kathrynalicemc · 9 months
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Yuletide at Skalafell
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fischerfrey · 1 year
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hp oc concept; a skalafell guard
he doesn't have a name or an era but he's an idiot! very good in a fight but no brain cells.
tagging @kathrynalicemc for skalafell and @potionboy3 who really is to blame for all of this
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 9 months
Larson Family Brewing
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First recorded in 950 ad, under Áki Larsen and his sons, Tormod and Sigurd.
Started by brewing Mead and a couple of ales, all of which act as the core of their selection to this day (with some modification), along with seasonal rotations and small batch international drinks, mostly for those working at the Flossen Dragon Reserve.
The brewery is currently being overseen, as of 2019, by Asgeir Larson, with Idunn taking care of some of the international brewing and bookkeeping.
Anders (father) and Brynhild (mother) still help with day to day activities and moving of the Mead during the start of Yuletide. Kaia Larson also helps out whenever she returns to Skalafell.
Most distinctive features are the steam-stacks and it's impressive adaptation of muggle technology both outside and inside. Several forms of renewables are utilised, including wind turbines and meticulously maintained solar panels (summer). Most of Skalafell's inhabitants seem baffled by their appearance, but don't seem to mind too much if it means good drinks and a steady supply of Mead for Yuletide.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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@kathrynalicemc it's themmmm!!! 💞
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lifeofkaze · 10 months
Right back atcha with the crackships now that the brain fog is gone: slytherin queens but make it Semele Thorne and Mina Pendleton? 👀
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It's amazing to see Mina get some love. She deserves it.
How it happened:
These two may have shared a house but otherwise never had many points of contact during their time at school. Mina was too busy worshipping her cousin and being jealous over Penny's recognition as a Potions prodigy, while Semele had no time for the seemingly boring wallflower that was Mina.
They lost sight of each of other after graduating, and even though they both worked with the Phoenix Resistance to varying degrees during the war neither of them knew of the other's involvement.
They met again after Semele decided to leave Skalafell and - having experienced the chaos of Kaari Arcano first hand - Mina was happy to provide Semele with a shoulder to cry on, her friendship and a clean, luxurious shower... which she was happy to share.
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
#17 & #20 for the Shadowed Land ? [ellie-e-marcovitz 😊]
Thank you for asking! 💛 game is here.
17. What are you worried about in this wip
Hmm… Everything? Firstly, it’s centred around a prophecy trope, and I’m concerned r.e. it feeling very been-there-done-that. It’s a lot of angst and has a whole arc based around the Battle Of Hogwarts. Both angst and battle/action scenes have never been my strengths writing-wise, which is why This Shadowed Land is a challenge. But, I like a challenge. Also, the story runs close to the events of Deathly Hallows and fills in the gaps in the plot. Turns out some of those gaps are more just… holes. Trying to fill them in is… fun, sort of. In a way.
Basically, this project intimidates the shit out of me!
20. Describe your favourite location
If the Burrow is a location, it is always my favourite location. Especially as some of the chapters take place at Bill and Fleur’s wedding. That being said, there’s a beautiful moment at the beach by Shell Cottage that has haunted me since a weekend in Cornwall almost two years ago, and I’m looking forward to exploring the foreign shores of @kathrynalicemc’s Skalafell and (sort of) the hellish landscapes of Azkaban prison.
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phoenixresistance · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 21
A/N: (featuring Artemis Hexley by @the-al-chemist) I don’t claim to know a lot about Norwegian Yuletide but I did some research so I hope it’s good! Also I used a song called Lifeblood by Wyndreth Berginsdottir in the chapter. I wanted a song that was really old but google failed me and this was all I could find. It’s a bit newer than I wanted as it’s 1993. And sorry it’s so long, I’m on Mobile and can’t put a read more cut oof. Merry Christmas!
Southwest of Norway, The North Sea - December 24th, 1997, 3:14 PM
The Jormungandr raced unnaturally fast towards the growing landmass ahead of them, the sails blown by an enchantment. Aboard the vessel were two figures wrapped in fur cloaks. Kaari Arcano stood at the bow, his arm wrapped around the dragon figurehead and his eyes eagerly scanning the horizon for the familiar sight of his home. His passenger was huddled low, her small frame drowning in fur and hide to keep away the bitter wind. Her eyes were distant and her face was hallowed.
The winter sun was sinking below the ocean behind them, the sky painted with oranges and reds, when Kaari saw the small glimmers of light upon the dark shore and directed the craft towards it. As they got closer, the land started to reveal the mouth of a fjord and at the far end there were flickers of fire and columns of smoke rising high into the night sky.
Kaari gave a subtle nod and hand wave towards someone unseen upon the cliff on one side of the opening as the longship entered the fjord, mountains rising all around them.
A little girl with black hair that faded to white at the ends looked up from the small snowman she was trying to construct. She grinned happily at the silhouette of the ship coming in from the ocean and dashed across the worn stone and dirt streets littered with snow as fast as her little legs could take her.
The sight of his home was a relief to his eyes. Kaari has been gone for around five months, something he’s not used to. Even living and working in Fossan didn’t stop him from visiting home almost every day. The bustle of people on the docks and the sounds of cracking fire and livestock made him smile. There was nothing better than coming home for the holidays.
The Jormungandr slowed and hit the dock with a thunk as Kaari quickly affixed it with ropes to the pier. He turned and offered his hand to his companion but she was already halfway out of the boat.
“UNCLE KAARI!” Came a tiny shout as the little girl came running and jumped into his outstretched arms.
“Heya there, Da! Whoa, you’ve gotten bigger since I’ve seen you last! Think you can lift a sword yet?” He remarked with a wink.
