#idk why I was holding this draft since FEBRUARY
s4sharkteeth · 6 months
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when I said we were returning I meant RIGHT NOW !!!!
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childofsquidward · 4 years
Writing Tag!
@captstjohn​ said that they’re tagging anyone who wants to do this... and I’m someone who wants to do this, so clearly it was meant to be
Author Name: childofsquiward everywhere finally
Fandoms You Write For: I honestly don’t know... wait, hold on, I write for The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Dil Dosti Dance and Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan... yeah that’s it for now I guess
Where You Post: ff.net, AO3 and sometimes I’ll swing by Wattpad just cuz’
Most Popular One-Shot: Ketchup & Maple Syrup which like, okay, this was a cute one-shot and I’m so happy that people liked it, but Bonnie & Damon is easily the only good thing I’ve ever written so I’m like, in shock that Ketchup & Maple Syrup was better (thank you for liking it though!)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: 
Little Witch on ff.net - I’m actually surprised that this is my most popular fic because I just thought that people didn’t like it. Also, I need to edit this fic and then finally update because it’s absolute trash and obviously this means I’m absolute trash because I haven’t updated this fic in YEARS
The Evolution of BonBekah on AO3 - I’m so happy about this because even it’s been over two years since I’ve updated, I genuinely love writing this fic, it’s my favourite fic to write, none of my other fics can even touch this one, they are simply not worthy and I did not put in nearly as much effort in those fics compared to this one 
Favourite Story You've Written: 
The Evolution of BonBekah for sure, as mentioned above, this fic is very dear to my heart and I am actually really happy with the plot I’ve come up with in my head. 
However, another story of mine that I love equally as much if not slightly more than TEOBB, is Falling In Love With Reyaansh Singhania which I believe that I have been writing for over 5 years now (I first posted it on February 2nd, 2015)? I started writing it in high school, probably Grade 10, and it will 1000% follow me beyond University. This was actually my first AU fic as well I think, so that’s I just poured heart and soul into it, and no one will ever see the original version that I posted because I have edited this damn fic a million times and I s2g one day I will finish it, I just don’t how long it will take me because I literally just take a simple idea (let Rey’s three love interests be more than his love interests aka they will get their own fucking stories outside of him before we deal with all that romance bullshit, and also, all three of them are best-friends because I say so - Diya said #SAATRIYA RIGHTS 2k15 until even after this hotmess has been completed because it’s what they deserve fucking fight me) and I just went fucking batshit crazy with it, just like I clearly did with this damn post.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I was so nervous to post this oneshot - B-e-a-utiful - mainly because it is centered around Alya Saxena, one of the most hated characters on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan, and although the fandom for the most part is lovely, ManikxNandini was THE ship of the show (I mean, I get it, they were great and I did like them a lot!) and Alya was always kind of not someone the fandom liked because she tried to come in between the main ship of the show, and even when I posted it, some people were all like, ‘where’s MaNan? why is Alya here?’ and I was like ‘this is a fic about ALYA, there are a billion MaNan fics out there, go read them and let Alya have this one thing jfc’. In all honesty, it was not as bad as I had anticipated, which is great because obviously this oneshot is now causing me to want to write a wholeass fic that I will never write because I suck.  
How Do You Choose Your Titles: I don’t know. I don’t really have a process or anything cuz’ all my titles literally suck.
How Many of Your Stories Are:
Complete: ZERO (if we could count oneshots though...)
In-Progress: ALL OF THEM!!! I have 8 on-going fics, so literally all the fics I mentioned above, plus like, one TVD fic, a KY2 fic, and like 3 other D3 fics and one of them is just me ranting about the extremely shitty treatment of one Taani we-didn’t-even-know-her-fucking-last-name-wtf-insert-one-of-the-many-last-names-I-have-created-for-her-here
Coming Soon: I’m trying to finish the ones I have going on, but also, what even is this ‘self control’ that you speak of? Idk her. Anywho... there are about 3 TVD fics that are in my drafts right now, and obviously all of them are Bonnie-centric. I also have 4 new D3 fics that are somewhere on my laptop, 2 of them are crossovers, and they are all hella Taani-centric because I adore Taani with all my heart.   
