#idk if this added any challenge to the experience but i’m gonna pretend that it did. cuz again octopath is all about feeling like the
mayordeas-clone · 7 months
sorry folks more ‘gushing about octopath’ posting
something i really like about octopath (both mainline entries) is how it’s very ‘work smarter not harder’ when it comes to overcoming challenges, particularly its boss fights (which are imo the best parts of the whole experience). you’re encouraged to learn from your mistakes and rethink your approach rather than just be put to work grinding your party. it helps that octopath is one of those games that actually lets you debuff big bosses and inflict basic status effects like poison on them (those can really tip the scales and you should absolutely do them!).
imo there’s absolutely no point in the main traveler stories where you have to grind for a fight (grinding to be a high enough level to do certain path actions to progress the story is a different case). in fact i think the ‘recommended level’ that’s attached to each story chapter is complete nonsense that can be mostly ignored.
i’ve had a sneaking suspicion that those levels are intentionally inflated in order to give players who rush in way below that threshold that sweet underdog glory when they beat a challenge the game advised they were too low level for. that’s another part about octopath that i like so much. you can (and should) barrel into the next story chapter with your party members (sans your exp hogging leader) 5-8 levels below the recommended to both not waste your time on grinding and also to challenge yourself and your battle strategies just a little more. spice of life, baby!!
so it always disappoints me whenever i see people (namely on reddit when i scrolled there when the first octopath was all that there was) despair over not being a high enough level or thinking they need to grind to meet these recommended levels that are a huge jump from how their team currently is. no!!! stop!!!! you don’t need to grind stop!!
(maybe you need to grind for Three bosses in the endgame. but before then you definitely don’t need to)
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chiliiscereal · 4 years
Here’s your GIF for the writing challenge!
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Prompt: “I thought I’d find you out here.”
Good luck and thanks for participating!💛
Thanks for responding @crossbowking !!
I’ll do my best :D
Setting: right after The bridge is exploded by Rick
Pairing: Daryl x Grimes! reader because... fun lol idk he’s supposed to be helping Ricks kid by stepping up as a sort of parental guardian figure cause I’m a sucker for it. I just love family bonding haha. Also adding in when Henry and Carol visit Daryl for funsies
Summary: reader notices Daryl trying to close himself off and ends up following him into the woods before he takes off on his own.
Type: angst but also fluff
Your dad was gone.
Just like that.
He was gone, Carl was gone, and so was the bridge that he thought would bring the Alexandrians and Saviors together.
That day was the first time you’d seen your dads best friend cry. Unfortunately, Daryl was gone before you could even talk to him. He’d walked into the woods. Alone.
You thought you’d give him some time. Everyone needed to grieve after all, and you knew Daryl did that best by himself. That’s what he did when Merle died.
But you weren’t that kind of person. You needed to be with people. You needed to feel less alone or else you’d crumble. Michonne was nowhere to be found. She’d been a good mother figure, but right now you had no idea which direction she even went in.
So you went out into the woods after Daryl when he didn’t come back two days later.
If Michonne were there she’d have stopped you and said you were too young to go out alone.
But your dad was dead and his brother was missing. So you went ahead anyway.
You walked quietly along the crunchy forest floor to where your dad had that work site set up. Maybe he’d be there. Wasn’t that where he last saw your father before things went south?
You were answered when you saw the light of a small fire illuminating the small bit of forest.
There sat the man himself, smoking a cigarette.
He scared you when you first met him. He’d been sitting at the fire with his brother much like how he was doing it now. Being only seven at the time, you thought he would be terrifying.
But he was the one who brought you home to your dad when you and Sophia got lost in the woods. He was there when you and Beth had lost the prison. He always made sure you returned safely to your family, taking on the role of almost an uncle.
He’d seemed so strong then.
Now he just looked... broken.
“I knew I’d find you here.” You said quietly, catching his attention.
He drifted his gaze back to the fire quietly. “Ya ‘sposed ta be our here alone?”
You shrugged and sat down next to him. “Beats being alone back home. I can’t find Michonne, and Rosita’s taking care of Judith.”
You had no idea what else you should say. Should you just bring up your dad right away? Ease into the tough conversation? Ignore it completely?
Daryl said nothing.
“I guess Judith and I are the last of the Grimes family.” You pulled your knees to your chest, waiting to see if the man would respond.
“What do we do now?” You tried again. Maybe he’d react to a question.
Absolutely nothing again.
You turned to watch him, noticing the tears he was trying to hide by swiping them away quickly.
“It’s okay to miss him.” You told him softly. “He was your brother. You don’t need to hide your sadness.”
He glanced at you but still stayed quiet.
“Are you gonna close yourself off again?” You couldn’t help but blurt it out. “Because we can’t lose anymore family, okay? You have to be here with us or I don’t know how we’re gonna survive.”
He nodded softly. “I know.” He said, voice coming out raspy.
“Then why won’t you say anything? Or look at me?” Tears rolled down your face.
Finally, he managed to tear his eyes away from the fire. “Cause ya look so damn much like your father. Every time I see ya I see him blowin’ up that damn bridge.” He looked up at the sky, trying to blink away his tears.
“So you’re just gonna pretend I’m not even here?” You crossed your arms. “Everyone in Alexandria needs you. Judith needs you! Michonne needs you! I need you! I lost almost all of my family already! Don’t make me lose you as well!” Tears fell faster and faster down your face.
He pulled you into a hug quickly. “m’sorry, kid.”
You wrapped your arms around him as well. “Please don’t leave us! I don’t think I can take losing any more people!”
“Shit, kid, I ain’t even made sure yer alright. Even after yer old man...” he tightened his grip. “And yer brother... and mom...”
“We’re a broken family. I know. Just... don’t break it anymore than it already is?” You pleaded.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back, kid.”
“Then let me come with you!” You released him. “I know you’re trying to find my dad and see if he’s not actually dead! Or at least to find his body!”
“I can’t-.”
“Please. I need this just as much as you do.”
“Michonne would kill me.”
“Michonne left me alone in Alexandria. I think this would be fine by her.”
He glanced back at the fire, stuck in thought. “Fine.” He leaned back and draped his arm over your small shoulders, bringing you in for a side hug. “As long as ya do as I say, and listen ta me... you can come help me look for ya old man.”
You gave him a small grin. “Okay, deal.”
One day turned into a week.
One week turned into a month.
One month turned into a year.
One year turned into five.
In that time neither of you found your dads body. You travelled all over, occasionally returning to keep in touch with the rest of your family.
You found a dog while you’d been out, and Daryl had taken to just calling it ‘dog’. You tried giving it a proper name but the older man even caught YOU calling it ‘dog’.
Michonne had been fine when you returned to gather more supplies. She thought it’d be good that Daryl would take care of someone else. After all, making sure you ate well and were safe meant that he had to eat well and stay safe.
Your little sister got bigger and bigger every day. Every time you saw her she knew more and more words.
You and Daryl has both fallen into a rhythm.
Wake up.
Look for Rick.
Set new camp.
Visit Alexandria when given the chance.
Soon enough someone came along and messed up that rhythm.
Carol and some blonde boy.
A cute blonde boy.
Although, from what you could tell, he was a bit of an idiot.
“Would you mind if we stayed here before heading out to Woodbury again?” Carol asked, hand on the boys shoulder.
“‘Course.” Daryl nodded, wrapping the woman up in a hug. “Ain’t ever gonna tell you ya can’t stay.”
You watched the younger boys face carefully. He seemed... confused. Did Carol not tell him who Daryl was? Or who you were?
You walked over to Carol and pushed Daryl out of the way. “Stop hogging Carol! It’s my turn.” The man scoffed as you pulled the grey haired woman into your arms. “It’s good to see you again.”
She chuckled. “It’s good to see you again as well!” She pulled away and examined you. “You’ve gotten so big!”
“And your hairs gotten so long!” You laughed, holding it in your fingers. “I like it. It’s better than when you had buzzed hair.”
“Mom, you had buzzed hair?” The blond boy asked, eyes wide.
Your eyes went wide to. “‘Mom’? Did he just call you ‘mom’?”
She nodded. “This is Henry.” She waved him closer. “He’s going to Woodbury to train in becoming a blacksmith!”
Your heart panged a bit, almost feeling as if Carol had forgotten Sophia. “That’s... that’s great for you.” You nodded and tried to convince yourself it WAS great for her. “I’m glad.”
Needless to say, that night was incredibly awkward.
Carol was cutting Daryl’s hair so you were stuck with the new kid.
Did he even have any experience living outside the walls of the Kingdom?
Did he even know who Sophia was?
Who was he to come Into their camp and disrupt their new normal?
“So... how long you been staying in this camp?” He asked nervously.
You shrugged and tried not to look at him. “A while.” Maybe he’d go away if you didn’t talk to him.
“Very cool.” He nodded, hands fidgeting. “So why is it you and your dad aren’t staying in Alexandria? Or the Kingdom?”
Your heart felt as if it stopped. “My dad is DEAD, Henry.” You practically growled. “The reason I’m out here is to find his body.”
He held up his hands as if he were surrendering. “No need to bite my head off! How was I supposed to know you lost someone? I’m not a mind reader and you’re acting like a psychopath.”
Something inside you snapped. “I didn’t just lose SomeONE. I watched my mother die giving birth to my little sister! I watched my best friend walk out into the world as a walker after we spent DAYS looking for her! I lost my brother and had to watch him die after he was BITTEN!” By now you were standing, spitting at him your full fury. “I watched my dad get BLOWN TO PIECES when he exploded a bridge trying to keep walkers from attack out settlement! Everyone’s lost something! The only reason you didn’t know is cause you’ve spent your whole life sheltered in the kingdom playing the false role of a PRINCE!”
With that you stood up and walked off.
You knew you shouldn’t have snapped like that. You should have given him a chance. Maybe he was nice.
But he brought up her dad and called her crazy. He was so incredibly sheltered that he just expected to walk out into the world and NOT find it shattered!
You hadn’t ’t thought about your dad in a while.
Not really, anyway.
Sure, you looked for your dad every day, but you never really pictured him in your head while you did it.
Eventually, after a while of walking, you plopped down against a tree.
You stayed there as long as you dared.
Daryl has traps out in the woods that would catch walkers. You’d be fine.
