#idk if i'm gonna anythign else
simgerale · 2 years
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Ninjago characters as things my friends and me have genuinely said:
Jay: Sounds like jazz, not good jazz, but still jazz!
Pixal: Women are just way prettier to look at then men, that's just a fact
Zane: Don't smoke the French fry
Kai: You can smoke anythign if you try hard enoug
Lloyd: Capitalism over trans rights?! Kai: THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID Lloyd: And to think we were friends Kai: TIS IS GASLIGHTING
Nya: Just be both have a dagger under your dress, or a machete if it's poofy enough
Lloyd: I was so surprised I dropped my apple slice!
Cole: I can't eat oranges but I can chuck them *distant sounds of screaming*
Master Wu: Yeah he was a sinner and not a god cause he was probably my twin brother
Nya: This is why we cant have nice things! Kai: You punched me first! (this was me and my sister btw)
Cole: I'm shaking my leg not because I'm nervous but because I'm charging up, this is potential energy about to become kinetic!
Zane/Pixal: If I'm one in a million than statistically there should be at least 13 more of me and we'd all be telling you to SHUT UP
Lloyd: The only thing that can save me now is some GOD DANG CHERRY KOOLAID Jay: Or death Lloyd: That works too
All the Ninja @ master Wu: Please don't come up with lore for the crickets
My quotes book is bursting at the seems I have way more of these y'all and this is the kind of stuff I'm not to burnt out to work on RN, you'll be getting either Lloyd or Zane's Vouge cover next just prefacing this now: you're never getting one of Kai period end of discussion I can't draw his hair for the life of me so unless I can figure out something else that will look good Kai is being left OUT of my roster, as much as I want to draw flame man in a bright red sequined suit IDK how to draw his hair! Uh also I may or may not do Jay, it really depends on if I can get a pose I like for him cause like I have idea's for his outfit and yes it does include sheer shirts and neon! anyway Nya's vouge cover is gonna be absolute FIRE if I can get the pose right cause who like a lady with muscles!
Anyway Love y'all thanks for reading!
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strawberryezpls · 6 months
why will i always feel like this?
I literally hate everything and I understand why i wanted to kill myself so bad whenever i did (back in may lol) ummmmmmmmm this time around of the year is lwokey a little bit triggering because i was just depressed as fuck! and why is my mom making me give my father money for my own good(like a charity) when i don't see or even heard of them doing that to my grandparents like ever? and it doesn't look like it ever did them any good. I graudte from community college this year and i can finally go live in he dorms WHICH IS A ECCESITy cuz if im not living in the dorms im still not living at home. It actally crazy how i have zero support from my family at all. Like they all tell me to study hard and get good grades and blah blah but it's like once I try "oh why aren't you helping around the house" and its not a good feeling. Omg and I think i have autism like for real, or something cuz i have all the traits and i would just be a high level of mask. or am i just overlooked and im not realling masking i'm just brushed off as that's just me. imagine it really is just me. I also don't feel like living for anythign rightnow. I did see nicki minaj yesterday which was ENLIGHTENING she was like 2 hours late but idc and i somehow didn't get caught hehehehhe. um i have to get my wisdom tooth out in like 3 weeks and my finals are almost over. Omg that bullshit about me waiting for the right guy bitch I went right back to the guy i left for the clairty of my mind. and then we've been together ever since. But here's the thing he said hes observing now bc of the way we handle arguments. Like shouldn't you know what you want and how you want it. idk sometimes i feel like im being used and i don't understand how why he even wants me around i feel like i don't do anything for him at least emotionsally or mentally or like what i'm supposed to be. Which like i was fine with being in a sort of situationship with him since january but i think since we wenton our first one on one date a little after valentines that we would be together together but i guess not. And i don't really want to be with a amn now that's like im observing bc of the way we agrue which is like whatever. also wtf is knock knock ginger? sorry i'm listening to a podcast. omgi think being in ramadan which i s gonna sound sad and probably wrong for a moment but bare with me. like everytime Ramadan comes around i just don't feel good bc i feel like i was taught islam wrong like i just don't believe everything or anything someone from my country is saying abt it spefically my dad. like it just gets me so angy bc i could've been those girls who love their religion and I wanna do that but I want there to