Upcoming Story You're Most Excited to Write: As of right now, Unwritten because I was actually just working on it when I decided to get distracted by Tumblr. I’m super excited about this one because one, I love fics where I can call people out on how shitty they’ve been to Taani, and two, it’s a fic where I kind try to imagine how everyone’s lives would’ve turned out after Taani leaving (obviously on bad terms with literally everyone) and how everyone would kind of change and I’m having a lot of fun writing certain dynamics that I have never tried writing before but I’ve always wanted to (ex: Taani & Simmi, Vicky & Aashi, Nilesh & Swayam, Sharon & Bharat, etc.) 
Do You Accept Prompts?: I would love to! They’ll suck, but please feel free to do so if you want to.
Tagging: literally anyone who wants to do this, please feel free, it’s so much fun
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projectnaga · 7 years
a 21st anniversary, a 1st anniversary, and the state of the translation
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Well, here we are. It’s the 14th of May, 2017. It’s the 21st anniversary of Genealogy of the Holy War’s original release, and the first anniversary of the release of its first complete translation.
God, it still feels so weird saying that. Complete. Not only did i actually do it, but it’s actually in the game and people are actually playing it now. i swear, it was only days ago that i was still puttering away at the earliest drafts in some dim corner of tumblr, just as a lark. There’s something surreal and heartwarming about seeing people play my work en masse. Thanks, people.
After the first release, we published five updates in relatively quick succession up until July, at which point we just.... stopped. And stopped. So what happened?
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Full disclosure: it’s squarely my fault. Honestly, it’s getting kind of embarrassing. DDS has put in plenty of work since then and has a nice fat stack of bug fixes and assorted technical cleanups ready to roll out, and at this point i’m literally the only thing holding back the stack. i’ve still got a lot of work that i want to do on the script for the next iteration and i’m still chipping away at it at a very slow rate. i keep setting targets for finishing up, then promptly letting those targets whizz by. Hell, about a month ago i genuinely planned to have everything done in time for another anniversary release to be plausible, and as you can plainly see that did not pan out at all. It made sense up until February, being that university was still a thing i had to contend with, but now? Yikes.
What needs fixing, then? As far as i’m concerned, a hell of a lot. my first pass over the game was, in hindsight, not particularly careful. Working on Genealogy was very much a learning process - i’d certainly never done anything like it before - and it’s as much of a mishmash as you’d expect of a product of somebody whose expertise and translation philosophy slowly evolved throughout it. Before we launched i certainly made efforts to straighten things out and retranslate, relatively speaking, the worst parts at that point (hello, chapter 1) from scratch, but it really came down to the wire so a lot was missed. The current product certainly gets the job done, but i can’t help but wince at screenshots: all the flaws of my work are suddenly blaringly obvious to me much too late.
And you know what? Genealogy deserves better, and not by virtue of being a particularly special game or anything, but because anything i work on deserves better. If there’s only one thing i’m good at, it’s holding my own feet to the fire and demanding stupidly high standards of my work. At the risk of sounding like a pretentious wanker, i can’t say i fancy the idea of settling for anything short of clear, tonally and conceptually accurate encapsulations of the text and narrative, expressed in as natural and readable a manner as i can muster. i’d like to think i accomplished that with the majority of the game, but i can’t sit back until everything is up to scratch.
So, what’s coming up, then?
Tweaks to Genealogy
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Fun fact: i am really, really not good at keeping notes on what needs changing and what has changed. It’s kind of hilarious in the saddest possible way. Every time i keep meaning to but then something catches my eye, then something else, and it’s all so fast that i don’t even think to record it and before long i’ve forgotten what i’ve just tweaked. Either way, some of the most prominent incoming changes (that i can actually recall) include:
Lex, i’m sorry to say, did not fare particularly well in my first pass; i did a pretty bad job with portraying his tone and nuances, including literally his first block of dialogue in the entire damn game. Thankfully he’s the only character who got substantially distorted like this, but fixing him up was a top priority. Just about every speaking role he has has been redone from scratch.