After about fifteen minutes your racing thoughts were interrupted by the barking of a dog.
The brown haired animal walked up to you, tail wagging and tongue hanging from his mouth.
“Hey, dog.” You scratched behind his ear and buried your face in his fur.
Right now, you just needed some source of comfort.
“I knew I’d find ya here.” Daryl’s voice startled you. “Dog lead me right to ya.”
You didn’t even bother looking away from Dog. “Yeah, he’s a snitch.”
Daryl plopped down beside you in the grass. “Gonna tell me why ya yelled at Henry?”
You shook your head. “I don’t feel like it.”
“Well yer gonna tell me anyway.”
“He’s just... so incredibly sheltered! He was acting like nobody in this world has lost anybody! And when I got mad he called my a psychopath!” You held Dog closer. “I didn’t mean to snap at him. I couldn’t help it.”
Dog licked your cheek quietly.
“Kid, is this really about yer dad?” He placed a hand on your shoulder softly.
You nodded, still unable to break away from the furry animal cuddled against you.
“I know ya miss him an’ the rest ‘a yer family like hell.” He consoled. “I miss ‘em to. But ya can’t just snap at people like that. Ya still got family left.”
“That’s what you thought when you tried to leave me alone.” You grumbled.
“I thought I said no more snappin’ at people.”
“What are you, my dad?”
“Might as well be.” He stated. “Like it or not, yer my family now.” He squeezes your shoulder gently. “So ya gonna get yer face outta Dogs fur or ya just gonna stay there forever?”
You sniffed and reluctantly released Dog. “Ideally, is like to stay there forever.”
He chuckled dryly. “Ya can’t though. Ya got a life to live.”
“I know.”
“Come on then,” he stood up and helped you to your feet. “Let’s go get dinner then.”
You nodded and let him pull you into a hug. “Okay.”
You just wanted to stay like that forever.
But Daryl was right.
You had a life to live.
Requests are open! Just send me an ask :)
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homosexualcolombus · 4 years
unsolicited online dating advice
let's be real, i was just as blindsided as the next person and had no clue that a few months into this wretched year of our lorde 2020 we would be living through a major historical event that is the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. so now, i'm home from university with nothing else to do, stuck in quarantine with no idea how long it would last. couple that with the fact that i am a complete gen z stereotype in the sense that i am always glued to my phone and my laptop, talking to strangers on the internet and broadcasting every single vapid detail of my relatively uninteresting life to a just-as-uninterested audience, and you have yourself a recipe for disaster.
two weeks and a thousand pages into the pornhub home page later, i got tired of the rinse and repeat and decided i wasn't gonna be that bitch who gets carpal tunnel less than a month into quarantine. question is, where would i put all the pent-up sexual frustration into now that the sweet release of pulling the padge is no longer an option? the answer? tinder.
by the time i finally got used to the sour taste that "e-dating" brings to my mouth, i realized i needed a game plan.
don't get me wrong, i'm no stranger to tinder and online dating, and i'm not even kidding when i say it's legitimately a war zone out there. god forbid u get hit by a stray hormone in the battlefield (in which case, f in the chat for our fallen soldier). but with the current situation in mind i knew i wasn't going into just any regular battle, hell not even a regular hunger games, but a full blown quarter quell.
this, of course, led me to convening a meeting with my two remaining brain cells: dumb and dumber. now the last thing dumb "retained" was a stupid ad from a youtube video: an e-toro ad. normally i would have dismissed that stupid idea (if you can even call it that) but given the shortage of manpower i decided to look at it in a different way. which then led me to thinking of approaching dating as a marketing strategy (which, by the way, whew! big reach. so glad i stretched before that one). in the vein of the ad topic, dumber decided to regurgitate the memory of an old tv commerial from my head.
tinder. meet, chat, date. olx. hanap, usap, deal.
see the difference between the two? yeah no, me neither.
so now i'm on board, even though i was totally not expecting to get a sensible idea from dumb and dumber. the problem is, how the fuck do i market myself as a person desirable enough to make people want to buy into the fantasy?
i tried forcing myself to remember every single econ related lecture and every single experience i had in grade school where i was forced to sell shit for grades until i've finally managed to unleash my inner entrepreneur. she came and she came ready. the bitch even brought with her a checklist so you know she means business (also because she's a capricorn, and they're all anal like that)
1. branding
i would be the first person to tell you my name is very pedestrian... the kind of pedestrian who's unlucky enough to be collateral damage in a freaky car accident. i have a white person's name too (christopher!!! yes as in colombus aka the world-renowned caucasian colonizer) so i'd say i'm not doing so hot in the branding department.
inner entrepreneur's solution? a nickname. one unique enough that it catches someone's attention, but not quirky enough to make them think your parents are hippies. in the end i chose toph, because it's not THAT common, and it gives the hot normies an opening to make avatar: the legend of aang puns so overall a win-win.
2. aesthetics
the mirror is not my friend, and nor is the camera. i'm what you would categorize as "aesthetically challenged"ㅡ in short, i'm ugly. but this aspect i wasn't really too worried about because i wasn't born yesterday. appearances, especially in photos, are easy to enhance. i knew my good angles and with the help of a few filters and good lighting i was all set. it also helps that i have an android phone because let's be real, who wants to look clapped in hd? certainly not me! i believe beauty is in the eye of the cctv footage quality selfie.
android - 1 apple - 0
3. product integrity
don't pretend to be something you're not because that jig gets real old real fast. i'm the type of person who likes to lay out all my cards on the table, and in that spirit, i'm upfront and honest to my matches about being a pathological liar. it's fun making them squirm by letting them second guess everything i say as they desperately try to decipher what i am and i'm not lying about. plus, everytime i feel the conversation slipping into snoozefest territory, i just say something wayyyy out of pocket and it shoots the conversation right back to party city! is it real, or did i make it up, who cares? who says i don't know how to keep a relationship spicy?
4. advertising
no, pleb, this does not mean you should buy tinder gold (unless you're an incel, in which case, be my guest). what this means is that i swiped religiously. i made sure i reached my like limit early so that i get maximum engagement by the time the 12-hour timer resets. the more users i liked, the more chances my profile appears in their cards, and in this house, we love good exposure!
so now you've read this far and you might be wondering, is this method successful? can i apply this to me too? and let me be the first to tell you it isn't. i would NOT have made a whole blog post and posted it on the internet for free for everyone to see if it did. the point here is that if you've read this far and thought "well maybe this can work" then i've successfully managed to waste a good few minutes of your time (or maybe not few, idk how fast you read), which in the age of quarantine, is a commodity you're bound to have too much of.
now, i believe a thank you is in order?
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
Twelve Hours [Ch. 7]
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou has dealt with a lot since he was eighteen, each year bringing the same depressing challenges on the same depressing night. He expects this time to be no different, but the universe is trying desperately to prove him wrong in the most bizarre ways imaginable. So screw it, Kuroo’s only choice is to buckle in and hope he doesn’t die. Easy enough. And hey, with some new allies at his side, maybe he has a chance. Who knows? At least Kuroo is sure of one thing in life when it comes to March 15th, and he stands by this unwritten law, no matter what happens:
If you try to kill pizza delivery boys on Purge Night, you’re irrevocably a bitch.
Rating: T
Tags: Purge AU, mentions of violence but nothing graphic or too bad, no character deaths here okay, this is borderline crack and idk what I was thinking, first meetings, other characters, shenanigans and just…a lot of fun (it seems angsty but its not)
Note: I'm finally back! This chapter was tougher to get through bc emotions, and I took some time away to finish a majority of my other multichapter! Soon it'll just be this fic to worry about, for a little while at least. But until then I hope you all enjoy this longer chapter <3 Thank you to @emeraldwaves for reading this over! 
Read on AO3!
“I’m starving, do you think McDonalds is open during the Purge?”
And naturally, thirty minutes later, they were back to this shit. Albeit, with a bit more admiration towards Yamamoto, and each other. Oh, and no back bumper.
But still. This.
“Ew, I sure hope not. Can you imagine dying in a McDonald’s if you’re an employee?” Suga spoke up from where he was flipping through a magazine, not at all approving of Futakuchi's craving. As a pizza delivery man, Kuroo tried not to take offense, and thinking about it, he sure hoped he didn't die in this uniform. As if recognizing the joke, Tsukishima's eyes flashed in the rearview mirror, twinkling in delight.
Jerk. But Kuroo's grin pretty much negated any real bite.
Futakuchi stared out the window from his new seat in the second row, behind Terushima. He seemed more or less fine, and Kuroo had to say he was impressed with how he'd managed to regain his cool. “Well with all the high calorie food and processed McNuggets at least I can say I died doing what I loved.”
Yamamoto squinted. “Er...eating McNuggets?”
Good lord.
Then again, perhaps Futakuchi coped with trauma in less conventional ways. Kuroo couldn't help but be a little jealous though; at this point, coping was pointless for him. Each experience got added to the burden on his back, that was all.
He wondered if Tsukishima's shoulders were as heavy.
"Can we just...have some silence please?" Tsukishima sighed, making another strange turn down an empty road. They'd stopped questioning him after three or four detours, he seemed to know his way around enough. Plus, how much more car trouble could they possibly have?
To his surprise the car didn't protest. It must've been the exhaustion or the hunger, because everyone sat back quietly, like a rowdy bunch of kids on a road trip. Kuroo figured that was the most innocent analogy, given their situation. Not even Futakuchi argued as he burned a hole into the back of Terushima's head.
Ah yes, the other elephant in the room.
The fearless leader occupied the passenger seat now, something Kuroo hadn't questioned despite his reluctance. Tsukishima knew it was important for Terushima to be at the front of things, this was his expedition after all. Kuroo had moved farther up to the second row though, because no way was he not sitting behind Tsukishima. If that was as close as he was allowed, he'd stay there.
As time passed, he'd wondered if it had been the best course of action though, isolating Terushima in the front when Futakuchi's concerned stare begged for him to join the rest of their friends.
Terushima hadn't spoken since they'd moved back into the car, after the relieved tears had been shed. Kuroo could see the lines of tension in his shoulders, begging to be pressed, the gritting teeth he wasn't even trying to conceal. It was enough to make Kuroo feel like a coil, and he was the most relaxed he'd been all night.