“You give the four year old a sword and it will be the death of you, Kaari Arcano!” Chastised his sister who arrived with four other family members in tow behind her.
Kaari stood up and cleared his throat, suddenly aware of the guest he had with him. “Everybody, this is Artemis Hexley. She works with me.”
“Uh, Artemis, this is the family.” He gestured, suddenly aware of how they could make this incredibly embarrassing for him at any moment.
“My parents, Else and Alatar. My sisters, Annika and Juni. This is Annika’s husband, Tyr, and their oldest daughter, Dayamanti.” Kaari pointed in turn to the respective person.
Artemis raised her eyebrow at the last name given.
“Don’t call me that, Kaari! I’m Da!” She whined with a frown.
“Sorry. This is Da.” He corrected himself politely with a warm smile. “There’s still more family around here somewhere.” He chuckled but then stopped when he noticed Artemis.
He could tell she clearly didn’t want to talk to anyone and a horde of brazen Vikings in her face was the last thing she wanted right now after the week she had been through.
“I’d better get her settled. She’s had a long trip and I don’t want any of you bothering her. The war takes its toll on us all.”
“Kaari, dear. Before you rush off I should tell you that your other friends have already arrived. They should be in the longhouse or the market.” Kaari’s mother said as she grabbed his shoulder.
“Thanks, Mamma.” He sheepishly replied as Else rubbed some dirt off his cheek and then pulled him into a hug.
After escaping from the family, the two of them followed the dirt paths into town. Skalafell consisted of buildings made of rustic wood and hatched roofing. Fire pits and bonfires scattered about provided light and much needed respite from the cold winds. They passed pens of livestock and fields of crops.
Eventually they came into a large open area of cobblestone. Around the edges were wooden stands filled with an assortment of goods. One lady was selling vegetables of all kinds. Tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, and corn were piled high in crates.
At another stall, a very large man had fish and meat hung on racks, some fresh and some dried. A third stall sold various wood carvings and small furniture. There were even stalls filled with magical items like broomsticks and cauldrons.
The most noticeable thing in the market, however, was a huge pine tree towering over them. It was decorated in ornaments made from wood, metal, and even some in the form of straw goats. The whole thing was lit up by gently twinkling lights. Looking closer, Artemis realized each light was a magical orb that was floating just above the branches and slowly moving.
“Sometimes even I forget Skalafell is an all wizard town.” Kaari remarked, staring up at the enchanted Christmas tree.
They continued on, only stopping when they passed by the blacksmith. The loud sounds of a hammer hitting an anvil pierced the night air and echoed off the surrounding mountains. Artemis recognized the man at the forge to be Kaari’s father Alatar.
“Uh, wait here for a moment. I need to run an errand.” Kaari murmured as he approached the blacksmith.
Artemis watched as the two exchanged words for a bit before Alatar rushed inside. He came back out only moments later and handed Kaari a bundle wrapped in hide. The two men hugged and then Kaari dashed back to Artemis’s side, the package tucked into his fur coat.
“If you are done here, we can continue on. You’ll be staying at the Arcano house instead of the longhouse. It’s more private but you will still be sharing a room. We Vikings sure like to get into each other’s business.” He joked apologetically.
The evening went on, the air becoming colder and the sky darkening, letting loose a gentle sprinkle of snow that whirled and danced in the wind. A few hours later the storm relented, the sky opening up to a dark inky starscape. Ribbons of bright color stretched overhead as the Northern Lights made their appearance. By supper time, most of the village was quiet and abandoned. All attention was drawn to the longhouse near the market. The doors were thrown open and a barrage of light and music flooded out onto the snow. A huge bonfire raged outside and a similar one burned low in the hearth inside, right in the middle of the building. The feast had started.
The Longhouse, Skalafell, Norway - December 24th, 1997, 8:56 PM
Artemis sat at a quiet bench in the corner as far away as she could get, an impressive feat for the sheer number of Vikings that now milled about inside. The tables were piled high with meats, cheeses, bread, vegetables and fruits. She had never seen such a gathering of food, it rivaled even the feasts at Hogwarts. There were barrels and casks filled with mead and mulled wine, the scent of orange and cinnamon mixing with the smoke warmed her small form.
Artemis had eaten her fill as soon as she had entered the longhouse and now sat contented. Nobody batted an eye at how ravenous she was, they all ate just as much as her, some even more. She could enjoy it here, she thought, though the cold was shocking to her small frame.
Looking around, Artemis’s eyes were drawn to a figure slumped in a familiar manner to herself in an opposite corner. The girl's hair was platinum, contrasting with the sea of mainly black and brown.
Eleanor’s face was less gaunt, something Artemis assumed was the result of eating a feast like this for the last week. She was also piled high in furs, mirroring Artemis. Her hair wasn’t dirty and disheveled anymore, instead it was bright as snow and pulled back into a sleek braid.
Eleanor scanned the room intently, as if expecting danger. Suddenly, their gazes met and Artemis knew that the dead eyed expression she saw was the same one she returned back. She wondered if either of them would recover from what they had experienced in Azkaban.
The wail of a baby across the room startled Artemis and she wheeled her head around to see an infant, no older than a year old, sitting on the packed dirt floor. It didn’t take long for Artemis to notice the baby's hair was completely silver, except for a tuft above the forehead that was completely white. The woman who was introduced to her as Annika bent down and gave the baby a wooden toy, quieting the cries. It was interesting that both of Annika’s children had white in their hair. She would have to ask Kaari about it sometime.
The residents of Skalafell dipped intricately carved goat horns into the barrels of mead, singing drinking songs in ancient and modern tongues to the sound of deep resonating drum beats and the strum of lyre strings.