be people who als understand me and shit. I really love how im college educated but you would think 9 year odl wrote this pls. speaking of idk how imma do it living with a random person like i don't evn like living with someone else, like i love my bed yall. i also need a car with a door handle and the bumper not falling apart. I also wanna be boy free for a while bc it's just something abt it yk. I also don't trust anything anyone is saying and everything everyone says no matter who it is is annoying as fuck and they need to stop talking and im talking abt people who i don't even know too. Like why is everyone annoying all of a sudden b4 i didn't feel like that. wait it priobanyl bc i have to fucking be sober for the next month. saye but at least i get to turn up on my birthday I think. idk i'm scaed to smoke too early ater my surgery. which speaking of i NEED to do something fun and i need tolook good on my birthday like fr. Like i would want to do something even by myself just because i deserve it but my parents be pocket watching me like its not my money. anyways i really wanna get my lashes and nails done really bad. I think I'll just buy a wig and wear it that day and then i could get my own outfit yk. I literally cannot wait broooooo I don't know where imma be eating and whos ocming and whos not yk but yeaaaaaaa. I got too many people who would overlap and i don't want to
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hariboowrites · 6 years
IW coda (2/2)
She pops out on the ashes of a battlefield and realises her mistake.
“Halt!” She hears and wince. No, now she realises her mistake.
“Fuck,” Jane mutters, spinning in place, her hands up, as she comes face to face with Wakandan soldiers. They’re all pointing their spears at her and Jane yelps. “Sorry! I’m human! I’m— I’m Dr. Jane Foster. Your princess invited me here?”
The soldiers raise their eyebrows, unbelieving, and Jane can’t fault them. She only met Princess Shuri once at one of Jane’s lectures in Brussels not long after Wakanda opened itself to the world. She had handed Jane a very cool touch screen business card that Jane had tried to reverse engineer for about a month. She hadn’t manage.
I should have called first, Jane thinks, but the words that come out of her mouth are: “I have this!” And she digs into one of her jacket pockets and pulls out the card in question. Swiping her fingers across the screen, an image emerges from it with Princess Shuri’s face.
“Dr. Foster, I’d love to speak more with you about your Foster Theory. Please feel free to get in contact with me when your schedule allows. The details will be on the card. Bye!”
They look at each other, sigh, and lowered their spears.
Jane grins.
And this is why she never empties her pockets, Darcy.
In front of them the remaining ruling body of Wakanda are holding court with Rogers and Colonel Rhodes. Rhodes has just taken a call with Queen Regent Romanda and the remaining world council. Less than half of them remain; General Ross is gone. Thor watched as Bruce twisted his fingers together and mouthed a name. His hands fisted on his trousers. Natasha’s eyes flicked towards him. The name had not been Natasha’s. Thor knows little about what was happening between them as when he was last on Midgard he had been splitting his time between New York and where Jane was.
Her memory burns deeply in him. Her home based had moved from London to Edinburgh not long after Convergence, but institutions around the world were constantly calling her to work with them. It had been an interesting way to see the world. The thought brings a sharp ache in his heart. When he left they had been on tense but good terms despite what he implied to Loki, but he lost Jane too. Maybe more fully than he ever allowed himself to think. She could be gone now, like half the world, like half the universe, and every time he let his thoughts stray that way, he has to stop himself.
As Her Majesty and Rhodes continue their meeting with various world leaders, Queen Romanda offers Wakanda’s assistance. Her son was King until an hour ago, as he’s come to understand, and now she stands, straight backed, eyes wise, and heart most certainly broken. Thor tries not think of his mother, tries not think of how she looked after Loki’s first death. He thinks about he’s selfishly glad she did not have to live through his following two and Father’s. Or how she would have felt about Hela’s return. He can’t think on that, not now, not when Thanos lives and half the universe is gone. M’baku stands next to the Queen as she and Rhodes coordinate to bring Midgard back into balance. Families are gone, friends are gone, but so are many world leader and their governing bodies. In the aftermath, shock will reign, but once things settle down… good people have remained, but so have greedy and cruel people. Thanos did not better the universe, he only created instability in an already finely balanced scale. He did not understand. Thor only understands now as he watches the ashes fall.
