#idk if I've made typos anywhere
kaszymanny · 7 months
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Stuff I posted on twitter
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ironwitchau · 1 month
So, hello. I'm alive. Before I get started, this is a minor project I've been working on because the brain rot has been... intense. I'll probably also post this to ao3 at some point with some more edits, so if you see it here first and then on ao3 it might be worth a re-read. Idk. Anyway, here's a one shot of an AU that immediately took over my brain and refused to let go. If you see any typos, no you didn't.
The Beast in the Woods:
It was the closest thing to a normal morning as one could get on the TARDIS. Mostly because things like ‘normal’ and ‘morning’ weren't relevant on the TARDIS. But things were calm in the alien ship, and Rose Tyler had just finished a human’s average sleep cycle and stepped into the control room where the Doctor fiddled with the panel, readying the TARDIS to leave the vortex.
They went about their usual banter for the day, if not a little more strained than in days past. The Doctor couldn't really blame the human though. She had been more… restrained after their visit to 1987 London. But anyone would be if they had just watched a member of their family die, even though they tried so hard to save them. So he tried not to think too much about Rose being quieter than he was used to. There was a moment of silence between them as the Doctor debated on where to take them. He was pondering taking her to the universe’s largest library when Rose gave a suggestion.
“We should go on vacation.” She said, leaning against the railing.
“Vacation?” He repeated. Because, was she not already on vacation? A break from her mundane little life in the estates?
“Yeah,” she smiled that one smile, the one where her tongue stuck out just a little, “take a break from all the danger.”
The Doctor hummed. He quite liked the danger. Danger made life interesting, danger meant he could help others. Danger meant he could fix his broken promise. But humans were different, he had reminded himself. No matter what, humans couldn't run forever the same way he could, couldn't keep going head first into the life threatening situations with the same ease he did.
“There’s this great spa planet in the 31st century.” He told her, already moving around the console. “I’ll set course for a few years before it gets popular, avoid the crowd-”
“No. I don't want any aliens.” He tried not to take offense at that. “No distant futures either.”
“What do you want, then?” The Doctor huffed.
Rose moved closer to him. “Someplace where nothing happens. No alien threats, no experiencing a historical moment. Just a place to relax.”
“Sounds boring.”
Fine, if Rose wanted boring, he’ll give her boring. Although, as he thought over the given criteria, she never said anything about the place having history. A grin found its way onto his face as the Doctor danced around the control panel.
Luz Noceda decided that she hated Gravesfield, Connecticut. For one, it was a small town and incredibly boring. Even worse, it was a small town where everyone knew everyone and everything. People stared at the Nocedas, whenever the family went anywhere, like they were about to commit a crime or something.
Then, there was how Grandpa couldn't move with them. Back home, Grandpa would come over for family dinners every Friday night, where he would put Luz to bed and tell her stories about when he was young. Now, he lived 3 hours away and, even though her parents promised they would still visit, Luz hadn't seen Grandpa at all in the month since they moved there.
Although, Gravesfield’s biggest offense against her was it took her Papi from her. Sure, he was busy back home as an ambulance driver, but he still had time for her and Mami. He would spend his weekends with them, doing whatever they wanted. Now, days he weren't working were spent at the big fancy hospital that was nearby. Luz really did try not to be bitter about it, the hospital was supposed to help Papi get better, but she missed how her family was before they moved.
Luz was contemplating calling Grandpa as she walked down the empty streets. It was still summer, maybe she could convince him to come pick her up and take her home. Mami would probably be mad but Grandpa said it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Besides, Mami and Papi had talked about having her live with Grandpa before the move. They didn't know Luz was listening in on them at the time and they ultimately decided not to, but maybe it was still an option.
She took out her phone, a flip phone because Mami and Papi said she wasn't ready for a phone phone, and had gotten to her contacts when she heard it. The sound was hard to describe, a mix between a ‘whoosh’ing sound and a ‘vroom’ was the best she could think of. The curiosity she felt was overwhelming, so she really couldn't be blamed.
