#idk why this fandom always has to fight when a character who barely appears is given spotlight
cnl0400 · 11 months
Something that bothers me Is that everytime one of the "trio" Is given spotlight, the same old discourse happens of "do you want them to be dateable?" And Some people answer that No, because "they will take Time of the other cast" I'm sorry but having more or less characters isn't part of the problem. Look at season 1 of OG, and any event before the side characters became dateable. The problem Is the devs playing favorites, even If w still had 7 characters, the same problem would still be there.
Giving Thirteen a kiss scene will not rob of Beelzebub of an spotlight or giving Mephisto a hug of Asmodeus having screentime. The problem Is Mammon having 3 spotlights this year when we still have characters that haven't had one. The problem Is the devs pushing Lucifer as the center of the universe in the Main Story of NB. Why do you blame the characters that barely appear of robbing you of something that they aren't giving you anyways?
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adamworu · 3 years
thoughts on eva and queerbaiting regarding the rebuilds? idk im just frustrated that kawoshin has been practically accepted as canon inside the eva fandom since its anime debut and now its own animation studio completelly disregards established relationships between the characters to pair them up with others they barely had any interaction with...
Are you referring to when Kaworu says 'We are friends after all." in 3.33 by any chance?
I feel like it's important to point out that Kawoshin isn't necessarily accepted as canon by all parts of the fandom. Note: Pairings are an excellent example as to why you shouldn't take fandom as one monolith but compromised of multiple communities. That being said, there are people who accept Kawoshin as part of canon and some who don't.
The anime and the Rebuilds slyly built up Kaworu and Shinji's feelings for each other. Kaworu may have spent one episode with Shinji in the series before End of Evangelion but it's Kaworu's kindness that really makes an impact (no pun intended) on Shinji. Shinji finds himself alone in episode 24 and more wary than usual. Kaworu shows nothing but honesty and kindness toward his end, something that Shinji finds himself gradually opening himself to him. 
Here we find more things about Shinji, that he lived with his teacher much of his life. He catches himself opening up ('Why am I telling all of this to Kaworu?") but never closes himself after that sudden snap in awareness. There’s also the fact that both characters have talked about how they loved the other. Shinji doesn’t say it to Kaworu because Shinji fears closeness, because with closeness comes hurt. Shinji also doesn’t realize at this point, however, that pain is inevitable.
In End of Evangelion when Rei becomes one with Lilith, he’s stricken with open, stark terror and proceeds to break down. When Kaworu appears, Shinji is drastically more at ease seeing his face. 
There’s EoE Kaworu’s ‘we are the words’ which is actually ‘I am the words.’
Something I’ve noticed after years of going through Eva is how Kaworu’s interaction with Shinji is an example of what Eva teaches us. Something as small as an act of kindness can and does go a long way for someone else. 
As far as other relationships go, Asuka and Shinji never really saw eye to eye with each other. I always clue in on episode 9 for this. Asuka and Shinji have immense problems syncing together’s movements to fight the 7th angel and even after defeating it, they begin squabbling. Neither of them were good for each other because neither tried entirely empathizing.
Akira Ishida (Kaworu’s seiyuu/voice actor) states this about Kaworu, his feelings toward Shinji, and how important it was for them to meet face to face.
Even extracanonical material builds up on it. Here's another piece of extracanon: a screencap of Eva Piko, in which Kaworu asks Shinji if he wants to kiss him. Merchandise builds up on it too. 
Kaworu and Shinji’s relationship is a good example of quality not quantity. It’s not perfect, but the more you look into it, the more you realize there’s more to it!
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nat-the-cat-123 · 4 years
(this will be a VERY long post)
✨Time to criticize Yashahime ✨
First of all:
I will only criticize the writing aspects, so don't expect me to say anything about the animation since I barely know about that stuff
Because of this I also won't address anything of Sessrin or the discontent because of Moroha's and Inukag's separation because that's more of a fandom thing
And this is only the opinion of someone who isn't any kind of expert in writing or something like that
Uff, Yashahime finally ended and it was... Interesting.
So let's criticize it :)
So first of all let's tell the ✨the good things✨ because even if there are more bad things, infact there are very little good things, we have to give credit where credit is due.
Good things :D
The girls' originality
Something that I saw other fandoms have complained in their own "next generation sequel" (like in boruto) is that the kids were just a "copy paste" of their parents, and when Yashahime was just announced I saw the same concerns (specially with Setsuna and Moroha)
But in the end I think any of them ended up being just female Inuyasha/Sesshomaru, and all were able to be their very own character.
Half of their relationship
Ok, I'm specifying that only half because sometimes the twins would be a little unfair with Moroha, but then be her "new family"(?), But then they proceed to leave her behind, and then AGAIN being like bff's so there is no consistency.
But in the first episodes Sunrise got it right and we could see a pretty good and functional dynamic between the 3 that was consistent and made sense.
Each one had a defined role that worked, Towa was the "moral" one, Setsuna the "cold" one who took more drastic decisions, and Moroha intervenes mediating both and brings information that may help please both sides. (At the beginning)
I'M SORRY, I'm sorry, I can't help it, it's just that she has so much charm and is so lovely and innocent. And you can totally ignore the fact that she's InuKag's daughter and still love her just because her personality brings so much to the story.
It's such a shame that they didn't really use all her potential but I'll get to that later.
Aaaand that's all ;-;
Now let's go to the interesting part...
The bad things D:<
This point I actually want to explore it further in another post, because there's a lot I want to talk about her to specify what exactly went wrong and how I would have managed her but here I will leave it simple.
Towa in any way possible wasn't properly used, and even if almost every character suffered of bad writing, she was the most affected one.
She honestly isn't interesting, everything that could have been done with her according to her backstory was completely wasted, because even if she was the one with the least tragic story, there was a lot to work with (I mean, just look at Kagome's case and still most of the fandom loved her)
She kept changing her personality and ideology according to what the story needed, and at some point her only trait was "Setsuna's protective older sister"
And don't even get me started with how overpowered she is without any kind of training (I get she knows how to fight with bullies, but clearly that isn't the same as fighting demons with demonic energy)
When people argue if the phasing is too fast or too slow, I think it's both, but in the worst way possible.
They waste so much time in scenes that aren't really that necessary or could be much shorter, and rush at incredible speed things that should actually be worked slowly and carefully.
The fights
I only can remember two or three that I actually liked because most of them were just exchanging hits with the sword, sometimes an special movement and that's all.
Half of the battles didn't affect the story in the least, and the worst of all was how the villains were defeated wether because they were lame as fuck or because Towa's random power up appeared out of nowhere.
Meanwhile in Inuyasha even if we didn't always had the best fights of all anime, we did get some pretty interesting choreographies and some villains really had an impact on the characters in a natural way.
Talking about villains...
Naraku is laughing from his grave
You know? I'm not a Naraku fan, but he was a bastard that you loved to hate, he maybe wasn't the most powerful character when we talk purely about his strength, but he was intelligent as fuck, he was always one step ahead, he had some pretty interesting abilities and plans, with him he brought other AMAZING villains (or anti heroes) like Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, the weird baby, or even Sesshomaru back at the beginning, and the best part was how he was written being a complex character (like when he struggled with his human feelings for Kikyo)
But on the other hand we have Kirinmaru, Zero, the four losers (I mean, perils), probably my boy Riku, and who knows what other random villains.
First of all, ONLY RIKU would be a good villain (maybe I should have put him in the good things ;-;)
But then we have the four perils who, out of them the only one who seemed to know what he was doing was the green guy that did weird witchcraft, but the rest? They are just randomly bothering people because they have nothing else to do and honestly they didn't seem to be that powerful.
I'm not sure about Kirinmaru because I don't see anything clear with him, I mean, I'm not even sure if he's a villain.
And Zero... *Sighs*
I don't get what the hell she's trying to do. Anything that she does makes sense. She's just alive because of Riku, without him she can't do anything.
Like seriously, half of the world was after Naraku's ass, even his allies, and still he could get away with it. Zero can't even get her army in order to take care of 3 fourteen years old girls.
(Sorry for letting myself go with this one ;-;)
Not using half of your characters
I guess the best example is Moroha because even with an interesting backstory, mysterious abilities, and most of the fandom's love, they just used her as comedic relief for most of the series instead of developing her character or explaining better her spiritual abilities or Beniyasha.
And not only her, Hisui and the rest of the demon slayers were more of a background character. For example, in Hisui's episode we should have gotten to meet him, Gyokuto, and Kin'u better, but they preferred to focus in the twins AGAIN and not work the MirSan family. (Guys, first season and I still can't tell Hisui's definitive personality)
Same Takechiyo, Kyubi, Yawaragi, Kohaku, the villains, some past characters, sometimes even Riku. Basically every character who isn't Towa and Setsuna are walking tools for them to use whenever the plot needs it.
Inuyasha knew when and how to dedicate an episode to a character, Yashahime doesn't.
Lack of character development
No one, except for Setsuna who is learning to rely and trust more on the girls, has any kind of development (sorry Moroha (・ัω・ั)).
I see Towa exactly the same as in the first episode, and because of how they've barely put attention to Moroha, she has barely shown any growth as well.
And I guess Hisui learnt how to trust his dad, but again, I can barely tell which is his personality, and the rest are background characters.
Powers / Abilities / Weapons
Here they neither explained ANY of the characters abilities properly or made them more powerful making sense.
Towa, just randomly learnt how to concentrate her demon energy in a sword and just keeps getting new abilities without training, and any of them seem to have any effect on Towa like (idk) having the risk of running out of energy. And at the beginning I liked how she struggled with her other demon abilities like smelling things but then they just forgot ;-;.
Setsuna's stick just produces wind and lasers without explanation, and her sealed power doesn't really work naturally.
And Moroha... EXPLAIN BENIYASHA BETTER. SAME FOR THE SPIRITUAL POWERS, that was supposed to be impossible!!! And again they recognized that at the very beginning, why did they forgot about it later???
There barely has been any "world" expansion
Something that Inuyasha never really got into was the "demon society", because with the exception of some tribes they never mentioned anything related to that BUT...
With that thing of Inu no Taisho and Kirinmaru apparently being "royalty" I thought they would talk more about that "Demon hierarchy" or if "Setsuna's courage trial" was something like a demon tradition (damn, that was honestly pretty interesting) but NO.
The topic has been barely mentioned and let's keep saying over and over again what the audience already knows for 24 episodes.
Weird Exposition
The way they threw information at us was pretty weird, like it didn't feel "organic" because instead of the girls getting into whatever situation where "x" character tells them certain things because it is related to what is happening, again, they chose pretty weird ways.
There were like 1,000 different options to tell us what happened to InuKag and Sesshomaru and all of them, like the girls talking with Myoga or Kaede...
I'm not saying Moroha is a bad comedy relief, she actually came with many good jokes, but you can't leave only ONE character to take care of the comedy. Towa and Setsuna also came with some good funny moments, so why would they only reduce the comedy to Moroha????
(In Inuyasha EVERYONE gave amazing comedy moments, even Sesshomaru)
And the worst part is that they only use the same joke with her most of the time! Losing her bounty and being poor.
"Atmosphere" (?)
I Promise I don't want to sound pretentious with this one ;-;
Those scenes where we were supposed to feel sad because of someone's death, intimidated because Kirinmaru appeared or excited because of a fight didn't work out.
I don't know exactly why but I think that it is because of a combination of lazy animation, bad selection of soundtrack, weird dialogue and the characters' lack of reaction.
So now that I think I've said all the points that they got wrong, let's get to the conclusion.
They stablished side plots or mysteries everywhere and didn't really do anything with them.
The girls never advanced with the story, they just kept running in circles around the same point during 24 episodes. (And no matter how long or short a story is, you can NEVER do that or you'll lose the audience's attention).
And with or without a second season, they made terrible mistakes that won't be able to be fixed. If it is only one season, TERRIBLE, they left way to much things uncovered, and if they plan another season, ALSO TERRIBLE, they rushed essential things and if they work them again they'll repeat one of their biggest mistakes.
