#idk yall personally i am a friends to lovers kinda guy all the way
enluv · 2 years
enemies to lovers ranking (svt)
seungcheol - 1/10. i can't see it because if you imagine his lil giggly face with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and laughing nobody will ever be enemies with my baby! he would be the type to giggle his way into being your perfect bf !!
jeonghan - 347390219485/10. OH MY GOD i can imagine this... he thinks youre not all that but then over time he realizes its because hes jealous af and turns his scoffs into smirks
joshua - 5/10. i think he would hide and spy on you a lot or nonchalantly ask others how you're doing and be that subtle love you were looking for but my angel could never make an enemy
junhui - 2/10. i think it could have potential if junnie tried to act like a tough cool guy but we all know he can't and he's a softie. would be the bf that takes good photos of you
hoshi - negative/ten. he would be stunned the first time he looks at you and immediately creates a safe space ! bff to lovers vibe cuz he's touchy all the time omg
wonwoo - 8/10. okay this. this is a masterpiece. i can see it omg him cussing you out one day but the next sending you love letters ! what happened to all those side eye glares turned into winks and blushes ahh
woozi - solid 100/10. starts to ignore you but gets flustered whenever you initiate anything. looks away and blushes when handing you his umbrella and tells you he has a spare just so you don't catch a cold
minghao - 8324768908/10. i can hear the cold sarcastic remarks turn into sarcastic remarks with giggles BYE it would be yn art student and he's like dang ur art kinda sucks ... and then turn into draw me..?
mingyu - 6/10. omg i can see it happening but it would be a jealousy thing like grades/followers/etc. and he'd do his best to surpass you but then he's like why am i doing this all for her am i in love ?? and be a lil confused gyu
seokmin - negative/10. this man cannot ignore u or hide his smile around u. maybe friends to lovers cuz he is touch starved
seungkwan - 11/10. o em gee spice ?? did we add a lil spice ?? mr boo is all about competition. he can't deal with the fact that you're better at him in a couple things, so he promises himself to win the biggest prize of all (you ofc!) then he'd be literally the sweetest aww
vernon - 2/10. so chill that idk how you could be enemies. the type to run away when he sees someone a lil fine and will never make the first move so everyone thinks he's a lil cocky. baby just wants some love...
dino - 2/10. the type where he'll talk about you too much and his friends will push him towards you until you're BOUND to have a cute lil conversation and he'll scratch his head and you'll fall in love with his smile. boom. the end.
all my love,
literally me about to give my thoughts on this ^
seungcheol - i think cheol fits the f2l story more cause he's just too darn goofy and sweet :( but i do love the occasional bad boy cheol in an e2l! i just feel like he wouldn't hate anyone </3 love him sm sighs
jeonghan - he is a MENACE. ofc his ass would fit the e2l story, he invented it! literally so annoying i wanna fight him so bad /j like ugh he is ideal for a e2l and I refuse to take anyone else!!
joshua - personally I think he fits e2l if you are up for the challenge, he's a gentleman (his words exactly) but I think if you dug into that exterior you might find a good enough plot to nlmake him the main lead in an e2l fic cause who would ever expect him? it's a nice change.
junhui - he is literally a menace sss, him and hannie are in the same boat they are so annoying istg (/j pls i love jun <3) he'd be PERFECT for e2l and he'd be so damn sly and smug when it comes to mc UGH imagine the drama and terrible pick up lines that only work when he says them ughhh love him so bad 10/10
hoshi - don't yall even THINK about making him the main lead in a e2l fic he is too nice and would probably cry.
wonwoo - I'm kinda torn cause bae is like yes mmm perfect for e2l but also he's too sweet sobbing so idk it just depends on if you're good at drawing a line
woozi - he's the type that would be like yeah e stays to e cause man's is scary hell no
minghao - I also agree on hao, he's so cool man I love that mf so much, he could e2l with me 😁
seokmin - pls do not ever go near him with that e2l bs he is a LOVER! NEVER a fighter!
seungkwan - so sassy that it would be SO interesting and intense I love it!
vernon - yeah no man's is too nonchalant like he deadass would not gaf, would probably give up trying to be your enemy tbh cause he got bored and found other stuff to do and you're like ?
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retroellie · 3 years
The Last of Us Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons about TLOU2 characters 
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve ben stressed so I thought I’d write for my comfort characters lmao 
Warnings: Slight NSFW mentions, TLOU2 spoilers 
Word count: 2.4K
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-This girl is the best girlfriend i swear
-She will always tell you she loves you when she leaves or even if she goes into the other room
-She’s lost a lot of people so she’s always telling you how much she loves you just in case
-Helping her when she has nightmares, especially after joel's death
-”Please don’t leave me.”
-“Ellie, I’m not going anywhere.” 
-She’s definitely a lover of old music
-80s and early 90s was definitely her favorite eras music and movies wise
-Gifting her records you found in abandoned buildings
-She draws you a lot, especially when you aren’t paying attention
-One time she couldn’t sleep so she drew you, she thought you looked peaceful asleep. That drawing is probably her favorite she’s ever done.
-You basically live with her in the garage she lives in
-Winters are always cold in the garage so y’all are basically attached to each other
-You both are cuddled up watching movies with tons of blankets on
-This girl is horny all the time, like if yall are alone she’s on top of you
-Dancing together at the dances
-This girl is so clingy omfg
-Ellie worries about the looks and comment yall get when showing affection in public so she tends to tone down her clinginess
-Joel loves you, point blank period
-When ellie tells you what joel did for her, you didn’t know if you should be happy or sad
-They were gonna take ellie away from you, you probably would've done the same
-”My life would have mattered.”
-”Your life matters to me.”
-You tried to make her feel better about it though, telling her that there would still be bad people and infected in the world
-Neck kisses from the back, my heart is melting holy shit
-She asks maria to put you on routes with her cause mama you are not going without her
-Puns, just puns all the time and you love it
-Definitely calls you babe and baby, you always make fun of her for it but she knows you loves it
-Yall make fun of each other but it’s all in good fun she will never take it too far
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-You’re this mans baby idc
-No one hurts you or they will get tracked down and their knee caps will be gone
-Joel knows full well you can take care of yourself but he just gets so mad
-This man is so soft for you
-He tries to spoil you the best way he can, going out of his way to get you presents from abandon stores
-Teaches you how to play guitar
-He will have you sit in his lap and play the chords
-”Is it sounding better?”
-He just nods and kisses along your back
-He will sing you to sleep if you ask him
-This man has shown you some good ass music, yall sometimes just lay in bed and listen to old records
-He loves the way you look in his shirts, this man melts or bends you over the kitchen table
-He doesn’t cry often but this man is hurt
-The first time you saw him cry was when he broke down to you about ellie and the fireflies and what he did
-It hurt him a lot to admit it but he was so relieved that he could let go and someone be on his side for once
-Tells you all about sarah and how she would like you
-”She would’ve loved you.”
-”Yeah, casue i’m the coolest.”
-”You're a nerd.” He chuckled out
-He would happily tell you about life before the infection, what it was like to not have to look over your shoulder all the time
-He would never tell you about his time in boston
-He didn’t want to scare you, so you never asked but you had a good idea of what happened because of tommy
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is on the stove
-Forehead kisses in the morning when he has to leave for rounds and your dead to the world
-Calls you Babygirl and princess, IDK HE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE OKAY
-His voice in the morning>>>>>>
-Will watch you dance from a far while at dances
-Takes you out on little dates, he doesn’t even care about the stares yall (The age gap)
-He is prepared for anything to happen so he loves you like it’s his last day
-Talks about having kids with you but is okay if you don’t want them, i mean he’s not sure if he wants another one but hell, He said he wasn’t going to date anymore but here we are
-If you want kids he doesn't care hold old he is, he will try and try and try to give you a child 
-”Damn it i got my period.” 
-”Well then I reckon we gotta try again, huh baby girl.” He says with a smirk 
-This man has a daddy kink and that’s all i gotta say about that umm anyways
-He is madly in love with you and he shows it, he has lost too many people and he has the mindset of “Good things don’t last forever”
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-I love this man with all my heart, he’s my baby
-He’s very caring and will hold you anytime you need to be held
-He just wants to help people and make the world a little easier for them so he overworks himself to the max trying to keep everything in jackson in order
-”Tommy, it’s 3 am and you got rounds in the morning. Come to bed.”
-”Yeah i'll be in there in a minute, i just gotta figure out the food supply situation.”
-Having to drag his ass to bed
-He loves cuddling, he loves feeling close to you
- Your the fighter of the relationship, tommy doesn’t like to fight if he doesn’t have too so he lets you deal with the violent stuff
-Although tommy loves his brother, he has a hard time forgiving him for the violence he exposed him too
-He feels very undeserving of you and everything good in his life., you have to constantly reassure him that he is a good person and is doing a great job
-He does have nightmares of being in Boston but you were always there for him, he was so thankful for you.
-He loves your cooking, like it can be the most simple thing ever and he’d be like 
-”This is the best Cereal i have ever had, who taught you to cook like this?”
-He has mommy issues, like his mother wasn’t really around so he has a lot of issues with that ig
-He is the best kisser i said what i said
-He’s very passionate and possessive, it’s cute
-He gives you his jackets all the time, he thinks you look so cute in them
- This man is literally the softest i can’t
-He doesn’t cut his hair just because one time you told him you liked it long
-”Jeez honey, your hair is getting pretty long.”
-”Shoot, do I need to cut it again.”
-”No...I like it long, it flatters your face.”
-”I will literally never touch my hair again ever again now that you said that, Okay”
-You have expanded this mans music taste
-He only ever listened to country cause i mean he’s a simple man but then you came along
-You got him a walkman just so he can listen to the music you recommend him
-He tells ellie all about you and asks her for help because he doesn’t want to mess up anything
-He’s not good in relationships and he believes he’s not a very attractive man so he doesn’t really try but he sees himself marrying you
-Spoiler he asks you to marry him because he can’t see himself without you, he doesn’t want to imagine how the world would be so dark without you in it
-He’s not into cute nicknames so he’ll just call you honey
-After joel's death, he was broken and you didn’t think you can even put him back together, but your willing to try
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-I think you would be dina’s first girlfriend but she would love you with all her heart 
-She kissed you at the dance and everything kinda clicked from there 
-She would sneak over to you house in the middle of the night 
-”Jesus, i could've killed you.”
-”But you didn’t silly, come on i’m cold lemme in.” 
-”You're gonna be the death of me dina.” 
-Your rounds with her were never boring, it was always an adventure with her 
-Making out behind building because she couldn’t wait till yall got home 
-This girl will tease you until your bright read in the face
-She will definitely love kissing you, like she will just randomly kiss you 
-She will try to smash you literally anywhere, when she’s wanting to do the nasty it doesn’t matter where you are she will pull you into a random room or bathroom
-She never bores you in bed too, she’s always up to do new things especially since your her first girlfriend 
-When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give this child the best life so yall decided to move out into a farmhouse 
- Having a kid didn’t really change how she loves you
-She’s still crazy and wild but now she just has a kid on her hip
-You guys were co parents so you both would hunt and take care of JJ 
-You guys would do almost anything to make that kid laugh even if that was dancing like lunatics for an hour straight 
-You guys almost never get alone time so just laying in bed without the kid felt nice 
-Yall are cottagecore lesbians idc, yall are the best parents and i said what i said 
-From behind hugs and kisses, she will grab your hips and kiss your neck until you have no choice but to rip her clothes off 
-Vintage records and slow dancing with JJ 
-I feel like being in a relationship with dina feels like a vintage song about love 
-There's lots of dancing in this relationship because dina loves dancing 
-She’s always afraid that you will feel left out in the family though since your not JJs real parent but you always tell her you don’t mind and you love JJ just like how Jesse would 
-She finds it so hot when your all protective parent when it comes to JJ, as soon as he falls asleep mama yall wont get any sleep 
-Yall are the best parents, dina will fight anyone who hurts JJ and you make him feel loved 
-When he gets older you guys try to tell him about Jesse without making you seem like the outsider of the family if that makes sense 
-Taking care of the animals and plants as a family and reading books about how to while laying in bed 
-Dina makes the best food and she tries to teach you but it just doesn’t add up to what she does 
-Okay we don’t know much about her sister but by the picture we saw she looks hella cool and i think you would be like best friends with her 
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- yall sleep on this man i swear, so this one is to all my jesse stans are there 
-He’s kinky, that’s all 
-He knows he’s hot and he’s super cocky about it 
-He’s not much of a cuddler ngl but he will fall asleep and wake up spooning you 
-Your really close to his mom, like she loves you so much 
-He’s very reckless and your kinda the opposite so you kinda tone him down abit so you think that’s why his mom likes you so much 
-Jesse isn’t much of a dancer and he doesn’t really listen to music but he does like to play video games 
-You always pick him up video games randomly and gets so excited 
-You force him to dance with you at dances and he’s so awkward about it 
-”I hate this.” 
