#idunn larson
ellie-e-marcovitz · 9 months
Larson Family Brewing
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First recorded in 950 ad, under Áki Larsen and his sons, Tormod and Sigurd.
Started by brewing Mead and a couple of ales, all of which act as the core of their selection to this day (with some modification), along with seasonal rotations and small batch international drinks, mostly for those working at the Flossen Dragon Reserve.
The brewery is currently being overseen, as of 2019, by Asgeir Larson, with Idunn taking care of some of the international brewing and bookkeeping.
Anders (father) and Brynhild (mother) still help with day to day activities and moving of the Mead during the start of Yuletide. Kaia Larson also helps out whenever she returns to Skalafell.
Most distinctive features are the steam-stacks and it's impressive adaptation of muggle technology both outside and inside. Several forms of renewables are utilised, including wind turbines and meticulously maintained solar panels (summer). Most of Skalafell's inhabitants seem baffled by their appearance, but don't seem to mind too much if it means good drinks and a steady supply of Mead for Yuletide.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
Happy holidays, katherynalice!
A holiday prompt for you!: Yule celebration + Idunn Larson.
[ellie-e-marcovitz ☺️]
Thank you so much for this prompt! Yuletide starts on the 21st so im so excited for this!
Being one of the largest brewery families in Skalafell means that they are the main supplier of mead, ale, and cider for the annual Yuletide feasts. Every night from the 21st to the 1st is a feast, so they have to start stockpiling early in the year for it. Vikings can be very thirsty and get drunk every day of yuletide. The first day of Yuletide is often remarked by the Larsons, Idunn among them, rolling and carting barrels and casks into the Longhouse in preparation. Kaari usually shows up to help, mainly so he has an excuse to "test it for quality" before the feast ;)
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Iðunn’s story
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This is a part of Idunn’s story. It’s not the happiest story. Kaari Arcano and the idea of Skalafell belong to @kathrynalicemc . I merely get to occasionally play in the sandbox. tw: implied rape, implied owl murder, unhealthy coping habits
December, 1994
The year… was going poorly.
After losing her owl of ten years, Vangar, to a rogue muggle “bullet” in April, only a couple months after The Incident, she had then been unceremoniously booted from her job at the beginning of June.
She still wasn’t sure why, all these months later.
She hopped around the continent for the last few months, staying with her old dorm mates. She and Ellie had crashed together in France and Germany, before hopping over to Denmark and Annika.
She had forgotten how much fun Annika could be.
After that, Spain, and trying not to burn herself to a crisp, while out exploring with Jasmine. There had been plenty of laughter between them, reminding her of the adventures they shared at Hogwarts.
Somehow, she made it to London before The Result arrived, squalling into the world. She would’ve preferred Skalafell, but was terrified of how her family, and the village at large, would react.
She buried her face further into the pile of furs currently on top of her. All she could remember about the party, at least, the last things she could remember was trying to fend off a co-worker who seemed far more interested in her than she was in him.
After that, nothing.
So here she was, in one of the village longboats, clutching baby Kaia, and racing over the choppy North Sea, into Skalafell four days before Yule.
It wasn’t any closer than when she’d returned from Hogwarts, but whether it was from the pain still radiating from her body or a deep sense of guilt, she had no idea how anyone would react.
Olaf Henderson, one of the Vikings who acted as Harbour Master and a good friend of her father’s, was at the helm of said longboat. He was also respecting her wish for silence, though by the glances she caught, there would be plenty of questions waiting for her.
A thought struck her, and she patted her bag. She hoped that she had her bow and arrows. Ellie’s owl, Hoots, was possibly winging his way north if they weren’t. If she did, that was a perfect escape from all the stares and scowling faces.
Who was she kidding? Her parents hadn’t wanted her to take a job in London. They’d never leave her alone.
Another thought hit her as they got closer. Kaari Arcano was no doubt going to be hanging around the village, if not around the brewery, when they docked. Unless he happened to be at the Flossen Dragon Reserve instead.
That was her preferred option. She was in no mood to deal with the charming dragon wrangler. Part of her wished Ellie was here to try that charm from fourth year again. But she also remembered the equally charming worm of a dragon that he’d happily fly in the middle of a snowstorm anyways.
As they got closer, she caught sight of the massive copper bowls of the giant torches flanking the entry to Skalafell harbour, poking through the fog that tended to hang around the entrance.
“We’re almost there, lassie,” came Olaf’s deep voice through her thoughts. “Another half-hour and we should be docking. How’s the wee lass doin’?”
“Happy,” she replied, forgetting her own wish for silence. “She seems to be enjoying this.” Olaf gave an awkward sort of nod, and an uncomfortable silence descended on the boat.
They edged their way into the fjord, and she huddled further, if possible, into the furs. She could almost feel the bows poised to loosen, as Olaf raised the family flags of Larson and Henderson alongside the one for the village. This would be the moment of truth…
Pulling baby Kaia closer, and shifting the furs enough to further deaden the shouting, she braced for the arrival call that typically preceded docking. She was not disappointed, though she missed most of it by ducking into the furs.She shivered some as they reached the docks, belatedly realising that warmer clothes were needed. No doubt her parents still had her things… she hoped.