And honestly I really tried to love this sequel, almost up to episode 12 I really tried to appreciate the small good things but they just kept slapping me with disappointment every single episode, and if they release a second season, I'll watch it but this time only expecting the worst of it.
In resume, yo can only truly enjoy Yashahime if you completely turn off your critical sense, and expecting nothing from it, otherwise you'll only keep asking yourself "why?"
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veliseraptor · 4 years
Hey just wondering, do you have any draft or work in process or any plan for your next Loki fic? If so can you give us a little sneak peek. Or if you don’t, do you think you’ll write more about him in the future? I know you probably get this a lot and I’m sorry if it’s annoying or if it sounds rude or anything. I’m just wondering and also I’ve been binge reading your stories about him and got addicted so there’s that. But seriously I’m sorry if my message comes off as rude or annoying, that’s not my intention. Anyway hope you’re having an amazing day
I genuinely hate to sound like a broken record, anon, since you are being very polite about this! Which I very much appreciate! But the answer remains more or less the same: I don’t know. I have (counts) 38 different Loki-related WIPs in various stages of completion sitting on my hard drive. I haven’t been working on them actively lately because, to the dismay I’m sure of many of my followers, another fandom has devoured me whole. I’m really enjoying the experience, but it has left me with relatively little brainspace for things that aren’t that thing (or, I guess, other danmei novels and adaptations thereof?? idk okay). 
At some point I would like to finish at least some of those stories, because I do not like leaving things unfinished. But I just don’t know when - or if! - I will. It just depends on if I get that emotional investment back. At the moment it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen imminently, but who knows. And maybe I’ll go back and reread what I have written of some of these, go “where’s the rest, op” and feel encouraged to write more.
All that being said - since you were so nice about this, I will give you a (3000 word) excerpt from one of the WIPs - Dead Superheroes Walking, which is the one about the characters who died/were dusted in Infinity War on a road trip through the Soul Stone.
“Anyone for a game of twenty questions?” Sam asked, after they’d been walking for maybe ten minutes.
“Really?” Bucky said. “Twenty questions?”
“I don’t think ‘I Spy’ would work too well. Not a lot of interesting landmarks. Or hadn’t you noticed that the landscape keeps repeating?”
“I am Groot,” said Groot.
“And I have no idea what that means,” Sam said.
Sam was right, Wanda realized. The landscape was repeating. It wasn’t obvious, at first, but there was only one tree, over and over; only one rock placed near to it. The sky was a flat and even orange.
A faint shiver ran down Wanda’s spine. Bucky stopped, though, visibly disconcerted.
“What the hell is this place,” he said.
“Does it matter?” Sam asked. “We’re not exactly going anywhere else. All right, I’ve got it. Twenty questions, yes or no answers only.”
“I am Groot?” said Groot. Sam eyed him.
“I’m not going to take that off the count,” he said.
“Is it alive?” T’Challa asked.
“Yep,” Sam said.
“Guess that rules us out,” Bucky said. Sam snorted, and T’Challa cracked a small smile. Wanda stared down at a small, triangular rock in front of her feet.
“All right,” Bucky said. “Is it an animal?”
“Yes. Two questions down. Wanda?”
She bent down and picked up the rock. It left red dust on her fingers, and when she pressed her fingers together it crumbled like chalk. She half expected the dust to vanish, but the red stain on her fingertips stayed.
“Wanda?” Sam said, more gently.
“Sorry,” she said. “Is it a person?”
“Nope,” Sam said. “That’s three.”
She wiped her hand off on her clothes. This place wasn’t right - she could feel it in her bones, deep down where her magic ought to be. But nothing had been right in the last few days. Very few things in Wanda’s life had been right. Why should her death be any different?
It only seemed unfair that the others should be here, too.
They sky did not change, but they stopped walking eventually - less because any of them were actually tired than because it seemed like they should. Or maybe because they were tired of walking and wanted some change, even if there was very little change to be had. The road went on. The landscape didn’t alter.
And no one else appeared.
“It can’t just be us,” Sam said. “Other people died. Where are they?”
Nobody had an answer for him, unless the tree’s “I am Groot” was an answer none of them could understand. Wanda thought it might be something to do with the fact that they’d all died when Thanos had snapped his fingers, but she stayed quiet, staring off at the horizon and only half listening to Bucky and Sam going back and forth at each other.
“I see something,” T’Challa said abruptly. They all turned and followed the line of his arm.
“I can’t see anything,” Sam said.
“Give it a sec,” Bucky said. “He’s probably got a hundred extra yards visibility on me. Maybe 150 on you–”
“I am Groot,” Groot said. Wanda strained her eyes, some part of her wishing - hoping–
“Is that a dog?” Sam said.
A moment later Wanda saw it too, and slumped. It did look like a dog padding towards them - or at least, it certainly wasn’t a person.
“That’s not a dog,” T’Challa said.
“Fox, I think,” Bucky said. “What the fuck is a fox doing here?”
“I don’t think it’s a fox, either,” T’Challa said. He shifted, like he was thinking about getting into a fighting stance. Wanda stepped forward, reaching for her powers, but nothing was there.
What would be the point, anyway? You can only die once.
The fox - and it was a fox, Wanda could see that now, though black instead of red - slowed as it began to draw closer. It sat down, still a ways away, and cocked its head, looking at them.
“This is weird,” Sam said. T’Challa was still frowning.
“What is it?” Bucky asked him. T’Challa shook his head.
“I’m not certain.”
The fox stood, stretched, and changed, unfolding into a person. Wanda sucked in a breath, staring at the man now walking toward them: dark-haired, pale, lean and taller than Bucky or T’Challa. A vague sense of familiarity nagged at her, but she couldn’t say from where.
The man stopped, still several paces from them, and cocked his head just as the fox had. “Well,” he said, a faint rasp in his voice. “This is new.”
Wanda stared at him, trying to remember where she recognized him from. “New?”
“Yes,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else. But then, this time is different.”
“Wait,” Sam said abruptly. “Shit. Are you-”
“Mm,” he said, still looking at Wanda. T’Challa’s eyes were narrowed, too, and Sam’s. Bucky looked blankly at them both.
“It’s always nice to be recognized,” the stranger said dryly.
“Loki,” Sam said. “That’s fucking Loki. Right?” Wanda’s eyes widened, but he - Loki - just shrugged one shoulder.
“So I am. Or was. I’m not certain of the appropriate tense.” His gaze swept across them, indifferent, disinterested.
“You’re dead, too,” Wanda said. Loki glanced at her, eyes focusing briefly before they slid back into dullness. No, exhaustion.
“Or something,” he said.
“‘Or something?’” Sam said. Loki’s eyes flicked in his direction.
“This doesn’t feel like death,” he said, “but I remember the feeling of my neck breaking in Thanos’s hand fairly clearly, so…” Wanda flinched, and she thought she saw Sam’s eye twitch. She remembered Thor coming roaring down from the sky, thunder and lightning in his voice, and understood. She looked down.
“What do you mean that this doesn’t feel like death,” T’Challa said into the silence.
“I know a little of what death tastes like,” Loki said after a moment. “This isn’t it.”
“What does that mean,” Bucky said, looking agitated and uncertain.
“I am Groot,” said Groot, and Loki glanced at him, something briefly flashing across his expression before it was gone. Pain, Wanda thought.
“Not entirely accurate,” he said, “but not entirely inaccurate, either.” There was a brief pause.
“You can understand him?” Bucky said. Loki shrugged again. “What did he say?”
“It’s irrelevant.” Loki’s eyes moved back to Wanda. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that you were simply the high cost of victory?” Wanda looked down, somehow feeling ashamed of her failure. Loki let out a quiet huff. “Pity.”
Bucky, oddly, snorted.
“Thanos gained all of the Infinity Stones,” T’Challa said. “Then…” He trailed off. “I am not entirely certain what happened then.”
Loki made a sort of hm noise, glancing at T’Challa sidelong. “So you didn’t die in battle,” he said.
“If so, I do not remember it,” T’Challa said.
“I am Groot,” Groot said to Loki, whose head swiveled violently toward him, eyes sharpening.
“Gamora,” he said, and there was a wealth of hatred and fear in that word. “You are a companion of hers?”
“I am Groot,” Groot said emphatically, and Loki blinked, then pressed his lips together and exhaled in a short burst.
“I suppose it doesn’t matter now.”
“Can you maybe translate what he’s saying,” Bucky said irritably. “Since all the rest of us can hear is the same three words over and over.”
“He says that Gamora claimed Thanos meant to use the completed Gauntlet to halve all life in the universe,” Loki said. “If you know that he achieved his goal, then presumably you were part of the unlucky half. Though that does not explain why you are here. Or else does not explain why I am.”
“And who’s Gamora,” Sam said, with such exaggerated patience that it demonstrated anything but.
“An old acquaintance,” Loki said. He sounded distracted.
“I am Groot,” Groot said, and this time Wanda could hear the near pride in his voice. Loki didn’t respond. He was scanning their number again, Wanda realized, more closely.
She bit her lip, then raised her voice and said, “Thor’s alive.” His gaze snapped to her, and she made herself hold it though her instinct was to look down. “At least, he was when I...he drove an axe into Thanos’s chest. It didn’t work, it was too late, but…” She trailed off.
Loki glanced down, his eyes half closing, and Wanda thought she caught a brief flicker at the corner of his mouth, not quite a smile, and a barely audible, “ah, Thor.” Then his eyes were back on hers and he said simply, “thank you for informing me,” with a lack of feeling that made Wanda frown.
“You haven’t asked who any of us are,” Bucky said.
“So I have not,” Loki said. “I am not certain it is precisely relevant.”
“Excuse you,” Sam said. Loki glanced at him, that tired indifference returning.
“I approached because I was curious. I wasn’t intending to stay, nor would I think you were inclined to encourage it.”
T’Challa was studying Loki with curious intensity. “Were you going somewhere?”
“No,” Loki said, and then paused and adjusted, “perhaps.”
“I am Groot?” Groot said, and Loki’s lips pressed briefly together.
“It means perhaps. And don’t be crude.”
“I’m with him,” Sam said. “What does perhaps mean?” Loki looked briefly annoyed, and Sam said, “come on. We’re all dead here. Or - not. Which still begs the question as far as I’m concerned of what we are.”
Loki’s eyes went back to her, and Wanda shifted. “What?” She asked. “Why do you keep looking at me?”
“You haven’t noticed anything strange, then?” He asked. “Felt anything?”
Too many things, Wanda thought, but she didn’t think that was what he meant, and now they were all looking at her. Wanda hesitated.
“I don’t have my powers,” she said slowly. Loki made a derisive noise.
“Of course you don’t,” he said. “Do you need them to sense what’s around you? Midgardian magicians. Norns.”
Wanda glared at him, but took a breath and tried to turn inward, like she was going to use her power. It still wasn’t there, but this time, without distractions…
She jerked and saw a satisfied glint in Loki’s eyes, just for an instant. “There,” he said.
“Wanda, what is it?” Sam asked, looking suspiciously at Loki.
“I don’t know,” she said. “But it feels like…” She searched for the right words. “Like a heartbeat,” she said finally, even if that wasn’t quite right.
Bucky’s expression was a mixture of horror and alarm. “A heartbeat?”
“So that’s what it feels like to you,” Loki said thoughtfully. He seemed more engaged now than he had been at first, and somehow even though it shouldn’t matter that felt like a good thing. Maybe because nothing else was.
“It’s not actually,” Wanda said quickly. “That’s just sort of what it feels like - to me, anyway. It’s...different for you?”
Loki shrugged. T’Challa shifted.
“I know what she means,” he said. “Though I wouldn’t have described it like that. But there is...something.”
“Interesting,” Loki said, glancing at T’Challa and looking him over with slightly more interest. “To answer your implied question, I would call it a...resonance.”
