#idk if I should choose the options that fall into my lap and like. see what vibes
idsb · 11 months
Put a deposit on a car and have multiple options for jobs some things r goin right finally
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Akaashi x fem!Reader | Daichi x fem!Reader | Oikawa x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFic ]
Request:  🥺👉👈 if you could do more single mom headcanon-fic-things LOL SORRY IDK WHAT TO CALL THEM and w/ akaashi, daichi, and oikawa? THANK U i love u and your writing you're so sweet  —anonymous
a/n: okay so strangely enough, i thoroughly enjoyed writing oikawa's and it's probably my fav out of these three 😳 thank u for giving me the chance to write these and thank u for the kind words! i hope u like it 👉👈
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❀ he’s been noticing you more and more — sat on the corner of the cafe he frequents during his breaks
❀ you would always order the same drink and sit on the same table by the window, he would occasionally glance at you, admiring the way sunlight hits your skin and the way the cafe music seemed to be playing solely for you
❀ but you always left too soon for his liking, 15 minutes before 2 in the afternoon to be exact
❀ he never knew where you went or what you did outside of the little cafe he sees you in everyday
❀ but soon enough, he was given a chance
“excuse me, is this seat taken?” 
he saw your eyes look up at him in surprise and your lips curve into a small smile, “oh! no, go ahead”
“sorry for the trouble, i didn’t expect it to be this packed today”, he said in an attempt to engage in small talk
“it’s no problem at all” you assured him with another smile, “i often see you here, do you work nearby?”
❀ the two of you continued to chat until akaashi needed to remind you of the time
❀ but of course before you could even leave he'll ask you for your number saying
"i'd really like to know you more, if that's alright with you"
❀ of course it's alright with you sjckskdks
❀ the two of you would meet at the café everyday, except the weekends — same spot and same time, until it became part of your routines
❀ keiji took his time getting to know you and openly expresses his admiration for you
❀ of course you liked him back, he was sweet and considerate, he was everything you would like in a partner
❀ but you just needed to make sure of one thing before diving headfirst into a relationship
"keiji", he corrected, reaching out for your hand
the warmth of his hand helped eased your nerves of bringing up something that may potentially be a huge deal breaker
"keiji, we've been meeting for a while and i thought maybe it's time i tell you,"
❀ when you said you have a daughter, you never would've expected him to say "can i meet her?"
❀ you almost cried then and there— it had always been a big deal to the guys you met before, you being a single mother
❀ keiji sensed your relief and squeezed your hand in reassurance that it really was no big deal to him
❀ well it was, but it wasn't something that would easily shake up his resolve of being with you
❀ meeting your daughter for the first time was set in the same café, on a saturday half past noon
❀ he smiled seeing the quiet four year old on your lap, curious eyes and a small smile as he held out the little bunny plushie he got for her as a gift
❀ weekend café dates became frequent with the three of you and soon became home dates— alternating between your and keiji's apartments
❀ your daughter loved when he read to her, having her sat on his lap with a picture book in his hands
❀ more often than not, you would catch him fast asleep on the couch— picture book on the floor and your child snuggled up against his chest
❀ during these moments, especially, you couldn't help but imagine spending every day with them both without having to part ways by the end of it
❀ and of course, when he wakes up, keiji can't help but think the same thing when he wakes up to you smiling softly at him and the little girl who kept a part of his heart inside her tiny little hands
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❀ your son met him first
❀ he just got out of the police academy and was assigned near the elementary school gates
❀ kids would often come up to him with fascination in their eyes
❀ and it wasn't a different case with your seven year old son
"hey mister are you a policeman?"
"sure i am, why do you ask?" he answers with the softest smile, crouching down to the child's level
"that's so cool! mom said my dad was a policeman, maybe you're my dad?"
he watched the boy's eyes widen in realization and he couldn't help but chuckle
"sorry, bud, but i don't think i have a child yet neither do i have a wife"
"well do you want one?"
❀ that effectively painted his cheeks in red, standing straight up and ruffling the boy's hair, urging him to go straight home
❀ everyday your son would come up to him to ask him the same questions and saying the same things
"would you want to be my dad?"
"i think it'll be sooo cool to have you as my dad"
"let me ask my mom if you can be my dad"
❀ jesus help this man pls
❀ he found it all to be endearing and soon enough he looked forward to chatting with your son for a few minutes every afternoon on his way home from school
❀ your child would always brag about how nice you are, how pretty, and just how amazing of a mom you are
❀ an amazing lil wingman if u ask me
❀ it wasn't until one of his day offs that he met this wonderful mom that he always heard of— and boy was he stunned
❀ he was out grocery shopping, skimming the aisles when he heard the familiar voice of your son
"mama, it's the policeman i was talking to you about!"
before you even had the chance to react, your child bolted through the spice aisle and cling to this man's leg
you quickly caught up to him and was about to apologize to the stranger when you saw him get to your child's level and pat at his head
"oh hey, didn't know i'd catch you here"
"i'm with mama! now you can see just how pretty she is!"
❀ the comment made both your faces heat up but even moreso when daichi looked up at you, absentmindedly muttering a "she is"
❀ your son had the proudest grin on his face >:)
❀ the three of you went out for lunch then which you insisted to be for all the trouble your son has caused him— who so conveniently disappeared to the playhouse to leave you two to yourselves
❀ it didn't take a lot for daichi to be absolutely smitten by you— admiring how you could handle a child and a job all by yourself and still managing to have that pretty smile on your face
❀ he had to thank your son his little accomplice the next time they have their afternoon chat
❀ and maybe start planning on "Operation Get Mom and Daichi-san Together"
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❀ started as students sharing a class and later on became inseparable best friends
❀ you two met in college
❀ tōru would rave on and on about how much better you were than "iwa-chan" whom he never lets you see during their facetimes bec you "might fall for him and choose iwa-chan over me"
❀ he was there to witness you going out with an orgmate, there to listen about the first time you got laid, and of course he was there to comfort you when your ex left the moment you told him you were pregnant during your third year in college
"do you want to keep it?"
tōru held you close as you cried, his soft voice mingling with your sobs
"i d-don't know"
you buried your face on his chest, prompting him to hold you tighter and rub comforting circles on your back
"whatever you choose to do, i'll be here", he promised "i won't leave you"
❀ the moment you decided to keep your baby was the moment it was decided that oikawa would co-parent with you
❀ during your pregnancy, he came to your apartment everyday and stayed over on weekends
❀ he kept his promise and never left your side even after you gave birth
❀ he practically moved in with you, staying up late at night to care for your child so you could get some rest, he changed schedules and skipped classes to let you continue going to yours
❀ it was alright, he said, afterall a pro volleyball team was already eyeing him— he was set even before graduation
❀ the both of you fell into a steady rhythm of domesticity
❀ eating breakfast together, taking turns changing your daughter's diapers, cuddling in the same bed and having sleepy conversations about the future and how you're both thankful of the other
❀ it was never established what you two were— you just knew that you were each other's constant and that you promised to stay with the other until god knows when
"what're you planning to do then?"
"i don't knoooow~ iwa-chan help me out here~"
"well, for starters, you should go and tell her— y'know, about argentina"
there was a moment of silence between the line, tōru mulling over his options
"i don't want to leave her" was his quiet reply
"i know you don't, but this opportunity may never come by again, don't let it slip"
❀ it was a few weeks before your graduation, your daughter now more than a year old, when he received the call inviting him to play for argentina
❀ on one hand he knew it was the chance of a lifetime, but when he looks at you in his arms with your daughter on your chest, he couldn't even think about leaving you
❀ it was less about the promise he made and more about how he couldn't imagine his everyday without the two of you
you only hummed in response but looked up to meet his eyes
"if i were to get invited to go to the other side of the world to play volleyball, would you come with me?"
he held your gaze with hesitation
"i'll go anywhere with you, tōru, i thought you knew that by now"
a small smile of relief graced his face as he exhaled, closing his eyes and rubbing his face against yours, "thank you"
the next few moments were spent in comfortable silence before he broke it with a chuckle, "is it too late now to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
"tōru, we're basically a married couple for the past two years"
"so will you marry me for real?"
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fanficparker · 4 years
If opened: Request for Harrison Osterfield In which Harrison is madly in love with the reader but is to scared to bring up his feelings for her due to her being very shy and quiet but the reader accidently let’s it slip that she likes him or something idk
Cute... I had a lot of fun writing it. Also it got LOADS OF TOM HOLLAND IN THIS and you are basically asked to choose one of them in a fun way 🙈...Also, I flew away with it and now it’s 1.6k words, so basically it’s an actual one-shot. Let's see where it goes:—
Harrison Osterfield x Reader, Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: 1.6k words
Warning: Swearing...
Summary: You are stuck in the game of monopoly with two idiots and there’s no escape. Shit is about to happen...
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Harrison was not exactly your friend. Your friend was Tom and Tom's friend was Harrison, so as maths works, his relationship with you could be best described as a friend of a friend. Yeah, friend of friend, nothing more. Period.
But then he always tagged along with Tom, so you were subjected with big doses of him in your life, much more than what you had anticipated. Whenever you would open the door for Tom, there was always a Harrison waiting patiently at his back, waiting till you both had finished interacting.
And when you were done with hugging and mocking Tom as friends do, Harrison would smile at you and offer a small wave, fingers running gently in the air. He wouldn't say hi but mouth it. It was always just his lips moving without a real sound. You could read it though. You reciprocated the same. And that became your little greeting.
You were shy and quiet, the stereotypical introvert, so there wasn't ever a proper conversation with Harrison without the presence of Tom. Tom always forced the words out of you. He was good at it and had a big mouth but Harrison... He just went with your natural form. Although he was full of jokes and occasional flirting, which you could never complain about. That was how he was and you had also accepted him in his natural form.
On a normal Saturday evening, the three of you were sitting on the sides of an international monopoly board. Tom was sitting beside you, while Harrison was sitting opposite to you but beside Tom.
"Woo Woo Woo... I owe the whole of London now!!!" Tom squealed, doing a little dance with his hands, shoving his token over the block and dramatically throwing the paper currency at Harrison's lap.
"Take my money, banker!" He growls, lurching forward at Harrison as if the word he addressed Harrison with was wanker instead of banker. Or maybe he actually said wanker; he is Tom after all. Harrison rolled his eyes at his best-friend, dumping the fake currency to the side and tossed the dice.
"Eight!" Tom yelled, reading the numbers.
"I can count," Harrison said unimpressed as he moved his token eight blocks ahead and made it land over 'Income Tax'.
Tom laughed loudly, patting his friend's back while Harrison cursed, putting some of his money aside. You watched their interaction with an ear-to-ear smile, occasional giggles leaving your lips.
"Your chance, Y/n," Harrison says, picking up the pair of dice in his hands and giving it to you. His fingers brushed over your palm, sending little chills down your spine.
Oh yeah, Harrison was after all your crush too. How convenient? That definitely meant tons of awkwardness. But how could you ever resist? His smile, the shape of his face, his sweet voice, his eyes, his laugh, the stuff he talks, his playfulness, his dumb jokes, his knack for helping everyone in need, those curls and now just imagine all those things at one place.
You looked down at the board, tossing the dice.
"Twelve..." Harrison whispers, looking at you through his lashes and smiles. Your heart does that little flip-flop thingy. You move ahead and end up at Jakarta which luckily was your own property. Tom lurches forward, picking up the dice and rolling them over.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" He curses, finally landing over Rio De Janeiro, now owing Harrison a sum of two-hundred pounds. A smile spreads across the blonde's face as he jokes —
"Looks like a billionaire is crashing down." He winks at you. You force out a laugh, more like a cough mixed with fake giggles to counter the warmth sweeping in your chest and on your face.
"I need drinks!" Tom growls, submitting the money to Harrison and laying back on the floor.
"Get 'em yourself..." Harrison throws back, counting the notes and tossing the dice.
"Karma!" Tom mumbles, sitting up, seeing the token landing over Lagos.
"Ah... Y/n will surely give me a discount, right?" He asks, looking at you hopefully but in an amusing way.
"Nah... You gotta pay extra taxes instead!" You laugh, slowly feeling connected with the game. Also, the drinks that Tom brought from the fridge were working their way in your system.
Then the game went on for several minutes in which Tom had already showered himself with the fake currency two times.
At one point Harrison frustratingly threw the only twenty pounds he owned at the middle of the board.
"We should play UNO instead. This game is shit!" He declares, hands folded across his chest.
"Why? Cause you are almost bankrupt?" Tom taunts.
"Oh, it's because you are cheating!" Harrison replies, rolling his eyes.
"Dude you are the banker!" He exclaims as you chuckle.
"Whatever. I don't care," He shrugs, trying to get up.
"You can't leave before ending the game!!" You whine and he looks at you.
"Okay. Just because Y/n is saying..." He gives Tom a dirty glare, plopping down on the floor again.
"Just because Y/n is saying..." Tom repeats in a poor Harrison's voice impression.
"Shut up, cheater!" Harrison grumbles and shifts the bank from between them to the other side.
"Ugh, kids..." You groan comically, getting back into the game.
"Y/n... Y/n?" Harrison whispers after two turns.
"I invite you to be my business partner," He clicks his tongue while Tom's eyebrows narrow.
"What? No wayyy! That's cheating!!!" He bounces on his lap.
"Says who? One who's in jail? And it's not cheating. That how businesses work," He spat looking at Tom and then looks at you, expressions softening within nano-seconds, "Also Y/n. I have so many properties and you got so much cash in hand. Imagine how powerful we both would be together? We can become the biggest business tycoon in the world!" He completes looking up dreamily with hands stretched out.
"Y/n, don't listen to him. He is an idiot."
Harrison ignores Tom's words and slides from his spot, sitting beside you, knees touching.
"I am not. You know what's best for us. Right na?" Harrison asks softly, leaning his head to the side and close to you, his slightly wet curls falling over his forehead. And those amazing eyes were staring deep into yours. The knot in your stomach tightens making you feel nauseous and pleased with his close proximity simultaneously.
You need more alcohol.
"I-I think... Yeah. It's a good idea..." You speak slowly, hiccuping mid-sentence, breaking the lethal eye-contact with Harrison, while Tom's eyes grew wider.
"Seriously Y/n, you have better options!" Tom says, pointing both his index fingers at himself.
"Rubbish. Everyone knows Y/n likes me better than you." Harrison smirks, glancing at both of you periodically.
"You wish." Tom dramatically whips an invisible ponytail resting over his shoulder to his back, looking confident as ever, "Y/n darling, why don't you bless him with facts..."
For the first time in your life, everyone's eyes were on you. Well, at least these two handsome boys...
You were already nervous.
"It's not fair," You try to change the topic, "You can't ask me to choose between you both. Tom is my friend and Harrison is my crush. I can't---" You instantly clamp your mouth shut.
"What?!" Tom spits the beer in his mouth to the floor.
Your mouth opens and closes, unable to find words. You don't even dare to face Harrison—
"Holy shit!" Harrison mutters under his breath. You can hear it, he's sitting next to you, skin touching. As if everything else wasn’t great already.
Don't look at him. Don't look at him. And then you are looking at him.
He's biting his lip, his Adam's apple is bobbing in his throat.
"You like me?" He questions as if he was making sure. There was no escape...
You suck in a breath, "Yeah... I do..." You instantly avert your gaze to your thighs.
"Oh my god! OH MY GOD! I LIKE YOU SO MUCH!" Harrison yelps like a high-school teen and grabs both of your hands in his bigger ones, jumping up and pulling you to stand with him.
"I am seriously leaving. This is going awkward," Tom says and gets up to leave but then he shoots you a wink before shutting the main door.
Little shit.
He knew. Of course, he knew!
Now it's just you and Harrison. Alone... for the first time. What an awfully pleasant experience...
Harrison squeezes your hands and you look at him.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have taken you to the best of dates, feed you with the best delicacies..." He says, shaking your hands lightly.
"Y-you could have told me..." You manage to say, feeling a bit confident now that things weren't unrequited.
"Dude. I seriously never guessed. I just had this secret crush on you and you talk more to Tom and we never talk in a bilateral way. The boat looked imbalanced from my side, I was seriously freaking out!" He rambles.
"Oh..." You look at your interlaced fingers. They feel good...
Harrison senses your disappointing expressions, so he steps onto the pedestal himself, "No worries. I can take you out now... So, will you go on a date with me?"
You were looking into each other's eyes. His eyes were basically pleading.
"It's not even a question. Of course!" You say, grinning and he's quick to grab you into a warm hug.
You can't thank Tom enough for getting him bankrupt with his great skills... at cheating in the game of Monopoly.
