#idk who this lucien guy is but i would like to meet him. maybe make out behind a kaufland at 3am. maybe punch him
revoleotion · 4 months
Okay so some Critical Role drama from a couple years ago, in one of the episodes a kid died and that upset some members of the fandom, so some of them decided to try to start an project that lists trigger/content warnings for each episode, which by itself aint too bad of an idea, except for 1 big big problem, the people running it were incompetent. And the person(let's call them Red) running it had a very holier than thou I know better then you attitude.
One of their ideas for a cw was "Graphic plant suffocation" and "violence", violence for a dnd Livestream/podcast
Also one of the rules established early on was that they wouldn't tag for characters, except that they tagged one of the characters Astrid because "abuse storyline" and refused to tag when her abuser showed up.
Near the end of campaign 2 the character Lucien showed up, a cult leader who is a pos, well Red made a huge thread on Twitter talking about how it's obvious that the main party are actually the bad guys here and are excited because they didn't expect Matt to go there. They even claimed that they wouldn't tag cw for when Lucien gaslights people because "he believes what he's saying". Cue Lucien fully going evil. Red still refused to tag anything about him because "it's obvious that he's evil" like you fucking fell for him.
Well when some people complained about how this "serious" project was being handled red would complain about them on Twitter or the project discord server going so far as to call one of them "an emotionally draining tiring little bitch".
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Ah yes. I don't even know where to start, so I will just mention my favorite phenomenon I've noticed when it comes to this sort of drama: the slippery slope of "I must only like morally correct things" to "people liking an evil character are automatically evil too" to "every character I like must be a good person because I am a good person" to "actually I knew the character was evil and irredeemable all along, so I liked them CRITICALLY, all of you guys are abuse apologists though"
Gets me every time.
There is also something very amusing about a dnd podcast viewer trying to condemn violence because. If you want dnd without the battles and violence, maybe look into a system that isn't made for battling monsters? Pen and paper, my beloved. (Not that fictional violence is a problem in itself, of course, it's just.... why complain about fictional violence in the violent goblin kill simulator game)
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artzychic27 · 4 months
hi, i tried to send this before but my laptop crapped out on me so idk if it went through but
In your favoritism AU how does Lucien fit in? Did Marinette rope him into some prank against Marc but he actually got feelings? as creepy as those feelings are?
Was Marc trying to get help to transfer out of Dupont and Lucien took advantage of that? Because I feel it would be easy for Lucien to win Marc over since he was so isolated and alone, it would be easy for Marc to get attached and easy to control
Does Lucien just not exist in this AU?
Well, let’s put him in and see what happens
Lucien meets Marc after a soccer game between Dupont and Vadim, finding him being messed with by some of Marinette’s lackeys
And Marc is just: “Since when the fuck do hot guys stick up for me?”
Of course, he’s skeptical, but still thanks Lucien, and the two start talking which is the last thing that he wants
But in the end, Marc gives him his number
After a particularly shitty week at school where Marc had his locker and belongings searched once again for drugs, Marc calls Lucien and infodumps about EVERYTHING Marinette’s done
Lucien is absolutely horrified and would rather choke than be in the same room with Marinette after hearing what she’s done to her own cousin of all people… But, this does give him an idea
Lucien takes him out on a “not date,” making sure to go to any places that Dupont students often frequent so they’re seen together
Word gets back to Marinette and of course, she’s furious because how dare Marc hang out with the hottest guy at Vadim when she can’t even make Adrien be her boyfriend?!
She corners Marc at school, demanding to know how much he paid Lucien to go out with him
Marc: Maybe it’s just that, Lucien, unlike you, isn’t a fucking douchebag who gets high off of making others miserable. Think about that, bitch.
She amps up her torment, getting her lackeys to push Marc in the halls, steal his homework, and flush his glasses down the toilet, and Marc almost immediately turns to Lucien for support
After letting Marc rant for about ten minutes, Lucien helps calm him down and then gives this whole spiel about how he deserves better, shouldn’t have to put up with her, and how amazing he is compared to her
They kiss and Lucien’s now got Marc right where he wants him
Weeks later, Marinette is furiously scrolling through Lucien’s instagram (Because Marc has no accounts) at all the couple photos of him and Marc
Marc’s wardrobe as of late starts to change due to Lucien, and when the same guys who used to torment him start flirting with him, he decks them all as a warning
He doesn’t mind it all; Lucien makes him happy, his happiness makes Marinette pissed, so it’s all good. However, sometimes Lucien just says things that make Marc want to put him in a headlock
Lucien: You know, maybe if you were to present yourself more like your cousin, you’d finally have some friends.
Marc: … And maybe if you don’t shut up, I’ll throw you out the window.
Marc eventually dumps his sorry ass, but not before kneeing him in the nuts because he KNOWS damn well that he deserves better than some manipulative bastard
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 5
Ch 26
I don’t know what a blood oath is but why does it matter if Aelin had more than one! The more the merrier, right? Can’t she just do whatever she wants? Isn’t she queen?
“How many scars would she add to that lithe, powerful body because of him?” If you’re not careful I’m gonna think you have a crush on your cousin - could you please not
(That’s icky Aedion)
(Stop looking at her lithe powerful body)
“He couldn’t bring himself to mention selling her hand in marriage to a wealthy foreign kingdom - not yet”
Is this the kind of world where the patriarchy exists or would she still be allowed to rule the nation of Terrasen?
Or would getting married mean she is queen of whoever her husband’s country is. Maybe she should marry Dorian and then she can take over the world. That is to say, both Adarlan and Terrasen. They could be married just for royal reasons and keep their own lives and lovers separate. Idk, I actually think that’s a solid plan, if she can get her head out of her ass and try to save Dorian instead of slaughtering him
“Lying to Aedion about the blood oath was… awful.”
I still don’t know what the blood oath is! Did she already give it to Rowan? Why does that matter? Is it fae magic that can only be given to one person?
Was I not paying attention again? god damn it
Ch 27
“He hadn’t forgotten that day at the castle - the arrow she’d fired and the one she pointed at him.”
Ok, Aedion, valid, very valid to hate Nesryn but also.
“What I want is a pretty face to look at that doesn’t belong to my cousin. Looks like you’ll do the trick.”
Thank god, Aedion. You get over grudges so easily, lol. I gotta say I love you.
Ahhh YAY
Ch 28
“She poked him in the shoulder. It was like touching velvet-wrapped steel.” 👀😈
“You met his father a few weeks ago. Gavriel.”
oh!!! Kitty!!!
Lucien vibes. Love that. I hope Gavriel is a doting and loving father and when he meets Aedion he is like: let’s go have father-son pizza and ice cream, let me cherish you, let me listen to the story of your life, and while you’re at it, tell me about your hopes and dreams. Aedion deserves to have a good time getting to know his brand new dad.
Ok, here comes me being confused again about the thing with the blood oath
If I understand correctly, it’s like, a deep bond, and can only be given once, so Aedion is upset because he wanted it with Aelin, but she gave it to Rowan, yeah?
Gavriel is in a blood oath to Maeve, and that *might* mean that so is Aedion
But; Rowan said it would be an act of war to try and lay claim to him, so he belongs to Aelin
I think she should make Aedion blood oath to Rowan
If you can only do it once! That’s a good way to get around it, right?
Aelin is bonded to Rowan and Rowan is bonded to Aedion, boom - everyone’s happy - no one’s available to be claimed by Maeve
Ch 29
Sometimes when I read SJM I just wonder if I’m stupid, for example, them being all concerned and upset about Lorcan. Should I know who that is?
Is he a bad guy?
A good guy?
Is he neutral? Is he here to kill Aelin, or make out with her? Why did Rowan chase him here?
“You remember what I told you about Sollemere.” Uh!!! No??? Did you tell me about it already? I swear this is all reading like brand new information.
Honestly, Rowan, if you have a long complex backstory, can you give it to me slow and treat me like I’m learning this for the first time, because I have a tendency to forget details and I must not have been paying attention before…
“Just get in the bed.”
Hell!!!! YES!!! I am so excited! I do I do I do love a forbidden romance. Gimme gimme gimme pining and longing for each other and wanting to be together but unable to because *arbitrary plot reasons* oooooooh god yeah, that’s the good stuff
“There’s nothing that says you can’t take the oath, you know. Maeve has several blood-sworn members in her court.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME why all of the dramatics if it was really this easy to solve lmao
Aedion - for the love of god - stop being a baby and swear your life to your queen, smh
ch 30
Y’know I’m really starting to enjoy these Dorian x Demon chapters for the spooky, surreal vibes of them. I don’t like seeing him giving up, though. I would like to see him start bonding with the demon, instead. Maybe if he made a deal, or tried to befriend it or offer it something, he could have more time in the spotlight. They could share this body instead of fighting for dominance all the time. Idk. I know he’s real sad and I think that’s valid as heck but also, i miss Dorian, and I’m rooting for him to work his own way to the surface again.
This book is better than ACOTAR (and I love ACOTAR) specifically for the reason that we’re given a few moments from both of their perspectives. I like a first person POV, but with ACOTAR we are kinda limited to only what Feyre knows and experiences, and I am REALLY enjoying seeing and hearing from both Rowan and Aelin. I think this is the best way to write a romance novel because it makes it feel richer when you get that oh-so-sweet mutual pining.
Hell. Yes.
Get inappropriate, you two. You deserve it.
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summaryi · 1 year
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas (Book 3)
in the moment, i very much was team FUCK IT UP, FEYRE, LET’S FUCKIN GGOOOOOOOOOOOOO
and now, the me who has finished the acotar series is like
was that shit like
maybe a lot
and like
short sighted as well
but also like
it DID kinda wreck the Spring Court at a very precarious time for .... all of Prythian......
Like, yes. Tamlin hurt her. In an unforgivable way. His shit and inability to deal with it. He betrayed her AND Prythian? The continent? Is Hybern... Part of Prythian? Anyways. He betrayed the collective them to Hybern. His actions had unintended collateral consequences.
But like, damn.
Feyre really said power vacuum whomstdve????????? go off queen yaaaas
I HATE Ianthe. So glad Feyre has her moment on Summer Solstice.
i know it would be ~too convenient~ but i would have loved to see our Inner Court working with Lucien as heir apparent to the Autumn Court
like, yeah, there’s a lot of history and context that’s already been set around Lucien
but like
how nice would it have been
you know???????????
i truly loved the arc about the Ouroboros mirror. it warms me. very strong like. idk. it’s very satisfying to think about. and the bone carver. I CRIED FOR HIM????????? THIS MONSTER, ONE OF THE MOST FEARSOME BEINGS, A MOTHERFUCKER OF ALL FUCKERS DOING FUCKERY, I CRIED FOR HIM
i love that Ianthe meets the Weaver. love it.
