#idk if this thing has been pointed out about Fuuta but I think it's interesting!
blueepink07 · 8 months
I like how in Bring it on and Backdraft what hand Fuuta uses to hold his phone/spray can are matching in every scene, fight.
Beginning of the MVs (in both, Fuuta holds his phone/spray can with his right hand)
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When he takes his "weapon" before engaging into a fight (right hand)
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First fight - Ice Gorilla (left hand)
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Second fight - the teacher (right hand)
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Third fight - Killcheroy (left hand)
In Bring it on, after Killcheroy dies, Fuuta only has the sword from his left hand, although, at the beginning of this fight, he had two swords.
In Backdraft, the left hand seems to be the one used when Fuuta sprayed over a graffiti. Also, the red line goes from left to right.
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Moreover, I want to point out this image from Undercover.
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Fuuta covers his mouth with his left hand. The same hand with which supposedly, he killed the girl.
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multifandom-onigiri · 2 years
being someone who’s been a very adamant Haruka and Muu liker for around 2 years I think, it’s really interesting seeing how the fandom (really going to mostly be talking about Twitter here) has reacted to Haruka’s and Muu’s newfound friendship. And by interesting, I mean it is nearly downright unbearable to see people jump on Muu to the point where I absolutely think her guilty vote is just sealed, even if we don’t get her MV probably until November.
The one interesting thing about all of this is that most people make their friendship to be “Muu is the dominant person in this relationship and revealing her true colors as a malicious manipulator and Haruka, the poor victim, is stuck having to do 100% of her bidding”. It’s so agreed upon that people think Muu MUST be referring to Haruka in the first line of her song preview, even though I would really think that the songs would be primarily about revealing more of the details of their murders rather than really focusing on their current friendship. (My first thought is that Muu is talking about her dad because her parents are probably a major factor in why she is entitled, as they give her everything she wants.) Because that’s what Es’s role as guard is: judging the sins of the prisoners, not having to fix or break apart two people’s volatile relationship with each other.
There are multiple reasons why I hate how their friendship is majorly seen so far:
1) The conversation is really centered around how it would affect Haruka, how he would get hurt by it, how he’s the one getting the shorter end of the stick. While for Muu, all people have to say is how Muu’s so toxic!! She doesn’t care about Haruka at all, she views Haruka as something disposable, she’s going to drop Haruka if their verdicts are different. (And I want to argue against not necessarily this, but why that’s not the only reason she would drop him depending on the verdict.) Either that or people just saying, “i mean. Yeah. She was obviously this kind of person from the start.” (I’m not particularly mad at this one and I’m not condemning the people who say this. I’m just noticing the difference between how people will analyze Haruka on the spot to say why he shouldn’t be friends with Muu while for Muu it’s like “she’s just. Not a good person. LOL.” The provided example of what people say about Muu is less of analysis and more of people predicting what will happen by jumping to conclusions about her character.” I’ve seen a max of two threads on Twitter for Muu.
Ok I’m not saying that people actually have to write a thread on Muu to prove they know why she’s the way she is. This is poorly written; idk how to explain the feeling that people wanting to protect Haruka and who are very willing to tell you why is much more largely said out loud. )
1.5) I’ve found it really odd that a lot of people that like Haruka think that Fuuta would be a 100% better influence and friend for Haruka. Muu’s increasing amount of self-centeredness and insensitivity is very much a result to the innocent verdict we gave her. If we had given Muu and Fuuta the opposite verdicts in the first trial, I guarantee you Fuuta’s aggressiveness and his tendency to point fingers at people would have most likely increased, and some of it would have rubbed off of Haruka. Would people really like that more? (Why do I feel like the answer to this…is yes…)
(Reasons 1 + 1.5 combined just make me feel…ummm. Really bad vibes tbh)
2) I’m genuinely surprised that people think everything (and I mean everything.) about the “new” Haruka is a direct result of Muu’s influence and nothing else. And while some of it is a direct result of her influence (his pose that he’s doing in his sprite + keeping the hairclips Muu gave him. <- fashion sense rubbing off on him) , I’d argue that his new sense of confidence in himself and him seemingly echoing the same desire that Muu has to stay in Milgram is not solely just Muu’s doing.