“A resonance with what,” Sam asked.
“If I knew that, I wouldn’t be bothering to talk to you,” Loki said. “But partly it is that which makes me think this is something other than simple death.”
“What is there other than ‘simple death,’” Bucky said tightly.
“That is the question, isn’t it,” Loki said. “Maybe nothing. Maybe I am wrong. But if I am not…”
“If you’re not, what,” Bucky said, even tighter.
“Then it begs the question of why, doesn’t it?” Loki rolled his neck in a slow circle, and Wanda could have sworn she heard something crack. “At least, such was my thought. But maybe it is just desperation.”
He didn’t sound desperate. He didn’t sound much of anything.
“Why not stay with us,” Wanda said abruptly. Everyone else turned to stare at her, Loki included, and she straightened, turning toward her friends. “I mean it,” she said. “Why not? We’re all here together. And if he’s right and there’s a why, a reason...wouldn’t it suggest that’s true for all of us, including him?” She paused, and added, “and besides - what can he do to us, anyway?”
Loki barked a laugh. “That is a fair point,” he murmured.
“How do we know this isn’t some kind of trick?” T’Challa asked, his eyes narrowed.
“You don’t,” Loki said. “But I will say that you vastly overestimate my interest in you. Well, the majority of you. And your witch has a point: what is it you think I will do?”
“I don’t know,” T’Challa said. “That’s what worries me.”
“And ‘our witch’ has a name,” Sam said a little sourly.
Loki shrugged. “As you will. It makes little difference to me.” He moved around them and started to walk away.
“I am Groot,” Groot muttered, and strode after him, long tree-legs catching up in a few strides. “I am Groot?” He said to Loki, who checked himself and looked at him, his face tightening.
“Was, yes,” he said. “Why?”
“I am Groot,” Groot said definitively, and Loki shook his head.
“Call back your child,” he said, with a sharp gesture at Groot.
“Child?” Sam said, eyebrows shooting up.
“He’s an adolescent Flora Colossus,” Loki said, as though it were obvious. “And he is not following me. I don’t care who you were friends with.”
Thor, Wanda thought. Groot didn’t know any of them, but he’d known Thor, at least a little, and Loki was Thor’s brother, and Groot was, apparently, a teenager, among strangers who couldn’t understand him, who had just died.
Wanda’s chest ached. “If he wants to,” she said, “I don’t see why he shouldn’t.”
“I’m not interested in playing nursemaid–”
“I am Groot,” Groot said, and Loki gave him a hard look.
“No, you are not,” he said. “I’ve met grown Flora Colossi and you aren’t it. You’re barely more than a sapling. Maybe - what, four years old?”
“You know what,” Bucky said, “I’m with Wanda, actually. And the, uh...Groot. This place is weird. I think we should stick together, and it seems like he knows more about this place than any of the rest of us do.” His eyes settled on Loki. “And it’s not like we have a whole lot to lose, right now.”
Sam gave Bucky a long, skeptical look and then glanced at T’Challa, who shrugged.
“You assume I am interested in putting up with the lot of you,” Loki said flatly. He looked tense, Wanda thought. Like he was expecting some kind of trap. Wanda tried to summon a smile.
“You said you came over because you were curious,” she said. “And if you’re right, and there is some reason we’re all here...isn’t that something else to be curious about?”
“I am Groot,” said Groot, and Loki glanced at him, jaw twitching.
“I’m dead, you twig,” he said. “If not now, then probably soon. And if I did need protecting, you wouldn’t be much help.”
Bucky snorted, poorly muffled. Wanda bit her lip so she didn’t smile. Groot’s expression was hard for her to read, but it looked to her eyes like a glare.
Loki exhaled loudly and looked away. “Fine,” he said. “If you are inclined...I suppose there’s no harm in traveling adjacently.”
“Traveling where?” Sam asked. “You make it sound like you have an actual destination.”
“I have a...feeling,” Loki said, though something about the brief pause before he spoke made Wanda think there was something he wasn’t saying. The question was if it was important or not. “No more than that.”
“Well,” T’Challa said after a few moments of hesitation, “that is more than I have, at the moment. And so far as I know we weren’t going anywhere in particular, so…”
“I guess that settles it,” Wanda said. Loki eyed her like he suspected her of having some ulterior motive. She decided to pretend not to notice. “So which way are we going?”
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If you don’t mind could I request an Azula x f reader where the reader is a water bender and is with the gaang but leaves them to stay with Azula at the boiling rock and promises to never betray her?
ooh, we've got a corrupt reader over here lmao, thank you so much for requesting! fun fact, azula is one of my favorite characters so i'm glad someone requested something for her! hope you like it!
Changing Sides (Azula x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: none.
Genre: Angst, idk, not really but not fluff either.
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Summary: See request.
Word Count: 1467
You didn't know why, but you just didn't want to be there anymore. You hadn't been with the Avatar for long, but you knew being with him wasn't your destiny.
You were a waterbender that had fled from the Northern Water Tribe, living in one of the many colonies, and ran into the group in the Earth Kingdom right before the fight at the catacombs, but you barely knew how to bend water. You hated the Avatar, he disappeared when he was needed the most, and that darkened your heart from a young age. But there was something else, you didn't know _what_ it was, but deep down you've always felt the urge to see the Fire Nation triumph in the war. Why did you even need different nations? Sure, there had been some damage and mistakes, but the possibility of all being as advanced as the firebenders was greater than any of that. So from the very first time, you were fascinated with the Fire Nation princess and how powerful she was, and the thought of wanting to join her crossed your mind, but you quickly brushed it off. Why would you want to join her? She was from the Fire Nation after all. However, the princess never really left your mind after you saw her that day.
When her brother showed up saying he wanted to join you, you couldn't believe it. You thought that he must've been crazy, why run away? Why leave the greatest place in the whole world? It made no sense to you.
You never said anything out loud about your inner conflict, but you did start acting a little more distant. You were bored in the Air Temple, you needed something exciting in your life, something new; you needed something that gave meaning to your life. You didn't really care what the rest of the group thought, but they did notice your attitude change and were worried about you. But whenever they asked if something was wrong, you just told them that everything was fine, that they had nothing to worry about.
You were a lot closer to Sokka than with the rest of the group. It wasn't _so_ bad to be by his side, even though he talked a lot most of the time. So when he and Zuko went to the Boiling Rock, he asked you to go with them. They couldn't bring Katara, she would most likely refuse due to how dangerous it'd be, so you were the best option since the girl had taught you a lot about waterbending.
You weren't really excited to go and see a bunch of prisoners, but it was better than staying and doing nothing. During your trip, the boys talked a little about their pasts, and then Zuko asked you about yours.
"My life isn't interesting at all," was all you said.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure there has to be something," insisted the boy.
"And what would you even know about interesting?" You snapped. "You're the one who left the Fire Nation after all," you mumbled.
They didn't understand what you'd meant but figured that it would be best to just finish the conversation, plus you had finally arrived, so you had to focus on that. You finally arrived on the shore of the prison and got rid of the balloon.
You all thought it would be best if you pretended to be guards, so you grabbed some uniforms. A lot of things happened while you were there, but nothing that really mattered to you. 
Everyone was thinking about how to escape from there. At first, they thought about you using your bending to keep the water from touching you, but that option was dismissed as soon as you realized that you'd obviously end up getting caught while trying to climb the wall; it would draw too much attention, and since you were there as enemies of the Fire Nation, it was the last thing you wanted. You eventually came up with a plan, but you still stayed because there was a chance of finding Sokka's father.
It turned out to be true, he arrived at the prison, and now you had to think about escaping again. Every single moment you spent there was complete torture to you. You felt like the only reason the guys had asked for you to go with that was so they'd be able to have a waterbender nearby. You were sick of it, and you decided that once you were back in the Air Temple you'd leave the group for good. You had no idea of what you'd do but thought that everything would be better than what you had been doing up until that moment.
The new plan consisted of taking the warden as your hostage and using one of the gondolas to escape. It wouldn't be easy, you knew it, but it wasn't impossible. Suki took care of grabbing the warden, and now all you needed to do was leave that place.
However, Azula and Ty Lee appeared out of nowhere. You all got to the ceiling of the gondola, waiting for the two girls, ready to fight them. You mainly just stood there, not really knowing what to do, and protecting yourself whenever you needed to. Zuko and Sokka were fighting against the princess and then suddenly everything moved underneath you. Azula almost fell from the gondola, but you managed to grab her hand and pull her up. You two shared a look, she didn't really know why you'd helped her but there was no time for questions.
"They're about to cut the line!" Yelled Ty Lee. 
You saw another gondola that was coming from the outside and then shared another look with the princess. "Then it's time to leave," she said. Azula looked at you before using her bending to land on top of the other gondola. 
You saw that another girl was helping you all get away. Once you reached the other side, you began running away, but suddenly you and Zuko stopped.
"Zuko, (Y/N), what are you doing?" Asked Sokka.
"My sister was on that island," said Zuko, as if any of you needed to be reminded of that, especially you.
"Yeah, and she's probably right behind us, so let's not stop!"
"What I mean is that she must've come here somehow."
You all saw a Fire Nation airship and the rest of the group began walking towards it. However, you looked at the two boys a few meters away from you for a moment. You knew what you had to do, what you _wanted_ to do. So you took a deep breath and ran away from them. You used your waterbending to reach the platform that you were escaping from just a few moments ago. Sokka and Zuko looked at you with complete surprise all over their faces, and you could hear their voices from behind you. You didn't look back though, you never would. 
Once you touched the ground, you saw that the guards had grabbed both Mai and Ty Lee and that Azula couldn't move her body. "Put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again," you heard the princess say. The guards did as she said and the rest of them let them know that you were there. "And what are _you_ doing here?" She asked, anger clear in her voice. "I might not be able to move but I can still beat you."
"I'm not here to fight," you said. She looked at you, waiting for you to continue talking. "I'm here because I want to join you."
"You think I'm going to believe you? How stupid do you think I am? Guards! Take her too!"
"No, wait!" You yelled. "I'm serious, I mean it! I'm on your side, deep down I've always been," you confessed. She kept looking at you and gestured the guards to let go of you.
"So you finally realized," she said. You looked at her with a confused look and she rolled her eyes right before talking. "You think I haven't noticed that you had doubts? I realized from the first time I saw you, but I guess you finally made up your mind."
"I did, I swear I did," you told her. "And I won't be like those two girls," you said. "I won't betray you." She kept looking at you and since you didn't get an answer, you got on your knees, practically bowing in front of her. "I promise I'll never betray you. I pledge my loyalty to you, Princess Azula." You lifted your head to look at her and when you saw her smiling, you knew that there was nothing in the world that could make you change your mind.
@noodlesfluffy @just-a-belgian-girl
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Comparing RWBY and YGO DM: The Handling and Evolution of Themes
Hey! Its been a hot minute since I last posted anything RWBY-related but Im laying in my bed right now and Im sick and bored so I guess we're doing this. Today I will do my best to analyze what I percieve to be the main themes and messages of both of these shows, or more specifically, how theyre handled narratively. Im mostly focusing on that part because, while these series do have similar themes and messaging, they are still a few things in which they are wildly different. And with that, lets start with this essay-post-thing!
1. Theres something we need to adress first
Okay so, before we can really talk about this, theres something I feel the need to clarify here: Neither of these stories was "planned from the beginning".
Now, I dont think a story being planned from the beginning or not nesscessarily makes the story any better or worse by default, however, it is still important to acknowledge because the way the story is planned is going to affect every facet of it. Things are not going to be foreshadowed properly, things are gonna be set up only for nothing to come of it, the story might drastically change directions, characters might act differently, etc, etc.
