my-myimaginestore · 6 months
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lunarimagines · 1 year
anon said: Hii, can I please request an ateez reaction to his crush (who's also his best friend) being friends with benefits with another member? Thank uu
warnings: sexual themes, language
A/N: you can now support me on Ko-fi! click [here]
Seonghwa: Seonghwa likes to pretend he's above playing truth or dare, but he's four shots in and sitting in the circle almost giddy as he watches the bottle spin to land on the next person. Wooyoung had just gone, daring San to drink a tablespoon of hot sauce and San was spinning the bottle.
"Y/N!" San yelled, words slurring together ever so slightly. The glazed look in his eyes was enough to know he was truly drunk. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Your last dare had been to dunk your sock in the toilet so you stood to loose a lot. Like your other sock.
"Okay, um. Have you ever... hooked up with Seonghwa. Be honest. You two are friends so..."
Seonghwa nearly choked on air. He coughed dryly, eyes going wide as he tried to signal San to shut the fuck up before he told everyone Seonghwa was one smile away from falling in love with you.
"No, we've never hooked up. But Hongjoong and I have when we were friends with benefits." Okay, maybe you were drunk, too.
Hongjoong giggled and Seonghwa felt like he was going to throw up, and the liquor couldn't even be blamed for it.
"But! I like someone else," you whispered, leaning closer to Seonghwa. The image of the two of you have sex, you riding him, replaced the horrific image of you having sex with Hongjoong in his head.
Needless to say your second time having sex with Seonghwa was when he was your boyfriend and you were both sober.
Hongjoong: Hongjoong like to pride himself as the perfect gentleman and someone who knew how to woo the person he liked. He bought little trinkets or treats he found on his way home from schedules in convenience stores or subways stations because he kept finding things that made him think of you. He remembered special events and days, always asking how things went after a presentation at school or a tough day at work. He would have done this simply because he was your best friend, but he also did it because he loved you as something more.
So when Yunho called him, frantic, at 2am one morning to tell him the two of you had hooked up and he maybe sort of probably liked you, Hongjoong felt first happy that you were getting some and then something like terrified and frustrated - terristrated? - that he wasn't the one to give you everything.
"Yunho, call down, my God. It's okay. Did Y/N say anything?"
"No, no. Called a taxi. Work tomorrow or something." Hongjoong knew. He had your schedule memorized after accidentally calling you during a work meeting once. "But I think Y/N likes someone else."
"Oh?" Hongjoong tried, and failed, to sound neutral. Yunho didn't offer more and Hongjoong simply told him to sleep it off and think about it tomorrow after he was rested.
After the phone call from Hell, he texted you.
hongjoongie joong: yunho? woof
you: rude as hell
you: but no, not yunho anymore
hongjoongie joong: you don't have to tell me
you: damn and here i was going to confess to you in the most romantic moment after i fucked your best friend and band mate
hongjoongie joong: you have me blushing and giggling and kicking my feet fr
you: take me out on a date and i'll really have you giggling and blushing and kicking your feet
hongjoongie joong: seriously?
you: yes
you: unless you don't want to
you: but when I was thinking of you the whole time i was with Yunho it was a sign from the universe or whatever
you: i'm off at 5:30
hongjoongie joong: i know. i'll be there to pick you up for our date!
Your first date with Hongjoong was like every other time you went out with your best friend, but this time you could kiss him. He would still be your best friend first but now, he would be your boyfriend second. He also never stopped giving you shit for it taking having sex with Yunho to realize you liked him, forever destined to be "cliché loser" in his phone.
Yunho: Yunho had picked you up from your apartment for your monthly "terrible cooking show remake" where you would try and make the recipe as seen on a cooking show. No rewinding, no saving the recipe, no looking it up. The food was pretty hit or miss, but watching you frustrated, chewing on your lip with furrowed brows was worth eating even the worst recreations.
Currently he was trying to goad you into doing karaoke in the car with him. His favorite pastime was teasing you and trying to get you to roll your eyes at him. God, you were cute.
You were distracted, though, your phone buzzing incessantly in your lap. You had been ignoring it until now.
"Fuckboy is an outdated term now, isn't it?" you asked Yunho, locking your phone after turning off the ringer.
"Yeah it totally is, you old hag," he joked, reaching over to squeeze your arm to show he really was only joking. "Why?"
"I hook up with Wooyoung once, drunk, and he keeps trying to hook up again now that he knows I'm coming over today."
Yunho nearly crashed the damn car. His hand jerked involuntarily before he gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. He lifted his arm from the center console where it had been resting to grab the wheel with both hands. You may be his best friend but he also desperately loved you.
"Didn't know you were that good at sex," he mumbled, going for joking and sounding much more hurt.
You furrowed your brows at his comment. "Why? You asking for a demonstration?" Part of you was joking but the other part seriously meant it. You may have hooked up with Wooyoung but it was purely sex. With Yunho you felt nervous that any move to show that you liked him as more than a friend would harm your friendship. But you swore that he was... jealous. Jealous that you'd slept with Wooyoung.
Yunho's grip had tightened impossibly more on the steering wheel after your comment. "Don't say things you don't mean."
"I meant it. Mean it."
Your monthly cooking was put off. You also found out just how well Yunho could fuck you. Best friend-turned boyfriend Yunho knew exactly which buttons to push to make you moan.