AND i love that we don’t just get a 
BOOM here’s Lucien and Elain as mates uwu
we get to see it unfold - just because there IS a mating bond doesn’t mean that in this very progressive circle of Fae, wow it’s magic and sparkles
Elain and Azriel really really really really warms my heart AND I NEED TO SEE MORE
The war? I really don’t know why I expected it to last for more of the book, but also kinda glad it didn’t. After all, this isn’t a war series. It’s a Faerie porn romance series (and there just so happens to be a war plot)
I’m not personally super fond of this Rhys-dies-and-immediately-comes-back-to-life business. It does give us a small moment of Tamlin redemption.
It just. idk. it hit different, and it hit bad.
turning FULLY DEAD Feyre into High Fae and thus saving her life and giving her immortality was a BIG FUCKING DEAL. it took ALL the High Lords, AND she’d just saved them from a lifetime of having 0 powers, and Amarantha. that whole thing. so like, if ANYONE had done some shit to save their WORLD, sure, human Feyre
aight, cool, so this is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. the payoff with Feyre MAKES SENSE. I FELT THE EMOTIONAL WEIGHT.
reviving Fae - questionable. never been tried. also, a BIG FUCKING DEAL. I get that Rhys also saved them by repairing the Cauldron, but like. idk. the threat of the UNIVERSE unraveling didn’t seem like that big a deal. is it just me? is it just me who didn’t sit with that long enough?
because also, like. the threat of the universe unraveling is yes, BIG, but what’s the impact of that vs the impact of Feyre-didnt-break-our-curse?
universe unravels - okay, everyone stops existing. it sucks, but also like doesn’t such because now nobody exists
Feyre didn’t break the curse - everyone still exists and their lives suck and they exist and life SUCKS
but also like. whatever. Rhys is alive. AND AMREN IS BACK. Very glad Maas does NOT put us through the emotional trauma of losing all our favorite characters
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tartagilicious · 3 years
Hi, I've got a bit of a weird request for MLQC. What would be different with an MC who was a player of the game before somehow getting pulled into the first chapter of it? They don't have to have played through everything, but definitely at least up to ch 13, after Lucien's reveal. Which of the guys would notice MC acting weird? Would MC ever tell them? How would they react? How does this mess with the plotline?
😳 wait when I tell you I used to think about this on a daily basis- I’ve never gone into much depth with it though, so I guess now is a better time than ever! let’s say that for drama’s sake, this person has played up to chapter 29, since I think that’s the last chapter she reunites with them after being gone for 6 months.
- In my eyes, this always starts with the MC waking up confused in her apartment. She recognises the area around her based now what she’s seen in the game and is familiar with though she obviously thinks it’s a dream. Until, that it is, there are texts from in game characters that come from the phone on the bedside table. She’s more unsure then.
- She explores the apartment briefly and is freaked out when she recognises the kitchen, but decides that she should try visiting some other places she remembers from the game to try and confirm what’s going on. On the way out, she runs into Lucien, who’s leaving his apartment at the same time. 
- By chapter 29, the last we’ve seen of Lucien is when you’re reunited and he confesses those things to you while he thinks you’re asleep. Because of this, and also because of outside sources, this person understands his situation and his personality much more. There’s a lot less hesitancy, but she isn’t sure what Lucien knows at this point. At the very least, it’s comforting to her that she has the upper hand when he’s not quite smitten for her yet.
- I always end up confiding in Lucien because I’m biased, though normally, that’s obviously not a good idea T-T
- Though of course, early Lucien is very far from a threat, so he notices how bewildered she is to see him and is more concerned than anything. It’s hard to know what to say without completely revealing everything, but I can imagine she’d be struggling either way. She would probably slip up once, maybe referring to something personal between them that hasn’t happened yet out of nerves
- He’d be polite about it, not even a bit wary because I don’t even think the MC knew she had an evol yet, and he’d know that. It’d be better just to assume that she’s spewing nonsense than actually looking very deep into it.
- I have a feeling that this would end up messing with the plot pretty badly, actually. She knows a version of him that doesn’t exist yet, and this would be a singular issue imo. His personality is night and day when comparing to the beginning to how he is currently. It would get her into a lot of trouble either way, but could possibly also force Lucien go undergo development much much earlier
- I can imagine her trying to curve his betrayal. he tells her to meet him at the place he tells her his real motives (the news station?? that skinny and tall building idk ;-;) and she just flat out says no. you can’t leave me if I don’t let you >:)
- this!!!!! I have such a soft spot for victor and it shows in how this plays out in my head. Without a doubt, the only person that I would trust with the information that I was pulled into the game is Victor. Throughout most of the game, mostly later chapters, Victor is kind of like her partner — she learns to trust him with almost everything, and they work through the situations they can together. They save each other’s lives countless times. This is a lot for one person to carry while the other is clueless of any of that ever happening.
- Next, I feel like it’s reasonable that she would try to seek out everyone else, and where better to find Victor at this point than LFG? Conveniently, once she gets in the office, Goldman hunts her down to tell her that Victor’s waiting for her in his office to discuss the final terms of investment. talk about nostalgia lol
- personally. I’d feel panicked going up to his office. Victor is a very intimidating guy when you aren’t close to him, and acting as you normally would around him will not only be possibly humiliating but also just not effective at all.
- she would devise a plan in her head and as they talk, would slip in small details that kind of further the plot without revealing too much. so for example, mention how the investment is so important to her because she was an orphan and wants to make a name and prove that anyone can do what they dream to. he’d probably try asking more about that, but if not, she could always go into further detail like how she was injured pretty badly trying to save someone else around that time, but doesn’t really remember why and wants to find this person to see if they’re doing okay. This would advance their relationship like 10 chapters, but it would be pretty hasty. This would just be to let him know who she is and what kind of things the future will contain
- Once he figures out what she’s doing, he’d ask what her purpose is — why did she seek him out? to this, she’d most likely reveal her dilemma, and how she was pulled into this world from hers, and knows what will happen for months in the future because of the circumstances
- whether or not he’d retain this affection that he has for the MC when knowing that she isn’t technically who he’s looking for is up for debate, but regardless, something like that is definitely too good to pass up. he’s always been connected to black swan, and knowing her and enlisting her help would most likely come in handy.
- I think I’ve implied that these events take place somewhere in the first few chapters rather than the first so :( I’ll just continue with that. that might even work better, because it gives them at least a bit of a connection to this person. I don’t really remember what happens in the first few chapters, ngl, but I think it’s pretty calm. 
- Gavin!!!! whether he’s your favourite or not, you can’t deny that this man is a literal pilar of support. he’s the knight in their dynamic, whereas she’s the queen. she knows he’s not as intimidating as he seems, and her immediate friendliness might throw him off a bit, but I think it’d be a good thing. 
- part of the reason he backs off so much in the earlier chapters is so he doesn’t overwhelm her with all of these sudden developments (like coming back to be her personal guard, about black swan, etc) In the original plot, Gavin knows much more than he lets on, always more than the mc does at the very least. 
- this would probably change their relationship a lot. I mean, obviously, whoever this is that’s been pulled into the game is bound to have a different personality to the normal mc. she’s more joking and doesn’t hesitate so much, and obviously is a lot smarter and confident due to knowing the future. she doesn’t have to rely on Gavin for information like the original mc does. instead, she acts with him. 
- this literally takes 27 chapters in the game. when she meets Gavin in that evol institution in ch27, that’s the first time they fight comfortably side by side. 
- Gavin would definitely notice such a drastic change in personality from the shy and kind girl he knew in high school. he might comment on it a few times, but I feel like a personality change is a bit easier to justify, especially since it’d been a few years. she technically has the mc’s memories, so it’s not suspicious or anything. he’d probably eventually let it go.
- though, I think it’s pretty plausible that he’d find out you’re not actually the mc he knows later, maybe by mistake or by you telling him. but by then, he’s also grown attached to this new version of her and doesn’t mind as much.
- you wouldn’t have to tell him you were pulled into the game. he’d know.
-  with his connections as Helios and also just his general memory of the mc, it wouldn’t take very long for him to figure out that she’s not the person he’s been chasing for years. and the mf would probably point it out too, scaring her half to death.
- of course, he doesn’t know how she appeared, just that she did, replacing the actual mc. but, despite how he’s very honest about knowing she isn’t who she says she are, he’s empathetic. it’s hard not to be when she has the mc’s face.
- she’d tell him what happened and how she appeared, partly because she wants to trust him and partly because he seems a bit threatening, but either way, I see him as an eventual ally. she knows the inner workings of everything and would be a great help to him in messing with black swan. they’d pretty much be an unstoppable duo with their combined knowledge.
- as they get closer, she feels it’s necessary to tell him that he doesn’t have to leave to protect her. she can handle herself, and him ever leaving would only cause more grief and make things complicated. he would probably tell her not to worry, that he wouldn’t just leave unprompted. 
- when he ends up leaving anyway, it stings more than it did watching it on a screen. 
- though, that also makes the reunion more memorable, and it would probably go differently as well. maybe kiro is this mc’s LI?? that would be cool asf
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nikethestatue · 2 years
“This is probably very unpopular but sometimes I feel like Feyre is overshadowed (not sure if this is the right term) by Rhys in her own series. Like...Feyre is the MC and Rhys is her LI. Sometimes I feel like SJM pushes him more than her” This is so true! I was waiting for her to mention Feyre in her livestream about CC3 but she just says “I’m excited to have BRYCE interact with Rhysand and Azriel! 🤩” I was like “……girl what 🥹🧐”
I like that they both feel mutually important in ACOTAR! because I love them as a pairing, they work as a duo that make eachother better anyway, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love feyre when it doesn’t have to do with rhysand, she’s so strong, fierce, loving and just inspiring for alot of us. im so grateful for discovering a heroine like feyre and aelin, I adore them both so much. my two morally grey yet soft queens 🛐
In all honestly though while we’re on the topic…If SJM continues to not involve Feyre for a third book (esp now that her other heroine out of three is there with feyre! like okay where is this headed and what will Bryce and Feyre’s dynamic be? they’re both treated as the female leaders of their worlds sort of, so they have mutual power in common just like they would with Aelin) and not actually let her USE her powers for once I think it may ruin CC3 for me or future books. Like why make her so powerful and not even have her use her powers in her last book lol? It’s weird writing to build someone up, not let them have their moment for their powers then end their pov without giving those powers justice. she just casually has done nothing with the power of 7 courts? after she was like “imagine what she could do if she combined them all, could freeze armies, mist them, burn them, drown them and make it your own.” what did she do in acowar? she waited the war out and “saved her strength” for the cauldron. did she help save them? yeah but what made her trying to do so exciting? he just flew her there, they healed it and the end for feyre’s role. there’s this popular booktuber that said this same this thing when it comes to feyre and SJM. she’s powerful af and then not even used and she just laughed about it because honestly who does that so casually. Idk guys sorry for the rant but ik I’ll going into CC3 wondering what she’ll have planned for feyre and what will happen with hunt..feyre is not meant to be an equal to the IC, she’s the only high lady with each of those high lords powers. Write her as such or why even make her so powerful? It doesn’t make sense even as a writer stop building things up and never touching on them again..who’s that messy when writing? I feel like she truly treats it as fanfiction sometimes, and is just in her own world not caring about canon or writing criticisms. It makes me grateful that other authors at least listen to criticism that makes sense, because they always end up fixing their mess up sometimes and the next book shows that they made changes. Im not used to an author who just continues what it is they’re doing for years and just viewing it as entitled fans responses that she blocks out and doesn’t let affect her story telling.