Drink, for the wind blows cold and
Drink for The Wolf runs free.
Drink to the ships with sails like wings and
Drink to the storm-tossed seas.
Drink to the lasting nights
and those who warm our beds.
Drink to the mead that warms our hearts
and the cold that clears our head.
Drink to the Allfather's Eye
for Odin's sons are we.
Drink to the World-Tree where he hung
and the Runes of Mystery.
Drink to the truth of steel
and blood that falls like rain.
Drink to Valhalla's golden walls
and to our kinsmen, slain.
Drink to the Glory-field
where a man embraces death, and
thank the gods that we live at all
with our joyous dying breath!
Drink for the wind blows cold and
Drink for the Wolf runs free
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings
for Odin's sons are we!
Kaari slid across the bench next to Artemis and handed her a drinking horn. “Here. You’ll need this for the toast. We will drink three times. The first is for Odin.”
Artemis frowned, “Odin?”
“King of the Norse Gods.”
“I know who he is.” She replied, looking around the room with her dead eyes. “You all still believe in him then?”
“Yes.” Kaari said.
Artemis made a small humming noise and Kaari tilted his head at her. “Do you not believe in anything beyond what you can see?”
“I dunno. I might have once. I don’t think I believe in anything anymore.” Artemis sighed. “At least, not a god. After this last year, the war and the fighting. All that hate, pain, and suffering. I don’t see how anyone could believe in a god after that.”
“Yes, but I think people just need something to believe in. Now more than ever.” He said. “You know, the Norse gods weren’t actually real gods anyway..”
Artemis tilted her head to listen to his story, her interest peaked.
“Odin and Thor and Loki were real people. They weren’t Gods though, they were just wizards from Norway.” Kaari chuckled heartily.
“A lot of the Muggles' stories about Norse Mythology are partially incorrect. In their stories they think Valhalla is the afterlife but, in my fathers stories, it was actually an ancient lost wizard city. They saw their magic and assumed they were Gods.”
“Huh. So Odin was probably their Merlin equivalent?”
“I guess so. But I doubt Odin would walk around in slippers and bedclothes.” Kaari winked.
“Merlin would break his arms off if he tried to lift a sword. That man was ancient.” Artemis joked back, her face curling into a small smile for the first time in over a week.
“I’ll toast to that!” He replied and they clinked their horns and drank.
“Anyways. The second is for the harvest and new light. Our Christmas is called Yuletide or Jul and it starts on the winter solstice and lasts until January, about twelve days. We have feasts like this every night as we celebrate Odin, the coming of the new light, and the Wild Hunt. Of course, some of us celebrate Christmas also, hence the giant fucking tree in the Market.”
“You do this every night for twelve days? How do you have so much food for this? This is more food than I’ve eaten this entire war.”
“Well we grow some of it especially for Yuletide but most of it we get from the Trading Company. My sister and her husband have a ship and they sail the waters trading at other ports in the world. Our family owns and runs the company. I used to unload the ships as an adolescent but it’s not really my style. I prefer the sky.” Kaari smiled and glanced out the doorway.
At that very moment, Ryoko poked his head inside and sniffed the air, clearly wanting to jump on all the food. A nearby Viking shouted, as if reprimanding a dog, and Ryoko slinked back and sat on his hind legs politely. The Viking grabbed a nearby leg of roast and chucked it before going back to his conversation, unphased by a very hungry dragon at the door. Ryoko caught it from the air and happily chewed, his long tail thumping up and down into the snow.
Artemis gave a skeptical eyebrow. “I can’t believe everyone is ok with this pet dragon. They aren’t even worried.”
“He’s not a pet.” Kaari sharply interrupted. “He can leave me at any moment he chooses. Ryoko often goes and hunts for himself in the forest or the ocean so he’s not completely domesticated.”
“In fact, I’m more like his mother than his owner. I raised him from an egg because he was abandoned. Didn’t even know if he would hatch..” He trailed off, swirling his drink in his hand.
They drank a second time and then Kaari spoke again, suddenly serious and solemn. “The third and last toast is for those we’ve lost. As a boy, I would always think of my old ancestors I’ve never known but heard stories about from my father because I haven’t personally known many people who’ve died.”
“Lucky you,” muttered Artemis.
“Guess it finally means something to me this year. There’s almost too many names to list.” He said with a wry smile, looking off into the fire for a few moments before draining the rest of his drink.
Artemis did the same, her thoughts drifting to a certain old schoolmate from years past, a sharp pang in her chest.
“Oh, by the way. I have something for you.” Kaari murmured, pulling the hide package out of his coat and presenting it to her.
Artemis furrowed her brow in confusion. She unfolded the hide and a small dagger in a leather sheath fell into her hands. As she unsheathed it, Artemis marveled at the craftsmanship. The hilt was shaped like a dragon head and was made of what looked like a beige and brown marbled goat horn, matching the drinking horns sitting beside them. The blade was sharp and the edges were engraved with runes and filigree.
“I hope you like it. I’m not much of a blacksmith so I got Alatar to make it for me. Maybe now you will have a small chance of beating me in battle.” He nudged Artemis with a cocky grin.
“Why’d you give me this?” She said with a serious face.
“Uh - It’s Christmas?” Kaari replied sarcastically but then switched to serious. “ We’ve been friends for a while so I thought I’d give you something special.”
“Right. Thanks.”
“You're welcome. You deserve it after what you’ve done for people.”
Artemis said nothing, just tilted the knife, watching the way the flickering firelight reflected on the blade.
“If this ones not good enough we can go to the smithy tomorrow and pick out one that’s more to your liking.”