Yeosang: Yeosang was one step away from buying noise cancelling headphones, and if he had to listen to San's bed frame smack against the wall one more time he was going to use San's credit card to buy the headphones. He wasn't expecting the others to be celibate but he was asking for a little respect.
yeo yeo: guess who is fucking again!!!
you: not you based on the fact that you're texting me!!!
yeo yeo: i'm blocking u :)
you: do it :)
yeo yeo: he can't seriously be that good
you: he's okay
Yeosang shot upright in bed as he read your message. There was no way you, his best friend and the light of his life (and his crush but whatever), had had sex with his friend and bandmate AND HADN'T TOLD HIM.
yeo yeo: you're so fake
yeo yeo: when?
you: few months ago
you: we were fwb for a while but it was nothing to write home about so I didn't tell you
Yeosang called you, paying no mind to the slamming on the wall.
"He's got a good rhythm," was all you said when you picked up.
"Yeah it was for about and month and that was all it needed to be. I dunno... It was kinda weird because he's your friend and I didn't have any feelings for him. I'm not sure he and I are even friends so it wasn't truly "friends with benefits". And I learned I don't do casual hookups."
"Oh, so not a waste, then," Yeosang teased. He felt mildly ill at the thought of you having sex with San, his stomach clenching uncomfortably. He tried to push the feeling down knowing he had no right to be upset.
"But," oh, God, why was he still talking, "I could do better."
Your heart jumped to your throat. "I'm not sure why you're not at my place right now."
Yeosang was totally better than San ever was. No offense to San...
Mingi: Mingi had watched for a whole year as you pined after Yeosang. It was hard, especially when Mingi was pretty sure he was in love with you. But he was your best friend, and you were his, so he listened to you whine and complain that Yeosang didn't like you back even when Mingi assured you he did. He had also had the duty of getting the two of you together for a first date.
You and Yeosang had gone on a grand total of three dates before the dates stopped and you and Yeosang just hung out at the dorm or with the others. The pining and crushing had seemed to end, but you never told Mingi why. You just said that it hadn't worked out but that you found you liked Yeosang as a friend. Not a best friend, of course. Nobody could replace Mingi.
Mingi never pried, but he wondered. He wondered when he saw Yeosang and you together, as the two of you laughed, and he wondered when he was overly tired and lacking a filter. Which is probably why he finally asked Yeosang.
"We didn't really have romantic feelings. And we weren't sexually compatible."
Sexually compatible... Mingi probably should have left it at that but he'd texted you instead, despite it being three in the morning. It woke you up.
light of my life: you and yeosang hooked up?
you: it's not hooking up if you were dating at the time right?
light of my life: but it didn't work?
you: obviously not
you: why?
light of my life: why didn't it work?
you: idk mingi probably because your name in my phone is light of my life and i thought about you the entire time
you: goodnight
Not even thirty minutes later the doorbell to your apartment rang incessantly. You pulled yourself out of bed and opened the door to find Mingi, eyes slightly drooping with sleep but otherwise alert.
"You're mad at me?"
"It's not how I wanted to confess, Mingi. Yeosang was helping me plan how to confess to you."
"He knew?" Mingi sounded slightly pained at the idea.
"Yes, Mingi. We went on a few dates but the romance wasn't there. We had sex but were on completely different rhythms. He called it before I did. We're lucky he's our friend, Mingi. He deserves so much."
"We'll send him a thank you card, then."
And then he was kissing you, warm lips pressed against yours and tongue swiping at your lips.
"Can I come in?"
San: San knew what made his friends tick. He knew what foods everyone liked, their favorite colors, he had birthdays written down, and he knew their fears. He knew their partners and he knew their crushes. Except yours, he didn't know who exactly you liked but he took you telling him as a good sign for his own chances with you. He may be your best friend but he also hoped to be your boyfriend eventually.
What he didn't know was that you and Jongho had hooked up once. Jongho wasn't planning on telling anyone but when the boys were teasing him about being a virgin (they knew he wasn't) and San joined in (to be a little shit) Jongho couldn't help but tease San back.
"Ask Y/N. Y/N knows for sure I'm not a virgin."
San stopped immediately as the other boys "ooh"-ed and giggled like prepubescent boys. No way. No fucking way. Did you have a crush on Jongho and that's why you didn't tell him.
The thought stuck in the back of his head, but he couldn't figure out when to bring it up. It's hard to casually say "Hey, Y/N is the reason you haven't told me who you like is because you like Jongho and you're afraid I'll tell him and it's not that you secretly like me and want me to be your boyfriend, right?" Best friend or not, it's a little off-putting to say all of that, bordering on deranged.
But it did come up when the two of you were tipsy and watching reality TV. And it wasn't classy at all.
"Why didn't you tell me you hooked up with Jongho," San practically whined as he draped himself across your lap.
You laughed and carded a hand through his hair. "It didn't mean anything."
"It's because you know I like you."
Your hand nearly stilled, your nails scratching his scalp distractedly as you took in what your best friend and the one you loved most said. You hadn't known he liked you before, instead harboring your own romantic feelings for him to yourself.
"Tell me you like me in the morning and we'll go from there," you replied, turning your attention back to the TV.
Exchanging confessions sober was much more exhilarating. So was the sex that came after.
Wooyoung: Wooyoung often cooks while you prep veggies or sit and watch him and catch him up on all the gossip from your workplace. He never has any idea who any of these people are but he's always enthusiastically listening as you describe the ridiculous email someone sent you or the time your boss let everyone go home early because he was hungover and wanted to go home.
It's a weekly tradition. You've only missed it once when you had a date, which he tried not to feel jealous about. He liked you, as more than a friend, and he always felt the cooking nights were dates in their own right. Your date the one time must not have gone well because you never went on a second or, now that he thinks about it, any other date ever.
The thought occurs to him as you recount the horrifying first date details your coworker had shared with you - including a terrible drunk-induced serenade on the sidewalk - when he blurts it out.
"What happened to that guy you went on a date with that one time? What was his name?"
You clicked your tongue and sighed. "Seonghwa."
"Seonghwa. As in the Seonghwa I know and live with?"
"Do you know another Seonghwa?"