-”Awe you love it.” 
-Always trying to grope you while dancing, like will have his hands on your ass and theres kids behind you like sir stoppp but like keep going 
-”Hey! watch those hands.” 
-”I have no idea what your talking about”
-You and dina are pretty good friends like even after their weird relationship, she’s happy for the both of you 
-Okay so let's pretend jesse didn’t die and he is alive and well 
-When he finds out dina is pregnant he freaks out, he’s still pretty young so he’s terrified he won’t be good enough 
-When the baby comes though he’s so excited, when he’s in the infirmary with dina your happy for him but you can’t help but feel an outsider 
-Dina is so sweet and tries to make you feel better 
-”You're gonna be the coolest step parent ever. I’m glad my son gets such a badass step mom damn.” 
-Dina does move out of jackson still though so yall only get JJ every other week, that was the agreement 
-He cooks in the morning for you and JJ while yall are laying in bed 
-I’m sorry but he’s literally the coolest dad, his entire life changes because of that kid 
-When JJ leaves to go over to his moms house Jesse won’t let you get out of bed, this mf hasn’t got any in a week
-He gets a bunch of cook books so he can better his ability to cook for little JJ 
-You guys decorate JJs room together and it’s the cutest thing ever 
-He takes you to romantic places in the abandon city when yall are on rounds together 
-Jesse has a lot of friends but he would much rather hang out with you 
-Yall call each other stupid and dumb a lot but it’s never used as an insult its just for fun 
-”Damn it, why do i always get the nasty ones.” 
-”Because your stupid, dummy.” 
-”That’s right, i forgot.” 
-Your guys bed is never made, you guys don’t even bother at this point. Like either the kid messes it up or you guys mess it up so what's the point 
-He picks you up when he hugs you, literally pick you up from the waist and lift you up 
!Credits to gif owners!
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wychive · 4 years
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𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨
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summary // you found your pile of ‘letters’ to hyunjin that contain thoughts that have never been said and decided to write to him one last time.
pairing(s) // hyunjin x gn!reader, hyunjin x oc, slight minho x reader
genre(s) // angst, letter fic 
warning(s) // mentions of food, themes of being forgotten, vulgar wording, humiliation, overthinking
word count // 2.0k
author's note // happy birthday @noya-sannnn​ !! im sorry this was so late hhh you know how i am irl,, but i hope you enjoy this! i love you so much, jane <3 i apologize for the many grammar mistakes gn. i recommend listening to iu’s ending scene while reading this! btw y/n/n means your nickname.
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[10/01/14, 3:55am]
dear jinnie,
hi there! it's y/n <3 i hope you're doing okay - i mean of course you are pfft anyways, just writing this short letter (more like paragraph)  sort of as a venting mechanism? for things i cant tell you about lol  im not so sure how you would call it, since you're so much better at words than i am. basically were like:
hyunjin: ow a brain freeze!
me: haha brain go brrrr
anyways haha yea <3 it's 4am so like,, ill see you at school!
your loser,
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[15/02/14, 12:34am]
yo heartthrob!
im back with this kinda stuff haha it's been a whole? week? since ive written one of these so like yes..hi! i just wanted to say thanks, for today. you really know how to cheer me up huh? you really outdid yourself by setting up that little picnic for us. congrats on making the strawberry cake so perfectly <3 this day will always stay as a core memory in the back of my brain. you're too caring sometimes,,, istg you'll pay for this [maybe hugs?] >:) 
your partner in crime,
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[30/02/15, 01:29am]
LMAO you hate me calling you that, doesn't change a thing though. hehe,, nways i hope you enjoyed your birthday present :) i got you that really cool skateboard that you wanted. i worked my ass off for that in my mother's garden so like,, you gotta thank me for that a thousand times :D nah jk, its a sincere gift, from me to you. i rarely do this for ANYONE so consider yourself lucky to have a best friend like me -3- also, seungmin is like….kinda the cutest person ever. introduce me to him pls, thank!
<your bestest friend3,
(p.s. you're kinda cute too,,,, ig,,, still stinkee tho)
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[13/04/15, 9:04pm]
hey 'baby' (HAHAHA ihy for this)
i hope your day was okay! i didn't see much of you today (which was sort of a bummer but wtv) so like…. uh yea. you told me you were doing okay over text, which kinda surprised me because like?? we always video call lol this is kinda the first time,, but its okay, i trust you! (i really hope youre doing alright tho, i'll beat anyone up if they make you sad >:( ) you also called me 'sweetheart' today which was like…. omg wtf haha????????? that was so weird to me for some reason… a good kind of weird :D we haven't done those kinds of nicknames in a while so…. happy to know that they're back in session <3 i talked to the new girl today, she's really cool! like she knows the bean song on tiktok so like its a total win heh, ill introduce you to her tomorrow! you'll love her a lot
your 'lover',
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[08/06/16, 10:23pm]
hey howl (hehe go back to that movie night we had)
this spring break sucks so much,, esp because youre not here (you still couldve brought me along :'[ ) but wtv i hope youre enjoying yourself. ive been hanging out with yeonnie lately and i found out she likes conan grey too like pls i love her sm. can we adopt her?? please???? she told me you guys have been video calling too and that makes me so happy!! you two are getting along so well aaa my precious babies </3 
what if you developed a crush on her? haha…..jk unless?? (no jk dont shes all mine, stay away >:) ) anyways, i hope the three of us hang out soon. maybe go to that ice cream parlour where they serve the best cookies and cream?  
your daisy,
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[19/07/15, 01:23am]
peepee poopoo hello
heyheyhey!! (heh, haikyuu thingz) i hope youre doing okay! i mean sure you are, with everything going so well. also i feel like you're not telling me something. maybe it's just me? is it? i hope it is because you tell me everything,, we've been talking less these days but its okay! i know how busy you are, especially with your dad always bugging you,,
also, i think yeonbin likes you :0,, she keeps talking about you whenever we hang out. don't get me wrong, its not bad that she likes you but...something doesn't feel right. i feel like i'm being the third wheeler here and like ugh idk. haha laughs yea i think its just me.. im sorry, i didnt mean to do you like this,, anyways, ill see you soon + her too ofc- yall are inseparable lmao
your moonlight,
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[23/07/15, 01:56am]
greetings, kind sir
lol more like mean sir but like aight KSKSK,, anyways,, how have you been? we haven't really talked in a while,, our convos are always so short with it being one-sided :/ i wish you were online more. yeonnie is ignoring me,, do you know why? i think you do,,, but when i asked you just said you didnt know. did i do something wrong? pls tell me.. 
she blocked my contact the other day and she won't even smile at me when i pass her in the hallways. its,, sad and stressful especially because she was the only one that would genuinely talk to me. i hate to say this,, but i miss you. us, hanging out like the best trio we are, yknow? but i dont think you miss me the same way. sorry, im getting out of hand. i know im just overreacting. im just gonna sleep ig,, good night! sweet dreams,,
your pink lemonade,
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[25/07/15, 03:25am]
hi there
i heard you and her got together?? congrats, jinnie! im so proud of you,, especially because you never had even considered getting a girlfriend a few months earlier lmaO you really woo the ladies huh? anyways,, i hope you've been well since we last talked,, how many days has it been?? i would say nearly a week or so but honestly it feels like a hundred years,, considering you and i used to talk every day. but you have her now to keep you company.
keep this a secret but can you possibly tell me why it hurts when i see her? or when i mention her or even think of her?? is it because she's connected to you? but.. you're my best friend, so why? is it because i miss you? is it because im alone now? is it because you left me with a simple 'i have to go now,, bye y/n/n.'? im not sure either. im being silly, i apologize. ill figure it out sooner or later. sweet dreams, jinnie
your asswipe,
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[25/07/15, 04:30am]
it's because i love you. 
your butterfly,
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[??/08/??, 05:??am]
i miss your lame jokes. i miss your smile. i miss your laughs. i miss your funny faces. i miss the way your eyes twinkle. i miss th way you would make me happy just by doing the bare minimum. i miss the disaster you made when cooking breakfast. i miss the night when you snuck me out just to go to that pretty lantern event. i miss when you would call out my name everytime we met. i miss when we would share earbuds in train rides. dont you get it, hyunjin? i miss you.
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[??/??/15, ??:??am]
please tell me that isn't true, please. you're too kind to do these kinds of things, right? + i was your best friend,, then, why, why did you hurt me like this. i didnt do anything wrong.. you couldve just told me you didnt like me,,, why did she have to tell me? out of all people. 
youre so pathetic for this,, i thought you were brave, bold - but youre just a fucking coward. i loved you, i really did. and i realised too late… im sorry. she,, i shouldn't have talked to her in the first place, right? i bet you knew she humiliated me, in front of everyone. of course you did, you were the only one that knew. you told her. fuck, i hate you so much (yet why do i long for you on a night like this?). you know how much that'll affect me and yet, there you are, laughing about it with her.
fuck off,
you know who i am.
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[31/08/15, 03:41am]
ah, jinnie
please tell me this is just a nightmare. please, please. stop just reading my texts, please answer them. jinnie. i miss you so much. i dont care bout her, please just let me be in your arms. i dont care if you love me back, please just talk to me at least. tell me what i did wrong,, jinnie,, please,,, clear these tear stains on my cheek with kisses.
your fuck-up,
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[15/09/15, 04:59am]
why do i keep crying because of you? its been a few weeks since everything has happened. please, nothing has changed. i still love you the same even with all the hatred i have pent up in this stupid brain of mine. i wish i could just walk back in time, to where it all began.
when i first met you in third grade and you pushed me while playing soccer or maybe when we took those ridiculous prom pictures, remember those? i hope you still have them,, because i do too. i hope the pictures of us on your wall still hang there,, it'll remind you of the happy times. hm,, maybe you don't need them. 
you already have millions of pictures with you and her,, i bet you printed some and replaced those with ours right? sly dog. 
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[04/02/16, 12:57am]
i went to the park today and saw both of you being happy. it's nice to see your smile again. im sorry i didnt go up to you,, i just thought it would be awkward. when i heard that adorable laugh of yours, it made me realise that i lost something special. but it's okay isnt it? as your happiness matters more than mine. 
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[06/01/20, 08:00pm]
dear hyunjin,
im doing fine here. how about you? gosh,, how long has it been? years? since we last talked to each other. i havent heard from you since. i would just like to say i still think of you sometimes, when watering the plants or dancing while making pancakes. sometimes i think you're here with me too, just being the pals we were. 
sometimes i'd see you out, just reading a book in the park or buying pasta sauce at the grocery store. it's nice to see you having a stable life. im not sure if you're still with her or not, but its good to know that you still have that large friend group. also! you're never gonna guess who im dating--
it's minho! do you remember him? the one that i used to hate,, uh yeah. he asked me out the other day- you may wonder how tf,,, i too do not know how tf but he gives the best hugs ever. he gave me the love i wanted from you. he stitched my heart back together after it broke,, i love him so much, jinnie..
it's snowing,, do you remember when we would skate on the frozen lake in front of your house? are your parents well? i wonder if your mother still has those earrings i bought for her birthday. i never told you this but your laugh and hers sound so similar. 
i would just like to say thank you, for everything. you were a big part of my life, up until now. when we see each other after this, we would just be strangers. maybe flash a little smile or give a little wave whenever we greet each other but nothing more. some memories of us would flow in every now and then but it'll just be a short teaser. well, i'll be going now. smile for me, okay?
the one that loved you the most,
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taglist // @/noya-sannnn, @crvgio​ , @neo-shitty​
reply to be in my gen taglist!
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is-i-halloween-yet · 5 years
REQUEST: Like if one of the Dark Youtubers was put into, say, the Harry Potter universe, but the reader wouldn't have a part.
Warning: Spoilers. For literally everything. Also I am very behind on Sanders Sides, so please forgive me. Also the AN is important. Read it.  Descriptions get short as they get more obvious in my head but I will explain my thinking if asked!