It’s a result of the innocent verdict we’ve given him. Giving him the innocent verdict along with becoming friends with Muu has caused him to realize that something.
That Milgram is the perfect escape from his cruel reality of not being paid attention to/not being loved or cared for by someone that he never knew he needed, but now he’s found it.
I do have to admit right now Haruka’s story/testimony is one where I have more trouble creating a clearer picture of the murder(s ? I’ll get to that in a moment.) and the exact circumstances leading up to it (them). So im going to try to talk this point through, but please correct me if need be. (Tbh my point. I don’t think it really touches upon that specifically but I’ll see as I write this out.)
Something I’ve noticed with trial 1 Haruka is that the guy clearly hates himself. a lot. Or at least he seems practically incapable of viewing himself in any sort of positive light. (I’m pretty sure that’s called hating yourself.) His season 1 voice lines refers to himself as “someone like me” and mentions about how he brings misfortune to others, and this pops up in his voice drama along with the notion that he has 0 right to judge people because of what he’s done (which also pops up in interrogation question #16.) The MV (like the animation alone and not the lyrics) can be take as an example of this if you believe the younger self theory. (I do. Because I’m totally not biased and totally not projecting myself onto that.) This negativity seems to be a result from what other people (very likely his parents) have told and called him (hopeless, a disappointment, “you praised me by saying ‘you’re crazy’”), and as a result he’s internalized it to the point of believing in it.
I’ve been looking stuff up and need to look around more and there seems to be multiple theories about who’s he killed and how many times he killed? He has a confirmed kill of at least 1 because I don’t think you can or should really deny that he killed the dog that he followed into the forest. We know he doesn’t like animals and that’s probably the reason why. Every other possible murder he’s committed is unconfirmed and not implied enough to the point where everyone agrees it happened like a good amount of the other MVs. I’m pretty sure you need to have at least directly or indirectly caused the death of one being to get sent to Milgram. And then multiple amounts of possible murders/deaths that have been theorized ranging from the brother theory to “he might have killed his mom” to “he might have committed suicide.”
But regardless, most of these seems to stem from the fact that they’re all an act of desperation, a result of him wanting to be cared for and just. never getting it. ever.
Jump to the present where we’ve just started Trial 2. From what we’ve gotten for Trial 2 so far, the self-negativity seems to have completely disappeared. He has done a complete 180, has not mentioned a single time about how he’s a disappointment, and you can just hear his genuine confidence in his voice.
I looked back at his voice drama, and something that stands out to me is that getting interrogated made him happy because he was actually being listened to. It ties into everything I just talked about and also how the innocent verdict we gave him plays a part in how he gains this self confidence.
And the answer is just that. He was able to tell us his story and we listened to him and accepted him and how he felt. We agreed that he should be paid more attention to. Giving him a guilty vote would have probably told him that what the people in his life had told him was the truth, essentially just affirming and strengthening the internalized negativity he had in trial 1.
Milgram has given him everything he could have ever wanted. A place where he feels like he could be accepted for who he is rather than being shamed for it. He’s stated that the other inmates have been kind to him.
And he’s found Muu, the person that he states has given him the most attention and the person who I’d like to argue that is the most similar to Haruka out of the rest of the cast.
(I’ve already rambled a lot about Muu’s background and I don’t really want to repeat stuff I’ve said because of how long this already is, so please refer to this while you start reading this section.)
Both Muu and Haruka care a great deal about the connections they form (or fail to form) with the people in their life. Despite (the possibility of) his parents viewing Haruka as a major disappointment, Haruka very much cared about what they thought of him. The MV suggests that, and in the interrogation questions, he says that he loves his family and he wants to see his mom (with the words crossed out.) In After Pain, it’s implied that the people bullying her to the point where she’s mentally unstable used to be her friends. And the entire bridge building up to the chorus has Muu desperately run after the purple hair girl that she cares about in some way due to how her pupils dilate the moment the purple haired girl walks by Muu lying among random stuff scattered across the floor.