She ran up the street, just barely putting her phone away safely, to find the sound’s source. It had ended when she rounded the corner and all she found was a blue box, a few feet away. Luz was about to keep moving, when two people stepped out of the box.
The first person was a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had large ears that seemed to stand out more thanks to his buzz cut. He wore a battered black leather jacket, a dark colored V-neck, dark pants, and boots.
The second was a blonde woman, who seemed much younger than the man, with brown eyes. She wore a plain white shirt, a pink jacket with a hood, faded jeans and sneakers. Luz wasn't sure how the two could be wearing jackets, considering it was on the warmer side today. She pushed those thoughts aside as the two began talking.
“Gravesfield, Connecticut, 2015.” The man said, stressing the year the same way Mami did when Luz got the date wrong. Then there was his accent, while similar to some she had heard, it didn't sound quite American to her. British, maybe?
“And what happens?” The woman asked with a similar accent.
“Absolutely nothin’.” He told her. “Gravesfield’s ‘bout as borin’ as it gets.”
Luz frowned. She didn't understand why someone would want boring. Boring was the worst. It was just so… boring! No, Luz would much rather adventure.
She was going to listen in more, maybe even go up and ask them questions (like who on Earth would want boring), when her phone rang. She took out her phone to find ‘Mami Calling’ in bold blocky words staring up at her. She slid back around the corner and answered.
“Mija, where are you?” Mami asked as soon as the call connected. “It’s almost dinner time.”
Shoot. She hadn't realized it was that late. Although, in her defense, it was hard to see the phone’s clock with the numbers so small. “Sorry, Mami, I got distracted.”
She heard Mami’s exasperated sigh. “Just hurry back, ok?”
With the blue box and strange people forgotten, Luz made her way back to the house.
In the dead of night, a loud roar echoed through the quiet town of Gravesfield. Most people ignored it, slept right through the disturbance, but three people tensed. One was a little human girl that had woken up to get water. The other two were time travelers, an alien and his human companion, who were on their way back to their spaceship.
“Maybe it's a bear?” The girl from 2005 suggested.
The Time Lord shook his head. “That was no bear.”
Luz stood just outside the forest near the house. The sound from last night sounded like it came from here and it terrified her. Because what the heck could make that noise? No animal that Luz knew of, and Grandpa made sure to teach Luz about all kinds of wild animals while Mami did the same for pets.
She could still run, get back to the house and pretend nothing was wrong. What could she do anyways? She was just a little kid.
“Sometimes you've got to do the scary things, because it means protecting your family.” Grandpa’s words echoed in her head.
If she left this alone, whatever it was, there was the chance it could leave the forest and enter the town. What would it do to the people? Would it leave them alone or attack? Would Mami and Papi be in danger?
That thought alone spurred Luz to grab the largest stick she could find, giving it a swing. She wouldn't let anything hurt her family. She would be like Grandpa and protect them. She marched into the woods. Thunder rumbled over head as storm clouds seemed to swirl and a cold breeze tried to make her shiver.
Luz came to a stop as she came across an old house. It was a, clearly abandoned, two story house with white walls and a brown roof that had a large hole in it. The door was in the middle of two broken windows to either side of it. There were four pillars at the front of the porch, acting as support. The stairs up to the porch were worn from years exposed to the elements.
Luz had never seen this place before. Then again, Luz hadn't gone this deep into the woods before. She turned to keep moving, when she saw it. The creature.
It was big, maybe the size of a bear or car, and had an animal body with a horrifyingly human face. It had completely black eyes, grayish yellow sharp teeth and long orange fur protruding from equally long, pointed ears. Its body was covered in burnt orange fur, or maybe those were feathers, and it had two dark brown wings and black feet that resembled a bird of prey’s.
Luz yelped and stumbled back, to put more space between the two of them, as she raised her stick. Ok, so maybe this wasn't her best idea.