((AN: Normally I wouldn't do this, but I'm a SLUT for Harry Potter so fine! Just for you beautiful anon. I did this on my personal opinion and it was my goal not to sort everyone in the houses you would think they'd be in. It kinda helped snap me into my writing again so thank you. I almost want to just do this with all sorts of fandoms. Game of Thrones. What God/ Goddess parent they'd have (Rick Riodan stuff) Superhero. Bands. Musicals. You name it! Would love more cause this was fun! Plus now I can casually advertise my Harry Potter imagines Blog: ) so check out @potter-scamander-black-imgines! They are organized by the person and yeah! Those are all the egos I write for so enjoy! I only did the egos that are cannon or the egos I own. Plus, now you guys know who all I will write for. EXCEPT I DON’T WRITE FOR THE YOUTUBERS IN ANY WAY BUT PLATONICLY CAUSE I AM NOT COMFY AND IDK IF THEY ARE EITHER. I also only put down the egos that I have either created or are created by the creator: I ALSO WRITE FOR CHARACTERS LIKE GEAR, A, LIGHT, MARQUESS, ETC BUT I DON’T OWN THEM!!! SO. THEY AIN’T GOING HERE))
Markiplier Ego’s
Hufflepuff. Yeah... Almost all Youtubers are Hufflepuff.. But mark is so caring and loyal and passionate... I don't know where else I'd put him. Nevermind fuck you Mark you are fucking Ravenclaw. Fuck you and your brilliant, witty, creative shit. Fuck-
Thunderbird: Yet out of all of them, he yearns for adventure and to try new things, placing him here.
Slytherin. This was obvious. I tried. Cunning, ambition, etc! Dark is the most cunning and determined of the YouTubers Dark!Sides. He thinks of himself and only himself. He acts on only what we strengthen him. I was torn between this and Ravenclaw, but chose this as some of the Ravenclaw traits don't line up.
As for the American school, I would probably place him Horned Serpent. Almost put him in Wampus, but I cannot picture Dark as a solider. While he has the mind, Dark doesn't possess the drive of a solider, and the only other place he would fit would be as a scholar.
Dr. Iplier: 
Slytherin. He doesn’t care about anything but his goal. He is cunning to get there and only has ambition.
Wampus. The mind of a warrior. He has his message and he must spread it. You are dying. Sorry. 
Ravenclaw or Slytherin but I am gonna say Ravenclaw. This entity is as witty as he is intelligent. He has to be creative 
Horned Serpent. His primary objective is answer questions as quickly as possible. How is he not in the house of the scholar?
 Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I say Hufflepuff. While we don’t know much about him, I’d say he is mostly loyal to his cause more than anything else. 
Thunderbird. That skateboard? Uh yeah. He’s got wanderlust. He is an adventurer. 
The Host: 
Ravenclaw. Even in his days as the Author, he has used his own thoughts to narrate the lives of everyone around him. That is creativity. That is wit. 
Horned Serpent. Intelligence and scholars? That’s him. *Drop Mic*
Wilford Warfstash: 
Slytherin. He is cunning, ambitious, and wants nothing more than get to the point of his desires, regardless who he kills or who is sacrificed in the process. He was like this even as William. 
Wampus. No doubt in my mind. He was a solider. Still is at heart. Always will be. 
Abe the Detective:
So. Gryfindor. No question and here is why. He keeps fighting. But he doesn’t for ambition or loyalty. He does it because he has the will to. Because he’s brave. Basically IDK it’s what my heart says.
And Wampus. Just as he is this, he does his job because he has to. He has nothing but to fight on.
Damien the Mayor: 
This was harder than I fucking thought okay. But I am gonna say Hufflepuff. He is loyal. Enough said. Cause I hurt.
And for this I oddly enough am gonna say Horned Serpent. Out of all the options, I think he wants to obtain knowledge in attempts to attain his Hufflepuff loyalty. 
Celine the Seer:
Ravenclaw. I almost said Slytherin, but she took her discomfort with the house and turned it into fuel to learn about what she can do and how she can uncover the secrets. 
And she meets with her brother again in Horned Serpent. Look up for why. 
Mark the Actor:
Slytherin. He is ambitious. He is cunning. He will not stop until he has revenge. 
Wampus. Look up. He is numb. He does what he must and will do so if it ends with blood. 
Benjamin the Butler:
Hufflepuff. Did you watch the livestream? He is such a good loyal boy. 
Pukwudgue. He just wants to heal. He just wants to help. Protect him
Jacksepticeye Ego’s
Jack/ Sean: 
Hufflepuff. Okay. Loyal, compassionate, and so many other traits similar to this are used and surrounded by Sean. I mean PMA, right?
Annnndddd Thunderbird. C'mon is this even a question? Yes I almost said Pukwudgie, cause that's what he does for our community, but our Jackie is a brave green bean who likes to see the world and try new things.
Gryffindor. Okay. Lemme explain myself. You were all expecting Slytherin. I don't blame you. But here's the thing. While I agree that Anti could be Slytherin, but he is more Gryffindor for his recklessness rather than cunning nature. He is brave, fearless, daring, courageous, and etc. The only thing that separates him from this house is chivalry. Yet even still this house is a better fit. While he has the ambition and self preservation of a Slytherin, in my mind, he is more on the brave side then cunning. After all, who said bravery was a positive thing?
As for the other school, I'm thinking Wampus. Our options are healer, scholar, adventurer, or warrior and Anti is obviously more of a warrior. Calculating and violent. Daring and bold. He will fight hard and he will fight to the bloody end.
Hufflepuff. In my own head cannon, this boy thinks with one thing, his heart. He jumps straight into things without thought, but it’s not out of bravery or courage. It is out of loyalty and love.
Pukwudgie. He is a lover, not a fighter. So I think he’d rather heal than any of the other options. 
Dr. Schneeplestein: 
Ravenclaw. Yes! He's not evil yall can actually fight me. It was Anti who change the perception of everything. He is smart. Witty. The perfect Ravenclaw.
Pukwudgie. He’s a doctor? So this is obvious? 
Chase Brody: 
Hufflepuff. I almost said Slytherin? But loyalty. Chase is nothing if not loyal. He is loyal to his, wife, to his kids, even to his best friend in a coma. He is and always will be loyal
Thunderbird. Bro Average? Proves? How adventurous he is? ‘nough said. 
Marvin The Magnificent: 
Slytherin. Almost said Ravenclaw! But no! Listen. If you go back to the video, I can infer that he’s got an ambition. He’s gotta be the best at magic. He has to be. 
Thunderbird. He tours. He’s gotta have some adventure in him. Also he has long hair
Jameson Jackson:
Ravenclaw. He’s clearly an artist of some form. And Ravenclaw is the artists home.
This one is hard, but I am gonna guess Horned Serpent. I suppose it would be the old soul in him, but I think he is always trying to learn something new. So this is where I would place him. 
Robbie the Zombie:
Hufflepuff. I think loyalty to his family is his defining trait. 
Horned Serpent, is where his curiosity comes into play. And I haven't devolved Robbie in my eyes yet so this is my start. 
CrankGamePlays Egos 
 Ravenclaw is what I thought at first. Ethan is such a creative boi, but more than that, he is very witty. But I think instead I am gonna have to go with Hufflepuff. Ethan, I know you think you are a Gryfindor, but here's why you aren’t. You get your Gryfindor qualities from your loyalty.
Pukwudgie. He just wants to help! And heal. At least more than the other houses. 
Vladamir: FIND HIM HERE= https://is-i-halloween-yet.tumblr.com/post/177094268858/vlad-vladamir-headcannons
My soft boi is a Hufflepuff. He is so loyal. All he wants to do is help and heal...
AND A PUKWUDGIE. Look up. He’s a healer. 
Ravenclaw? He has? Creative? Appearances? 
And Thunderbird? He does? Interesting things? In the videos? He is in?
NateWantsToBattle Egos
Gryffindor. Nate takes chances and is brave. And honestly the only other contender would be the house of Ravenclaw. But my heart declared him more of a lion and I couldn’t disprove it in my head.
Wampus. He charges into everything he does whole heartedly, like a solider, so that is where I shall place him.
Ravenclaw. This boy is a smartass. He is so witty, but so creative as well. This is where he belongs. 
Wampus. The same reason that Nate is a Wampus. He fights for what he believes is. 
Slytherin. If he has one thing, it is ambition. Enough said. 
Wampus. Wow. All of the Battles are Wampus’. But same reason for other too okay.
Thomas Sander’s Egos
Gryffindor. So brave. Takes so many chances. Tries so many things. He has the heart of an adventurer if anyone does. 
Pukwudgie. If anyone wants to be a healer or helper it is the YouTuber. And I have said it many times but I will again. Enough said (Will probably say it again sometime soon sorry not sorry). 
Slytherin. He is literally a snake. He is lies. But also lies are cunning I am not saying this house is evil. 
Wampus. Gets the job done. Who cares what it costs. 
Slytherin. While many hear logical and think Ravenclaw, but I think the cunning Slytherin. He is pure logic. Nothing else. 
Horned Serpent. The house of the one seeking knowledge. Make sense? 
Hufflepuff. These folks are essentially fathers. So... It makes sense?
Pukwudgie. Healer and helper and dad? Makes sense. 
Hufflepuff. Roman is his heart. What is the heart if not loyal?
Pukwudgie. I didn’t really think he belonged anywhere else. What is a hero if not a healer?
Ravenclaw. He is so creative and so smart. This is where the bean belongs. Fight me. 
Wampus. Again. Wasn’t sure where this person is going to be placed, but I am putting him here because he will fight for what he believes in. No matter what. 
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topfics · 6 years
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Stay With Me
Harry Styles X Reader
A/N: so this is probably going to be the last part to the sam smith inspired series? Idk i can’t decide if i wanna leave it with a happy ending or with a heartbreaking ending. What do yall think i should do??? Anyways, thank you guys so much for supporting this series, i really hope you enjoy this part. Idk how long it’s gonna be, hopefully longer than the last few parts but here it goes! Let me know what you think!!!!
“Why didn’t you fight for me?” her voice broke Harry’s heart, hearing how torn she was. He could easily tell how much he hurt her. Harry felt like an idiot. Of course he wanted to fight for her, but no words came out of his mouth. He didn’t know why, and every day after he regretted it.
But the line was silent once more. Harry didn’t know what to say now, even in this moment. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe it was the fact that he had yet another one night stand last night? God, was he awful at it. He was just a man, he still needed love. He need her.
“God, I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have called… bye Harry.” she weeped as she wiped at her eyes on the other end. Just before she could hang the phone up, she heard a familiar voice.
“Y/N, wait.” there was a pause. Harry took in a deep breath before continuing. “Can we go somewhere and talk? In person…?”
Y/N shut her eyes tightly, knowing that seeing her best friend and lover would hurt even after all this time. However, she needed to know. Consolation… that’s what she needed. The answers she wanted… only Harry could give her. And she deserved that much.
“Y/N, are you still there?” he hiccups. She could tell Harry was hurting, too. Scrolling through her social media, she would see pictures of him and how dark the circles under his eyes were. Harry always smiled, showing off that adorable dimple of his. But after she left, that smile faded away into nothingness. Harry looked exhausted, both mentally and physically. Sure, touring did that to him, but everyone knew it was more than just that. He would go out to drink every night after a show had ended, leaving his bandmates to have to drag him away. He slept around way too much for his own good, knowing that he only needed Y/N. That he only wanted Y/N.
“Yeah… I’m still here, H. I just… don’t know if I can see you quite yet.” she admitted. Harry didn’t blame her. He wouldn’t want to see him either if he were in her spot. She could hear him sigh on the other side, knowing he was disappointed. After all, she called him, right? He at least deserved something.
A couple beats later, Y/N heard him chuckle. She furrowed her eyebrows, curious at what the hell he could be laughing about at the moment.
“You called me H…” he simply stated. It was something she hadn’t called him in ages. He missed the term of endearment. Harry was smiling slightly to himself, a confirmation to let him know that she still loved and cared for him.
A small smile graced Y/N’s face as well, not even thinking about it when she said it. It came so naturally to her that she never really notices when she does it. However, the smile fades away when reality hits her again. They were still broken up. They weren’t together anymore. She wasn’t sure if she could go through that again.
“Guess I did, huh…?” he could hear a small laugh coming from her sweet lips, the sound making his heart happy and full. Y/N deserved to be happy, and he wanted her to know that.
“Miss your laugh, love. ‘M sorry for everythin’. Really am. Hope you know that.” Harry began. He wasn’t positive where he was going with this. A part of him hoped this would coax her into meeting with him again. Harry need to see her face. He just wanted, no needed her company back in his life.
“Harry… you know I miss you too but I just… can’t. Not right now.”
“I understand, Y/N. Just hope we won’t be like this forever.”
“Me too. I gotta go, Harry.”
And just like that they were alone once more. Harry stared at his phone and sighed to himself, plopping down on his bed. He rubbed his forehead, wondering what he could do to fix this. The more time they were apart from each other, the more empty the both of them felt. Why was this so hard for the both of them? Neither Harry nor Y/N could place why it hurt so bad. They’ve been in relationships before, but nothing could ever match the pain the both of them felt when they separated.
Picking up his phone, he dialled Niall’s number. He didn’t know why he was calling, but he needed to talk to someone.
“What’s up mate?” Niall quickly inquired.
“Nothin’. Jus’ needed to talk to someone.”