Both Muu and Haruka also wants some form of attention from both the people around them but also us, the audience. As explained with Haruka, he just wants to be generally loved and cared for, while for Muu, she wants affirmation that she didn’t deserve to be bullied. That she didn’t do anything wrong in this situation. Their songs revolve around this, portraying them both in a light that makes the audience want to pity them. And that’s how they managed to earn their innocent vote. People pitied Haruka as they learned of his circumstances and watched him self-deprecate himself. People pitied Muu as they learned of her circumstances and watched her cry and pity herself for somehow landing in this situation.
At the core of both of these characters, they are people with similar demeanors who value and are looking for very similar things, despite the fact that both of them have dealt with vastly different circumstances and upbringings. And this is why I believe that’s how they became even closer friends when the verdicts dropped and also why their relationship is so volatile. They’re more likely to be able to understand and comfort each other at the cost of literally enabling each other to never grow as people. They both don’t want to leave Milgram and would rather stay forever in this prison, using it as an escapist fantasy. In a different story, you’d probably be able to write how both of them could keep their friendship intact while learning how to accept that they need to confront their issues and not ignore them.
But let’s be real here. This is Milgram. That is not happening, and will never happen. I’ve accepted that already and the fact that there’s a very high chance that my vote does not matter when it comes to the characters improving or not. They will probably get worse. The vote probably affects how they get worse. But they will get worse. Sad.
I’m hoping we get to see their relationship play out through the portal tweets and Minigram because I really want to see how it’s developed (and whether I’m right on the money with it.) I’m also curious about what happens to their friendship after the trial 2 votes. (Took 2-3 hours just to finally talk about why I don’t think Muu would necessarily drop Haruka because she “doesn’t need him anymore.”)
I think the most likely outcome that would result in her dropping Haruka is if she was voted innocent, while Haruka was voted guilty. (Which is NOT HAPPENING rn from the looks of it LOL.) She would drop him because Milgram agrees with her, and she isn’t wrong. One of her season 2 voicelines states that “I knew I could trust you to know that Muu did nothing wrong…right?” (Not word for word.) If she’s voted innocent, she’d probably choose to trust Milgram and distance herself away from Haruka. (And…I don’t want to think about the consequences of that just yet. I know. It would be really bad.)
I think if Haruka is voted innocent while she is voted guilty (the most likely to happen as of rn), she doesn’t so much “drop him” but rather she starts questioning herself again and two things could happen with this. 1) She starts to cling onto Haruka EVEN MORE because he’s the one person she knows/believes will listen to everything she says. She doesn’t want to be seen as being in the wrong, and knowing that at least one person will believe her would give her something to have at least a shred of hope in. 2) She does distance herself away from Haruka, not because she doesn’t need him but because she can no longer trust Milgram. Milgram has deemed that she is in the wrong; therefore Milgram must be like the people who bullied her. The people who hated how she acted. Becoming more paranoid and developing a “the world vs. me” attitude, she doesn’t want to associate with anyone favored by Milgram. Haruka being voted innocent means that Milgram trusts him, and she can’t trust that.
I think if they’re both voted guilty, that’s probably the outcome where she’s the least likely to drop him. I can’t really come up of a reason why she would. They were both voted guilty, so it probably just affirms to her how similar their situations are and probably convinces her that they need to stick with each other. That’s my personal take.
I want to see how much Haruka has changed before I can tell whether he wants to stay with Muu or not depending on these outcomes.
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randomkposts · 4 years
Stalker with a crush
K: E, crack idea. Kyoto hitman reborn crossover with Yandere simulator
How the crack crossover would go, depends on who Yandere has a crush on.
The easiest would be Tsuna, who pre-reborn invokes protective feelings in Yandere, and makes them want to go after his bullies. They even had a kidnapping plan prepared, only for Reborn to show up, and all these guys to start surrounding him, like bodyguards.
Though it would be hilarious if Yandere crushed on Hayato, or Hibiri, for different reasons
E:Ong Plus its very norm for Tsuna to straight up tun into someone. And he's a sweetie.
The only time a girl ever liked him first and she's nuts.
K: It would be very Tsuna, wouldn't it
E: It would and it's hilarious for us. Now he can also pressured vy reborn to take the delinquents as a "Decimo" should uphold *something somthing reborn would say*"
Gokudera would probably jump the bomb on that one already goes on the delinquents.
