiting so we'll see if my impatience is stronger than my impulsively spending on other stuff I don't need - place your bets now /hj
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charmcoindied · 22 days
can you infodump about wrestling for those of us who would like to understand what you are talking about in the coming days. wrestling is like comics to me. how and where do i even start to understand whats going on
the way i rose from my bed to make this post like a zombie from the grave . i love u
i made a post earlier about capital collision & bash in berlin those are the two big events going on this weekend. capital collision is a show from new japan pro wrestling which obviously is from japan but they occasionally do shows in the us under the new japan STRONG branding so this one is happening in washington dc tonight. it's actually a really interesting time for njpw because they just had their big summer tournament finish up where the winner gets a shot for their big championship belt at wrestle kingdom (kind of like their wrestlemania). it happens in january so a lot of the stuff happening in njpw for the next couple months will be setting up for that. i don't Actually know how much i'm gonna post about this one but i might talk about it a little cause there are a couple guys i like wrestling tonight Yayyy. i'm not as interested in the stories going on here i just think tussling is fun
i don't actually follow wwe that much (i usually just watch the big shows at this point instead of watching raw/smackdown every week) so i'm not 100% sure of all the details of what's going on but bash in berlin is a ple happening tomorrow afternoon. the main thing i know is that cm punk and drew mcintyre are going to be in a strap match where they're tied together and beating each other with a leather strap. how punk keeps getting himself into situations like this i'll never know. the tl;dr on this one is genuinely just that they've been psychosexually obsessed with each other for months and beating each other up over it idk what else to say. cody rhodes and kevin owens are also fighting for the big title which i have no idea really what led to that happening but i like both of those guys so yayyyyy i hope they have fun.
aew collision is also happening tomorrow night they just had their biggest show of the year in london last weekend and a lot of things happened. it was a preddy good show but it also tied up a lot of storylines so they're having to set new ones up pretty quickly since their next ppv is like september 7th or something. i don't know if they announced any matches for this week yet or not but whatever happens will probably be kind of wild though idk if it will be as wild as wednesday's dynamite (their main weekly show)
as for actually getting into wrestling i think you do it the same way you get into comics you find a guy you really want to fuck (or who has a lot of psychological problems that you want to study) and you watch every match they've ever had. and by doing that you probably will meet some other guys you think are neat and watch things they're doing. i think now is a really good time to start watching aew (my Personal favorite wrestling promotion atm) because they just wrapped up such a big show but honestly you don't need to jump into current stuff / watching weekly tv right away because there is just so much wrestling out there you can always come back to. just pick a guy who you want to shake really hard and the rest kind of falls into place
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antirepurp · 1 year
time for me to be obnoxious about an april fool's game at almost may wahoo ft. an unexpected moment of character analysis because i have no chill
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i hope this game is canon because rouge doing petty pickpocketing is my favorite thing actually
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he has a wallet? and a home?
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i could go on about how much i love these kids being unhinged and chaotic but unless i want to reblog this post a million times i have to cut it down. let it be known that i adore the kids and their antics tho
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you know what i also adore? blaze committing crimes in the chaos dimension because she can get away with it. i think i need more of that in my life actually
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although right after he says he doesn't wanna do more crimes i'd like to think he grows out of that opinion eventually. let the little guy steal stuff i want him to hang with rouge and have her make him worse actually
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look here shadow's had it rough in the writing department for a while but i very much appreciated this plot point of him going out of his way to get concert tickets for amy and even (reluctantly) agreeing to go with her to said concert even if it isn't his cup of tea. i know it's more presented as him trying to y'know be polite and considerate and he's going about it in an edgy way but i'd like to think it's just his way of presenting things if you will? like he know what amy's favorite band is and sees how hard the tickets are to get so he goes out of his way to get them because he cares about his friend and knows how much attending a concert like that would mean to amy. and in terms of this screenshot in particular i also appreciate amy appreciating her friends' presence at her party even if they hadn't gotten her anything! sure it does kinda come across as her being bummed about not getting gifts from them and maybe she is but i think that's okay? like she's 12 (or 13 now i guess?) getting excited about presents is pretty normal, and it's not like she's super upset about it anyway. i think she genuinely appreciates her friends attending her party more than anything
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i also found this a lovely little detail lol and it does kinda make sense! the bitch has been in stasis for 50 years and computer technology has taken leaps in that time, of course he'd be a lil rustier with them compared to his peers
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more on shadow, this guy's brain goes overdrive the second he realizes he fucked up and needs to get something nice for his friend now. like i don't have the brain power to form it into words atm but i just love what this all says about him as a character!!
