#idk what this is djsns this is my first hc?!? and i like making this?!?
indomies · 3 years
hey do you have any tfc headcanons
i have so many in my q lmao
ok here’s my random headcanons. also i think im ignoring that tfc happens in early 2000s lmao
nicky is a queen of karaoke. can he hold a tune? debatable. will he give you a performance of a lifetime? absolutely.
renee bakes very well!! it’s one of the things stephanie taught her. at first she only bakes to destress you know. but then she falls in love with baking. she’s baked cookies/cake for the upperclassmen’s birthday, but since the foxes won the championship, she bakes for all of their birthdays!
(also one of the times andrew met renee, they didnt fight, but renee taught him how to bake. and andrew having perfect memory, he only needs a recipe for the first try. and andrew loves sweet so!!!)
kevin can recite exy history and rules and regulations word per word. the foxes know about this and like to mess with kevin with like “you know exy is just super violent lacrosse” kevin just like “accORDING TO RULE 3 PARAGRAPH 4”
aaron, our future doctor, gives off-handed medical advices to the foxes. they’re just out of the blue and he wont repeat twice lmao. but over the years, the foxes trust each other more and they’re more comfortable with each other. and they always come to aaron for generic medicine (he has everything and anything) and ask him like “hey why am i nauseous after drinking 500ml milk” “you’re lactose intolerant you idiot”
ALSO aaron and neil?! that combo? is deathly. they could kill anyone with their words. imagine aaron and neil doing press lmao, wymack would lose his mind
one time allison did make over on neil. and neil loved it and he asked allison to take him shopping once. and allison’s like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ok i’ll teach you what i know about fashion. and allison made sure to pick clothes that neil comfortable with.
tbh allison has been giving the girls fashon advice bc she makes this world her runway. and slowly other foxes ask her as well. like aaron has a date with katelyn and not sure how to dress etc.
andrew attracts childern and also adore them!!!! just andrew and children in general?!?! like?!? andrew will listen to any rambles and he remembers all of them. he just entertains children in general.
matt likes to piggy back neil. neil likes to be carried by matt. when neil is sleepy, he goes to matt so matt can piggy back him. just matt being a bro to neil
dan can dance!!! she’s self-taught but she’s a natural talent! she teams up with nicky during karaoke, where nicky sings and dan dances. matt: hearteyes intensified
dan and matt propose at the exact same time
after tkm and after everything is calm and safe, the foxes give the twins, kevin and neil everything they miss during their childhoods. go to amusement parks, binge watch disney movies, go to the zoos, enjoying the carnivals. they also make sure that those 4 can experience holidays like chrismas properly. 
tbh it’s nicky’s personal mission that they all watch disney movies like every sunday. his favorite is the little mermaid, bc the prince’s name is eric and he’s so in love with his bf. mulan’s renee spirit animal
once they’re all watching the snow white and 7 dwarves. being dicks that they are, they start assigning who’s who. kevin is grumpy, nicky is dopey, matt is happy. rest is undecided
andrew and neil get married. aaron and katelyn get married. dan and matt get married. fuck the bonus content
the foxes go on vacation together once in a year! it’s obligatory, nicky said. allison is always the one who makes the arrangement.
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