Wanting Bryce to meet all the Acotar boys first and foremost was her answer, when all she does in CC is have every guy thirst over her excessively like CC2, like yes hot but it became excessive. It makes me like “is this a reason why she can’t wait for the guys to interact with her? Because she likes it when the character she’s immersed in is in the spotlight of them or viewed as a queen or powerful by men in the series? like if so just be more subtle? Idk maybe she actually does have plans for Feyre and maybe even Aelin but there’s nothing that gives me that feeling that she does have a plan.
I agree that SJM is not good with worldbuilding around Feysand, and especially around Feyre.
For example, in ACOTAR, Lucien explains that the High Lords are a different species--they are Fae, but they are way beyond that because of course their power sustains their Courts. It controls the weather, controls elements, etc. The Power chooses them and they basically transform into this higher being.
Well, what about Feyre then? What does it mean for her to be a HL? Is it just a title that Rhys gave her? But does it come with special powers? Doesn't seem like it! Say he died, would she be able to sustain the NC?
This issue has never been resolved by SJM. Like did she just want to make Rhys a wonderful feminist hero who gave his wife a title? Because again, in the world that she created, women, apparently, cannot be High Ladies, because power never selects them, and hence we only have High Lords. Or does this title come with something?
Also, Feyre has the power of the 7 High Lords. Yet, when Helion described the loss of his power to her, he mentioned it's like a missing scale on a fish. So, if his power is THAT immense that the loss of it feels so insignificant, even with the powers of all 7 Lords, what does Feyre actually have?
Unfortunately, it's these constant annoying inconsistencies that make it so difficult to understand what Feyre actually is. Like, water wolves are nice, but Rhys could hide an entire city with virtually no power, for 50 years.
The issue is that SJM doesn't expand and doesn't explain the world that she has built. She'll throw some piece of information out there, and then it's just there, without any followup.
Like here is an example: It says that Day, Summer and Winter courts rebelled against Amarantha. She executed the previous HLs. Does it mean that Helion's been a HL for only like 30 years? It sure doesn't sound like that from the books. Also, we are to assume that Tarquin became a HL UtM (and perhaps Helion too, but let's set that aside)--so did the Power choose him there? Shouldn't he have had ALL of his power then? He didn't drink that wine that they all drank that took away their powers.
I don't know. I can go on and on, but unfortunately, Feyre seems to be stuck doing a lot of painting now, and being a mom. Both are fine, but then why give her all these amazing powers and never do anything with them? I am really hoping that whatever the FINAL battle is, Feyre can step in and do something amazing. And I don't really want Bryce to overshadow Feyre. I'd much rather read about Feyre than Bryce, tbh.
Unfortunately, it's the writer's inconsistencies that we have to live with. Which is a shame.
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tovelarisdreams · 3 years
At the end of ACOSF we see a conversation between Cassian and Eris, where we know that Eris was tortured by her father for him to know more information and there is a whole drama going on at the Autumn Court.
We know Koschei is looking for a way to get free of the lake, which probably makes him want to get closer to Helion, as he is the spellbreaker. We also know of the alliance between Beron and him and we also know that we will see Pegasus in the next book.
What if they use LoA to lure Helion into Autumn? And if this plot is where Lucien ends up knowing who his real father is? Like, in the middle of a fight between Helion and Beron, or Beron with LoA/Helion/Eris/Lucien.
I really need this. Preferably with LoA killing Beron for trying to kill Lucien or Eris, that would be wonderful. I just need this kill, I hope SJM doesn't kill anyone else if this confrontation happens.
What if Eris also made some deal with Koschei to kill Beron? so he went to feel Vassa and Jurian on the human continent. He probably has one that doesn't involve him directly killing his father.
Cassian remembers in this part even that Eris strangely didn't say she wanted to feel Lucien too. Which makes me think maybe Lucien knows or suspects something
Heyy! I have a lot of thoughts on this Autumn court/Helion situation actually! I believe it’s gonna be one of the most interesting plots that sjm will bring next book!
Because yes! I do think that the entire Beron situation is gonna be solved next book.
Why? Simple! Every book has a sub plot (couple) and the major arching plot, which is the whole Koshei situation. We already saw Nesta end one of Koshei’s allies (the queen), now I believe that in Elain’s book, Beron will meet his end.
Sjm has been dragging the reveal of Lucian true father long enough. And finally we have a great opportunity to finish this. Obviously Lucian has to have so good parts next book. Main couple or not.
I think is possible that Beron tries to lure Helion into his territory! For the reason u said, Helion’s power could solve many problems. Not only, could Koshei want him to free himself from the lake but also, could he free Vassa from her curse as well?
What about Lucian? Being Helion’s child, it’s possible he could do those things as well. Making Beron FINALLY interested in having Lucian close.
It’s a lot of “if”. 🤣
I have no doubt that Lucian is the one to free Vassa from her own curse though. That is pretty settled to me.
As for Beron’s death. I have a lot of possibilities 🤣 (I just want this guy gone once and for all) I really like the theory u made, with LOA killing him. It would be cool, but idk she could since he is her mate and she accepted the mating bond. Sjm never mentioned if it was possible. But listen to this:
Sjm has been talking about “blood duel” for a LONG time. She also talked A LOT about failed mating bonds. I strongly believe that we will see this next book too. And possibly involving Beron death.
I know we believed that the blood duel would involve Azriel x Lucian BUT I don’t think that’s true.
Now my baby elriels don’t hate me! I’m a Elriel shipper myself. But I don’t want neither of those boys on that fight. No no. We have a greater plan on that, trust me. 🤭
The blood duel between Beron x Helion imagine how epic that would be. Two high lords fighting.
Helion wins and kills Beron. Now Koshei remains, alone, for the third book. No allies. And we finally have Eris taking control of the Autumn court.
I still don’t trust him. But he can’t be worst than Beron, right ?
U said about Eris making a deal with Koshei. Honestly, at this point, I don’t doubt anything. Eris Will do anything to take the high lord position. That much we know. Who knows his real reading for being in lucians house that day ? The guy is sus.
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
acowar reread thread
so i think i’ll update this post every few chapters unless anything super major happens that i want to immediately react to, that way you get my commentary but i’m not totally flooding and flooding and flooding your feed with a super super long post. i think i’m going to edit it under the cut and reblog it every time it gets updated and i’ll also number every update so it’s easy to find where i left off. if you guys prefer the other way i’ll transition back to the other way for acofas.) this is super fun i’ll start doing this for more books if you’re interested, including books i read for the first time. (after acofas, crescent city is next and it’ll be my first time reading it!)
1) chapters 1-5 I’ve read up through chapter five and so far my favorite thing is just how DONE feyre is with literally everyone in the spring court. the amount of times she’s had to like look away and not roll her eyes is just hilarious, her dry inner monologue, she just made a comment about having to remind herself to laugh and not strangle tamlin while they were dancing at the summer solstice and it just is so funny to me. 
i miss rhys. but the few times they’ve spoken through the bond is enough to tide me over. he told her he loved her once and i sighed out loud. i’m such trash for this bitch. 
feyre hijacking the summer solstice ceremony is COMEDIC GOLD. like you kNOW ianthe was fuming and furious and trying to save face the best she could but like hats off to feyre man. her character development from book one to where we’re at in book three is fantastic. she’s not a simpering little girl anymore, she’s a bad bitch and she kNOWS she’s a bad bitch and it’s just.. fucking great. 
i also, as much as i don’t want to, feel for lucien A LOT. i think a lot of his behavior is heavily influenced by how he’s been treated by tamlin for most of his life and i feel genuine remorse from him and the fact that he can like tell something is up but isn’t saying anything just shows, to me anyway, how much remorse he’s genuinely feeling. 
also alis knowing that something is up is just a testament to how attentive she is as a faerie and a friend and i really love that about her.
“I was the nightmare” YAS BITCH. FUCKIN YAASSS.
2) chapters 6-10 feyre is so goddamn clever. the entire time she’s bringing down the spring court she’s witty and fierce and clever and really just iS THAT BITCH, HUH? 
i don’t like jurian but the fact that he still has compassion within himself for his kind despite being literally insane for being just AWAKE and aware for like 500 years is... nice and pleasantly surprising because i feel like you wouldn’t think that of him being that he’s siding with hybern so that he thanked feyre when she tried to get the children of the blessed out of there... i don’t know why i’m bringing this up, it’s just something that stuck out to me and that jurian also vouches (to feyre) about rhysand’s character and how decent of a person he found him to be. it’s just very interesting and i feel like speaks leaps and bounds about rhysand as a person. 
feyre pushing tamlin to explode again... just CHEF KISS. like she really thought of everything. she thought of everything to internally make his sentries doubt him and then completely hate them by orchestrating the ianthe vs sentry debacle. she made herself seem very compassionate and kind and and showed tamlin and ianthe for what they were by doing genuinely so little. like all she did was make them show their true colors on their own and it didn’t take tOO much manipulation. idk feyre is just incredible in the spring court. 
forcing ianthe to hurt herself and molding her mind to make her think she’s always afraid is so much better than just outright killing her.. (if i remember from my last read, it doesn’t hold up, but the thought is there and it’s genius) I also think that this shows a lot about feyre and her character because despite everything she couldn’t just leave lucien alone with ianthe and the unwanted advances. she stayed and fought for her friend (and by extension her mate) even when lucien wouldn’t really fight for her and so feyre is just a fuckin real one like... she’s the kind of friend that you want in your corner. 
killing the hybern twins: glorious. such badassery from lucien and feyre both. 
and i think it’s nice that she let lucien come along with her on her journey back to the night court despite maybe not wanting to but i also think that she knew if she left him behind he could get in serious trouble or wind up dead and so again, i think it says a lot about her character as a person. 