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i could flail about the art in this game the whole evening honestly it's so lovely and colorful and pretty and i love how this scene is composed and shadow being seated on the windowsill idk this just put a big smile on my face when i saw it :)
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frankly obsessed with amy's unhinged energy can we please get more of this bc i live for it
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the fucking blowdart. i cannot tell you how fucking off the walls these teens are like espio's instructed to use a blowdart on sonic with non-lethal poison and he's like yeah that checks out and sonic's just like wow cool guess i'll snooze for a bit then like this shit is exactly why teenagers should be given superpowers and be put into Situations(TM) i love it
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not an april fools game making me emotional over trains
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and why yes i am obsessed obviously
it was a fun game! like tbh with a bit more content i would've been happy to pay a bit for this honestly (like. when im not broke lmao) like it's so charming and there were a lot of fun details and the jokes were enjoyable too. i just think it's neat :)
but yea that is all im glad sonic the hedgehog got murdered it was a great time
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streetscountbackward · 2 months
doing this challenge cz im bored (long post)
ignore the crap censoring i dont wanna get twordedddddd
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day 1: your stats
5’5 and around 50kg right now :( lw was 49
day 2: how tall are you, do you like your height
my height is okay, could be worse but i wish i was 170cm+ instead of being a total manlet
day 3: a picture of your th1️⃣n$🅿️🅾️, what features do you like about this person
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i saved these two on 📌terest the other day. theyve got muscle tone but are still noticeably pretty skinny which i like
day 4: your greatest fears about weight loss
my brain eating itself, having to quit running, refeeding syndrome/being hospitalised
day 5: why do you want to lose weight, are you doing it for you
i want to lose weight bcs im tired of being mad ugly and dont feel like i can be myself when im so fat. im doing it for me and for other people to like me 💯💯
day 6: do you binge, if so explain why you think you do
i binge because i get depressed and used to b/p but now i just try exercise it off. i dont binge super badly
day 7: do your parents know youre trying to lose weight? do they care?
they used to know i skipped meals but they got too suspicious so now i only skip lunch at school. theyre pretty oblivious to calories/what counts as restriction but my sister is on my ass about it sometimes
day 8: your workout routine
i run 25-30mins or do 30-35min interval runs three times a week. i go on a short walk every night. the other days it depends, most of the time i do flexibility stuff and those darebee workouts. usually only for 10-25 minutes. id like to workout way more but my family would definitely be able to hear me if i was doing like hour long hiit workouts in my room + the only ‘equipment’ i own is a set of dumbells
day 9: did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way
nothing to my face that i remember but i know theyre thinking it/people have said things behind my back
day 10: whats the hardest thing you gave up during this weight loss
idk not having an 34t1ng Đ1$0rd3r was pretty neat
day 11: your favourite th1️⃣n$🅿️🅾️ blog
not blogs but @/emothlnspo and @/dailymalespo_ on twt!!
day 12: what do you normally eat
ive been eating like shit atm so nvm that but; ideally my limit is 1270 and i prefer to stay under 950. i try eat high protein but im vegan so its hard😭😭. breakfast is usually <100kcal, then lunch is usually 20-200, then i eat dinner with my family (why my limit is a little high cause i have no say in what we eat).