“Sorry.” Artemis sheathed the blade and looked at Kaari properly. “No. No, this one’s fine. It’s beautiful.”
“Are you sure? I know a bread knife is your weapon of choice..” Kaari smirked.
Artemis rolled her eyes at him before shaking her head. “I mean it. Seriously. Thank you.”
“Ah shit.” Kaari suddenly exclaimed, looking across the room and then opening his coat to check his pocket.
Cursing under his breath Kaari quickly murmured an apology and dashed off towards a table. Artemis instantly understood when her eyes found a tiny blue dragon. Nym had escaped Kaari’s pocket and was in the middle of stuffing his head into a giant turkey, other Vikings trying to shoo him away unsuccessfully.
Artemis got up from her pile of blankets and wandered closer to the fire, wrapping her coat tight around herself. Staring into the dancing flames she couldn’t help but to think about that cold dark cell in Azkaban and how grateful she was to be here for Christmas. No matter how close she got to the fire however, the coldness she felt inside of her wouldn’t melt away.
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tulunnguaq · 7 years
Greenlandic/Icelandic parallel text: The Ice
To commemorate a recent trip to Iceland (so close to Greenland! - but that will have to wait for another time...), I’m providing a little parallel prose piece in two equally beautiful and fascinating languages, punctuated with some pictures from the trip, although the pictures don’t match the text! (For those who are interested, the pictures are mainly from Skaftafellsjökull, Skálafellsjökull and Jökulsárlón)
There’s no vocab list this time, but if anybody would like any particular word or phrase explained (about either language), I’d be happy to do so. Enjoy!
Bonus marks if you can identify where the text is from.
Sikut siorna Issittup imartaani pilersitaapput.
Ísbreiðan myndaðist á síðasta ári í Íshafinu.
The ice cover was formed last year in the Arctic Ocean.
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Tassanngaannit Svalbardip Kalaallit Nunaatalu kangiata sineriaata akornatigut aniatitaalluni, Kap Farvel uiarlugu sarfaatitillutik, Kitaatalu sineriaa sinerlugu avannarmut.
Þaðan hefur hún þrýst út á milli Svalbarða og austurstrandar Grænlands, rekið fyrir Hvarf og upp með vesturströndinni.
From there it was forced out between Svalbard and the east coast of Greenland, carried down around Cape Farvel, and pushed up along the west coast.
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Pinnersutsimi pilersitaapput.
Hún fæðist í fegurt.
It was created in beauty.
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Oktoberimi ullut ilaanni kiassuseq nalunaaquttap-akunnerini sisamani 30 gradinik nikippoq, imarlu tarrarsuutitut ilersimalluni.
Einn októberdag hefur hitastigið lækkað um 30 gráður á Celsíus á fjórum klukkustundum og hafið orðið spegilslétt.
One October day the temperature drops 30 degrees in four hours, and the sea grows as motionless as a mirror.
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Tupinnartumik pinngortitap assinganik takutitsinissani utaqqivaa.
Það bíður þess að koma til skila sköpunarundri.
It’s waiting to reflect a wonder of creation.
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Nuissat imarlu peqatigiillutik siilikimik qasertumik issusuumik saagutut saagupput.
Skýin og hafið renna nú saman í grátt, mjúkt silkitjald.
The clouds and the sea now glide together in a curtain of heavy grey silk.
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Imaq issortippoq aappalulaartunngorlunilu, paarnanik nunami nammineq naasunik likøriliatut ilerluni.
Sjórinn verður seigfljótandi og ofurlítið rauðlitur, eins og líkjör gerður af villtum berjum.
The water grows viscous and tinged with pink, like a liqueur of wild berries.
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Issip pujuanik akutsuk tungujortoq immap qaavanit qangattarpoq immap qaavatigullu qatsungasukkut tissukarluni.
Blá frostþoka rís upp af sjávarborðinu og rekur yfir hafspegilinn.
A blue fog of frost smoke detaches itself from the surface of the water and drifts across the mirror.
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Taava imaq issorpoq.
Svo stirðnar sjórinn.
Then the water solidifies.