3) chapters 11-15 i’m kind of reading and recapping every 50 pages or so which typically ends up being 4-5 chapters and it’s a good system so far so we’re gonna keep it up! 
the first thing of like, real substance to comment on is lucien saying his father will kill feyre for wielding his power but feyre just responding with “he can get in line.” like her sass is sO GOOD In this book, especially in the spring court chapters.
uhhh big fuck you to eris, i don’t know why people want him to have a redemption arc, he is literally a fat sack of shit that deserves to burn and i’m not sorry for saying so. he’s abusive and cruel and doesn’t deserve like, anything at all. although i will say good on him for balking a bit when feyre revealed she’s high lady. 
CASSIAN AND AZRIEL SUPERHERO LANDING ON THE ICE AND KICKING ASS!! I remember vividly the relief i felt when cassian showed up and was able to fly and i still felt so much victory when it happened again. it’s one of my favorite moments of the book so far and just really gets me. also feyre just dropping the “I’m high lady of the night court” bomb is DELICIOUS and i can’t get enough. i read it like six times. because you know as soon as the illyrians yielded to her that the autumn bitches were like “shit.”
“My love.” kILLS ME. you guys, i’ve only read this book once but i’ve reread their reuniting multiple times because it’s just so soft. rhys is so goddamn soft. he loves her so fucking much. i want rhys to call me my love and lick my tears away. goddamn. 
something i think about a lot is how in acotar when tamlin had feyre alone after months of torture he just tried to fuck her despite knowing things weren’t safe. however, knowing she was home and safe, rhys didn’t try for that immediately. like yes, they kissed, but there was so much conversation before they fucked that it just, says a lot about their relationship. tamlin also always demanded to know everything about feyre’s visits as soon as she was back, not even bothering to kiss her hello but rhys was like ‘that shit can wait’ AND THEY’RE ABOUT TO GO TO WAR. rhys loves her so wholly that he wanted to make sure she was okay before he ever bothered to ask about the spring court and how everything unfolded the last few weeks. idk i’m trash for rhysand, y’all. let’s make that a shirt.
the way that rhys threatens lucien, “i won’t bother to explain it again, and i will rip out your fucking throat.” is so sexy. like how casual it was, so sexy.#ripmythroatoutrhysand
amren being a bedtime story but irl is just a cranky aunt lmao.
nesta’s ferocity is, yes, frustrating, but also so heartbreaking to me. for a very long time i had a really rough relationship with my sister and i can see my own sister in nesta (who, by the way, would murder me if she found out i said this so, kara, if u see this, i love u endlessly and i love nesta with my whole heart) especially nesta’s behavior more so in acofas which i’ll talk more about when we get there. but i just, i feel for her man. she’s been traumatized and life as she knows it has been ripped away from her and some people respond to trauma with bite. and i know it doesn’t make it right or okay but it still just makes me feel for her.
cassian and nesta’s banter just gODDAMMIT SLAYS ME. i cannot wait for an entire fucking book of this shit and an entire book of their back and forth. i think nesta loves him and doesn’t know what to do with it because she’s scared so she’s acting like a cornered animal. like nesta is a snake that will strike when cornered and threatened and i just god i can’t wait for their book. 
elain... broke my heart a lot more than i remembered. as someone in the midst of my worst depression i find myself able to relate to that hollow and empty feeling like...all too well and it struck a cord and i almost cried at how empty she was. 
4) chapters 16-29 there is the whole meeting at amren’s apartment and cassian defends nesta, saying that he understands her actions, her snark, why she is the way she is, and it just honestly reinforces my love for cassian. i don’t have much to say about it but that i just really love the respect that he has for others. more cassian things: feyre brings up again how even broken and literally bleeding out and on the ground with his wings completely shredded he was still crawling toward nesta and reaching for her and trying to get to her. “because i can’t stay away.” fucking cracks my heart open every time. 
i love everything about the first family dinner back together. i love all the banter, i love that nesta sat in and even contributed to dinner conversation a little bit. lucien being so uncertain of the dynamic is hilarious. amren like opening herself up in a way to nesta and telling her that they’re the same, and to make sure her eruption is felt across worlds, i love it. i’m marking a lot more from amren than i thought i would. cassian at one point, he points to az and says “don’t try to blend into the shadows” and it actually made me chuckle to myself because hE DOES THAT. and it’s funny that cassian calls him on it. 
i don’t think nesta gets enough credit (for like anything, we all been knew i’m a slut for her and stan her with my life) but even as broken and angry as she was she did still offer to help explore magic that she doesn’t want and got as a result of trauma so that she can try to help. she isn’t completely useless. and i like that she has backbone and isn’t just a pushover little bitch. (that isn’t directed toward elain. like i previously mentioned, i’m finding that i relate a lot to her in her current state.) i just mean that i’m glad she sticks up for herself and doesn’t just like, do what people tell her to do. ya know?
rhys being so open to feyre pushing back on him about things like, again man. tamlin erupted and got angry, rhys is like “hell, i deserved it.” just, the differences in their relationships and the toxicity that comes from tamlin and the devotion rhys has for feyre is (say it with me) DELICIOUS.
i also like that just because feyre is high lady that the IC doesn’t just like flop over and bend down and take shit (i’m looking at you, spring court.) like cassian isn’t afraid to be like “you pissed me off by sacrificing yourself.” because he cares. LIKE, AGAIN WITH HIS DEVOTION. his loyalty is just so pure. it isn’t blind but it is pure and i just, god i love it. 
also everyone forgets that azriel has a dry ass sense of humor and i don’t see any of y’all writing it into your fics. “In order to fly, you’ll need wings” he said drily. IT’S DELICIOUS. dry humor is some of the best. and i like that feyre is learning more and getting to spend more time with him. 
5) chapter 20-27 this one will be a bit of a dump because i accidentally read too much today so far to try to catch up from my lack of reading yesterday so... oops. 
“Let’s see what names you call me when my head is between your legs, Feyre darling.” ugh. i wish a mans would say that to me. not really. i wish rhys would say that to me and only rhys. maybe rowan. or aaron warner. or cassian. or -- you get it. 
amren is SO FUCKING FUNNY without doing it on purpose. like genuinely hilarious. “she’s fine. stubborn as an ass, but as you’re related, i’m not surprised.” rOAST THEM. also amren makes nesta almost smile and she makes her laugh all in the span of like ten seconds AND nesta almost smiles when amren brings up cassian. coincidencE? i tHINK NOT.
again with rhys soothing her nightmares. like god it’s so good i dont even have to say anything else abt it.
feyre realizing that the bone carver is her and rhysand’s son. SO GOOD. like SERIOUSLY SO GOOD. and this doesn’t matter at all rn but i think that rhysand’s son has the potential to be more powerful than even him but that’s a thing to get into for another time.
EVERYTHING THE BONE CARVER SAYS ABOUT NESTA. also that it’s directed at cassian is very interesting and i think the bone carver knows they’re mates. like i wonder if cassian is seeing what feyre sees: his own son. WOULDN’T THAT BE INTERESTING. “How she calls to you.” also the comment about “what did you wake that day in hybern, prince of bastards?” what did cassian wake. the wording here is interesting and i have... a lot of questions. does anyone else just also really fucking enjoy the bone carver as a character? like he’s excellent i’ve never read anything quite like him.
“nothing about nesta could frighten me” UGH MY NESSIAN HEART CAN’T FUCKING TAKE IT.
also cassian stepping it later when nesta is furious with rhysand about the flying. like, one when he sighs and says she’ll never fly again is just... funny and adorable but how nesta was charging for rhys and he casually stepped in front of her and he talked her down. “It was amren’s fault, of course, but no one believed me. and no on dare banish her.” like just babbling a bit to bring her back down to earth. absolutely fascinating and delicious that it worked, wouldn’t you agree? ;)
court of nightmares is always a pleasure. fuck eris. 
also later at the town house when amren and mor and rhys are kinda going at it a bit and cassian gets nesta’s attention and nesta sidles over to him without questioning it... like. god if they aren’t endgame i’ll never read an SJM book ever again and i wholeheartedly mean that.
so i’ve seen the posts about amren being an angel i’m not sure if you guys have but yeah i think that’s a really solid theory. i think she very well could be a biblical angel because she mentioned that according to some they were perfect, that they laid waste to twin cities (sodom & gamorrah if this theory is correct) and she also mentioned yielding her grace and that she would fall. she also says she was a messenger and soldier assassin for a wrathful god ruling a young world and all of that, in my opinion, lines up with a lot of what is in the bible and what christians believe to be true. so i really really like this theory, i doubt it will ever be outright confirmed, but i think this is going to be my canon tbh. 
elain is.... out of her mind. it’s fucking weird everything she says is so cryptic and odd. like it’s just weird. i don’t think she’s insane and i can’t remember exactly where elain’s storyline goes in this book but like... rn it’s just weird and cryptic and a little unsettling and also interesting that she only really responds directly to azriel because everyone else she kinda ignores but she talks to him. interesting. 
6) chapters 28-49 clearly i accidentally read A LOT so we have a lOT Of ground to cover. 
azriel has fucking jokes, man. page 303 (hardcover us edition)  “That pine tree wasn’t there a moment ago.” “Judging by its size, i’d say it’s been there for ... two hundred years at least.” feyre even notes that he has a dry sense of humor and it comes out more when they’re alone. i can’t get enough of it. i wish he talked more. 
“Cassian finished the muffin, licking his fingers. I could have sworn nesta watched the entire thing with a sidelong glance. He grinned at her as if he knew it too.” i just love nessian so much i’m going to point out all of their cute reactions this is turning more into a nessian reaction thread SUE ME.
I think that nesta has a lot of regret and guilt over her life.over how she treated feyre because it comes out when nesta brings up to feyre that she didn’t know she couldn’t read (and again at the high lords meeting when she says they would have starved if it wasn’t for her.) i think she feels deeply and just doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t know how to express it. 