day 13: are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way
im in a b/r cycle so im not losing weight or being healthy NEXT🚨🚨
day 14: whats your ugw, when do you expect to reach it
realistically: 35-38kgs, bmi 13s-14s ish?
unrealistically/if worse comes to worst: 26.8kg, bmi 9.9
i want to reach bmi 14 by this time next year atleast
day 15: are you vegan or vegetarian, if so has this helped you to lose weight
ive been vegetarian most of my life and only went vegan like 6 months ago. it definitely helps at times but theres a ton of vegan food around today so its not as useful as youd think necessarily 😭
day 16: when did you first decide to lose weight
i cant remember ever not wanting to lose weight
day 17: do you have an 3d
dont think i need to answer this one
day 18: what food is your weakness
sourdough + dried fruit + nuts 😭😭 theyre so gooooooood😭😭😭
day 19: when was the last time you ate fast food
YESTERDAY😭😭 it was only a salad from a fast food place tho
day 20: fav diet
high protein low everything else
day 21: what are your clothing sizes
i honestly dont know for jeans cause i always buy them bigger and just wear a belt but around w24 i think
otherwise xxs in fitted shirts usually and i think i fit a womens 6-8 (which is a USA 2-4 i think?). id probably fit a womens uk4 but ive never tried lolllllllll
day 22: what was your lowest weight, how and why did you gain
lw was 49kg and gained back to 50.8 cause someone was praying on my downfall idk
day 23: did the media play a role in you wanting to lose weight
day 24: how do you feel about the terms pro-@n@ + pro-m1@
i think people dont know what they actually mean/where they came from. i say im not pr0 so i dont get sussed but really any 3d space is a pr0 space. i dont agree with promoting 3ds at all but i DO agree with having safe “pro-@|\|@“ spaces for people who have them
day 25: have you ever pvrg3d, if so describe your first experience
the first time i pvrg3d successfully was after my family got pizza. i stuck my fingers down my throat jumped up and down tried handsfree the whole shebang and eventually puked up most of it. had to scoop some of the lumps out of the shower drain and into the toilet. would not reccomend.
day 26: what excites you most about reaching your ugw
being skinny finally 🤤🤤
day 27: how do you deal with being around food
day 28: do you want a thigh gap, why
duh!!! i already have a tiiiinyyy one but i would love a big one. itd make me feel thin
day 29: your definition of beauty
i think everyone is beautiful especially if they are on the inside. for me though id like to be crazy skinny and toned (i would rather dieee than keep being skinnyfat i swear). clear skin, no stupid fat on my face and i wish my smile was different but i cant change that by losing weight so i guess im stuck. i kind of hate my eyebrows and my mouth. i think if my mouth was a little bigger and my eyebrows were a little lower id look okayish. is it weird to say i wish my teeth were smaller?? i have total bunny teeth. i wish my shoulders were wider and my eyes were less sunken in. etcetcetc
day 30: ten facts about you
1. im a natural blond even though i dye my hair darker
2. my dream job is to do music but that wont work out so either way i really want to make something of myself. i think id probably try go to medical school if i had the money.
3. ive never broken a bone except one or two toes
4. i want to travel the world some day but im scared of flying super far overseas and its expensive
5. i play guitar because i wanted to play drums but they were too loud and triple the price. im glad i couldnt play drums cause i like playing guitar now
6. my letterboxd top 4 are good will hunting, beautiful boy, ferris buellers day off, koyaanisqatsi
7. speaking of good will hunting, i love elliott smith
8. my favourite videogames are tony hawk pro skater and skyrim
9. i love lord of the rings and have done for like 8 years
10. im literally dogshit at both but i speak english and im learning two languages. ive been learning spanish for three years and polish for around three months
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the-one-who-lambs · 1 year
hiiii I’m gonna dump my lamb headcanons in your inbox bc I don’t have anyone to talk to about them atm I hope you don’t mind I hope these are fun to read 😎
so!! I like the silly goofy guy version but I thought it would be neat to like;; take a more melancholic approach to them
I mean… they never signed up for their role, the god of death, I imagine they’re pretty resentful towards it even
i imagine they’re just like. sick of everything. they have nothing to hold onto and live for, and yet they keep going on out of obligation, maybe they don’t even know why
probably very apathetic towards everything, not really there most of the time. they were angry at the world but it’s burned away over time and all they have left is apathy and obligation
or so they think
subconsciously they’re still angry over everything. And maybe they take that out by being particularly bloodthirsty on crusades, and being a cruel malevolent leader.