The Doctor was a bit too confused to really listen to whatever Rose was going on about. He just didn't understand why something was happening now and here. The only truly eventful thing that was supposed to happen in Gravesfield should have already happened in the decades following the town’s founding. The town takes part in the witch trials and two brothers go missing, that was it.
But now, they had some strange creature making a ruckus, which led the two time travelers to the edge of a forest.
“There’s a residential area nearby.” Rose pointed out.
“The Wittebane cabin should be in there.” The Doctor said in response.
“Why are we checking a cabin?” She asked.
“‘Cause it’s thought to be a hot spot of weird things.” There and the old graveyard but that place was flooded so it was easier to check the cabin first. Honestly, he was doing Rose a favor.
“Do we really need to do this? Might not be anythin’ at all.”
As if to prove her wrong, a shriek emanated from the forest. It sounded young, and that was all the Doctor needed to know to start running. He didn't even bother to look if Rose was following him, he just ran.
The shriek led them to, what the Doctor was sure was, the Wittebane cabin. A large creature had cornered a child on the cabin steps. The child held a jagged stick in one hand and looked terrified.
“Rose!” The Doctor turned to his companion to see her bent down and picking up a rock.
“On it!” she told him.
The Doctor was on the move again. He was about halfway there when the rock flew by him and hit the creature. Rose must have a good arm because there was an audible thud and the creature reared back. The Doctor took his chance to scoop up the child and kept running. Rose would catch up to him, he was sure. He held the child to his chest, their chin resting on his shoulder.
He didn't know how long they ran for, only that he stopped when he came across another clearing near a small stream of water.
“Are you ok?” He asked as he put the kid down.
“Mhm.” The kid looked up at him in awe before seeming to analyze him. He took a chance to do the same to them.
He didn't trust his knowledge of human ages enough to guess but they were definitely young. They were tan-skinned with brown eyes and dark brown hair that went down to her shoulders. They wore a pink short-sleeved collared shirt with a blue overall skirt on top and a pair of muddy yellow rain boots. The child seemed fine with the exception of a small scrape on their right knee.
“Good. That’s good.” He sighed. The scrape might not have anything to do with the creature, could just be a consequence of them being young. The child stared into his eyes intensely.
“You looked like my Grandpa.” They said suddenly.
They said it so suddenly all the Doctor could do was let out a meek, “What?”
Because what? What did they mean he looked like their grandpa? That shouldn't have been possible, he hadn't even been thinking about the earth or a person when he regenerated into this face. No, he had been thinking of war, regrets, and how badly he never wanted another travesty on par with the Time War.
Sure, there was always that small possibility that there was a human out there that looked like any of his faces but running into their family was less likely. And the possibility percentage just kept lowering as he narrowed it down in time.
There was only one person out there who could recognize him as a grandfather, someone who’s mere mention of a thought of them could cheer him up, no matter how grumpy his face was. Susan, his actual granddaughter. Susan, who always seemed to recognize him.
But the Doctor wasn't even sure if Susan was still out there. Much like himself, Susan got called back to Gallifrey at the start of the Time War, and, even though he had tried his best to keep them away from her, she answered them. The last time he had seen her, in his 8th face, where she had been running from Daleks and he dropped her off on Kasterborous, was still during the war, before The Moment. He didn't know if she was still on Gallifrey, fighting in the front lines like himself, when he ended it all. By the end of the war, he was too scared to go look for her. If she had, could this young child be her? It wouldn't be surprising if she regenerated. They all did, eventually. But would she really have regenerated so young?
“Yeah,” the child continued as if she wasn't causing him an internal crisis, “you have the same look in your eyes that Grandpa has.”
“Oh.” The Doctor wasn't sure if he should be excited or disappointed. On one hand, they weren't Susan but on the other, they weren't Susan.
“I’m Luz.”
“I’m the Doctor.”
“Doctor who?”
The Doctor couldn't help but smile at that. Such a response never got old.