When they almost get taken in the library, and cassian gets there and nesta “launches herself at him.” my heart. she was scared and she didn’t care she was just so relieved. like fuck me up that’s the shit i like.
nesta asking where cassian is the moment they get back from the battle in adriata and she was worried and scared for him. later when she does see him i think this is when the mating bond clicks into place. it’s page 398 and she says “You didn’t come to -” and then cuts herself off. they have a really fucking intense moment. cassian takes her hand and laces their fingers and they don’t really say anything for a beat until he says “Next time, emissary, i’ll come say hello.” but his voice is low and rough when he says it. “The world seemed to go utterly still at that interrupted sentence, nothing and no one more so than cassian.” i think this is when it clicks for him. maybe not for nesta but definitely for cassian. 
RHYSAND RIPPING TAMLIN’S ABILITY TO SPEAK AWAY LIKE YES WE STAN A MOTHERFUCKING KING. fuck tamlin. fuck eris. and fuck beron. also nesta defending cassian in the high lords meeting (page 438, because beron calls him a bastard.) again, i’m just saying, she’s defending her fucking mate i can’t deal. feyre also exploding in the meeting and rhys just being like “You’ve proved your point, my love.” SO DELICIOUS. “I made her high lady because i love her. her power was the last thing i considered.” like fucking hELL that is how you treat your woman.
after the meeting, helion being like “You handing eris’s ass to him will be my new fantasy at night, by the way.” DELICIOUS. fucking hilarious. 10/10 recommend helion as a high lord and a mans we love to see it. 
also cassian being so concerned when nesta starts to have that feeling about the cauldron being used before the wall gets shattered.he didn’t doubt her feelings for a second, i mean no one did, but he was completely unyielding when he sensed her fear and immediately looked for any sign of an immediate threat.
nesta saying she’s never worn pants and cassian saying “i have no doubt you’d start a riot if you did.” he’s thinking bout that ass. also cassian giving her a quick lesson in defense before they yeet off to the human lands to see graysen and his family. IDK I REALLY LOVE NESSIAN OKAY?!
7) chapter 50-the end. i accidentally finished the book. oops. 
super intersted in nesta’s powers and if she is a witch. i can’t remember acofas at all and if nesta’s powers manifest in that book but i’m eager to see if the fracturing of the cauldron didn’t effect whatever powers she took from it. i think that could also be part of what ultimately is wrong with her on top of all the trauma. 
nesta helping cassian after that first battle when his wrist is hurt. she didn’t take no for an answer and helped him and it was just really soft until mor showed up and cassian pulled his hand away. i’m conflicted about what it means to be totally honest. what it means for his feelings for nesta and what it means where mor is concerned. i don’t love how morrigan treats nesta and cassian’s... relationship? but i don’t dislike mor. i think she’s dealing and coping and has her reasons that we will likely find out about. 
“Only you can decide what breaks you” is something i’d like to get tattooed. i dont really have anything else to add to it. 
i was sobbing during rhys’s battle speech to everyone. i dont rlly have anything else to say about it other than i’m emo. 
nesta saving cassian. again i don’t have shit to say about it other than like it makes me so emotional.  she just started blinding screaming, hoping that he would come. i can’t even begin to think what his death would have done to her.
the bone carver smiling at feyre before he did hits a very specific piece of my heart and i’m not sure why or what but i had chills all over my body. 
cassian telling rhys to let him return the favor/repay the debt. HURT. another thing i cried over. like shut the fuck cassian AIN’T NOBODY DYIN TODAY. 
tHE Nessian moment to end all nessian moments when they would die together. like big fucking wow. you can’t tell me they’re not mates. that they don’t love each other despite how complicated all of it is. like cassian is so soft in the most unique way for her because he knows she bites and he lets her and he bites back and i just think it’s what he needs.
“tell the high lord to leave out a cup for me” AMREN SHUT UP. like fucking christ i teared up then too because i really really love her character. she’s unique and funny and dry and cranky and i just love her so much. 
i’m tired of rhys sacrificing himself. there, i said it. i cried like a fucking baby and of course he woke up being a snarky little shit.
i love the end of this book. i don’t know what i’ll do with myself until january when the next one comes out. i’ll probably go back to the other format for my next read through because it’s easier and less longwinded and i think you guys liked the other way better. anywho, thank you for coming along on this lil journey!!
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iamthebonecarver · 5 years
Lets Talk
I dont think we talk enough about certain things in the SJM fandom and I have some questions that I need answers to so... Lets talk
Why are the Illyrians call Nesta a witch. What are we missing, what didnt we see, why is she a witch to them? Im pretty sure one of them said she smells or feels like a witch or something so if its Illyrians that can sense that then were the bat boys keeping it a secret? I dont think that was just a random bit of info that was thrown at us. Why did they call her a witch. 
Where the fuck did Nox Owen go? We lost him again! He was there playing messenger or whatever and then now hes fucking gone. 
Although it was very cool and I love and adore them and their aesthetic, did anyone find it kinda fucking odd and maybe a bit dumb that all of a sudden theres a Wolf Tribe that was NEVER FUCKING MENTIONED BEFORE THAT WAS JUST CONVENIENTLY THERE IN THE FINAL BATTLE. I mean yea they were always labeled on the map but still...
Why can Rhys hide his wings? Is it because he doesnt get them from his mother but from his Highlord alto ego monster? 
If the suriel is a species then like... wtf? You know?
Highlord last names. Why do we only know the autumn court last name? I mean yea it really isnt at all important to the story but like... I feel like it couldve been squeezed in there somewhere at like some kind of meeting or vows or when we are first introduced to them?
Cassian and Aziels powers. More so Az’s. You guys remember when he bested a Highlord and then shielded and entire army with magic? This means our idiots are as powerful as a highlord who has the power of a full highlord. We dont see anyone else have that magnitude of power besides the highlords but heres Az and Cass fucking defying odds and shit.   
Viv fought in the war, but kallias didnt. 
This mightve already been answered but idk, did the spiders die with Maeve?
The bat boys are around 530 years old, The human war was about 500 years ago, the boys at most would have been 50 years old. And yea that seems normal to us but the way Alis described high fae aging to us means that the boys werent even fully grown. They might have been our equivalent of 15, assuming that “adult” is 18-20 and high fae are fully grown at 75 like Alis said. OUR POOR BAT BABIES
Can we talk about how fucking creepy it is that Amarantha watched Tamlin grow up ( that would place her at at-least 600 btw) and then wanted to fuck him 
Eris is Mor’s age (probably), and Lucien was balked at being as old as the people who fought i the war, this means theres at least 200 years between eris and Lucien. Of course thats assuming that eris is around 500 and lucien is no older than like 300. This isnt really a question, Luciens age just confuses me
Nesryn is the future Queen of the southern continent which is very far away from the gang and that makes me sad
This might also already have an answer, can elaine still See? Why is it never fucking brought up? Why wasnt there anything about it mentioned in ACOFAS. Shouldnt she bet getting lessons for it or something??? 
“Her name was Andromache and I loved her.” “She died happy, surrounded by her children” Im sorry but that is devastating that mor.. like i just.. im getting choked up
Same with Asterin and her Hunter. I am convinced that Manon went into the woods by herself to find the cabin after the war. And she did, she found it, it was falling down but it was there and she brought something and left it there for the both of them, something special. 
Cassians gift
Cassian and what he saw boney as
The fact that what the Prince did to Aelin in that field at mistward is basically the entire concept of Bryaxis
Im sure I have more but this is all I got rn. 
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Idk if you're taking asks but... omegaverse!AU where the Alpha!Dads bite Omega!Dadsona to show they are mates. And imagine how the cul-de-sac and respective kids would react
To me, a bite mark is (most of the time) a permanent thing that’s basically the Omegaverse version of bonding? So that’s what I wrote it as! I hope you’ll enjoy! - Mare
Thebarbeque is already well underway by the time you dare to leave the house. Youspent a lot of time in front of the mirror, staring at the mating mark [Dad]left there and wondering whether you should cover it or not, but in the end youdecided against it. Doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous about basically letting thewhole neighbourhood know you’ve been claimed. Your hand keeps on shootingupwards to your neck, where you can feel the light imprint his teeth left inyour skin; you catch yourself doing it just as you cross the threshold toJoseph’s backyard and blush. Everyone’s enjoying the burgers, chatting andlaughing, and while they greet you, no one seems to immediately notice themating mark.
🥃 You’re surprised to see Val,but in a positive kind of way. You didn’t know she’d be there. She’s talking toMary – the two got along like chalk and cheese – but ends the conversation andwalks over to you once she notices you arrived. There’s no sight of Robert, butyou know he’s been here; the scent of his cologne, mixed with the faint scentof woods and cigarettes, lingers in the air, at least to his mated Omega. Justthinking that makes you blush again. His Omega.Val zones in on that like a shark on blood. “Y/N.” She pointedly looks you downwith an arch to her eyebrow, which nearly disappears in her hairline once hergaze falls on the mark. You nervously tug on your collar and shift your weightaround on your feet. Robert and you hadn’t talked about how you should telleveryone. He just does things, without thinking, and goes from there. Marking you had gone the same way; hejust did it in the heat of the moment, not that you really mind. You lookaround the backyard, but there’s still no sight of him. You meet Craig’s gazeand try to give him a reassuring smile, but he doesn’t look convinced. Maybeyou’re already giving off distress pheromones. It would explain why everyone issneaking glances at you. Or they spotted the mark. “Did you change yet?” Val’svoice completely catches you off-guard. She cocks her head to the side andgestures towards your neck. “Can’t decide whether it’s a vampire or a werewolfbite. Too round for wolf teeth, though. Are you craving blood?”“Only thing he’s craving is the D.” Robert, appearing out of nowhere smellinglike cigarettes, wraps an arm around your waist and clinks his glass againstVal’s. She gives him an unimpressed look. “That tiny thing? Doubt it.” Herwords startle a laugh out of you. Robert scowls.