Again, Kuroo caught Tsukishima's eyes in the mirror, the same question sitting between them.
Should we say something?
The option felt clunky and unnatural, even as he imagined it. What would he say?
Tsukishima sighed, turning back to the road as his fingers curled around the wheel. Guess that meant he didn't know either.
To think he and Tsukishima were so capable when it came to fighting, strategizing, watching everyone's backs...
And yet, who knew when the last time they'd dealt with emotions had been? Kuroo at least had Bokuto and Akaashi, and his family out of the country, but...
Images of an empty living room and bland walls flashed in his mind. The lack of chairs at a dinner table...
When did Tsukishima talk about these things? Did he ever get the chance?
Kuroo surely didn't. No matter how Bokuto pried, he kept his shit locked up behind double steel doors guarded by mutant crocodiles in his heart.
Point: he and Tsukishima could do a lot, but he wasn't so sure about this.
Kuroo sighed, leaning against the tinted windows as the streetlights passed, the remnants of barely burning bonfires blurring on the side of the road every now and again. He had to give it to Tsukishima, his route made no sense, but Kuroo had barely seen any people in the last half hour.
He knew feeling safe was never one hundred percent during the Purge, but with Tsukishima here, it was the closest they'd all get. He couldn't help but wonder how knowledge of this route had come to the blond though.
Had he once been lost in this city too? On the worst night of the year no less?
Facing something like this alone was something Kuroo did all the time without even realizing, but Tsukishima lacked Kuroo's false indifference and mundane delivery routes. When Tsukishima had gone out into the Purge, he'd done so with a goal, one he'd kill for.
Kuroo's pretend bravery didn't compare, nor did his occasional wrong turn in a suburban neighborhood. If Tsukishima had ventured out into the limitless city, Kuroo could only imagine how afraid he might've been.
It almost made him feel guilty, because now those experiences had become their salvation.
It was also a reason Kuroo barely worried when they got a flat tire minutes later. He was the only one though.
"Oh fuck, oh no," Suga began fretting as the car slowed to a stop, maneuvered expertly to the side of the road by a still silent Tsukishima. "I can't believe this! What now? How are we supposed to get there now?"
Tsukishima unbuckled his seatbelt gently, reaching into the glovebox as hell broke loose in the car.
If Kuroo didn't marry him, he'd be so disappointed in himself.
Kuroo could've been worried himself, but what was the point? If he could survive Honda Rodeo he could survive anything.
"We're all gonna die aren't we? This is the end of the line," Yamamoto said, and Kuroo didn't mean to judge him, but c'mon. The man was hyperventilating, seconds away from breaking a window which would be a real problem. Suga also fidgeted roughly in his seat, looking out every window like the plague of Purgers would descend on them any minute now.
Relax, holy fuck.
Futakuchi seemed preoccupied with his not-boyfriend still, a problem which sat at the front of Kuroo's brain way more than this car situation, especially when Tsukishima finally graced them all with his words of encouragement and patience.
"Shut up," Tsukishima hissed, stuffing a car rag from the glove box into Yamamoto's mouth. Oh, so that's what he needed from there. Thank you. "I know how to change a damn tire. There should be a spare in the back."
Silence filled the car; Kuroo tried not to propose on the spot.
Yamamoto let the rag fall out of his mouth like it was no big deal, and honestly none of them would've tried to fight the blond anyways. It plopped to the floor pathetically. "...oh. Cool."
The car relaxed again, and Kuroo allowed himself to glance at their surroundings, trying to be somewhat smart about things. They were by the beach now, a coastal highway with hardly any buildings lining it. Not exactly a fun place to find people to murder.
Once more, Tsukishima had thought so much through, and knew so much.
Wait a second...
Kuroo perked up, glancing at Tsukishima as he stepped out of the car. "Do you really? Know how to change it I mean?"
Tsukishima stopped right before closing the door, his shock at the question palpable. Kuroo didn't think it was that weird. Hesitance flashed in those beautiful eyes as Tsukishima shyly nodded, his voice small and a far cry from moments before. "My dad was a mechanic before...yeah. He taught me."
"Oh," he replied pathetically, his curiosity dimming. "I'm sorry."
Tsukishima's smile was small, but it was enough to soothe Kuroo anyways.
As Tsukishima busied himself, Kuroo sat back, letting the information sit with him. He was all too aware of the blond's movements behind him, getting the tire and the toolkit out, wasting no time in setting out all his equipment. He did it with such calm efficiency, Kuroo couldn't put a finger on why it bothered him. He thought the feeling was admiration, and some curiosity, and most of it was, but...
"At least now we'll survive," Yamamoto said, getting ready to hop out of the car while Tsukishima changed the tire. Ah yes, the worst part. But seeing no threats in the area, Kuroo hopped out like it was any other day, indulging in the fantasy.
Plus, he was happy to be facing Tsukishima again. The back tire had been the one to blow, and Kuroo wasted no time in helping him get the jack situated, his fingers grazing Tsukishima's every so often.
He would've gladly worked in the comfortable silence, if a familiar voice hadn't stopped him.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Terushima scoffed, unmoving from his seat, and even Tsukishima thought it necessary to pause.
They'd both been expecting something like this.
The rest of the group jumped, all heads turning to what usually meant lighthearted jokes, an easy tone. Not this time, and Futakuchi must've caught onto that too.
He tried to open Terushima's door, but the leader denied him that, solidifying the wall he'd haphazardly placed around himself. Kuroo tried not to stare at how the brunet's expression cracked. "Yuuji..."
Terushima's breathing sounded like simmering heat, threatening to boil over.
"You can stop making jokes about it now, it's a flat tire, not life or death," Terushima snarled, and Kuroo could feel the fire raging beneath, waiting. He and Tsukishima didn't move. They knew.
Yamamoto did not. "Actually it kinda is tonight. We're just trying to stay positive..."
"As positive as we can be given the Fast and Furious remake we just lived through," Suga said, fanning himself with his magazine. Beside him, Yamamoto giggled, but Futakuchi just backed away from the car, catching onto what Kuroo had anticipated thirty minutes ago.
It was all apparently the last straw.
Terushima whipped around, and his voice trembled, the storm of emotions in his expression stronger than the tide Kuroo could hear rushing in his ears. A tumultuous sea.
"Can you guys shut up!" It's not funny okay? You almost died not even a fucking hour ago, and you're here joking about fucking McDonald's and the car and everything! What's wrong with you?" The desperation made his friends flinch, and Kuroo felt Tsukishima rise to his feet beside him, ready to intervene.
But he stayed put, like he knew this whole thing was necessary. How closely did he relate? More than Kuroo did, probably.
"Hey," Yamamoto began, the guilt seeping into his tone. He didn't get the chance. "I didn't--"
Terushima hand slammed against the middle console, and he stared at it, offended, like he wished the car would just completely fall to pieces. "No! We all could be lying in the road right now but I guess none of you care that we--I almost lost---just fuck this! Okay? What's the point anymore? Why...why are we doing this?"
It was an after shock of doubt, much like how Terushima had felt back in Tsukishima's home, but worse now. Realer. Experienced.
The group stared on, appalled, and Kuroo could tell where their thoughts had gone. How could Terushima ask such a thing after how far they'd probably all come? Kuroo could imagine the nights of planning, the shared worries, the goodbyes they'd said to their families with no explanation...
There were a million reasons why they'd done this, Terushima's mom, justice, many more stupid, human things. None of them felt anymore childish than the last in Kuroo's mind, his hatred of naivety be damned. They all had their weaknesses, he was no exception.
They'd all believed in this night, in Terushima. Maybe that's why Kuroo's heart ached at seeing Futakuchi's hand touch the glass window, seeing Suga curl in on himself as he sat on the dirty road.
And beneath it all, an insecurity Kuroo was all too familiar with shone through Terushima's words, an echo of what Kuroo had always known to be something which linked their experiences together.
Why did I think I could do this?
Kuroo looked to his side, watching Tsukishima's neutral expression contemplate the words, absorbing them without judgement.
Tsukishima would know best about this right? Regret. His words from earlier reverberated in Kuroo's head, wistful and weighed down.
"Back then, it made sense. Now I'm not sure, but it's done."
Terushima couldn't say that yet, he was giving up too soon. Kuroo knew one or two things about being a coward, but even he knew some things were better to see through.
Especially when it concerned something he believed in.
The wind blew, and Terushima's anger didn't cease.
"Well...because," Futakuchi began, small and not anything like the cutting banter he usually threw out. His thought faded into the air as he lost it, not knowing what to say. Kuroo doubted any of them did. Terushima had been their rock, and now...
The leader huffed, leaping out of the car finally, slamming the door with little care to how loud it echoed in the darkness. He walked right past Futakuchi, past his friends, walking alone across the street to sit on the beach. He didn't care.
No one moved, most kept their eyes on the ground, defeated. But Kuroo followed Terushima's every move. The frustration, the anger, he understood.
The sound of the waves hitting the rocks didn't have the relaxing quality they usually did as he saw Terushima sit on the edge of the road, where asphalt met sand, curling up like he wished the world would dissolve around him. Soon he'd discover as Kuroo had, the world wasn't that nice.
Kuroo wondered if he should go talk to him, if they should fix the tire first, if they should talk about anything or just let Terushima blow off steam at his own pace. He wasn't used to this anymore. He wasn't the natural leader he'd been in high school, he didn't know how to pat people on the back or offer them advice or make them feel like everything would be okay. His plan of attack wasn't even in the first draft stages, and he hated it.
But he should've known by then, where he faltered, Tsukishima pushed.
Wordlessly, the blond set aside his tools, dusting off his hands on his sweater, and began to walk across the road as well. Tsukishima threw one look Kuroo's way, eyebrow quirked, and no explanation was needed.
Are you coming?
Kuroo was powerless to follow. Guess he would find out about his emotional advice skills after all, but Tsukishima would be there to pick up his slack, filling in the blanks.
Kuroo nodded for him to go ahead, and the promise was sealed.
Not everyone else was so gung-ho about that.
Yamamoto perked up as he watched Tsukishima leave them, and hey, relatable. "H-hey! Where is he going?"
Without answering, Kuroo checked his surroundings one last time, and made sure the doors were locked before trailing after the blond.