Wooyoung shook his head and put aside the spoon he was stirring the broth with. He lowered the temperature on the stovetop and stared at you, wiggling his eyebrows. "Details please."
"You want me to give you details about... sex with Seonghwa?"
"No way he put out on the first date!" Wooyoung shouted as you shushed him laughing.
"He did! I'm just that hot! It was good sex, but it wasn't what either of us wanted."
Wooyoung tried to catch on to your words but he was trying not to imagine you having sex period because then he would think about he and you having sex and then he would probably pop a boner and damn that would border on embarrassing probably.
"Oh my, God," you totally clocked him, "you're thinking about me having sex right now aren't you!"
Wooyoung didn't blush, but maybe he turned a little pink. "What, my best friend's hot..."
"You've already wined and dined me... just ask me out," you said lowly, not at all teasing.
Wooyoung saw it in your eyes, the way they turned soft and slightly hooded.
"Y/N, will you go out with me? As in a romantic date?"
You and Wooyounng were much more compatible.
Jongho: Twenty questions was for losers according to Jongho. Thank god you and Jongho were losers.
It had started out with you jokingly asking him to play, rattling off three questions before Jongho finally jumped in to make you stop asking him what his credit card number was, what the expiration date on his card was, and if he could tell you the CVV on the back. He made sure to tell you you were a loser for playing, but he asked questions back, too. He would do anything for you as your best friend. Oh, and also because he was in love with you.
"What's your date of birth?" he asked, sighing over the phone loudly.
"You going to ask for my social security number next?" you joked. "Come on! Ask good questions. Ask juicy ones."
You could practically hear Jongho rolling his eyes over the phone. "Who was the last person you kissed?"
"You're avoiding the question."
"What! When?" Jongho yelled.
"It's my turn. Who is the last person you kissed?"
"My mother on the cheek. When?"
"When we may or may not have hooked up last month."
"Oh my, God. You told me you were helping film Mingi's dance practice before you came to see me!" Jongho pushed down the jealousy in his chest. "Are you telling me not to touch the couch in the dance practice room now?"
"Yes and also it's my turn. Are you mad?"
"No." The answer was immediate.
"You sound upset."
"I'm not upset."
"You sound it," you replied softly.
"I'm just a little hurt you didn't tell me. You don't have to tell me everything but you're my best friend and he's also my friend."
"That's the only reason?"
Jongho stayed silent for a whole minute. "No. I like you Y/N. You know that."
"I didn't know. I just hoped you did."
"You can't say that over the phone. I'm taking you on a date tomorrow."
Mingi, when he found out you and Jongho were dating, begged Jongho to get him a gift for getting the two of you together. Jongho offered only a foot up his ass.
Respectfully, of course.
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parasprite · 2 years
Team Green finds out you're struggling in school
Alicent Hightower
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Alicent always has your back. When she sees you crying she doesn't hesitate to pull you into her arms, stroking your hair and holding you close.
When you explain to her what's wrong, she offers to help you with your homework and reassures you that she will always love and support you regardless of whether you pass or fail. She sees how hard you're working and she's proud of you. She'll talk to your teachers for you and get you an extension or a day off.
She assures you that if there's ever anything you need, you can come to her.
Aegon II Targaryen
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Aegon isn't really the comforting type - in fact, he teases you mercilessly when he finds out you're having a hard time in school. But he keeps you company while you study in the garden because he likes hanging out with you, and he reminds you to take breaks when you get frustrated. He makes sure you're eating heartily between study sessions to keep your strength up.
He lets you vent when you need to, because he hates school too and he's always down to complain.
Deep down - he may not show it, but he admires your resilience. He wants to see you pass and graduate so you can go out and celebrate together.
Helaena Targaryen
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Helaena tries to cheer you up with jokes. Though her sense of humour is a little odd and doesn't always land, she knows sometimes laughter is the best medicine and she does her best to make you smile.
On your bad days, though, she doesn't mind if you just want to curl up and not talk. She'll sit next to you and gently rub your back while she silently reads or tends to her pet critters.
She tells you she knows you're going to pass because it came to her in a dream.
Aemond Targaryen
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Aemond is going to help you get your life in order. He will make you a rota, show you the most efficient note-taking method you've ever seen in your life, and get you on a proper study schedule. Though it can get to be a bit much sometimes, you know it's just how he shows he really cares about you. He wants you to feel motivated and in control.
He will tutor you with patience and compassion. When you feel really overwhelmed, like you're about to scream, he takes you out on a ride on Vhaegar's back, where you can scream as loud as you need to and no one will judge you. Never too high or too fast, though - Aemond makes sure you feel safe.
Ser Criston Cole
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Criston would do anything for you. He brings you water and sliced fruit while you study and he offers to do some of your chores for you when you have too much on your plate. He stands guard outside your room to make sure no one bothers you when you have a difficult assignment to work on. He helps you keep your space clean and your notes organised neatly.
He believes you're going to do great this semester and he's always there with an encouraging word if you're not feeling your best. If a teacher ever makes you feel down about yourself, Criston will offer to kill them for you.
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authenticallyjames · 2 years
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Deep down, I still dream 💭 of a joint album with @krayzie_bone & @sosobrat … #inmyhead #myimagination #imjustsayin (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7MW0vrHmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myimaginityus · 4 days
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rewiredthethirdblog · 3 months
I could be reading a fkn book in bed like sll yhe smart ppl do and broadening myimagination tenfold!
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etahnnnn · 4 months
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!! welcome !!
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welcome to my self-ship side blog, please read my carrd before you follow !!
!! reblogs welcomed and encouraged !! this is a safe corner pls be nice and respectful :)
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my main f/o’s are L.J. Gibbs, and Ethan Hunt <3
please keep in mind that I self ship as a comfort, and this is very much a real thing for me, so please bare that in mind !!