The majority of reworking is proving to be in the first generation chapters. Honestly, i’m not surprised; being the first part of the game i did left them much more prone to error than the rest of the game. There’s still a fair few second generation corrections, but still.
boy shitting howdy i used the word “geez” a lot and in hindsight it drives me up the wall. at the absolute minimum that’s been reduced heavily
Probably the biggest amount of legwork involved is tidying up the epilogue’s map narration grand finale, specifically ensuring that the individual parts actually cohere properly when the game combines them in any outcome. The way English grammar is structured makes this somewhat more difficult than it was in Japanese, and it’s probably the biggest reason why i’ve been slacking off. While we didn’t do the worst job in the world as things stand there are plenty of rough spots which i need to sand out. Thankfully the script itself is still sound for the most part, so it’s just a matter of presentation.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
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It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that we absolutely plan on doing Thracia 776 next. I’ve been planning on translating it for several years now, DDS has already done some preliminary hacking work on it (pictured above), and these days i have the fortune of having a lot of friends on hand with a vested interest in seeing Thracia done properly. It just makes sense, y’know?
As some people might know i started work on the script of Thracia a few years ago, but i’ve sort of let it slide for a while because of other commitments. Once i’m done sorting out Genealogy, i’m absolutely climbing back on that particular horse. i’d rather not make any hard time commitments for myself or anyone else since that would be a great way for things to end horribly, but considering i’m now much more experienced at this and have much more in the way of assistance and support in my favour, i get the feeling it’ll be a smoother project than Genealogy. At the very least, whenever we launch, the script will certainly be less bumpy than Genealogy’s was on this day a year ago.
Other stuff?
iunno. probably not, idk. we’ll see what happens
In conclusion
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Really, in hindsight, i can’t believe how stupidly lucky i've been to have had the chance to work with such talented people on this. First, to have friends like amielleon and gringe who were willing to advise me on the translation and writing processes and, once or twice, step in to compensate for my shortcomings; then to work with hackers as talented as DDS and Azimuth, who as far as i’m concerned went through absolute hell to make my vision for the finished product a reality. Did i deserve all this? Probably not, but holy hell am i glad it all happened anyway.
okay maybe i should dial this back a bit
And if you’ve played it, thanks to you too! There’s still nothing quite like seeing my work being played by other people out in the wild (specifically, by people i don’t know who most likely weren’t coerced into playing it by my self-aggrandising shenanigans). If you haven’t played it, well, why not give it a try sometime? At the risk of overselling myself here, it’s a good translation for a good game.
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loi-et-love · 7 years
SZ: hi.
first thing first..... T H A N K S ....for so many things... talking to me, being nice to me (even when i was pain in the ass) .... being frank and open..... talking whatever came to your mind (well that you do with everyone) ..... answering to some long emails... with equally wrong emails....
you know i had drafted a mail earlier but had to delete it ... thought might as well write something new and fresh..... and this is what you have done to me ..... When i have free time .... i think "let me write to aditi" ..... sometimes..... i even wake up in the middle of my sleep to check...... if there is any message from you.... but unfortunately only calls or messages i get then at that time are from GC .... some how he just knows when i am busy.... or sleeping in office hours and he will call me..... the joke i tell my mom is "if i want GC to call me ..... i should sleep" and hola ...tring tring ....
initially when we started talking...... i did want to know why is she talking so much to me .... but then i let go of it ..... realized later you are talkative.....
i dont talk to many people..... and i dont remember when i had written 100 odd emails .... to someone ...... i guess there have been days when we have completed more than 50 odd emails in a single day.... like today we are already near 42......