"Wait! Not you too! Hey! I'm talking to you!" Yamamoto bellowed nervously, and Kuroo would admit, he and Tsukishima were the most capable people in the group. But damn, they could survive on an empty road with clear vantage points for at least ten minutes.
"You'll be fine," Kuroo said, rolling his eyes.
Eek. He hoped the universe hadn't been listening to that.
"That's what everyone says," Yamamoto whispered, like now that their defenses had deserted them, they needed to be extra careful. Please. "And then something terrible happens."
You're not wrong, but oh well.
Kuroo sighed roughly, his hand carding through his hair. He really was glad he'd decided to join these losers tonight, he didn't want to think of what would've happened otherwise. "Just, please, watch out for each other. Keep your weapons out, look around at all times. No sweat."
Or, he hoped as much.
Saying 'no sweat' on a night like tonight was like comforting someone by telling them the dead had risen, but the government wasn't going to nuke them all in response.
We won't be long, it's fine.
As he turned towards where Terushima and Tsukishima sat, Kuroo actually felt it was true, and with each step, the anxiety became a bit more tolerable.
He watched Tsukishima put ample distance between himself and Terushima, either for his own sake or the leader's, but Kuroo didn't doubt Terushima appreciated it. His head barely rose when Kuroo arrived.
The ocean stalled, listening, before the waves began to rock steadily again. To Kuroo's shock, Tsukishima didn't press, didn't break the ice with a scolding or a question.
So, Kuroo followed his lead, and leaned against the old lookout rails.
Terushima dipped his head lower, fixated on the vastness in front of him, eyes murky like its depths. Guess Terushima still let himself cry. Good. "Are you guys here to tell me I'm overreacting or something? Because if so, you don't have to, I know..."
Kuroo could've laughed; there was no such thing as overreacting tonight, Kuroo had more freakouts than he could count and his shift would've barely been half over. So really, Terushima was just reacting, and to some pretty fucked up shit too.
Tsukishima had to know that, his long sigh just a preparation to recite similar thoughts with more profoundness than Kuroo could manage. Tsukishima, with his reserved posture and calculating stares which only gave away bits and pieces at a time. The experience locked in there surely had insight to give, and Kuroo waited, trusted.
The raw honesty which left the blond's lips carried more like a punch to the gut, gentle advice turned atom bomb.
Tsukishima's eyes were dead as he waited for Terushima to raise his head, a disturbing patience, before everything was dropped into the air like the words meant nothing. "Once, I drove all night to a new city," Tsukishima said, shrugging. He squirmed, pulling his legs in as he watched the water. "I'd...never been there, I hadn't eaten, my car wasn't fancy or armor plated like yours, but I went anyways. Not my best idea, kind of on the same tier as taking a group of friends in a van and getting lost, but worse still. It was just me, all alone, because I was angry. So angry, like you."
'I'm just like you.'
Terushima sat there, frozen, listening. The comment about his own actions hadn't even stung, not that it was meant to. No, even Kuroo knew, this part of the story was Tsukishima telling him he'd done almost everything right. Terushima was no better or worse than any of them.
But that wasn't the whole story.
Kuroo's ears strained for any sound, and he should've been focused on Terushima, how each admittance made his posture open and his tension fade, but he couldn't find it in him. His world was Tsukishima, and another pit of suspicion lodged itself in his gut.
Tsukishima shook his head, breathing hard, and Kuroo had never seen him so unable to piece his words together. They were cracked, not fluent and cutting like usual. They were just sad. Kuroo wanted more than anything to make that stop, to go back in time so he could've helped. "My parents lived there, that city, in some stupid fancier house. Without us. And they...they needed to be taught a lesson. Kind of like your rich doctor I guess."
Tsukishima paused, waiting for Terushima's small, child-like nod.
"I took stuff from them, not everything but enough, a lot. Enough to lock myself in that big empty house you smashed a hole in," Tsukishima said, and Terushima bowed his head. Then, almost imperceptibly, Tsukishima's head tilted towards Kuroo, his voice smaller, like he actually cared about embarrassment. As if Kuroo would care. "Enough to pay off the debt for the college degree I didn't finish, enough to pay for whatever I wanted."
The mention of college had Kuroo's mind swimming again, something missing, always missing.
Tell me everything.
Tsukishima breathed.
"So no, I'm not going to tell you you're overreacting. I don't really think I've earned the privilege. I'm just here to ask why you're so upset," Tsukishima finished, simply, like his voice hadn't been crumbling like plates during an earthquake.
"But...you, you weren't overreacting," Terushima spoke, loud enough over the waves to make Kuroo flinch. "I don't think so..."
Tsukishima arched a brow, the question clear. 'If I wasn't overreacting, neither are you.'
Terushima's eyes widened, but Tsukishima still thought it necessary to hammer the point home, to expose the parts of himself he'd been so carefully pulling apart. "Do you wanna know why I robbed my parents?"
Kuroo remembered how relieved he'd been when he'd found out Tsukishima wasn't a typical Purger. How much he'd always hated those who contributed to the danger and culture. Really, Tsukishima was part of the issue, no matter what Kuroo tried to justify in his head. But he couldn't fault the blond, not when he saw the look in his eyes, heard the edge in his voice. Tsukishima hadn't had a choice, no matter how he was trying to spin this, to paint himself as less than. At the end of the day, Kuroo wanted to know what he'd done and why more than anyone, but if he never did, he'd support Tsukishima regardless. He was that confident in his character, in the desperation which had pushed him so far.
Kuroo hated the Purge, but the basic foundation of ignorance he'd built had withered away over the past few hours, that hero complex altered. He couldn't stop Terushima from changing completely like he'd originally wanted, just like no amount of company could’ve helped Tsukishima all those years ago.
But they were here, and they would do what they could. Kuroo would give his all, bad advice or not.
"Yes..." Terushima whispered, like he was scared, but he needed to hear it.
Tsukishima had once said he and Terushima were the same. Kuroo hadn't fully understood then, but now...
"They tried to kill my brother." Tsukishima glared out at the sea, remembering. Kuroo and Terushima didn't breathe. "They were going to profit off him to make their lives better, like Takahashi wanted to do with your mom and countless others. I tried to stop them, but I guess I only half won."
"Since he's in a wheelchair now, he needs all the peace he can get."
Tsukishima had been an amateur too, once upon a time.
Kuroo bowed his head, but Terushima's reactions didn't stay hidden, he understood. And of course, Tsukishima must've known why Terushima was upset all along. Kuroo had as well. That self-doubt, the guilt over dragging his friends into this.
But at the end of the day, Terushima wasn't wrong.
"Your revenge isn't misplaced, you're not a bad person for wanting to kill this piece of shit," Tsukishima managed out, the snarl in his voice barely contained. "Your friends feel the same. You need to stop focusing on all your stupid mistakes and just do what you have to."
The goal is worth it.
Maybe not right, but worth it. The Purge should've never been a thing to begin with, but if the Purge wasn't going to get justice for these things...
"He's right," Kuroo finally said, and Tsukishima's head whipped around to look at him, like he'd expected Kuroo to dismiss him altogether. Yeah right. Kuroo smiled at him, small and weak, but certain. "For the longest time, I thought the Purge and anyone who used it was no better than the worst criminals. And honestly, I still kind of believe that...nothing is ever going to be able to completely get rid of that feeling."
Tsukishima nodded, felt the same.
"But sometimes the lesser of two evils isn't all just bullshit excuses," Kuroo sighed, because in this day and age choices were so damn limited. "If people like you...both of you, didn't go after these assholes, no one would even get close to them."
Tsukishima stayed staring, his bitten nails digging into the sleeves of his sweater. It pained him to look away, more than Kuroo could make sense of. He looked to Terushima, channeling his eighteen year old self for what he hoped wasn't the last time. "I know that deep down now, so do your friends. They believe in you, and what you're doing, no matter how much you think you're messing up."
And Tsukishima, bless his soul, knew he had to put this lesson ahead of his own emotions. He turned back to Terushima, rising to his feet alongside Kuroo. "He has a point. That lot wouldn't accept the danger for nothing, I know I call them fools but you have to have more faith in them than that, they know more than you think, more than you apparently. They saw the leadership quality in you and put their money on it. So maybe they cope with trauma with bad jokes..."
"Don't we all?" Kuroo added, sighing wistfully.
"...but that doesn't mean they're not serious. Far from it, if they weren't I doubt you could've even gotten them outside the door."
Yeah seriously. They're more nuts than we are.
And they had bad taste in food, but irrelevant.
Terushima wiped at his eyes, mouth torn between a grimace and a laugh. Sometimes it was hard to accept things weren't all one's own doing. Kuroo knew it was hard to explain every feeling, every conflict going on inside the heart, but Terushima was strong. He could do this, sort of had to. Kuroo had pledged to help him realize that. "I just...I didn't want them to get hurt. It should've just been me out here."
Kuroo and Tsukishima shared a look, and the blond felt no need to sugar-coat things anymore. "It's too late for that. They accepted those risks, so did you. They're not going to blame you for whatever happens."
Not even in death.
Not to mention, Kuroo had no doubt Tsukishima would've appreciated the help back in the day. He hadn't been so lucky to have the support system Terushima had. They loved Terushima so much, didn't resent him. He had to respect that.
"But--!" Terushima stopped, his teeth gritting together to keep the arguments back. He knew they were useless.
Usually, Kuroo would worry for the wellbeing of anyone willing to argue with Tsukishima, especially after a confession of that caliber, but Kuroo wanted to hear the things he too had never allowed himself to admit. Terushima had to let it all out, or they'd never get off this damn beach.
"But?" Kuroo prodded.
Terushima sighed, his feet digging into the sand, and he vomited the insecurities, the things Kuroo and Tsukishima had encountered more than enough times. "What if I'm too scared to do it? What if...what if I can't kill him? I'm not like you Tsukishima, what if I can't make those hard decisions? If I can't, then what was the point of doing this to everyone?"
'What was the point of hurting everyone?'
Yeah. Worthless risks.
Reasons why Kuroo didn't finish school, didn't try to find a better job, why he just tried to visualize and work towards a better future while he lived in the shitty present.
It couldn't continue, and he didn't want Terushima to feel the same. Some things had to be seen to the end, no matter how painful or uncertain.