Hibari would be suuuuuuper hard to get to even come to this place and honestly Yan-chan would find him as a t he eat *i mean as long as she ain't breaking rule she good*
K: That one opens up the most scenarios. Like a possible spinoff, where Yandere did go through with the kidnapping earlier, Nana tells her husband, and a crazy struggle opens up to find Tsuna. The Mafia, VS yandare's family, would be quite a battle.
E: Hibiri and Megami teeth clenched teamwork.
K: Yamato has so many fangirls (and boys) that it would probably start up some rivalry's, if Yan's attention is on him.
E:A long line of Yandere? Already implied to have some hands in the underworld. They're pretty damn great at tying up loose ends.
They haaaaate eachother so much. Well maybe Megami does, Hibari doesn't give a fuck.
K: Meanwhile, Tsuna and his future fiancee are in a different town, where nobody's bullying him, and it's a bIt weird, not terrible.
E: Yamato fanclub totally. You know I think Budo knows kendo I believe.
K: "Join the boxing club"
"I have formed my own club"
E: He would try that!!!! Someone would even explain to him you can join the other two clubs but nope!!
K: The other way it could swing, is Yandere becoming a Guardian. What kind of flame do you think they would have?
E: Yandere I always see to have either a cloud flame. Or malleable en9ugh to have storms.
K: I wonder if an argument could be made for lightning flame. Lightning's property is hardening, right? Except, rather than physical hardening being it's first use in the household, it's emotional hardening. We don't question it as much in the show, but Lambo is a 5 year old Hitman. And otherwise seems to be a normalish kid, demanding attention.
What if he hardened himself towards killing, in a bid for parental attention.
Or perhaps, he demands so much attention, because his parents are absentee
E: He was also sent out basically on a death mission by his own family.
Kids gotta be emotionally strong enough to be in a household like that. We never did find out what the hell his parents are even doing.
Not even Fuutas.
K:Yandere, uses hardening properties to achieve a different emotional effect. Hardening against them. Their dad is a kidnapped victim, living with his murderous kidnapping wife who is obsessed with him first and foremost, and teaching the kid to be like her. Social skills were not taught particularly well as a small child, which led to further isolation from peers. They didn't even notice they were doing it, just shut It all out.
E: True. Even Yan mother even see her as a threat. Imagine being on the side of a murderous intentions from your own mother.
Yan has to be emotionally hardened at this point. She is pretty good to have as a mafia ally. I mean it's not far fetched for them to try to control her . I mean they have Mukuro with them. The Yakuza ending also pretty much stated she would join them. She kidnaps a lot of girls and boys without getting caught.
K: Tsuna, catches their attention. This boy, who the school calls no good, who is failing his classes, who is ruthlessly picked on. He keeps coming. And they start to get mad at the people who keep picking on this sweetie, and then he talks to them one day, and that's it. They feel a lot for him & are determined to put a smile on his face.
And while just talking to him would probably do that , Yandere is too shy to do that, and resorts to other things.
And they are unhardening, and finding emotion can be brought to the forefront to do things for him, and he must be Sempi.
Hayato gets kidnaped a few times (and rescued by Bianchi and others), before Yandere realized they both are here to protect Tsuna
Like, before they bond over that, Hayato is out smoking or something, and just gets nabbed.
He has conspiracy theories over who is kidnapping him.
He kind of just wakes up in these random houses.
One time Hibiri rescues him, and goes after Yandere for disturbing the peace, with kidnapping. And Hayato gets rescued from the truck by kusakabe.
The Yakuza are doing the kidnapping, because that would cut into time with Senpai.
E: Other things like leaving encouraging note to him in his locker or small gifts he would like *honestly Tsuna would be so touched if someone even remembers to include him in something. And it is canon option for Senpai*
Would Yandere be more lax in them? If he is also interested in protecting Senpai, then ally?
Stop cutting into time with Senpai, she makes sure he gets home safe!
K: Eventually, they decide, with all the problems that come after Sempai, more people on the job may not be a bad thing.
How would Reborn react to all of this? Would he be dropping cryptic hints.
K: He totally would.
He's probably not liking how much attention Yan would bring if she isn't careful. Impressed with her skills, but honestly who is he to judge in his own profession. Utilize her skills. He would have already gone through her background even her parents. Ryoba history is the most surprising so far.
