#idk why I find it so halarious
buttqvack · 2 years
I feel like talking about book 6, so here are my thoughts
(Including some screenshots)
TW: Swearing and a little bit of violent language
I apologize in advance for the lack of organization, it skips around a lot and it isn't really proofread either.
Book six low key feels like a fan fic. Idk if it's because I read it all at one and my brain isn't registering it yet or if I've just been anticipating it for too long.
Not saying it's bad or anything, I actually really like it so far, it's just different from the rest of the books.
Omfg it's halarious, it's pretty much Idia babysitting the overbloted students meanwhile everyone (including Idia) is complaining about everything.
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Ortho's voice in the beginning sounded weird to me. I've been spoiled on book six before it came out in En, and if what I saw was right or if I remember correctly it might be relevant? Not sure though, but to not spoil anything not out in En yet, I won't elaborate.
Speaking of Ortho though:
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Yes Ortho, the target has to be alive. I love you but if you kill my cat I swear to whatever deities you believe in the consequences won't be pretty.
Also Crowley's voiced response is so funny to me, he just screeches.
M/c's house is even more ramshackle now, and has a giant cauldron in the floor (thanks Deuce).
Speaking of Ramshackle, Vil pays each VDC member either 50,000 marks or their share of 50,000 marks (before STYX comes btw), but most of them end up donating it to fixing up Ramshackle and refurbishing it.
Although most of that money is probably going to go to rebuilding it now...
I love how one of the dialogue options in that chapter was referencing the huge cauldron in the middle of the lounge.
Epel speaks a lot more country like in this book and I love it, yes king yee haw.
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Who was going to tell me Rook has 5 siblings?? Who?? And he's the third oldest of like 6??
(I can only imagine what the rest of them are like lol)
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His family also has magic teleportation pads across Twisted Wonderland, because his ancestors liked to travel??
"The more I learn about you the more mysterious you become." - Epel's reaction to those Rook bombshells.
We also learn Rooks unique magic, although like Trey and Jamil it's diffrent in English than in Japanese.
But Arrow Afar sounds kinda cool though, I like it better than I See You. Unlike Trey and Jamil I think it's an upgrade. (Doodle Suit and Snake Whisper are so much better than Paint the Roses and Snake Charmer smh)
Arrow Afar lets Rook track the location of what or whoever he casts it on which is really fitting for his character. I thought his unique magic would explain the uncanny amount he knows about literally everyone, but apparently not.
Rook also magics the M/c a Pomefiore dorm uniform and one of the player dialogue options are "I can feel my posture straighten just from wearing this"
We also find out why Rook wanted to go to STYX, and it was to make sure Vil got his skincare products. That's it. Epel followed him because he was pissy. And M/c just wanted to talk to Grim.
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Tbh I love the Epel Rook bonding time we got out of book 6 so far, I love the dynamic they have.
When they breached STYX and told Idia why they were there, Idia really said "Me and the boys at three am looking for B̵̳̫͇͈̞̝͖͒̅Ę̸̡͇̹̻̙͉̮̪͕̱͖̏̂A̶̺̤͓͑̇́̂N̸͖̟̺̤̣̱̣̠̊͐̔́́̒̾̐̕͘ͅS̵̢͎̳̳͓̤̜̓͜͜"
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Idia made Grim cry. I don't care if it was indirectly, I'm going to break his kneecaps /j.
His robots also knocked Ace and Deuce unconscious and I just want to make sure they're ok, we left before they woke up. I wanna make sure they're ok??
Crewel also referred to them their actions as "phenomenally stupid".
When the Charon bots abducted Azul it was kinda funny seeing Idia just casually chatting to them. Like everyone was fighting for their lives for all they knew and Idia is just like "You gotta chill out a bit, someone's gonna sue you..."
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It's pretty much cannon now that if you lock two or more NRC students in a room together, they will without a doubt pick a fight with each other /hj.
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I can't add anymore images to this post but trust me when I tell you Idia shipped the students in a cargo crate together like they just came out of the movie Madagascar.
Riddle was on top of Leona during shipping and when Leona told him he was squishing him Riddle replied with "I was wondering what that muscley pillow was."
"Yeah, tell that to they guy whose lap you've been snoring on for three hours." - Leona
After discussing what they knew about the situation and Idias involvement, Azul comments that if he had known, he would have tried harder to get Idia indebted to him. And then I believe it was Jamil or Riddle who commented about his one track mindedness.
What happened to Crowley?? Charon took him as well, but he's only mentioned like once after and no one confirms that he is or isn't at STYX.
We learn about the Shroud curse, and that it eats the any blot that accumulates in them but without a constant blot production, it would start to eat their magic. We also learn that that's why Idia and Orthos hair is fire.
Idia also mentions the blue flame of Grims ears and that Grim is cursed too, but he can't figure out what the effects are, who casted it, or why. But he says that it's a very old curse.
We learn more about how blot works and about the phantoms (the monsters that appear behind the overbloted students).
The amount of cryptic likely foreshadowy comments were astronomical.
That's all I can remember off the top of my head and from any screenshots I took, so let me know if I forgot anything worth mentioning and I'll try and add it in.
