#idk it just doesn’t feel sompletely right
dyketectivecomics · 7 years
Batfam & techie-ness
Major note: ofc most of the fam are tech geniuses & can out-geek the GeekSquad. But also some of them just... aren’t
-dick is one who’s talent is def in his athleticism. This boi is the nice-mom-jock of the fam.
-which means he Flounders & Fails when it come to tech stuff (& he cheats by letting Bruce & Barbara help him out w/ that stuff. Later tim is added to his Trusted Tech Support Team^tm)
-his Titan teammates all thought he was almost on par w/ cyborg as a techie but it was all a Lie that he is Ashamed to never admit to (he will Deny It at All Costs)
-Babs was a budding expert when she joined Bruce’s crusade. & by the time she finished high school early she was even ahead of his expertise (but Bruce didn’t want to admit it at the time)
-she was happy to provide tech pointers when dick was still Angsting as a Titan & refused to call Bruce but she totally uses it as leverage f he started to annoy her
-ofc she only kept getting better after her rebirth as Oracle
-jason didn’t care at all for learning abt tech stuff, but still wanted to be well-rounded enough to hold his own
-that changed when he stole Dicks RedX suit bc he was Ready to Improve & Surpass dick’s achievements
-those plans were put on hold after he died, but he rebounded from that after realizing how much he needed to put into his big Revenge/Avengence plan for his big Comeback
-tim was naturally gifted like Babs. And surpassed her record for going tech-pro by the time he was 14 (as opposed to her 15/16-ish timeframe). Didn’t pass her expertise until abt 18 tho. But he Tried & that’s what matters
-cass followed in dicks footsteps for mooching off of Babs & tims tech-pertise. Altho she remembers to thank them a lil more often than he does, so she gets a free pass to ask for anything. No questions asked
-need me to hack into that shady gov dept? Np cass! Want sm new upgrades to ur com system to speak for u when u don’t wanna talk? Ofc!
-Damian also takes after dick & cass but moreso in a “ofc I should expect some tech support. Do you rlly think this team would run as well if we all specialized in every aspect of crime fighting?”
-translation: serve me you peons. I will not thank you for your toil bc it is expected.
-Damian gets 0 favors & few updates bc of this. So he’s become more self-reliant bc his Pride wont let him admit that he needs their help
-pro: he’s getting better with tech! Con: he could’ve had their help he wasn’t such a walnut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-steph is v inbtwn. Not an expert, but willing to do a lot of stuff on her own until she makes a mistake. & when she does, she goes to Babs first to fix it. If Babs can’t, usually Tim can & if neither of them can she lets them become obsessed w/ it & drops it to move on to smthn else
-she’s v go w/ the flow when it comes to tech aspects of learning the crime stuff
-Harper is more about hardware than software like tim & Babs are. But she knows enough to hold her own in helping them debug stuff. She n Jason get along rlly well when trying to make new gadgets & improvements for their batputers
-duke is the embodiment of the Jack of all trades & tech is no different
-luke falls in w/ Harper n Jason as part of Team Hardware. He likes to take after his dad in the design dept for the batfam’s gear tho
-Tiffany is like Child^tm when she joins. So everyone eases her into the tech thing. “no pressure” is a v common thing she hears from them & she knows they mean well
-Kate & Bruce are almost on the same page w/ the tech stuff. But Bruce still has a considerable lead over Kate (experience n time as Batman ofc. Kate didn’t rlly show up in Gotham as batwoman till later in the game after all) she’s still all about accepting help after she realizes how much easier it is
And for the FutureFam:
-Helena Kyle-Wayne knows a Lot. Ofc. Not a tech-pert but she holds her own. She’s the daughter of Batman & Catwoman for Pete’s sake!!!
-Carrie was another combat-savvy, partially-tech-deprived kid. She caught onto coding p quick & there was hope for her. She just wasn’t as interested in it at first glance
-Terry is a Mess when it comes to software. If he can’t smash it to fix the problem, there’s no hope that his failed hacking will work. As long as Bruce or smone else guides him step by step he’s fine but if he’s on his own, only God will be able to save the city. (Until Bruce finally cracks down on him to learn the batfam’s standard of The Basics)
-Alfred silently fixes simple mistakes in everyone’s code when it’s frustrated them from staring at the same line knowing that Something was Wrong. But not being able to look @ it w/ fresh eyes. He always offers himself as a sounding board to new ideas, even after advances in tech start to become too much for him to understand (or also bc dementia might be setting in?)
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