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-here are my tags-
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can-u-imagine-that · 4 years
Title: Inside Your Mind, part 2;
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia;
Character: Fatgum;
Note: Y/N: Your Name;
Warning: None;
Summary/Request: Reader has a quirk that allows them to get inside someone’s head when they touch the target with their bare hands and the heroes ask them to peek inside All For One’s mind to disclose his plans while he is held in Tartarus. They go crazy bcuz of AFO sick and evil mind and touch a lot of people accidentally but snaps out of it when they touch their crush, Fatgum and find out about his feelings, the happiness and tenderness breaking the berserk state of the readers mind.
Part 1
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I’m sad cuz I couldn’t find a gif of Fatgum’s bigger form that looked nice here :( I’m horrible at this honestly, sometimes I feel like an old lady trying to understand technology
You were really scared.
You had no idea that the Villain in question was none other than the one from the Kamino Incident. The one that made All Might reveal his true form.
The one that almost killed All Might.
They called him All For One.
While you walked in the hallways of Tartarus you had the sensation of walking towards death itself. You remember the man’s appearence and that only added to your nervousiness. Besides, his quirk was never really revealed to the public, so you had no idea of what he could or could not do. Of course, you had studied about Tartarus at school and knew that the place was a really high tech facility but the images of the Kamino Incident and the power that man had didn’t help easing your nerves.
You also overheard a conversation between two guards, stating that this would be the first time a visitor would be so close to one of the villains imprisioned there. Mostly, when someone was being interrogated, the visitors would stay behind a glasswall and not in the same room.
“F-Fatgum...” you called the hero who was walking silently by yourside, a little behind the other guards and the hero Eraserhead. You didn’t wait for him to answer, because you knew he was paying full atention to you ever since you arrived with the police “I’m really... really... scared...”
You felt his large hand rub your back soothinly, pulling you towards him matching your steps in a sidelike hug. One of your hands went to his yellow hoodie, grasping the fabric tightly, trying to ignore the tingling sensation in the tips of your gloved fingers. It was almost like your quirk was stirring inside of you, excited to be used after so much time dormant.
“If you want to stop... even if you don’t touch him, just call my name, okay?” he said, squeezing your shoulder lightly. In a normal situation your heart would be jumping inside your chest out of happiness to be so close to Fatgum, receveing such sweet gestures from him “Me and Eraserhead will be inside the room with you the whole time. A few other guards too.”
You looked up to his face, meeting with his usual smile and for the first time in that day you managed to smile a little. His warmth was so comforting that you felt the urge to confess your feelings for him.
Pursing your lips, you looked the other way.
Maybe... maybe if everything went well you’d feel brave enough.
You failed to notice his smile changing to a scowl, worry plastered all over his features.
The rest of the path was like a blur. When you paid atention again, you were already in a white room, facing All For One.
His omnous presence knocked the air out of your lungs. You knew that he couldn’t use his quirk because of all the weapons present in the room that would shot at the first sign of intention of using it and because of Eraserhead by your left side, whose hair was floating around and eyes glowing red.
Trembling you took off your gloves, feeling the cold air hit your skin and the tingling increasing at the tip of your fingers. Fatgum’s reassuring hand was still around your body while the other streched before you, offering silently to hold your gloves. You gave them to him, looking into his eyes one last time before nodding and walking towards All For One.
The spot he touched you was still warm and was what made you feel protected. If anything went wrong you knew he would save you.
And then your fingers made contact with the villain’s face.
And your world went black, your eyes turning completely white and unblinking.
There was no way to describe the mess inside that man’s head. 
It was filled with pure evil.
His mind wasn’t like any other you remembered. It was huge, with so many memories and you found out it was because of his age. He was really old. You tried diving deeper, failing to notice that you were losing yourself, but the frustration of not being able to actually find anything useful pushing you further. And suddenly you were swallowed by a dreadlike feeling. Feeling of death. Of how All For One felt taking out lives. You saw every single one of his cruel antics and how he didn’t care.
You started to feel desperate because you could understand enough about your quirk to know that somehow you were not in control. He was pushing those memories to you. He was pushing his beliefs inside YOUR head, pushing his desire to kill the holder of the One For All, pushing you so that your mind became a mess of fear and despair.
On the outside you seemed normal but soon Fatgum and Eraserhead noticed you ragged breath and how your body trembled from head to toe. The guards positioned around you and All For One noticed too, but waited for what the heroes would decide to do.
It happened so fast that no one even registered.
And then you screamed.
But it was like you were stuck, glued to the villain, unable to find your way out of his mind and back to your own. The dread feeling grew even stronger, your knees buckled under you, making you lose balance, but your fingers were still frozen into his face.
One of the guards reached to hold you and prevent you from falling.
His own mistake.
Scared out of your mind you tried to push him away with one of your hands, touching the small portion of skin between his neck and shirt collar. He groaned because of the headache your quirk caused, falling to his knees by yourside, uncapable of moving away. Your body drooped a little to the side, the feeling of the two minds overwhelming your senses and causing even more distress.
The only thing your own mind could muster was a soft voice far away in the back of your head.
If you want to stop... even if you don’t touch him, just call my name, ok?
You whispered his name in a tone so low that he almost didn’t heard over the grunts of the guard in pain. But even if you didn’t call for him he was already intending to stop you anyway.
Fatgum yanked you away from All For One and the guard, but your eyes were still white with your mind collapsing. You whimpered and sobbed, lost, without knowing if what you were feeling was you or the other two minds you accesed.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, carrying you out of the room when you started to struggle against his hold, terrified.