And, this is bit off-topic but, it's much better to just admit that the story was not planned than trying to pretend that it was. Like, there are a lot of reasons why I tend to be so forgiving towards YGO even though its not very good, but one of them is definitely the fact that, as far as Im aware atleast, the guy who wrote it isnt pretending to have had this big master plan all along and neither is the fandom. With RWBY on the other hand... yeaaaah, its kinda the opposite. From what Ive seen of RWBYs fandom, there seems to be this pretty popular narrative that everything was planned even though it clearly wasnt. Thats pretty bad and honestly lowers my opinion of the writers so much more than if they would just admit to not having a proper plan.
Like, I initially consumed YGO like this: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh (aka Season 0), like, a quarter of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga (I still havent finished it)
In all three of these we have the character of Yami Yuugi, or just Yami. Broadly speaking, he is an ancient egyptian gamer spirit who lives in a magical puzzle that has not been solved for 3000 years until this highschooler named Yuugi Mutou comes along and solves it, thus setting him free and allowing him to possess Yuugi and have access to the vague magical powers of the puzzle.
In Duel Monsters he's perfectly fine most of time, morally speaking. There is an instance of him almost murdering a guy and its a bit unclear what exactly happens to those he mindcrushes but overall he's very much a pretty good guy. In Season 0 most of what he does is set up these games for bad people, where they will go insane no matter what they do. From how I understand this whole Shadow Game, Penalty Game stuff, if you lose a Shadow Game, you get violent and intense hallucinations and you will always cuz yknow, gamer spirit. But if you try to cheat, which most of the bad people do in this show, you get violent and intense hallucinations as a punishment.
Since the two anime are generally considered two different continuities, its perfectly fine that Yamis characterization is wildly different in both of them. But in the manga both of these characterizations appear, basically one after the other with no real arc or consequences, for that matter. Why is that? Simply put, someone thought it was a good idea to try to turn an episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror manga into a more traditional, more plot-driven battle shounen. From what Ive heard, it was apparently largely because of network interference or something, but the point is, it changed directions incredibly drastically with little planning and everyone knows this and I can understand that for the most part.
In RWBY we have the character of Blake Belladonna, who, in the first 3 volumes/seasons atleast, was this aloof, more toned down loner-type character with a pretty strong sense of justice. She's an in-universe marginilized racial minority and she clearly cares about racial injustice. The way its initially framed makes it seem like she had a very hard life and no stable support system, which is what eventually pushed her to join a Civil Rights group/Terrorist organization (good god, the Faunus subplot is so awful, I could write a whole essay about it but Im already de-railing rn so I'll just save that for later).
Then, in volumes 4-5 it turns out her father is actually like, the mayor or chief of this island-place called Menagerie and she grew up in this big mansion with multiple guards/servants. Oh and also, apparently "space is a commodity" on there, so theres that. She still retains large parts of her personality but she's kinda like, worse somehow I think. I cant really describe it in a meaningful way but I hope you get what Im saying anyway. Then in Volume 6 she confronted her emotional abuser Adam (sorry for not mentioning him sooner but yeah, he was like, her abusive boyfriend, which is something that a lot of people disagree with but I wont really say anything about it either way because I dont really feel any specific way) with her friend, Yang, and ended up killing him.
After all that, she pretty much lost the rest of her personality, as well as her arc about all the Faunus stuff. She just kinda became the meek, generically nice, recovering abuse victim. Why? Well, the actual reason is that they didnt plan out shit and are just kinda flying by the seat of their oversized clown-pants and if they and the fandom just admitted it, I would have less of an issue. I still wouldnt be as forgiving towards RWBY as I am towards YGO because the crux of the issue, for me, is just that I dont particulary like RWBY but also like. Do you really expect me to take MKEK seriously as writers after admitting to not have a timeline because iT wOuLd CaUsE pLoThOlEs?
However, since they want us to believe that everything was planned out from the beginning, the explaination would be.... Idk, they deliberately butchered one of their main characters?? Because.. they hate her?? Maybe????
So yeah, that was quite a detour however, I would like you to keep this mind going forward.
2. Themes of the Early Series'
First, what do mean by 'Early Series' for both of these shows respectively? Well, for YGO that would have to be Season 0 or if youre reading the manga, everything pre-Duelist Kingdom. Basically, the part of the series thats a episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror series.
For RWBY that would be the first three Volumes, also known as the Poser-Era. Back then it was just kinda an action series that took place at Anime Warrior Academy (also known as Beacon) with some pretty bare minimum worldbuilding, character-driven plots and developments but now its more of an epic high-fantasy story with more of an emphasis on plot as opposed to just action.
The themes and messages in Early YGO are kinda vague, very confusing to me and if you were to follow any of it literally that would be pretty bad. For now Im just gonna say the main themes are Friendship and Identity and mostly focus on the Identity aspect.
Now, it took me a little while to figure out RWBYs deal but I think the main themes for Volumes 1-3 are also Friendship and Heroism. Once again, I'll mostly focus on Heroism and touch on Friendship more briefly later.
I dont have much more to add to YGOs themes right now, so I'll briefly go over Heroism in RWBY.
In RWBYs setting there are these man-eating monsters called Grimm that have basically infected the planet. In order to deal with that, they have people called huntsmen and huntresses that kill them and protect people. Theyre trained at special academies like Beacon and go on missions there and stuff like that. Our four main characters, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, are training to become huntresses and one day they go on this mission to clean up a grimm infested city block with one of their teachers. Obviously, that takes a long time so they have to camp out in one of the empty houses. Weiss, Blake and Yang cant sleep because theyve been thinking about this question that their teacher asked them when they were fighting grimm: "Why do you want to become a huntress?"
They have a heart to heart and we find out about their motivations; Weiss wants to bring honour back to her family, Blake want to distance herself from the White Fang (that terrorist organization I mentioned earlier) and as an extension from Adam, Yang wants to have a life of adventure. They also talk about why Ruby wants to be a huntress and it turns out that she judt wants to help people. Unlike the others, she has no motivation besides that. We're meant to listen to that and look at her as a sort-of personification of Heroism: kind, but not naive, strong and most of all, selfless. The others on her team are not portayed as bad for not being like Ruby by any means but we are clearly meant to admire her the most out of all of them.
Okay, now comes the part Ive been looking forward to the most:
3. How did these themes evolve in the Modern Series'?
Alright, before we can really delve into the way they evolved in YGO I'll have to give you a brief summary of the character progression. At the start of DM, during the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Yuugi is just that; A darker Yuugi. Hes more confident, bolder, his voice is deeper, hes somehow taller, more ruthless, all that good stuff. Notably, he doesnt actually seem more skilled than Yuugi even at the start of this story, but he's still dependent on Yami. Yami on the other hand, has no identity of his own or even hints at one at this point. He's just The Other Yuugi.
Then during the Battle City arc, they find out that Yami was actually a pharao prior to being sealed in the puzzle, he just didnt know because of amnesia, I guess. So now they need to find out his real name and then send him to the afterlife because hes meant to be dead, but not before saving the world from being swallowed by darkness, which is also a thing they have to do now.
Then we finally get to the Memory World arc, where Yami, Yuugi and the rest of the gang astralproject to ancient egypt via puzzle magic. Yami is trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who all these familiar people are, while Yuugi & Co are trying their best to help him. Then some weird shit happens and it turns out that all of that is not just Yamis sealed away memories, but also a giant D&D Shadow Game that will destroy the world if Yami loses. So now theres Pharao!Yami who is still clueless on the metaphorical and literal playing field and Player!Yami, who is kinda controlling himself now? I guess?? Yamis opponent, The Spirit of The Ring, has something similar to that going on where hes both controlling and properly participating in the game. So Player!Yami is now fighting against Player!TSoTR, Pharao!Yami is now fighting against Thief King Bakura (who is like, the human, ancient egyptian version of the Ring Spirit) and Yuugi is now fighting against Yami Bakura (who is like, the human, modern japanese version of the Ring Spirit). Yuugi gets Yamis real name, he and the gang go over to Pharao!Yami and tell him his name, meanwhile Player!Yami is also somehow helping as well and they defeat the Ring Spirit, thus saving the world. Then they travel to modern Egypt, the Ceremonial Duel happens and Yuugi wins, sending Yami to the Afterlife where he can finally rest and that was the series!
I originally wanted to recount the stuff that was going on with the Ring Spirit and his host as well because they parallel eachother, but this summary is already far too long and I think youll get the point without me needing to explain any more.
My point here is, that the story went from being vaguely about Identity, maybe? to being very clearly about Self-Discovery and Learning to Be Independent. I think this is a very good way to evolve the messaging of your story. How does RWBY track on that?
Well, uh... its not great. I will acknowledge that they have tried to introduce new themes and ideas since, even though I wont really be talking about them in this post. But yeah, the whole Heroism thing really regressed.
Like, I didnt explicitly say it when I was explaining grimm earlier, but theyre not going away. The grimm have always been there and people who sign up to become huntsmen and huntresses are effectively signing up for a job that will never truly be done, no matter what they do. Characters like Ruby and even more minor ones like Phyrrah have shown us that that doesnt matter when youre a hero. No life isnt worth saving, no grimm isnt worth killing, no criminal isnt worth arresting. Then, in volume 6 they find out about Salem. Salem is the Big Bad of the show, shes immortal, controls the grimm and is supposed to be very powerful.
What do our heroes do? They give up. Sike! They were just mindcontrolled by monsters or some shit, of course they didnt give up their mission (which is to bring an Important Macguffin to a city called Atlas, sorry I didnt mention it)!
But then they arrive in Atlas (which is llike, a city thats floating over another city called Mantle) and yknow, they do some plot stuff thats not really important right now until the city gets invaded by Salem and this big grimm army she has.
What do our heroes do? Well, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and some side characters are chilling, drinking tea in a mansion and Yang and the B Team were actually trying to do something, but even those efforts seem incredibly minimal.
Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that Ironwood (a fairly minor, vaguely antagonistic character up until now) wanted to lift Atlas even higher to save Atleasian civilians from danger while leaving Mantle vulnerable to Salems invasion.
What would be the most heroic thing to do?
A) Let Ironwood lift Atlas, get as much support as they can down to Mantle and save as many Mantle civilians as they can from the invasion
B) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas but then split up in order to protect both Atlas and Mantle civilians
C) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas and then dont do anything else
Congrats! If you choose C, you think exactly like the writers!
And I just
This is so mindboggling to me, I feel like I shouldnt even have explain how this is bad. And like, it wouldve been so easy to actually make them seem herokc through their actions, to make it seem like they did try but no.
I have never seen a central theme be this botched, how in the world did they do that? Why did they think it was a good idea for Ruby "The Embodiment of Heroism" Rose to sit in a mansion doing nothing, no planning, no organizing just ..... God, how are they this bad? Like, this doesnt even have anything to do with it being planned in any way, this is just straight up incompetence
4. Very briefly touching on friendship
The friendship is awful and its not solely because they all have the same opinions. They barely interact with eachother outside their designated pairs which leads to it all feeling incredibly hollow. Theyre also practically indistingushable from one another now, which is a shame because it wasnt always like that. Like, I dont think the characters were that well-developed in earlier volumes but they were very well-characterized. But now we've gotten to a point where you can literally copy and paste one characters dialogue onto another and literally nothing changes, it really sucks.
5. Some closing words
Damn, this took way longer than I thought it would and now Im pretty exhausted. I have no idea how yall always write these but props to you! I feel like this ended up a bit rambly but overall, Im pretty proud.
Please let me know what you think of the points I brought up! Id also really appreciate some tips on how to get better at these longer posts because I am planning on writing more in the future (not the near future, probably but yknow).
Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@yukikorogashi​ asked: 💞💖💘💕 tigger bounces in with these 👀
positivity meme -- slow, still accepting
Send 💞 and my muse will say something nice about your muse
    The house had grown silent in the late hours of the night, Arthur burning the midnight oil as he was prone to do. Mind running a mile a minute, and not really getting much from late night television, he opted to sit in the office across from Itsuki’s bedroom. At the thought, he found himself glancing toward the slightly ajar bedroom door, letting in a dim bit of light from the one he kept on in the hall for her. Aside from a small conversation about her day and a request for a story from his own, it seemed like she had fallen asleep pretty easily once he had started talking.