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Kaja Arcano Profile
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Name: Kaja Arcano
Gender: Female
Birth Date: February 14 1990
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Norwegian
Residence:  Lillehammer, Norway
The Mage
Wand: Juniper 11″ and unicorn tail hair
Animagus: Red Tailed Comet with star markings on the eyes
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Misc Magical Abilities:  She was born with an arcane gift that is legend passed down in her family. This is inherent in the women born in her family with a streak of white hair. Her power is enchantment. When she uses her powers, her eyes glow purple and the target of her power She can magically empower or hinder people and creatures e.g. compelling them to move as far away from her as possible or empower courage in those around her
Boggart Form: Her family and friends betraying her
Riddikulus Form: A pink unicorn doing the thriller dance
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Cinnamon, lemons, tulips, roses, sea salt
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Apples, oranges, mandarins, charcoal, vanilla, freshly cut grass
Patronus: Snow Hare
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Patronus Memory: Her family sitting under her lemon tree she planted during a sunset while eating some grilled fish
Mirror of Erised: All of her family together including her aunt and uncle
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Tempest jinx
Faceclaim: Pleunie Teunis
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Height: 5′11
Physique: Athletic
Eye Colour: Grey
Hair Colour:Black with a stripe of white down the middle of her hair
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: A tattoo of two wolves making a heart on her upper back
Scarring: Two scars over her eyes, one is more jagged than the other
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?): Wand, a bottle of lemon juice, a blank book full of pressed flowers, A moonstone bracelet gifted by Natasha, black wool scarf, school supplies, a white rabbit plush toy
Fashion: Dark clothes which most often means; black fur collared jackets, knee length black or navy blue skirts, dark blue and black striped tights, high tops, gray tank tops
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Arcano Family
Professions: Orchard Owner
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E 
Charms: O
Flying: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: P
Ancient Runes: E
Ancient Studies: O
Magical Theory: A
Quidditch: N/A
Extra Curricular:
Brother: Rune Arcano
The most responsible of his siblings
is very stoic and straight faced
Very hard to make laugh
Is protective of his younger sisters and will do anything for them
Older Sister: Magnhild Arcano
Has a white streak 
Has transmutation powers
Very much a party girl and not very responsible with anything besides her sisters
Very carefree in nature
Younger Sister: Petra Arcano
Does not have a white streak
Is very envious of her sisters that do have the gift
Works the hardest in her studies to prove herself to her family so she isn’t overshadowed by her sisters
Is very much an introvert and prefers doing her own thing
Younger Sister: Laila Arcano
Has a white streak
Has illusion powers
Very excitable, constantly moving 
Is constantly playing in her family’s backyard with all their pets
Father: Bernhard Arcano
Is very empathetic and vocal about his beliefs
An expert in healing magic
When he wants to learn something he becomes very single-minded learning it
Works as a healer
Mother: Juni Arcano
Like her parents with Dafne, Dielle and Dayamanti, she told her children about the stories of the Valkyries
Loves all animals and is incredibly kind
Is seemingly always singing when not talking or sleeping
Works as a herbalist
Love Interest: Natasha Cykes
Best Friends: N/A
Two norwegian forest cats named Sprite and Citrus
A short haired pointer named Cinder
Eagle Owl named Pumpkin
For most of her childhood, Kaja lived in Skalafell, an all wizard viking village where her family had lived since their history had been recorded. In the Arcano family women born with parts of white hair are also born with arcane powers beyond normal wizardry but for about 100 years no Arcano had been born with the gift until Kaja’s eldest cousin Dayamanti was born and then every girl afterwards with the exception of Petra. Alatar, Kaja’s Grandfather, began telling legends about the arcane gift to his grandchildren once Dayamanti began showing signs of the arcane gift. Three months before Tyr and Annika’s deaths, Kaja and her family moved away from Skalafell to a town in a warmer climate in Norway, a month after they moved Kaja fell into a cave causing the scars on her face, fortunately Bernhard was nearby who was able to heal her before her sight was damaged permanently. 
When Tyr and Annika died, Kaja immediately wanted to move back to Skalafell because she knew her cousins would take their deaths badly and wanted to comfort them but her parents were not convinced as they had just got properly moved in but they did visit to check on them. Shortly after the visit is when Kaja discovered her powers when comforting Dielle, Kaja accidentally used her powers to make her temporarily stop feeling sad. Like Dafne, it was agreed that Kaja go to Hogwarts to help research a second myth that the Arcanos guarded.with her sisters joining them three years after Kaja.
Mom friend
Will fight for what she believes in to the death
Very cheerful
Loves learning about ancient history and languages
Will never give up on her loved ones
Prefers to not use her negative powers on people 
Her fashion style is entirely just because she likes the aesthetic it brings
At her house she has her own section of the garden where she grows tulips, roses and lemons
Her favourite food is apple upside down cake
She looks up to her cousin, Dafne
Knows how to play the piano
She is very huggy to all her friends and family
She likes watching the sun set every day
She likes trying to add lemon to any food that she thinks it’d fit to limited success
Is always willing to be there for her friends if they need a shoulder to cry on
Made for @kathrynalicemc​ Arcano family
Template by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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Kaari Arcano + Home (Skalafell)
For @endlessly-cursed ♥️
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fischerfrey · 2 years
Heyyoo! Just wanted to say I love Roe a lot and they totally need to be friends with my trio! Nessi is Slytherin too. Also I’d love to hear Roes thoughts on each of them and perhaps their thoughts on being invited to Skalafell one year for break 👀
Ahh thank you so much!! I'd love for them to be friends and I think they'd get along very well! I still have to update Roe's profile with my newest info, retcons, and headcanons! Also feel free to let me know your own headcanons for them❤️❤️
Nessi and Roe are both Slytherins on the same year (I have to update Roe's bio) and I feel like they both have their own reasons for feeling excluded and left out. This could be a good reason for them to gravitate towards each other. I think, while Roe has the tendency to be closed off, they're also a risk-taker and a dumb-ass who loves to be goofy with his friends!
Roe would be extremely interested in hearing about Dafne's country. Roe is adopted and doesn't remember anything about their birth parents (he's partly Turkish, though). Roe is also interested in academics and despite being a dumb-ass, he's quite talented in some subjects, like potions and astronomy!
Roe and Kiri might get along the best when they're younger. Roe was a shy child but he made sure he'd be someone to remember later on at school, speaking of 16-17. Roe grew distant with some of her friends during that time. He started to hang out with the popular kids at school, which might cause issues between the relationship of the entire trio and Roe.
As for the invitation to visit Skalafell, Roe would love to! He'd be all excited about it during years 1-5 and then when they become popular, he'd still love to hang out with her old friends during the summer, whilst his new popular friends aren't around. He's not always the most thoughtful or kindest person but they'll learn and he'll grow closer to some of her old friends again after a while! They will also understand, if the trio (or some of them) don't want to forgive her afterwards. He won't hold any grudges towards them.
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Gosh, I'm sorry, this ended up being so long!!😂😂
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potionboy3 · 1 year
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aron winterwell | traveler | painter | fisherman
aron was born between 1940-1950 on skalafell but spent his childhood travelling with his family. years later, he suddenly returns as an adult but he is alone. no one knows what happened to his family and all kinds of rumours circulate. the children of skalafell avoid him and he has the reputation of the town pariah.