Soon, he leaves the meeting room with Rogers, Romanoff, Banner, Rocket, Princess Shuri, and her guard. They follow the Princess, her eyes still red rimmed and pulling at Thor’s heartstrings, to her lab.  Rocket clambers up Thor’s cape and settles quiet on his shoulder. Thor allows him. No father should lose his son. Once they reach the lab, he jumps down and curls up by a window. The Wakandans look at the talking racoon with wide eyes, but easy acceptance. The world they lived in now was not one were you could dismissed an ally, strange, small, and angry as they might be.
Rogers and Romanoff stand near each other. Okoye does not move more than five feet from the princess’ side. Banner hovers and paces across the room. At one point Natasha’s phone beeped and she looked down to it before moving to talk to Okoye about something.
So even now, in a room with allies and friends, Thor feels so completely alone. Useless in a way he never has before. Strombreaker pulses differently in his hand than Mljonir did. It harnesses his power differently, requires more from him. He guesses it’s a good thing that in the last fortnight his powers have been raging high within him.
Speaking off, he feels them now. Bubbling under his fingertips. He clenches his hand, fingernails biting into his skin. Thinking of home and Loki and Jane has not done any good to his temperament. He tries to think of Krog and Valkyrie and the remaining Asgardians who made it off the ship. He hopes they’ve found safe harbour. He hopes that with Asgard already gone, it’s population already halved by Thanos, the universe was kind to them and spared them all. Asgard indeed lives in the heart of its people, but if there are no people to keep its beat alive the Asgard is truly gone. The thought makes him hate Thanos more than he thought possible, it makes him hate Hela who if not for all the secrets in his family he may have loved. Something dark and bitter in him thinks they would have been well suited to each other. Goddess of Death and the warlord who courted it.
“Thor? Thor?”
Snapping back to the present, Thor turns. Rogers looks at him with kind, understanding eyes. Thor straightens. The captain’s empathy always shines clear in this eyes.  “I am sorry, my mind drifted away from me.”
He nods, “It’s okay. We were just wondering… can you get us to Thanos?”
Thor considers this. He lifts Strombreaker. “I do not have Heimdall’s power of Sight across the universe. I cannot find someone who is where I don’t know, but I can get us off planet should we need to.”
Banner makes his turn around the room. “We have to find Tony too… I mean, if he’s—“
“We’ll find him,” Rogers says. Thor wishes he could sound as confident as him. Everything in him is struggling to keep it together. “And then we’ll find Thanos—“ The name sparks new anger in him, his fingers light up.
Everyone looks at him. Rocket lifts his head for the first time in a while. “You okay, big guy?”
Thor nods. He is not, but he has to be.
He has to be.
“You sure—“
His fingers spark.
Natasha gets cut off as a pair of guards enter the room.
“Okoye, Princess, there is a woman who—“
Jane’s voice rings out and everything inside him stops. His focus narrows on her and her face as she turns the corner. She pushes past the guards that were flanking her and rushes across the room to him. He notes they go and stop her, and tenses, ready to intervene, but Okoye catches their eye and nods at them. They stand down.
It’s the most natural thing in the world to catch her in his arms and wrap his arms around her. His power immediately settles back into his skin at the feel of her weight under his hands. Jane’s arms are tight around his neck and he clutches her, her feet skimming off the ground. If she feels the remainder of the sparks in his fingers she says nothing; she’s familiar with the edges of his power anyway. He can feel the whisper of his name against his neck. How her body relaxes into his, her relief physical. His own body echoes it. The tightness in chest diminishes slightly. He buries his face in her hair for a second before pulling back to look into her eyes.