“Alrighty well go on then, lad.”
“I miss her. I miss Y/N. Don’t know why it fuckin’ hurts so bad. Never happened before.” Harry sighed deeply. “She called me. I think she was drunk. Asked me why I didn’t fight fo’ her. God, I don’t even know why.”
There was a long pause before Niall began to speak once more.
“Lad… I don’t think you’ve ever been good with words. So, use yer talents, mate. Write or cover a song, sing it. Get it on the radio or somethin’. She will hear it. I’ll make ‘er. Sick of yeh both bein’ all mopey and shite.”
Harry laughs and nods his head a bit, getting up from his bed.
“Yeah… guess you’re right. Thanks, Niall. Let you know when it’s finished.”
“Great. Good luck.”
And with that, the little cogs began to spin in Harry’s head. What could he do to make her understand what it was like to be apart from her? Then, something hit Harry. Why this breakup hurt so much more than the others. It wasn’t because he lost the love of his life, but it was because he lost his best friend in the process. That was worse than any romantic relationship. Losing a best friend was devastating. She was there since the beginning, and he fucked everything up. Even if they would never get back together romantically, he needed her to be his best friend again. That was all he wanted.
Around midnight, Harry heads to the studio, beginning to record what would hopefully become the first part of his apology. He didn’t know how to express his words or feelings, and he was praying that this would help him. He emailed his PR people, asking them to broadcast this worldwide on all radio stations. No matter what, he was determined to have her hear this. Harry then asked them to have the radio hosts announce that this is for Y/N. Harry knows she listens to Nick on BBC One all the time, so he personally called him to ask for the favor himself.
“Hey mate, I have a favor to ask you.”
“Sure mate, what’s up?”
“ ‘m recordin’ somethin’ for Y/N… I know she listens to you every day in the mornin’. Loves your show. I need yeh to play this recording ‘m currently doin’… and say somethin’ like ‘Hope you’re listenin’, Y/N. This one is for you’.”
Nick laughs on the other line, happiness evident in his voice.
“Finally using your talents to do somethin’ about your miserable life after she left, huh? Proud of you. I can do that. Just send it over whenever it’s ready. I got you.”
“Thanks, Nick. Means a lot to me.”
Y/N sat in the library, studying for her final exam of the semester. She was thankful that this could distract her for a bit after her call with Harry. Opening her laptop, she plugs in her headphones, tuning in to Nick’s radio. She begins to hum along to some of the music that’s being played, flipping through pages of her notes. Y/N didn’t notice when the show went silent for a couple minutes.
She paused when Nick began to speak, not in his usual fun tone of voice. It was more serious and she was curious as to what was happening. Pressing the sound button up higher, the background noise was drowned out.
“Alright folks we have something pretty special today… this is a new recording from Mr. Harry Styles himself. A little homage to someone he holds dear to his heart. So… Y/N, if you’re out there listening right now… this one is for you.”
Her heart skipped a beat, and it was now racing a million miles a minute. What the hell was he doing? She turned the channel off, playing a local radio station instead, but the message was the same. Had Harry really gone through the trouble of getting all the radio stations she could possibly listen to to play this song he recorded?
Looking down at her phone, a text from Niall popped up.
“Hope yer listenin’ to the radio right now, lad. I heard it last night. It’s a good one. Give it a listen, will ya? Xx”
Y/N sighs softly, going back to BBC One. She didn’t notice the looks that were coming her way, most of the girls touching their heart at how sweet this thing was.
A soft strum of the guitar began to play, and she could hear his sweet voice. She took in a deep breath, missing the times when he would sing her to sleep when she had a bad day.
“So your friend’s been telling me, you’ve been sleeping with my sweater And that you can’t stop missing me Bet my friend’s been telling you I’m not doing much better ‘Cause I’m missing half of me And being here without you is like I’m waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you.”
Y/N’s eyes began to water, knowing exactly why he chose this song. She missed her best friend. More than anything in the world, all she wanted was to be doing all the little things that they would do on Sundays.
Harry’s voice sounded beautiful, and she could hear the pain in his voice. All the regret and all the hurt that was living within the both of them began to pour out in this cover. Every emotion that was swelling within her seemed to come out all at once. Her heart longed for Harry, she needed him back in his life but she was afraid. Being hurt like that again would kill her. Perhaps she thought it would be easier to forget him, but how can someone simply forget about someone after all those years? After all the memories that were made?
“Forget all we said that night No, it doesn’t even matter 'Cause we both got split in two If you could spare an hour or so We’ll go for lunch down by the river We can really talk it through And being here without you is like I’m waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest 'Cause I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you Half a heart without you I’m half a heart without you.”
Y/N clutched her chest and lightly cried, grabbing her things to get out of the public area. She ran back to her apartment, shutting the door behind her loudly. Dropping all her things, she lay in bed and closed her eyes, knowing that this needed to be fixed. At least, whatever could be fixed.
“Though I try to get you out of my head The truth is I got lost without you And since then I’ve been waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you Without you, without you, half a heart without you Without you, without you, I’m half a heart without you.”
The pain of losing a best friend was never easy. In fact, it was the worst pain either of them had felt in a long time. It wasn’t the kisses that they missed, it was all the movie nights, the lazy days, the shopping. It was everything. She missed the way she could talk to Harry about anything without being judged. She missed the days when he would just sing to her when she had a shitty day, the way he would laugh when she told a bad joke. It was the little things that were getting to her. She missed them. The way they used to be.
Y/N takes the earbuds out of her ears, laying on her bed for a couple more hours, just staring at the ceiling. It was getting late, but she couldn’t focus on studying for her final. But she knew she had to. Dragging herself out of bed, she goes to her desk and turns on the lamp, finally getting back to studying. It was going to be a late night for her.
Niall looks over at Harry as he paces back and forth in his trailer.
“Do you think she heard it?” he asked, worry filling his voice. “I just… she hasn’t messaged me or anythin’ and ‘m wondering if it wasn’t enough. Maybe she just didn’t hear it…”
Niall sighs and grabs Harry by the shoulders.
“Calm down, lad. ‘M sure she heard it. Maybe she’s just processin’. Ya know that cheesy quote that’s like… if yeh love ���em let ‘em go, and if they come back yer meant to be together? Well perhaps that’s what’s ‘appenin’. Things will fall into place, mate. Stop yer worryin’. It ain’t gonna do yeh any good. Give yeh white hairs for all ‘m concerned.”
Harry simply glares at Niall and sighs deeply.
“Still… maybe I fucked up so bad that even this won’t help. I mean… what was I expectin’? That she would come runnin’ back into me arms? Guess I was hopin’ really…”
‘Harry. Things are gonna work out the way they’re supposed to. That, I can promise you.”
Harry nods and runs a hand through his hair, grabbing a pillow next to him with his free hand.
“Why am I so emotional? Really not a good look is it…?”
“Depends on the situation, I guess. Just… gain some self control for now, yeah?”
Harry groans and lays on the ground, screaming into the pillow.
A couple days later, Y/N is holding her phone, staring at Harry’s number. Should she call him? What would she even say if she did? She shakes her head and throws it back on her pillow, pacing back and forth. It was near 1 am. He probably wouldn’t even be awake. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she was awake. Though she had to admit, the past couple of nights were hard for her to sleep at all. The only thing she could think of was Harry.
She was surprised when there was a knock on the door. Maybe her roommate had left something? Y/N sighs and walks to the door, opening it. Her mouth drops when she sees Harry there, leaning against her door frame.
“ ‘m surprised you actually answered.” he slurred.
Y/N furrows her brows and folds her arms, in a sense that she was trying to protect herself.
“Harry… are you drunk…? At this hour?” she asks, a little worried about what could’ve happened to him as he was making his way over here. She knew he couldn’t make it back to his trailer while he was this tipsy.
“Just a little bit, don’t worry, love. Jus’ need to talk to yeh.”
Y/N pursed her lips but nods slightly, stepping aside to allow Harry into her flat.
“Do you need water?” she asks quietly. Harry shakes his head no and walks over to her, sitting down at the kitchen table.
“I miss you. So fuckin’ much it’s drivin’ me insane.” Harry begins. Y/N tries to stop him from going any further but to no avail.
“Harry, you’re drunk you aren’t even going to remember what you sai-”
“No, I know ‘ve been stupid. Know I fucked up. Don’t care if yeh never want to get back together with me, but… I need my best friend back. I don’t care if we aren’t in a relationship, all I know is that I need to ‘ave you in my life. Even it it’s just as a friend. Miss the late night conversations, the weird text messages, even the damn tampon runs you would make me go on when you were out. I miss our movie nights, our lazy Sundays, our treehouse sleepovers… miss us. Hurts so much…” tears begin to fall from Harry’s eyes, and instantly, Y/N knows that he’s being genuine.
“H…” she walks over to him and helps him up from the chair, laying him down on her bed.
“Will yeh lay with me…? So it doesn’t hurt so much? Will yeh just… stay with me tonight?”
Y/N frowns but agrees. She climbs behind him, spreading her legs around his body, pulling his large frame up so his head was resting on her chest. He was sobbing now, and she couldn’t help but shed a few tears as well. She scratches his head and hums softly, hoping that he would fall asleep soon. She didn’t like seeing him this way.
Harry wipes at his eyes and gets up from his position, looking at her with desperate eyes. He scoots over and pats the area next to him, wanting her to hold him like they used to. Y/N shifts her position and lays down next to him, holding him from behind. Harry always did like being the little spoon.
Harry reaches and intertwines their fingers together, the two of them falling asleep in each other’s arms.
This was all they needed to know things would be okay.
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
IM SCREAMING WTF YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING genuinely can’t believe i have more than 1000 of you actually liking my blog to the point of following me??!!! I have really bad updates LIKE REALLY BAD like for 2 and half months i’ve been on tumblr i’ve probably only been posting for 1 month and a bit. AND THE FACT YOU STILL ALL LIKE MY WRITINGS AND FOLLOW ME IS CRAZY!! i seriously mean it when i absolutely adore each and everyone of you following my blog like i love you guys so so much. and please don’t be afraid to ever talk to me whether it’s on anon or message whether it’s about how annoying your life is, ranting, my writing, advice, questions, literally anything. i just love you guys sooooo much like wow i never even expected more than 100 followers like i’m mind blown.
so since it is a milestone and usually most blogs do something, i did prepare a present for my followers and another one for my mutuals because i love you all.
i know i have still my enemies to lovers series that i need to complete and i will do that but there will be a new series and YOU GUYS GET TO CHOOSE which one I write first either;
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located in an expensive private school, wanna one is known as the Heirs. they’re all extremely rich, good looking, talented and basically the kings of the school. each guy will have a girl that catches their eye, those girls will be you! from the quick witted and sassy scholarship student to the extremely rich ice princess who no one wants to even approach to the shy sweet nobody, one member will fall for you. choose to find out!
so will you choose the heirs??
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wanna one is a team of bodyguards assigned to people who need protection. over the years each and every one of them finds themselves falling for someone on the job. but falling in love isn’t part of the job or is it? they’ll fall for you! from the president’s daughter to another intelligence agency’s spy to even a princess, one member will fall for you. choose to find out!
so will you choose the bodyguards??
message me by kkt or tumblr
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reblog with which one
choose in poll : https://goo.gl/forms/G4GrlZEfOPL30jnP2
please vote!!! i’ll love you all forever if you do!!!! 
WANT TO GIVE OUT A HUGE SHOUTOUT TO MY MUTUALS AS WELL AND IT’LL BE KINDA A FOLLOW FOREVER/RECS (it’ll be long asf (like REALLY long) so i’ll put it under keep reading) this will be in all three person sorry :( 
EVERYONG: i love y'all sm we all so so crazy and we occasionally talk about writing but eh it’s really just a mess but making our gc was one of the best decisions i made on tumblr AND IM SO SORRY if i don’t have you down below but i’m giving you all my love and appreciation rn here!!! BUT JUST LOVE YOU ALL!!
FIRST OF ALL SHOUTOUT TO DIAMOND @woojiniee FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO START THIS BLOG I WOULDN’T BE HERE WITHOUT YOU. lol it’s weird how my blog started from helping you w your english homework on harry potter lmao. i genuinely love you so so much and i admire you, your works and your blog and just thank you for everything!
ALSO A HUGE SHOUTOUT TO JAS @perkwoojin!!!! MY ABSOLUTE LOVE AND MY BEST FRIEND!! jas you’ve been here for me whether it’s irl problems or tumblr problems and you’ve never judged me for anything i’ve done. you are so so so special to me and i just love you soooo much i genuinely can’t imagine not meeting you on tumblr. we hit it off right from the start and we’ve only gotten closer. while the time difference may be annoying we still talk often and just thank you so much for always being there for me, love you loads!!!