@kathrynalicemc thank you for letting me create this man to your universe and thank you to my man @gaygryffindorgal for helping me write his introduction 💙
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Iðunn’s story
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This is a part of Idunn’s story. It’s not the happiest story. Kaari Arcano and the idea of Skalafell belong to @kathrynalicemc . I merely get to occasionally play in the sandbox. tw: implied rape, implied owl murder, unhealthy coping habits
December, 1994
The year… was going poorly.
After losing her owl of ten years, Vangar, to a rogue muggle “bullet” in April, only a couple months after The Incident, she had then been unceremoniously booted from her job at the beginning of June.
She still wasn’t sure why, all these months later.
She hopped around the continent for the last few months, staying with her old dorm mates. She and Ellie had crashed together in France and Germany, before hopping over to Denmark and Annika.
She had forgotten how much fun Annika could be.
After that, Spain, and trying not to burn herself to a crisp, while out exploring with Jasmine. There had been plenty of laughter between them, reminding her of the adventures they shared at Hogwarts.
Somehow, she made it to London before The Result arrived, squalling into the world. She would’ve preferred Skalafell, but was terrified of how her family, and the village at large, would react.
She buried her face further into the pile of furs currently on top of her. All she could remember about the party, at least, the last things she could remember was trying to fend off a co-worker who seemed far more interested in her than she was in him.
After that, nothing.
So here she was, in one of the village longboats, clutching baby Kaia, and racing over the choppy North Sea, into Skalafell four days before Yule.
It wasn’t any closer than when she’d returned from Hogwarts, but whether it was from the pain still radiating from her body or a deep sense of guilt, she had no idea how anyone would react.
Olaf Henderson, one of the Vikings who acted as Harbour Master and a good friend of her father’s, was at the helm of said longboat. He was also respecting her wish for silence, though by the glances she caught, there would be plenty of questions waiting for her.
A thought struck her, and she patted her bag. She hoped that she had her bow and arrows. Ellie’s owl, Hoots, was possibly winging his way north if they weren’t. If she did, that was a perfect escape from all the stares and scowling faces.
Who was she kidding? Her parents hadn’t wanted her to take a job in London. They’d never leave her alone.
Another thought hit her as they got closer. Kaari Arcano was no doubt going to be hanging around the village, if not around the brewery, when they docked. Unless he happened to be at the Flossen Dragon Reserve instead.
That was her preferred option. She was in no mood to deal with the charming dragon wrangler. Part of her wished Ellie was here to try that charm from fourth year again. But she also remembered the equally charming worm of a dragon that he’d happily fly in the middle of a snowstorm anyways.
As they got closer, she caught sight of the massive copper bowls of the giant torches flanking the entry to Skalafell harbour, poking through the fog that tended to hang around the entrance.
“We’re almost there, lassie,” came Olaf’s deep voice through her thoughts. “Another half-hour and we should be docking. How’s the wee lass doin’?”
“Happy,” she replied, forgetting her own wish for silence. “She seems to be enjoying this.” Olaf gave an awkward sort of nod, and an uncomfortable silence descended on the boat.
They edged their way into the fjord, and she huddled further, if possible, into the furs. She could almost feel the bows poised to loosen, as Olaf raised the family flags of Larson and Henderson alongside the one for the village. This would be the moment of truth…
Pulling baby Kaia closer, and shifting the furs enough to further deaden the shouting, she braced for the arrival call that typically preceded docking. She was not disappointed, though she missed most of it by ducking into the furs.She shivered some as they reached the docks, belatedly realising that warmer clothes were needed. No doubt her parents still had her things… she hoped.
Emerging from the furs, and promptly pulling one around her and Kaia, she disembarked and took in the sight of the village she hadn’t seen in almost four years.
It hadn’t changed much in that time. There might be a few unfamiliar faces mixed among the, now slightly older, familiar ones. The Yule goat ever so slightly different…
The thunk of barrels and crates being unloaded brought her from her thoughts. No one seemed to notice that she was there. She picked up her bag, drew her coat and the fur closer, but waited on the docks until Olaf himself disembarked from the longboat.
“Righ’ then, lassie,” Olaf said, far too cheerfully in her opinion, clapping his hands together. “I’ll walk with yeh to the brewery.”
She nodded absently. No doubt someone from the docks had mentioned she was here, now spreading like wildfire through the village.
part 2
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
𝗫𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼
"𝘼𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙨 𝙄 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚, 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡."
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Name: Xanthe Terra Arcano 
Birthday: 24th of October, 1240
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Weight: 64kg 
Height: 1.68m 
Religion: Norse Paganism 
Eye colour: Black 
Hair colour: White 
Faceclaim: Bethany Antonia 
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Mother: Zoya Aurore Arcano, neé Malfoy 
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From the Malfoy family, Zoya was a woman of her time: beautiful, strategic, cunning and of many talents of the era. She met Skall Arcano accompanying her father on crusades and both of them hit it off instantly. 
Father: Skall ‘The White Wolf’ Arcano ( @kathrynalicemc​ ) 
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The founder of the future city of Skalafell, named after him, he was a dangerous yet intriguing man. He met his future wife Zoya during a crusade. 
Other relatives: TBD 
Friends: TBD 
Significant Other: TBD (Open) 
Overall personality: Xanthe is a woman of her time, as well as her parents, Princess of Skalafell and the perfect mix of her parents. She’s a spoiled girl and always gets her way, either by her feminine wiles or her sword, commissioned by her father for her. She’s the first official Arcano after the founding of the city, and reminds everyone of it. 