You tried to push him away, but his arms were firmly enclosed around you so you grabbed his wrist with your hands, trying to pry him away from you. That movement made the sleeve of his hoodie slide up, exposing his skin to your bare hands. When you first touched him you could feel his body tensing and the grunt of pain escaping his lips.
And then a different feeling washed over your erratic mind, making you take a sharp breath. 
Memories flooded your head, all focused on you. 
You saw your face while working at the restaurant, heard your laugh and watched yourself with what you could only describe as pure adoration and tenderness. That was the way he felt looking at you. He felt so happy whenever you were near and loved hearing you talk about things you enjoyed. He liked you the same way you liked him and the reason he actually started to go so often to the restaurant was you.
You saw a memory of your face in a file and the worry that flooded him when he heard the plans of making you use your quirk on All For One. He not only tried to talk them out, he actually fought with everyone else until they only convinced him by allowing his presence there.
Before you noticed, your breath started to ease and your fingers slipped away from him, stopping the invasion in his thoughts. Tears streamed down your cheeks when you slumped against him, turning to burry your face in his hoodie, holding your hands tight in your chest. 
Fatgum sighed in relief after the pain stopped, pulling you up and cradling your weak body in his chest. He sat with his back against the wall, nodding to the worried glances of Eraserhead and the guards.
They understood that he needed a moment with you, so they turned, focusing on the groaning guard, walking away.
“I’m... sorry...” you muttered.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about... it’s okay... it’s over. He can’t hurt you.” he took your gloves out of his pocket, handing them to you.
Still trembling, you took them, sighing when your fingers met the warmth of the fabric again. His hand enclasped both of yours while the other still hold you close to him.
“I am the one who’s sorry. I knew I should have stopped this idea.”
“You didn’t know this would happen, Fatgum...” you said, your chest clenching with the guilt tone in his voice.
“Just... call me Taishiro...” he said, resting your joined hands on your lap and looking at them and not at your face.
You blushed.
“Taishiro...” you tried, loving the way his name sounded leaving your lips “You saved me... just like I knew you would.”
He furrowed his brow, confused.
“No, I didn’t...”
“Yes, you did.”
“... how?”
Knowing he felt the same way towards you was cheating, of course it was, but now that your mind was a little bit clear you couldn’t stop yourself from opening up to him.
“Your feelings for me...” you noticed the red that tinged his cheeks when he understood that you had seen his thoughts and memories about you, but kept talking “They made my mind clear again. I was full of... fear, despair. I’ve never seen something so wicked before. The guard was afraid too, so when I touched him it just got worse. But when it happened with you the only thing in your mind was me. My safety.”
He stayed silent for a while, slowly looking up at you again.
“Since you already know there’s no point pretending... so of course you were the only thing in my mind. I was afraid of losing you without having the chance to tell you what I felt.”
You threw your arms around his neck.
“You don’t have to be afraid anymore. I’m here.” you whispered and even without seeing his face you knew he was smiling again “And I like you too... so much...”
He chuckled, hugging you back and kissing your hair lightly.
“I’m still sorry about something, though...”
“What?” you asked curiously, pulling away just enough to be able to see his eyes.
“That you had to look into my mind instead of having me actually telling you that.” he pouted jokingly, ripping a little laugh out of you. 
You pursed your lips, faking a hard time thinking, snapping your fingers when you had an “idea”.
“Then to make up for it you can take me to a date and show me more about your mind...”
“Without using your quirk, please?”
“Without using my quirk, indeed!”
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shay67ss · 4 years
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GO CHECK OUT MY INSTA!!! WHERE I MAKE IMAGINES!!! I'd love the appreciation and would love some requests!!
#sammywinchester #samwinchesterimagine #samimagines #sammyimagine #samsupernatural #samedit #sammywinchester #samwinchesterimagine #Supernatural #JaredPadalecki #myimagine #mywritings #Supernatural #supernaturalfamily #supernaturalsquad #supernaturalimagine #supernaturalimagines #supernaturaledits #sammoose #moose #supernaturalsamwinchester #imaginesam #imagineedits #imaginingsamwinchesteredits #spnimagines #SPNFamily #spn #spnfandom #spnedits #spnsam #spnfanfiction #spnsamwinchester #spnimaginesam . . . . . . . . . . ○❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤○ Taglist: @starryangelimagines https://www.instagram.com/p/B-WpMVQnfle/?igshid=xl9dhujdig53
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cap-steve-rogers · 7 years
“You’re cold.”| t.h.
I am very, very proud to send my first english piece into the depths of the internet. If you enjoy it, please take a moment to comment. It would mean very much to me :)
Summary: A small imagine in which Tom and you go onto your first date and it lasts a bit longer than expected, causing the reader to get cold eventually.
Warnings: Light swearing ; Cold??? ; Tom being a fucking cutie
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It was nighttime in New York. Busy, as always, but somehow it didn’t seem as stressful as it usually did to you when you were on your way to work, squeezing into the small spaces between strangers while travelling on the subway.
Right now, it seemed peaceful. It calmed your mind and you carefully reviewed the winter day you had spent laughing and grinning, letting the memories flash before your eyes.
You had gone on a date. Lunch. With a guy you had just met a few days ago - he had bumped into you in a coffee shop, causing you to drop your mug, which had splintered into what felt like a thousand pieces, and immediately apologized and insisted on making it up to you by taking you out.
Not used to men behaving as nice as he did, you had accepted, unsure what would come out of it.
His name was Tom.
Tom had taken you to a fancy but comfy place downtown and, despite your habit of being nervous around strangers, he had made you laugh like no one else had in ages.
The date had been supposed to end after lunch but he didn’t want to separate. And neither did you.
So you had decided to go for a small walk in the park. A small walk that turned into hours and hours of talking, laughing at his stupid jokes and slowly realizing you may just fall for him.