🍸 You smile when you see Mary with thekids. They’d been at her new place the last days, so they weren’t around whenJoseph marked you. The twins are probably too young to fully understand what itmeans – their mother is a Beta, so she doesn’t have a mating bite – but Chriswill and you’re worried about his reaction. Seeing Joseph is no longer busypreparing burgers, you walk over to him. His face lights up even more when hesees you and he immediately draws you into his arms. After a chaste kiss,Joseph brings a hand up to brush over your mark. He looks downright smug aboutit. Of course, now that he drew attention to it, the others notice it too. Youalmost suspect that was his intention. “Well, well, congratulations.” For amoment, Mary’s arrival brings tension, but that thankfully disintegrates withinseconds. “I was worried Joseph wouldn’t get his act together and claim youbefore one of the other nerds snatched you up,” she says and nudges herex-husband in the side. He pouts. Something, or someone, tugs on your arm. When you look down, your eyes meetChristian’s. “What’s that thing on your neck?” Rubbing the back of your head,you get down on eye level. “You know I’m an Omega, right? Your Dad left thatmark on my neck to let everyone know we’re together. Almost like marriage.” Only permanent, you add in your head.Christian frowns, but then nods. “Okay. Christie and I found a toad, want tosee?” You take Christian’s hand and let him lead you towards the bushes. Onyour way, you pass Chris, playing with his hand-held console. He must haveoverheard the conversation, since he’s looking at your neck with an unreadableexpression. After a few seconds, he nods and turns back to his game. To you,that feels like you passed. “Where’s the… Christie, we talked about this,please let the toad go—“ 
☕ The moment Mat sees you, he walks over and greets you with a kiss onyour forehead. Then his gaze falls on your neck and he blushes. You two talkedabout the idea for a very long time. Mat’s late wife had been an Omega, too, andpart of him was unsure about ‘replacing’ her, so you didn’t press the topic. Hebrought it up just last night, saying he had come to a decision. Said decision nowgraces your neck. “Hey, baby.” You lean in for a quick kiss on the lips andwrap your arms around his torso. “Hey.” Your private moment is interrupted byBrian, who seems to be the first to spot your mark. “Congratulations,” he saysand musters it from up close. “Seems like you were the lucky guy that got thejackpot, Mat!” Part of you is annoyed at the implications, but you know Briandoesn’t mean it like that. Mat, face a deep red, mumbles his thanks. Briantakes his leave again, heading straight for Damien, Craig and Hugo, who aretalking to each other. He says something, then the four look your direction.All the attention makes you feel uncomfortable. “Hey, Y/N, are you okay?”Carmensita jogs up to you and takes your hand in hers. “You look upset.”Shaking your head, you lean down to kiss her forehead. “No, dear, don’t worry.”The angle you’re in exposes your neck, but it still takes a few moments untilCarmensita notices. She gasps and reaches up, but catches herself and drops herhand again. “Is that…?” You look at Mat, then back to her. “Yes, your Dadmarked me.” A plethora of emotions passes over her face. Maybe you should haveincluded her in your discussions about marking, you think, worried. Carmensita suddenlywraps her arms around you and buries her face in your belly. “Are you okay?” She nods. “I’m happy.” Yousmile. Mat visibly deflates in relief.
🌹 “Would you look at that that!” Hugo’s hand shoots out to steady you as youstartle so hard, you nearly fall over. “My apologies, Y/N. I didn’t mean totake you off-guard.” He turns his head to the side. As you follow his gaze, youcan see some of the dads look at you. Are you imagining things or does Josephlook disappointed? “I apologise if the question is insensitive, but… it’sDamien’s, right?” The question confuses you. You and Damien have been togetherfor a few months, so who else should have… “Gosh, Hugo, yes! I know there wassome posturing, but none of them ever approached me like that once we made ourrelationship public. They wouldn’t have…” Forceda mark on you. The mere thought makes you shudder. A warm hand comes torest on your shoulder. Your body leans into Damien’s half-embrace as he comesto stand next to you, automatic like breathing. “Are you alright, my dear?” Atyour questioning look, Damien taps his nose with a smile. Right. Since youbonded, his senses must have become even more attuned to your scent. “Congratulations,Damien,” Hugo says and shakes his friend’s hand, the one that’s not resting onyour hip. “Do you intend to host a bonding celebration?” You look at yourboyfriend in confusion. “It was custom during the Victorian age to announce one’sbonding via party. Almost like a wedding celebration, if you will. I did intendto ask you if you would be comfortable with such an event but Hugo beat me toit.” The other Alpha smiles sheepishly, then excuses himself, leaving youalone. “Only the neighbourhood. We don’t have to. I just thought it would be—“You interrupt him with a kiss. As always, the public display of affection makeshim blush. “It would be nice, yes. Let’s do that.” Damien smiles and presses akiss on your forehead. “Ugh, gross,” Lucien huffs out. He tries to hide itbehind his phone, but you can see him smile.
🎣 Not a second passes before Brian is at yourside. He lifts you into his arms and hugs you tightly. “How is my Omega doing?” He says that loudenough for Craig and Robert, standing close, to hear. Craig puts aside hisplate, walks up to you and pulls you into a hug. “Congrats, bro! Congrats,Brian!” Brian returns the bro-fist and grins. “Thanks, Craig.” You notice thenoise has died down a little and that everyone is now looking at you. Some ofthe gazes, you realise, hold undertones of disappointment. Wait, where didRobert go? Wasn’t he just… Confused, you look around, but there’s no sight ofhim. Shrugging, you turn your attention back to your boyfriend. Only toinstantly regret that decision as he’s now bragging about you to the more orless willing audience of Joseph, Mat, Craig and Damien. You extract yourselffrom the group and walk over to the table, where the food everyone brought isexpertly arranged in bowls and on plates. You’re torn between several optionsand so lost in thought, you don’t notice Daisy joining you until she tugs onyour arm. “Is it true?” Brian just marked you last night, when Daisy was overat a friend’s place for a sleepover, and since today is a school day, that’sthe first time you see each other since then. Instead of replying, you tiltyour neck to let her see. Daisy beams. “Are you okay with that, Daisy? I knowwe should have asked you first, but it was a spontaneous thing and— Oof!” Shereleases you from her hug after a few moments, shuffling on her feet andblushing. “I’m okay with that, Mister Y/N. I’m happy for you and Dad.” Hearinghis ‘name’ apparently summoned Brian, as he’s suddenly behind you and sweepsyou and Daisy into a group-hug. He looks so proud and happy, you can’t help butgrin too.
👟 At the sight of Hazel and Briar chasingCarmensita around the yard, you feel something heavy settle in your stomach.They were happy when you and Craig told them about your relationship, but thatdoesn’t guarantee they’ll be happy about him having marked you. Joseph doesn’tserve anything harder than beer, but you could really need a glass of liquidcourage right now. Mac ‘n cheese would have to do; you load a large scoop ofcheesy glory on your plate. “Bro, do you know how unhealthy that is?” You don’tbother turning around, not that you could have, with Craig’s strong, largehands settling on your hips. “Do you know how little I care, Craigory?”“Ouch, that hurt.” He bends down to kiss your neck. His breath ghosts over themark, making you shiver. He tightens his grip a little, pulls you closer andpresses his lips against the mark, just like he did when—“Ew, gross!” You pullapart immediately. In your embarrassment, you’re too slow to stop Hazel fromstealing some of your food. At Craig’s look, she shrugs. “Compensation forhaving to witness that?” Craig thinks about it, but then nods. “Accepted.”It doesn’t surprise you that Briar’s the first to notice, since her sister isbusy trying to sneakily eat more mac ‘n cheese. “Is that a bite mark?” Youpause, mid-eating, giving Hazel the chance to steal your fork with a maniacallaugh. You’re proud of her. “Yes,” Craig replies in your stead. “I, um… markedhim.” The twins look confused, but then understanding dawns on Hazel’s face. “Youmarked-marked him?!” Her tone ofvoice makes you tense up. You brace yourself for a pre-teen explosion, so whenthey only smile and offer you their fists, you blink and numbly fist-bump them.Suddenly, the two launch themselves at you. It’s only thanks to Craig’sintervention that you don’t fall. “Still gross, but cool.” Briar tiptoes andtaps your nose. “You’re it.” They run away from you before you can protest.With an exasperated look at your boyfriend, you run after them.
📖 It doesn’t take long for someone to notice. That someone is Robert, whogrunts then turns his attention back to his whiskey. Well, you think, that wasn’tvery spectacular. You search the garden for Hugo. He’s talking to Joseph aboutbook recommendations when you walk over; he briefly pauses to kiss your cheek butcontinues explaining. The topic doesn’t interest you that much so you decide tomake yourself useful. You take an empty bowl of salad and walk into the kitchento fill it again. A faint smell of smoke catches your attention. You frown andsearch for the source, finding it in Ernest who’s sitting on the couch, vaping.Though you doubt Joseph allowed him that, you don’t scold or lecture him; youjust say hello. He whips around, probably to tell you to get lost, but hismouth falls closed again. His gaze is fixed on your mark with such intention,it makes you squirm. “Ernest?” Your voice seems to pull him back to reality. Helooks away and your breath hitches. You’ve never seen him look so young andvulnerable. Without thinking, you walk over and put your hand on his shoulder.He doesn’t shake it off as you expected, but leans into the touch a little. Yousilently thank evolution for giving Omegas a calming aura. “Are you okay?” Youask quietly. Ernest doesn’t reply immediately, but takes a few moments. “ThatHugo’s?” When you nod, he meets your gaze. “Thanks, Y/N.” The next second, thespell is broken. He pushes off your hand, his face closed-off again. “Now leaveme the fuck alone.” Perplexed, you only nod and do as he says. The change intone still confuses you even as you walk back outside and put down the salad bowl.“I apologise for ignoring you before. Joseph needed some advice,” Hugo says,leaning down to kiss you. “Is something wrong, Y/N?” Briefly, you considertelling him about the encounter. But you shake your head. “No, nothing.”
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thedaycourts · 7 years
(completed) acowar liveblog
spoilers will be ahead... you have been warned
feel free to message me to talk about the book!
5/1/17 11:22pm- someone help me I've literally preordered the ebook and the hardcover (which hasn't even shipped yet ugh) and I'm so prepared 
5/1/17 11:31pm- I've read the first 8 sample chapters so. many. times... i'm ready for the real thing now pls thx bye
chapters 1-8: i kinda like jurian actually (maybe ill regret saying that idk), lucien being protective of elain is making my heart warm, tamlin makes me wanna kill someone, feyre shouldve cut ianthe’s throat tbh, the twins give out such weird vibes, AND OMG rhys and feyre sending images of themselves sticking their tongues out is my moodboard i love it so much
chapter 9: “Blood rubies or no, you will always have one friend in the Summer Court.” My throat bobbed. “And you will always have one in mine,” I promised her. She knew which court I meant. And did not look afraid. I LOVE ALIS OK SHE IS ACCEPTING AND PROTECTIVE AND AMAZING
ianthe needs to get her filthy hands off of lucien before i strangle her
chapter 12: @luciens brothers can you go die pls ok thx bye
“i am the high lady of the night court” hECK YES YOU ARE
the tender cassian and feyre hug made me sob even more and then the mor hug hauidfghuajkshcdfa the feels
also omg just imagine lucien watching this reunion bc i think his expression would be absolutely priceless
chapter 15: “I was in love with Feyre,” Rhys said quietly, “long before she ever returned the feeling.” whats that noise??? oh yeah its just the sound of my heart breaking no big deal
“I revealed the mating bond months later—and she gave me hell for it, don’t worry.” hA 
chapter 16: poor nesta and elain omg no 
i really need to know whats going on between nesta and cassian bc theres def something there hehe
chapter 18: “defending the female he loved”  PLS JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY @MOR @AZRIEL 
“It was the first time you had looked … peaceful. Like you were indeed awake, alive again. I was so relieved I thought I’d puke right onto the table.” GUYS RHYS CARES SO MUCH ABOUT FEYRE LIKE PLS REALIZE HE WAS SO ECSTATIC THAT SHE LOOKED ALIVE AGAIN HE WANTED TO PUKE BC HE CARES ABOUT HER SO. FREAKING. MUCH.