    He was never sure if he should take that as a compliment or not when it happened, but at least ONE of them was getting some much needed rest.
    As he could feel his thoughts starting to circle, he let out a small sigh from his nose as he shifted to pull a familiar book from one of the shelves. The pages were starting to become worn with use, Arthur about halfway into his current journal. He flipped open to the current page, a partly complete sketch of their newest addition to the household: an old collie that Itsuki had affectionately named Mochi. As far as he was aware, the old guy was asleep on a chair in the living room.
    Arthur huffed lightly out of his nose at the thought, turning to the blank page and started to scribble down some thoughts.
Itsuki’s growing in so many ways every day. It honestly surprises me sometimes.
I wasn’t the only one who question my decision to adopt a kid at first. Hosea had cast me that uncertain look when I first mentioned it, and the social worker...well, I could never really get a read on them, but somehow I managed to impress someone because here we are.
She’s healthy, hasn’t lost mind or limb. I figure I’m doing something right.
I know I’m not around as much as I wish I was, and Hosea’s been a great help in keeping an eye on her. Teaching her things in that special way he has, which is probably better for her than whatever I can give. Still, I catch the odd eye or word from him about spending more time with her, which I’m trying to do. It must be working, she certainly hasn’t come to hate me or resent me being home when I am. Yet.
Still, I love that kid. The odd nights she opens that bedroom door of mine to tell me about a nightmare or storm outside and we have to stay up a little later until she can sleep again, the way she races to the truck when I pull up to the school (even during the times where I know she’s had to wait for me,) it’s all something I never thought I’d see in my life or know it to be something I would miss if it disappeared.
I want nothing more than to see her happy, and she’s always the brightest person in the room when she is. If I can help with that, that’s all I want.
Though, maybe what’s best for her is me getting some sleep so I’m not spacey and distracted with her tomorrow.
Send 💖 and my muse will say something nice about you, the mun
    “Could’ve certainly picked a worse night for this,” Arthur commented, casting a glance upwards.
    The sun had dipped below the horizon, the sky cast in a blanket of stars as the orange glow of the fire he had built cast him and his companion in a warm light. A rabbit was slowly roasting over the flames, something he had hunted earlier for the coming night. Thankfully, he had been getting better with a bow. It had saved him the embarrassment of picking out shell casings from the meat in front of her, at the very least. He dropped his gaze back down, watching the fire for a few moments before he glanced toward her.
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    “I’ve certainly had worse company ‘round a fire, too. Some folks are more likely t’ greet you with a barrel of a gun shoved against the back of your head, but...nah, y’ don’t seem the type. I know you been fightin’ things in different ways, though. Kid’s always goin’ on ‘bout how STRONG y’ are, and I can see why. Life...life’s got a funny way ‘f workin’ things out. Lots ‘f good things happenin’ out there, yet there’s a lotta bad happenin’ t’ folk who don’t deserve it. Whatever good’s out there, I know it’s due t’ come your way. Hell, I’d give ya some of mine--lord knows I ain’t done anythin’ t’ deserve it.”
    He let out a vaguely humorous huff, glancing back to the fire for a moment before meeting her gaze once again.
    “Guess what I’m tryin’ t’ say is that there’s a lot of people out there who are on your side. Can’t get too far in life without people y’ can trust, and you’ve proved time and again that you’re one of those who can be that for someone, and it’s a fool who don’t see that and won’t return it. Y’ deserve more than y’ get, much as that might not mean much from someone like me. Y’ got a lotta fight in y’, and you’ve never had a point a gun t’ prove it. Folks see that.”
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
I remember seeing Itsuki for the first time all those years ago, and jokingly I was like “who’s lost child is this?” lol
However, I can honestly say with my whole heart that I am so glad to have been introduced to her character. However, I can’t say much to how she is portrayed on her blog, as I am...completely unfamiliar from the media she is from. (And considering some of the horror stories I’ve heard about the fandom, I’m very content with hers being the only blog I follow from it lol.) Yet, I feel like I’ve known her character for so long through how often she’s appeared on my blogs and all the relationships I’ve built with her through my own characters. Good, bad, everything.
Itsuki is such a strong character in not just physical prowess, but strength of will and mind too. No matter what blog I am on, I can almost always trust her to be this force of optimism and child-like joy and curiosity. Even on a blog of mine starring a certain baptist, even in the face of someone who wouldn’t appreciate her for who she is, somehow Itsuki still manages to handle that in a way that is both absolutely a joy to write with and great to play off of.
I know I’ve said it before, but often I do find myself thinking about how a character would interact with her when I am making a blog. Not only is it me trying to make room for interaction, but it is also good for general character development. She has become such a staple on my blogs, which honestly rarely happens and for as long as it has with her.
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun
Much like you wrote in this section for me, I am also sorry this took so long because I also wanted to make sure everything sounded right. Especially after coming off a long semester of university, I’ve been trying to come back into my writing. Lol Honestly, what can I say about you that I haven’t said a million times? I always say this, yet I know it bares repeating because I know everything I feel about you to be wholly the truth. You are such a great friend, and even when you’re not feeling like you are, or you are in the middle of a falling out, or stuck ruminating on something that didn’t work out with someone, I know for a fact that you have done your absolute best in that friendship. I know you have done nothing but show me support, love, and a deep kindness since the day I met you and I know I can say absolutely that you are one of my best friends.
Hell, I know even my family asks about you sometimes because I know I’ve mentioned having our late night talks often enough. Lol I know you have helped me through so much, even in things you may not even be aware of. Being able to write with you, knowing that you’re out there doing you and being awesome, it’s everything I could ask for in a friend. It’s 3 am while I’m writing this so idk if I’m rambling like mad here, but I have a lot of feelings for you. Lol Mostly, I’m just grateful. That you exist, that we’re as close as we are, for the conversations we do have. I love you a TON, and I hope you know that. I ALWAYS want you to know that, even in the deepest darkest pits you may fall in.
I am always happy to see you, to talk with you, to write with you. I love you, and you’re always in my thoughts and I hope nothing but the best for you and I’m always so excited and happy when I do see that happening for you.
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panickypeachboy · 4 years
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
TAGGED BY:  @sternenteile, #1 Geno fan. TAGGING:  Do it.
MY MUSE IS:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ Nope. Most people just call ZPiW the game with anime girls wielding guns. Outside of me, not much fanart is produced of the peach boy, as it’s well, mostly the girls. Miiverse revealed that the ratio is a bit more even but still, peeps really like them girl designs (designed by a female artist) ]
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mean ?? i’ve met and seen many people who have/had crushes on geno so ??????? but i don’t think it’s like. that. ghfskjhgsg??? ]
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Personally, I have to say yes. Momotaro is strong as frick because in game, you’re supposed to level towns to “clean them up”. And this is in addition to the traditional Momotaro folktale that, a Momotaro is a strong child who can lift. However, most just look to Snow White as the strongest cuz she dented metal bare handed...and well is the “face” of the game.]
are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ This game is better known for having girls...with guns. But I wouldn’t say he’s really *that* underrated, considering the basic character is just that...basic. ]
were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ Well, my theory is that he just stumbled upon the fight between survivors and zombies so...kind of yes? Momotaro was one to actually gather folks to storm the castle as they say, because it seems before hand the other heroes were just minding their own business. So, being the one who talks the most (ironically) and the one that the game follows...yeah he’s relevant.]
were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ Sadly so, in the sense that I wished the devs would’ve allowed for branching plots depending on which character you choose. This is including the fact that the game is purposely trying to emulate how old-school games were bare bones in characterizations and plot.]
are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ Just another folklore hero in the world of Wonderland...a place chock FULL of fairy tales and folktales. Though he might’ve garnered a reputation of being destructive after ZPiW... ]
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / neutral. [ ]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  —  Ehhhh...I think I make do with what I got from the teeny breadcrumbs of canon I got...however, many folks commented that Momotaro looks WAAAAAAY tougher than what I make him out to be so...I guess that’s a fail for following canon strictly on my part. .w.;; If I truly went 1:1, things may be bland...or not...I mean there’s as many subversions to the traditional heroes as there are well, the typical shounen stuff.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.  —  Is Momotaro an OC at this point? Probably. But hey, if you guys want a lad who’s adorable but tough...you could look elsewhere...or you can find that in Momo! I wanted to try to represent some stuff of special needs, but I’m still working out the kinks...but the kid’s loyal, and a very good cook at that! He definitely needs a confidence booster, but could that be part of his charm? Maybe. But hey, I think y’all might really like the idea I got for him, and mainly Smash! Like, have you ever wondered what goes on in that mansion? ...well yes, but what about those who aren’t fighters? Or even assist trophies! That’s where the smash verse comes in! Take a peek into the (tough) lives of Waddle Dees and the peach boy, along with other creatures not suitable for Smash! They’re just as handy for making sure the place is well run and fed! If someone isn’t cleaning and cooking to maintain 70+ fighters, and 20+ assist trophies...who is?
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).  —  This is a character from a game whose designers may appreciate the female figure a bit too much. I always have a tough time recommending this game to others, and hell, I’m terrible at playing it myself. Hell, the fact that most of the characters are minors is just a...”why do you design them like this Bo.mi” thing. Most do seem to think highly of those designs though, as that’s the main aspect of the game I keep hearing in my searches. Now, I’ve received a good amount of concerns over the years that Momotaro not speaking proper English is either racist or babyish...or both. Is my take too depressing? There are often times I think yes, and feel unbelievable shame over it despite others going hard on the angst train.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?  —  Well uh, I believe I was charmed by his rugged but baby appearance in the game..and it just so happen at the time that I was part of a budding rp group. Despite the theme being mostly “OUENDAN”, that was the start of me shoving Momotaro into every fuckin’ thing because he’s cute as shit and obscure muses can be fun too! It was also probably relaxing for me because gosh dang back then I was scared of getting something wrong about someone canon with more lore...and I am still scared about that to this day.
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?  —  Studying about Japanese culture, learning the language...the fact that I’ve been rping him for almost 10 years (read like 8-9 at this point)...I do wonder if I should stop rping him...and then I keep hearing that people only want characters only in as fighters, fighters are the only important thing about smash and that grows my weird spite and just continue this “backstage” plot of Smash. Yes, getting a franchise in as a fighter is a VERY high commemoration but, I think it’s just as equally amazing when a franchise gets in as an assist trophy or even a spirit/trophy! So yeah it’s petty and I better find some other motivation soon because it’s exhausting.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
do you think you give your character justice?  yes / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ Ahaha....I’m starting to give up on that idea at this point, as several noted that Momotaro isn’t as timid in canon as I write him. But I do try to keep those boneheaded traits of the peach boy in my portrayal. ]
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ It’s a must for Momotaro, whose game is a tribute to how the old timey arcade games didn’t have much to their plots. Otherwise, I would think that playing him would end up pretty dry..whether I play him closer to canon or not. ]
do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ ...I should write more. ]
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO [ Stupidly yes. Been playing him for 8 years so it’s a hard habit to break. ]
are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I mean, if I wasn’t confident enough I would’ve dropped him...though I have thought about that several times. There be times where I run into some sort of writer’s block due to his meek (and traumatized) nature, and because of how he speaks, it’s scary. Am I pushing his issues too much...? Or just HIM in general...? ]
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ Again, writer block happens when some muses don’t click, or personally I don’t want to interact with someone. And then when I do want to write with someone, I fear that my simpler (children’s book) ways of writing would be a turn off. I don’t want to end up babbling too long that there’s too much detail but I shudder at seeing single lines in response to long prose. ]
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / sorta. [ Yeaaaah i get stressed and cry at lot at confrontation and just...anxiety in general. Been trying to keep that off the dash though, as I’m sure peeps got their own troubles already. DMs are good to have y’all. ]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?  —  I do my best to take crits when I get them but sometimes it just haunts me because I have mixed feelings on being told that the way he speaks is racist or childish.  But hey, if you got more advice on how to write trauma and special needs, I’m all ears! Particularly because I’m writing from my own experience in my life and research. ...Dad isn’t that superb at speaking English and that's where I got the Momo speak.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?  —  Yes please...but at this point I kinda have sadly accepted that’s just gonna be rare because he’s obscure.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  —  as my take on Momotaro is very meek, I’d like to see how one would take  on a more confident/more canon true take on him. But that’s a pipe dream. Coruse the only headcanon I will never take (that I fear the fandom will have due to perverted nature) is that he’s just a fuckin harem protag wanting to get into pants. To that I say: NO. In canon he doesn’t give a fuck about the fact his teammates are girls...or even acknowledges that they're girls. It’s the time to survive, not boogie on beds...or at a tree.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  — I anticipate that wholly because again, I have gotten comments that my take on Momotaro has not properly prepared them to witness the sheer destruction and toughness that is canontaro. Honestly I’d be hyped to see more takes...except for the harem route ones. Am I gonna jinx myself for saying it that much?