Tom had all you looked for in guys. He was intelligent but still made these jokes that caused you to call him an idiot before bursting out into laughter.
Eventually it had gotten late and the sun had already set, but the two of you were still making your way through the dimly lit green.
“(Y/N)?” You jumped slightly as you realized you had gotten lost in your own thoughts. Tom was standing in front of you, waving his hands before your eyes:” Are you still with me?”
“Sorry, I just got lost at some thought..What did you say?” He chuckled slightly at your confusion as you started to walk beside each other again:” You should lose yourself in your thoughts more often.” You frowned slightly, giving him a questioning look.”It looks cute on you.”
Suddenly, you were kind of thankful that it was getting dark since the blush on your cheeks was probably hard to see at this moment. Still, you couldn’t help but beam at his compliment.
Tom gave you a small smile before picking up the conversation again:” I was asking what you do for a living. If you don´t mind telling me, that is.”-”Oh no, I don´t mind at all. I actually moved here for a work placement a few months ago but it wasn’t what I imagined.”-”Oh honey, I´m sorry about that.” 
You couldn’t help but shiver slightly at his words. The nickname, combined with his english accent was just too perfect.
You shrugged slightly, a brave smile adorning your face:” I fell in love with the city. I couldn’t handle the bare thought of leaving again.”
Tom gave you a sympathetic look:” I get that. New York is amazing. Almost as amazing as London.”-”I´ve never actually been to London”, you admitted silently.
“I think we should change that sometime. A beautiful girl needs a beautiful city.” He wriggled his eyebrows at you and you gently pushed against his shoulder:”Oh shut up, Tom.”
Both of you were laughing as he looked over at you and his expression changed slightly. He almost looked worried:” You’re shaking. Are you cold?”-”What? No, I..I’m good.” 
You knew he was right, you felt like your arms were going to freeze at some point and never get warm again. After all, you had dressed up for a short lunch date, not half a sunday in the park. At some point, you had slung your arms around yourself to keep at least a bit warm.
“You are cold,” Tom said softly. It wasn’t a question this time. “I didn’t expect to be out for so long. But it’s fine.” The last thing you wanted was to end this lovely date because of the temperature.
“Why don’t you take my jacket? I don’t get cold as easily.” He made an attempt to take it off, but you immediately grabbed his arm and stopped him:” I’m good, promise.”
Tom nodded before his eyes suddenly widened and he pointed at something behind you:” (Y/N), look.”
You turned around in curiosity and stared into the direction he had pointed in, unsure what he had actually meant:” Tom, are you kiddi-” You stopped mid sentence as you suddenly felt something comforting closing in on you. Turning around, you sighed silently. Tom had actually tricked you just to put that stupid (and unusually comfortable) clothing piece around your shoulders.
“Just take the damn jacket, (Y/N),” he said softly.
“You’re an idiot,” you mumbled, but you couldn’t help smiling at his action. Tom just grinned at you:” Better?”-”Better.”
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! :)
Please forgive all grammer time whatever mistakes writing in a second language is freaking hard.
Tagging some mutuals bc I am really fucking proud okay: [ @tbholland @peterincorporated @invinitywar @curly-haired-holland @parkerscupcake @dusktillholland @bwayxholland @underoos-tom ]
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my-myimaginestore · 2 years
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You can buy this Apple IPad Air Wi Fi 5th Generation online at authorised Apple store Myimagine. Because it is loaded with amazing features like light in weight, 12 MP ultra wide camera, Apple M1 chip, Wide screen, improved performance, best network connectivity etc.
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lunarimagines · 10 months
if you want you could imagine brushing hongjoong's hair out of his eyes gently as he huffs out a breathy laugh before leaning in to kiss you, his teeth scraping your bottom lip gently and one of his hands coming up to wrap around the back of your neck. his rings definitely feel cool against your warm skin...
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parasprite · 2 years
Team Green takes care of you when you're burned out
this is a present for my baby @birdbrainless 💚
Alicent Hightower
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Alicent knows how hard you've been working recently, and she encourages you to get some rest. She'll make sure you're comfortable in bed and she'll get you a hot drink and something to eat before you drift off. Once you're settled in, she gently strokes your hair as you fall asleep, and you feel the tension leaving your body.
She checks in with you every now and then while you take a few days to rest, and she gives you plenty of hugs and affection. She squeezes your hand and tells you to rest for as long as you need, and that she'll always be here for you.
Aegon II Targaryen
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At first, Aegon assumes you're hungover. He brings you his favourite herbal remedy. He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. He sits next to you while you sip your tea in bed and tries to cheer you up with a dirty joke, which makes you chuckle. The tea actually does help a little bit.
Later that day when he realises you weren't actually hungover, he's a little embarrassed... but he still wants to look after you and keep you company while you recover. He entertains you with the latest news and gossip from the city. When he finds out you like the tea, he brings you more of it.
He knows how it feels to be burnt out, and he only makes fun of you for it a little bit. Because he loves you.
Helaena Targaryen
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Helaena doesn't want you to feel lonely while you're on bed rest, so she offers to read to you. This way the two of you can hang out even if you feel too tired to have a conversation.
She lays next to you in bed and reads you her favourite tomes (most of which are about insects) and you can hear the joy in her soft voice when she tells you all about a bug she's particularly fond of. She doesn't mind if you fall asleep in the middle of it, she's just happy she could help you relax.
Sometimes you wake up to her fast asleep next to you, with the book still open on her chest.
Aemond Targaryen
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Aemond spends his days training, so you don't get to see him much while you're confined to your bed. He misses you a lot, though. He comes up to your room in the evenings and eats dinner with you. After a long and difficult day, spending time with you helps him unwind.