“Doctor!” Rose ran up to them and had to take a moment to catch her breath. “We need to get out of here, that thing wasn't too far behind me.”
The Doctor and Luz looked in the direction Rose came from and, sure enough, there was the creature. It stood at the edge of the clearing, glaring at them, but not moving.
“Why isn't it attacking?” He thought out loud.
“What?” Rose turned to look at the creature. “It's just standing there.”
“But why?” There was no reason as to why it wouldn't attack. The three were just standing there.
“Could we maybe figure that out somewhere away from the giant thing that wants to kill us?” Rose tried.
“I suppose.” No matter how much the Doctor wanted answers, there was a child with them. He couldn't put them at risk like that. He turned to Luz. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“But what about the monster?” Their voice wavered enough that he knew they were scared.
“Me ‘n’ Rose’ll take care of it. No need to worry.” The Doctor picked Luz up and help them to his hip.
“Yeah,” Rose chimed in, “we do this kind of stuff all the time.”
“Really?” Luz looked at them with child-like wonder.
“Yup! So you can go home, watch some telly and leave this to us!”
It was rather easy to get Luz back home after that.
It was when they had made it to her house that the thought occurred to Luz.
“What if it was protecting its home?” She asked, her keys left in the lock.
“What?” The blonde, Rose, looked confused.
“Yeah! Mami says that some animals react poorly to people in their home.” Luz snapped her fingers together. “She said they were terri- terr- terre-”
“Territorial?” The Doctor suggested as she struggled with the word.
She pointed at him. “Yeah, that!”
“That is a possibility.” The Doctor agreed.
“But then, what is it?” Rose crossed her arms.
“It definitely doesn't originate from Earth.” The Doctor said instead of answering.
“Like an alien?” Papi would be so jealous if it was and she saw it before him. He loved anything to do with space.
“Most likely.”
“Pretty mindless for an alien.” Rose quickly added, “Compared to the ones we’ve seen.”
“You've met aliens?!” Now she was a little jealous. Meeting aliens sounded so cool.
The Doctor chuckled at Luz and patted her head. “And you have too.”
“Oh, yeah.” She guessed if the creature was an alien, she technically had met an alien.
“As for the creature, it's likely around the same level as Earth’s wildlife.” The Doctor told Rose.
“Does that mean those animal cop people can take care of it?” Of course Luz didn't know if Gravesfield had those but they should, right?
“Ya mean Animal Control?” The Doctor asked and Luz nodded. “I doubt it. They dunno what it is.”
“Do you, Doctor?” Rose repeated.
He shook his head. “I've never seen a species like that.”
“Wouldn't be the first time.” The blonde sighed. “Can you figure out where its from? Like with the Slitheen?”
“Slitheen? Is that a kind of alien?”
“Maybe if we went over what we knew.” The Doctor shoved his hands into his pockets.
“If you're gonna do that now,” Luz turned the keys in the lock and opened the door, “would you like some chips?”
“God, I would love chips.” Rose gave a toothy smile.
Turned out Rose did not love chips, Luz found out as she dumped a few of the small chip bags Mami sometimes gave her for snacks.
“What are these?” Rose asked, sounding a little offended.
“Chips.” Luz took one of the bags for herself. She halfheartedly hoped that Mami wouldn't notice the two extra missing chip bags. She, also, really wasn't supposed to have people over without a family member there.
“These aren't chips.” She said, taking a bag and holding it out, as if Luz didn't know what was in her own house. “These are crisps.”
“What are crisps?” Luz asked genuinely.
"But those are chips."
Rose was about to say something when the Doctor raised a hand.
“Rose, remember, this is America. Crisps are chips here and chips are fries.” He took a bag as a light bulb turned on in Luz’s mind.
“Oh! You wanted fries? I’m pretty sure there’s some in the freezer I could make.” She then added after a moment. “But someone will have to turn on the oven. And put them in. and take them out. And turn the-”
“It's fine, Luz.” The Doctor patted her head. “The crisps work. Right, Rose?”