Can you?
P.S.: Requests are open :) Anyone who wants to request, just shoot me an ask. Response time will be between 1 to 5 days. Also you can send me an ask to get tagged in future fics :) or even ask to get removed :)
Taglist: @asmilinghopefullromantic // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @xximaweirdoxx // @jjasalem // @spidergirl007 // @wizliar // @justasmisunderstoodasloki // @veronicas-littleworld // @acceptance07 // @ghostspf // @screeching-student-unknown // @fanficscuziranout // @miraclesoflove // @trustfundparker // @tikapollak // @yourmum792 // @skymoonandstardust // @httplayer // @starlight-starks // @silverwolf-sama // @riz-holland-osterfield // @multifandomdoodles121 // @serendipitous-amor // @viagracex // @halfblood-princess-505 // @parkerpeter24 // @god-knows-what-am-i-doing // @hazardosterfield // @the-crazy-fanfictionist // @lost-aesthetic-of-past //  @lizzyosterfield // @tomhaz
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logsfm · 3 years
hey my loves   !   i’m mia  ,  21 from the east coast   !   i have not roleplayed in sheeeesh   ...   like five or six months   ?   but i am so excited to be here for opening with all of y’all   .   i spent like all morning trying to weed out this gal logan right here   ...   she’s a trip   ,   that’s the best overall description i have for ya   .   anywho   ,  lets get to the actual thing you’re here for her lil intro   .   also if you wanna mssg on discord here ya go   𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐬 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#7040   .
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logan samara-de jaager was spotted in the fashion district adorning  air force 1’s university blue  , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to  benz i know by kelvyn colt  . you may know them as  @delogan  or as that  bella hadid  lookalike . their  twenty fourth  birthday just passed . while living in  the upper east side  , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be  querulous  but on the other hand  passionate  . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cisfemale / she/her +  mia / twenty one / she/her ) + ( “ logan de jaager seen shoving ex in hotel footage during heated argument , not so sweet huh? ” / “ miss de jaager was spotted sneaking into ex beau’s apartment , what could she be up to? ” / “ sweet socialite or greedy trust fund baby ? milan de jaager publicly accuses daughter logan of stealing $1M … ” )
born into the true lap of luxury . the daughter of real estate magnate & high - profile attorney milan de jaager and his wife , british born socialite lana samara . the two of them held high favor within the 1% but were also able to find a perfect balance . they did a great job of separating personal life from the tabloids . it was rare to really know the happenings of their day to day . they had this particular kind of mystery to them , if you will .
it wasn’t long before lana began to instill the very same rhetoric she received as a child into her own   .   quality over quantity   ,   was the motto   .   just not in the way you’d assume   .   the quality at which a de jaager presented themselves to you was much more important than than quantity of time you spent with them   .   looks   ?   they’re everything   ,   in the de jaager household   .   time was simply a societal construct implemented to catch you on a bad day   ,   for that very line of thinking they embodied being late   .   rushing out of the house to finish your make up in the car   ?   a literal sin in the eyes of her mother   .
she was encouraged to take part in ballet and beauty pageants growing up   .   anything that could showcase how beautiful their daughter was lana and milan were on board for   .   personally logan hated ballet but she couldn’t deny she loved the applause the night of a showcase   .   she also couldn’t stand pageants but loved having all eyes on her as she went on stage   .
it became quite clear as the years went on that her parents were much more like close friends to their daughter than like rule - instilling guardians   .   she would text them to dismiss her from school   ,   get them to buy her   &   her friends alcohol for sleepovers  /  parties   ,   was very much so that kid who got high with her parents   .   really anything you could do with your friends   ?   was fair game with logan   &   her folks   .
at sixteen a friend of her moms who was going to be a designer for spring fashion week that year asked if logan would want to walk for him   .   she was quick to accept the offer and before she knew it she had multiple offers to walk in that years fall fashion weeks   ,   because of how easy it came to her   -    though   ,    she’s the first to admit she never really took modeling all that seriously   .
it was just a year later that her way of life changed drastically , logan and her twin brother had been caught by paparazzi on a friends boat in the hamptons snorting a white substance , anyone with eyes knew exactly what the group of teenagers were doing . upon returning home the two received the crackdown of the century . their once friendly parents turned to strict jail like guardians . often reminded that they put the families reputation at stake . the pressure to be perfect was something logan had never had to deal with until now & she almost cracked under the pressure at every turn .
it wasn’t until she left for college that she was finally given some room to breathe , attending the university of florida was the best choice for what logan truly wanted to do with her life - become a sports analyst . growing up she was infatuated with sports & and would have been involved in much more than just cheerleading had her mom allowed for her to get so much as a speck of dirt on her . during her time in florida the paparazzi seemed to find her more often than not , something her parents often denounced both over the phone & in public . the longer she spent away from the upper east side the more she became america’s sweetheart & simultaneously a thorn in her parents side . she graduated from university in 2018 , only returning back to new york for the sake of work . she’d been offered a reporting job with espn , on top of taking up modeling gigs here & there when ever she felt necessary .
personality …
one thing is very true about the de jaager’s & is very much so the same for logan ; she is not to be trusted . she can be extremely charming when she wants to be . she could sell a bag of rocks to a beach & get a princess to sell her sole to sex work . she knows exactly what people want to hear & when they want to hear it and has no qualms about lying straight to someone’s face if it means she gets something out of it . in fact sometimes , she might lie to your face just for the sheer fun of being able to call you gullible .
she’s very much so a spoiled brat although she hates when anyone call her one , she feels like she has more layers to her than that broad term . hand in hand with that is her drama queen like tendencies , any situation were there is a simple solution she will find a way to blow vastly out of portion .
due to her mother’s heavy influence growing up , she can be rather vein & materialistic . catch her like “ i can’t date a garbage person ” to someone simply because they’re not as rich or known enough for her liking .
it’s rare that you’ll ever see her jump out of character . she’s very calculated & aware of who she is ( or who she needs to seem like ) so if you ever see her emotions getting the better of her , you’ve really broken her .
she’s the type to dabble in a little bit of anything   ?   she’s a rich nyc party girl who’s been partying well before anyone should have allowed her to so she’s done it all   .    you’d be kidding yourself to think you could surprise  /  scare logan on a wild night out   .
she’s quick   &   creative with her sense of humor   .   she has both a crude / dry sense of humor   ,   as well   ,   and really just doesn’t find goofy things to be funny but more or less embarrassing   ( so if she ever tells you you’re goofy , remember it’s not a compliment ) .
her upbringing   &   parents sentiment on tabloids once reflected massively on logan   ,   but now she couldn’t quite care less about it all . after all she spends hours in front of cameras on a regular basis for work . although she does tend to shy away from people who she deems are hungry for fame or attention   .   she’s been used in the past for fame   &   will never let it happen again   , plus she’s the type to lap up attention so she likes to have as little fame whores around her as possible , more shine for her .
when she isn’t being a total nightmare though she’s actually really fun to be around ? she’s playful & loves to keep the party alive . often can be found claiming “ i’m high on life ” although everyone saw the pictures , logan , we know what you’re really high on , girl .
very chatty girl , too . victim of foot - in - mouth syndrome , big time . she doesn’t try to be disloyal & spill people’s secrets ( or does she ? ) but she can’t help herself . if she has piping hot tea she’s gonna spill it because she doesn’t wanna burn herself .
very observant girl , who loves to people watch but her observations can sometimes get muddled when she starts judging people a little too hardcore .
she’s also a undercover couch potato    &    by that i mean if you give her an option to go out   &   do something she’ll never outwardly choose to stay home to watch netflix and snuggle up under the blankets but secretly she’s hoping   &   praying she gets a chance to do so   .
plots   ...
END THIS ( L.O.V.E ) / her first love   .   these two brought the absolute worst out of one another   .    they messed her up so much that she has a weird perspective on what love between two s/o’s should even feel like now   .   maybe they had another s/o at the same time as her   &   kinda just strung her on   &   when it came out were able to lie so much to her that she believed them   .   idk   ,   in truth we could really plot something completely different as to what they did   &   inevitably what the breaking point was   .   maybe they broke up with her   &   had they not ended it maybe she would’ve still been okay with being in the relationship   .   idk i just feel like this one could be fun as hell   .     also they’d be the one whom she was caught arguing with in one of her headlines   .   ( 0 / 1 )
AFTER PARTY / this is a more reckless take of party buddies   .   im envisioning a group of people who when the parties over they all pull up to close by gulf course   ,   indulge even more in their choices of substance   ,   there is a naked gulf tournament going on   ,   there are drunks driving golf carts   ,   swerving and pouring bacardi all over the course   .   running from security when they pop up   .   it’s tradition at this point   &   if someone doesn’t come it’s almost disrespectful at this point   .   idk i just love the thought of this kinda vibe   .   ( 2 / ? )
SECRETS / okay so this one is messy   .   basically logan was very private for most of her life   (   thanks mom   &   dad   )   and during the early stages of highschool she lied to everyone saying she was a virgin   .   she told each one of these individuals that they were her first whether it be to make them fall for her   “   innocence   ”   ,   want to chase after her   ,   or whatever else we might be able to plot out   .   inevitably they compare notes at some point and find out that she’d been lying to them all   .   we can plot out how they confronted her i feel like we could make this real dramatic though   .   this would also be a backstory plot so   ,   we  can also plot out how things have transpired since for them   .   ( 0 / 3 or 4 )
BEST FRIEND / these two girls take best friends to the next level   .   they relate to one another on every level and are there for one another at all times   .   there is never a moment where they are competing with one another because they know that their #1 in there respective category   .   they are one another’s ultimate hype beasts   .   they truly embody chaotic goddess vibes   .   it’s like they were placed on this earth simply to be friends because they compliment one another that well   .   ( 0 / 1 )
LETS FALL IN LOVE FOR THE NIGHT / they are the one that’s there whenever she’s down   .   they have the ability to make her feel like they have some sort of old love whenever she’s around them   .   those feelings only last for the night though   .   they enjoy when she rambles on about sports or the novel she just recently read or really just anything she enjoys can put a smile on their face   .    they know better than to ever confuse what is going on between them though   ,   they know that she’ll never be theirs   .   whether they’re okay with this or not we can definitely plot out   .   ( 0 / 1 )
MOANA / they are not a fan of logan   .   they see her for what she is   :   an attention seeking   ,    spoiled brat and the fact that they don’t want anything to do with her makes her want them all the more   .    when they finally slept with her it was only to prove a point to her s/o at the time   ,   to prove that she’s not the sweet girlfriend she claimed to be   .   basically they’re the person who outed her for being a ho ho ho but despite knowing that they outed her for that she still tries to hook up with them because they were the best she ever had    .   they often turn her down but after a while not even they can deny that they’re attracted to her   .   they still don’t fuck with her though   .   also i think it’d be cool if their were two of them   &   maybe they worked together to out her to her s/o that didn’t believe she was a cheater   ( 0 / 2 )   also bring the s/o that they outed her to   ( 0 / 1 )
ELEVEN / the type of relationship that is stuck in the grey area   .   they’re more than friends but they don’t necessarily admit to having feelings for one another   .   honestly they probably don’t even think they have feelings for one another   .   it’s a weird dynamic   .   they spend the most of their time together late at night   .   there meeting time    ?   11pm   .    they go on wild joy rides to the beach   .   heads out of the sun roof as they let out a loud woo   .    the only thing accompanying them is a big bag of weed   .    sometimes they have deep talks   ,   honestly they probably know more about one another than anyone else   ?   because of these adventurous of theirs   .   when they aren’t having deep talks they’re running across the beach aimlessly   &   rolling around in the sand with one another   .   it’s really just a very pure plot that i need in my life   .  ( 0 / 1 )
TRUST NOBODY / this is someone who used logan for fame / attention   .   they either became close friends or even started dating   &   they used everything they learned about her or what went on between them to relay back to a tabloid / would call paparazzi to come and take pictures of them together whenever they’d go out   .   ( 0 / 1 )
some other plot ideas i’d love to see   :   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   .
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
Bruises (part two) x JJ Maybank
requested? yes: there were multiple! I can’t find them all on my blog now but thank you to everyone who asked for this. I hope it meets your expectations!
the original request, “jj gets drunk and starts being aggresive but when he’s sober he sees the injuries he has made on you and asks where they have come from (not knowing he was the one) and john b/ the other pogues have to tell him. :))))) (@jjjmaybank)
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
warnings: crying, angst, but also soft toward the end
word count: 2.5k
here’s part one icymi! idk how you could’ve since I haven’t shut up about it
After that day you left JJ on the ground, you distanced yourself from the Pogues. It felt like the right thing to do, considering you weren’t around before you started dating him. It also broke your heart because the four of them had become your family.
Without them, you became more independent. You ran newspaper routes in Figure 8 to keep the lights on in the little shack you called home. It was good for you to establish a routine.
Still, there were those days that you pedaled a little faster past the Maybank residence, so you didn’t have to think about JJ for too long. You don’t hate him for what he did, but you know he does. It put you in a hard position.
Knowing that you’re the only person who could convince JJ that he wasn’t terrible, and knowing you aren’t ready to face him caused emotional turmoil. So, you had to not think about him.
Occasionally, you’d see the Pogues around, minus JJ. You never stayed long enough to have a conversation, but you always acknowledged their presence. JJ was their friend first, they needed to be there for him before you’d think about going back to them. Taking yourself out of the group eliminated them from choosing between you and JJ, it was simple.
Until it wasn’t simple anymore. You’d called in an order at the Wreck after paying your bills to treat yourself. It was early, right as the Wreck was opening when you got there. The plan was to get your food and go home because spending time alone had come to be your favorite thing recently.
Entering the restaurant, you go straight to the bar to let them know you were here. Only after that do you look around, spotting Pope, Kie, and John B sitting still a table in the corner. They’re already looking at you, but grabbing your food and going isn’t an option because the lady hasn’t brought it back yet.
So, you walk over, giving them a smile and a wave. “Hey, guys.”
“Hi, Y/N. You doing okay?” Kie asks, but something is off with them. Pope’s eyes are focused on something behind you. John B and Kie keep cutting their eyes to the side.
“Yeah, I’m good. How about you?” You ask any of them that will answer, looking between the three.
“Uh, yeah, we’re good too. That’s good, glad to hear.” John B says, but it’s rushed, and he’s not looking at you now.
“What is going on? Are you guys okay?” You twist a little to glance around the dining room. Nothing seems out of the ordinary until you turn back to the table, looking at the empty chair that your hands were resting on. There was a cup on the table in front of it.
“Oh, you’re expecting someone.” You say quietly, and suddenly they’re all looking at you again.
“JJ is in the bathroom.” Pope blurts, causing Kie and John B to look at him.
“What? She should know before he comes out, right?” Obviously, they’d talked about this situation before.
“I’m on my way out, it’s not a big deal. It was good to see you guys.” You wave them off, but Kie stops you from turning around.
“You don’t have to rush off, that’s not what we want. We just-“
“I know, Kie. It’s okay. There’s no sides or anything, but I’m going to go anyway. See you.”
You give a small smile before turning around. The smile quickly fades when you’re now standing in front of your ex-boyfriend. Suddenly, your palms are sweaty, and your heart has moved to your ears. Your emotions are overwhelming you because you can’t get yourself to move or say anything.
JJ physically looks good, he looks like he always did. However, his face has softened upon realizing that it’s you. His eyes are starting to get shiny, and his brows are pinched together ever so slightly. To top it all off, the corners of his mouth seem to be pulled down toward the floor by an invisible string.
“Y/N, your order is ready.”
JJ flinches, hearing someone say your name. You don’t say anything, you step around him. Every ounce of his energy went into not reaching out for you, but that was all he wanted to do.
You grab the paper sack off of the counter and immediately exit the restaurant, afraid that you were going to suffocate if you didn’t. You’re panting by the time you reach your bike, setting the food into the little basket, and swinging your leg over the seat.
Seeing JJ confirmed all of your worst fears. He hadn’t forgiven himself or even thought about it. JJ couldn’t look at you without being reminded of what he did to you.
But the worst fear? The worst part? You realized you still weren’t ready to talk to him. Feeling yourself freeze up in front of him was exactly how it felt when you were tensing, your muscles to prepare for his blow. You hated yourself for that because he didn’t mean it. JJ wouldn’t do it again, you didn’t have to talk to him to know that.
So instead of enjoying your celebratory meal, you threw it away and cried.
Three days later, you’re holding your bike while standing beside it, looking at the Maybank house in front of you.