Positive traits: Brave, daring, kind, righteous and intelligent 
Negative traits: A daredvil, reckless, hot-tempered and stubborn as they come 
Guilty pleasure: She quite likes causing chaos like her father 
Skalafell, a city in Norway hidden from Muggles, was Xanthe’s home and what shaped her into the woman she became. Many of the customs that are still there were introduced by her parents and by herself while she travelled to neighbouring countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Russia and the Balkans, further enriching the culture of the city. She also was one of the few Arcanos who could ride dangerous dragons, her own being a large Horntail that used to serve the French crusaders... until she beat them all in battle and took it as a war good. She then gained its trust and terrorisec possible invaders, burning them to the ground in question of minutes. 
Xanthe Terra Arcano was born the 24th of October, 1240 by Skall and Zoya Arcano, the founders of Skalafell. Skall crowned himself king and made Zoya his queen, and Xanthe was thus princess of Skalafell. Though her father brought many of his trusted men to the city, it was Xanthe’s adventures and travels that’d make Skalafell grow and thrive, bringing the newest wizarding and muggle innovations, stealing slaves from other kingdoms and empires and smuggling child brides that were non-royal, as well as stealing animals and crops from corrupt nobles with the help of her mighty Horntail, Barnabas, a dragon she stole from French crusaders. With it, many aspects from other cultures and customs were introduced to Skalafell. 
Zoya has the Arcano Gift, which is why she has white hair and has earthly powers 
Like her father, she’s an excellent swodswoman and knows hand-to-hand combat 
She also takes a liking to dancing and playing the flute 
She went to Hogwarts and was sorted in Slytherin 
She knows the northern languages (Norwegian, Swedish and Danish) and learnt throughout her life some languages spoken in the Balkans 
She also accompanied her father in his battles and soon earned military titles on her own right 
She enchanted her swords before battle so the impact would be better 
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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𝓙𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓭é𝓵𝓲𝓮 𝓓𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭
Slytherin • Pureblood • French/Italien • Cancer • INFP • Astronomer • Poet • Photographer • Dragon and Animal Lover
Pinterest | Spotify | Tracklist
A/N: Jupiter is open for friends, rivals and love interests! So if you’re interested in discussing a plot, hmu!
Name: Jupiter Adélie Durand
Meaning: Jupiter – the planet and roman god of the sky and thunder; Adélie – French meaning 'Noble'; Durand – comes from the Old French durant, meaning “enduring,” derived from the Latin duruo, meaning “to harden or make strong”
Fun fact: In Astrology, Jupiter is known to bring fortune, favor, miracles and blessings. Also known as ‘the Great Benefic’, showering us with opportunities for growth, expansion and happiness. Jupiter’s energy is optimistic, hopeful, compassionate and generous and it corresponds with her personality.
Nicknames: Juju (family and close friends?), Pluto (by Dawn, apparently)
Birthdate: 1st July 1997 (13:28 PM)
Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon, Libra Rising
Personality Type (MBTI): INFP
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Bi-curious
Gender Identity: Witch (she/her)
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Nationality: French/Italian
Residence: Skalafell, Norway
Hometown:  Skalafell, Norway / Paris, France (/Fort Durand)
Languages: French, Norwegian, English, Italian
Physical Appearance
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Face Claim: Laneya Grace (child); Benedetta Porcaroli
Hair: dark brown, magically altered to blond (Ombré)
Eyes: silvery blue
Height: 170cm
Weight: 58kg
Body Type: tbd
Skin Tone: warm, tan
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): tbd
Voice Claim: tbd
Accent: RP, although a slight French accent still comes through sometimes (but rarely)
What do they carry on them?: (film) camera, a wand, school stuff, her mother's necklace, Jupiter necklace from Jimmy, a notebook and a quill
[sketch is super blurry but you get the idea]
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Mother: Clelia Bellona Durand née Rovere was an Italian Spy/Auror for the International Confederation of Wizards. She was a strong-headed woman with strong morals. Tasked to keep an eye on the developments in the UK during the Second Wizarding War, she was killed only a few months after Jupiter's birth, leaving behind her husband and two little children.
Faceclaim: Alessandra Mastronardi
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Father: Aldéric Mylon Durand is a renowned Dragonologist from France. He is friends with Kaari Arcano and was part of the Phoenix Resistance and helped to smuggle innocent wizards abroad, granting them refuge at Fort Durand. He was devastated when his wife Clelia was murdered by Death Eaters, merely months after the birth of their daughter, Jupiter. But it only made him more determined to put an end to it. After the war and now a single dad, he decided to move to Skalafell to get away for a while, heal his emotional wounds and work with Kaari at his sanctuary. Between his studies and travels, he’d go back and forth between France and Skalafell, taking his kids with him wherever he’d go. The early loss of his wife caused him to be quite protective of his kiddos—so be aware! He can definitely be a little intimating but he's actually just a soft idiot. He recently agreed to fill in the spot of Professor for CoMC—although only temporarily. Offers extra classes on Dragonology for students that are interested.
Faceclaim: Vincent Cassel
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Older brother: Elio Amédée Durand, born in 1995, is Jupiter's older brother and is, and I quote, “the cool sibling”. At Hogwarts, he is the Seeker and Captain of the Slytherin team and would later play for the Quiberon Quafflepunchers and the French National Team. He is outspoken and likes to make things awkward. His best subjects are DADA, Flying and Muggle Studies. Huge film and history nerd! And looooves surfing! Although Elio can be a bit of an idiot and likes to tease her, he always looks out for her and loves her a lot!