“I will fight with everything I have, too, Rhys. Everything.” why do i have the feeling this is foreshadowing something that i am not going to like at all
chapter 19: “Why should I be scared of an oversized bat who likes to throw temper tantrums?” this is how true love starts out 400% you go nesta 
chapter 21: oh dang it here goes the nightmares starting up again
chapter 22: feyre sees the bone carver as their son omg what can this please happen
chapter 23: “Nothing about Nesta could frighten me.” *cue me audibly going awwwwww*
chapter 24: “She was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen.” This seems to be a common way of thinking when people look at their mates hehe throwback to acotar
az is such a bean like who else is awesome enough to wait 500 years for the girl he loves 
chapter 27: mor being depressed bc of what she witnessed at the meeting makes me wanna cry
omg the inner court arguing what is this
chapter 29: tbh az reminds me of myself so much and i think we have the same MBTI personality type((:
chapter 30: the heck is hybern’s little minions doing in velaris nonunion go home you aren't allowed here
chapter 33: “He did not glance back at Elain. Did not see the half step she took toward the stairs—as if she’d speak to him. Stop him.” elucien for rulers of the autumn court pls
chapter 34: varian warning amren??? they're friends?? so they keep in touch?? hmmmmmmm sounds suspicious(((;
oh jk he wasn't really there oops
chapter 38: I think tarquin should forgive them especially since they came to his rescue but hey thats just me
chapter 39: “And it was precisely because of it that I said, “I love you.” His head lifted, eyes churning. “There was a time when I dreamed of hearing that,” he murmured. “When I never thought I’d hear it from you.” 
nesta being worried ab cassian ahhhhhh
chapter 42: nesta being named emissary omg i love it
“And to my eternal shock, a smile tugged at Nesta’s mouth.” ahaha
chapter 43: this viviane girl seems cool.. i hope she doesn't end up stabbing my babies in the back:)))
ew no i was perfectly fine with having tamlin absent for the remainder of the book
same @feyre who is 500% done with tamlin and his crap 
chapter 47: I'm beginning to really like helion
chapter 48: too bad i already saw spoilers so i knew helion was luciens dad smhhhhhhh
ok but like if nesta thinks something is wrong, shouldn't you have learned by now that something is usually wrong???????
wow would ya look at that...something was wrong *scowls*
chapter 52: where the frick frackle jensen ackle did jurian come from 
chapter 53: ok but i totally called jurian being good
....tamlin still being a tool i see 
chapter 55: they keep mentioning their dad so i have a feeling he's in trouble/being held captive
chapter 56: nesta helping heal cass omg yes
chapter 58: I've never wanted ianthe dead more,,,,WHO DARES SHOOT MY GIRL SURI HREIAOFHJAKEF FIGHT ME
chapter 60: i literally bawled so much when suri died omg i sounded like a dying horse
chapter 61: this episode of honestly hour features feyre and mor going head-to-head about decisions and relationships... stay tuned for the next episode
chapter 62: amren and varian kissing hm how do i feel ab this
chapter 63: ELAIN IS AN ACTUAL SUNSHINE WHO DARES TAKE HER AWAY (of course its az my little bean who notices she's gone)
also I'm betting ten bucks lucien will find her and save her (prolly not gonna happen but it would be cute if he did)
rhys and feyre’s goodbyes felt more like a pep talk than a sad goodbye but thats just me
ok thanks for saving feyre @tamlin but for the record i still hate you
chapter 65: omg nesta hugging feyre and all the sisters being all nice and cuddly makes me so happy
chapter 66: the moriel shipping part of me is very sad but yunno maybe this means i can keep az for myself (or elain can have him idk which direction sarah will take this) and mor can be eternally happy((:
sooooo does this mean elain x az is now gonna happen bc like az is gonna need someone to help heal the hole in his heart and elain is such a sweetie but what about lucien????
chapter 68: but are we ever gonna know what feyre saw in the mirror?
chapter 69: tender az and elain moment omg that was so cute i love my smol beans
“I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have … The wait was worth it.” AWEEE
rhys and his lil speeches to everyone dang what is this
chapter 70: “And then Nesta began screaming. Not in pain. But a name. Over and over. “CASSIAN.” IM SUCH NESSIAN TRASH IDOFHAJDKFA
chapter 71: “This was it. The last moments … the last time I would see them all.” nothings even happened yet and I'm already crying
“He told me that he’s got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time.” well shoot i have no words rn and tbh i kinda forgot their dad existed the past few chapters
chapter 72: “She wrapped her arms tightly around Cassian, those gray-blue eyes bright, then they were gone.” THEY GIVE ME LIFEEEE YESSSS
chapter 73: OK AMREN WHAT ARE YA DOIN???
chapter 74: ....welp... bye bye mr archeron thanks for saving my babies and also wHERE THE FRICK DID YOU COME FROM?? nesta and elain and feyre being sad is making me sad
OK WHY IS CASSIANS WINGS GETTING HURT AGAIN??? i feel like this is sarah starting a new thing like “hey! lets just end every book with cassian’s wings getting ripped to shreds!!”
“I have no regrets in my life, but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.” FRICK OMG THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE MOMENT I BECAME COMPLETE NESSIAN TRASH. AND THEN THE KISS. OH MY. I CANT. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
and elain coming to the rescue omg heck to the yes
chapter 75: nesta stabbing the king is tHE BEST. i can't just feel the pure rage and emotion radiating out of her as she twists the blade in his neck. think of the people she's doing it for. her dad, her sisters, her new family, cassian. this scene gives me so many feels
amren saying she's glad she met feyre awe
chapter 77: feyre screaming for rhys nononononono i feel my soul shattering
rhys was DEAD and he comes back making a JOKE....why is this not surprising
chapter 78: lucien is back ahhhh it feels like he was gone for the whole book tbh
yes drakon and miryam hauifheajkdfhajfha
talking about feyre’s “beautiful laugh” ahhhhhh they're sooooo cuteeee
chapter 82: i LOVE the fact the book ended with them all peaceful. they deserve it. i love everyone. i am happy. goodbye.
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mon-amour-eternel · 7 years
Kings and Queens Part Two
Idk how much I like this, but please enjoy, everybody. SFW for the most part.
Part One
“Listen, you inconsequential thing, borrow my shoes again, and you’ll think back on the days you had feet very fondly! “
Camille gulped and turned to where Klaus and Kol sat, paying the spat no mind. “Klaus! A little help?”
“What?” He looked up and saw Rebekah steaming. “I can’t control her, Camille. Maybe ask Elijah?”
Elijah, of course, would not be helping her, but did she know that? No, no she didn’t.
She narrowed her eyes and fled Rebekah’s ire, stomping to her room like a child. Rebekah laughed and flopped into the seat between her brothers. “Can you the believe the nerve of her? Snooping, texting, stealing?”
“All from her gracious hosts, too,” Kol added with a snort. They thought it was funny, but Klaus was far from amused. Caroline was coming the next morning and she was so angry, he was scared for Camille’s life. Though, it would be very sexy to see his queen rip someone’s head off…. Unfortunately, she was too moral for that, so he doubted he would ever get to see something so delectable.
On the other hand, Caroline had been saying some very werewolf-like things since Camille’s little game and he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t go off the deep end.
(“You’re mine.” Gods, it sent shivers down his spine and made his wolf howl.)
When he’d told his siblings what had happened, Kol had found the thought and image as amusing as he found most things, and assured he would tape it. Rebekah had made interested noises and wondered aloud what Caroline would do if she came face to face with Tatia, or Aurora.
Freya had been more concerned about what she would do to Camille. He couldn’t imagine her being happy about the human overstepping her bounds like she was.
“Are you going to tell our Carebear?” Kol questioned.
Klaus scowled at the nickname, though Caroline insisted she didn’t mind it. “Tell her what? That our dear sister is throwing another tantrum?”
“No, he was thinking telling her about Camille acting like a leech, or worse, an in-law,” Rebekah snapped.
“I don’t want to her kill Camille, you know. Just...gently maim.”
“And behead? My, I can picture it now, it would be better than all the carnage I left in my last one hundred waking years.” Kol licked his lips, a far away look in his eyes.
Rebekah and Klaus both grimaced, but for different reasons. Klaus stood, holding his sketchbook tightly. “I’m not sure if I’ll be telling her about Camille’s other mistakes, but I will be telling her that you’re acting like a sexual predator. Then you’ll never get back to your once legendary restraint.”
As he moved to his room, Kol responded, “please do! I hear she’s into guys with accents and that happen to be mass murderers.” Rebekah cackled, immediately going into a round of take-the-piss-out-of-Klaus. Kol responded in kind.
He sighed and tuned them out, hoping to make sure everything would be perfect for the next day.
The plane touched down smoothly -- of course it did, Klaus made sure the pilot was safe -- and it wasn’t long before he was face to face with her once again.
She was just as beautiful as always, his very own model. The last time this happened, it was Klaus coming off a plane. Caroline had ran at him, a beaming smile on her face, and refused to stop touching him in some way until the next afternoon.
That time, they just moved into a hug, like they’d planned it. Klaus wasn’t all that affectionate with most people, and hugs were out of the question with literally everyone, but Caroline was his exception.
After a long moment, she leaned up and pecked him on the lips. (He became so fond around her. The thousand year old killer in him hates it, but the boy he’d been reveled in it.) “Hi.”
She moved them toward the car, speaking about college and the gang back home. Evidently, she’d decided not to talk about the Camille debacle yet. The vampire with him grabbed her belongings while they settled into the vehicle. His hand was on her thigh the whole ride home.
He spoke about his siblings, and the sights she would be seeing. It was nice, a small moment together before other people intruded (as they always did).
It all went to hell when they pulled into the driveway.
Caroline gripped his wrist before he could open the door. “Is she here?”
He listened, but somewhere in the house, a sage candle was burning. It was either Elijah or Freya’s room -- neither would be a surprise. Freya liked privacy, and Elijah liked pretending no one knew he was entertaining a certain doppleganger in his room.