“Yeah, was just a bit confused.” The blonde gave an apologetic smile.
“Ok!” Luz opened her bag.
“So,” The Doctor put his bag back down, “what do we know?”
“It walks on all fours?” Luz tentatively offered, a chip in hand.
“Right, that narrows it down some.” The Doctor nodded. “What else?”
“It’s big.” Rose said. “Maybe the size of a bear?”
“Narrows it down. What else?”
“It's that terri-thingie.”
“Territorial.” The Doctor corrected. “Narrows it down. What else?”
“It's got wings.”
“Narrows it down.”
Luz looked into her chip bag. Only crumbs were left. She shrugged, lifted the bag to her mouth, and shook it.
“The face looks human.” Rose added.
“Narrows it down.”
“It’s light sensitive.” Luz flattened her now empty bag.
“What?” The Doctor straightened.
“How do you know that?” Rose asked.
“It’s eyes.” Luz grabbed some stray papers and a pencil that were used to make grocery lists. She made a quick drawing of the creature’s face the best she could. She filled in the eyes completely. “They're all black. Grandpa told me that animals with these kind of eyes are sensitive to lights, so they only come out at night or on really cloudy days.”
“Why does your grandpa know that?” Rose asked.
Luz shrugged. Neither Papi or Grandpa really ever explained how Grandpa came to know such things. Luz asked once about it and then didn't ever again when Grandpa got a far away look in his eyes.
“That’s really helpful, Luz.” The Doctor told her. “Maybe this way, we can deal with the creature without causing too much injury.”
They kept talking, trying to figure out where the creature came from, with varying success. They didn't have too much to work on, which according to the Doctor made it hard to really figure out where the creature came from. That being said, the Doctor was confident he had enough information to try and deal with the creature.
“So, what are we going to do now?” Luz dusted her hands after throwing away three empty chip bags.
“Me ‘n’ Rose are gonna deal with the creature and you stay here to watch some telly until your mum and dad come home.” The Doctor said firmly.
“But I can help!” Luz argued.
Rose bent down, so that she was eye level with Luz, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Look, Luz, what we do can get dangerous. And the Doctor just doesn't want you to get hurt.”
Luz huffed and crossed her arms. “I found it! I should be able to help you.”
“And you have!” Rose looked to the Doctor.
“If not for you, we wouldn't know about the eyes.” He told her. “And that alone is a massive detail that changed things.”
She pouted at them but stayed quiet.  Rose pulled her into a hug, which Luz returned despite her annoyance. It was nice. The blonde pulled away and gave her a smile. “Everything’ll be ok.”
“I know.” Luz tried to hide her resentment at that phrase. She had heard it a little too much recently.
The Doctor gave her shoulder a squeeze and then the two left. Luz watched as they made their way back into the woods and wished she could join them on their adventures. It would be a nice break from dull, boring Gravesfield. Then Luz remembered the blue box that was too small to comfortably hold two grown people. She barely waited before running out the door to act out her impulsive thoughts.
Luz made it to the box and took it in. It was a dark blue wooden box with dirty yellow windows. Near the top of the box was a black sign with ‘Police Public Call Box’ in white. The worn white sign on the left door with a bunch of stuff Luz really didn't care about. The most important thing was the ‘Pull to Open’ at the bottom of the sign.
She pulled the door open and had to blink. Luz stepped into the box and stopped about where the box would have ended. Unsure, she took another step, expecting to run into a wall or something. That didn't happen. Nothing stopped her.
“Magic box!” Luz gasped and ran around the room.
The best way Luz could describe the inside was, having a coral theme, with coral support beams. The walls were colored gold and had small hexagonal impressions. There was a raised platform in the room’s center with some kind of six-sided console filled with so many random devices Luz wasn't sure what to mess with first.