Your hands are shaky as you lay the bike in the grass. JJ’s dirt bike is in the front, but his dad’s van is not. If there was any time to do this, it’s now.
The front door is opened slightly, so you don’t knock as you enter. Trash litters almost every surface, but that was normal around here. Music is coming from behind JJ’s bedroom door.
Another deep breath. This time you do knock, but you don’t wait for an answer.
JJ is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His chest rises and falls slowly with his breathing. For a second, you think he’s asleep, but then his chest expands as he inhales harder. That’s when you realize he’s crying.
“JJ?” You ask softly, you’re still in the doorway with the doorknob in your hand.
He sits up immediately, wiping at the tears that streak his face. That’s not what you’re worried about, you’re worried about the dozen bruises all over his upper body. His lower abdomen is so bruised you can’t tell what color his skin is supposed to be.
You gasp, covering your hands with your mouth. JJ follows your gaze, looking over his body, but he shrugs your reaction off.
“Don’t Y/N. This is what I deserve for what I did to you.��� JJ shakes his head. His voice is shaky and barely audible.
“What on earth are you talking about, JJ?” You don’t move. For some reason, your feet are planted right where they are.
“I’ve been picking fights with my dad. Purposely getting him worked up so he’ll hit me. I want to feel the pain I caused you for every day of my life.” JJ can’t look at you. He can hardly speak he’s so upset.
You tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling for just a moment while you think. A sob that leaves JJ’s mouth is what pulls you back, and even though you’re still trying to figure out what to say, your feet start moving toward him.
He looks up at you just as you open your arms and take the last step you need to reach him. As you close yourself around him, JJ doesn’t try to fight you, he accepts you.
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes, at least, each of you squeezing with a good and constant amount of pressure as if you’re afraid to ever let go. Eventually, though, you gather your thoughts, and you’re ready to talk to him.
You pull your arms out from underneath his and move your hands to his face, making him look at you.
“Listen to me, JJ Maybank. I want this to get through your thick and stubborn skull, got it?” You wait for him to nod before you continue, blinking the tears out of your eyes. “You are not terrible because of a mistake you made. It doesn’t define you, it doesn’t mean you deserve punishment, it only means that you had a lapse of judgment.”
“But I hurt you. I can’t forgive myself for that.” JJ’s blue eyes are so pretty when he’s crying, but you like them much more when he’s smiling.
“Yeah. You did hurt me, JJ, but I forgive you. I’m not excusing your actions, I’m not saying it was right, or that I’ll forgive you if it happens again, but I’m saying that I forgive you. Do you want to know why?”
He looks back to his lap but nods. “Because even though you hurt me, you’re the one that I wanted to heal me.”
“Really?” JJ makes eye contact with you again, and for the first time, he doesn’t look completely miserable. His frown is a little less droopy.
“Because I believe with my whole heart that you’d do anything in your power to take back your actions and prevent even the slightest chance it could happen again.”
JJ reaches up, cupping your face in his hands. “I would, and I am. I don’t go to the keggers anymore, I don’t even help John B and Pope pick it up. No more kook parties for me, either. I’m trying to do the right thing, baby, I really am.”
He’s full-on sobbing again as he clings to you.
“I know you are, sweetheart. I never doubted you, I just needed some time.”
You hold him for a little bit, rocking him back and forth until he’s calmed down. After his breathing has returned to normal, he pulls you onto the bed with him and lays you down.
“Can... can I see?” He asks, nodding toward your torso. The bruises weren’t there anymore, but you give him permission anyway.
Slowly, JJ rolls your shirt up, starting at the bottom. He stops when he meets your bra, tucking it under so it’ll stay out of his way. His breath fans over your body as he observes you for a few moments, and you watch him carefully.
JJ leans over you, opening his nightstand and digging around for a moment. When he finally finds what he wants, you recognize it as a pen.
“What are you doing?”
“Can you show me where they were?”
Even though they’re gone, you remember where exactly where they were. The image the mirror reflected the day after has stayed with you. So you trace the odd shapes with your fingertips, and JJ follows your finger with the point of the pen.
The one that used to be on your shoulder is the last one he draws, then he sits back for a few minutes. JJ’s eyes rake over your body, but not at all in a sexual way. You can tell he’s letting the negative thoughts back in, so you grab his hand to squeeze.
JJ leans down and presses a kiss to each spot. He lets his lips linger each time, giving you chills from feeling his breath. Your heart swells at the gesture, and tears prick your eyes once again. Finally, he locks eyes with you again.
“Now you should go. You can’t come back until the ink is gone, and no scrubbing it off in a day. I can’t let you forgive me yet, it’s too soon for that. I didn’t do anything to deserve redemption.” JJ has a bad habit of mumbling when he’s upset, so it’s a good thing you’ve known him long enough to understand what he’s saying.
He rolls your shirt back down to its place, and you sigh. “I don’t agree with you, JJ, but if it’s what you want, then I understand.”
You watch him roll away from you, his way of finishing the conversation. With a sigh, you get up and make your way to the door. An idea comes to mind before you’re out of his room.
Turning on your heel, you speak, your voice strong and firm to let him know you’re not playing around. “No, JJ, I’m not letting you decide when I forgive you. This should be on my terms. Come with me.”
One hand is outstretched to him, waiting for him to roll out of bed and accept it. After a few moments, he does. JJ’s movements are slow because of his soreness, and you can tell he’s trying to make it seem like he’s not hurting.
Your boyfriend places his hand in yours, knowing he can’t argue with you, so he follows without a word. However, you don’t take him far. You lead him down the hall and into the bathroom.
JJ shuts the door behind you two as you turn on the sink, letting the water run until it’s warm and grabbing a washcloth from the cabinet below. You push yourself up onto the counter next to the sink and hand him the rag, then you pull your shirt over your head.
He watches your shirt fall to the floor, turning the washcloth over in his hand. When JJ looks up at you, he’s got that tortured look on his face. The one where his eyebrows are pulled together just enough to create a line between them. The one where his eyes are red and brimming with tears. The one where the corners of his mouth are pulled into a permanent frown.
“Wash the ink off.” You lift your arms, making the marks on your skin more visible.
You take his hand and put it under the faucet. “Because you said you haven’t done anything for redemption. I’ve spent weeks thinking about this, about what happened. It was hard, but I came to terms with it, and I forgive you, JJ. That doesn’t do us any good if you can’t forgive yourself, so I need you to wash the ink off. Show yourself that I’m healed, and we can move forward.”
Tears well up in both of your eyes, and slowly, JJ starts gently wiping the ink on your skin away. You reach up every now and then to wipe his tears off of his cheeks, each time you see a corner of his mouth lift in a small smile to show his appreciation.
When he’s finished, JJ places his hands on the edge of the sink and leans his weight into them. You think maybe he’s trying to hide that his hands are shaking, but the closer you look at him, his whole body is shaking.
Gently, you tug on his elbow until he’s standing between your legs again. All you can do is take him into your arms and let him cry. You did what you could, and the rest is up to him. Maybe things won’t be the same between you for a little bit, but that’s okay.
The only thing you can guarantee him is that you’ll be there while his bruises heal.
thank you for reading! don’t forget to reblog if you liked it or send me feedback :)
jj maybank taglist + ones who asked to be tagged: @wlwkie , @jjjmaybank , @shawnssongs , @hopelesswritingxd , @newsiestrash123 , @millie-753 , @thatsonobx , @jjtheangel , @obxkie, @baileysb1tch, @ohbx , @babysbestlife , @psychicforest , @fanficscuziranout , @maebanks , @diverdown06, @pogue-writings , @maybankdreams , @thelocalpogue , @maybe-maybanks , @dpaccione , @teenwaywardasgardian , @extratragic , @pixelated-pogues , @kitluvs1 , @a-brooding-bird , @ilovejjmaybank , @damonsalvawhore27 , @beth-winchester21 , @danicarosaline , @sunwardsss , @outerbanksbro , @collecting-stories , @thebendslikebendover , @maybebanks , @jjxobx
(also just want to say that I posted part one a little over a month ago and I only had one person on my taglist, now look at all of you! thank you 🥺)
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
maybe? 👉👈 steve taking a really long time with college (like on one year and off one yours year, on, off, on, off) and he still doesn't really know what he wants to do and he gets really frustrated bc billy just did college all in one go and steve is taking forever and he feels down on himself? idk im feeling the whump rn???
Steve had left high school having no idea what he wanted from the rest of his life.
That’s not true, he had some idea.
He knew he wanted to leave Hawkins, follow Billy wherever he was going. He knew he wanted to be with Billy for the rest of his life, he knew he wanted to leave the past behind and make new friends, people who were kind, and fun, and didn’t bat an eye when Billy pulled him into his lap.
But that’s about it.
So when Billy graduates high school, and gets a full ride to UC Berkeley, and they move into a cheap apartment in downtown Oakland, Steve is so happy that he got out.
He gets a job waiting tables at a restaurant down the street, pays half the rent and buys the groceries while Billy’s in class.
But then two years pass, and Billy’s soaring through college, working to his degrees, plural, because he just couldn’t decide between studying English Literature or Biology with a focus in research.
So he’s majoring in both and getting a minor in Italian because then I’ll know what you’re sayin’ when you start horny babblin’.
And Steve was at the same restaurant.
True, he was assistant manager now, and it came with a pretty okay raise, and he even gets dental insurance, but he feels so stuck.
So he enrolls in community college.
He starts with some general classes, still completely unsure of what he wants to study.
Billy said it was okay to just rule out things you don’t want to study, to nearly fail a math course and know that accounting is not for you.
So when Steve finishes his first year, he at least knows what he doesn’t want to pursue.
Meanwhile Billy has an internship at a lab through Kaiser Permanente. And he can read and write Italian than Steve can.
Steve is walking home from his job at the restaurant when it happens. He’s crossing the street, and gets hit by a car.
He’s taken to the hospital, where he’s informed of a fractured spine and another concussion.
He’s told his injury could’ve been much more severe, that he will not experience paralysis, but he needs physical therapy and walking will be difficult for a while.
Their finances take a big hit.
Billy’s internship doesn’t pay super well, and with Steve being unable to work for the foreseeable future, he’s fired.
Billy has insurance through the school, but because on paper, he and Steve have no real relation, Steve’s medical bills come out of pocket.
So Steve is bedridden for months. He can’t work or get groceries, or do fucking anything but lay there.
They can’t afford physical therapy.
But Billy has a friend studying to be a PT, and she comes over every Saturday, and practices her technique on him in exchange for ten bucks and a few beers.
And so the money Steve tucked away for school is rapidly diminishing.
By the time Billy graduates, Steve is a year into recovery. He still gets dizzy at odd intervals, and his back gets stiff when it rains, but Billy gets a job right away, doing research on flu vaccines.
And Steve goes back to work.
He gets a desk job, something he won’t have to be on his feet all day for. He works reception for a message therapist, which comes with free massages, which work wonders on his back.
So in the fall, he decides to give his education another shot.
He learns that history is not for him, and that his nutrition course was fine until they began looking into how the body processes nutrients, and he was fucking lost. He takes a few business classes, thinking, hoping genetics would take over and this is something he could do.
But his dad was right to take away the job opportunity at his own firm. Steve was not cut out for this.
After a year of research, Billy is promoted three times. He ends up working on some extremely important study that Steve does not understand for the fucking life of him.
But he sits and listens every time Billy explains what he did that day, even though Steve gets so sad when Billy mentions having to kill the lab mice to study their bodies.
So Steve is two years into community college, five years into living in Oakland with Billy, and he still is lost.
He takes a semester off, working more hours, trying to save up some money.
Because Billy is beginning to think about grad school, and that shit’s not cheap.
But Billy decides to postpone that, work for a few more years, and besides, he’s caught between studying something to put him in a research field, or just straight up going to medical school to study infectious disease.
Because Billy could. He’s smart enough for medical school, smart enough to research and be a doctor.
And Steve has a smushy spine and half a degree in nothing.
A semester off turns into a year.
A year and a semester.
Two years.
They’ve been in California for seven years, and Billy gets into grad school in San Diego. They move south and Billy spends late nights pursuing a Masters in Immunology.
And Steve works the front desk at a pediatrician’s office.
He’s flipping through a course catalog from the San Diego Community College when Billy comes home from his new job, the position he got after applying to only three labs.
He kissed the top of Steve’s head, moving to grab himself a beer from the fridge.
“You thinkin’ of going back?”
“I don’t know.” Steve slid the catalog closed. “Is it even worth it?”
“That’s something you have to decide.” Billy sat down, sliding the catalog towards him. Steve had crossed off the classes he had already taken, the ones he new he wouldn’t like.  “And you know, going to school isn’t the only option. You could get an apprenticeship, master a trade.”
“I can’t do anything where I need to bend over for really any length of time. So that rules out plumber, and car mechanic, and anything physical like construction, or landscaping or even general contracting is right out.”
Steve could feel the old shame, the doubt and the self hatred crawling up his spine.
“I have nothing to offer. I have no discerning skills, and in seven years I’ve only made it through two years of goddamn community college, and here you are, ripping through grad school like a fourth degree is easy.”
“Stevie, you’ve got a lot to offer. We just gotta find something that suits you.” He took Steve’s pen, turning to the back page of the catalog. “Okay, we’re gonna write down all of you strengths, and think of career paths that could fit those. I’ll go first, you’re extremely caring. You’d be good at any career where you care for people.”
“But I can’t study nursing or something, I barely understood my biology 101 course. Plus, nurses are strong. I can’t lift more than like, thirty pounds.”
“There’re way more caring fields than nursing, Pretty Boy. Although I would love if you were my nurse.” Billy smirked at him, leaning in to plant a sloppy kiss to Steve’s cheek as he rolled his eyes. “Another strength: your emotional intelligence is through the fucking roof.” He wrote it down. “Okay, I’ve said tow, so you say one.”
“Um, I think that I’m good at making people laugh?”
“Yes! You are. Perfect.” Billy scribbled it down. “You’re a good leader.”
“I’m pretty good at reading people.” Billy wrote Intuitive, can smell a douchebag from a mile away.
“You’re good under pressure.”
“Every time I’ve seen. You’re good at keeping calm and keeping others calm.”
“I guess.”
“Nah, Stevie. Positives only. Say a strength.”
“I’m, uh, I’m good at, bilingual?” Billy stared at him. “Like, I’m bilingual.”
“Are you sure? I don’t think that was English, even.” Steve slapped his chest, Billy laughed. “I’m joking. You are bilingual. You’re also really good at making others feel safe.”
“I was always pretty alright at public speaking.”
“You’ve got a great eye for detail.”
“I’m good at teamwork, and delegating.”
“You’re really compassionate, too.” Billy drew a line under the strengths side. “Okay, so now we’ve got some of your strengths, think about what you’d want in a job, and we can match everything up and think about some careers that could fit.” Steve nodded, racking his brain.
“Um, I would want to work with kind people, I would kind of like to do something, you know, worthwhile. I’d like to be in charge of something. Like it’s fine if I have a boss to answer to, but I’d like to be fairly independent.”
“I already have so many ideas.”
“Lay ‘em on me.” Steve sat back, closing his eyes to try and picture everything Billy threw out.
“I’ve actually always thought you’d be a really good teacher. Especially if you did like, kindergarten. Just got to be around little kids all day.” Steve could actually see it. “I also think you’d be a could social worker, like to work with Child Protective Services, or something. Um, you’d be good at even planning. Or I think you’d be really good working at a nonprofit of some kind. Maybe you could be the event planner for a nonprofit.”
And Steve was sitting there, and suddenly, he had four career paths, just sitting right in front of him. Four super attainable career paths.
“Wait, wait those make sense.” Billy beamed at him.
“Yeah, that’s because I know you, Pretty Boy.” Billy opened the catalog. “So, I think if you choose to enroll, you should pick a few classes, like, Intro to Social Work, Early Childhood Education 100, and maybe like, Sociology, and see from there.”
Steve stared at the course descriptions for what Billy circled.
“Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry this has taken me so long.”
“It’s okay. Everyone is on a different timeline. And it’s not like you got to explore options in high school. You were told business until your dad decided that nevermind. So it’s understandable that this took you a minute. Plus, you went through hell with your back.”
Steve sat up straight, stretching out his back.
“But, I mean, the back thing kinda happened to you too, and you still made it through all your schooling.”
“Sure, I watched you go through it, but I was not in the pain you were. And like, emotionally, it fucking sucked to watch the love of my goddamn life go through something, and I couldn’t even afford therapy. Like, I felt so helpless, but that’s nothing to what you went through literally experiencing it.” Steve took Billy’s hand, linking their fingers together, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“You did the best you could. Everything was shit for like, that whole year.”