Emerging from the furs, and promptly pulling one around her and Kaia, she disembarked and took in the sight of the village she hadn’t seen in almost four years.
It hadn’t changed much in that time. There might be a few unfamiliar faces mixed among the, now slightly older, familiar ones. The Yule goat ever so slightly different…
The thunk of barrels and crates being unloaded brought her from her thoughts. No one seemed to notice that she was there. She picked up her bag, drew her coat and the fur closer, but waited on the docks until Olaf himself disembarked from the longboat.
“Righ’ then, lassie,” Olaf said, far too cheerfully in her opinion, clapping his hands together. “I’ll walk with yeh to the brewery.”
She nodded absently. No doubt someone from the docks had mentioned she was here, now spreading like wildfire through the village.
part 2
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Children of Idunn Larson m. Carstenson
Thanks @kathrynalicemc for encouraging them.
Kaia Ellinor Larson
Born: 31 October 1994 23:58, London
Sorted into Gryffindor, 2006-2013
Joined the Quidditch team 3rd year - 7th year, captain 6th and 7th, either Keeper or Beater
Currently plays for the Chudley Cannons
Takes after Idunn in looks and personality + possible athletic ability from unknown father
Kennet Anders Larson Carstenson
Born 20 May 1999 12:15 pm
Sorted into Ravenclaw, 2010-2017
Joined the Ministry after leaving Hogwarts - first the Department of Magical Games and Sport, then Magical Relations, eventually becoming ambassador to Norway
Mix of his parents - dirty blond hair and green eyes
Magne Robert Larson Carstenson
Born 20 August 2003 04:15
Sorted into Slytherin, 2014-2021
Rivalled Charlie Weasley and Barnaby Lee in Care of Magical Creatures. Currently works at Flossen Dragon Reserve.
Nursed a slight crush on Kleio Marcovitz,
Takes after his father - brown blond hair and hazel eyes
Robert Carstenson
Dirty blond hair, hazel eyes
Dutch-Scottish heritage
Born: Edinburgh, UK
Raised in Amsterdam
Father: Arnos Carstenson, Dutch muggle
Mother: Anne Breckenridge, Scottish witch
Largely homeschooled, did not go to Hogwarts
Studied at the University of Edinburgh, pursuing a Master's in the 90s
Divorced/Separated from Idunn in 2015
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Idunn headcanons
One of the best Vikings in Skalafell at archery, not that she brags about the fact. Also takes up hand-to-hand combat.
Spend some time in Skalafell's home defence for a couple summers, before rejoining after Yule 1994
Has something of a crush on Kaari Arcano (@kathrynalicemc ) in 5th year, but figures out pretty quickly it'll go nowhere, much to her frustration
Ends up splitting her time between Edinburgh and Skalalfell during the war, before partly taking over at the brewing company.
Is still boggled by muggle tech, through appreciates spreadsheets for accounting. Makes it somewhat easier.
Sends Kaia, Kennet and Magne to Hogwarts. Kaia ends up in Gryffindor, Kennet in Ravenclaw and Magne in Slytherin (good snake, tho).
Magne joins Kaari at the Fossen dragon reserve, while Kennet joins the Ministry as an ambassador between Norway and the UK.
Kaia plays Quidditch for the Chudley Cannons and the Norwegian national team. Idunn proudly shares a box with Ron Weasley.
Idunn kept in contact with her dorm mates, particularly Jasmine and Annika, but Ellie as well.
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Profile: Iðunn Larson
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FC: tbd
Nicknames: Miss Larson, Andersdottr, Indy
Born: 23 January 1973
2nd of three
Place of birth: Faroe Islands
Ethnicity: Norwegian
Nationality: Anglo-Norse
Blood Status: Pureblood (Magical)
House: Gryffindor, 1984-1991
Abilities: currently unknown
Wand: Norwegian Spruce, with dragon heartstring, 10”, unyielding
Appearance: dark blonde hair, dark brown eyes, scattered freckles, solid build
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Mother: Brynhild née Henrik
Father: Anders Larson
brewer, Larson Family Brewing
Older brother: Asgeir
Younger sister: Kristine
Cousin: Ingrid Larson
Friends:  Jasmine Fonseca, Annika Halvorson, Rose Whiteson, Ellie Marcovitz, Rowan Khanna
Preferred weapon is a bow and arrow, goes on the create the Hogwarts Archery Club (1986-1991)
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Iðunn masterlist
Yes, it ballooned. Probably not as long as tweaked, though. *knock on wood*
Chapter 1 - Return to Skalafell
Chapter 2 - First Meetings
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 1 year
Life update:
Preparation work for July Camp NaNo will begin 1 June. Hoping some concert-going at a local music festival will help.
Will also gather Idunn and the rest of the Larson family into a post, @kathrynalicemc .
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