Luz had to smack her cheeks to bring herself back into focus. She came here because she wanted the Doctor and Rose to take her on an adventure, like what they denied her. She was sure the box belonged to them and so she’d use it to ambush them into taking her. To do that, she needed to hide.
Too bad Rose and the Doctor took longer than Luz originally thought. By the time they got back, Luz had fallen asleep in her hiding spot.
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dragonmaiden79 · 6 months
You say you're willing to write for a variety of fandoms and material, one being Greek mythology. Do you have any ideas you don't mind sharing?
@palettesofrenaissance I had to dig up this relic to respond to you. I had done a short writing in the past that was a bit of a crossover between Nigerian mythology and Greek mythology, wherein the Igbo Supreme Creator Goddess would be minding her business and Zeus would try... Well we all know how Zeus is, but yeah it backfired on him immensely. I've never posted or shared it anywhere and it's unedited (and Idk how old) so please disregard the typos, but here it is.
Zeus, Olisabuluwa
How The Heavens Split
It was a fatal mistake. One that the pantheon could only sit by and watch helplessly. Zeus was the God of Gods, champion of all... Yet and still wasn't prepared for her. Maybe it was his brashness or his ego and certainly his extreme lust and lack of self control that destroyed everything. Zeus just absolutely had to have her, but this time, it proved to be his downfall.
"Olisabuluwa". That was one of the names that they called her in her home world. She was ancient and all powerful, having birthed the Sun, the Moon, and the Universe that she came from. Having retired, she merely traveled and observed those in different universes for leisure now. It's a shame that the narcissistic hunger that composed Zeus's personality resulted in such raw nympholepsy that he didn't even note the power of what he thought was a normal woman.
She was beautiful and dark skinned, long, high-end fabrics conservatively shielding her body, and himation covering her head, her soft figure easily desirable by anyone's standards. She lived modestly in a small home made of brick far out in the countryside, with a pond and under an acre of farmland, just enough to sustain herself. She was ever reclusive, coming out only on the morning of the full moons to give away free goods to peasants and helots.
Zeus had spotted her beauty while disguised, in the midst of one of his other... Conquests. The woman whose home he was leaving was near to where merchants gathered to peddle their wares. On this day, Olisabuluwa had a 4 wheeled cart loaded with various food items and crops from her farm, pulled by a pair of oxen. As if her beauty and sun-loved skin wasn't enough to grab his attention, Zeus realized that she was from a foreign land by virtue of the small clay pots that she was giving away. They certainly weren't Greek and neither were most of the dishes contained within them. He should have been intrigued by that, if not alarmed as a God, that a foreigner of this nature had materialized seemingly over night and had been there for a few years without any of the Gods or Demigods knowing. But he wasn't.
He saw her then and approached, using his best, most handsome human form, introducing himself as Zeus. He complemented her gorgeous eyes-- the color of healthy earth and her hair-- appearing plush as a cloud, but to no avail. She firmly, but respectfully declined until she was forced to harshly demand that he leave her space.
It infuriated him to no end, not that she said no (He would have her regardless so that didn't matter), but that she was in his opinion, stupid enough to decline an immaculate and well-spoken God.
Zeus went on then, to disguise himself as a poor child, gathering information on the mysterious woman. He waited for the next full moon, disguising himself as an owl-- an animal considered to have her favor, and followed her out to her home amidst the plains of blue and white flowers of the open countryside. Were he not so ignorant and trapped in his own megalomania he would have noticed the blue flowers and recognized the symbolism of them and the wisdom of the owls to Olisabuluwa. Common knowledge across the different pantheons.
As she lit the flames of her outdoor lanterns for the night he attempted to attack her, swooping down from high in the sky in owl form and landing on top of her in the form of a man. She didn't scream or struggle, instead posing a question, "Are you certain of your choice?" He responded with using his mighty strength to tear away some of her clothing. He should have been concerned about her non-reaction, but he was too drunken on his own arousal.