They are familiar and shining. He lifts one hand from her waist to wipe at the corner of her eyes.
“Jane,” he says. The first word in days that does not bring him pain.
Her fingers smooth through his hair. She closes her eyes for a beat. “You’re okay, you’re okay....” she mutters and looks into his eyes. “Your hair...” her eyes narrow and she touches his right eye and he knows she sees the difference in their colour. “Your...” He shakes his head. Not here, but now. She gives him a familiar sigh as her fingers skim his jaw. They’ll be talking about it later.
Jane leans back, her touch soft. He wants to lean into it further. He loosens his hold enough to let her touch the ground despite that everything in him wants to pull her in closer.
“Thor, what happened?” she asks, voice steady, but scared. “I was in Cape Town on the phone with Darcy when she... then other people around me— My mom didn’t answer the phone. Neither did Sif.” And while that surprises Thor, but there’s no time to dwell on his friend and the flash of pain in his heart when he remembers Heimdall’s sacrifice. “What happened?” Her voice breaks. “What happened?”
Thor hates he’s the one that has to tell her he failed, but she deserves to hear it from him.
“Thanos got the stones. We— I was too late,” he says. The name creating a new spark of pain in him. Jane looks at him and grabs his hand. She squeezes his fingers and slips them between her own. Thor grips her like a lifeline. He is surprised at how much her touch settles him still.
“It wasn’t your fault, Thor,” Rogers cuts in, reminding Thor they are not alone. Jane turns to face him. Steve smiles at her. “Hi, Jane.”
Thor takes a deep breath. Rogers is wrong, but it’s not the time for that. “Let us all talk,” he says instead.
Jane nods, shifting to stand at his side, as she looks across the room. As soon as she see Shuri, she blushes.
“I’m so sorry, Princess. I used this to get your guards to let me in,” and she pulls out a very small electronic card.
Princess Shuri smiles. “It’s alright, Dr. Foster. It is why I gave it to you. Though I thought you would call first, but under the circumstances I understand why you didn’t.”
Jane shrugs . “Yeah, sorry. It was rude, I know.” She turns to their friends. “Hi, guys.”
“I just got your message,” Romanoff says with a small smile. “A little more warning would have been nice. How did you get here so fast?”
“I’ll explain in a second. Hey, Bruce.” She reaches out to Banner, who steps up and gives her a slightly awkward hug since she’s still holding Thor’s hand. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
Banner grins; his first since Thor landed on Earth. “Hi, Jane. It’s good to see you, too.”
She snorts. “Understatement of the year. Catch me up?” She steps forward, tugging on Thor’s hand as she moves. Thor walks towards Princess Shuri with her. He doesn’t want to let go of her hand and thankfully Jane is not forcing the matter. As they fill Jane in on what’s happened in the last few days across the universe, Thor and Banner add in what happened on Sakaar and Asgard. Jane starts when he skims over what happened to Asgard and Heimdall and even Loki. She meets his eyes and while she says nothing he can see how her entire body sags, how her eyes mist, and she chokes back a sob at what she sees in his gaze. Her grip on his hand tightens and she presses her forehead to his bicep. He feels her lips brush his skin in silent comfort. They have too much to talk about. Banner, a good friend, better than Thor had thought a week ago, covers for them and quickly starts to explain what he knows of Stark, trapped somewhere in space. It gives Thor time to regroup before he adds in the facts of his journey these last few days. Rocket adds his own colourful commentary as Thor explains the creation of his axe. Jane to her credit only blinks at the talking raccoon.
“And is Eitri alright? Is Nidavellir still working?” she asks. He had almost forgotten he had taken there once to meet Eitri. How she had studied Nidavellir, how she wore a piece forged from there on her person, still. He can feel it against his palm.
Thor nods, catching the glint in Jane’s eye. “He does. Do you need his help?”
Jane hums. “Maybe later…” she says, pulling her bag closer to her. She turns to Rogers and Rhodes, who came into the room as they explained the situation to Jane, “So first thing first. You guys wanna find Tony, I mean, if he’s still—“
“Thor can get us into space,” starts Rogers. “His ham—his axe brought him here, didn’t it?”