“I cannot telly you how many times I would go into an individual study room in the library and just like, sob for a while.And then I’d get so mad at myself, thinking of you at home, hurting and not even able to get yourself out of bed, and I’d race home feeling like shit.”
Steve scrubbed his fingers through Billy’s hair. He had cut it a while ago, kept it short these days.
“You were doing everything you could for me. I would just sit in bed all day, and think about how amazing you are. Like I would just think about all the good times we’ve had together, and how much I love you.”
“That explains why we didn’t fight for like, that whole year.” Steve laughed. Billy leaned to kiss him softly.
“And you know, even now we’ve done this, there’s still no rush on you. You don’t have to go back to school this year, of this decade, or anytime until you’re ready. Until you want to.”
“Well now, I feel like there’s a fucking light at the end of the tunnel. I’m almost, excited. Is this how you feel? Excited to go to school?”
“Welcome to the nerd life, Sweet Thing.” Billy drained the last of his beer. “You wanna go out tonight? Celebrate?”
“Like, go out to dinner, or go out?”
“Oh, just like dinner. Be home by eight thirty, in bed by nine, missionary with the lights off, and asleep by nine fifteen.”
“Sign me the fuck up.”
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
Username: xNotYourJoyx
A/N; hi. i have no clue where this idea came from. i don’t know why my brain always tells me to start more red velvet series’ randomly. but here is the latest spawn from it. this will have more parts to it because i’m interested in expanding on the dynamics of this trio plus i signed up for things that have since blown up my emails for this because i’m dedicated like that. anyway! enjoy. or don’t. idk anymore. 
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It was only a suggestion.  A quick mention, really. “There’s this site, Seungwan,” is how it started. Except for that brief conversation spiraled rapidly into a whirlwind of curiosity and excitement. Perhaps, discussing the lack of sex life and the frustration that comes with that whilst you’re supposed to be busy working on the latest financial development wasn’t the smartest move, and yet, the conversation ended in a better resolution than she imagined when Joohyun had managed to pry the information out of her about why she’s been so on edge lately. 
On edge being both literal and metaphorical. Getting to the high is easy, however, toppling over into the rush of being able to feel the full experience of pleasure has been evading her for the last few weeks now. Nothing seems to do the trick and though you may think it’d be fun to simply keep trying, it’s starting to become an issue with the more extreme methods she attempts. So, it desperately needs to be fixed, just not in front of all of her colleagues who are idly typing away the dull workday. 
The rest of the day drags along. Nothing particularly interesting happens which Seungwan is grateful for, she could do without the extra stress. Though, she’s sure the new sponsorship to promote a dead-end product that everyone had warned their boss about will cause a headache in the future, she ignores the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. Joohyun was kind enough to buy dinner for the both of them which her stomach is currently grateful for as she’s certain her fridge at home is empty. But, watching her friend and colleague suckle on the ice cream bar she purchased for herself should not have resulted in her needing to press her legs together on instinct. 
Joohyun didn’t notice, or if she did, she didn’t say anything and continued to lap her tongue across the cold strawberry flavored ice cream. Probably for the best. Nothing good ever comes from getting too involved with people you have to work alongside every day, even if that person does look like Aphrodite herself. The awkward looks between you both, everyone else knowing that the two of you have slept together but are now deciding on which color scheme to use for an advertisement, it just isn’t something that Seungwan wants to deal with. So, she and Joohyun will have to remain platonic. Unfortunately.
It’s late by the time she gets home. The hallway lights leading up to the apartment door flicker every few seconds and the apartment across the hall has the television turned up loud enough that Seungwan is sure they’re trying to let those in hell hear the latest episode of whichever show they’re currently watching. The keys in her hand rattle as she unlocks the stiff door that barely wants to open anymore. The loudness doesn’t disappear once she closes it behind her but it’s home and somewhere she can erase the feeling of being stuck, in more ways than one. 
The latest routine of ordering in unhealthy food that is slowly destroying her insides, a cold shower to wash away some of the exhaustion, and then listening to the same songs for about an hour feels almost robotic but it’s what she’s grown used to now. Once the darkness begins to creep in across the apartment, cold air making the hairs on her arm stand to attention and the neighbors suddenly growing quiet, it’s the small bed in the corner of the room that calls out and the only thing echoing inside her head. 
Well, it would be, had she not suddenly recalled Joohyun’s description of a site where many people frolic and entertain those who perhaps need a little extra help with their more sinful needs. She moves on auto-pilot toward the jacket hanging on the coat rack and reaches into the left side pocket for the small piece of paper where only the web address is scrawled upon it in Joohyun’s perfect handwriting. The laptop she bought years before and barely runs anymore rests on the dining table she never sits at, closed, and with a line of dust taking up home upon it. Grabbing it, she plops herself down onto the bed after removing her dressing gown and the towel around her hair which has long since dried and throwing it into a corner of the room to be cleaned up tomorrow. 
Her fingers trace the keyboard idly, never pressing in a single key, simply going back and forth over the letters whilst her brain tries to decipher if this is something she wants to try out. 
“Fuck it.” She thinks. Soon enough, the site is loading, slowly, and asking for her to confirm she is of legal age to enter it. 
The screen finally loads and brings up a bunch of profiles under the “popular” banner. To say that the sight of all the various people before her is overwhelming would be an understatement. A sidebar reveals that she can choose a category as well as filter out specific things that are not of her interest. Some of the categories are the standard you would expect, for example, she immediately filters to only see profiles of women. However, others are a little more out there and specific toward what Seungwan assumes are people’s fetishes. A lot of them are things that she would never consider a person could find interesting sexually, and yet, the option is right before her. She ignores the curious voice inside of her head telling her to click on some of them. 
A screen full of women now presents itself in front of her. All of them are beautiful and there’s a whole variety to choose from. The profile pictures range from selfies where they’re simply smiling to some of them being without clothing whatsoever. She scrolls for quite some time simply admiring all of the choices before her until one, in particular, captures her attention. 
Wide dark eyes with hair of the same shade of brown, plump lips that are sporting a small smirk that’s both enticing and teasing. Part of the girl’s neck is on display for Seungwan to imagine herself kissing and biting softly. Without hesitation, she hovers over the username and clicks onto the profile. 
“xNotYourJoyx” she repeats mentally a few times. 
The next page reveals a sign-up box that doesn’t allow Seungwan to venture any further. She’s quick to type in her email address, a username not as clever as she would like and the same password she uses for everything else. The next step is to add her bank details in order to be able to subscribe to various pages. She hesitates at this portion realizing that it’s probably very easy for people to fall too far down this rabbit hole. Thus she promises herself not to subscribe to anything until she’s 100% sure. 
After completing her profile, she’s brought back to the girl she assumes is named Joy or at least uses that name here. Her subscription rate is the first thing to appear. Her price is low Seungwan thinks, around $10 when she was expecting something far higher based on the type of content Joohyun had told her the people on the site create. The next part is an Amazon wishlist with various items in it ranging from hair extensions, expensive perfume, and medical equipment? She must be a nurse, Seungwan thinks. 
Further down the page reveals a VIP service which is more expensive than the standard subscription but allows for you to request specific pictures or videos. There are rules that come along with it which Seungwan reads multiple times over. 
Don’t ask me to say or tell you anything personal about me, we are not friends. You don’t know me like that. 
No, you can’t have my Instagram or any other social media so don’t ask. 
Don’t be a dick. 
My amazon wishlist is not for me. I am not a doctor. But I’m down to dress as one for you if you’re into that. 
“Well, that clears that up I guess.” She thinks. 
For the next ten minutes, Seungwan simply scrolls through the free content on offer from Joy. A few shots of her without clothes but covering her body up with her hands or a sheet, all of which look professionally done which is surprising.  She’s captivated and drawn in by this girl a lot quicker than she thought she would be, she can see why Joohyun would recommend such a thing to her now. The possibilities are endless and there are no strings attached. It’s an ideal situation for both parties. 
Despite making the promise to herself, she’s quick to subscribe to Joy’s feed but ignores the large “upgrade to VIP” logo that’s glistening in gold below the payment button. It would seem strange or suspicious surely to her if someone new to her profile was suddenly paying for the premium option Seungwan tries to logic with herself. 
A few seconds pass as the page reloads itself before finally Joy’s profile is unlocked for Seungwan’s eyes to devour. The same type of photos as previously, however, without anything covering herself up. The same natural reaction to jam her thighs together that she felt earlier with Joohyun ends up happening again except this time she positions her hand under the waistband of her bed shorts. 
The further she explores everything Joy has posted the more the need to be touched becomes overwhelming Before she knows it her fingers are gently caressing her soft skin slowly yet with desperation. Many of the images have comments from other people praising the effortless beauty that Joy manages to convey with ease. Seungwan thinks that Joy must be someone with great confidence to display herself so openly like this. She wishes she too were able to picture herself in the way that Joy likely does. 
Her body aches for some release but once more she’s not able to reach the peak as the page of images suddenly comes to an end. Once more, the gold button for premium appears and tells Seungwan she’s reached the limit of what she can see. A blurring effect does a good job of hiding what follows next, however,  what it doesn’t do is stop her from being enticed further when she spots that Joy has also uploaded videos of herself, they are simply hidden from those on the basic subscription as her. 
Almost sub-consciously she finds herself going against every warning sign inside of her mind telling her that paying to watch Joy rather than just look at her is a bad decision, one she will definitely come to regret or become too attached to doing, and yet, it’s too late once she’s confirmed the upgrade and clicked onto the first video that appears. 
White background, likely a wall in her home, Seungwan thinks, until finally the girl steps into the frame with yet another smirk on her lips.  
“Hello, welcome to premium. Thank you for subscribing. I hope you enjoy all of the videos and pictures that only a select few of you will ever get to see. If you’re feeling even more generous please be sure to check out my wishlist. Now, let’s have fun together.” 
Her voice is silky smooth, Seungwan thinks. She replays the simple video a few times just to hear her make this decision sound like she’s part of an exclusive club where only she is invited, though, she’s aware that isn’t true at all. Joy likely has a ton of people paying to see the most intimate parts of her. The comments on this simple welcoming video are at 59 which means at least that many people have also fallen into the trap, though if Joy is the prize, Seungwan wonders if be tricked into paying extra like this is worth it in the end. 
She decides to read through some of them just to get a sense of how people communicate with her here. 
ksgeees says: can’t wait for you to send me my video Joy😏
canudoit2609 says: so hot🔥
r4bb1tfr13nd says: damn i should have subbed earlier🥵🥵🥵
speedzoom0408 says: YOU CAN HAVE ALL MY MONEY
HYUNSKY says: most beautiful girl ever 
Strangely, the latter comment is the only one Joy has bothered to give a reply to. 
xNotYourJoyx says: @HYUNSKY wow, thank you😳
The compliment is definitely correct and deserving of a reply, yet, Seungwan wishes she were the one to tell Joy such things and have her respond solely to her. Jealousy is a green-eyed monster and though she probably shouldn’t be feeling it toward a complete stranger, she does. The sound of the keys as she types out her own comment with her free hand that hasn’t been teasing herself is the only thing she can hear now. Not even the wind outside is able to pierce her eardrums and break her from this spell that Joy has put her under. 
Wannie2102 says: you are so perfect, Joy.
It’s simple and Seungwan hates it, but she simply must tell this girl something, anything, in hopes that she sees it and feels happy to be complimented. 
Silence now, nothing but the screen before her for light inside the cold bedroom. The list of videos, 71 in total, tempting Seungwan, taunting almost. Her left hand numb now from just resting against her own body whilst her right-hand clicks onto the next one in the list after the welcoming video. 
The same white background, however, Joy is positioned in the video as soon as it starts this time. Laying down on a black crushed velvet sofa in only her underwear. Her right hand gently caressing her breasts as she grunts out a few low moans. Her left hand in a similar position to where Seungwan is resting her own. The tired and slow circles in which she moves her hand causes her eyes to roll into the back of her head as Seungwan changes her own pace to match that of Joy’s on the screen. 
Her bed creaks with every movement of Joy’s that she mimics, the headboard bashing against the wall behind her whenever Joy quickens her pace and then sounds like a light drumming whenever she slows. The neighbor next door has definitely been awakened by the rhythmic sound of Seungwan rocking her body against her fingers. 
“You’re enjoying this, huh?” The words surprise Seungwan out of her reverie as it’s as if Joy is present and asking her specifically and knowing that she too is pleasuring herself as she is doing. Without even thinking she manages to gasp out a yes in reply that only she can hear, yet gains a response from Joy almost like she can magically hear her. “I wish I could watch you touch yourself to me.” she pauses to lowly moan. “For me.” 
The pressure rises between her thighs once more except this time her body allows her to release every bit of tension she’s had to keep trying to get rid of for weeks. Her entire body collapses against itself as she indulges herself in what she’s convinced is the longest orgasm to ever exist. Her legs shaking wildly as her arm tenses up and flex to make sure she feels every bit of her undoing. The sound of Joy finishing up her own continues to play in the background for further motivation but the deed has already been done. 
She rests momentarily, staring up at the ceiling as gentle pants fill the room both from herself and the laptop. Nothing else in the world matters at this very moment. However, once more Joy manages to surprise Seungwan with her telepathic way of just knowing somehow when to speak to her viewer. 
“Thank you for that, I hope you come back soon for more.” and then the video ends. 
A dark screen replacing the beautiful image of Joy just as spent as Seungwan feels. But, now she’s left to think about everything that has just transpired between herself, the screen and a girl she doesn’t even know. Guilt wells up in her chest and she slams the screen shut almost shattering the glass. “Why did you do this?” is the only thing that repeats inside of her mind. No longer focused on the pulsating feeling against her hand as she pulls it out of her shorts too fast and whips herself with the waistband which will no doubt sting in the morning.
Her legs shakily drag her body to the bathroom almost tripping over various clothes that have sat there waiting to be cleaned for way too long now. She turns on the shower for the second time tonight and steps into it, almost falling immediately. The cold water shocks her body into feeling something other than the after-effects of pleasuring herself. Scrubbing every inch of her body intensely and repeating inside of her mind that she’ll cancel the subscription tomorrow and never do anything like this ever again. She can’t. Joy is a stranger and she shouldn’t be doing these things.
By the time she’s finished almost burning her skin with the washcloth to make sure she’s rid herself of her sins and changing her fair skin to a reddish shade, the clock on the bedside table shows that there are only three hours before she’s due to wake up for work. The bed seems tainted now, so she grabs the blanket and sleeps on the sofa that is far less comfortable. 
Joohyun is definitely going to ask her about whether or not she used the site, definitely going to notice the dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep and will definitely draw up her own conclusion anyway no matter what her answer is. She tries her best not to think about any of this but there’s just a constant loop of the images of Joy, the sound of her voice, and the way she encouraged Seungwan to feel again. 
She dreams of dark hair and brown eyes that night and moans that could be the most heavenly sound in the world or a new addiction that Seungwan isn’t ready for but may not have a choice but to indulge in it. 
pt. ii
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hatsukeii · 4 years
hi hi, i have a levi scenario request! so, the reader is known to act on an instant, driven by intuition, which makes her valuable soldier. but when she meets her crush levi at night while they both can't sleep she just suddenly kisses him without thinking about whats driven her to do that. and idk, levi's just perplex but he didn't dislike it. dk how to wrap it up, so u can choose! i hope this is alright! :)
Yoo that’s acc a really good prompt thank you!
I’m naming the fic after a song and YOU CAN’T STOP ME-
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Scrawny// Levi x reader
Word count: 1900+
Warnings: Mild swearing
Summary: Due to severe insomnia, you decide to wake your captain up and make him spar with you.
“Captain. Caaaaptainnnnnn. Leeeviiii. Levi Heichouuuu. Captain Leeeeeeevi-” An irritated grunt sounded from inside the room. “Name and business. Make it quick.” You gave yourself a little victory pump, an idiotic smile now plastered on your face. “(Y/N) sir! I need some help!” The door was whipped open by none other than your fuming captain, his permanent scowl looking extra pissed. “What in the actual name of hell are you doing here? It’s past midnight, get your ass back to bed, and out of my office.” The wooden door was slammed in your face, startling you a bit as you let out a yelp and jumped. You huffed out, pouting a bit as you placed an elbow on the door, continuing to knock relentlessly. “Heiiichouuuuu. Pleaaaaaase help meeeeee. Levi heichouuuuuuuuu. I can’t do it aloneeeee, it’d be pointlessssssss.”
How did you get into this situation?