MY SENPAIS (the people who inspired me to write and start this blog, i would literally check your blog for updates everyday before starting this blog) :
@imagineproduce101 genuinely think carina is the queen of writing in the pd101/wanna one fandom, she’s blessed us with so many fics on such a regular basis i’ve never talked to you personally and you probs have no idea who i am but just want to say thank you so much for inspiring me to write, your fics always made me feel so soft and fluffy i wanted to make other people feel that way so thank you!!! 
fic recs: rivals (pleaseee do pt 2), what are you waiting for, let me love you, banana milk love, red bull, new beginnings, all of mafia aus, all of hp aus, all of vampire aus 
@woojiniee i’ve already mentioned diamond^ but gonna mention her again cause she is one of my senpais LITERALLY SOOOO GOOD WRITING LIKE WTH PLEASE LET ME LIVE she’s less busy now so IM WAITING FOR UPDATES GIRLL but seriously check out all of her fics will not be disappointed
fic recs: alpaca boy saves the day, crushing on you, jaehwan soulmate au, dating a park at a park
@wanna-request-one​ such great paragraph writings mine will never live up to theirs writing is so amazing just so great if you want detailed long writing the best blog to go to all of them are AMAZING WRITERS congrats on 1.8K!!
fic recs: seongwoo soulmate, seongwoo brother’s best friend, jaehwan college, I HATE YOU IM YOUNGMIN (literally so in love w this fic)
@wanna-one-scenarios amazing writer!!! so so so niceeee she’s starting college rn so v busy i miss youuu we never get to chat but its okayyy BUT LIKE SHIT WRITING IS SOOOO ON POINT LIKE WTH just go through her whole master list won’t regret it
fic recs: DANIEL PRINCE AU!!! (like if y’all haven’t read this missing out on sm), jongyun father au, sewoon enemies to lovers au
@wannaonestars love reading her writing such great bullet points and really good ideas ALSO SO JEALOUS that like short bullet points BUT CAN MAKE ME FEEL SO FLUFF like that is a skill ppl 
fic recs: all of boyfriend series (like so fluff) ESPECIALLY SEONGWOO’S, jihoon soulmate, minhyun office au
@jsioos (was heochannies) MEIKE IS SO PRETTY AND NICE AND AN AMAZING WRITER LIKE WHAT HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLESSED has such a diverse range of works from scenarios to mtls to reactions so genuinely impressed with her blog like goals
fic recs: all of boyfriend series FOR EVERY SINGLE GROUP like she’s amazing at those, and movie night with seongwoo
@ukulelewrites ALSO LONG ASS FICS AMAZING BLOG seriously such amazing writing love so many fics of hers DESERVES MORE ATTENTION AND FOLLOWERS and super sweet as well 
fic recs: cherry picker’s club, a fanta-sea, homerun and ephiany (it’s nct ten BUT SUCH AN AMAZING FIC NEED TO PUT IT ON HERE)
@kanggdaniell STEPH IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND SO NICE AND RLY BUSY AS WELL but amazing writer just love her writing so much she isn’t as active as before but still should definitely check out master list cause so many amazing scenarios
fic recs: TSUNDERE (FUCK FUCK READ IT RN BEST SERIES FOR ME ON TUMBLR WOOJIN STANS COLLECT YOUR BOI), always in my heart, all of breakup scenarios, all of bad boy scenarios
ANOTHER SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO IRIS AKA @alliwannado-w1 LITERALLY RELATES W ALL MY WRITING PROBLEMS ON A PERSONAL LEVEL IS THE ABSOLUTE SWEETEST CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HER WORKS, BLOG AND FOLLOWERS I LOVE HER WRITING AND ADMIRE HOW DEDICATED SHE IS TO POST SO REGULARLY just i rly should stop writing in caps but like just genuinely she is the princess of writing in the pd101/wanna one fandom and she’s just so so amazing and all her writings are always so much fun to read like i love her so much but like no offence iris but you’re fucking crazy in the best way possible like to have so many wips like GIRL YOU NEED A BREAK 
fic recs: FUCKBOY SERIES (iris got all her fame from here lol jk), daniel werewolf au, jihoon soulmate au, jihoon vampire au, woojin youtuber au, woojin policeman au, jinyoung barista au, sewoon soulmate au, youngmin youtuber au gonna stop there cause i’ll be listing her whole master list soon ;)
AMAZING WRITERS (just to give heads up have liked these recommended fics on another private account so if you like look at the likes and i’m not there that’s the reason):
@daehwifi​​ GENUINELY LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH AND THEY’RE BOTH RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED and hella sweet like cutest married couple ik TIFFY thank youuu for always making me smile and MAE for being the sweetest angel but YOUR WRITING IS ALSO HELLA GOOD like great bullet point fics and regular updates 
fic recs: bandaid guanlin scenario, movies ongniel scenario, skype calls jinyoung scenario 
@deepdickdaniel​​ ARIANE EVERYONG GC MOTHER (aurora’s dad now) and the ultimate HOE for daniel but got guys chasing after her constantly SMH and all our gc is beautiful because of your genes ANYWAYS you’re also a good ass writer and if anyone wants bomb ass daniel fics FOLLOW ARIANES BLOG YALL
fic recs: doormat, all her soulmate aus especially taste, hiking w daniel
@dong-hyucks​ oKAY so jade has only like one fic on wanna one BUT SHE’S SUPER TALENTED AND SHE DOES SO MANY GROUPS like mutlifandom ASF AND I LOVE HER ALOT 
fic recs: daniel soulmate au, na jaemin spy au, i’m with you taeyong
@donghyxns​​​ IF YALL WANT MXM SCENARIOS/CONTENT THIS SHIT IS RIGHT HERE also has a lot of wanna one scenarios but maddie is the biggest donghyun fan ik and super sweet even though we haven’t talked much!
fic recs: royalty au donghyun, actually all the royalty aus,  TIC TOK WOOJIN SOULMATE AU, youngmin as your boyfriend
@ennergetics​​ RAE my favourite drunk aunt ever like super funny and nice and talking about bts is always great with you RAE YOU ALSO LIKE AN AMAZING WRITER and make me feel all sorts of stuff when i read your works
edit: fuck me im so sorry rae lmao idk if it was the fact i wrote this at 3am or I'm terrible speller originally or it was auto correct IDEK BUT ILYSM DONT HATE MEEEEE
fic recs: bad first dates, prince aus, woojin college/barista au
@fromwannaone​​ ANNIE A COMPLETE UTTER SWEETHEART WITH WRITING SKILLS which put me to shame and fic ideas are always sooo good too just fuck meeeee i love youuu and your writing 
fic recs: ALL HER SCHOOL SERIES which is like all members basically sooo, on rainy days, sweet like candy
@hiyawoojin​​ RISSAAAA MY BABY MY PRECIOUSSSS I WANT TO PROTECT YOU AND HUG YOU AND LOVE YOU FOREVER but genuinely rissa is the sweetest person ik on tumblr and her sweetness is as equal to her writing BUT SINCE SHE’S A NEWBIE EVERYONE GIVE HER LOVE
fic recs: ALL OF THEM since there’s about 4 but i like the woojin and the minhyun in particular hehehe
@hwinkinghwi​​ XUAN WE BONDED INSTANTLY YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME SMILE AND LAUGH and we talk about the weirdest things but it’s still heaps of fun and xuan has short sweet bullet point fics which will warm your heart
fic series: both baejin fics: chicken first cuddles later, florist jinyoung, baker woojin, ___ as your boyfriend (all of them)
@jeonjeonggukks​​ I LOVE ALEX SM SERIOUSLY SO SO SO FUNNY LIKE WTH and sooooo easy to slander BUT SHE IS MY MOTHER (well one of them) AND I LOVE HER SO SO MUCH AND SHE’S ALSO AN AMAZING ASS WRITER so y’all should read her writings
fic recs: shipped jonghyun scenario, our necklaces sungwoon soulmate au, why her why him woojin
fic recs: jihoon prince au (this was sooo good), daniel CEO both parts, seongwoo boyfriend au, jihoon soulmate au
@mongniel​​ AURORA OUR SALTY ASS MOTHER/FATHER who leaves us regularly and is a daniel seongwoo stan (she says so at least) BUT LIKE GOTTA APPRECIATE HER ABILITY TO MAKE ME FEEL SO MUCH SHIT WITH HER ANGST also if y'all love angst daniel fics AURORA’S BLOG IS THE ONE FOR YOU
fic recs: BROKEN RECORD (heart BREAKING), no chance no way, in his dreams, no answer
@peachiejihoonie​​ SAYS IN DESCRIPTION SHE’S BAD AT WRITING BUT THAT’S RIDICULOUS her writing is sooooo good like not too many fics up BUT ALL OF THEM ARE AMAZING like what??
fic recs: demigod series, daniel fuckboy 
@perkwoojin​​ IVE ALREADY MENTIONED JAS CAUSE SHES MY ONE ETERNAL LOVE but genuinely wtf so talented I AM SHOOK she does EVERYTHING like gifs, reactions, scenarios AND SHE HAS TWO OTHER BLOGS for the boyz and stray kids fans CHECK THOSE BLOGS OUT TOO
fic recs: basically everything but in particular wanna one as prom dates, wanna one reacting to you how to solve a rubix cube, and all her series which include: boyfriend, fallen angel, AND check out woojin badboy pt 1 & 2 and now ive literally listed her whole master list whoopss
@playfuldisaster​​ CHRISTINE IS SUCH A SWEETHEART LIKE WOW genuinely like an angel AND I LOVE TALKING TO HER but she also has so many works up! WHICH NEED MORE ATTENTION cause they’re so good
fic recs: and i’m here seongwoo, attention baejin, my boy lollipop baejin, sorry kang daniel
@producedwannaone​​ SO UNDERRATED LIKE WHAT HOW EVERYONE WAKE UP also honey I NEED A MASTERLIST like need to stalk your blog easily yooo but seriously such a great writer and a sweetheart x 
fic recs: wanna one seeing their donsaeng in their t shirt, naps with guanlin
@starrywinters​​ SHEENA YOU HAVE SHARED MY PAIN OF HAVING SEONGWOO AS A BIAS WRECKER but like other than that you mean so so much to me you are positively brilliant in every single way AND DON’T TELL YOURSELF OTHERWISE seriously AND IT INCLUDES YOUR WRITING SKILLS 
fic recs: cute bandaids, minhyun college au, 7 minutes in heaven jihoon, hugs woojin, guanlin soulmate/vampire au
@wannabeone​​ just dammnnnn girl your writing is SO GOOD LIKE WHAT?? always makes me feel all nice inside just love reading your works fic recs: all of best friend lovers (like you will not be disappointed), kissing cuddling hugging wanna one
@wannamoon​​ JUJU IK YOU’RE ON HIATUS AND YOU HAVEN’T REPLIED TO MY MESSAGES CRI but i miss your baejin fangirl squealing and your posts which will be filled with sadness cause it’s you lmao BUT COME BACK SOON I MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU but juju has such a good mix of fluff and angst fics and super unique and heart warming ideas
fic recs: crumble both parts guanlin, ALL HER LIFE AUS LIKE FUCK SUCH GOOD FLUFF, halcyon seongwoo, jihoon soulmate au
@wannaonescenarios​ SERIOUSLY SUCH GREAT SHORT FLUFF WRITINGS LIKE WHAT HOW I WISH and has a long ass masterlist WHICH IS AMAZING TO GO THROUGH just like go right now to her blog amazing writings IS AVAILABLE
fic recs: SOULMATE AU SERIES, dating series, college series (even tho it’s only youngmin), daniel cat cafe owner 
@wannasoftimagine​​ OMG SUCH AMAZING FICS BUT DOES ANYONE KNOW PHI WENT?? like she hasn’t updated in 2 weeks? or replied to messages? like does anyone know?? but if she’s on an hiatus without mentioning well idrk but phi’s works make me feel so so soft like super duper fluffy and always read them for a cheer up 
fic recs: ALL SOULMATE SERIES, classmate woojin, boyfriend woojin, and all of wanna one _____
@wannasseu​​ CYN CYN OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PEOPLE CYN IS THE QUEEN OF ANGST if anyone says otherwise FITE ME drown in my tears whenever i read one of her angsts WHICH IS LIKE ALL THE TIME ugh cyn what are you doing to me BUT CONTRARY TO THE ANGSTY FICS SHE WRITES cyn is such a FLUFFY person 
fic recs: ALL HER EX BOYFRIEND SERIES especially seongwoo’s (i ranted to cyn for a straight hour about that fic lol), custard kisses, arranged marriage 
@wannatales​​ GREAT SHORT FLUFFS THAT YALL WANNA READ RECOMMENDING FOR STANS OF MAKNAE LINE since writings are only maknae line works always makes me feel all fluffy and gooey insideeee
fic recs: JACKET GUANLIN (fuck such a cute scenarios can’t deal), fool woojin, milk jihoon
@wannawrite​​ SO MANY FICS FOR SO MANY FANDOMS but like the wanna one master list IS HELLA LONG haven’t ever talked to admin N BUT I LOVE YOUUUUU LAETITA DATITA RISEEEE (is that how to spell it i can’t even remember) BUT ANYWAYS soooooo good fics like always love reading them just genuinely great writings 100% of the time
fic recs: FLOWER BOY SERIES LIKE YESSS, vamp series, i latte you very much minhyun, bffs to bf daniel, colourless soulmate au woojin, this isn’t part of the plot guanlin
@wanna-17​​ CATH OMG MY OLDER FUTURE TWIN IDEK i love you so so much and chatting you is always fun BUT you have so many mtls like wow I'm mind blown BUT YOUR FICS ARE ALSO SUPER GOOD 
fic recs: wanna one first meeting series, and any of the mtls you want to know about
@whatabrightplace​​ AHHH TINA PLEASE PLEASE WRITE FOR WANNA ONE YOUR WRITING IS ALREADY AMAZING AND DON’T BE SCARED JUST TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH wow I'm being rly dramatic but idc i want to see you produce wanna one writing content (did you see what i did there ;) ) ANYWAYS i also wanted to tell you i love youuuu
fic recs: HER RECENT DANIEL SCENARIO FUCK stars + you for our precious mother ariane and basically everything on her masterlist even tho it isn’t wanna one or pd101
@101scenes​​ JUST CUTE ASF SCENARIOS (at least the ones i’ve read) got me squealing and SOFT like such great writing 
fic recs: LATTE ART daniel scenario, guanlin soulmate au, ceo jihoon
TEXT BLOGS (not gonna do fic recommendations cause they’re texts and it’s harder to choose specific ones):