Tsukishima only huffed, as if the logic needed to disprove Terushima's fears sat as clear and present as the world around them. "But I didn't make those hard decisions."
Kuroo and Terushima's collective expressions screamed 'what,' but Tsukishima continued like it was the most normal thing in the world. Again, Kuroo knew he was a goner. "I was going to kill them, you know, that was the original plan. I wanted to so bad, I walked up the stairs and into their bedroom and I was so close, they were right there, and...I couldn't do it. I didn't do it. And...I've had to just..."
The glazed look told Kuroo a lot, like the fact Tsukishima still dealt with the horror of that fucked up fork in the road years later, that maybe Tsukishima still hadn't completely let himself accept it. But Kuroo would help him, after all this was done, he promised he would.
"Deal with it," Kuroo finished softly, since that was all everyone ever did for the past seven years.
"Yeah," Tsukishima whispered. "That."
Kuroo's fingers wrapped around Tsukishima's wrist with no hesitation, and felt the goosebumps against his fingertips.
Terushima stared down at his own hands. Kuroo couldn't help but smile. None of them had really expected it to go this way. After a few moments, Terushima spoke, barely above a whisper, the last thing he needed to know. "Do you regret that?"
Kuroo and Tsukishima shared another look, and Kuroo could see it more clearly, the dampness in those gorgeous eyes, the reluctant honesty, everything. Kuroo never wanted to look away.
The blond shook his head, slow, like he needed to be sure. "No, no I don't think so. Not sure I would've regretted doing it either honestly, but I'll never know. I did what I thought was best then, and that's what you should do too."
They both watched as the understanding fully seeped into Terushima's shoulders, chipping away at the last block of second guessing. It made the next words easy to find for Kuroo, they flowed nice and sure, like they used to. And finally, Kuroo didn't doubt his advice.
"Look, no one is saying you have to make one decision or the other," he said, placing his hand against Terushima's shoulder. He felt Tsukishima watch him, like he needed the words too, like he constantly needed the reminder he wasn't a terrible person. Any other night, Kuroo would've gladly stayed put and told him for hours.
But for now, they both had someone else to pull up onto their feet.
Kuroo sighed, and he felt strong again, like he could do anything. He wanted Terushima to feel the same. "When the time comes, you'll make one, and we'll be right there beside you. The thing is, if you're gonna decide..."
If you want the chance to decide...
Kuroo shrugged, grinning softly up at Tsukishima. After all, if the blond needed the words, he needed to say them too. That way, they'd stay drilled in.
The blond nodded, the lines of tension fading away as he unclenched his hands. "You have to actually get to the destination first. Preferably without more car accidents."
And yes, the joke was wholly necessary. But in all truth, they needed to see things to the end, no matter how they'd feel about the consequences later. Such was life. Such was this life, no matter how shitty it was.
"That's life," Tsukishima whispered, as if he could read Kuroo's mind, and Kuroo tried not to blind the world with his grin.
Yeah, Kuroo thought, much better than how I would've said it. Or maybe he knew Tsukishima was simply the best person to deliver the message. Judging from the way Terushima sighed, he knew he'd been right.
They watched as Terushima nodded, wiping the unshed tears from his eyes. The sniffles were drowned out by the waves as he rose to his feet, eyes slowly filling back up with that familiar light. Good. Kuroo would hate if he lost that.
He looked to them both, a new stubbornness back in his face, one that would surely stay.
"Thank you," Terushima said softly, placing a hand on Tsukishima's other wrist. It was enough, more than enough, and Kuroo delighted in the blond's shock, the realization he'd helped.
Tsukishima deserved to feel appreciated like that, more than anyone else.
As Terushima walked away, Kuroo thought it was only right that he told him as much. "He looks up to you, you know. We all do."
Tsukishima turned to him, startled, but Kuroo wouldn't stop himself even under the blond's intensity. "Whatever you did doesn't change that. You made your decisions."
You made the best decisions you could.
Tsukishima stared a second longer, maybe waiting for Kuroo to look away, but Kuroo liked giving in even worse than the blond did. Didn't matter how much he'd been beaten down. He needed to make sure Tsukishima heard him, loud and clear.
Then, the blond's head dropped, the clear loser, and he laughed softly. "Where do you get off, saying things like that so easily?"
Ah, music to Kuroo's ears. He smiled, shameless. "Sorry, but you kinda bring that out in me."
You do a lot for me.
And okay, he sorta meant it in a 'you're really hot way,' but only a little bit. Kuroo had eyes, alright?
He wondered if Tsukishima really could read his mind, because his smile fell, his cheeks lighting up beautifully in an innocent red, so different from the usual seriousness. Kuroo loved it.
Tsukishima bit his lip, his breathing stuttering, like he wanted so badly to second guess his next words. They rushed out before he could. "Just me?"
Oh. Oh.
Tsukishima's eyes closed, and he turned back to the ocean, letting the mist spray. He looked like he wanted the ground to eat him. Adorable.
But he didn't pull away, he let Kuroo's hand stay resting against his way too skinny wrist, the smooth skin warm under the touch.
What kind of answer was he expecting, Kuroo wondered. What an overthinker.
Kuroo sighed, like a fawning high-schooler, and tightened his grip. "Well, yeah. Of course."
When Tsukishima looked back, Kuroo thought for a moment he saw a similar expression. He tried not to die on the spot.
Then, he almost did.
"You make me angry you know," Tsukishima sighed, ignoring the way Kuroo's jaw nearly dropped onto the floor. Well then.
"Me?!" After all that?
"Yes," Tsukishima said, as if it was nothing. "You look at me like I'm so great, but we're the same too, are we not? No degrees, no concrete future, all this baggage..."
Kuroo ignored the stalling of his heart. "Amazing senses of humor..."
"A love for dogs?"
"Some stubbornness," Tsukishima shot back.
"Some?" Kuroo asked, jostling Tsukishima's shoulder. "Try mountains of it."
They laughed, and Kuroo wondered if that would be the end of it. If Tsukishima was going to try and comfort him, he wouldn't survive.
The same? As Tsukishima? Not in a million years, but if Tsukishima thought so, Kuroo had to try his best to live up to that view. He wasn't worthy of it, and yet...
It made his heart expand, seeing Tsukishima smile at him like that. "I'm just saying, I think they look up to you plenty," he said glancing towards the car. "Not just me."
Then, before Kuroo could unleash a string of denial, Tsukishima walked away, his back turned. Kuroo missed his touch. "And for good reason too."
And Tsukishima had judged him. Just where did the blond get off, saying just what Kuroo needed to hear, and shyly on top of it. Like Kuroo would hate him for it.
For good reason huh?
For the first time, Kuroo thought about believing it.
Kuroo followed after him back to the car, where Terushima was standing waiting for them. Seemed he'd started the tire change job. Kuroo helped Tsukishima finish it in silence, the rest of the group eyeing Terushima with poorly concealed concern. But Kuroo knew there was no reason to worry now.
As Tsukishima piled the toolkit back into the car some minutes later, with everyone loading back into their respective spots, the leader finally allowed himself to speak.
Before he climbed in, Terushima opened the back door, revealing a rather amusing, shell shocked Futakuchi.
The brunet stuttered, his seatbelt not even properly fastened yet, and they stared at each other, what Kuroo guessed to be years of tension and friendship accumulating into a singular moment. And then, relief.
"I'm sorry," Terushima ended up saying, after too long of a silence, small and fragile in the night air. Futakuchi's entire being softened, so instantly, like he'd never been mad at all. Kuroo knew Terushima had chosen the right team, and the best second in command.
Terushima dipped his head in Suga and Yamamoto's direction, because he knew it was necessary. Wanted to. "I'm sorry to all of you."
Kuroo got into his own seat, right behind Tsukishima, looking one last time at the group's silent meeting.
From the looks on their faces, Kuroo could tell there was nothing to forgive.
With all other problems somewhat put to rest, it was no wonder the conversation came back around to Tsukishima.
"I still don't get how you know where you're going," Suga whispered, watching as old beat up buildings passed them by. They'd abandoned the coast some time ago, the smell of ocean salt replaced with familiar city smog. "I don't think I've ever been to this neighborhood and I've lived here my entire life."
"My brother liked to explore, and I got tired of always getting lost after..." Tsukishima stopped, and Terushima looked up from where he'd been flipping through his phone. "After things started."
The tension Kuroo and Terushima could now pick up on stayed below the radar, but Kuroo wondered for how long.
And besides that, the knot of something suspicious hadn't left him. He had questions, he knew it, but didn't know what they were.
"A marksman, a navigational expert, and a mechanic," Futakuchi said, fake awe drenching his words. "What are you, a Barbie?"
Tsukishima's shoulders tensed up, but no one wanted Tsukishima's eyes off the road, so conflict resolution was in order. Thank god Terushima was a good leader when his head was clear.
"Hey man, leave it alone," Terushima said, but his voice had lost the edge, had regained his amusement, but with newfound respect. Tsukishima's shoulders seemed to relax, and Futakuchi shrugged.
All should've been left alone, but Kuroo never was good at ignoring gut instincts.
"It is cool though," Kuroo said, swallowing. "That you know how to do that stuff."
"Useful things from my loving father I guess," Tsukishima said with a stiff shrug. "My brother used to say he could change tires faster than me but that's a lie, and it always will be."
"I'm sure your brother would most assuredly disagree," Suga said with a laugh, and Tsukishima's eyes twinkled in the rearview mirror at the thought of a challenge.
"He hasn't had practice in a long time," Tsukishima said, confident in the way Kuroo normally loved. "Though...I might be a little rusty, before tonight I haven't changed one since..."
And as heavy as that beat of silence was, Kuroo latched onto it.
"Since?" He encouraged, too eagerly. He felt Yamamoto's eyes on him.
Tsukishima shrugged, but it was different this time. His voice tried to remain flippant, casual. It failed. "Year one maybe, not sure."
When are you ever not sure?
"If you two could stop drooling over each other that would be good," Futakuchi said, unaware of the vortex of strain present between them. Kuroo's admiration wasn't uncommon after all, it was the best assumption. But...
"Seriously, just date already," Suga agreed.
