#idk where my netz one will be
firebuug · 1 year
i know my first tattoo should probably be something small but i just dont have any small tattoo ideas im excited enough to get first. if im gonna pay $200+ dollars for a pain appointment its gonna be something big
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fakeyellow · 1 year
You know i was wondering how the k-netz in the game will react to F!Lee Seol with F!Mc confirmed being a couple you know? 🤔 Tbh im not mad if you put the k-netz comment in the game sounds ruthless you know bcs it seriously is in their nature on daily basis lol 💀
This is an interesting question and while I'm leaning towards writing it one specific way, I'd love to hear more people's opinions on it before I decide anything final.
Long answer below:
As it is, I wasn't planning on F!LS and MC's relationship going public. The important people would know about it including both of your managers/friends and other close friends. Korea can still be considered a socially conservative society and even if there are slowly more gay characters in dramas/films, there aren't many actual celebrities who are out. There is the comedian/restauranteur Hong Seok Cheon who is probably the most famous out gay celebrity but he couldn't appear on TV for 3 years and faced/faces discrimination. Even this year, the Korean Pride festival was denied a venue in Seoul in favour of a Christian youth concert.
For actors, particularly of LS and MC's popularity and particularly women, to come out as LGBT, that would effectively destroy both of your careers and possibly cause a national outrage. It could lead to petitions to the Blue House (Korea's White House), physical protestors, and some seriously abusive comments. We joke that netizens can be harsh online but there are already irl examples of how they can go too far. While there can be negative comments in the story in the future, there's a limit to how negative they'll be.
So I was planning for a more veiled romance in the end where for the public, it'll have like "oh they're such good friends" / "and they were roommates~" vibes. But for LGBT groups, they might pick up on the sapphic vibes and silently root for them.
Those are my thoughts on the matter but then again, this is a game so I don't necessarily have to make it so realistic and could write a happy ending where you guys come out. IDK I'm open to hearing thoughts on this.
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haekass · 7 years
Ramblings of a tired mind:
Am I just getting old or are kpop fandoms going more and more batshit? Or is it more like that type of fan never really left it’s just been getting handed down through the generations? Like they may not be hanging onto the back of a van physically anymore, but they might as well be metaphorically with some of the comments they make.
I’m really tired, have I mentioned that?
I think the reason I’m fixating on first gen boy groups (hot comeback where tf are you???) is bc second gen is doing army duty and for me... any group that’s not first or second gen I’m literally like ‘omfg child NO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING’ and yeah, major squick for me. So I can’t really.. idk what’s the right word? Pay attention? Get into?? newer groups, but the first gens are totally putting out some jams and they’re still doing their thing so that’s cool. The ones who are confident have no issues stripping down when it comes to that *coughleeminwoocough* but some of the... idk understated moves they do are just incredibly sexy and hot to watch?? I think this might be bc I’m getting old and my tastes are changing. (lmao watch me be that 71 year old kicking everyone’s ass in kpop trivia)
Sigh girl groups. Aside from SES who recently kinda got back together, I think the oldest group at this point is soshi?? Maybe? idk. Why do girl groups get so much shit and don’t have as long of a life as boy groups? Oh. Wait. lmao I know. Misogyny. How could I forget. But dude I’d love to see some of the first gen girl groups do a permanent return to the stage, they’ve got some incredible bops. It seems like my biases in girl groups just keep getting younger and younger and it makes me kinda sad in a way? Knowing that they must feel the pressure of making it big quick bc they have such a short time in the spotlight and then having to deal with all of the shit that netz spew bc omg they didn’t smile 25/8 they have a tiny bulge in their belly BC THEY JUST FUCKING ATE YOU GODDAMN FUCKERS. Anyway. Much love to the girl groups out there bc they deal with far more shit than they have to.
Also can guy groups get away from the body shaming and dieting shit too? There seems to be pressure for the ‘visual’ to have some mythical type of body with a six pack and all like omfg these kids need to eat THEY ARE NOT DONE GROWING YET STOP MAKING THEM TRY TO DEVELOP ABS. If they do it of their own volition, more power to them, but this subtle pressure... not good.
Speaking of bodies... I think this is another reason I want HOT to make a comeback - Heejun is well known as an incredible dancer but he’s not tiny at all. He’s got a similar body size to Shindong and it’s like... can we have some of the chubbier ones that bust moves or can hit those ad lib notes no problem debut or something? Anyway.
I’m really tired but I gotta be up for the next 2 hours ugh.
Fuck I feel like a fandom grandma or something. 
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