@laignlin​​ LILY I LOVE YOU AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU MORE LIKE TIME DIFFERENCE AND SCHOOL SUCKS but our chats are always the best and it’s always hella nice talking to you BUT YOU’RE ALSO A GREAT WRITER AND AMAZING TEXT MAKER so i ended up putting you in text author lol also IM STILL YOUR PROM DATE but everyone just read through all of lily’s texts and scenarios cause they’re all on point asf
@pwjins​ I GENUINELY ADORE ALLISON BUT SHE HATES ME AND WE HAVE THIS BITCH FEUD THING GOING ON BUT WHATEVER I LOVE HER ALOT AND IK YOU GOING THROUGH A TOUGH TIME AND NEED A BREAK BUT LIKE I’M HERE FOR YOU TUMBLR HERE’S FOR YOU but i love allison’s texts they always make me smile and laugh and like my heart literally warms SHE ALSO WRITES occasionally so check those out and i don’t have any in particular but like the gc texts are always good and the CHANGING THE NAME LIKE LMAO that’s also amazing just check it all out BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ALLISON 
@texts101 YOUR TEXTS ARE SOOOO GOOD JUST THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR MAKING THEM like they never disappoint I LOVE the best friend, boyfriend, gc and name switch texts the most BUT LITERALLY ALL OF YOUR TEXTS ARE AMAZING and ik you taking a hiatus now SO PLEASE TAKE A GOOD REST AND FOCUS ON SCHOOL and don’t stress at all cause all your followers will still be here and ready for your return
@w1talks ANGELA IK YOU DO SCENARIOS AND TEXTS but the scenario list was getting WAYYY TOO LONG to put you there anyways I LOVE YOUR TEXTS AND YOUR SCENARIOS your writing is amazing but your texts are also great LIKE MULTI TALENTED MUCH and I ABSOLUTELY ADORED wanna one finding you went on a date with jinyoung BUT I ALSO ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUUU
INCORRECT QUOTES BLOGS (not gonna do fic recommendations cause they’re quotes and there are hundreds):
@incorrect-produce101-quotes​ SUPER DUPER FUNNY and like totally could imagine your quotes being said by the guys and love how there’s a lot of the pd101 guys as welll 
@incorrect-wanna-one-quotes​ you were one of the first blogs i followed and your quotes NEVER fail to make me at least smile like i have properly cracked up laughing on multiple occasions because of your quotes and i just feel like my day becomes a little brighter when i see you on my dash
@daewi​ just really nice and cute gifs which are soooo aesthetically pleasing together also all your reblogs are just great AND I ADORE YOUR HS YEARBOOK AWARD THEMES 
@defsouldanik​ LITERALLY IM IN SUCH AWE OF YOU LIKE THE GIFS YOU MAKE IS ALWAYS LIKE THE MOMENTS I WANT GIFFED?? and like all your got7 content makes me happy as well and just THE QUALITY IS SOOO GOOD AS WELL
@kimsjaehwan​ ONE OF MY ULT FAV GIF MAKERS always gifs are so nice and the gifs are always hella good quality just always makes me smile when i see them 
@kngniel​ YOU WANT BASICALLY PERFECT GIFS OF DANIEL HERE IS THE BLOG FOR YOU genuinely so many gifs you’ve made of him smiling and just MAKES ME FEEL SOFTTT 
@ongeuigeon​ SUCH AMAZING GIFS WTF like the gifs in a set always match perfectly with each other in every way AND I LOVE IT WHEN YOU ADD YOUR OWN LITTLE COMMENTS IN it always make the gif that much better 
@parkswoojin REALLY NICE GIFS and like you regularly make new ones so thank youuu for that and just really nice quality AND IN GENERAL A GREAT GIF BLOG TO FOLLOW
@park-woojin​ I LOVE YOU JUST FOR EXISTING AND MAKING WOOJIN GIFS LIKE all of your gifs are so nice and clean and great ass quality AND SINCE ITS WOOJIN i always smile my ass off whenever i see any of your gifs 
@rosybaejin AMAZING ASS GIFS LIKE WOWOOWOWOWOW mind fucking blown y'all AND also in general amazing blog to follow great baejin content
@sungwhoon really pretty high quality edits and gifs AND LIKE THE COLOURS ALWAYS LOOK AMAZING just so nice to look at your gifs
@woojinnies WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT YOU IN THIS FANDOM genuinely believe you are a staple piece of creating gifs in this fandom YOUVE MADE SOOOO MANY AND THEY’RE ALL SOOO GOOD like you have A GIFT just thank youuuu for making your gifs 
@boo-jinyoung​​​ summer you’re an amazing ass dancer like woah and totally a baejin stan even tho you deny it CONSTANTLY and you are a  complete sweetheart everyone follow for HELLA GOOD jinyoung and guanlin content 
@dearlydaehwi AMAZING DAEHWI CONTENT LIKE DAMN like i love seeing the smol soft bean and you DELIVER like all daehwi stand should follow you just daehwi overload in the absolute best way possible
@extraongdinary LITERALLY PROVIDES ALL THE SEONGWOO CONTENT I NEED and reblogs good ass content SO HAPPY ASF leah ily even tho we’ve never talked you just ultra great 
@fywannaone​ JUST THANK THE LORDS FOR YOU best updates such great pictures literally don’t need to follow any other blogs cause like SO FAST just constantly blessing me with wanna one content SO THANK YOU 
@soft-baejin BRI we’ve barely talked since i’m never on the gc but you’re super duper sweet and nice and also have a really nice blog and you reblog really good jinyoung content and great content in general 
@wooh00jin SUPER SWEET and adores woojin great ships and i bet you have so many flooding in when ships are open cause you put so much detail into them and GREAT WOOJIN CONTENT  
@asongofmagicandtime | @sewnho | @lai-panlin | thank you for always being nice to me on the gc and I'm sad its not as active as before but all three of you are SUCH SWEETHEARTS and have GREAT ASS CONTENT on your blogs
MY FAVOURITE MUTUALS/CLOSE FRIENDS (which have not been mentioned above or i just felt like putting you here lmao):
@danielsoftgf​ DIAN YOU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME NO MORE SENDING GIFS OF KOOKIE TAE N WOOJIN LIKE YOU RLY WANNA KILL ME but you so so soft for daniel it’s sweet but also so easy to exploit hehehe but i can see seongwoo just around the corner ;) but genuinely love your blog it’s so so so nice and chatting with you is the best I LOVE YOUUUU
@hyuckland​ OKAY IK WE JUST STARTED TALKING TINA AND I HAVEN’T GOT THE CHANCE TO STALK YOUR BLOG YET so i can’t really properly comment on anything BUT ONE THING I CAN is that you’re an absolute sweetheart and you made me feel SO MUCH BETTER with your messages BUT IK WE’RE GONNA BECOME HELLA CLOSE 
@jaehwansspookywife LUCY LUCY LUCY you are the funniest person ever you are so nice and sweet and hilarious and conversations never get boring w you we don’t talk THAT often but when we do i always genuinely enjoy it love youuuuu ALSO OBSESSED W JAEHWAN DON’T LET HER i don’t think he’s cute FOOL YOU
@kpopsincejune07​ JEN I LOVE YOU you were one of my first fans and you’ve been a huge supporter ever since AND WE BECAME CLOSER and talk when our stupid time zones all us lol and please don’t stress about work and take care of yourself also thank you for always reposting great fics BUT IM WAITING ON YOURSSS PLEASE PLEASE POST YOUR FIC i am waiting till this day for it ily
@ongsecngwoo​ GINNY MY LOVEEEEE i always love talking with you our conversations are always good and hella fun even tho we end up replying hours/days after EH ITS TIMEZONES but also i love your blog it’s so pretty AND THE CONTENT YOU REBLOG just yes yes yes also DONT STRESS ABOUT SCHOOL TOO MUCH AND YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF but also you haven’t replied to my messages in ages so i hope everything’s okay?? i just love you loads :)))
@parkkwoojin ace we don’t talk as much as before but I STILL CARE AND LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH you’re soon easy to slander but since i promised to be sweet i’m being sweet hehehe BUT GENUINELY YOU POST BOMB ASS GIFS AND ALWAYS IMPRESSED BY THEM and your gifs of woojin OOFT MY HEART DIESSSS just thank you for existing
@porkjeojang SUMMER OMG SUMMER YOU ARE SUCH A SOFT SWEETHEART WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH but you can also be one HELL OF A BITCH sometimes ya know?? also she says she’s loyal to jihoon but IVE SEEN HER EYEING DANIEL UP but she super multi talented making pixels, gifs, mood boards and writing scenarios LIKE TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS but i love you so much and without you my dashboard wouldn’t be complete
@spooky-jihoon NAIA IK WE AIN’T THAT CLOSE BUT YOU WERE ONE OF MY FIRST MUTUALS I TALKED TO sooo i put you here hope you don’t mind I MISS YOU A LOT you’re a literal angel AND PROBABLY THE MOST DEVOTED JIHOON FAN I KNOW like jihoon content right here ppl right here and ik you won’t see this after your hiatus BUT I LOVE YOUU 
@wannabl​ okay hana we haven’t talked in fucking ages cause i felt like you just didn’t really want to chat ya know? especially cause you’re so so busy w irl stuff but like i do really really miss you and i’ve actually sent a few anons saying that i do miss you and wanting to see how you’ll react never got a reply :( but genuinely in awe of how easily you make friends and that you have so many different types of works and i’m so glad you have so many people that recognise that like your anons (and i’m sorry if i was too overly jokingly bitchy) and everyone just go through her master list or just check out her blog cause genuinely such a funny person and has amazing content on there
@wanna-one MERVE you’re my sister/protecter from all things bad (like makeout scenes lmao) but even though you “hate” daniel you have your sweet ASF moments about him you basically confess you love everything about him AND SO MUCH DANIEL CONTENT ON YOUR BLUG BUT you’re always tired and stressed and i wish you were decently okay and happy but remember you’re so sweet ridiculously smart AND i still need to see a photo of you anyways i love you sooooo much and so does daniel ;)
@woojinstinygf OMG KITTY YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART AND PROBABLY THE MOST DEVOTED WOOJIN FAN IK (sorry all those woojin stans out there but like kitty takes it to ANOTHER LEVEL) i always love chatting w you and you always make feel so soft and happy ANYONE WANTS WOOJIN CONTENT OR SWEET WORDS OR ANYTHING ABOUT WOOJIN OR STRAY KIDS LMAO FOLLOW N MESSAGE KITTY (not actually her irl name but she tells ppl to call her that soooo ya)
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The Shadowhunter chronicles faves (spoilers for lord of shadows)
Okay but I'd protect: Kieran, Mark, Christina, Ty, Kit, Livvy (;-;), Dru, Tavvy, Helen, Aline, Diana, Jem, Tessa, Will (;-;), Alec, Magnus, Max and Rafe, Raphael (;-;), Simon, Izzy, Maia, Max (;-;), Jules, Alec, Kieran, Ty, Livvy, Alec, Magnus, Kieran, Raphael, Ty, Livvy, Dru, Diana, *repeat* with my life I love them so much I love Kit and relate to him on a spiritual level. I love his relationship with the twins (especially Ty if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and his frustration with Shadowhunters (he's expressing the viewers words tbh). I love his understanding and need to protect Ty. It's great to see someone doing the right thing for my baby bee boy. I love Dru so much being a middle child is hard, especially when you're 'too young' for literally everything and people forced your younger sibling on you. Also she's beautiful and her talks of insecurities about shape and weight really hit it home for me and I'm sure lots of other. I literally cried when Jules said "You're our heart baby girl. You're the heart of the family." Tavvy is the cutest bean and needs protecting. That's all that needs to be said. Also if anyone hurts him I'll find you. I loved Diana a lot from the beginning. My attachment to the Blackthorns meant that anyone who was nice to them by association caught my interest and deserved attention. But I liked her character, especially when she essentially told Zara to shut the fuck up ngl. Her coming out story was a cherry on the cake tbh I wasn't expecting it and I cried over her story (also her sister ;-;). I love Diana's design too. She's overall a great Character. I love Helen and Aline so much. Their relationship, dedication, meeting, everything about them alone and in a pair is just so great. Also I'm high-key gay for both of them. But Aline dedication to her wife made me cry I'm-- I'm just in love with them ok? Okay but Tessa Jem Will Tho yass I love them I haven't even finished their series (I've read lord of shadows but I'm only on clockwork angel aka the first one ;-;). I live their dynamic. Tessa's just beautiful and great and smart and badass af. Jem is precious I love him. Will is so great I actually prefer his herondaleness to Jace's. I love their interaction. And their Camille and Magnus interaction were the goodest of good shits™ 👌. Do I really need an explanation for Max and Rafe tbh. Like Tavvy they're both adorable and amazing. Also Max is blue (I love the fact he's blue). If anyone ever hurts or bullies them I'm coming for that person. Simon and Izzy. Well what can i say, Izzy is hot and Simon is chill (mah man). He's honestly such a geek ("tell me a bedtime story" "k *plot of starwars*"). He should meet Kit tbh. I love Izzy in book and the TV show (and not just because Emeraude Toubia is impossibly attractive). I live her character. I love Simon's character. 