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  —  I probably would be sad but understanding...I mean it’s not the first time that someone has taken deep offense at Momo and me, mainly in the rp sense. I would hope they would at least go find something that makes them happy.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?  —  Yep yep. Or well stealth editing too, that helps.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  Ehhhh....maybe...? I mean most think I’m chill but, I’m a ball of anxiety at times. But, I am also one who reaches out because, gosh dang...a lot of peeps are nervous beans and that’s okay. So...it’s a sort of, yeah.
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can-u-imagine-that · 5 years
Title: Battle Scars, part 2;
Fandom: X-Men (crossover with The Avengers, both movie-verse);
Character: Peter Maximoff;
Note: Y/N: Your Name;
Warning: Cursing;
Request: Okay I have a long request, please bear with me (probably could be split into parts). I have been craving for a little crossover imagine between the Avengers and the X-men. Soooo I was thinking that the main OC or the “you” has a relationship with Peter and they are all happy and stuff (idk probably before Dark Phoenix, after Apocalypse) and their mutation is healing… they can easily heal wounds but it hurts them when they do and the Avengers want them to help in the fight with Thanos (1) They feel the pain of the wound and depending of how many wounds they heal it may actually hurt them. They are an old friend of Natasha and Clint. They end up having a fight with Peter because he doesn’t want them to go (I like to think the x-men did their part during the war too, so maybe you could come up with something) but they end up going anyway, without solving things between them and Peter. And of course they disappear in Thanos Snap and Peter grieves and all fast foward (2) the remaining x-men are helping the Avengers fight Thanos in End Game when the Blip happens and boom they are back and reunite with Peter and he matured a lot and was never able to let go of his s/o and fluff happens… sorry for the long request omg, I just got really excited and I really hope you like it and can do it… thank you so so much Author’s Note: Okay, first H O L Y S H I T I’m so excited while I’m writing this. Literally I loved the request and I hope this meets your expectations! I had to change a few things in your request though, to fit better with what I decided to write. And just a few warnings to anyone who is going to venture themselves reading this:
It’s quite obvious but I need to clarify that I’m changing a lot of stuff from both Avengers and X-Men movies to fit this request. So this is only part one so it’ll manly focus on Peter and the reader BUT I decided to consider him and Pietro as two different characters since they are from different movie universes theorically and since, well, Pietro barely even existed in the Avenger’s universe unfortunaly.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Click to read part 1
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Peter was training in the Danger Room with the other X-Men when the Snap happened.
He remembered and dreaded that day for all the years to come. 
The despair in the faces of all those mutants. All those kids, turning into dust without even knowing why. He remembered how Kurt’s legs disapeared first, so he fell right at Peter’s feet. Just when the silver haired boy was about to touch him, he completely vanished.
Stay together. Stay strong. Fight this era that is coming. Nev-
Professor Xavier.
He vanished too.
After the Snap only Peter, Jubilee, Raven, Warren and a few other students were left at the school.
The corridors were now empty, the rooms full of dust. They stopped taking care of the gardens. They grieved for their friends. The brothers, sisters, lovers and even those they didn’t get along well.
Peter was shattered once he found out you had vanished as well.
Natasha was the one who came personally to talk to him.
During your stay in Wakanda, while they tried to free Vision, before the invasion, you and her talked a lot. You told her about your fight and as if you were already guessing, you made her promise that if something happened to you, she’d tell him and be there if he needed anything. It was like you knew and Natasha complied, even if she was always brushing it off and saying that it wouldn’t be needed.
When the now blonde haired spy showed herself a month after the Snap in front of the Mansion without you by her side Peter knew.
Natasha walked into the hal, looking at Peter with simpathy but also grieving. Her eyes filled with tears before she could open her mouth and the remaining X-Men knew they had lost yet another friend.
Jubilee broke down sobbing into Raven’s shoulder while Warren left the room angrily.
And Peter...
Peter just stared at Natasha.
That’s all he felt.
For the first time, Peter felt like there was no ground to his feet. His head was hammering with memories of you two. Your smile, your voice, your touch. Even though he didn’t had news of you right away there was a hope... a small hope in the back of his mind that you would come through that door, run into his arms and then you’d be together to fight against all of this.
He had to apologize for not having faith in your strenght.
He had to say he loved you.
He had to make things right.
Natasha swallowed the lump in her throat and approached Peter’s frozen frame. She hated physical contact with people she didn’t know outside missions, it was true, but to keep her promise to you she circled him with her arms, hugging him. It took him a moment to finally break down.
When he did his legs buckled and he and Natasha slumped in the ground. Peter was breathing heavly but no tears fell out of his eyes. He whispered things Natasha couldn’t grasp really fast and it took her a moment to understand that he was actually having a panic attack. He was shaking and trying to calm himself, but everytime he thought that he’d never see your face again the despair hit him harder.
During the beginning of the first year it was common for it to happen to him. 
He’d wake up on the few nights he was able to actually fall asleep with nightmares of you vanishing from his hands. To calm himself down he’d hold to the ring he carried around in a little neck chain, the ring he gave you in that beautiful day barely a few weeks before you disappeared.
Natasha kept a close look on him and the remaining mutants until she decided it would be better if they just moved in to the Facility. She had a lot of work to do commanding everyone who was outside the planet.
It was empty anyway...
So Peter, Jubilee, Raven and Warren moved there. The other kids went to look for their families but they knew where to find the remaining X-Men if needed.
Natasha and Peter got closer as time went by, always talking about you or how everything was before. She helped him cope with your loss and he help her cope with the disappearence of Clint Barton. He was alive, she knew, but he never came looking for the remaining team. So Peter helped her in the search for him.
Peter changed. A lot.
Everyone did.
He matured a lot in those years.
His hair was shorter and he didn’t really use his flashy jackets and sneakers anymore. Still with the rock band t-shirts at least, but his wardrobe had really sobered up. The only thing that didn’t change in five years was the neck chain with the ring. It became almost like a charm and comfort for him.
When he found out they had a chance to bring everyone back a little bit of the old Peter came back. He tried his best to help all the geniuses during the preparations for the Time Heist - as Scott Lang described - getting more and more hopeful that it would work.
He, Stark, Warren and Rocket became the sarcasm squad and Captain America had to keep them on the line because sometimes the jokes went a little overboard of the respect zone. They’d just shrug and highfive each other earning a smack in the head from Raven and sometimes even Nat.
Raven and Jubilee became as close as Nat and Peter. They became each other’s support and even though they got along especially well with Banner and Steve, they prefered to be in each other’s company, together with Peter and Warren. It hurt everytime they reminisced the past, but somehow they felt that in that way, the memories of their friends would never fade. The four of them would sit for hours and talk about the Mansion, the mutants, the professors and classes. Hell, Peter even found out that you had a crush on him ever since the first time you saw him.
And he would always talk to you before going to sleep. Natasha taught him to do that when his nightmares were to constant and bad. He’d sit by the window or in the corner of his bed and speak as if you were right there with him, while his fingers played around with the ring. You weren’t there, but you kept him strong.
Then finally, the day of the Time Heist came.
Peter stayed on the Facility with the other mutants during the mission because he had had no contact whatsoever with any of the Infinity Stones, so as fast as he could be, they decided it was better for him to stay.
"Hey, you are back!” he and the others rushed towards the Avengers after they appeared again on the plataform.
“Did we get them all?”
“Are you telling me this actually worked?”
Before they could cheer their victory, Clint feel to his knees. That’s when they found out Natasha was gone. 
Gone for good.
Peter didn’t cry right away like the others did. But he sure as hell felt it. 
He noticed that his tears were weirdly slow.
Natasha had given her life for that plan. For those people she considered as her family and made her better. She did it for you.
While the Avengers discussed if she would come back or not with the power of the Stones, Peter went for a run. It was the only thing that kept his mind working like it should. Whenever he felt like it was about to snap, he’d put on his goggles and run.
He saw in his mind the past five years flashing as the woman who was back to being a redhair and had taken care of him tried to hide her own pain. She had became almost like an older sister and her support was the glue that pieced all the small parts of his heart together.
When he got far enough, on a tall hill, he screamed, his tears finally falling.
That had to work.
Not only for you.
But for her too.
After releasing all his frustration over Nat’s death, he ran back. He sure as hell didn’t want to miss the moment everyone would be brought back.
Banner had the Glove on his hand while everyone prepared for a possible blown. Scott and Rhodey closed their suits, Rocket hid behind Thor and Tony created an energy shield protecting Clint while his armor did the job for him. Raven, Jubilee and Peter were shielded by Warren, who enclosed his metal wings as close as possible of them.
Tony activated a protocol that closed all the doors and windows with heavy metal doors.
“Well... if something happens we burn to death together...” Peter whispered earning a whack in the head from Raven.
Bruce suffered. They all could see the agony and pain until he finally was able to snap his fingers.
As soon as the doors opened, Peter dashed outside, stopping at the garden. He had no idea his breath was stuck on his throat until he finally saw it.
People walking on the streets looking totally lost reaching for their phones, calling family and friends to try and understand what the hell happened. He also saw people hugging, crying, shouting. It was a mess. But everyone was back.
Somewhere you were back for him.
Before he could feel any happiness though, there was a large explosion coming from the Avengers Facility.
Peter rushed there, entering the rubble to search for everyone. Everything was completely destroyed. On his communicator he learned that Rhodey, Bruce and Rocket were on the lower levels and they were flooding really fast. Raven and Jubilee were lost inside of what was left of the Facility and they didn’t know anything about Warren yet.
They tried to help the ones on the lowers levels but there was no way in where they were. The only one able to help them in the end was Scott.
Peter focused on trying to find a way out for Jubilee and Raven, searching for Warren in the proccess. Finally they managed to find the Archangel.
“You have to see what’s going on out there...” he said, blue eyes completely wide, flying towards an exit that probably used to be on an upper floor.
The others climbed through the rubbles, exiting what was left of the building. And couldn’t believe their eyes.
Many portals.
Looking at each other quickly, Peter grabbed Raven while Warren carried Jubilee towards where Captain America stood. He nodded at their presence, still dumbfolded as their friends and allies kept showing.
Peter’s breath caught on his throat as he heard a familiar BAMF.
Kurt, Jean, Scott and Ororo.
Jubilee choked out a sob “H-How did you know where to come?”
“We had a little help from Professor...” Jean answered, smiling “Things went crazy, huh? You all... changed a lot...”
Soon Peter’s attention flew back to the portals as Black Phanter shouted something. The mutants watched in amazement as new portals appeared while armies with Wakanda soldier’s, Asgardians and sorceres came out, ready for the battle.
And then finally...
He saw you.
His eyes marveled at how you didn’t change a single thing ever since he last saw you. The day you had that stupid fight. Five years had passed and now he barely remembered that. He kept holding into the good memories. You were so beautiful.