He couldn’t hear her anywhere, so he shook his head. “No.”
“Okay, good. When we go in, can we go to your room first? I want to talk about something.”
“Of course.”
A few minutes later, they were in his room, on opposite sides of his bed. “Okay, so half the closet and three drawers?” She said to herself. “Bras, panties, socks. Okay….” She rummaged around in his drawers for a moment, then moved to her own.
“Did you want to talk about where you’re putting your clothes, love?”
She gave him a look that meant she thought he was an idiot. “No, but I have to get this done now so that I don’t have to later.”
“You’ll only be here four days.”
“Four days of not living out of a suitcase. Four days of not having to wear your clothes because I can’t find mine.”
He pouted playfully. “I quite like you in my clothes.”
“Of course you do, you’re a caveman.” She held a dress up to her body. “Does this look good enough to slay this Camille bitch?”
He wasn’t sure what slay meant in this case (was she going to behead Cami like Kol had said?), but nodded. The dress was expensive, but well worth it. It didn’t show off too much, wasn’t too short or too long, and it was both cute and sexy. “Caroline, trust me, you don’t need a dress to slay.” The word came out obviously clunky, but he stood by his use of it. He thought, at least.
She laughed at him. “Aww, thanks. Same goes to you, though the figure you cut in a suit...mmm.”
He had missed their flirting. Texting just wasn’t the same.
“Thank you. Now that you’ve got your dress, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
She stood in front of his mirror, still holding the dress. “You know how you say you like the chase? Well, I was thinking. I’m going to break up with you tonight,” his whole body stiffened, undead heart stopping. He only lost the tension when she continued, “and make Camille think it’s because you’re a cheater. She’ll be happy, thinking I’m out of the picture, and then we can make up in front of her? Like, we agree to be more faithful, act like we never fought in the first place. Act like the disgusting couple that everyone hates. Or maybe we should act like nothing ever happened?” She glanced back at him. “I just want her to be completely disoriented and caught off guard. What do you think?”
“I like your first idea. It’s mean, giving her false hope.” He smiled wickedly, thoughts and plans formulating in his mind. He’d forced himself not to think about it, wanting Caroline to get her revenge on her own, but it was easy to imagine hundreds of scenarios.
Caroline let out a little snigger. “That’s what I was banking on. Now, you need to go invite her to dinner tonight. Everyone has to be there, and they need to be told now or they won’t have enough time to get ready.” She raised an eyebrow like, get to it, Mikaelson.
“Okay, okay. But what shall I do for food?”
“Taken care of,” she said sweetly, walking him backwards to the door. At his look, she explained, “lots of free time plus being a control freak means I’ve got it taken care of. Expect the caterer here in an hour or so.”
“Caterer? Love, it’ll only be us and a few others.”
“Yes, but take in consideration Kol’s appetite and the fact that it’s steak, and you need a lot. Oh! And tell them to look their best.” She gave him a coy smile. “The queen of the French Quarter is here ready to bust the heads of anyone who looks like a ragamuffin.”
He chuckled despite himself, pleased that she liked his nickname for her. “Of course, love.” They shared a quick kiss, and then he was pushed out of his own room.
He swiftly invited everyone, foregoing the guests around the house. He would’ve asked Marcel if not for the fact that Caroline didn’t seem to want to meet him.
Asking Camille was interesting.
Klaus: Dinner tonight at the manor? We’ll all be there, and I’ll make sure Rebekah isn’t too mean.
Camille: Omg thanks for inviting me! I’ll be there, work permitting. What time is it happening?
Klaus: Six.
Camille: I don’t get off until 5:45 :( I won’t be able to get there on time
Klaus: Well then we’ll wait for you.
Camille: Wow thanks Klaus. What’s the dress code?
Klaus: I’d say a nice dress is in order. Just don’t wear black.
Can’t have someone attempt to show up Caroline.
Camille: Alright. I’ll see you later
Klaus: See you later
He’d never thought about it before, but she was a bit of a perfectionist, wasn’t she? Or was that just her need to please him?
No matter.
When Camille got there at 6:15, the only ones at the table were Klaus and Freya. Freya was sitting primly, twiddling her thumbs. Klaus’ chair was tilted onto the back legs. They both looked bored.
She looked around. She moved to take the seat next to Klaus, but on both sides, there were placemats -- one that said Rebekah, one that said guest. She found hers next to Elijah’s and across from Freya after noting Marcel, Davina and Lucien didn’t have seats. “Where is everybody?”
“Oh, I told them they had a few extra minutes before dinner. Guess they didn’t hear you come in.”
Freya smiled gently. “I think they’re just ignoring us, honestly.”
“Nonsense.” He’d told them to be late, actually. Yanking Camille’s chain was fun. “Elijah would never be so rude. Kol, yes, but not Elijah. And not our guest of honor, either.” She was waiting on the stairs for a perfect entrance. Not that Camille knew any of that.
“Guest of honor?” Camille questioned, looking around shiftily. Caroline had told her that she would be there that weekend, ready to tear out livers. She had reason to be scared.
“Yes,” Klaus said simply.
Freya expanded, “she’s a family friend. Well, a friend of Klaus’ that I’m eager to meet. Apparently, she’s pretty intimidating.”
A creak came from the stairs, and the siblings could barely contain their smug smirks. Camille’s eyes widened when Caroline stepped into the dining room. She stopped over Klaus’ shoulder, though she barely acknowledged him. Any other situation and she would’ve kissed his cheek or squeezed his shoulder, but she couldn’t if she wanted to pull this off.
“Talking about me?”
Freya stood gracefully and stuck a hand out. They’d met over the phone but never in person. “Freya Mikaelson. Nice to meet you.”
“Caroline Forbes. You too.” No harm in giving Camille the wrong idea, right? They’d be doing a lot of that, tonight. She turned to Camille, who watched her warily. “And you are?”
She stood shakily. “Camille O’Connell. I’m a family friend.”
All three repressed a snort. Just before Camille got there, Rebekah had been screeching about the little wench stealing her shoes again.
“Nice to meet you.”
Camille nodded in agreement and sat back down. Caroline took the spot next to Klaus. It was conveniently right next to Kol, who had added a part to their plan that she was excited to get started.
Freya immediately started talking to both blonde girls at the table, while Klaus watched. Caroline had told him not to sit her next to him, but he didn’t listen. In lieu of that, he had to act extra like he was hiding something.
Camille watched them like a hawk.
Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol came down after a few minutes. Elijah pretended to be surprised. “Oh. I apologize, I didn’t realize we were late.”
They sat down quickly, and Kol swung an arm over onto Caroline’s chair. No one said anything, though Klaus was very obviously glaring at Kol.
Dinner was awkward, but it was on purpose. Camille looked terribly uncomfortable, clearly wanting to be anywhere but there. Klaus tried to talk to Caroline a few times, but she ignored him for Kol, whose every word she hung onto.
Eventually he sat his utensils down heavily and said, “Caroline.”
“What?” She glared at him.
“Kol? Seriously?” He raised a judgemental eyebrow.
“What about him?”
“He’s the worst possible rebound in the whole world, sweetheart.” Kol made a hurt noise, but was ignored.
The rest of the table watched the interaction, unable to look away. Camille was both intensely uncomfortable and overjoyed. Clearly, Caroline had broken up with Klaus. That meant he was free of all ties now, and she could snatch him up once Caroline left.
“I don’t think so,” Caroline said, “I think he’s a great choice. He’s never lied to me since we met, like someone at this table.”
Kol grinned at his plate, but everyone else shifted appropriately.
“I didn’t lie to you, love, I never have.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but Elijah beat her to it. “Maybe you should take this somewhere else?” At the deadly looks they gave him, he added, “surely, this can be resolved with a discussion away from the table.”
Caroline shook her head. “No, it can’t. He cheated on me!”
The table hushed even more than it had been. Camille bit her lip.
“Yeah, that’s right. He found some two-bit, cheap, human who he only picked because she looks just like me.“ She didn’t look at Camille, but really, who else could she have been talking about?
“Now, love, I think that’s quite far enough.” He employed a tone he didn’t ever use on her. (He really hoped she wouldn’t be too mad at him for that. He was acting, after all.) It was one of his dangerous ones that she pretended to hate.
“Is it?” She hissed. “What happened to forever, Klaus?”
Camille shrunk into her seat, feeling like she’d stepped on a landmine. The others watched her from the corners of their eyes.
Klaus made his face fall. “It had a minor setback, love. I’m willing to work on it if you are.”
She stared at him. “Cute words won’t make this right.”
“Then what shall I do?”
Caroline gave a smile that reminded all of them of Klaus. “Devote yourself to me completely and wholly. And promise on your life that you won’t cheat again.”
“I never -- “ He stopped himself. “Of course. I swear on my life, if I am ever unfaithful to you, I shall burn in the pits of hell for the rest of eternity. You will be my last and only love, Caroline.”
She smiled. “Good. I promise the same.”
There was a moment of nonverbal communication, then they were gone.
Camille scoffed. “She seriously took him back? He deserves better than someone who’s only going to let him continue his bad habits.”
“Well that’s mighty presumptive of you,” Rebekah said, setting her wine glass down.
Camille looked affronted, but Kol interrupted her indignation. “You do realize they’re in love, right? Like, disgustingly so. You never had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting with Nik.”
“And they both know he never cheated,” Freya added, lightly circling her finger over the rim of her glass. Camille had said once it was intimidating, reminiscent of a big cat waiting to pounce.
“This was all an act, Camille. A way to teach you a lesson. You are our guest, a temporary one, and you overestimated your importance to us.” Elijah stated. “I suggest going to bed now before Caroline comes back down here and causes bodily harm.”
She gasped, and hurried to the stairs. Rebekah shouted after her, “return my shoes before dawn or you’ll be at my mercy as well!”
She ran to her room and locked herself inside. She sat heavily on the bed, feeling terrified.
There was noise from next door. She looked at the wall she shared with Klaus’ room, hoping beyond hope that it came from Freya’s room instead, on the other side. The noise came again, a familiar sounding thump.
When she looked around, she saw there were no sage candles burning anywhere, nor could she smell any.
The thump came again, only this time, it was accompanied by a moan. “Mine.”
Oh god, they were torturing her. She was going to have to listen to them all night, wasn’t she? She tried to escape, but even when she unlocked the door, it wouldn’t budge.
There was a shriek that turned into giggles, then moans from Klaus’ room.
Camille sat on her bed again, wondering exactly what the hell she was thinking when she texted Caroline.
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