'Nough said. Max, well, uh we don't talk about that. F U C K Y O U S E B A S T I A N M O R G E N S T E R N ! ! ! I loved Max so much, though, I wish I could have protected him personally. He was so cute and loved reading and felt like no one noticed or listened to him or borderline ignored. (That sounds familiar call out post to my toxic friends and family). He's a 13 year old boy you should be ashamed! Tbh I loved Maia since I first read about her in the books. She was so strong and badass and pretty and great. Also that one time where izzy says if she was attracted to girls she'd tap that ass. Also when she killed that asshole I was like yasssss queen slay!!! Rip Kyle tho I miss him. She pretty great in the TV series too, W E A RE N O T T A L K IN G A B O U T T H E C L O S E T S C E N E I R E P E AT N O T!! Jules, Jules, Jules... he's a fucking amazing brother lets start with that. He's had to essentially, apart from Emma and Diana look after his siblings, the institute and everything else singlehandedly. He's always there for them. He's also an artist ! That's great I love artist characters idk. Can we also talk about his way with words dang dang diggity dang dang dang he can talk anyone into seeing to his POV or believing his words. He a great boi. He just needs (some milk, sorry it's 2 am) a permanent vacation with Emma in an AU where parabatai bonds won't make you crazy if you be fucking yo parabatai. So he can fuck Emma, essentially is what I'm, ever so subtly, getting at it. Christina Rosales is beautiful and deserves the world and to stab Zara Fucking Dearborn through the heart. Ok I love her but I love Kieran more so she better not hurt my boi Kier. Also I'm down for some KierArkTina anytime as long as they spend some (a great amount) time to sort out their issues and love each other properly. Mark is great tbh (but again I love Kieran more so don't hurt him mah boi). Like I love his personality and character and appearance and speech patterns they're like the perfect blend between nephilim and faerie and I love that. I love him, that coat scene tho and the kitchen scene and the many scenes where he talks to inanimate objects. Also the make out scenes got diggity damn kierark. Also talking about kierark ppl be like Kieran was so bad to mark yeah but mark was bad to Kieran too. I'm not excusing mah boi here or mark but yeah they both not angels (hahaha). Tbh I loved Raphael so much (also saphael). He was so great I loved this lil asshole so much I cried when he died so much. S E BA S T I A N F U C K IN G M O R G E R N S T E RN !! ! Also ! Ace! representation ! Is ! Important ! I'm! Happy! But yeah Rip this babe. I loved Ty and Livvy ever since I first read them in the books, I was super excited for an autistic character and related to Livvy as my little brother is also autistic. (Livvy deserved better tbh). They're just so great and cute, I love them. We don't deserve them tbh. I love ty, I'm sorry, Sherlock so much and his twin sister (Euros lol don't shoot me) is an inspiration. Livvy is so protective and I love her. Ty is just so protective and I love him. I love them both so much. Kieran, mah boi, my sass ball, my salty bitch, my faerie boi, my king's son, my slayer, my great handsome beautiful amazing boi. Okay I don't even know why I love him so much I just do. He's misunderstood and before yall bitch at me like oh that poor special snowflake he Hurting he misunderstood poor bean do he need a tiny violin to play sad music for him where's thE P R O O F OF T H I S BI T C H ! !! Yall can read up on this subject on other post about it I've reblogged. O K A Y he did some bad things he regrets and wished he could rewind and stop. Um. So has almost every other fricking character in this book series apart from really young kids don't just blame my baby gods guys. Magnus is just the best, if you hate him you're wrong doesn't matter who you are or what ever. You're wrong. He's a great great bf, fiancée, future husband, father, future uncle, babysitter, cat sitter, lover, friend, Warlock, person and soul. I love him I'd give up all my soul and body for him. I worship him, I love his design, speech patterns, personality, methods, over all character and just everything. If I wasn't attracted to female only I'd high-key be crushing on Magnus Bane. Bi the way (see what I did there) he great don't ever hurt. Also he slays. And Harry Shum Jr. does a great job portraying him in the series, he great. Drop everything because you've come to the last of the superior squad (Ty, Livvy, Kieran, Magnus and Alec) Buckle the fuck up guys it's time to go for a spin in the Mystery mobile (or w/e the fuck it's called). Ah Alec, my biggest fave rivalled only by Ty my other biggest fave, he's so handsome brave and amazing. Malec is like supreme OTP (with Kitty and Kierark of course) I live for their dynamic both in the book and on the screen in the TV show. I love Alec as he's incredibly relatable, beautiful, great with kids, a great leader, a great bf/financée/lover/husband, a great person. I love him. If i could if adopt him as my son. I'm screaming he's just so good. Also he hecka attractive for a guy if i was a guy 10/10 would bed and we'd this handsome boi. Also the way he roasted Zara Dearborn, she was more like deadborn back then. (Also when Kieran joined in I cried tears of joy). When are we gonna talk about his alleged bondage kink btw? Hmu with fic and Fanart with this if you have it. In conclusion I love them all very much! Special mentions to: Gwyn, Arthur, Malcolm (idk why), Annabel (kinda i guess), Jaime (Un petit peu), Nene, Nerissa and Aodaon (?) (he cute).
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saintkimora · 7 years
here is how my last date went w joel (once again i have mixed feelings about it) plus how things are going now
so i saw him the other night. i got there and it was him marissa and lindsey as usual but they also had their friends moshe and adiena there. so that was kinda awkward (for me at least). they were all just sitting around talking and moshe and joel were playing mario kart on the switch and then joel made everyone watch like category is, read u wrote u, the s8 and 9 finale lip syncs, and the alyssa edwards drop dead gorgeous mix. it was kinda awkward bc the others werent really into it after the first 2 videos (except marissa legend) so i was getting secondhand embarrassment but it was still fun i guess since i got to sit next to my man
BUT then things took a turn for the worst bc joel made some attempt to include me in the group conversation. i got so sweaty instantly and i was wearing a tank so i was like fuck! nothing to cover it up. so yeah eventually moshe and adiena left and it was just us the 4 sisters again
marissa started vacuuming and lindsey was showing us some books she has. then they both went to their rooms and it was just me and joel. he said chris was still in his room playing tekken 7 on his ps4 and he didnt wanna kick him out yet so we stayed in the living room and he made me watch the great british bake off with him and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring omg like this is what yall call a competition? it was not intense at ALL literally flop shows only
then eventually we went into his room and he kicked chris out (after playing one round w him) so it was just us. this is where the date got enjoyable
one of the things he did was he started talking to me about his opinions on like race and stuff currently in america. and his opinions were all p good except for a few so that was fine. it was nice i guess to have like a serious convo w him i guess
THEN he referenced something from his childhood and i didnt know what it was obv so he was like “ive never told you the story of my childhood??” so he told me and oh my gosh it was so SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD omg im not gonna put all his business on here but it was such a sad story and i felt so bad for him and i wished i met him years ago so i couldve been there for him through all of it. but yeah it was v unfortunate i was like shocked like he seriously could not catch a break and he explained to me how the things from back then affect him to this day w like his anxiety for example and yeah. like obv i wasnt happy to hear about all those sad things but i was happy that he told me bc it made me feel closer to him
now for the part i DIDNT like. so at one point he somehow tried to talk to me about what celebrities and porn stars we think are hot. i did not want to have this conversation bc it feels pointless for me bc i dont keep up w celebrities and plus like the guy im with is always the #1 hottest guy for me so i dont feel the need to lust after celebs and porn stars. but whatever he was insistent on talking about this so we did. and the part that made me feel :/ was that none of the guys looked like me. like literally all the celebrities and porn stars he listed literally looked NOTHING like me whatsoever. like i didnt have a SINGLE thing in common w any of these guys. so to hear him going on and on about how hot these guys are and how they could have him any day and stuff was just kinda deflating to me bc they were all like the complete opposite of me in terms of looks. like they were all super buff daddy types and i have like 0 muscles and i dont really have strong chiseled features either. like i know im prob being oversensitive/too competitive but idk it just made me uncomfortable
and then when i told him all my faves it was different bc he did have a lot in common w all the guys i mentioned. he was like “im noticing a pattern here” and hes right, like if i did have a “”type” he would probably be it. i personally dont like talking about hot guys w any guy im currently with bc for me its like if the guy im with is all heart eyes emoji about another guys looks then obv im gonna look at this guy and compare myself to him which is not something i want to do since most of the time the other guys have me beat. so i dont bring up guys i find hot for the same reason bc i wouldnt want the guy im with to feel insecure or inadequate or contribute to a negative body image or something. i know not all people think like this and lots of people are perfectly fine w admiring other guys w their s/o but for me its just not something i like to do
so that was the worst part. it made me feel kinda empty the next day (in the moment it wasnt as bad, it was uncomfortable but it wasnt until later that i realized that i really did not look like these guys at all). actually i think this convo happened before the childhood convo. but anyways after all those convos that is when we fooled around
so this time it was fun! first he had me teasing his hole w my dick. its mildy pleasant to me but he like loves it lol. then he did the same to me but his dick was like lubed up from when i was jerking him off beforehand and it really felt like his dick was THIS close to slipping into my hole omg i was nervous i was like if he moves his hips slightly too much im literally gonna lose my virginity LMAO but it was still fun! he ended up cumming on my hole which i honestly didnt mind bc it was easier to clean since its less surface area than say my stomach or something
then i jerked myself off while he kissed me and played w my nipples and stuff since thats still my preferred way to cum. it was nice and then we showered together afterwards. and i forgot to mention it but a few dates ago we showered together for the first time which was super fun!! that time i sucked/jerked him off in the shower until he came. this time we had already cum so we just cleaned ourselves 
then we went to sleep. we woke up and got ready and i got to see him eat breakfast! he had cereal and he looked soooooooo cute omg and then we left his apartment together, then parted ways bc i had to go to my car and he was going to the bus stop down the street. he left bc he is visiting his family back home bc he needs to get some documents to do something for fafsa and he wont be back until wednesday. and i leave on thursday so rip we just have one more chance to see each other 
so that was that! also on the date before that we played this really fun game together called lovers in a dangerous spacetime and i had so much fun! omg we were such gaymers
so yeah thats it! one more date before we have to be apart for a month. im really sad about it actually like ive been getting really emotional over it. like im gonna miss him but also hes kinda going through a difficult time in his life right now and it makes me feel really bad that i wont be able to be there for him in person when he needs me. and ofc im still worried he might meet someone else, like a month is a long time so its v possible for him to forget/lose interest and try to find a new man instead. and these gay apps are location based obv so he could be reinstalling grindr or something and i would have no idea since im so many miles away!!! i doubt he would but again i didnt think caleb would do that either and i was wrong on that so im not trusting my own judgment anymore
im gonna try to enjoy greece but im gonna miss him a LOT and i just hope hes able to hold himself together while im gone since i wont be here to comfort him since im gonna be on another continent. if he does meet someone else im gonna be really sad about it but i am gonna try to be optimistic about it and ill still be able to text him like every day so its gonna suck but it could be worse i guess
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women question thingy cuz im bored