You were initially going to stay put and just roll yourself to sleep, or at least try to. But the boredom became way too much for you to bear very quickly. Your mind debated between the sensible option, which was to just wait for the sun to rise, or to just get some training in. Specifically, get someone to spar with you. Everyone in your cabin was fast asleep at this ungodly hour, soft snores from the girls filling up the cozy space. You continued to toss and turn, forcing your eyes shut and trying to relax. You stayed still for about five minutes or so, before a loud snort resonated throughout the room, jolting you awake from your short lived peace. Groaning in annoyance, you glared towards the direction of the unwomanly sound, landing your eyes on Sasha, who was sound asleep in a weird position. It was already 1am. You had to wake at 5am. You weren’t about to get any sleep anytime soon. Insomnia’s an actual bitch. Following your thoughts, you practically rolled out of your bed, trying to comb down your terrifyingly disheveled hair, before changing into some workout clothes, slipping on your shoes, and waddling towards the office of one person you were certain would be awake at this time- Captain Levi. Everyone in the Corps knew of his terrible sleep schedule, so you were positive he was still awake and working. In addition to that, you would rather die than admit it to the other cadets, but you were completely whipped for Levi, so just getting any form of time alone with him would be a blessing to you. Even if it was just to spar.
“Heichou please help me, I can’t stand it any longerrrrrr, I’m gonna die of boredom, do you feel me Levi heichouuuu-” The door you were leaning on so comfortably swung open, catching you off guard. You started to fall, nothing around being useful in supporting you. All Levi did was walk out of the way and watch your tiny body fly towards the hard wooden floor. “Jesus brat, what the hell do you want from me?” You stood up rapidly, dusting yourself off, before scratching your head. “Can you spar with me?” Levi’s eyes widened, his mouth hanging open. “Are you serious right now?” You timidly nodded, chuckling dryly in a terrible attempt to alleviate the tense and awkward vibe of the situation. “(Y/L/N). You disturb me, at 1am, while I’m doing paperwork, to spar? Couldn’t this wait for tomorrow? Go back to sleep, this is an order.” He proceeded to walk back into his office, hand reaching out for the door handle. You laughed lightheartedly, keeping the door open with your foot. “Levi heichouuu, I’m sure you know how big of a bitch insomnia is, will you help a fellow poor sufferer out? Pretttty pleaaaase?” There was no way Levi was about to reject that request. How could he when you were acting so cute? Your whiny ass could melt even the coldest of people, himself included.
The minute you joined the Survey Corps, Levi already had his eyes on you. According to the information Shadis gave him, you were an extremely valuable asset when it came to scheming and fighting. Your intuition was like none other. It was impressive. Perhaps even more impressive than Sasha’s. During battle, your pure gut instincts have saved many soldiers. Most of them knew the name (Y/N) as the insanely accurate fortune teller. You knew exactly where titans would be, and how they would attack. That combined with your logic, made you an excellent tactician. What brought you down, were your physical skills. You were never the fittest person, often times collapsing after only five laps around the training area. You barely passed the ODM gear test, and almost broke a bone sparring with Connie. CONNIE. Since then, Levi has noticed you skipping dinner and training in your free time, whether it was just normal working out, or practising punches and kicks. He had initiated conversations with you before, usually starting off serious, but those talks usually turned into dumb arguments over questions like whether you could eat medicine with tea, or whether Eren was actually dysphoric. As months passed by, you became one of the few people that managed to get close to Levi. Although the captain may not show it, he had to admit, he has grown quite fond of you with time too.
“Good lord, fine, you scrawny ass brat. I’ll spar with you for an hour and an hour only. No buts. Consider yourself lucky I’m actually giving into your ridiculous request.” You beamed, jumping up and down like a child seeing a cotton candy machine, then crossing your arms over your chest, giving Levi a fake pout. “Thank you so much cap! For the record, I’m not scrawny!” He only grunted in response, letting you drag him to the training grounds. On the way, you sensed something off. No, scratch that, there was just a weird vibe. It was like something waiting to happen, but you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was exactly. You were skeptical for a bit, before you let it go and took it as sheer paranoia.
“(Y/L/N), you’re getting better.” You were completely drenched in sweat at this point, your muscles aching like crazy. You two had been sparring for about thirty minutes only, and somehow you were already worn out, whilst Levi was still completely fine, not a single drop of sweat evident. “C’mon cadet, you can do better than this. You asked me to spar with you, bring it.” You huffed out, panting like a thirsty dog, arms on your knees. “Yeah, hold on, just give me one second to just-” You took in a few deep breaths, before stretching your arms and legs, getting into a fighting stance again. “Okay, I think I’m all good captain.” Levi sent out a tiny smirk, charging towards you without warning. He sent a punch toward your jaw, missing by mere centimetres as you dodged it, grabbing his arm, knocking him off his feet, and throwing him to the ground. “Whooo! I finally won! Once!” You cheered a bit too early. Within seconds, you were flipped over again, the captain’s lean figure now hovering over you in a straddle. “Guard up until the opponent either passes out, dies, or surrenders. That’s rule number one of fighting. That was a pretty impressive throw though, I’ll give you that.” You sighed in defeat, tapping out quickly. “Seriously? You’re going to give up like that? That’s not the (Y/N) I know.” You thought about that for a second. “You know what captain? You’re right.” Smirking evilly, you got into a guard position, kicking your legs up to wrap around his chest as you rolled over, hovering over him in a mount.
Maybe you were dumb. Or maybe you were too immersed in the fight. But you didn’t realise how close you and Levi were until then. Your face burned multiple different shades of red as you went silent for a few moments, Levi staring at you in confusion. “Oi, what did I tell you about not being distracted during a fight?” He tried to shift into a better position, when your hand came down onto his collar. Should I do this? You were about to take a huge risk. Your brain was desperately trying to stop you from doing god knows what next. However your heart was throbbing, messing with your thought process. You felt that weird, tingly vibe in the air again, this time paying close attention to it instead of just ignoring it like the last time. Maybe this is the world’s way of telling me to do this thing? Is it? You pondered over the thought, staying as still as a statue. “(Y/F/N)? Did you listen to a word I said-”
You know what? To hell with your doubts and worries.
Grabbing the soft fabric of his shirt, you harshly pulled him towards you, attacking his lips with your own as you refused to let go, squeezing your own eyes shut. He was audibly shocked, giving out a tiny yelp as you continued to kiss him. His hair tickled your forehead, his breaths tickled your face, the fact that you were kissing your captain tickled every single little thing inside of you. For a few moments, you could hear your embarrassment buzzing in your own ears, before you finally pulled away, lowering Levi back down to the ground as you let go of his shirt. Your eyes widened at what you just did, your entire body going hot as you took your time to let the fact that you just kissed your hot, badass, midget captain sink in. Your hand went up to cover your mouth as you gave a muffled scream, getting off of him immediately and apologising profoundly. “U-uh I think that’s probably enough sparring for tonight, I’ll go see if I can go back to sleep now. Goodnight cap!” You screamed as you ran back to the cabin, completely flustered and feeling very hot. Slamming the cabin door close, you looked around, to see a tall figure sitting up from her bed, turning on a lamp. “(Y/N)...? What are you doing in workout clothes? And… why are you all red and sweaty?” You jumped, cursing a bit at Mikasa’s question as the other girls started to wake up from the noise that you made. “I- uh, it’s a long story….” Ymir smirked, before placing an arm on your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Get changed, and we’ll have all night to talk about it.” The other girls agreed, sending you evil looks as you grabbed your sleeping clothes and proceeded to clean up and change, your risky move from just now still circling your mind like a hive of annoying ass bees.
Meanwhile, Levi could not comprehend what the hell just happened. Did she just kiss me? He fixed his collar, which was now dirtied and wrinkled as he scrunched his nose at the disgraceful sight. “Tch, that brat, running away as if I would be on her ass for the rest of her life as a soldier after she did that.” He let his hand go up to touch his lips, seemingly fascinated by how he didn’t resist or anything. He was beyond confused. Never in a billion years did he expect to be kissed by someone in the military, let alone someone in his own squad. He tried to ignore his cheeks that were feeling warm as he dusted himself off, standing up and walking back to his office, mumbling to himself.
“Why’d you run away so quickly (Y/N)? I didn’t say I disliked that or anything.
Hoe hoe hoe I have finally finished this req! This was so fun to write oh lord I was laughing to myself-
This one goes into the short kings clan👑👑
Hope you liked it anon🥺👉👈💕
@burnt-tomato @lydzisanerd @bokutokoutarou @trashcanweeb @izzyphantomgamer @artsamber @ewfilthymundane @macaronnn @sunshines-and-tatertots @for-ests @inlwlevi
Idek why I can’t tag @ewfilthymundane but I’m soRry
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
Finally, Beautiful Stranger Chapter 10
A/N: So, I wrote the full chapter today because I really felt like writing for these two. It's not a secret that I adore Will and Isabelle, although idk if I can say something like this as a writer...anyway I love, love, love this chapter and I hope you guys like it too! <3
TW: smut, language
“You know we should start planning the wedding soon.” Will mutters into your hair. It’s sunday morning and you enjoy some time with Will in the bed, your legs and arms are tangled together as you lay your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and breathing.
“Yeah.” you mutter, still a bit sleepy and too lazy to talk.
“We should at least choose a date, and a venue, decide on the guests. You know some basics.” You sleepily open your eyes and turn your head to look at Will.
“I start to think that you’re more excited about the wedding than I am.” you joke.
“I just want to call you my wife as soon as possible, is that so bad?” he says in a low voice, the voice that never fails to make you wet.
“No, not at all.” you smile at him sweetly, and lean closer to kiss him. Will groans into your mouth and you can’t help, but smile into the kiss. You trace your hand down on his naked chest, down to his lower stomach and you rest your hand above his shaft, you feel Will shudder a bit and you feel goosebumps covering his skin.
“I can’t wait to call you my husband either.” you smile at him lovingly and you trace your fingers gently over his cock. Will groans lightly, leaning down to kiss you, but you playfully pull away from him to tease him, but your fingers never stop moving around his cock. 
“Don’t tease me.” Will groans.
“Hmm, why not? I love to see you squirming under my touch.” you whisper into his mouth.
“You gonna regret it.” Will warns you, and you know he means it. Will is a master at teasing, he can tease you for hours before he gives in and finally fucks you. You always admired his strength to do that, his self control is something what many people would envy, but he’s a soldier after all. You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by his words and the feeling of his hardening cock in your hand, you bite your bottom lip as you look at him, thinking about your options and the consequences of them. You decide to tease him just a little bit more so you throw the covers off of both of you, revealing your naked bodies to the slightly cold air. Both of you are still naked from your love making last night, none of you really bothered to put any clothes on so you went to sleep naked which came in handy for morning sex. You straddle his lap, his cock is standing proudly against your stomach, his hands immediately reach for your hips. You lean forward to kiss him passionately, your naked chest is pressed against his, your nipples hard against his skin and Will feels this and he groans loudly into your mouth the same time you slip your tongue into his mouth, rolling your tongue over his. You break the kiss and start kissing your way down to his neck, sucking that sensitive spot below his ear what always makes him melt from your touch. His hands never left your body, they’re wandering all over your skin, occasionally he grabs your ass and massages your cheeks. You sit back up to look down at him, Will is panting and he looks at you so passionately and so lovingly, you almost feel your heart burst from the feeling.
“You’re so breathtakingly beautiful, Belle.” Will whispers and you feel yourself blush a little as his eyes skim all over your naked skin.
“So you are my love, so you are.” you reply and Will raises his eyebrows.
“I’m beautiful?” he asks you playfully.
“Yes.” you smile at him “I’ve never seen a man as beautiful as you, Will.” you reply and it’s Will’s turn now to blush. You lean forward and place a soft kiss on his blushed cheek and you pace soft kisses all over his skin as you go lower and lower, moving from his lap to the bed, between his spread legs so you can get access to his throbbing erection. You place soft kisses over his shaft from the base to its leaking tip, you gently lick his head, taking that drop of precum with your tongue, tasting him. Will groans loudly as you roll your tongue over his sensitive head, then sucking it. You take him deeper into your mouth, sucking and licking, until your nose touches the skin on his lower stomach, and his cock is deep down in your throat. Will eventually signals you to stop, he doesn’t want to cum yet, so you sit back on his lap and you take his rock hard cock into your hand, guiding him to your soaking folds as you slowly sink down on him. Both you and Will moan when you took him in, you sit there for a second, allowing yourself to adjust to his size, and when you’re ready you start moving on him slowly, up and down, riding him. Almost all the time it’s Will who’s in control, but you don’t mind, you love when he’s in control, but it’s nice to be on the top sometimes, to see him fall apart under you from the way how you’re riding him. It’s not different now either, his eyes are fully focused on you, watching you move, the way how your tits are bouncing with every move of yours, the way how your head is thrown back in your pleasure, eyes closed tightly and mouth is open as you moan his name over and over again. You look down at Will, and from the way how his jaw is clenched and how hard he grips your hips, you can tell that he’s close so you take your hand and start massage your clit, you hear Will let out a loud curse and when you open your eyes to look at him again, you see his eyes fully fixed on your hand and the way how you’re touching yourself, and you know he has a hell of a view, because he not only can see you touch yourself, but he also see his cock disappear in your warm wetness with your every move. You decide to give him a bit more show and you take your hand away from yourself and push your fingers into your mouth, sucking your wetness off your fingers and moaning in the way what you know it drives him crazy. Will lets out another curse and you smirk at him.
“So sweet.” you moan after you finished sucking your fingers, your words earn another loud curse from Will. “You should taste it too.” you say and you slip your hand back down, collecting more of your wetness, and this time you push your fingers into Will's mouth, he groans loudly when he tastes your wetness on his tongue and he starts sucking your fingers eagerly, sucking every drop off of your fingers. 
“Iz, please.” he begs after you took your fingers from his mouth. You know he can’t hold it for long, so you ride him harder and faster than before, your fingers massage your clit faster, and you feel the burning feeling in your lower belly getting more and more intense, Will feels you getting closer as you thob around him, and he slaps your ass cheek, and that was all you needed, you cum hard around him, walls clenching furiously around him, and Will cums hard inside of you. Both of you are panting hard and covered in sweat, you get off of Will and lay down next to him on the bed, trying to catch your breath. Will rolls over and he wraps his arm around you and lays his head on your chest the same way you did with him earlier this morning. You wrap and arm around him and chuckle.
“Shouldn’t I be the one who cuddles you?” you ask with a smile and Will gently shakes his head, his beard is tickling your skin. 
“You got enough cuddling this morning, it’s my turn now.” he says with a smirk and you let out a small laugh. You kiss his forehead and hug him closer.
“I love this sound.” Will says referring to your laugh, your fingers trace the skin on his back “And I love how soft your boobs are.” you let out a louder laugh at his statement “I’m not kidding, they’re the best pillows ever.” Will mutters against your skin.
“I’m glad you like them.” you say, still laughing. Will raises his head and puts his chin on your chest so he can look you into your eyes.
“I love them. But I love you more.” he says smiling, you smile back at him and lean down to kiss his nose gently, then his lips.
“I love you too, William.” you whisper against his mouth. You keep cuddling like that for a long time, until both of you got hungry and went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. 
“So” you start as you sit down next to Will on the bed with a notepad in your hand “Wedding planning.” you say. Will looks at you with raised eyebrows and a little smirk, nodding slowly. 
“Yes.” Will answers.
“We should decide on the guest first, so we can choose a venue.” you say.
“Well, I don’t have any family member other than Ben, nor many friends actually.” you feel your heart clench at Will’s words, he sees your sadness and she shakes his head “No, don’t do that. It’s fine.”
“Okay.” you whisper and open the notepad and write ‘guest’ on the top of the page. You start writing down Ben’s name and you ask Will who else he wants to invite, he says a few names alongside of the guys he was on a mission a few months ago. You keep writing down your family, and the members of the club.
“I’m warning you, these guys are like wild animals when they’re partying.” you say about the members of your father’s motorcycle club.
“I spent two decades in the army, I think I can handle them.” Will says with a smirk. 
“Okay, guests are done.” you say after finishing writing down the names. “We should decide on the date, and some smaller things.” you hear Will sigh and you look at him.
“Already regretting this?” you ask him jokingly. Then it hits you like a truck. Will probably went through these things before with his previous fianceé. You clench your jaw and look down into your lap.
“Did you go through this already?” you ask him sadly. Will takes the notepad away from you and puts it on the table, he cups your chin in his hand signaling you to look at him, but you don’t move. You need a few seconds to collect yourself since your mood went from really amazing to 0 really quickly.
