#idk why purple just seems diana-y
rowantreeart · 7 years
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@madness-and-brilliance I know it's not mermay anymore but I didn't really like how the other one turned out.
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It’s A Date
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Pairing: Diana Prince x female reader
Word Count: 1617
AN: Enjoy this Diana trash. Idk how I haven’t written for her sooner.
“Want to see something cool?”
You jumped out of your seat, pen flying out of your hand and landing god knows where. The desk chair clattered against a nearby wall. “Oh my god!” You pressed a hand against your chest, trying to steady your heart rate. “Barry, we talked about this!” You couldn't sit back down in the desk chair, not when you felt so vulnerable and you felt the adrenaline coursing through you.
“Right, right, I know.” He seemed in a social mood. Ever since he started hanging out with his super friends he disappeared far more frequently, leaving you to work on your video game project without him. “‘Allen, don't you dare sneak up on me!’ Heh, yeah, I remember…” He imitated you poorly.
“This better be good.” You crossed your arms over your chest in a huff, waiting for him to spill.
“Someone wanted to meet you- and no, it's not Superman. He's a little busy in Atlantis.” His smile fell and you got the feeling he let something slip. “Shit.” Wait, Atlantis?
“Barry, why must I wait?” You heard a heavily accented voice call down through the open skylight in the center of the warehouse-type structure, effectively distracting you from Barry’s slip-up. You looked up and your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the radiant Amazonian princess. The sunlight formed a halo around her head.
“Superhero entrance! Come on, Di!” He yelled, throwing his hands. Diana Prince, Wonder Woman herself, slipped through the skylight and gracefully landed on her feet as simply as if she had stood up from a chair.
“Is that what you meant, Barry Allen?” She adopted a serious tone and fixed him with a concerned gaze. You, however, were stunned speechless. She was dressed in her battle armor, and her back was facing you. You studied her shield and it's intricate design, as well as her hair dangling in perfect dark ringlets over the top of it. She glanced over her shoulder at you and shot you a smile. You just about fainted. “Have I done something wrong?” She asked.
“No, no, you're perfect Diana.” He patted her shoulder and narrowed his eyes at you before he stepped around her and walked closer to you. She turned her body to follow him.
Barry held out his arms and wiggled his fingers towards the Amazon. “Ta-da!” Diana smiled at his enthusiasm as if she were smiling at a young child. An apt description of your working partner, Barry.
Your heart soared.
Then she turned her attention to you, and you felt like you were sinking into the floor.
“Diana, this is Y/N. Y/N has been here working on our video game that I was telling you about earlier-”
The Princess moved past Barry and walked up to you. You could only manage a half-smile due to your nerves reaching crisis levels. The way her eyes warmed as she got closer to you made you feel a little sick, as if you had eaten an entire bag of skittles. Which you might have actually done earlier.
“You are the writer, yes?” You glanced over at Barry, knowing if you opened your mouth all kinds of gibberish would pour out. You managed to nod.
“Yeah- yes, Y/N is writing it! We’ve got some concept art over here, maybe you could tell me if you think I can pitch it to Bruce yet?” Barry attempted to distract Diana before you turned into a puddle.
“What interest would Bruce have in a video game?” She asked, confused.
“You know what, that’s very true…” Barry noticed he was losing Diana’s focus. She kept looking at you. “Don’t worry about it! Look at these!” Barry pulled the tall woman over to the poster boards on the other side of Barry’s monitors. He shot you a look as he led her away and mouthed ‘what is wrong with you?’ before he was out of sight.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit. You had discussed your interest in ‘Wonder Woman’ with Barry but you never expected to meet her! How could he do this, with no warning? You had told him in confidence, and now here she was, parading around your workspace, dressed for battle. Though the only war was in your heart and she had conquered it immediately. You would have a hard time believing this was real once she was gone.