GENERAL WOMANHOOD: 1. Do you like the color pink? nnnot really? pastel pink is kinda cool i guess 2. Did you play with Barbie dolls as a child? ye 3. How easily do you cry? not very? but more so now than before 4. What food do you eat the most of when you’re sad? i eat whatever tbh i dont sad eat? 5. How often do you experience boob sweat? whenever i sweat zz 6. How moody are you when you are you are on your period? doesnt really matter? idk 7. Have you ever thought you were pregnant because your period was late? binch i dont even get a text back i cant have sex HAHAHA 8. Have you ever been on the pill? no, but like my periods are so fucking bizarre so idk but ??? 9. Would you ever want to have children someday? tbh idk i guess but im still too young to decide lol 10. Have you ever given birth? If not, would you ever want to? no, and idk yet :v 11. How good of a cook do you consider yourself? a little above average because i just throw food in without recipes and stuff but my mother is a wizard 12. What is your favorite thing to cook? egg.. ngl its just crack dat bitch and cook it its easy af HAHA  13. Can you sew? ye i guess but not actual clothes 14. Do you consider yourself a feminist? i think so, but like i’m not “active” and also wtf is wrong with “feminists” that want death to men like seriously you’re also part of the problem yall crazy 15. How do you define “girl power?” power specifically for girls, may it be over their body or themselves?? 16. Have you ever wished you were born a male? a little but only cuz that one time i think i was gay for a friend and it would be much easier to come to terms with it, speaking of which i dont even know my sexuality but i dont really care LOL 17. Breastfeeding or formula? breastfeeding  18. What is your opinion of equal pay? its important!! but then if we’re not looking at gender its unfair if someone who does jackshit gets the same pay as someone working their literal ass off. instead of adjusting based on gender why not adjust it based on work done? if you slack off u get a pay cut if u work hard you get a raise? 19. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? ah shit uh, i think i’m both??? (that makes no sense) like i know i have no right to force someone to do something but at least maybe i’d like to talk to them about it? a life is a life /shrugs/ but ultimately it is not my choice to make if it’s not my situation, all i can do is to maybe let someone understand the morality behind say abortion. HOWEVER!!! i think birth control for period management because of certain conditions is good and this shouldn’t be taken away from people who need it!! I’m just so !!! at women getting refused treatment for a spontaneous abortion or whatever because its an abortion, but the body rejected the foetus all on its own!! she has a right to healthcare!! (i saw this on a documentary on abortion in the ph iirc and like refusing someone treatment because its not moral to “fully abort” a foetus, even though it’s already aborted by the BODY ITSELF and not by other MEANS is literally not caring for the person who needs the HELP?!?!!?? its more immoral to refuse healthcare to her than to give her healthcare to abort the foetus because the body aborted it by itself it is spontaneous sometimes it happens okay?????) 20. Have you ever experienced any sexism? If so, please explain. i dont think so tbh 21. What is one thing about women you think most men don’t know? not everyone wants your dick in their vagina shut the fuck up HAHA 22. Complete this phrase: I’m so glad I’m a woman because______. i’m not burdened by society rules about hugging my friends and make up? i have no idea tbh i’m just eh about everything am i even a woman HAHAHA
LIFE EXPERIENCES: 23. Have you ever been a Girl Scout? no 24. Have you ever been a ballerina? noo 25. Have you ever been a cheerleader? no 26. Were you ever voted as a homecoming or prom queen? can we eat prom? 27. Have you ever hosted a sleepover? yeah i guess but its just because my friends dont wanna walk one block home its great HAHA 28. Do you belong to a sorority? we dont have those things in here 29. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal? i used to keep a diary when i was a kid now i just want a bujo but where s my shit 30. American ladies: did you vote for Hillary Clinton? not american PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: 31. What is the longest your hair has ever been? a v-cut where the longest was at my asscrack 32. Have you ever cut your hair super short? shaved it for hair for hope uvu 33. What hairstyle do you wear the most? either down with a side parting or up/half-up in a hairstick, at home just an ugly ass bun. like my hair is nice but the style is meh 34. Have you ever dyed your hair? no, im afraid of spoiling it 35. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed? now im always heavy lmao  36. How muscular are you? i have some muscle in my calves and the top of my arms but im 90% fat so 37. Are your ears pierced? one on each lobe 38. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ears? nah 39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where? noo 40. How often do you wear lipstick or lipgloss? almost never, if i wear makeup i still forget about it LOL 41. How often do you paint your nails? rarely 42. Have you ever worn any fake eyelashes or fake nails? yes at both but fake nails dont survive  43. How often do you shave/wax your legs? i never did  44. How white are your teeth? eh not very but its not stained v badly i guess 45. What do you think is your best physical feature? my softness? 46. What do you think is your worst physical feature? fats HAHA 47. Do you have a “look” (i.e. a mad/annoyed/upset stare)? blur face 48. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions? i dont i just make potato faces FASHION STYLE: 49. What is your favorite fashion brand? prolly iora or lalu or something i think they have korean-ish/school-girl ish aesthetic  50. Do you wear skirts and dresses at all? If so, how often? ye, not v often because school is anal about it :) 51. What is your dress size? dunno but i think im like a L-XL depending on cut? 52. Do you wear any high heels or stilettos at all? If so, how often? no, dont own any 53. Have you ever worn high heels casually? no? not really nah 54. How often do you wear a bra? only in public or when non-family members are in the house 55. Does it matter if your bra and panties match or not? i alternate between only 2 bras i dont care 56. Which are you more likely to go without: a bra or panties? i forgot to wear a bra like 3 times in my life two of which i already had noticecable boobs 57. How much of your underwear is white? i have a few now? 58. Have you ever worn a skirt or a dress without any panties underneath? yo wtf dont get ur vag juices everywhere omg also everything is dirty dont do that 59. What is the shortest length of skirts and dresses you are comfortable wearing? if i fold the butt part to wrap my butt and it manages to cover my entire butt i guess but only if i have safety shorts 60. How expensive was your prom dress? shit idr 61. What clothing item do you own the most of (if shirts, be specific to what kind)? t-shirts (but not anymore-) 62. How much jewelry do you typically wear? a pair of earrings, used to have a necklace but i havent got a new chain yet 63. How much makeup do you typically wear? either full face or none, twice before concealer + eyeliner thats it 64. Do you like eyeshadow? THAT SHITE BOMB 65. Do you carry a purse? i prefer a bigger bag because i bring way too much shit 66. What is your preferred way to carry a purse: In your hand, on your elbow, or on your elbow? slung on my shoulder 67. How big is your closet? not very 68. Have you ever looked through your closet an thought “I have nothing to wear”? YES WTF BC I LOOK LIKE A HOBO (also i literally keep running out of shirts nowadays) 69. Have you ever worn the same outfit more than once? ya what do u think i am a diva? HAHA 70. One-piece swimsuits or bikinis? t-shirt and shorts 71. Have you ever worn a mismatched bikini? i never put my body into a bikini 72. Do you like tube and halter tops fat arms man :v 73. Do you like crop tops? they look aesthetic af but just not on me HAHAHAH 74. Are you comfortable showing off a little cleavage? ye i guess WEDDING CRAZE: 75. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? no but i’ve been flower girl multiple times 76. Would you ever want to get married? i guess 77. For how long have you thought about your wedding? i dont even have a crush rn so i never even thought of it 78. How much of your wedding do you already have planned out? -100% 79. Indoor or outdoor wedding? church wedding preferable in an airconditioned one imean- HAHAHA 80. Would you want to have a lot of bridesmaids or just a couple? i dont have a lot of friends DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: 81. What is your current relationship status? single as a pringle never gonna mingle 82. Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic? no 83. Are you a virgin? If not, which gender did you lose your virginity to? yes 84. What personality trait are you most attracted to? shit uh, (judging on my 2d biases) cheerful puppy type? 85. Have you ever been on a blind date? no 86. Has anyone ever tried to set you up on a date? noo 87. Do you kiss on a first date? no  88. How often do guys hit on you? never HAHA 89. Have you ever kissed another woman? If so, did you like it? shIt ya and ya, go away 90. Have you ever dated another woman? i almost did? 91. Is sex before marriage wrong? IT’S AGAINST THE MORAL ORDER!!! according to my religion but also even if it’s not religion its good to only give yourself to another after marriage uvu. but idk 92. After how long would you start to consider a relationship to be serious? i dont know maybe a year? LOL idek if someone can stand being with my after 2 weeks 93. Would you rather your lover give you chocolate or flowers? steak.. or like meat or like good food ENTERTAINMENT: 94. What celebrity do you most admire? i dont- know-? 95. Do you like romantic comedies? Any favorites? eh dont think so 96. Do you have a favorite romantic movie? no 97. Who is your favorite Disney princess? mulan? MERIDA? idk 98. What is your favorite Disney song? shit idk 99. Do you watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? whats that 100. Have you ever watched Sex & The City? no 101. Have you ever watched any shows such as Project Runway or America’s Next Top Model? yeah but like random episodes on the tv with my mom, i rather watch masterchef junior but not with the newer seasons cuz my bro said the way they made it is like poo 102. Do you read romantic novels? If so, do you have any recommendations? im like -100% romantic please stop 103. Beyonce or Taylor Swift? beyonce maybe 104. Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres? ellen? idk  A PILE OF RANDOMNESS: 105. Are you named after anyone? Dionne Warwick (not celine dion stop this shit i will fight you) 106. How many male friends do you have? nnnot many? i’m close to steffy tho yes bless uvu  107. Have you ever called your female friends your girlfriends? i can barely type “i love you” i cannot with cheesy shit so hazukashit 108. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as honey, dear, babe, or darling? ye i call friendos bebe or something but only through text because im shy LOL 109. Have you ever dotted your I’s with a heart or a smiley face? hearts, i stopped bc a teacher was like “lol” in front of the entire class thanks 110. How many items do you own that are of a floral print design? idk but floral prints are nice 111. Name five things you always have in your purse. (not including phone and wallet) lipbalm (that i never use), axe oil (running out), vicks, tigerbalm (why do i have 2), blotting paper (also dont really use) 112. Have you ever lost anything inside your purse? my sanity jk idk 113. Have you ever carried a spare pair of underwear with you in your purse? only pads 114. What is the most amount of money you’ve ever spent in one single shopping trip? idk $60 maybe idk weep i spend it all online 115. Do you consider shopping a sport? no wtf but walking around a lot is a pain so i guess it could be 116. Have you ever used your cleavage or a bra as a purse? i use a bad stop with the purse i carry too much shit 117. Coffee or tea? tea 118. Can you do the splits? i will only split my pants and muscles open so no 119. Do you do any yoga? no 120. Have you ever been told that to have cute handwriting? yea but i think it’s messy and ugly and changes too often 121. How well can you write in cursive? look at 120 122. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? no fuck that 123. Do you or have you ever belonged to a book club? no 124. Have you ever talked yourself out of a driving ticket by using your looks? no lmao i dont even drive 125. Have you ever drank a non-alcoholic beverage out of a wine glass? i guess? 126. Showers or baths? showers 127. Have you ever tried using a toilet while standing up? ya its horrible because u dont have a dick to aim 128. Have you ever been considered the mother of your group of friends? ye actually- 129. Do you own any sex toys? no HAHA RATINGS: 130. From 1-10, how feminine do you consider yourself? 6? 131. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother? 7-8 132. From 1-10, how much do you look like your mother? 5 because i smile like her but a lot of people say i look like my dad 133. From 1-10, how much are you like your father? 3 he’s chill im not 134. From 1-10, how polite are you? depends but maybe 7 135. From 1-10, how cute do you consider your laugh? -11 136. From 1-10, how strict are you about manners? 5? 137. From 1-10, how much of a neat freak are you? 6 but my handwriting is shit 138. From 1-10, how much of a hopeless romantic are you? -11 139. From 1- 10, how healthy do you eat? 6? its Meat > veggies > fish (but cuz i dont like how fish is cooked here? i love meat but i need veg to live too but i dont like salads give me roasted veg or stir fry veg or veg soops uvu) 140. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?  4?
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