K:How would Mukuro becoming Sempai possibly come about? As a what if, I mean. It's pretty unlikely, given he's in prison, as is most of the Varia, but this is a crack premise, so it's a possibility, I guess.
If she's the most surprising so far, then he has not gotten far into the family history.
E:Well can it be possible for Chrom to be senpai? She's quiet and sweet. Kind and Senpai can be a girl or boy either way doki doki.
Ahaha yeah, true. He hasn't gona so far cause he wasn't expecting her parents to be ...well a boy who went missing and a girl who was on trial of a decade for murder.
He probably started looking into Yan history if he noticed her skulking around Tsuna.
K: That's a good point.
Operation: find Sempai organs is a go
A family history reading that disturbs Reborn the more he reads it.
The more he goes, the more fucking questions he has. How big is this family even?
He would start looking in local Yakuza history or the underworld to see if Aishi family has connections to it.
K: With Yandere unhardening, through friendship, operation organs may happen anyway How long has this been happening, and why was it none of the reports!!?
E: If senpai cares for his friends and wants them happy, if that makes Senpaj happy she would do it.
They slip under the radar as they please. Reborns a bit chilled at how long this has been going on and no one seems to notice
It happened in literally thousands of people watching and she still was acquitted innocent
Reborn can see Yan as a blessing in a really messed up disguise as she has talking a liking towards Tsuna. Maybe this can work in his favor
K: Who else is in this investigation ?
E: *lol Yan is pretty pissed at how much trouble Reborn puts Senpai in*
WAIT WE FORGOT ABOUT THE REPORTER. (C :Part of reborns investigation? Maybe Info?)
K: Idk, isn't he worried she might kidnapping him?
E: Maybe, but is she did Reborn would be getting kinda loose in his abilities as a hitman if that happens
K: what about info and the rivals?
E:With the right manipulation he can make it work. Yan may be a dangerous girl but she's still too young and is still learning. Rivals? Depends on how they react with Tsuna?
If Yan find out about Kyoko, she a dead girl. Nah jk, Ryohei wouldn't let that happen and IF TSUNA EVER FOUND OUT.
K:It could happen in the future. Just one day, the demecio dissapes.
Does he still have a crush on Kyoko, in this world? It's middle school, and another rival may have caught his interest. maybe Ami?
E: Well I kept thinking back to One day Decimo disappears and honestly i really like that idea he just vanishes
K: Did his lightning grab him, or was it someone else? Can you see Tsuna having a crush on any of the Yansim rivals instead of Kyoko?
E: Yan i wanna say to most. Dedication and honestly it can be the long game. Everyone thinks they're finally as normal as they can get. But one day maybe during a siege, **i wanna say Yan helped it start but that would be redundant maybe take opportunity of it happening to do it* they Tsuna.
Hmmm definitely Ami
Osana is like "ehhh" why she keep going tsuntsun on him
Mida/and the Nurse is obvious no
He might blush *i would too what the hell is the dress code in Akademi???*
Osoro would scare him
Hanako would probably like him to be honest,
K: Would Kokona show up?
E: He think sport club leader Asu is pretty cool
K: and Oka? Osoro?
E: Kokona is fucking sweetie too. OKA IS TOO PRECIOUS. BUT SHE WOULD KINDA SCARE HIM WITH THE OCCULT STUFF. She would remind him of Chrome
K:they should meet!!
E:Osoro would scare him. Like a female Hibari just more hnnn i dunno i say sane to
K: Osoro and Hibari fight a lot due to disturbing the peace. Are they both clouds you think?
E:Uekiya would also be a great choice too!
HIbari would fight her cause of her delinquents. Hibiri isn't going to have that.
I wanna see her delinquents vs the disciplinary committee.
K: Just imagine the students desensitised to Hibiri and Osoro fighting.
"Oh this happens whenever she comes back from suspension"
Reborn is a bit perplexed to find two strong clouds having a frequent battle is normal, and hasn't destroyed the area yet
E: The delinquents from Akademi were former bullied student’s which is why Genka is so lenient on them. She feel guilty on how it went so faR.
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