Zeus motioned to violate her body and penetrate her, but it never came to fruition. Suddenly her eyes became like mirrors that reflected her own universe and the world shook on Atlas' back. Olisabuluwa's body dissolved into the form of this Universe and Zeus was swarmed by the energy of the cosmos themselves as reality fell away from him. He found the world shrinking in his view as she carried him faster than light further and further away from the human world. The pantheon watched in horror as Olisabuluwa crashed Zeus back into his place on his throne in the Heavens, releasing his God power into the mortal realm, before using her power as a Supreme Being to rend them apart.
The Heavens tore, completely apart from the human world and then again and again it was shredded into shards, tattering and dissolving into the rest of the Universe. The Greek gods were now separated from each other and their subjects. And one thing that was common knowledge about the Greek gods, was that they needed access to the worship of their mortals to survive.
Technically, the Heavens and such could be restored. But Olisabuluwa certainly would not be the one to do it. And as for Zeus. Zeus was dead. His power released upon his mortals that they may all wake up and be gods themselves. They soon will cease to rely on their pantheon.
If only Zeus were not so foolhardy. He would have known better than to execute his usual pattern of behavior and minded his targets. Instead, all of his home dimension must live with the folly of his ways.
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n7punk · 2 years
⚡️ tis me, lightning bolt fiend, here to second that my love for she ra and catradora has only increased since I discovered your fics (may 2021). realistically yeah maybe we’re a dwindling fandom but idk a single hoe here who doesn’t recognize you as the authority on all things she ra fic. Not going anywhere 😎
hey its Still The Episode, so this might be a bit rambley and incomprehensible, but its what i've got so lets go. also i know im piggybacking off this. im aware this is about to become a tangent.
first off: thank you <3 also for your other sweet message awhile ago i didnt respond to because i was nonverbal second: fandom doesn't and shouldn't have authorities, thats a daaaaangerous rabbithole. wouldn't want it to be me and we're all just here to have fun. i happen to be a pretty prolific author who's dug into metacanon some, but thats it. not trying to come down on you, ⚡️, just don't want to leave no disclaimer here and make it seem like i'm agreeing i do/should have authority on anything, unless by authority you just mean prolific producer, which like, im sure is what you're going for even if that's not what the phrasing implies, hence the disclaimer
thiiiiird, because this was spawned from a comment i made because of the ao3 thing, ive done more research into that when my brain was a little more solid earlier in the day, before it became the soup it is now. particularly this article, this reblog, this reblog, this reblog, and then this random shitty "article" that confirmed the 2019 cutoff date from the prev reblog (which was uncited), led me to conclude that it's probably fine to unlock my fics. my understanding is sudowrites is built off of GPT-3, which was trained off public access works and a web crawl which cut off in 2019. GPT-3 was a product of OpenAI. also there's some kind of "dont scrape this" flag the web crawl is Supposed to respect, and a discord comment says they already use that on the archive, but take that with a grain of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the reddit investigation reaaaaaally makes it seem like it was trained off fanfic as one of its datasets, i dont know how the hell you get those results if not, but its probably from stuff caught up in that webcrawl, which wasn't necessarily even from AO3, and it well and truly seems too late on that. i locked temporarily in case they were still actively scouring and not yet done getting everything off the archive, meaning some of my work conceivably hadn't been caught yet and could be "saved", but it looks like they stopped scouring before i started posting for she-ra LOL
also some people seem to be encountering a bug where fics that hadn't updated in years were pushed to the tops of their bookmarks as recently updated and they think that's related to this?? as far i know only a new chapter would change the publication date. i go back and edit my typos all the time: they remaind locked by the date the most recent chapter was initially posted. idk where people got that from.