He's a little quieter than his siblings but you don't mind. You appreciate his dry sense of humour. He likes making you laugh, and he feels like he can really be himself around you.
He stays with you until you fall asleep, and then he quietly tucks you in, kisses your forehead and sneaks back to his room.
Ser Criston Cole
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Criston is quite concerned when he finds out you're feeling poorly. He takes really good care of you - bringing you hearty meals in bed, preparing hot baths, checking in with you and making sure you're warm and comfortable - but he knows that sometimes all you need is some peace and quiet, so he guards your door sometimes and makes sure you're not disturbed while you're napping.
He assures you that there's no shame in needing to rest. Even the mightiest of warriors get burned out and need time to recover sometimes, so don't feel bad about needing it too. You don't need to be productive to be valued and loved.
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myimaginityus · 21 days
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Google Ads Pennsylvania
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remcsluplns · 7 years
masterlist /
updated: sep. 19, 2017
fake sick 
moony & the maid he’s mad for 
sad, boring american summer [part i]
the girl who wins all hearts (and her friend who doesn’t)
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can-u-imagine-that · 4 years
Title: Don’t Let Me Go;
Fandom: My Hero Academia;
Character: Dabi;
Note: Y/N: Your Name, L/N: Last Name;
Warning: Cursing;
Request: None;
Author’s Note: I’m considering Dabi as Todoroki Touya in this. Also I was listening to “Let Her Go” by Passenger, it might help a little with the mood during the middle of this imagine.
Summary: You have been with him throughout everything. Ever since before he became Dabi. After you thought Touya had died, he came looking for you. You’ve been with him since then, but after he joined the League the uneasiness took over your mind. And then, the heroes found the hideout where he kept you and took you to an interrogation. Will Dabi come to “rescue” you?
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While staring blankly at the detective in front of you, Dabi’s words echoed in your head, almost as a mantra.
“Y/N.” he called one day, his chin resting comfortably on the top of your head while you laid on his chest. You only hummed in response, to let him know that you were not sleeping yet “I want to ask you to do something for me...”
At his serious tone, your head lifted. Usually when Dabi said that kind of thing his voice was full of amusement or second thoughts.
“What is it?” when he heard your voice full of concern a chuckle left his lips “Are you fooling with me?”
“No, as shocking as it might seem, I’m not. I need you to promise that you’ll do as I say, though.”
You tilted your head, getting up from the laid position to straddle his hips. His hands restead comfortably on your tighs, and that alone reassured you that Dabi was serious. Normaly he would engage in other activities whenever his hands touched your warm skin. This time his fingers didn’t dug in your flesh, nor his palm slid menacingly around your body.
“Alright. I’m listening.”
He hesitated for a moment, so fast that you almost missed it. But he did.
“If they ever get you... the heroes... I want you to tell them that I forced you to be with me, beautiful. That you were my hostage all this time and I kept you locked against your will.” you arched one eyebrow inquisitively. That was new “If something like this happens, and you don’t do as I said, you may easily be treated as an accomplice. And I don’t want that. I know you hate what I do...”
You hated.
You also hated the fact that even though you felt that way, you still loved him with all your strength. Maybe because one part of you agreed with his motivation. Not with the way he was accomplishing it, but what Stain wanted somehow made sence. And given everything you knew Dabi had gone through, you understood how the villain’s will made it’s way to his head. And that was the reason why you just couldn’t not love him. 
You’ve been there. 
Throughout everything.
But after he joined the League you started to feel more and more concerned about the situation. Dabi would leave for missions that took him longer than what you were used to be apart.
And then suddenly he came up with that.
“So? L/N, what’s your connection with the Villain known as Dabi?” the detective stared at you from across the table “You were missing for years. Your family even held a funneral for you...”
You bit your lip feeling your heart race in your chest. 
You didn’t want to lie, but you also couldn’t give them that information, because you knew that they would press you about any other kind of thing you knew of the League. And as much as you hated what they did you couldn’t betray Dabi like that. Sickness took your stomach while the room started to spin around. Your breath hitched and you could see that the detective rose from the seat, coming closer to you cautiosly.
“It’s alright. I know you are scared. He must have done horrible things to you.” he tried to assure you, slowly touching your shoulder “But I need whatever information you can give me, so that we can finally arrest him and the others...”
“I do hate you methods, Dabi... but asking something like that... why?” you said while he lifted his torso, scooting back so that now his back was against the bed’s headboard. His arms circled your waist, bringing you closer.
“I’m not worried about you giving information about the League, because even if you wanted to, you don’t know anything. So there’s no reason for you to be caught up with this unnecessary stress or even being arrested. You’ll only be another victim.” you nodded but something was wrong. You wanted to say it but you had no idea of how to voice your thoughts “What’s the matter?”
He always knew when you had something else in your mind.
“Does this mean that... if they ever get to me... you are not coming to get me back?”
Tears started to stream down your face when you remembered his answer for that question. 
Dabi wasn’t supposed to care. He was supposed to be a monster. 
Well, he was a monster. 
To everyone but you.
“I’m not. If there’s a chance of you living a safer and even happier life, I’ll let you have it... of couse, I’m not handing you to them without a fight... but if ever goes down to that, I’ll let you go...”
“Maybe we should let they rest a bit more before talking to them again...” you heard the detective say to someone before gentle hands helped you to get up, guiding you through a door.
Everything seemed like a blur. Even meeting your family again had a bittersweet taste to it. You missed them, of course you did, but the longing you felt for Dabi was bigger and sore.
“What the hell, Dabi?” you exclaimed, detangling his arms from you and gazing angrily at his eyes “I don’t want that!”
“Y/N... each step I take is more dangerous and is dragging me further away from you. I know I can’t simply back off. Next mission might take me more than a month to come back and they probably will get worse...” he explained, his words like daggers in your heart because you felt like he was choosing them - the League - over you.