Again, no denial from Tsukishima. None whatsoever. It just added to Kuroo's theory, bolstered it.
"You're one to talk," Tsukishima muttered, going along with it, now steadfastly ignoring glancing into the mirror.
Kuroo did not listen to the rest of the pointless arguing.
Tsukishima had never, not even once, pushed those accusations away. Of feeling something for Kuroo. Kuroo didn't care, he was pretty sure part of him would adore Tsukishima no matter what, would probably come to love him beyond this one night if given the chance.
But they'd just met. In any normal situation, it wouldn't make sense for Tsukishima, someone so logical and reserved, to feel that way.
Unless of course, Tsukishima knew more than he let on, had far more in his heart than he allowed to slip.
"Hey, Tsukishima," Kuroo asked, interrupting something Futakuchi seemed to be babbling about. His voice must've been scary, because all conversation immediately stopped. "Where were you the first year? When the Purge started. Do you remember?"
Now, that was something they all wanted to know, and they leaned in. Except Terushima, who by now must've detected the brewing storm. He watched Kuroo like a hawk.
Tsukishima's eyes stayed on the road. "I was leaving school, I was running late."
Kuroo's hands tightened against the leather of the chair in front of him. He hadn't even noticed he'd leaned forward. "How come?"
And then, the blond's defenses kicked in, and Kuroo knew.
Tsukishima snapped, the speed of the car picking up, like the acceleration would drown out the speech. "What does it matter?"
"I want to know," Kuroo replied, speaking above the sounds of the car. Suga squawked from the new, sudden speed somewhere behind him.
"Too bad then," Tsukishima replied, taking another nonsensical turn onto a desolate street. "I don't like to remember stuff like that."
I know, but that's not what I meant, you know it.
"You're lying," Kuroo replied, and he wondered if in any other situation, they might've looked like a fighting married couple. "How much did you know me back then? How much really?"
Terushima spoke up, trying to get Kuroo's attention with a few taps to the glove box. "Hey! Hey Kuroo, dude, calm down, what--"
"I didn't," Tsukishima hissed, entirely too unconvincing for someone who had experienced his genuine honesty. He had to know Kuroo had figured it out. Why was he still on about this? "I just...knew you, everyone knew you. You were popular and I--"
You what? Why wouldn't you just talk to me?
Then, he couldn't take it anymore. Such an important event, it had altered Kuroo's opinions, his life, and now he knew who was responsible. "You were the one who changed my tire, weren't you?"
You saved me.
Tsukishima saved more than his life too, his will to go on, to believe in people.
"Why--why would you do that for me?" Kuroo asked, breathless. He wanted to shake Tsukishima and kiss him all at once. This beautiful, stubborn bastard.
The car turned again, the tires screeching, and Kuroo didn't care where they were or where they were going. He just wanted to hear Tsukishima admit it.
Suga yelled something about slowing down, Terushima's scoldings got lost in the mix, and then the car jolted.
"Enough!" Tsukishima yelled, slamming on the brakes as he pulled perfectly into one parking spot in an otherwise empty lot, the fog of the early morning filling the space. The car's ignition was cut, and quiet filled the space apart from Tsukishima occasional huffs. Kuroo squinted, looking out towards the only other source of light.
Where were they--oh are you serious?
"Oh hey," Yamamoto said happily, like the past few minutes had meant absolutely nothing to him. "McDonald's."
No one else seemed to share the immediate enthusiasm, at least, not for the same reasons.
Tsukishima sat frozen, staring ahead, the inevitable coursing through his mind.
Kuroo sighed to himself, leaning back. Okay, he could've handled this better, but knowing he'd been right...
He didn't know where to start.
But Terushima seemed willing to push.
"Welp," the leader said, awkwardly patting his thigh. "Thanks Tsukishima, we sure were hungry. Right guys?"
"Uh duh."
The strained chorus made Kuroo's ears hurt.
"Yeah see?" Terushima fastened his gun to his hip, glancing out the window. No threats in sight. "So you know what, we're just gonna...go on ahead of you guys and see if we can get in. You just...stay here and talk about...stuff. 'kay?"
No response.
"Alright then, bye." Terushima flung his door open, scurrying out with the rest of his group towards the fried safe haven.
Each door slammed collectively, quickly, until the silence settled in again. Kuroo watched the group as they got smaller, footsteps heading towards the golden arches with purpose. They couldn't leave them out there too long by themselves, even Kuroo with his current mindset knew that.
So, he needed to find his courage for the thousandth time that night it seemed. For Tsukishima, Kuroo had no problems with it. The blond had been brave enough for all of them all night.
Plus, Kuroo had sort of ambushed him...
Yet, looking at those tense shoulders in the seat in front of him, Kuroo only felt fondness in his heart. He owed Tsukishima more than he realized, and he wanted nothing more than to repay that kindness as soon as possible.
And maybe for the rest of time.
With that in mind, Kuroo opened his door.
16 notes · View notes
survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 1 - “I am THE Survivor Chick And I Am Here To Win It All!!” - Susan
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I AM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!!!!! I don't know why I am, it's just another Survivor game but... I have be someone else kind of. So for this game I have to be "Maxyne" and I'm keeping my pronoun flexibility but I'm gonna be pushing the feminine side a bit more. Maxyne is actually my irl sister's middle name so it'll be easy for me to quickly become familiar with that name being used for me. I also know that Tim is gonna be in this game but idk who and I sure as hell don't wanna find out. Tim actually told me to apply cause they said that they were applying to but my dumbass did NOT know this was an alias game so now I'm fumbling around in the dark trying get into costume n shit not knowing what to do or what to expect. The only thing I have to cling onto my knowledge of Survivor ORGs and Jay's style of hosting. Which honestly don't do me well cause I haven't played Survivor in... months and I haven't been tuned into a Jay game in months too so I have no idea the ride I'm in for. One thing I did do is scroll through the rules, cause my experience always tells me that whenever there's a tumblr blog for an ORG, there's always something hidden somewhere there. Lo and behold, I was right so come 9 PM tonight I will be camping on the rules page updating and waiting for a clue, or someway to start my search. Cause every Survivor game i've played, the idol is found in less then 5 minutes and by the way I've formulated a thought about the idol, it's already long gone. So hopefully, I can pull a Merida and change my fate. Also there was a mention of One World rounds happening in this game??? UMMMM WTF??? PLEASE LET THAT BE A ONE TIME THING. Anyways, sorry for the word vomit, I usually have a lot of pre game jitters and thoughts so I figured I'd get a jump on my confessional count and start talking now. Let's hope I can pull through for this game and make it far. Or vote me out first, i'd rather not have responsibilities right now. 
I’m looking forward to this. I’m looking forward to people not remembering who I am. I’ve been out of this a year now, I’m well and ready to get first boot, but I’m curious to see how a better, matured me will play. Probably badly, let’s be fuckin real. Anyway I’ll check back in toward the middle of this round. We’ll see how all my sockpuppet counterparts compare against my impossible standards.
5 minutes before the game starts and mama we. Are. SCARED.
This time around I am going to go for a peppy, happy-go-lucky girl. Not all of my tribe mates are online atm which majorly sucks! Plus, not everyone has me added. I am going to wait till people add me before I add them. I'll give it the night into the morning for that to happen. Otherwise, I'll slowly add them one-by-one. I want to do the slide puzzles because I know I am good at them. I'm going for a more hands-off approach when it comes to socializing so I need all the time I can get to set myself up in the tribe. If we can win the challenge then it'll be a great opportunity to really bond with my tribe mates. 
Maxyne, Fae, and Erick seem to be the most active atm with Fae being the most social. I'll observe how far that socializing and activity goes on. It can either work to my benefit or I need to get rid of the ASAP.
Wanna start by saying that having a round button in this form is the smartest thing I’ve ever seen. Now onto my confessional: this tribe is alright, some people haven’t spoken yet I think and people seem nice and cooperative thus far. I’m so nosy so not knowing who everyone is is going to be a struggle for me. But I’m guessing Maynor is Gregg on the other tribe bc of the Sophie icon, but watch me be wrong. I’ll try to keep confessionals interesting, but then again I lie sometimes so womp. 
So I am an hour into my first alias game and I’m already stressing the fuck out. I am so used to being able to go on call with people and get to know them. I wanna say one of my greatest strength is getting solid reads on people when I talk to them but that is only when I can go on call with them. This whole thing is gonna be a struggle
well we are an hour into this game and I have already fucked up my story. Guess I'm moving home now because I didn't think anything through. dear god. Why am I like this? guess moving my grandmother is going to turn into Me moving home lol. welp, lets see how this goes. 
*googles How to stop oversharing*
Franco is a king we stan. Also I’m still laughing at worms name
Michele: Chosen one, will betray at f5
Susan: OTTN5 
Worm: oh, worm? 
Gregg: Dylan in disguise, watch me betray him again 
Uhhh I’ll be back with the rest eventually first night is horrid
Idol hunt: OTTNNNNNNN10
So far im feeling good on my tribe! I'm getting along really well with Erick! We have a lot in common and match each others energy. I'm also talking well with Fae, who says they think we've played a game together!! So I'm trying to figure out who it might be! I'm a little worried about the people who haven't spoken yet, but hopefully I'll be able to get to know them!
I think I'm connecting well with Maxyne. Since we are both doing the same assignment, it allows for me to grow closer with them. I think I might make them my ride-or-die, but I want to see how well our connection lasts in the days to come. Van and I are making great conversation in the tribe chat. I hope they will want to work with me. Other than that, I have not chatted with anyone else on the tribe. The people who have contacted me I talk to sporadically. I hope this is enough to get me by as I do not want to be seen as a social threat later down the line. Also, like, why did so many people get a disadvantage? I am so disappointed in all of them, but I know we can pull through!
off to an interesting start! so far, I am enjoying my tribe. definitely more chill than my last one but only time will tell. people's true motives will come out soon and this time, I am trying to really pay attention to who is a leader and who is a follower.