“Isabelle, please look at me.” he says softly and you shake your head, you close your eyes when you feel tears filling them. “Love, please.” Will says again, but you don’t move. He lets your chin go and moves to kneel down in front of you so he can see your  face. He takes your hands into his, holding them tightly as he starts speaking again. 
“You don’t have to look at me as I say this, but I want to look at you. I know we haven't talked about my ex since a very long time, because why would  we talk about her, right? But it’s over, Belle. She doesn’t matter anymore, not since I first laid my eyes on you. She’s the past, and I stopped having feelings for her since a very, very, long time. You’re my future, you’re the only one who matters, the only one who completely has my heart and soul.” you feel tears rolling down on your face from his words and your sadness.
“I know it’s stupid, but I thought we’re going through this for the first time together. I totally forgot about her until this moment. And I know it’s stupid, I just thought this is the first time for both of us.” you cry and Will wipes your tears.
“It’s the first time. The first time I ever loved someone as much as I love you. The first time I can’t wait to call someone my wife, to see you walk down that aisle in a white dress and tell our vows. The first time I’m being happy and experiencing unconditional love from someone who’s not my family by blood. I love you, Isabelle. And this is the first time I’m planning a wedding with someone.” you open your eyes at his last sentence and look at Will confused.
“What?” you ask him confused.
“We never got that far before, we never started planning the wedding.” Will says and you let out a shaky breath.
“Are you saying this to calm me down?”
“No.” Will shakes his head “I mean yes, but I’m not lying. I never lied to you and I’m not gonna start now.” Will says and smiles at you. You wrap your arms around his neck and sink down to his level as you hug him close, Will wrapping his arms around you equally tightly. 
“I’m sorry I overreacted.” you mutter against his shoulder.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything, love.” Will tells you as he’s caressing your back. “I love you, my angel. You saved me and I’m forever grateful for you.” you look at Will and cup his face in your hand.
“I love you more than anything, William. You’re my whole world.” you whisper and kiss him lovingly.
Tag list: @innerpaperexpertcloud @lady-evans (message me if you want to get tagged)
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thehomierobbstark · 5 years
Idk if you’ve already wrote about this, but could you please do a quick blurb about Erik’s girl being on her period & she sends him to the store for pads/ tampons
A/N:  I haven’t written anything like this before, so thank you for giving me the opportunity!! I’m currently on my period and it fucking sucks, but I hope you like what I did with this anon!  Thanks for asking 😄
Warnings: At the bottom 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿.
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
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The soft silk pillowcase caresses your face as you shift around in bed, trying to turn over to your other side.  Your body felt heavy from the deep slumber you’d awoken from, the third one you’d taken that day as you tried to replenish the ridiculous amount of energy you seemed to be running through.
As the strength returns to your body and you start to feel your limbs again, you attempt to move your hips so you can rotate when you’re met with a firm resistance.
You try again, thinking that maybe your legs are still asleep, and this time you wiggle your toes too… only you can’t move those either.
Giving a low groan in dissatisfaction, you lift your head up to see what the deal was, and upon seeing the problem you roll your eyes, letting your head flop back down on the pillow with an annoyed huff.
It was Erik. Of course.
You can’t honestly say you were surprised; every time you were on your period it was as if his attraction to you became magnetic, and it was the hardest thing trying to gain back your personal space until your period ended.
While you relax against the pillows waiting for your vocal chords to kick in, you run a play by play in your head as you try to remember how you both ended up here.
The last thing you recalled was laying on the couch, Erik was in your lap and the heating pad you’d wrapped around your pelvis had come unplugged from the wall.
You remember the very difficult process of trying to untangle yourself from the mass of muscle that was your boyfriend without waking him up, which resulted in you tumbling onto the floor from the cord getting wrapped around your leg.
While you now had a sore knee and a loose scarf, the gentle giant hadn’t lost a single wink, and you’d stormed off to the bedroom with the heating pad under your arm after chucking a throw pillow at his unconscious head.
And now here he was.  Laying all over you and invading your space, again.
“ERIK!” Your vocal chords were working again and you were about to put them to full use.
“Get up, dammit!”
He groans a tired yawn and tightens his arms around your waist, trying to bury his face into your belly button.
“I’m right here ma, why you yellin?” His tired voice mumbles into your tummy, the vibrations tingling through your skin and waking up your bladder.
Ugh. Now you were gonna have to get up.
You sigh to keep yourself from crying as you wiggle around again, this time with a little more movement since now he was awake too.
“Move little boy, I need to pee.”  You start shoving at his shoulders to get him off you so you could run and go pee before you fully woke up.  
He kisses his teeth.
“Man, what I say about that? Don’t think I won’t snatch your lil ass up just cuz you moody right now.”
“I’m only mood right now cuz you’re laying on my bladder.  Now GET. UP!”  You slap at his bare arm and he finally lifts off of you, mumbling about how he should make you pee yourself to teach you some manners.
You ignore him, scooting yourself to the edge of the bed to stand up when you feel something shift at the base of your uterus.
Your eyes widen as you realize it’s not just pee that will be rushing out of your body soon, and you shoot up from the bed, squeezing your legs together as tight as you can as you awkwardly catwalk/run to the bathroom to hopefully keep from ruining anything other than just your underwear.
You barely make it in time as you slam the bathroom door shut, hearing Erik cackle a “HA! That’s what you get!” from the other side as you pull down your pants and plop yourself down on the toilet.
You unclench and let everything flow out of you, pulling at the roll of toilet paper as you look down to assess the damage.
Thankfully other than a dirty pad you were mostly in the clear, your underwear suffering a little over bleeding at the front and high up in the back, but the compression shorts you wore were saved from being sacrificed to the clorox bleach gods.
You always wondered how little droplets of blood managed to make their way all the way up past the asscrack of your underwear, but you decided to just let it go today and be grateful that you weren’t dealing with an 80’s horror movie situation this time.  Those were always day ruiners.
You roll up the dirty pad and toss it into the knotted trash bag at the bottom of the trash can with the others, and you slide off your underwear and toss them in the sink, turning on the cold water.
You clean yourself up with some baby wipes, trying to decide if you should hop in the shower or not when a small knock on the door grabs your attention.  You glance up to see the door open a small crack, Erik’s hand sliding through with a fresh pair of underwear in his fingers.
You laugh as he tosses them to you, whispering a soft thank you baby at him as you catch them.  His hands slides back out only to be replaced by his head wedged in the door.
“Uh huh.  What happened to all that attitude you had just a minute ago? ‘Thank you baby’,” he mocks you with a nasally voice that was apparently supposed to imitate yours, and you suck you teeth, telling him to shut-up.
He sticks his tongue out at you, opening the door a little more to peek around inside.
“You good? You need anything?”
You flush the toilet, reaching over to wash your hands in the sink while you still sit.
“No, I think I’m okay right now.  Can you hand me a pad under the sink please babe?”
He side eyes you at your sudden sweetness, but steps into the bathroom and squats down to open the cabinet.
“Where are they?” He shuffles a few things around, sticking his head further into the cabinet.
“Where they usually are in the back next to the hairspray.  You don’t see it?”
You unroll a wad of toilet paper and shove it between your legs for a temporary makeshift pad and put on the fresh underwear before joining him in front of the cabinet.
You instinctively reach towards the back like how you instructed only to find… nothing.
“You were saying?” He tilts his head at you, and you shove him off balance making him fall on his butt while you move over to the drawers to search for a stray pad.
He swats playfully at your legs while you look, only for you to come up empty handed.
“Shit,” you mutter under your breath, trying to rack your brain for where an extra one might be laying around.
“Wassup? You ran out?” Erik leans back against the door, fingers playing in the curls at the nape of your neck.
“Yeah.  I think I need you to go to the store and get some more.”  You shut the drawers with a  frustrated sigh, leaning back against the door frame next to him and looking over to him.
“You know which kind to get?”
He’d only been with you a handful of times when you’d had to get them but you weren’t sure if he’d paid close enough attention to notice the brand and type you usually got.
“Uhhh…yes.” He hesitates a little making your eyebrows scrunch together.  Maybe you should show him a picture or something.
“You sure?  Cuz I don’t have time for you to be getting the wrong kind so just tell me if you need some help-”
“Girl if you don’t chill! I got this baby!  What, you don’t trust me to get you some pads??”
You narrow your eyes at him, studying him to look for any uncertainty.
“Uh huh… yeah OK.  I trust you baby.”
“Thank you!”  He pops a kiss on your forehead and gets up from the floor.
You scoot aside so he can open the door to go get his keys and wallet before getting up yourself.  Looking over yourself in the mirror you take note of your frizzy curls and oily skin, deciding that maybe it would be a good idea to hop in the shower after all.
Erik comes back with his keys in your hand, a red hoodie thrown over his head and a pair of shades on.
“You need anything else while I’m out?” He asks, already deciding in his mind to grab a pint of your favorite ice cream and a pack of cookies at the store too to help feed your cravings.
“No I’m good.  You sure you gon be okay?”  You eye him teasingly with pursed lips, and he rolls his eyes before popping another kiss on your mouth.
“Girl hush. I got this!”
With that he turns and walks out of the apartment, leaving you to laugh by yourself, and you go to turn on the shower head as you hear the front door shut.
“….I ain’t got this.”
It had been twenty minutes Erik had been standing in the feminine care isle by himself, and the longer he looked at all the options, the more confused his brain got by all the different types of pads and tampons there were to choose from.
In his defense,  when he left the house he thought he had it…. at least, that was until he saw all the choices there were.  He didn’t remember there being so many choices.
Wings.  No wings.  Xtra absorbent.  Panty Liners.  Maxi Pad.  Ultra thin.  8 hour protection.  What did it all mean!?
The look of confusion on his face was starting to become permanent, and he knew if he didn’t make his selection soon, Y/N would be calling him to ask if everything was alright.  He refused to call her first to ask for help, especially since he was so confident he could do this, even after she’d asked him if he needed help, twice.
Nevertheless, he knew if he went home empty handed, or, worse, with the wrong thing, there would be nothing to protect him from the absolute wrath that would rain down on him once he got back.  Not even the melting ice cream and crumbling cookies in his hand.
Taking a deep breath, he shakes it off a little, refocusing his mind.
Okay.  No need to worry.  He got this.  The man had a whole PhD for god’s sake, surely he could figure out which feminine products his girl needed without letting it get the best of him.
Starting at the top shelf, his eyes scan over the items from left to right, and before he can even get to the end of the row his mind goes blank again.  Fuck.
“Aye, my man.  You good over there?”  A voice from the left of him calls his attention, and Erik turns his head to face its owner, the puzzled look still etched on his face.
Standing close to his height is a thickly built dark skinned brother with a loose muscle t-shirt that showed off his frame.  He wore dark sweatpants with some slides of his own on his feet, his head shaved completely bald which only helped further accentuate how strong the dude looked.
“You looking real lost there bro, you need some help or sum?”  He walks up to Erik, holding his hand out to him, and Erik blinks himself back to the present, sliding his own hand against the strangers before giving him a dap and greeting him.
“Oh, yeah yeah, I’m just over here tryna figure out what to get my girl.  She goin thru her period right now.”  Erik looks back to the shelf as if somewhere behind one of the price tags will be the answer he’s looking for, and the guy beside him starts chuckling.
“Uh huh, lemme guess: She asked you a couple times before you left if you knew what you was doin and you told her yes.  Then once you got here, you realized it’s a whole notha world up in the store.”
“Man!” Erik kissed his teeth, his eyes widening a little as he looked back to his new companion.  “A whole notha world!  Ion remember there being so many damn kind last time I was in here.”
“I know man, I know.  On one hand you wanna be mad it’s so many companies tryna reinvent the wheel,  but on another every woman flow is different so they all need a special type to help make it easier for them.”
Erik shakes his head, running a hand through his dreads as he blows out a sigh.
“Bruh.  I can only imagine what Y/N be going thru every month.  You here for your girl too?”  He asks the stranger, and he nods, a warm smile spreading over his face.
“Yeah, my lil Chipmunk, she’s our middle child.  She just started today and my wife is outta town visiting family, so I gotta show her the ropes.  I learned the hard way the first time that if you freak out, then they gon freak out, so you gotta be calm about the fact that they growing up on you to help them get through it.”
“The first time??? How many girls you got man?” Erik asks him humorously, and the stranger holds up his fingers in answer.
“Three.  A house full of girls.  And I couldn’t be more happy about it.”  The man’s entire mouth shines bright with all his teeth showing, a small sparkle coming from the one gold capped tooth on the bottom row, and Erik swore that if there was a blackout right that second this mans smile could light the whole city.
“That’s beautiful bruh.  Congrats.” Erik extends his hand again to the stranger in a fist that he returns with a small bump to it.
“Thanks,” the man smiles to himself for another moment as if he’s lost in thought before clapping his hands and rubbing them together.
“Aight!  Back to business.  Let’s see if we can help you get your girl what she needs.”
He steps up beside Erik in front of the shelf of products, putting his hand to his chin as he thinks.
“Ok, first things first: Is your girl a tampon girl or a pad girl?  Or both?” He looks up at Erik expectantly, and his answer comes immediately.
“Nah, she a pad girl.  She says the tampons are too hard to insert and make her feel uncomfortable.”  Erik had remembered that conversation the first time he came with you when you’d run out of pads but you had an entire jumbo box of tampons under the sink.  You’d explained that your mom had given them to you years ago but that even though you didn’t use them you didn’t want to throw them away either, just in case a family member or friend came over who needed them.
“Yeah, my wife said the same thing, so we a “pad only” household for now.  Okay, next question: Is she a light bleeder, or do Moses gotta step in and help out?”
Erik snorts, taking a moment to think about it.  The only time he remembered her flow being really heavy was when she’d switched birth controls, and that week she’d nearly camped out in the bathroom all day and night when she wasn’t wearing adult diapers to protect every piece of clothing and furniture she owned.
He’d never been so upset seeing his babygirl look so miserable.
“No, her flow is pretty regular other than on her 3rd and 4th days.”  He remembered her saying that, too.  
“Oh!” Just as he spoke, he remembered something else.  “She likes the long pads.  They real thin but she says they absorb a lot.”
The stranger nods his head, going back to scanning the shelf.
“Okay, that helps.”  He glances down at the snacks in Erik’s hand and snickers. “I take it by the ice cream and cookies that you like to spoil ya girl, right? Which means she probably bougie, too.”
Erik laughs at that.
“Yeah, she definitely spoiled and bougie,” he was thinking about the gold plated necklace he’d just bought you last week that had his last name on it, and how you couldn’t wait to wear it out that same night with the special area code gold plated hood hoops you’d ordered offline for your birthday.  Yeah, she was bougie alright.
“Mhm, all mine are too. Spoiled asses.  Aight, so that means your girl prolly a name brand girl.  Lemme ask you, when you get a pad for her, do it have designs on the wrapper? Like lil pink and purple squiggly shit?”
Erik snaps his fingers together.
“Yeah yeah yeah! And the box look like that too, right?”
“Yaup!” Stepping up to the shelf the man grabs a box off the 3rd row, the Always Radiant Flex Foam pads in the number 2 for heavy flow.
“Boom.”  He hands them over to Erik, clapping him on the back.
Erik smiles a huge smile, recognizing the box immediately. “Yeah! These the exact ones!”
“Mhm, these the ones my first daughter uses too, and she loves them.  Sheitt, they havin a sale right now so I might go head and grab her a few boxes.”
Erik moves the box of pads under his arm before grabbing the mans hand in a handshake and pulling him in for a hug.
“Yo, you don’t know how much you just saved my ass right now bruh.  Thank you so much, I really appreciate all your help.”
“Fasho my nigga, anytime.  Gotta make sure we look out for each other when we tryna provide for the special women in our life.  Don’t forget to take a picture of that and save it in your phone. You gon need it in the future.”
“Trust and believe I will man.  I’ll never forget again.”
Both men give each other one last dap, Erik grabbing a few extra boxes of pads before heading off to the frozen section to replace the ice cream.
Before he gets out of the isle he stops, turning back to the man and calling to him.
“Aye, my man.  What’s your name?”
“It’s Jeremiah.”
“Your girls are really lucky to have a man like you in their life, Jeremiah.”
Jeremiah smiles, shaking his head.
“Nah man, I’m the lucky one.”
Erik hums at that, and he tosses him a peace sign in farewell before going off to finish his shopping.
The keys rattle against the door as you hear the lock open, the sound of plastic bags shuffling and footsteps entering the apartment. The door closes shut and you see Erik appear in the entryway, a bag between his teeth as he tosses his keys into the dish on the hallway table.
