#idk is there even a letterkenny fandom
musicalsmenagerie 2 years
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that one part in season 4 where glen and the skids are both trying to get jonesy to join them.... yeah
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huntingteeth 7 months
hey, a thing, i love a thing, thanks @dafuq-lyrehc, i love doing things
last song/album:
f眉r immer fr眉hling - akustik version by soffie this place will become your tomb - sleep token
but also i made a playlist on spotify that i've been slowly adding songs to that's all women softly singing about being angry that's called 'and a rage, simmering' and it's only four songs long right now but it's scratching an itch for me
favorite color:
like a forest green. a hunter green. my comforter is a hunter green and it really does it for me
spicy, sweet, or savory:
mmm, probably savory. or like sour-savory, like the tom yum soup i had last night for dinner. like a good kosher dill pickle. maybe a little spicy
last tv show:
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, does dimension 20 count because if dimension 20 counts, then either fantasy high: junior year or the unsleeping city 2. if that doesn't count, idk because i'm not out here watching tv that often. maybe letterkenny because that's a comfort show lmao or drunk history because that's also a comfort show lmao. or, i did just watch the most recent episode of mystery files from watcher, does that count as a tv show?
last film
the last movie i watched for me was the fear street trilogy last year lmao. the last movie i played in my classroom was the grinch (2018) which is coincidentally the last film i saw in theaters because i actually hate going to the theater. i really don't watch movies lmao. i'm wayyyyyy more likely to watch ending explained videos for horror movies i'm never going to watch
last thing i googled:
"time change 2024" uh because thinking about the time change makes my head want to explode. google tried to be helpful but my brain can't math the math so i had to ask my friends about it instead of looking at google and boy was it a trial but we eventually got there, kind of
relationship status:
single, head of household; uninterested in dating/being in a relationship
current obsession:
i hate to break this to you guys but i'm two hours and ten minutes into two hour and half hour deep dive video (part one) of teen wolf from a person whose opinions on teen wolf i do not agree with even if i, an intellectual who has written 33 fics in the teen wolf fandom, know that it's objectively not a great show lol so i guess it's that because it kind of makes me want to watch teen wolf again
or maybe sleep token is my obsession since the fic is nearing almost 50k! that's wild to me tbh. i take it back my obsession is building out the lore on this fic lol. i mean i have a draft with all my commentary on the fic lined up for when the fic finishes so i can share it with you all which is wild and maybe more indicative of an obsession lol
uh @branches-in-a-flood @shatterthefragments @vamprlestat @unfoldingsky uhh if you wanna, no pressure
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pameluke 3 years
Jan's Year in Writing
Time for some stats!
Words written: 75944 (made my goal of 75k \o/)
Words posted: 12462 (2021 really was the year of unfinished stories, alas)
Stories Posted
Putting Down Roots (2877 words), Original Work, F/F About an Eco-Architect falling in love with a Dryad. (I had to release my love for Houseplants somewhere.)
Date, Interrupted (4851 words), Shadowhunters (TV), Alec/Magnus, After five years of marriage, Alec and Magnus still try to make time to go out together. Work and life tend to get in the way, but this evening, they'll let nothing ruin the romance. (Or, the one where they fight a Kraken in Central Park and are romantic about it)
Crisis For Two (4734 words), Station 19, Emmett/Travis, Emmett starts a new job at Crisis One and has a slight case of anxiety about it. Lucky for him, Travis has a three-step plan to help him relax.
Some thoughts: all of these were written for exchanges (Chocolate Box, Id Pro Quo, and Yuletide respectively), I also signed up for omegaverse exchange, but had to default because of a work emergency at the worst time possible. Clearly, in these hard writing years of not finishing things, exchanges and deadlines are what makes me power through and actually write an ending.
Also, I just really like to make people happy and give them gifts, so, fic exchanges are the best.
But what else did I write if I have so many words and so little to show for it?
Well thanks to 6 years of Get Your Words Out, my wordcount tracking spreadsheet has developed rainbow colors and all the fancy diagrams. Incoming!
Even More Stats, Graphs and Thoughts
Behold, all the things I worked on this year!
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Letterkenny: 669
Gathering of Dragons: 685
Shadowhunters: 6180
Station 19: 11553
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 11723
911: 17664
There's also a bunch of fandom adjacent writing here I'm not going to break down, so many prompts and fic ideas and random small things. Anyway, Sambucky got to me big, I wrote in some kind of fever for a little bit, got so much inspiration from FFA and talking about them (my prompt list is still humongous, hot damn), and then I kind of just, stopped. This has pretty much been my fandom experience for the last two years, nothing seems to stick for a structural amount of time. It's why I'm happy I managed to write something for Shadowhunters. It's not the same as when they were my main fandom, but there is something to be said about the comfort of writing for an old love. As always, I'm kind of hoping I'll manage to at least finish some of these, but idk, the brains have been fickle.
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If you look at how my writing is spread out of the year, it's easy to see that I basically only wrote in 6 months, and the summer and fall kind of fucked with me in a combo of too warm, too much family and too much work crisises. I started NaNoWriMo but my computer broke, but it's always good for forcing me away from work after the yearly oktober madness, and focus back on things that actually make me happy. I think I would have made it if I hadn't fallen without a computer, and of all the things I wrote last year and didn't finish, the NaNo story is the one I want to finish most. It's Sex Pollen and Grief and lots of Eddie having anxiety, what's not to like?
How was 2021 compared to other years? Why, yes, I do have a graph for that.
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ANo year is ever going to beat the year I was unemployed and doing RP and I wrote 75k in three months. I wrote a little more than last year, but posted and finished less. Nothing compares to the hight of the Shadowhunters year, when I wrote with love and fire and no care in the world. What I've come to realize is that writing is both something that makes me happy and fulfilled, but also something that I can only do when I'm beyond a certain threshold of okay. I can't write to make me feel better when I'm really stressed or in a bad brain space due to depression. So like, if I look at this graph, it's also a rough look at how I'm doing.
There has never been a good October ever, hot damn.
Anyway, mostly I wanted to show off my pretty graphs, because spreadsheets, my beloveds.
Some final thoughts: A couple of things do help me to keep writing when life gets in the way, and those are: fic exchanges. I'm signing up for Chocolate Box again, will definitely treat for Yuletide and probably sign up, and will see what else catches my fancy. Honestly, they're fun and good for keeping you writing and expanding your horizons, can recommend them.
Get Your Words Out is an amazing community focused on keeping you writing all year long. They offer great spreadsheets (I started with theirs, then got a spreadsheet loving friend who made a rainbow version and we've been adding graphs every year since), a monthly check-in that makes me realize when I've turtled and not written for too long, and lots and lots of writing tips and encouragement. I love them, and sign-ups are only open for a couple of days still, so check them out! https://getyourwordsout.dreamwidth.org/
4thewords is a game that has you beat creatures big and small and colorful with written words. It's great for getting that writing habit going, and amazing for making you write another paragraph. They do loads of activities, are great for NaNo and other events, and you get to dress your avatar with items you win by writing. Also, I planted real life trees! Of all the writing things I ever did, I think I love this one the most, even more than NaNo
So all in all, I think I'm happy with 2021 as far as writing went. It was a sucky year overall, but fuck it, I wrote!
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