You took in a deep breath and shook out your arms, trying to get rid of your nerves. She was descended from Zeus, sure, but she probably just wanted to be treated like anyone else. You could do that, couldn’t you? You walked past your desktop and went around to join the pair as Barry was discussing the concept. Diana turned in your direction, a smile still on her face-
“Nope.” You turned right back around and headed for the warehouse doors. Perhaps some fresh air and distance would calm you down. If only Diana Prince wasn’t intimidatingly...perfect.
“Have I upset you?” A gentle hand stopped you. She stepped in your path. “Barry has talked so much about you, but if I have bothered you by coming here, I am very sorry.”
“Uh, definitely not. I’m just…” Diana waited expectantly for an explanation. You couldn’t look her in the eye and finish your sentence. You settled for studying the pommel of the sword sticking out over her shoulder. “...a little overwhelmed.”
“Oh, this?” She followed your eyes and pulled out her sword. “You have nothing to fear. I would never use it against you.” She held it in her hands and inspected the blade as if she were looking at a family pet.
“It’s not the sword, Di.” Barry peeked from around the monitors. Diana looked over at him. “It’s you.” You noticed understanding spread across her face. Fantastic, thank you Barry Allen. You and your big mouth.
“Barry!” You glared at him. If you were Medusa, he’d be stone. You’d tip him over with a finger and watch him shatter.
Diana sheathed her sword. “Can I ask you something?” You looked up into Diana’s kind eyes, completely distracted from your ideas of revenge. “I could take you to where I work, give you the secret tour?” You knew that Diana worked at the Louvre, restoring old pieces and preparing them for viewing. It sounded incredibly calm, and you wondered if she chose it to be closer to her own history, or if she just wanted a more relaxing day job considering her night job was action-packed enough. And what was the secret tour? Your mind filled with all sorts of inappropriate ideas of what a secret tour of the Louvre might be like.
“Uh...W-why would you do that for me?” It was a miracle your words even made sense.
“Your story, it is based on Greek mythology, correct? I could tell you what I know, and try to show you the rest, if you were interested.” What she was offering was wonderful, but if you were a mess now, imagine when it was just the two of you. “It would be wonderful to discuss my history with someone who understands...Maybe over dinner?” Your eyes widened. Diana Prince just asked you to dinner?
“She will go!” Barry yelled, knocking something over in his haste to reach the two of you. He zipped over and stopped next to you, crossing his arms over his chest. “She has no plans, ever.”
“Oh my god, rude!” You punched him in the shoulder and he winced.
“Ow! You know I bruise easily.” Diana’s laughter met your ears and you looked over at the warrior.
“Shall I meet you here tomorrow?” There were still traces of laughter in her face. She was beautiful. You couldn’t do this.
“I would really appreciate that, but I can’t ask that of you. You guys are so busy and I don’t know how long it takes to renew a passport but-”
“You don’t need to do all that.” She wasn’t kidding. Suddenly you were having trouble trying to come up with ways of getting out of this. “I can take you there myself.”
You let out a nervous laugh. “Oh wow, really?” Diana nodded. Her smile only barely concealed a bit of mischief. You swallowed.
“So, is that a yes?” She asked, stepping a little bit closer.
“I mean, how could anyone say no?” You could hear the unsteadiness of your voice and you were sure she could too.
“Good.” She let the corner of her mouth quirk upwards while the rest of her face remained neutral. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. You would have fallen into her if Barry hadn’t grabbed the back of your sweater. Her knee-high armored boots echoed on the concrete floor as she headed for the door. She turned to face you as she opened it. “It’s a date.” She shot you a wink before the door shut and she was out of sight.
Barry let go of you and you swayed a little. You silently walked over to your abandoned chair and sat, the momentum rolling you away from the desk. “See? Aren’t you glad I-”
“I still want to kill you.” You cut Barry off.
“Perfect. That is so you. Not ‘oh Barry, thanks for landing me a date with a princess!’ or ‘thanks for introducing me to my future wife’. It’s just you wanting to kill me. As usual.” Barry sat on the desk next to you, peeking at the spot where you punched him earlier. “I swear it’s already purple.”
You ignored him, daydreams of Diana Prince filling your mind.
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