You hop up from the couch, pulling the towel you were sitting on free from your butt as you go to help him.
“You didn’t get my texts?  You’ve been gone for a while I was starting to get worried,”
You take the bag from his teeth first, looking in it to find a pint of vanilla bean ice cream and a pack of oreo’s inside, smiling as your sweet tooth started to hit you.
“You know me so well.”
Erik smiles as he reaches into the bag in his hands, pulling out the box of pads.
“Uh huh, too well,” and he laughs as you clap your hangs together, commending him for getting the right kind.
“I knew I could trust you,” you cheese innocently at him, and he kisses his teeth, mushing your head away.
“Whatever girl.  Here, go put your stuff away,”  he hands you the bag of pads, taking the one with the snacks from you and you skip off towards the bathroom to take care of your business.
When you come back Erik’s already on the couch, a bowl and spoon out on the coffee table next to your ice cream and cookies, and the heating pad already plugged in.
“Wanna watch a romcom tonight?” He asks, and you nod your head, settling on the couch and wrapping the heating pad around your back while Erik wraps himself back in place around your front, nuzzling into you.
As the movie starts to play, Erik chuckles silently at the sound of you crushing oreo’s into your bowl, thinking about how wonderful it would be to have a house full of girls just like you.
Warnings: Humor, SoftBoi!Erik, Fluff
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
Happy At Home-Part Three
Will I potentially go thru ninety percent of the Night Drive themed playlists on Spotify as I finish the road trip part of this fic? Probably lol. 
Also driving at night means horny for these two (and idk how many other people, why cars at night are a weirdly good make-out spot idk, why question it if it works right.) 
Anyway, please enjoy as I question my sanity over choosing to keep writing rather than going to sleep and finishing this later in the day. If you see typos, my bad, but also it is 2 am and yeah. Roll with them for now and I’ll fix any up later when I do a reread of this. 
Also, Part Four will have to wait until later today-I gotta get a few hours sleep in before I cease to make sense as I write (or start losing track of little details, my worst fear.) 
“C’mon. Up and at ‘em, Sledgehammer,” Snafu’s voice sounded tired. 
He groaned as he worked to force his eyes open. Once he did, he peered around at their surroundings. He wasn’t sure where they were-on the shoulder of a road, somewhere. It seemed like they were far enough out that it had to have been longer than an hour, but he knew Snafu would never admit if it had been or not. 
“Fuck” Eugene murmured. 
“I feel that,” Snafu yawned as he tried to scoot down the bench seat towards the passenger side. 
“What on earth are you doing?” Eugene asked. 
“Don’t wanna get out. Just let me move down,” Snafu whined. 
“So then I gotta get out?” Eugene laughed. 
Snafu shook his head, then suddenly moved and tossed a leg over him so he was in Eugene’s lap. “This better?” 
The car was suddenly incredibly warm, and Eugene had to fight against the part of him that was thinking about how they hadn’t kissed or touched much in hours, and how good it would feel to rid Snafu of his shirt and trousers so he could taste all of that soft, gorgeous skin. 
“Would be, if we were somewhere I could do something about it,” Eugene said. “Down, boy.” 
Snafu grinned and shifted himself off of him as Eugene moved to the driver’s side. “You’re tellin’ me down, but I’m not the one that’s up right now, darlin’.” 
Eugene blushed. “Yeah, I’m very aware of that. And I can’t do a damn thing about it.” 
Snafu laughed. “I’ll make up for it once we get home, how about that? After all, we aren’t goin’ anywhere for a week, per you. Why not spend most of it in the bedroom?” 
“I’m supposed to be focusing on the road,” Eugene scolded. 
“Mhm,” Snafu nodded. “Meanwhile I’m focusing on all the reasons I started callin’ you Sledgehammer. I mean, you know the main one, but also definitely ‘cause of your-” 
“Merriell,” Eugene smiled, even as he continued to scold.
“We’re the only ones in here, aside from the kids. And they’re sleepin’ good right now. No reason I can’t sing the praises of your cock if I want to,” Snafu said. “And gosh, I might not even sleep the next hour if I do that. Could fill the whole hour, just like how I love it when your cock fills my-” 
Eugene leaned over to grab Snafu quickly but gently by the chin and kiss him before he could say anything else dirty. The kiss was dirtier-he had meant it to be quick and quieting, but after a moment it had deepened and became hard to break off. 
“Glad this thing is still in park,” Eugene sighed as they broke apart. “I’d have probably run us into a damn tree if we were on the road right now.” 
Snafu had a satisfied grin on his face. “Don’t I know it. Gonna have to tell Sid to get gone as soon as we get the key from him. I’m not holdin’ back, once we get ourselves and everything inside, and the cat’s settled. I don’t care how tired I am.” 
“Then you’d better sleep now,” Eugene said as he pulled them back onto the road. “No falling asleep on me later.” 
Snafu nodded, and was asleep within ten minutes of driving, as Eugene had expected he would be. Snoring loud enough to help keep him awake too, which he was grateful for. The road was long and mostly empty except for the occasional other car, and so damn dark. But it would be worth it if they could make the majority of the trip without a need for a long break. 
Still, the hour he drove felt like four, and unfortunately it hit again when they were in between towns. 
“Sweetheart, your turn,” he sighed, gently pushing at Snafu. 
Snafu grumbled something back that might have been words, but didn’t open his eyes. 
“Snaf, c’mon. I know, this is rough. But we’re gettin’ there.” 
Snafu opened an eye and grumbled again. “Under a spell. Need a handsome prince to wake me up.” 
“Lord help me, you’re delirious,” Eugene said. “Never mind, I can go another hour.” 
Snafu moved to lean against his shoulder. “Kiss me.” 
“You’ll wake up enough to drive if I do?” Eugene asked. 
Snafu shrugged and slowly opened his eyes. “Sure. Or kiss me just ‘cause.” 
“You miss my lips or somethin’?” Eugene smiled. 
Snafu nodded, then sat up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
Eugene had told himself he’d make it quick, but once Snafu’s mouth was on his he couldn’t. It didn’t help that he especially loved how Snafu kissed when he was tired. Slow and soft, but with barely a break in between to catch his breath, like he couldn’t bear to be off of Eugene for even that quick second. 
Despite his best efforts to stay composed, he found himself pulling Snafu closer, wanting him on his lap but not being over on the seat far enough to properly do so. He settled for letting a hand roam to Snafu’s lap, caressing and teasing. 
“Fuck!” Snafu pulled away from him and dove down. “Look like you’re looking for a map or some shit.” 
He played at looking at something on the seat, just as another car drove past them. 
They both sighed when it was far enough in the distance. 
“Shit. Sorry, I didn’t see it,” Eugene muttered, leaning back against the seat and pressing a hand to his forehead. 
“I know you didn’t; you were busy,” Snafu grinned as he sat back up, grabbing at his own half hard cock. “Goddamn you, Sledgehammer. Is this revenge for earlier?” 
“Wasn’t meant to be, but I guess it is now,” he replied. “Give me a second and we’ll switch.” 
Snafu went for the car door, but before he could move much Eugene adjusted enough to swing a leg over his lap and trap him there, just like Snafu had done earlier to him. 
“Well this is just evil,” Snafu sighed. “I can’t drive with you in my lap.” 
“I know,” Eugene murmured. “You got me going now though.” 
“Apparently,” Snafu sighed as he pulled Eugene close for a kiss. “But even I know we can’t fuck here.” 
Eugene ground himself down on Snafu’s lap and moaned. Snafu was right-but he didn’t really care about that right now. 
“Sledgehammer,” Snafu whined, a hint of an authoritative tone present. “You’re killin’ me.” 
After another kiss, Eugene willed himself off of Snafu. “Sorry, I just-” 
“I know,” Snafu replied, reaching over to grab his hand as he moved to the driver’s side. “I shouldn’t have started anything. Just-I don’t know, I can’t handle not touching and being close.” 
“We always want to do the thing we can’t do at that moment,” Eugene said in agreement. “Least we’ve only got another hour or so to Augusta. Maybe we should try for a motel room. Worst case is there’s nothing available, or we get told no or they make us nervous and we have to leave.” 
“Those are all terrible options,” Snafu said as he started the car. “But you’re right. We’ll have to see if there’s anywhere we can stop and get a room.” 
“Wake me when we get there,” Eugene sighed and let himself slump into the seat as he palmed at himself, trying to force himself to calm back down. 
He felt like he’d barely been asleep, and then Snafu was shaking him awake. “Honey. Found a place. They’re good with the cats so long as they stay in their carriers. Already let them out for a bathroom break-and you should see, they kept their carriers clean too. We’ve got such good kids. You gotta help me carry them and our suitcases in though.” 
He was barely awake as he took his suitcase in one hand and Queen’s carrier in the other and followed Snafu into the motel. Snafu had it even worse, trying to hold both a suitcase and the handle of Gunner’s carrier in one hand, with Little Sid’s carrier in the other. He still managed a wave to the front desk receptionist, who cheerfully pointed them down towards their room. 
At the door, Snafu set down Little Sid to grab the room key from his pocket and open it. “I am so excited for a bed. I mean, not as much as I was comin’ home from Okinawa, but man it’s definitely up there with it.” 
Eugene managed a nod as he followed Snafu into the room. It had two beds that looked like they might not totally fall apart if one were to use them, and Eugene let himself fall on one as soon as he’d set down his suitcase and Queen. 
“Amen, darlin’,” Snafu sighed as he set down his suitcase and the other two cats. “Scoot over.” 
Eugene sat up to take off his shoes, and moved so Snafu could sit beside him. 
Snafu had his shoes off in a flash, and flopped back against the bed. “Oh. That is-is it wrong if that was arousing? Because my god, this bed is so soft-” 
Eugene tossed his shoes to the floor and crawled back to rest next to Snafu. “I’m softer. Or, wait no, I mean, I am right now but you can make me hard-I mean, uh-” 
Snafu burst out laughing. “Oh, Sledgehammer. I appreciate the effort. You go back to sleep.” 
He didn’t want to just go to sleep though. He moved to press kisses to Snafu’s neck, then his chest as he undid Snafu’s shirt, pressing hard to turn them into hickeys. 
“You are not even half awake enough for this,” Snafu grinned, but gasped as Eugene moved down and undid his trousers, pulling them and his underwear aside to take him into his mouth without another word. “Eugene.” 
Eugene let himself look up at Snafu with half open eyes, his lower lip still lazily resting against the head of Snafu’s cock. 
“Fuck,” Snafu whimpered. “But sweetheart, you should be more awake for this. Not that I don’t appreciate what you’re doin’ right now. Trust me, I am-this is very good. But it isn’t fair or right if you aren’t conscious enough to enjoy it too.” 
“Mhm,” Eugene let himself lay gently on his hip, a hand still lightly teasing Snafu’s cock.  
“You come up here instead,” Snafu instructed, reaching his hands out for him. 
Eugene pulled himself back up the bed, and let Snafu wrap his arms around him. “You sleep now. We’ll have time for fun once we’re home, and all settled in. Or at least, after we have everything in the house and the cats unpacked. Unpacking everything else can wait.” 
Eugene frowned and raised his head. “Am home.” 
“We’re in a motel, Sledgehammer,” Snafu whispered as he ran a hand softly through Eugene’s hair. 
“Yeah. With you-so I’m home,” Eugene replied. Couldn’t Snafu understand that without him having to say? It seemed so obvious. But then, he was tired too. 
He felt Snafu kiss his forehead as he started to fall asleep again. “That is true. Long as we got each other, we’re home. Sleep well, darlin’.” 
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floral-and-fine · 6 years
Hell of Heaven part 2
Joseph Seed x female reader
A/n: I’m actually happier with this than I thought I would be :p Like I am so excited about this story!
warnings: religious stuff, kidnapping, sorta dark, slightly violent (idk just trying to be safe)
summary: Joseph Seed believes he has found his equal in popular singer/songwriter who has very strong opinions on God. 
Part 1
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“She refuses to eat,” Jacob complained to his brother. “I suggest we let her starve.”
“That’s not an option,” Joseph stated. He wouldn’t lose to you so easily. “I’ll talk to her.”
“I don’t understand why you keep wasting your breath,” Jacob argued.
It had been two days since you woke up, during that time you haven’t uttered a word to Joseph or ate anything. Joseph knew that your willpower was strong, but his was stronger. In the end, everything will turn out as it has to.
“It’s… complicated,” he replied already heading towards the room you were in.
It was a small barren room with just a table. On the walls carved into the wood paneling was various scripture.
You still looked so defiant even with your hands bound behind your back and sitting on the floor.
“You need to eat something,” Joseph said noticing the food that was untouched on the table.
You didn’t answer him, instead, you just stared at him with your lips pursed tightly.
He sat next to you, leaning back against the wall and resting his arms on his knees. Joseph sighed looking up at the ceiling.
“I knew you wouldn’t make this easy,” he rubbed the back of his neck, and just sat there quietly.
Just like the first time you met him, you watched him closely. You wanted to figure him out before he could untangle the mess that was you.
He had several scars and tattoos. You read the words on his skin sloth, greed, lust… you averted your eyes, focusing on his tattoos instead, they were beautiful, you particularly liked the swallows.
“You have a tattoo don’t you?” he asked suddenly as if he could read your mind.
He pushed the collar of your button up aside a little to reveal the text on your collarbone.
“Heaven is here,” he muttered reading it out loud. His index finger barely brushing against your skin. Every time he touched you, just like right now or the time before on your wrist, sent shivers down your spine.
“Is that something he used to tell you?”
Joseph mentioned ‘him’ again. It bothered you relentlessly that Joseph knew who ‘he’ was. It wasn’t public knowledge, it was something you kept under wraps, like a terrible secret. You wanted to ask him how he knew, but you didn’t want to cave. He was using it as bait to get you to talk.
“It’s alright if you’re not ready to talk yet, it’s a delicate subject.” He stood back up, grabbing the tray off the table. “Let’s try this again.”
He offered you the food, but you turned away from him. Bringing your knees up under your chin. But Joseph wasn’t phased. He had unlimited patience with you.
“How about I tell you a little about myself then,” Joseph started, sitting across from you this time and setting the tray on his lap. “You’ve met most of my family, my brothers Jacob and John… you’ll meet my sister, Faith, soon.”
He picked up the bread and took a bite, he was looking away from you. He had a vacant expression his face like he was somewhere else.
“My family used to be bigger, I had a wife and an infant daughter…” he muttered, his attention returned to you as his blue eyes stared at your face. “I was chosen by God and so were you, but instead of accepting your fate, you insist on denying it and hating him for choosing you.”
You let your guard down a little, lowering your knees and looking straight at him with sad eyes, but you remained silent.
He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Joseph sighed, “you’ll come around.” Without another word, he left.
You struggled against the ropes binding your hands together, but you were feeling completely drained of energy. You gave up rather quickly and laid on the floor.  
You hated admitting this, even if it was just to yourself, but you missed Joseph’s company. You weren’t very close to anyone anymore, you had alienated yourself from all your friends and family a long time ago.
Joseph showed genuine interest in you, most people only seemed to care for the artificial you, the you, you pretended to be for the public. But he already had this intimate connection with you.
Your eyelids felt heavy, you tried your best to fight falling asleep but soon gave up on that too.
Waking up to see John’s face turned your blood cold. Something about John Seed put you on pins and needles. You felt more comfortable around Joseph and Jacob, they were more stable than their younger brother. You knew Joseph wouldn’t hurt you and that Jacob wouldn’t unless provoked, but John was unpredictable.
It took you awhile to fully wake up, but as you did you saw a variety of sharp tools and implements on the table.
John selected a thin sharp knife.
“Hello there,” he spoke seeing that you were finally awake. “Thought you and I should get to know each other better.”
You rolled your eyes at him. He just smiled in response.
“Joseph is being too gentle with you,” he explained playing with the knife in his hand, taunting you. “I’ll break you like the others.”
“There’s nothing left to break,” you replied in a tired voice. “I’ve fallen to pieces over and over again, then I gave up putting myself back together. I don’t see the point anymore.”
The tip of his knife was pressed against the middle of your neck. You leaned in closer, a droplet of blood ran down your chest as the knife punctured your soft skin.
You could see the smirk forming on John’s lips, he seemed entertained at your willingness to die.
“What have I said about hurting her?” Joseph’s voice suddenly broke the silence.  
Your eyes looked up surprised to see him standing in the doorway with a tray.
John’s smirk quickly faded. He sighed, standing back up and putting his tools away.