two reasons i dont talk to many people in office is 1) my last name: they have pre concieved notion about me and feel uncomfortable talking to me ...... and i dont like when people are uncomfortable .... and they do make it previous obvious
2) whatever little interaction i have had with some ..... i just dont connect... i dont feel the need to ... or in simpler words..... i dont find anyone else interesting enough
yes i like you,.... want to know you..... but i want to know you at your pace and your convenience .... i am not in a hurry..... but then its like you kind of sweet like an ice cream..... and i get worried... what if it just melts away .... so i want to know things about you......
all those questions hanky panky and all is just to get you open up..... as i always say.... i was also 24 for one full year..... and i know things that happen.... i am no saint either.... and i had a car since i was 16..... so had my share of back seat action too....
sometimes...... its obvious that i am the distraction .... that keeps you away from ex......... sometimes.... its just that ... you have too much stored in yourself ...... and you dont have the channel to release it all..... so you just treat me like an "agony uncle" or lets say punching bag.... i am ok with that.....
And you are currently occupying lot of my mental space..... whether is sleeping or awake ....
like today i didnt need to send the photo which i sent in morning ...... or didnt need to think about you when i saw rainbow ..... didnt need to go for walk ..... i went yesterday also .... the reason : well yesterday i knew you would be busy from 6-7 while driving to go home and today i knew you would be sleeping while i was awake so i thought might as well go for a walk
talking sarcastically or flirting or being funny is natural to me and so is the serious attitude.... seen a lot of things in life....
you dont like flirting we can always stop.... it will be difficult but i can stop.... no more checking out .... btw its not the ass which i check out first in a lady....... its something else
chalo will send across this email when you are back from lunch..... and done with your work
ohhhh last thing ..... you are B E A U T I F U L ....enjoy have a nice day .
I: God!! nobody is ever going to let me read this email with full concentration. *angry face*
Will you stop thanking me?? I didn't do anything FOR you. i'm selfish that way. So stop!! I did everything because I wanted to. I didn't do any favors for you. I talk to you because i like talking to you. I'm nice to you because you have been nice to me (no indecency). I'm frank and open... Well, that's just who I am. I speak my mind. And I respond to your long emails because I love talking to you and I love long emails. Long emails signify how much willing you are to talk to me. It shows your effort, that you are ready to type so much because you so much to say.
Maybe you can send me that email you deleted. I would want to read everything you type to send me because that's what you wanted to say to me.
I know how you feel. you have done the same thing to me too. I was late for lunch and made Kaalu and H sir wait becasue I wanted to finish writing an email to you.
It's true that I am talkative but I don't talk soooooo much with everybody. I'm friendly with everyone but not everybody is my friend. So, I talked so much with you because I chose to and not because I have a compulsive need of talking.
And BTW you spoke to me first. I had my seat changed and you had asked me something. I think you had asked me what I do here, etc. and then why my place was changed. I remember it was dark and there was nobody in the office except you and me and you were filling your water bottle and laughed (that cute laugh I love) when I told you that because French Translator and I talk a lot they changed my place. (I know it was silly of me. I didn't even care that you're a C (last name) and I shouldn't have and I should've maintain a decorum with you)
"i dont talk to many people" Tha'ts what Kaalu said, you don't talk to too many people. And if you talk, nobody hears your voice. So, it's more or less like you don't talk at all.
And those days are the best days where we write over 50 emails to each other.
I know why you wouldn't talk to people here in OIA. I saw and felt how lonely you are. and then you talked to me one day and I felt "god! ye accha baat karta hai. Decency toh baapre.. chalakti hai!! Has a nice soothing, amazing voice. English mast hai." And then Idk how and when I started talking to you. I don't remember. All I know is that I must've blabbered a lot for no reason, forcing you to be in the conversation. Do you remember how I started talking to you so much after you spoke to me once? (answer me) I actually you spoke to me twice. once ws in the elevator when we were going down. I think we started talking about cars and books when we would leave. And then you would advise me like an uncle to drive safe and use this direction than the one I use. Ufff... how annoying I found you then!! Treating me like I'm 10!