Nera tribe has such good positive energies? There hasn't been any friction, everyone is joking with each other, and overall everyone is having a great time!! Very honestly though I'm not sure what to make of everyone in a game and strategic sense. I've tried talking game with the majority of the tribe but most of it was still just like small talk and vague sentences. Im tryna play this fast and hard but I don't think anyone else is ):   I vibe really well with Michele, Eliza, and Rain. Michele and Rain are so fun and probably down to get messy, so they'd be great allies. And eliza just seems like a genuinely good person that I think I would get along with really nicely!! I also REALLY want this reward challenge. Ive gotten three people at least who said that they would vote for me so!! Let's hope I win, at the very least itd be nice to prove to myself that I can have a good social game early on
On my very FIRST idol hunt of the SEASON I find?? A legacy advantage??? Im so??? Shook and excited. I just have a feeling that this is my game! Night 1 kinda sets the tone of the whole game and I had an AMAZING night 1. I also uhhh am dumb and told Michele that i found it. My goal was to gain her trust so we could work together but? She kinda just didn't respond and changed the topic. Idk if that's a good sign so yikes!!
Honestly, I should resign myself to the fate that we will not win the next challenge. So, it is imperative that we win this challenge so that we do not go to tribal two times in a row. I hope my score of 85 is enough because I could not get it any higher than that. I am honestly very frustrated with my tribe at the moment, but I guess we shall see how things develop. Maxyne and Erick getting the advantage is interesting only because it shows who has been the most social. I will either need to get in good with the both of them or take them out early. However, the most active and social people usually do not go home first. For now, I will just keep my eye on the two of them and see how they position themselves. 
Erick giving the tribe the clue was definitely a strategic move. He wants to build trust and be transparent with everyone in order for them to like him. I see right through it. However, it is nice to get an edge on the hunt. 
I FOUND THE IDOL!!!! Erick decided to share the clue and I FOUND IT!!!! 
dear m’fucking diary...
Hey gays, this is a crack fest. I’m doing this confession rn so that I don’t have to do that fever dream of a puzzle. I got a bat to the face when I did the idol hunt, funnnnn. So, let’s recap! I’ve been connecting with a lot of people so far and that’s great, I love my tribe rn and I’m happy that Franco won the reward considering that I voted for them, so now I can at least get on Franco’s good side an maybe get some info👀. Because this is alias I probably will be playing a tad bit differently but I’m still going to be the social playing badass that y’all know and love! The worst part of this so far is that I can’t fucking say y’all, who the hell says y o u g u y s. I’m changing how I speak just a bit so that I don’t immediately get clocked, so basically I can’t use y’all and lmao in every sentence. The people I feel closest to right now are Franco, Michelle, tristin, rain, and worm. In that order, don’t get me wrong, I love everyone in the tribe, those are just the people I’ve been able to connect with the most. I’d love to move forward with that group but if that doesn’t happen well then whatever, I mean I talk to literally everyone so I’ll survive. Pretending to be interested romantically in men (sorry James Zachary) is horrible, but I think people are at least believing that I’m 20. Jay told me that all I have to do to be an adult is be excited about stupid boring shit, so I’m just gonna pretend that I’m happy about buying a new couch. Well I’ll check back in soon to update y’all about people and probably give an analysis about everyone.  That’s it, much loveeeee
I just want to say how ironic it is that I decided to do the idol hunt in the challenge and in reality actually found an idol 
Well. Im already overwhelmed and literally wanted out. (Jay knows why) But im doing counting challenge and i hope another f4 counting challenge doesnt affect my perfermance for this one. I really want to help the tribe win. Honestly im not gunna bother trying to figure out who is who. Im just gunna play and think the people are the people and play normally. Trying to guess ppl is what gunna mess me up. So wont bother with it but some phrase some ppl have said. I feel like i know who they r.
I WON FIRST REWARD AHHH. I'm such a social legend? Look at me? I'm literally winning this game. I kinda don't care about the clue because I already have a legacy advantage, AND half of a super idol (that I gotta give to somebody else, booooo), so I'm kinda??? Being chaotic and giving the clue to everyone who voted for me. It can give me an opportunity to gain more trust on the tribe
I know this is late and it's long but i fell asleep last night while this was uploading, so sorry https://youtu.be/mXmbL49orVI
Now that I have gotten to talk to everyone I can finally assess my tribe. I feel like I can be great allies with Maxyne. They voted for me in the reward which means we have a mutual good vibe from each other. Hopefully I can make them my ride-or-die. Fae and Van are really nice and I can get down with them. I think if I could choose a strong alliance of three I would pick them while having Maxyne as my real ride-or-die. Sasha seems to be the least social with me which means that they could be an easy target. I don't trust Erick or Cran because they just give me bad vibes. I do not think anything of Frank. They are probably with Sasha as one of the least social in the tribe. At least Sasha is being active within the tribe chat. Finally, I think Dusty is a sweetheart and could possibly be another one of my allies. At the very least, I know I was strong in the challenge and have at least been moderately social. This means I will not be the first boot if we were to go to tribal. 
So now we've got an alliance in the works between me, Fae, Erick, and Elle. All in the name of working together to find the idol. I feel good about the group! Me and Erick are both each others closest ally. He won the reward challenge and in doing so he was able to will be half of a super idol! We don't know where the other half might be, but I'm really happy to see that Erick trusted me enough to will me a super idol!
So uh...I haven’t been super active because the world is burning around us. But I’m trying. So far I really enjoy the people I’m playing with!
Dusty asking me to work with Fae and Erick on finding the idol which works out well for me. This means I have already positioned myself into a sort of alliance which I hope will carry me in the future. 
Fae confirmed with me the alliance that Dusty approached me with. However, there was no chat made. Also, Cranjes was added to the alliance by Erick and Fae which tells me that those those two are very social with him. These people are making their connections to obvious. Either way, with those people I have a 5-person majority. Hopefully these people will carry me through the pre-swap phase of the game, but I am getting pretty nervous in my seat. I do not trust Erick and Cranjes. I like Dusty and Fae, but I cannot get a read on the other two. Plus, if no chat has been made, how are we going to solidify the alliance? Hopefully my performance in the challenge will cover me for now, but I am getting pretty nervous at the moment.
elfranchele just started! it's an alliance chat with michele, franco, and eliza. excited to see where this goes!!
I can't tell if Susan is just super into her alias or if she really is old with her hubs
everyone seems nice. i guess. idk. i fell off a waterfall and fucked up my ankle for a fucking idol. but if anyone asks, it was sasha. 
i have something against the name sasha bc peppermint should’ve won season 9 of drag race, not sasha velour
Soooo, there is now a chat for people to hell each other look for the idol. The idol I have...
YESSSSSSS!!! I’m not gonna be first boot. It’s a party even though I didn’t win my section. Eliza didn’t do their part on the other tribe and that’s a yikes (at least with a 2 hour time exactly that’s what I’m assuming). So like they’re probably going. I’m really happy I don’t have to worry about tribal tomorrow because my sister wants to drink and celebrate her birthday since plans went sour because of that quarantine life. But gamewise though, I want to talk to Erick tomorrow since they seem like someone I could work with, although based on reward I think multiple people think that. Gonna remember that. Gotta be social....but I’m me so it’ll be an uphill battle.
So, we lost immunity. 
I could have seen that coming - but at least we weren’t totally destroyed. I’m already thinking Susan as a name but uhhh we’ll see where it goes. I’m pretty good with Franco, Michele and Eliza. I wouldn’t be shook if there was an alliance chat made at some point. I like Tristan too! And Gregg. And Lenny. ....okay I like everyone but Susan. Susan I’m sorry I respect your character choice but it ain’t it, chief. 
I feel like i might be good for this tribal. Only one name has been said which kinda worries me but im trying to stay positive. Susan is the target tonight and as long as it isnt me. Im okay with voting for whoever. Franco did share the clue with me. It was a simple clue so idk if itll be helpful or not. Im looking at a certain spot and doing all the 4 spots in the section. So hopefully i can find something.
hi i have the eco fascist dream flu and i cannot move but cranjes is john and fae is birch confirmed, i fucked up the challenge but not to the extent that we lost so that’s nice. current alliance going with fae, elle, and dusty (dusty’s my fave). they elected to give me the idol clue and i got half of the super idol so i gave that to dusty as was required and then shared the clue with the group at large because i’m a communist
So we lost the first immunity challenge. It sucks but I'll get over it. The thing that worries me now is trying to get a read on everyone during the vote. Because I don't know who I'm playing with I'm struggling on getting a read on anyone. On the bright side though I think I'm doing pretty well socially. I've talked to Michele and Tristin and they seem to trust me so I'm happy about that. Also it seems like the tribe has come to a unanimous vote to getting rid of Susan. I feel bad about getting her out but she is firmly holding on to her character which I think is making it difficult for her to make connections with other people in the tribe. The only that has me worried about this whole thing is how easy this vote is going. My anxious head just wonders about how people behind the scenes could be plotting to get me out and I just don't know it. This also isn't helped by the reward challenge and Franco receiving 5 votes to get the clue. A couple votes wouldn't have made me suspicious but 5 just seems like a lot. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but all my anxiety is saying is that there is a majority alliance already formed in the first couple hours of the game and now I'm just playing from the bottom. Hopefully that isn't true but only time will tell.
Susan Burke
I Am SO SO Excited To Be Here!! I am THE Survivor Chick And I Am Here To Win It All!! Everyone So Far Has Been So Kind. I Love These Kids!! However, I Know My Age Will Make Me A Target. They Don't Believe This Ol' Hiney Can Keep Up With Them!! So, I Wanted To Make It Clear That I Am LOYAL To This Tribe And Its People!! When I Was Out Looking For The Idol, I Stumbled Upon The Other Tribe's Camp!! How AWKWARD!! I Decided To Tell Franco - He's Popular, And The First One To Really See SUSAN For SUSAN. Hopefully I Can Buy His Trust, Because He Can Keep This Nanna Safe!! It's Really Unfortunate We Lost...But It Was So Close!! We Won't Lose Again!! I Was Instantly Worried It Would Be Me, But Doing The Challenge With Tristin Bonded Us!! Together, We Decided That Gregg Would Be Our Target, And Now We Gotta Get Everyone ONBOARD!! #TeamSDB
Im very very sad we have to go to tribal. Like i genuinely enjoy everyone on the tribe!! But it's the way the game goes, every time someone leaves it gets me one place closer to winning hehe. I now have an official alliance with Michele and Eliza and??? We are going to SLAY this game. We all have our individual strengths and I think we could be a powerhouse. Unless Susan has an idol, shes going tonight. Its sad because shes so fun but im not surprised. Everyone else on the tribe seems to have some sort of personal stake or investment in the game besides her. 