“Yeah, well, I got her talking again,” John shrugged, he took one last look at you before exiting the room.
Joseph narrowed his eyes, glaring at the direction his brother left in.
“So you’re finally speaking to us again?” he said redirecting his attention to you.
He sat next to you like last time, placing a tray of food between you. Joseph took the napkin and cleaned the small line of blood from the tiny cut. His eyes lingered there for a moment before he spoke up again.
“Do you want to talk about him, your husband?” he asked.
You didn’t answer him immediately, “I…” you began but then stopped. Where should you even start? It was such a long time ago, but it still hurt like it happened yesterday.
“Have you ever talked about what happened?” Joseph peered into your eyes, you could see a certain softness behind them. Considering what he told you last time, he could probably relate.
“I loved him… I loved him,” you croaked, it hurt to think about him, but it all sort of just started spilling out.
“We were young, from a small town… we had little to nothing, just his old pick up truck and some clothes when we ran off together. We lived in the tiniest studio apartment you could find in the city. The day he asked me to marry him, I had never been so happy.”
You released a shaky breath before you continued.
“But then he got involved with some bad people, he tried to keep me in the dark about it… all he ever said was how everything he did he did for me.”
You paused, you never told anyone this. You just buried it all, it came out in your music in various ways, but you never felt like anyone was actually listening to you. That no one would understand.
“He was killed… I saw him the night before, nothing seemed different, it was just a typical Friday night, and then the next night he was gone,” you ran your fingers through your hair, “I feel like it’s my fault… that I killed him.”
“We have a lot in common,” Joseph muttered. “I don’t want you to hold on to this kind of pain.”
He ran his fingers through your hair. You were starting to get accustomed to his little occasional touches. There was something tender about each time.
“You must be hungry,” Joseph muttered and pinched off a piece of bread and held it to your lips. “I know deep down you want to give in. You want this.”
He leaned in closer to you, “will you join me, y/n? Will you let me save you?”
You gave in, accepting the bread he offered you. Your lips touched his fingertips as he fed it to you. Absentmindedly, he traced your bottom lip with his index finger.
You started to cry, nodding your head.
“It’s a humbling sight to see you cry,” Joseph murmured, his index finger wiped a tear from under your eye.
Joseph untied your wrists, you had burns and sores around them. He gently rubbed his thumb around them.
You fell forward and sobbed against his shoulder.He ran his hand down your back comforting you like someone would with a small child.
“Finish eating y/n… you’ll feel better soon.”
Afterward, he led you to a new room, one with more than just a table. There was a small bed, an end table, and chair. There was a tiny attached bath with a shower, which you were incredibly grateful for.
Once you were alone, you stripped out of your clothes and just stood there under the running water.
Your mind wandered to what just happened. Your feelings were starting to get in the way of your better judgment. Did you actually just agree to join his cult? But being with him made you feel so good.
You turned off the faucet and dressed in a tank top and shorts. As soon as your head hit the pillow you drifted asleep, the firm mattress still felt better than the hard floors.
You could hear the voices of thousands of people all chanting your name. However, you stayed hidden tucked away backstage.
The thought of performing made you feel sick to your stomach. Every time you gave them everything you had left, re-lived things in your music that you’d rather forget, and by the end, you were left with nothing. Their applause rang hollow in your ears.
Each time, you told yourself this will be the last time. It took so much out of you to bear your soul and broken heart.
Taking a deep breath you took a step forward. It would be best to get it over with. Live the lie. Later you’ll drink yourself to sleep, make more bad decisions, trust the wrong people, and write more songs that captured all your pain.
Joseph appeared before you, “you don’t have to go out there. Y/n, we can start over… you and I.” He offered you his hand.
“You promise?”
“Of course,” he reassured you. The rowdy voices of the anxious audience faded away. “You don’t have to be alone anymore, from now on it’ll be us.”
Joseph tilted your chin up, he leaned down closer to you.
You opened your eyes slowly, you felt fingers combing through your hair. It felt so relaxing that at first, you didn’t question who was doing it.
“Are you awake?” a familiar voice asked.
You sat up, and scooted back, away from Joseph.
He gave you a sad smile, “When I came to check on you, it looked like you were having a bad dream.”
You rubbed your eyes, you couldn’t get that last part of that dream out of your head.
“You seemed more at peace before you woke up.What were you dreaming about?” Joseph asked.
You remembered how you felt in that dream with him. You had felt safe with Joseph like he’d never leave you, that he’d never hurt you. He knew how desperate you were for a new start.
“You, I dreamt about you,” you admitted in a soft whisper.
“Just when I think I have you figured out you say something like that,” he mused in a light tone. “I’ve had dreams of you too.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, were his dreams anything like yours?
“I’m glad you awake, I wanted to tell the others with you present,” he announced. “To let them know you’re with me.”
Faith appeared delighted at the prospect of having a new sister. She gave you an embrace telling you how happy she was to have a sister.
Jacob didn’t really seem to care one way or another, he was probably just content not having to watch you anymore.
John, however, wasn’t so welcoming.
“If she really means it, then she should be willing to share her sins with me,” John removed his knife from his pocket. The blade gleamed as he examined it.
“Finally ready to confess, dear y/n?” he asked, his voice dripping with anticipation. John appeared delighted at the thought of hurting you.
“Y/n, you don’t have to do this,” Joseph added.
“I think she does, she needs to prove to us that she’s really one of us,” John countered.
You took off your shirt and pushed the straps of your bra down.
“Let’s get started, then,” you said full of conviction. “You know which sin.”
You got on your knees, and John crouched behind you. He held your shoulder in one hand to keep you steady.
You bit your lip as you felt the sharp tip of the knife pressing down on your skin.
Joseph knelt in front of you, he cupped your face with both of his hands directing your attention to him and him only.
Focusing on his face helped distract you from the pain. You clutched his shirt and tried to hold still. Tears slid down your cheeks, but you didn’t make a peep.
“P.” John muttered as he finished the first letter. Then his knife started tracing the next letter, “R.” The blade ran straight down your spine, and faster than with the last two letters. “I.” You wanted to scream as John drew the curve of the following letter, as he did it painstakingly slow. “D.” Your breathing had become quite ragged by the time he finished carving the “E.”
After John was done, he admired his work. “You’re one of us now,” he whispered in your ear.
Joseph gave John a sharp look, which was enough to get John to back off. He released your shoulder and stepped away.
Joseph pulled you closer to him, and pressed his forehead against yours, “You were so strong…” he murmured.
In the mirror, you could see the word “Pride” in red letters, your shoulders and upper back stung, like you had been burned.
Tags: @babe-with-thepower , @wyfto2812 , @thebaptistjohn, @padme4000,
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  Hope you had a good day, or at least a calm one!  I think your tree is adorable, and I love your tree topper!  It’s so pretty!  Also, my congrats if Mo leaves it alone.  Most of the kitty parents I know are full of horror stories about their cats climbing the tree/trying to eat the tree/trying to eat things off the tree/etc.  XD  One friend’s cat earned herself the nickname Monkey because the very first thing she did the night they brought her home was go right up the tree.  I’m pretty sure that was at least a decade ago, and the only person who ever calls her by her actual name at this point is probably my friend’s dad.  Another friend complains every year that she can’t use tinsel on her tree anymore because her cats will try to eat it.
And omg, that Disney/TW thing was terrible.  Most of them seemed to only be using the most shallow, surface level reading of the characters, as usual they seemed to forget that Disney made animated films before the early 90s, and also as usual, Noah and Melissa got left out, despite having been there the full run of the show.  I think I usually headcanon Peter more CN than anything else, but I can see the logic behind some NE being mixed in there, too.  Some of that could be because I tend to see his apparent desire for power as more of a trauma-based need for control than just purely for its own sake.  (It might have helped if they’d been a bit more consistent with his character…)
It’s probably because I was out of the fandom for a while, but most stuff I’ve seen that addresses it typically has the Hales being of British Isles descent.  I think that’s mainly because the name itself is English (I think?), and it helps to explain the abundance of Celtic mythology/imagery if it’s something they brought with them when settling the town.  I’m not particularly bothered either way, though, and always enjoy a chance to learn about other culture’s customs.  :D  And I love how everyone just agrees that Peter is the type to just casually speak like a dozen languages, just because he can.  XD  Also, I’m now picturing a springerle rolling pin that’s nothing but wolf images, a quite literally hand-carved hand-me-down (that I’m going to pretend was stored in the vault.)
And yeah, I figured the other kids would adapt pretty well, but I definitely foresee an issue with Jax.  I feel like it’s going to come down to one of his siblings having to step in, probably either Malia (because he actually likes her) being like “Hey, could you maybe try not being such an obnoxious douche-nozzle to my dad before I punch you in the throat?  Do I treat your dad that way?”, or Ben just being like “Why are you so mean to Poppa?” and then Jackson will have to face the full effect of the sad puppy face that got sprung on Stiles.  XD
 I feel like it would make sense for it to take a few full moons for a turned wolf to achieve a full shift, especially if there’s no genetic component.  Almost all the wolves we see turned in the show have a rough enough time adapting at first without throwing in something like that.  I definitely think it makes more sense for born wolves to have an easier/quicker time of it, especially at first.
I love both of the recent previews.  I seriously have been ferally screaming over the pinned one all day.  XD  The swagger.  The mountain ash.  The “goddammit Peter, he’s not afraid of you, he’s afraid for you” of it all.  And the section when he’s first shifting is good, too (no matter when it was written.)  That’s going to be freaky as hell, even if you’re expecting it.  And the whole thing with the way his bones are cracking and such just feels like it emphasizes how warped and wrong it all is, at least to me, because as best I remember, the few times we see a full shift in the show, it just sort of seems to flow from one to the other.  Also, it just occurred to me that his alpha form was almost like a perfect balance of the American Werewolf in London and Underworld versions of full shift.  I’m curious to see if he maintains that version or if the presence of his mates/pack help him heal to a more normal version.  Part of me wants to see him get better because I don’t like seeing them hurt, part of me really wants to see his beast form tackle hug Noah and Chris and try to cuddle in their laps.  XD
And oh, man, those window seats just made me want them to have one in the rebuilt Hale house, maybe in like a loft or an upper floor, that’s big enough for the three of them to cram into, or the kids, or assorted combos thereof, in whatever forms they choose.  Especially for like during storms and stuff.  Just, all the cuddles, and reading stories to the littles, and taking random naps in the sunshine, and everything.
Also, now I’m picturing Noah and Chris singing shit like “You Make It Feel Like Christmas” and “Cuddle Up, Cozy Down Christmas”, or like that “Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy” thing Bing Crosby and David Bowie did, while trying to make Peter a surprise breakfast, and it’s adorable.  And I’ve been listening to way too much Straight No Chaser holiday music to deal with the idea of them all singing together in anything approaching a rational manner.  And is he not supposed to look at them like they’re part of the menu?  I’m pretty sure if Peter was given the option of what he’d like to eat first…well.  XD
Those poor teachers.  They probably thought they’d lucked out with this one after Stiles and Malia, and then the holidays came around…  (Just wait until they get the next round of Haleargentski children…)  XD
And I’m going to hold you to that promise of romance XD (not really, if it doesn’t work out that way, don’t worry.)  I would say “my body is ready”, but that feels like it might come across somewhat awkward.  XD  Although it did occur to me that given how he is about the whole “your all’s shirts are way too tight to share” thing, when it gets to that point, Noah’s probably also going to have one of those “it’s been a hot minute, so some things aren’t quite what they used to be” type moments like Chris had with Peter at the motel, though I think he’d be more likely to try and joke it off, and Peter’s just going to be like “Gods, you two really are as bad as each other sometimes”, while happily reassuring both of them, because he can, and he enjoys it.
And wow, I’ve rambled on so much longer than I meant to given that I have an early shift tomorrow (or today, really…  ’>.> )  So, I hope you got some decent rest, and your meds are helping like they should, and that you are happy with what you got done on the chapter.  I hope that today goes well, too, and that you find some good candy at post-holiday discount prices, if that is a thing they do there (or will that not happen until after Christmas?)  Anyway, I hope you have a good day, whatever else happens.  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Hey hey, I honestly had a pretty good day yesterday, a little busy because of last minute store runs and an uncooperating phone. (oh joy, had to reset the bastard twice) but other than that, pretty good. 
Treated myself to a new game for Sinterklaas. It’s the Spiderman Game of the Year edition, I didn’t have that game yet and it was on sale for like 28 bucks and people left really good reviews. Maybe if I get some money for Christmas I might also get me the Miles Morales one, the new one. But I’m also getting Cyberpunk cause I pre-ordered it back in April, so we’ll see. I might just wait until Miles Morales goes on sale too in a couple of months. Still have to finish Valhalla first though XD.
And you’re not gonna believe it, but Mo left my Christmas tree completely alone. He does not care about the Christmas tree. He does not care about plants. He does not care about BOXES. I honestly think my cat is broken, but then again, I am typing this while he is sleeping in my lap and purring, so who cares.
And Omg XD I am eternally grateful Mo didn’t do that but I love Monkey and can see why they got that nickname XD What a rascal!
I mostly included NE for Peter because apparently that’s what Ian Bohen considers Peter’s Alignement to be. I personally think he’s more CN too (though I am probably basing that on his trauma.) 
I actually made a personal alignment chart for the characters in Once Upon A Time here. (Though I forgot to include three characters namely the Nurse, John,  and Danny. I think Danny would fall under either NG or LN and he would probably tell someone if someone’s shoe laces were untied, and the nurse more under LE I guess, considering her background, though I feel like she’s not evil for evil’s sake she more or less was driven to it and as such has a strong need for revenge regardless of whom she hurts, though she tries to redeem herself later. (and that’s all I will say due to spoilers). And she would probably tie the person’s shoe laces for them, old habits die hard.) John I feel like would be CG or LN and he’d be the person to untie his own shoes in solidarity. (kinda like his grandchildren Stiles and Malia, where do you think they got that one from?)
But yeah I’m still not sure how to feel about the Disney one. I can kinda see with some of them where they were coming from but none of it feels ‘flawless’ or particularly right to me? Idk. I honestly feel like Kuzco and maybe Pocahontas were the two biggest Nopes for me. I mean Scar kinda fits, Elsa, I can see that, but none of it I truly identify these characters with. Idk.
And I feel like Peter or John probably had the foresight to store some of their most prized family heirlooms in that vault. Such as a copy of the family photo, Peter’s triskelion necklace piece, a springerle with wolf inscriptions,  some video tapes of the family, personal artifacts of each family member, and Talia and John’s claws, family recipes, some gifts John made for his grandchildren, and John’s journal about the family history, werewolf lore, and lots of dirt on both Elias Stilinski and Gerard Argent.
I feel like Peter speaking lots of languages also just makes sense. He seems to be the type to have connections everywhere and to have little birds everywhere listening in for him. He would also be the type of person to either have connections to or keep an eye on the Russian and Italian Maffia, he learned French and Polish for Chris and Noah, Spanish is just a useful language to learn because it's vast. And German and Dutch were taught to him from a young age, probably some Latin too. So I can see why many people would headcanon Peter as mutli-lingual, it just makes sense for his character.
Malia and Ben ganging up on Jackson is my new favorite image. Can you imagine what the combined power of those two will be? Also just any of the teenagers realizing they can deploy the younger sibling to be absolutely adorable and people will do anything for that face, no matter what the teenagers are asking. 
As for Peter’s wolf, why not both? There’s no reason why he can’t act like an overgrown puppy as a beast and still heal and slowly revert back to his original form over the course of a couple of full moons as his mind heals from the trauma.
They’re definitely getting a windowseat big enough to seat three adults, four teenagers and a couple of little ones. Surrounded by books, a few curtains and lots of pillows. it needs to happen.
And you guessed it, there’s gonna be a shy moment where both Chris and Noah get self conscious about their bodies. Noah because, well, he gained some weight, got a bit older, has some stretch marks although he’s still goddamn fit considering what he does and he tries to play it off as a joke, Peter will show him just how sexy he is, really. And Chris has another moment because he had another baby, so more pudge, more stretch marks and due to his humanity, more scars. I think I’ll let Noah handle that one first and then Peter helps. Chris of course also worships Noah’s body, because holy shit, none of them is exactly in bad shape, but Noah’s definitely been hiding way more. Also Noah’s tall now, so Chris just sort of melts when the taller man sweeps him off his feet. We also need some Omega/Omega love in this story.
And wow, now I’ve been rambling XD. I’m gonna make me some late breakfast (it’s 1 pm) and grab some coffee and then start writing.
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