When you voiced that, he seemed lost in thought for a moment, before shaking his head.
“It’s not a matter of choice... I would choose to be with you if I could. Join you with them, also. But I can’t. And now your safety for me is enough. Here you are safe, because not even Shigaraki knows this place. But it doesn’t mean that they can’t find out. Starting today I’m really locking you, so if the police finds you, it’ll seem like you are my hostage. You know where the spare key is hidden if you need to get out.”
“Dabi, stop! I don’t want that!” you exclaimed, still exaspereted “I don’t care if they get me. I just want to be with you and you know it! After everything... all these years... you’re really saying that you will not go after me?”
He gave you a strained smile “I’ll try not to... I’m not sure I can do it, though...”
When you woke up the next day, he was gone. His side of the bed was cold, indicating that he actually left after you fell asleep. 
When you saw him again, you didn’t have time to talk about the subject once more since the police and a hero barged right after. They somehow managed to follow him and locate the hideout. 
It was your own fault that they got you. You begged Dabi not to kill them when he managed to corner them in a room. The blue flames in his hands faltered for a moment before he gave a small “tch” and pulled you towards the door, holding your arm in a bruising manner, out of nervousness.
You saw him message someone while walking but your eyes widened when another hero showed up, striking Dabi and making his body stumble backwards.
For that split moment you were lifted in the hero’s arms and the others broke free of the room.
The next moment, Kurogiri rescued Dabi.
And the last expression you saw on his face was pure rage.
Rage because he couldn’t keep you with him.
Unable to say anything you only pleaded with your gaze.
Don’t let me go, please...
For five days, the detective didn’t try to talk again with you about Dabi or the League. Your family took you home and you were surprised to find that your room looked exactly the same. You tried to fit in with them, to interact and to feel happy. But you couldn’t.
You missed him so much, crying silently by the window.
And then the day to talk to the detective again came.
But something happened when you entered the police station.
“Y/N?” a voice that made you want to throw up got you frozen for a moment.
He was there.
The motherfucker.
You saw red.
Everything that happened to Dabi. His scars. His hate. The suffering. The pain. Everything that actually turned him into Dabi.
Before you could understand, your body had moved against your will and your fist connected with the hero’s face. Of course it was like you were punching a fucking wall and you merely winced in pain, but felt proud of the astonished expression he had. The room went silent while everyone gapped.
Grabbing his collar you started to ramble, throwing the promise you had with Dabi through the window. In your raged state you couldn’t care less about what would happen to you.
“It’s all your fault.” hate dripping with each word and without screaming you vented “Your fault that this happened to him. You know me. You remember me, right? I was with him through everything. Ever since that time. It’s your fault that Touya is not here. It’s your fault that Touya is dead! Your fault! You knew his body couldn’t handle all that power, but forced him anyway. I hate you so fucking much. It’s your fucking fault that Dabi killed Touya!”
For everyone in the room the statement sounded like an information of a murder. But you could see in Endeavor’s eyes the understanding. He connected the dots. Your disappearance right after Touya’s presumed death, Dabi’s power, his scars. He knew now and you also knew he wouldn’t tell anyone about it. He would feel in silence the fact that one of his offsprings had became a Villain. And it was his fault.
“Live with this.”
You stormed out of the place, hearing one of the detectives following you and calling your name but you didn’t care.
You just wanted to be back in Dabi’s arms, far away from the police, heroes, everything, but you had no idea how.
The only choice you had was to wait and hope that Dabi would come and take you away again. Angry tears were spilling from your eyes as you walked, not really paying attention to your surroundings.
And then suddenly, when you walked past an alley, a hand grabbed your arm, pulling you and slamming your body against the wall. You were about to scream at the hooded figure, but your lips were taken in a bruising and hungry kiss, the taller and lean body pressing against yours urgently.
You would recognize those chapped lips and warm hands roaming your body anywhere, so you sighed, pressing yourself against him with the same amount of need. Without ceremony his tongue invaded your mouth, making you shiver from head to toe.
A low and husky chuckle sounded between you two and with his lips still glued to yours, he said:
“So you’ll kiss anyone that grabs you onto the street like this?” he bit down your lower lip, making you gasp “So naughty, aren’t we?”
“I knew it was you” you answered, trying to hide the shakiness of your voice “Who else would have this fucked up lips?”
He smirked, pulling you even tighter towards him and you knew that this was his way of showing how much he also missed you. The hoodie covered his black hair but now looking up you could see the blue glean of his eyes, the same color of the flames. You reached to his cheeks, cupping them in your hands, smiling at the familiar sensation of his cold piercings in your warm flesh.
“I thought you weren’t coming...” you whispered, gulping when he averted his eyes. He wasn’t going to leave you, right? Never mind how horny you felt with only that kiss, the idea of him just walking away brought your whole body to a panick “You’re not leaving me again, are you?”
“I’ve been observing you... waiting for the right time to come and talk...” Dabi said after a small pause “And say goodbye.”
“Dabi.” you spat angrily “No.”
Soon the smirk was back in his lips.
“That was the plan. But tasting you again was a mistake. How can I walk away like this?” you knew he didn’t mean that only in a sexual way as much of a perv he was. The way his hands were possessively gripping your waist showed you that he also didn’t want to be apart anymore “I need my toy around to satisfy me...”
“What happened to the gentleman that said he wanted nothing but my safety?” smirking you kissed him again, sliding your hands through his body, feeling victorious when he shivered.
“Still here, love.” his words were laced with sarcasm but there was also a hint of desperation hidden behind it “But there’s no better place for you to be than by my side. It took me a while to understand, but now I know. I need you with me.”
“Don’t let me go again... okay?”
“I won’t. Never again.”
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