“It did,” he affirms, quietly enjoying how Jane’s eyes light up at the fact. That she is still here, that her eyes still brighten at the science of Asgard, that her mind still looks for answers to reach the stars allows him to feel normal for the first time in days.
Turning to Rogers, he explains just how calling the Bifrost with his axe works. “But only if I know the location. It’s why I could get here. I do not have Heimdall’s power to look through the stars and locate a person in a place unknown. I require previous knowledge of the location. I cannot just call the Bifrost across the universe if I don’t know where I’m going even if I know who I’m looking for. Once I get closer to a location I can guide it better, but first I need to know the place I’m aiming for. But Jane, you can, can you not?”
Jane looks at him and bites her lip. The warm flare of affection and attraction at that familiar gesture makes Thor grin. He knows that look well. She can. He could kiss her. It surprises him how much he wants to right now.
“Not yet,” she says. Reaching in her pocket she pulls out a small device. “Tony helped me with some of the nanotech and the arc reactor, and I can now make the portals I used during Convergence to get around the planet. I didn’t want anyone to know I had the technology yet, it’s still mostly untested, and not as stable as I want it to be.” She swallows, her eyes flicking away from him. “I still get some vertigo if I go across the planet, but that’s what I was hoping Princess Shuri would help me with,” she says, turning to the princess. “Except now I think we might need to try to get a bit further than North America?”
At her words, Princess Shuri grins, her eyes (still a bit puffy form her earlier tears) crinkle from her smile. “Oh yes,” she moves across the room and holds her hands out for Jane’s device. Jane hands it over easily. “I think I can definitely help with that, Dr. Foster!” She pops the device under a Wakandan scanner and starts moving around her lab. Okoye gives a grateful look at Jane as she looks over her charge. Banner moves closer and eagerly listens to the princess explain Jane’s device and her idea to help boost Jane’s portals to span the universe. Rogers and Natasha walk over to Okoye and Thor knows they’re about to beginning planning what they’ll do next once the princess and Jane get the device to work. Thor knows he should go over to them, and he will, soon, but right now Jane is still by his side. She’s standing next him, her hand still in his, her eyes on the princess and her device, and soul intact.
Thor will move. He will plan with his friends, he will avenge his brother and the universe. They will fix this somehow, but for now, for this moment, Jane is here. He thinks about he told Rocket on the way to Nidavellir. What more do I have to lose? Glancing at Jane, he realises is not willing to find out. He did not know what he had still, but now he does.
She must feel him looking at her and glances up at him. “Hey, you okay?”
He nods, and it feels true. “Better now that you’re here.” He lifts their joined hands and kisses her fingers.
She laughs, reaching up to cup his jaw and raises herself up on her tiptoes. Her lips brush against his cheek. “Same, you know. I didn’t think I’d— I’m… I feel better when you’re around.” Grabbing her bag, she nods her head toward the corner of her lab. “By the way, I have something else to tell you. I might have gone to Norway a month ago when I saw some Bifrost readings there.”
Thor lifts his brow, curious. Jane hands the bag to him and he pauses at the weight in it. He looks at her and realises she’s been holding it with easy for some time. Her eyes meet him and she grins.
“Surprise,” she says, eyes bright and Thor feels hope again.
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crossedwithblue · 2 years
interesting that my post on the cross-stitch subreddit about supporting the Etsy strike was removed... by a mod who is a very successful Etsy seller who is NOT participating in the strikes at all
(cross stitch peeps, i am tagging it as such in case anyone has insights, but please don't reblog, i really don't want drama. please do reblog the other posts you see about etsy strikes tho, and if you can think of some way to make it ~relevant~ for the subreddit, please do lmk and i'll try again)
idk im just like. our hobby seems so innocuous and harmless in every possible way but nothing exists in a sociopolitical vacuum and it's disingenuous to pretend that isn't the case. things that affect our small business owners are important to the entire community.