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songbird-wings · 4 years
I still think one of the funniest things in TCW is that episode where Ahsoka wants to learn more about politics and then Anakins like trying to explain things to her and teach her but Padmé, remembering like her first date with Anakin, just steals Ahsoka away from him to teach her about politics herself
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rainbow--panic · 3 years
hi ! how do you think sundrop and moondrop would react to like 2-3 high teenagers just absolutely vibing in the daycare
I thought this would be halarious, btw i have never been high so idk how high people actually act, im just going off of what ive heard.
Everyday seemed to blur in. Sunny would make sure the daycare was clean, welcome his new friends, have a full day of fun and play mixed in with a few naps, then he would say goodbye to his friends, clean up again and wait for his friends to return later. Sometimes there would be some hiccups here and there, children fight and get sick and even get scared, but all those things sunny knew how to deal with.
What sunny didn’t know how to deal with was the information a child just gave them. “Mr.Sunny, my brother and two of his friends were smoking weed in the bathroom and now they’re high.” What was weed? Why were they smoking it? What does it mean that they're ‘high’? Are they taller? Many questions zoomed through his head, moon was no help as he didn’t know anything about this either.
The child took sun to the three in question. All of their eyes were a bit redder than normal and he could smell a foul aroma coming off of them. The brother of the small child was laying very relaxed in a chair by the window of the daycare. Near the hallway was a female with long hair who looked really tired, or maybe it was some makeup smudged under her eyes. Finally on the other side of the table was another young man with his hood up.
“Woahhh dudes, look, it's the sun man” the hoodie male said. The other two looked up in what seemed to be a daze. “Woah man, don't get too close to us, you'll melt our skin off” the brother said, half assly shielding his face with his arms. The female hit the brother, “dumbass, it only works if we’re outside.”
“Cursing is prohibited in the daycare” sun chimed in. The three stopped their bickering and stared at him. Sun wasn’t entirely sure how to deal with this, so they turned to the child and asked them if they knew how to deal with the three. “I dunno, I'm only 7, but they’ve done this a few times, i would say keep an eye on them till my parents come back” sun nodded and told them to go play with the other children.
Sun needed to find a way to keep an eye on these three till their parents came back and needed to attend to the younger kids in the daycare. Since the child said they do this often they must be safe to be around others, at least that was Sun's logic. For a moment Sun thought that he should just get a security guard to deal with this, i mean he never had dealt with this before, but then again this was something new to him, he was sure he could learn.
First thing was first, he looked around the area and thought the best place for them to hang out would be one of the areas by the ball pit. The younger kids loved playing in the ballpit so he could play with them and keep an eye out for them. “Hey what do you guys think about following me into the daycare?” Sunny asked only to get blank stares. That wasn't going to get them to move, it seems like he might need to get them motivated to follow him, somehow. He heard one of their stomachs grumble.
“If you guys follow me i'll give you snacks” and just like that they were up. They followed him to the area by the ball pit. “Ok now you guys wait here while i get you snacks. Sun ran off and grabbed some snacks, but when he came back he noticed only one of the teens was still there, the female. “Hey where did the others go?” he asked her in a hushed tone. She looked at him and shrugged, slightly slack jawed. He gave her snacks and told her to stay there as he went off to find the other two. He found the hooded boy first, he was kinda just staring up at sun's room. Sun was able to lure him back by dangling the snacks in front of him, he went after the snacks like a cat would with a string.
Sun looked around for the brother only to find him in one of the connecting tunnels between the play structures. Sun had to do some climbing and crawling to get him. “Hey what are you doing? Why did you wander off?” the boy looked at him and shrugged. Like the other boy, sun had to motivate him with snacks. When he got back to the area both hood boy and the female were gone.
Getting an idea, sun decided to get the smaller children to help him. Sun got bags of snacks and gave one to each kid as he began to explain the game. “So we have three older kids playing as the scary zombies! These bags of snacks are like brains to them, the point of the game is to keep the zombies over by the ball pit by luring them with snacks. If you are all able to keep them in this area until their parents come and get them, you’ll leave here with a new toy!” The children cheered and began the game happily.
Time and time again one of the three would wander off only for the kids to lure them back. This went on for the whole day and the children began to even make games within the game. They would take markers and stickers to any exposed skin of the three, everyone was enjoying themselves. Eventually nap time came around. Everyone was asleep, even the three. They stayed asleep for the remainder of their time there.
Eventually their dad came by and thanked sun for watching over both of his kids and his son's friends. Meanwhile their mother was giving the three, now not so high teens, an earful, telling them how they are grounded and will either volunteer to be a daycare helper for a week or would be sent to military camp. The following week Sun had three new friends who actually grew to like him, when the week was up they told sun they would happily volunteer more of their time to help around the daycare and hangout with sun more.
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bunni-teeth81 · 5 years
I just realized seeing me in the doll’s section of a store must be weird.
Like, I’m short enough to look like a middle schooler so that’s not the problem.
But my outfits consist of, for example, punk ass combat boots, Brooklyn sweat pants, a band hoodie almost covered in paint, and the most punk-pirate bag you’ve ever seen in your god damn life idk why I’m allowed to have it at school it has chains and spikes on it but anyways-
So like, I may look like a child but I dress like I just walked out of a very comfy hard core rock band concert and idk how anyone feels about this but I find it halarious
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