Having immunity means that I can safely bond with my tribemates without the game hovering over our heads. I'm really vibing with everyone in the tribe chat. However, I do not want to go into PMs unless they want to talk to me because it is such a Raffy thing to do to talk to people in PMs. I will try to be as social as possible in the tribe chat to still have those bonds, but I do not want to be seen as some sort of social butterfly.
So we LOST the challenge and that sucks!! It appears that the majority of people want to vote out SUSAN and I hate it!! She’s super sweet and the older players always get voted out first! Maybe because she hasn’t been as social as everyone else! At least thats the explanation. I pretty much solidified working with Worm, Franco, and Eliza pretty much. Michele as well I think! But separately of course! I can’t wait for an alliance chat! Sorry to this Susan!!
It's strange to be playing in a game where I know there's people playing that I already know but I have no idea who they are. I've talked a little bit to each but not a ton. I don't have too many guesses as to who is who, though. That's it.
0 notes
Episode 1-He’s Going To Be So Mad To Learn I’m Jordan Pines-Meredith
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rob is talking to me trying to woo me with my newbie ways hes going to be so mad to learn I’m jordan pines cause rob hates me also I’m excited to see how brandon plays when I’m not telling him how to do
meredith has a great social game i am litterally talking about the weather with rob
 jordan pines is dead long live Meredith Strogonofsky
meredith is real fucking naiv naive oh this is really fun everyone is so nice blah blah blah
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Sidenote: i wish i was on the olaf tribe ALL MY FRIENDS ARE THERE Im elsa locked alone in my fucking room while they run around the palace
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Wheeew so I'm super excited to play my third Storybook season and this time I hope it turns into a win and nobody calls me a maggot (@Steffen). For my first confessional I'm just gonna the standard run of the mill tribe analysis. 
 Adrian - Adrian seems cool. He told me hasn't played a game in a while so I think I could possibly work with him. He won't try and play too hard but he isn't completely new so he must want to get into a power alliance with somebody and  make it far for his first 
 Ashley - I love Ashley! I've known her for a little while but we've never actually played a game together before so I think it'll be interesting to see how we work together after knowing each other for a while. 
 Ashton - He's new to the whole Skype thing...I haven't really talked to him. Brandon - who? 
 Connor - bye? 
 Meredith - queen. 
 Rob - I like Rob!!! We've talked quite a bit and he's easy to talk to so I hope this develops into a game alliance and we can work together. We also got cast in Comoros together so I think that will bring us even closer together. I think he's one of the only ones I "trust" rn.   
Zach - hasn't talked to me? idk
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wow i got the best score out of everyone in the game? Literally steffen knows i suck at comps so much soooo either im just really good at that game or these people suck at comps more than i do Also i messaged Kait becuase i thought she was in my tribe so now i want to kill myself fuck was i sent to exile
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CONFESSIONAL TIME Okay so I've talked to a few people here on my tribe and I like them. I talked to Luke, Veronica, Mer, and Ashton. Ashton proposed an alliance to me basically and from our conversations, we both want to include Luke and Mer eventually.
I'm good with that, I think Ashton will be viewed as a figurehead in this game so he could work as a shield for me. He also seems to be gaming hard. Luke is cool and we're playing in two games, maybe three. I want to read up on confessionals to know how he truly is. He seems like a threat honestly. Mer is such a cinnamon roll so far. I hope that she makes the merge just so she doesn't feel bitter about the experience. I did. Veronica is similar to Luke with me but I think she'll be more of an utr player, which to me is threatening in a way.
I'm happy to win reward even though I don't think there's much benefit for it but whatever it boosts tribe morale. END CONFESSIONAL TIME
CONFESSIONAL TIME I skimmed over Westeros' confessionals because what is Arrakis? Just the overall thoughts I have about Luke coming from reading them is that he's pretty loyal, but he can be abrasive to the people he's not with. He can also be sneaky too. I don't know. Maybe I should ask STEFFEN about it? END CONFESSIONAL TIME I GUESS
CONFESSIONAL TIME One more for the hosts, I was looking for stuff for my flag and when I searched Falo on google images I got pictures of weird ass dicks... it was traumatizing. END CONFESSIONAL TIME
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Phew well, double tribal council already and no me gusta, not at all. While I try to make a flag, please enjoy my song of the day :)
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Confessional #1- The games have begun and it's time to play some survivor. My goal is to just try and stay under the radar and be nice with everyone. Hopefully I can stick around for awhile.
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Well my first impression of my tribe was that there were some familiar faces which is good. I want to work with Luke becuase iv known him for a while even though we arent close and ideally he will be my number one on this tribe with me. Then theres Veronica, I know Veronica and Zach will 100% be working together so i NEED to be on her good side so that I have both of them with me and not against. I know Zach is more of a lapdog who follows people in games so as long as I have Veronica liking me then Zach will follow her.
Everyone else isnt that talkative at least not while I was in the tribe chat. I was bummed out at first being in exile but now I have an idol so that will be super useful later on down the road. I think the person we will be voting out at tribal will probably be that one guy who didnt do the reward challenge. Honestly I dont remember his name and Im to lazy to learn it.
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yo whats up this is day 3, i've been on exile island for the last 20 hours, and i still havent even said hi to heather, nehemiah, regan, or brian and the only person i actually had a conversation with that lasted more than 2 minutes was shea... oh and because i'm on exile i can't compete in immunity... oh and this week its individual immunity because both tribes are going to tribal :) all of that points to the fact that there is no doubt that i will be going home week 1 but i don't know about thaaaaaat because one of the perks of being sent to exile island is having the chance to try and find a hidden immunity idol and..... https://68.media.tumblr.com/4f46e716c928535edcbfb2f03c869826/tumblr_omd9cz01C31w56gxho1_400.gif WHEW y'all made that a production 12 hour wait, then i had to set an alarm for 9am on a sunday morning, then i had to choose a corridor, i got the most vague clue, then yall picked the most random url, THEN it was like oh no not yet bitch you still got work to do and 2 more urls later i finally got it and that's all that matters :) :) :) :) :) :) :) when i get back from exile i'll try and step my social game up so that i can hopefully maybe stay safe on my own and get to keep the idol for later on in the game but i guess we'll see 
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yall meredith is playing the goat game hard so far already been asked into an alliance which is so clearly exploit the new player look at this shit
[2017-03-05, 8:22:55 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: what do you think about Luke and Ashton? [2017-03-05, 8:23:12 PM] Meredith Stro: they seem nice [2017-03-05, 8:23:18 PM] Meredith Stro: everyone seems really nice [2017-03-05, 8:23:58 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: what would you think about a lol group of me, you, Ashton, rob, and Luke? [2017-03-05, 8:24:17 PM] Meredith Stro: that sounds really nice [2017-03-05, 8:24:39 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Okay awesome! [2017-03-05, 8:24:49 PM] Meredith Stro: is that like an alliance? I’m still not used to how this works lol [2017-03-05, 8:25:05 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Yeah it would be :P [2017-03-05, 8:25:15 PM] Meredith Stro: that sounds great :D [2017-03-05, 8:25:23 PM] Meredith Stro: my first alliance this is so exciting [2017-03-05, 8:25:49 PM] Connor Wubbenhorst: Hahaha
meredith is a lil bitch
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Ok so WHEW.  Arendelle.  I'm here! Looking at the initial cast, I see some people I definitely like and want to work with.  Amanda, Ashley, Carson, Luke... love those 4 especially.  I know I can probably work with Amanda and Ashley in this game simply because I have never fucked them over, while I have been a messy binch with both Carson and Luke.  It'll be a miracle if they work with me. Like lol [3/3/17, 9:36:45 PM] carson k. (comoros host): HI [3/3/17, 9:38:51 PM] carson k. (comoros host): BRian [3/3/17, 9:39:15 PM] daddy brain ravioli: HI CARSON DJDJSJS [3/3/17, 9:39:23 PM] carson k. (comoros host): I'm having flashbacks [3/3/17, 9:39:31 PM] daddy brain ravioli: ME TOO [3/3/17, 9:39:41 PM] carson k. (comoros host): get away from me brain [3/3/17, 9:39:50 PM] daddy brain ravioli: ILY DONT LEAVE ME So now I just have to work my magic on people, and I can hopefully make em love meeeee. -3- Also, THANK GOD I won first immunity.  I don't think I necessarily needed it??? but not being the first boot is goals asf.  I think Heather might be voted out???  Not that I want to, but I just don't really see any other options.  And I could technically throw out a name, but I don't feel safe enough going into the future with a name coming out of my mouth and then that person DOESN'T go.
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so ya boi has got an alliance!!! it's me, luke, ashton, meredith, and rob. rob? bb. love rob. hosted rob in congo. love rob, no worries there ashton and meredith? both of their first games ever, if they're telling the truth, which i hope they are. it was SO easy to bring them together for an alliance. i think this is the first time ive played with total total newbies to games in general so i think it'll be easy to tag them along and use them however i want. i just need to know when to cut them when its time luke im a little nervous about, we played a game called mindoro and uhhh idk i voted him out and im worried there may be some hard feelings. idk. as it stands right now, the five of us are voting brandon because he just isnt active so RIP! but so far this is going pretty well, knock on wood
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tbh a majority of these people be silent af idk who is bout to be the one voted out better not be me cause as of now I suck at orgs so I just want to float and hope all is good Atm Heather seems easy to push for so I'm not gonna say it but I'm gonna agree to it
One by one everyone just coming in saying hi i'm dropping heathers name like a fast as I can Heather legit hasn't even added me like good riddance tbqh plus it was fucking stressful to find who the fuck her avi was for that flag tonight should be what I like to call a wake up call. If you're not going to even pretend you're active then bye bye
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Confessional #2- So an alliance has been made with myself, Rob, Luke, Connor and Meredith. I trust this group quite a bit especially since it doesn't seem like the rest of them have any options. Our plan is to get rid of Brandon because he's just not helping the tribe win any challenges.
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 Did heather literally just apply to infiltrate and promote her game She literally just pm'd me the link Without ever speaking to me
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