When you looked in the direction of Captain America and saw him it felt like your heart would stop. You rushed towards them, holding a huge gun in your hands, S.H.I.E.L.D’s courtesy. You knew you had to focus on the battle first but gosh, you wanted to throw yourself into Peter’s arms so bad. You healead Steve, who was the closest one to you, letting the gun hang in your shoulders through a strap attached to it.
Before you could look at him again, Peter was already by yourside. Instead of speaking or doing anything else he grabbed your hand, squeezing tightly your fingers between his. You nodded, understanding that before anything else, you had a war to win and that was a promise he was making to you.
“Avengers...!” Captain’s voice ringed at your right and you let go of Peter’s hand after a final squeeze, getting your gun ready and preparing your fight stance. Nothing but determination filled your’s and everyone else’s eyes.
Losing was out of question.
Click to read part 3
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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Boy, Oh Boy! Is it great to have a miraculous! Having the power to create, destroy, cast illusions, protect and paralyze, getting a cool costume, kicking villainous butt, saving the world, being adored by others, feeling like this is what you were meant for! Man! It.is.awesome! I’d sure hate to see what happens when all of that is just tragically taken away from you! (laughs for a moment then slowly stops laughing to get serious. Clears throat). Yeah, well, that would suck, but maybe it’s for a good reason. See why:
*Miraculer-We open with an akumatized villain running amuck and destroying the Eiffel Tower (again) and how Team Miraculous is trying to stop them (we don’t see it, but it’s happening) and the day is saved thanks to a rubber duckie?🤨Yeah, idk how that worked, but it did. The whole gang was there:Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge and Carapace. Just like from last seasons finale! Wait! That’s all of ‘em right? Did I forget someone?...............Oh yeah! There was that bee girl, Queen Bee! Oh I remember her now! That was resident mean girl, Chloe Bourgeois! (laughs). Guess she was unwanted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Okay, that was mean, but we all know the truth that Marinette/Ladybug can’t stand Chloe. However, that’s NOT the reason she wasn’t recruited for Team Miraculous. Ever since “Queen’s Battle”, Chloe had exposed herself as Queen Bee in front of others to gain her mothers approval (didn’t work) and one of those people was Gabriel Agreste, a.k.a. Hawk Moth! Cuz of that, she’s barely called into action by Ladybug out fear for her (Chloe’s) and her loved ones safety. We’ll get back to this later, when then see Lila and from the previous review, we saw that she has allied with Gabe in being a spy for him to get intell on Adriens whereabouts. Nice to see she’s becoming a reacurring character now. Like what should’ve happened in Season 2! Humph! She has no idea he’s Hawk Moth nor does she know she’s just being used to trigger akuma attacks and is only doing so to be close to Adrien. Her first assignment, target Chloe so that she might join Hawk Moth after the lack of duty from Ladybug to turn against her.
Here’s something I found interesting, Mayura was in this episode! Mayura was in this episode! From last seasons finale, we saw that Nathalie (as the fandom guessed) was the peacock miraculous holder, but Gabe had told her not to use it again cuz the miraculous was damaged! So why is she here again!? Why!? Later on that too, but we do get to see more of her powers and she uses this thing that’s called a “sentimonster”? She uses one of her fan feathers, an “amok”, to create a creature from the object of the negative emotions of the victims in a vaguely similar way to Hawk Moths power and hers is called “amokatization”. Pretty cool, except her second “sentimonster” was a lollipop monster😒. Yeah, not as good as the butterfly one. Sorry. It still has the same purifying effects though (Lol! Bye-bye feather!).
Back to Chloe, when the “sentimonster” attacked she was for sure Ladybug would come and get her this time, especially since Lila told her about “a way to contact her (Ladybug)”. It ended up looking like a poor attempt at rain dance is what happened. When the “sentimonster” was defeated without Queen Bee, Chloe gets upset at being ignored again which Hawk Moth senses and tries to alumatize her. She refused!😳She refused! She f**king refused! SOUND THE ALARM PEOPLE! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER IN “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG” HISTORY THAT SOMEONE HAS REJECTED AN AKUMA! AND FROM CHLOE BOURGEOIS OF ALL PEOPLE! WTF!? Surprisingly, Hawk Moth wasn’t astonished by this though? Hmmm. He does, however, send the akuma to Sabrina when Chloe shoos her away after getting upset at not being called into action again and refusing to play “Ladybug and Cat Noir” with her and this time we see her akumatization (unlike in “Antibug”) and her second villainess look, Miracular!
I’m so glad this episode happened cuz starting from this seasons premiere, I did not find a single akumatized villain that I liked! (I almost settled with Chameleon!). I mean, don’t get me wrong, some of ‘em were pretty good, but I tend to have high standards on things. Villains included. Miracular looked great, her power was cool (removing/bestowing powers) and I loved how it looked when it happened (Team Miraculouses signature logos appeared on her outfit! (squees) ), she’s funny and she was pretty tough to deal with especially when it involved the whole Miraculous team (Queen Bee involved finally and sadly, last) to defeat her! 🎉Congratulations Miracular!🎉So far, you’re my favorite akuma of this season! Thank you! Not to mention how her goal was to give the powers she stole to Chloe so they can legit play “Ladybug and Cat Noir” like they always do (“Antibug”). From the montage we saw, Chloe does care about Sabrina at times when she’s not being a b****. It was from that montage though that led her to help Ladybug defeat her. Tickle torture! 🤣. Even though Sabrina has a servitude idea of friendship, she’s still happy with Chloe and she was kind enough to let her keep the Ladybug suit after her reluctant retirement from herohood. Awwww. Hopefully, their relationship will get better.
Things I want to know here. Why is Mayura here!? Nathalie was feeling sick after using it and apparently from what we saw in “Stormy Weather 2” she still is! And Gabe has warned her not to use it cuz it’s damaged and I’m pretty sure it’s the reason his wife is “taking a nap”! So why is he letting her use it again!? Did I miss an episode!? Or has he really gone mad and desperate enough to disregard his own staffs health (and lives) just to get Emilie back!? Scary! Mayuras power, as I said, is vaguely similar to Hawk Moths. Both use their miraculouses for evil, have a way to corrupt people (butterflies and feathers), can communicate with their victims and have the same way for Ladybug to purify them. The difference is, Hawk Moths is called akuma/akumatizations and Mayuras is amoks/amokizations and Hawk Moth creates supervillains from the object of the victim whereas Mayura creates “sentimonsters” from the object of the victims. Makes me think how Emilie used hers for good? Not sure what her powers had to do with representaing the peacock, but I assume since peacocks are “flashy” type of creatures, then the “sentimonsters” are it’s way of showing how “flashy” Mayura can create them. This ep marked history as the first time ever in the show someone rejected an akuma! Wow! And from Chloe Bourgeois!? We almost saw that from “Zombizou”, but here, it was a definite No! She must really be devoted to Ladybug this season. Guess being a superheroine really made her do good (not enough, but still). It wasn’t really confirmed by the staff that she was redeeming herself (the progress was frustratingly slow), but I guess that was just the fandoms speculation. Sabrina got her second chance to shine in her new akumatization where we see it happen and she was one tough little cookie to crack. They needed the whole super squad for her! (the Bee Miraculous was almost stolen!). Her Kirby powers were super effective that she could mix the powers of the heroes all together and we see for the first time what really happens when a living breathing human being is hit by Cataclysm! They don’t die! But it breaks their insides like what happened to Cat Noirs ribs. Ouch! Where do they have to hit to kill a human the heart!?.........Well, that was dark! The battle was intense! What with all the heroes powerless and not thinking straight to stop Miraculer, they needed Queen Bee. In her final and most badass fight with Ladybug and Team Miraculous, she did a great job. She turned down an offer she could refuse from the dark side and almost took back the peacock miraculous! Atta Girl! In the end, it was her who even gave Ladybug the idea on how to defeat Miraculer. Despite all that, Ladybug told Chloe she needed to retire due to her identity exposure and safety of her loved ones. Chloe played it cool (always trying to hide her vulnerability), but deep down she was heartbroken. Not sure if this is the end, but a special good-bye to a once good hero we all guessed would be, Chloe Bourgeois a.k.a. Queen Bee (trumpets plays “Taps”). Oh! Queen Bee, the fandom always knew you were meant to be the chosen one for the bee miraculous since the beginning and now it’s canon. You were discovered when you found the bee miraculous (“Queens Battle:Queen Wasp”), but sadly, you failed to live up to the expectations of herohood. Then you apologized and made a comeback to save all of Paris (“Queens Battle:Malediktator”). And finally, you joined Team Miraculous against the best of the worst akumatized supervillains to save Paris again (“Heroes Day:Cataylst/Mayura”). Your last “Hoo-ray” in the fight against Miraculer shall be known as the best one of all. We thank you for your services Queen Bee. Amen🙏🏻. What’s worse, Chloe is starting to lose her faith in Ladybug and from this episode, I think we’ll see how she really feels in this seasons finale in “Battle of the Miraculous:Miracule Queen”. Let’s see if it’s as tearjerking as it was said.
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Poisoned Bolt
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): BBC’s Merlin/Merlin, Arthur, Knights, Etc.
Rating: PG-11
Original Idea: Just came to me while I was watching one of the episodes.
Notes: (Masterlist)(About Me) This one involves violence and poisoning so... IDK, read at own risk I guess.
“Remind me again why we’re bringing this girl with us?” Arthur requested to Merlin, who threw a glance over his shoulder at the girl riding the smallest horse near the back of the group. She had her hair pulled up into a knot on the top of her head and an impassive look on her face, as though she were admiring the forest around her.
“Because she’s Gaius’ apprentice and we could use a physician in case something happens to any of us,” Merlin replied.
“But a girl—she can't even defend herself!” Arthur protested.
“Oh yes she can,” Merlin enthused. “You should have seen her—” A memory of the young amateur physician with a sword in her hands, hacking away at a dummy—and later a novice knight—making Merlin smile for only a moment.
Before bandits began shouting at the tops of their lungs, swarming down the ridge.
The fight began and was over in minutes. The knights of Camelot prevailed, as they usually did, and for a moment, everyone thought everything was going to be fine. The girl had done her part, much to the approval and amusement of Gwaine and Percival, who were nearest to her. They’d given her the knights’ handshake and a smile. “Good job, little lady. I wouldn’t have expected such skill from one as small as you,” Gwaine remarked.
Their amusement was broken by Arthur’s shout. “Merlin!”
The girl and both knights whirled to see the tall, gangly servant boy lying on the ground with a crossbow bolt in his leg.
Gaius’ apprentice rushed over to him. “Merlin. Oh no.” She put her hand near his knee, above the wound—which was already turning green around the edges. “The bolt. The end was poisoned,” she told Arthur in a panic. “I need some herbs. Gwaine!”
The knight came and knelt next to her. “What do you need?”
She rattled off a short list and told the knight where he might find them nearby. Percival brought her the pack of things she’s brought with her. “No. These are for cleaning wounds and infections in injuries. I didn’t think I'd be dealing with poisons.” She rested her clean hand on the side of Merlin’s face. “Once Gwaine gets back I'm going to pull the bolt out. And it’s going to hurt.”
“Do whatever you have to. I’ll be fine.”
“Merlin, I mean it. It’s going to hurt. Arrows and bolts are designed to rip and tear coming out.”
“Can you give him something to dull the pain?” Arthur demanded.
“I wish I could, but first I need him to tell me where it hurts just so that I know how far the poison’s spread,” she answered. “Hold on, Merlin. I know it hurts.”
“How could you know?” Merlin muttered under his breath sarcastically. The young physician snickered.
“I've been hit with a crossbow bolt before,” she admitted, rolling up her sleeve to reveal a gnarled scar on her forearm just below her elbow. “I know how badly it hurts.” At that moment Gwaine slid on his knees next to her, a bundle of greens in his hand. “Thank you. Grab the blue bottle in my bag.” She pulled bandages out of her pack to get ready to bind the wound and ground the herbs into a paste to apply to Merlin’s leg.