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rcyharper · 3 years
every day i come on here and see an essay from the lobdell guy in my inbox
#i turned off anon 3 days ago so they submitted a post today lmao. turning that off too i guess#not going to answer this bc it's gonna make it look i was saying what they said#but since they're seeing this i'll jsut say: most of what you're saying is wrong. again.#idk why you keep saying chatting so much rubbish just bc i left 4 years (not 10 like you keep insisting) out of a reading guide#and people aren't 'misblaming' the rhato era for anything lmao. it deserves what it got. rise of arsenal and the destruction of roy beforeha#beforehand has its own completely seperate criticisms and failures that are vastly different to rhato#also you will never convince me that 'people' are right to be pissed about my guide#1) bc i'm 99% certain it's literally jsut one person in my inbox this past week. im sure others are pissed but i'm like. certainly getting h#harassed by just you lmao#2) it's a reading guide.... that i. a random tumblr user. made.....#idk why you're taking it so seriously and misconstruting facts#and trying to cancel me for..... erasing scott lobdell's work#it doesnt matter how long rhato was and how many issues roy was in it#it was meaningless. utterly impactless. him wearing a cap in other appearances will never change that#it never was and never will be seen as the great important comic you want it to be. it was nothing more than an excuse to try to make jason#look cool and edgy by having his own team of edgy 'anti-heroes' that are so rebellious and don't follow the rules and follow their cool lead#leader with his cool guns#and people like you bought it up because that's all there ever was to it. no good writing. no nuance. just jason looking cool being the best#who cares about anythign else?#anyway i keep telling myself i won't react badly every time and then reply with an essay myself </3#they were complaining in someone's inbox yesterday that i was reacting angrily and badly or smthn.... even though they've been pissed in my#inbox... over a reading guide.... for a week
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espy-heart · 3 years
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i found a cute sketch i did a few years ago. thought it'd be a good idea to finish it.
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childeapologist · 3 years
Ohhh mannn!! Yea is definitely fun to play! LOL I actually finished up Raiden’s boss with coop and it was actually really fun lol Idk I was initially so terrified to do it by myself and worried a lot but I made some more new friends during that coop so I’m actually glad for it lol I mean it should be illegal with that health but yeah
Lol so funny sorry but I’ve been puling on the banner to get Fischl and holy crap, I’ve been getting more Diona and thoma cons then anythign else!!! ughhh i love thoma but i dont have good artifacts for him since i moved it all for bennett lol OH but no anyway lemme continue so after like 70+ wishes, i got somethign gold and im like sorta annoyed lol I didnt know who it was so I wanted to lose 50/50 so I can get a guarantee for Raiden…. i got yae D: lol I mean im glad but like… dammit raiden… AND AYATO LOOKS SO COOL UGHH
this sucks pfft. but on a more positive note, i got an IRL friend to start playing genshin lol Have you seen the ayato leaks? HE LOOKS SO ELEGANT PLS LEMME BE RICH ENOUGH FOR RAIDEN AND AYATO SMH
I just finally did the real version of the boss today and I agree, it's not as bad as I thought it would be! The big attacks in that crazy looking form are pretty slow, and the mechanism that stops the slashy slash is easy to activate. The health is nothing for my Itto, and I would imagine it's not so bad in co-op either with more characters on the field at once!
Hahaha I'm jealous of your Thoma cons. I'm happy with my c1 though, it's already made my rotations so much easier. At least you have Yae now and there's definitely still a chance you'll get Raiden! I believe! Soo many primos in this Enkanomiya event o.o But yeah it would have been nice to get the guarantee. I resist pulling a bunch of times unless I really want the featured character for this reason, you never know when you may see the 5* and win the 50/50. Always have the best luck when you aren't trying for the 5* 😩
I have seen those Ayato leaks and I'm so excited ahhh. His burst animation looks so good! I can't wait to look at him all day when I have him 💙 If the field created by his burst really buffs attack speed like they say I'm gonna love him with childe so much! I think they will make a fantastic electrocharged team, which makes me very sad to skip Raiden! Beidou will have their backs, though.
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