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shjayd · 2 years
1st post not via iPhone 🤨
ok... i'm typing this from my laptop. i like you enough to download you to my laptop, Tumblr! 😉 i don't think i can even edit any of my font or anything, so that part sucks (if in reality i can't), so i'd say app via iPhone > Windows when it comes to you, #TUMBLR <- idk if that will even tag in the middle of my post/only at the end.
previous text complaint: taken back
it's time to get this started ⌚ i heard about you from the Netflix true-crime documentary, Hotel Cecil or w/e, & the thought of posting my thoughts like a social journal (among some other things I've ran across or made self - i like to do calligraphy and hand lettering. i've became creative AFTER getting clean AFTER getting pregnant with my daughter. i always was, i guess the drugs took that part of my imagination away? i'm also obsessed with astrology. if you ask me, i'm a professional astrologer 🔮🌙✨..��🫤😤
Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, and Rising Gemini... i know. a SCARY, yet BEAUTIFUL mEsS. ❤️‍🩹 i'm also very educated in mental health. from personally, to genetics, family and friends, to past work experience. i was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) after my HORRIFYING encounter with Post-Partum Depression, PPD, (although i've most likely suffered from my BPD since a very young age. my mother and brothers who lived with me all of my life would agree). i just never took, nor wanted to take, what my mom and family dr. told me a/b therapists & referrals to psychiatrists anywhere near serious. i honestly thought everyone felt/acted the way i did with both my lowest of lows & highest of highs 🤯… to me, it was always “this is what everyone has to go through. this is life. this is life… everyday”.
i'm a twin, my mother & i are as close as they come (it’s scary b/c I know she won’t be here forever, & both my daughter i I NEED her. forever). her EVER leaving us is another thing I refuse to even think a/b. NEXT SUBJECT;
yes, DADDY ISSUES 🙄 i was the wildest teenager into my late 20s. that was all until i FINALLY realized my self-worth & left my toxic, to say the LEAST, ex-gf, FOR GOOD, & ended up with my life-long best friend's brother, who i've been close, actually very close with, ever since i met his sister when we were ~10-years-old. he saved me. then our daughter came at the most perfect time to save us, as we started to go down that path holding hands. i'm DEF. not going to go into depth, y'all would drown, if you haven’t already.
*the specifics are overrated with no existing relevant meanings here*
i've been on this Earth for ✨almost✨ thirty whole fucking years. yes, i typed out the word, b/c I now have this BURSTING animosity for the number 3, however, 4 is mine. my best best friend is a 2-year-old, teeny chonk, only 2 years old, more dramatic than me, sassy-ass, genius COVID baby. (she was conceived in 2019, so, that was... a.. normal different?) she's 28, ✨ALMOST✨ 29-months-old. her name isn't important, so I'll just refer to her as 'quack'.. 🦆
we live together with her daddy - minez first 🏃🏼‍♀️🥇😂 - my other best friend. (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃) •i also enjoy: "adult" coloring books, THC, journaling, Amazon Prime, the little things, elephants, my vape, bullet journaling, bellly laughing, my dishwasher, baby clothes, wood-burning, doodling, Hulu, ACKNOWLEDGMENT, roses WITH sunflowers 🌹🌻, ORCHIDS, my desk, ear-buds, Aaron Hernandez, my little space on earth instead of the internet - my desk & sketchbook, & ANYTHING organizational/cleaning... •i dislike: Scorpios, fantasy movies/series like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones - sorry, not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ - shitty parents, mornings, Karens, uppers, Instagram, judgmental humans, my fingernails when they aren't done, & typos. I have a love/hate relationship with Pisces, both male & female 🐠 i'm as blunt & unfiltered as they come. oh, & you can't hurt my feelings (a big s/o to my past traumas). i'm.. an opened, closed book... if that makes any sense to you? now go ahead & try to break down my walls to get to know the real me! i’m the best friend you could ever have! 🤞🏼😸🥳 OKAY! that's enough for now. follow me, & let's get to learn more about e/o & our little spaces on the internet. if you've made it this far 🙂 i'm going to stfu now. (didn’t lie a/b a thing. told you i tend to start rambling. bad.)
• i want to leave you all something pretty to look @ as a preview of what this journey entails💭
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