So, as i was saying i thought u r introvert n shy n lonely n dont have many friends here. but i was happy to see you chitchatting with anand sir then.. Sometime in february i think. I was relieved..
I don't understand what preconceived notions they would have about you.
People know you're C because you speak THEIR language. (That's how I found out). I would always see you talk with Kapil. And I wud make a face like why does this man have to talk to him (Atul), bichara.. paka raha hoga Atul ko! But then i found out u r a Chaturvedi and I slapped my forehead. Like whyyyyyyy............... But then your last name never felt like a hindrance for me. You last name never bothered me. Is that strange for you? (answer me)
So, you know how I feel about you not being here right now? So, you know how I feel about you leaving? There is nobody interesting in this office. There's nobody who reach my standards and actually hold a conversation with me. You have no idea how ecsatic I was to talk to you everytime!! I would wait for NL to leave so that I could talk to you. But you would shoo me away like a dog.. :( That did hurt me when you continued to do it for a few days but I didn't say anything because i know you didn't mean it
You have to ask questions to know me. Don't ask me questions about what hanky panky I have done. I won't answer that. i don't kiss and tell. I told you about Aditya. I told you I have daddy issues. You figured out I have trust issues. It takes time to get to know people. And it's more fun when you get to know them as the time passes by. Fast-fast karne me koi mazaa nahi hai. I have been very fast in my life and i've realized this now and i always prefer to go slow.
I want to get to know you too. You conceal so much behind this fluffy (hehehe) exterior. But it takes time.
You are not the distraction. Dude. I have many distractions. Do you think you are the only person in the office I flirt with? Think again! Yeah, it's true that you are the only person I actually enjoy flirting with!! ('im not buttering you up here)
Nobody can keep me away from BB. BB and I... We have the strangest chemistry. We wouldn't talk to each other for months (which felt like years) and we'd gravitate back to each other. It's just how it is. Nobody can stop what's happening between me and him. and you're not a distraction. I don't use humans anymore. not that person anymore.
This is true "you have too much stored in yourself ...... and you dont have the channel to release it all" But you aren't my agony uncle or punching bag. I have just been awfully mad at you, once !! Just once!!.
You are just completely different for me. You hold the weirdest place in my life. Never anticipated to go this far. I didn't know you'd give me your number and i would chat with you like its the end of the world!!
And you are currently occupying lot of my mental space..... whether is sleeping or awake .... --> i don't want to ruin the moment, but i do do this to alot of people. What you said in another email that i have made your boring life here in OIA, interesting and now you look forward to it. There was this intern (also Adi, he's a southernese) he too said the same thing. He wasn't somebody who would talk a lot but with me, we would talk for 9 hours straight for 2-3 weeks! He didnt have any work and nor did I. and he still cannot believe it. Yeah, so i do have an effect on people. (I won't say i dont enjoy it. i jsut hope it turns out to be a good experience for them)
If you thought about me when you saw the rainbow, then i think of you everytime i see XUV on the street. I wait for you to text me on whatsapp. I come to work and I check my email first for any email from you.
Today when i came to work, i really thought that you're lying n u have come back n you'll come to work today.
" it will be difficult but i can stop" --> really? it'll be difficult???
What's the first thing you check out in a girl? and what's the first thing u checked out in me?
"ohhhh last thing ..... you are B E A U TI FUL ....enjoy have a nice day ." --> i have to hug you for this. There's a way of saying things. it also matters who is saying to you.
I'm too disturbed after wat NL said yesterday. I jsut want to go to him anymore.. i'm not Veena or Marina. Nor do I behave that way (although i did speak things with you, i hit on you, that's different. but really, i didn't do it with NL)
"ohhhh last thing ..... you are B E A U TI FUL ....enjoy have a nice day ." --> you made my day. (you too have an effect on me, okay. you just don't realize it, although I say it out loud so many times) this made me smile shyly. main sharmati nahi hu.. thank you :*
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