Gwaine handed her the blue bottle. “What is it?”
“It’ll dull the pain after we see how bad the damage is. Okay, Merlin. I'm going to pull the bolt out on three.”
She pressed her hand against his leg right next to the wound and gripped the bolt with her other hand. “One—” She yanked the shaft and ripped the head out of Merlin’s leg. He cried out in pain.
The paste from the herbs was quickly wiped over the bleeding hole in his skin. Rolling up his trouser leg as quickly as she could, she bound the injury tightly and put pressure against it. She looked over to Arthur as Merlin’s already pale skin went even paler.
“Pin him down. He’ll thrash as the antidote takes over—which will tear his injury and speed up his heart rate. If that happens the poison will spread faster than the antidote and then there’ll be nothing I can do for him,” she instructed, keeping pressure on Merlin’s wound with one hand and putting her other hand on his thigh for the moment the involuntary writhing would take hold. She had to keep his leg down to keep his injury as still as possible.
Arthur did as he was told for once, placing his hands on Merlin’s shoulders with his elbow going down his servant’s torso. Gwaine and Percival helped as well while Leon watched on and kept a lookout.
Merlin gave one violent convulsion before writhing. The physician’s young assistant closed her eyes and looked away as she held the serving boy’s leg down. “It’s okay, Merlin,” she whispered. “I'm not going to let you die.” She knew that he probably could have done a better job than her—he’d been studying under Gaius longer than she had—but she had to do the best she could.
And hope it was enough.
After Merlin stopped thrashing and writhing, she treated everyone else’s other minor injuries and the party continued on until night. The girl joined Merlin on his horse to tend to him as best she could and steer since Merlin was still in too much pain and let Gwaine guide hers by the reins.
At nightfall the group made camp. Merlin and his surrogate uncle’s apprentice settled down a little farther away from the others so she could keep nursing him and cool off the fever he’d started to develop as his body fought the infection. She re-cleaned and rebound his injury by firelight and gave him another potion to dull the pain. She ran her hand comfortingly over his face—despite the fact that it was caked with dried blood—and gave him a reassuring smile. “You're going to be just fine,” she murmured as the others started bedding down for the night.
“Help me sit up, please,” Merlin asked with a grunt of pain. She nodded and eased him upright. He grabbed around her back and pressed the side of his face against the side of hers to hiss in her ear, “You have magic.”
Under his arms, the girl’s whole body went rigid. “No I don’t,” she replied, almost too quickly.
“I saw your eyes turn gold just now. You're healing me with magic, not just medicine,” Merlin insisted.
She shook her head, loose hairs brushing his face. “I'm really not. What you saw was a trick of the light. My eyes are brown. If they catch the fire just right they appear to turn gold. People have told me that before. What you saw, it’s just the fire’s reflection,” she countered quietly. But the fact that she kept her voice hushed helped confirm Merlin’s suspicions. If she really had nothing to hide she would speak at normal volume.
“I don’t think so. I know magic when I see it,” he whispered.
Her hand squeezed around his injury, making him wince and groan. “Listen to me carefully. I. Do. Not. Have. Magic,” she snapped, her jaw tightening. “And if Arthur has the slightest suspicion that I might, he’ll have me executed.”
Merlin held her tighter to keep himself upright. “Don’t worry. I would never dare say anything to him about you.”
“Why?” she retorted. “You’d have a lot to gain.”
“No, I'd have everything to lose.”
“What do you mean? Why?”
Merlin dropped his whisper down to barely more than a breath. “Because I have magic too.”
She pulled away from him enough to stare at his face in surprise and disbelief, still holding him up by his back but looking like she was one more shock away from dropping him.
Merlin let his eyes glow gold for a moment—there was a loud pop from one of the logs on the fire and the flames leapt higher with a brief roar. Leon jumped away and Gwaine barely avoided setting his cloak on fire. Merlin turned to look before returning his gaze on his caretaker. There was a weak smile on his lips. He gave a small shrug. “Told you,” he commented.
“And no one knows?”
“Just Gaius. And you.”
She sighed and put her hand on his wound, closing her eyes. He heard her whisper a healing incantation under her breath so no one else would overhear. When her eyes opened again, they glowed gold. But she kept them down so the knights and Arthur wouldn’t see.
“Don’t you dare tell anyone,” she hissed.
“Never. Your secret is safe with me as long as mine is with you,” Merlin vowed.
“It is. And always will be. I promise.”
“Thank you.” She nodded at his wound. “That’ll be significantly better by morning. You should get some sleep.”
“You too. Good night.”
“Good night, Merlin.”
She covered him in his blanket before burrowing under her own and curling up on her side. She could feel his arm against the curve of her back, letting her know that he was still there. If he thrashed in the night, she’d know.
Exhaustion pulled Merlin into sleep almost an hour before it claimed her.
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jewish-gay-elves · 4 years
Doomed Love 1/?
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Zevran and Daolin have an odd relationship. These documents were collected to try to understand what exactly they were doing after the Fifth Blight and the destruction of Amaranthine.
Words: 3431, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of the Daolin Tabris: The Family You Don't Choose
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Zevran Arainai, Male Tabris, Male Warden, Anders Relationships: Zevran Arainai/Warden, Zevran Arainai/Tabris, Zevran Arainai/Male Warden, Zevran Arainai/Male Tabris Additional Tags: this is a bunch of like letters or just documentation following my warden post-blight, and post amaranthine, idk how long it's going to be, Dialogue Drabble, talking about the Taint
[Recovered drafts found in the desk of the Warden Commander of Ferelden, Vigil’s Keep 9:36 Dragon]
Dear Love,
I remember being nineteen summers when we first met. It was hot and sticky in that little crevice between hills which probably wasn’t hot at all compared to Antiva for you. I was worried when that human came up to us, Cynbayd had already given a warning growl and Alistair was bristling as she delivered her plea. Alistair grabbed my shoulder perhaps to try and warn me, but I wasn’t feeling the warmest towards him at the time. Still was having night terrors about Vaughan even months after what happened. Didn’t want to help her but didn’t want him touching me more. Just to spite him I shrugged him off, nocked an arrow, and followed the girl. Instead of, well whatever I was expecting, it wasn’t the sight of you standing there waiting, along with that blasted tree collapsing above us.
The fight that followed may have been one of the most difficult I fought in that year. Alistair probably still has a bruise from where you ended up punching him. Though you seemed to be very thankful that his shield didn’t bash your nose into your skull. Looking back it is a wonder that none of us died, I think about that everyday now it seems. It may be because I keep hearing the story repeated in these taverns I find on especially cold nights. Regaled around tables over the warm piss for ale everyone seems to serve.
Remember after the final battle, when my father came up to us, the face you made may be my favorite thus far. How he demanded we sit down for a proper meal, and wouldn’t let you slink away after I said you were the reason fate hadn’t let me get married. Wasn’t surprised when he also demanded the whole story. Glad we glossed over how we actually met. A horde of mercenaries and a trained Antivan Crow, that certainly would have given my father a heart attack had we told him. Glad he thinks you’re a charming devil. You’ll look out for him whenever you’re in Denerim won’t you? Afraid I won’t be in the region for quite some time. Won’t be in the country for quite some time.
That leads to why I actually wrote this letter. You know me, can’t get to the point if my life depended on it. I’m leaving Ferelden my love. Sounds silly to write it like that when you haven’t been here in what feels like years. Without you, I’m not home. Regardless, Ferelden is all I’ve ever known. Not sure for how long I’ll be gone. Not sure if I’ll be back. Not sure if I’ll be able to write as often. Wouldn’t want to bore you with details, just know that I will think of you every day. I think of you daily anyway, but I don’t want you to forget that. I love you, Zevran.
[The bottom of the draft is rumpled from a small amount of water damage]
[Discarded crumpled bits of paper found amongst the Warden-Commander’s personal belongings 9:41 Dragon]
Grand Enchanter Fiona
-Must find more records of her time as a Warden.
-Apparently now serves the Inquisition.
-Redcliffe? Skyhold?
-Blood Magic
Must figure something out, Weisshaupt will have nothing. Nothing for me to look at, at any rate. Why would they want to cure the Taint if they know that is what keeps half of their men with the Wardens? Zevran is starting to wonder why I haven’t told him what’s going on. He won’t believe I’m acting on Weisshaupt’s orders much longer. He’s not stupid. So clever, too clever. Just knows me too well to ask questions yet. Just need to tell him what is really going on. That I’m scared of the Calling. That I’m scared to become a ghoul. I’m scared I’ll end up hurting him. I’m so scared.
[The rest of the paper grows increasingly scratched on and marked out, as if ideas were written and quickly discarded in anger and frustration]
[A page torn out of the apostate Anders’ journal dating around 9:43 Dragon]
Andraste’s flaming knickers I thought I was being careful. I got found today. Thankfully it was just the Warden Commander. Though I don’t know what he wants so I may not have much to be thankful for soon. The Commander is a ranger however, that may be how he was able to find me despite my best efforts to travel unnoticed. He hasn’t explained why he was looking for me yet. Just came into the cave where I was, drenched to the bone, and demanded I build up a fire. He always did remind me of a cat, especially his hatred for being wet or cold. I remember we were in the Blackmarsh and all of his orders were practically spat at us. Didn’t particularly help things when that spirit showed up in Kristoff’s body. To be fair, Kristoff wasn’t actually using it anymore, but he had a point that the dead deserved respect.
Regardless, we are as far from the Blackmarsh as can be. Practically skirting around the borders of the Tevinter Imperium at this point. There aren’t as many Venatori around here, I suspect they’ve retreated back to their hidey holes in the Magisterium. Though I imagine that even if there were Venatori here, they wouldn’t be for long. In this kind of weather the Commander’s rage wouldn’t be limited to just darkspawn. However, I had heard stories from Oghren that suggest the Commander might not need more reasons to wish death on Tevinters. Apparently they had a slave operation running out of Denerim’s alienage during the Fifth Blight.
Almost makes me think of Fenris. Or maybe Isabela. But then again, Isabela didn’t grow up knowing those people who were about to become slaves. She still freed them though.
The Warden-Commander is starting to unnerve me. He hasn’t said a word since he got here. He was never one for words in the first place but this is getting creepy. He’s just been standing guard near the cave entrance, as if he were waiting on something. Or someone?
[The entry ends there to be picked up an undetermined amount of time later]
Turns out my guess about waiting was correct. Not long after I wrote that, a mabari started barking. Very, very, close to the cave. Scared the piss out of me, but the Warden-Commander just laughed at me but then eagerly stood outside in the rain looking for the mabari. Actually went out into the rain willingly for it. I’ve never seen that man step into the rain for anything less than total annihilation or the threat of darkspawn.
Could barely see a thing through the thick downpour but where I thought the Warden-Commander was he bent down to see this lump I assumed and then the mabari stopped making noise. Then another humanoid figure appeared next to where the Warden-Commander was crouched, I almost shouted a warning but then he surged to his feet and collided with the other person, tackling them into the mud. I almost ran out there assuming that he was being attacked but over the sound of the rain I heard loud laughing, laughing of the kind I hadn’t heard in over a decade.
After standing out in the rain for a moment longer, holding on to my staff, the one Hawke had given me, I started trying to get closer, seeing the lump jumping around where the Warden-Commander had gone down. I called out to the Commander, trying to be quiet so that we wouldn’t get anymore attention drawn to us. The lump stopped and I could finally see that it must have been that mabari who was making all the noise. The laughing died down and then I saw an arm reach into the air and wave from where I guess the Commander was on the ground.
Eventually I gave up and headed back inside the cave. They have to come back inside sooner or later, and knowing the Commander it’ll probably be sooner. I should stop writing, he hates it when it seems like I’m not paying attention.
[The rest of the page is torn and any sentences that are written are incomplete.]
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