a big reason why is because they don’t want to be immortal, watching everyone they care about wither away while they remain the same, eventually they just didn’t have the strength to form relationships any more
until they get stuck with the one other immortal
I think it would be really interesting!! Like they both hold a massive amount of anger and resentment towards each other but they’re all the other has and they’re stuck together
slowly forming a bond and through that both learning how to be a person again, and be kind again, and how to live again
idk!! I think that would be interesting!!!! tell me what you think if you want :>
Oh I LOVE these. One thing I want to maybe complicate this is that I don't think the lamb coming off silly/goofy while also feeling vengeful are character traits that have to conflict. I try to write the lamb as a combination of these traits, actually, and sometimes one side comes out more than the other. I haven't explored lamb's more melancholic side in depth much, yet, but I haven't written much fic that takes place during the events of canon; I usually go for pre/post canon. Love these ideas though :O
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allthedoorsareopennow · 6 months
Okokokok!!!! You asked and you shall reieve!!!!!!!:
Obscure Fadom(s) you need to talk about
That song that you have a mental break down to and then kill a man to in the same day
Why are you so cool?
Something in your immediate vicinity that would look so much better if it was bedazzled
Favorite type of tit
Your favorite thing you've ever created (meme, art, writing piece, ect.)
Character you would love to kiss (romantically or platonically)
Person you want to meet so badly, alive or dead
Favorite meme ever (I would ask vine but some people don't even know what vine is)
Food you would currently devour of placed in frontof you
Favorite weather in detail
Hyper specific color appreciation
woag thank you!
Obscure Fadom(s) you need to talk about
mostly into the mechs atm but Also BY THE WAY SMALL SAGA an indie rpg about rodents living under the streets of present-day London but they have a little medieval-esque society and you play as a mouse wielding a human’s penknife who wants to kill a person AND ALSO kofi wrote music for it and it’s really really good
That song that you have a mental break down to and then kill a man to in the same day
uh. hmm. not sure (<- guy who just forgot every song he’s ever listened to) maybe love murder one by coheed and cambria or welcome to horrorwood by ice nine kills or something idk
Why are you so cool?
it’s that tboy swag you know how it is
Something in your immediate vicinity that would look so much better if it was bedazzled
like.. made sparkly? what does this mean? idk man
Favorite type of tit
gotta be the sultan tit look at this guy they have so much swagger
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Your favorite thing you've ever created (meme, art, writing piece, ect.)
uh. hmm idk I wrote a pretty neat story about a guy that got ripped apart by a horrifying monster that one time? I’m not much of a writer but I do it anyway and I’m pretty pleased with some of the writing in my half-finished angsty mechs fic
Character you would love to kiss (romantically or platonically)
makin out nasty style with my guy gerry keay
Person you want to meet so badly, alive or dead
mr jonny sims although actually thinking about it I would be terrified of him maybe kofi young
Favorite meme ever (I would ask vine but some people don't even know what vine is)
uhhhh hmm I do not know sorry
Food you would currently devour of placed in frontof you
mmm shepard’s pie I think
Favorite weather in detail
no rain. precisely the right temperature such that I will not be too hot if I wear my jacket but I will also not be too cold if I only wear a tshirt
Hyper specific color appreciation
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also shoutout to #FA9907
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thank you for the ask :) this was fun
me, noticing that I interacted with a post that specifically said for mutuals to interact, and also that I am not a mutual: oh. goddamn
me when you immediately follow me back: yayy!! yippee!!!
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