Faceclaim: Brandon Flynn
Jupiter grew up in a wizarding town called Skalafell for a large part of her childhood. Her father had moved them there after the loss of her mother which was an especially hard hit for him. When she was a little older, she would help out at the sanctuary as often as she could, nursing all the dragons, that her father and Kaari rescued, back to health and thus developed a deep connection and love for animals—dragons especially. With the skies so clear in the Norwegian mountains, she would sneak out at night to watch the stars, believing her mother was one of them or more so liking the thought of it.
With her father being a Dragonologist he was bound to travel a lot but he’d always take his kids along with him—well, anywhere that didn’t propose any immediate threat to them. Travels, dinner parties and lectures quickly became part of their daily lives and so did duelling, physical combat and archery (the standard Durand training, also Kaari was a big influence). Jupiter didn’t mind this at all since it granted her many joyful memories of exploring different countries and cultures alongside her dad and brother. They would go back and forth between the fort, Paris, and Skalafell—and sometimes Florence to visit her grandparents. When Elio was 11 her father was asked to step in to teach CoMC which made Elio want to go to Hogwarts too. Jupiter followed his example and insisted to attend Hogwarts as well.
House: Slytherin (hatstall, almost Ravenclaw)
Best Class: Astronomy, CoMC, DADA
Worst Class: nothing really, she's a good student overall
Prefect: yes
Quidditch: -
Clubs: hogwARTS Club
Wand: Cheery Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 13 1/2” Length, Slightly Yielding Flexibility
➔ This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.
Animagus: –
Boggart: a death eater
Riddikulus: a gust of wind blows off the robe of the death eater, revealing an imp on stilts struggling to balance
Patronus: Occamy
Patronus Memory: building a snowman with her dad, Elio, Kaari and his kids, in the midst of a snowstorm
Mirror of Erised: getting to know her mom
Amortentia (what she smells like): Chocolate, figs, peonies, petrichor, cedar wood
Amortentia (what she smells): tbd
Magical Abilities: can talk to and understand dragons
11–17: Student at Hogwarts ???
Personality & Attitude
Personality: Jupiter is an imaginative idealist and enjoys spending time exploring her own ideas and values while gently encouraging others to do the same. She's sensitive, caring and compassionate and is deeply concerned with her personal growth. Individualistic and nonjudgmental, she believes that each person must find their own path.
Jupiter tends to reserve her most authentic thoughts and feelings for people she knows well but is quite bubbly and playful when she's comfortable around someone. She likes to explore and express her thoughts and feelings through poetry and occasionally attends slams and plays at the Three Broomsticks. She quite enjoys philosophy and meaningful conversations. Although gentle and calm, she does know how to speak up and, believe me, you do not want to get on her bad side. Also the best person to go to for comfort!
(When she was younger she used to be a bit shy until Rosa pulled her out of her shell.)
Strengths: open-mindedness, diplomacy, adaptability, conscientiousness, empathy and intuition (understands both her own emotions and others), dedication to those she values, self-control, quiet self-assurance
Weaknesses: fairly sensitive and has difficulty accepting disappointment or failure; struggles to share about herself; gets in her head sometimes
Stressors: seeing others in distress (including animals); petty arguments/raised voices; speaking in front of large crowds (but gets comfortable with it over time)
Comfort: sundays, night air, nature, processing her thoughts and emotions in a creative way (poetry or music), animals, her family, her girls, soft and comfy things
Priorities: helping others, harmony, seeing her goals through, personal growth
Colours: neutrals
Food: Risotto, Mousse au Chocolat
Drink: Hot chocolate / chocolate milk (plant-based)
Flowers: Ivory Peonies
Literature: anything by Edgar Allan Poe or E. E. Cummings
Music: indie (rock, pop, folk etc.), 70/80s, shoegaze/dream pop, cold wave, chamber pop, classical (especially Debussy)
Weather: rain, thunderstorms, clear night skies but also warm summer breezes
Hobbies: poetry/songwriting, photography, mysteries, animals (dragons), reading, stargazing, playing the guitar/piano, philosophy
Style: casually elegant, neutral tones, french chic, becomes slightly more edgy when she starts hanging around Jimmy more
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Significant Other/Love Interest: James ‘Jimmy’ Crouch, future Durand @potionboy3 - Although in the same year, Jimmy and Jupiter didn't get close until their 5th year when both of them became Prefects. Intrigued by his ‘tough’ exterior, Jupiter made it her mission to get to know him better which soon resulted in growing feelings. The two became a couple in their 6th year, sometime after Christmas, and continued their relationship until Jimmy took up a job at the Ministry. Jupiter grew increasingly irritated with him for overworking himself and neglecting everything else which ultimately made her end the relationship with him. Jimmy was deeply hurt by it and got involved in not-so-legal activities. The two got back together after Jimmy's trial and conscious efforts to better himself.
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Best friend: Rosa Yaxley @potionboy3 - Rosa and Jupiter hit it off from the very first day at Hogwarts and have grown closer ever since. Rosa really is the yang to her yin and she loves her from the bottom of her heart! They often stay up late, talking and gossiping and tend to be quite affectionate with each other. Usually, when you see one the other isn’t far. (Dormmate)
Girl Gang:
Barbara Katz @gaygryffindorgal - Jupiter loves when Barb reads the cards for her—she might enjoy it a little too much. They could literally spend hours predicting the future and listening to music.
Mary Ann von Deyne @endlessly-cursed - French lessons would turn into a party with Mary and they’d just have a great time overall. Admires her for her confidence. Would low-key keep an eye on her when she’d go through her drunken escapades.
Gwendolyn Montague @magicallymalted - Jupiter adores Gwen! She loves her chill energy and ability to ease Jupiter's mind when she gets in her head too much. They’d spend hours just chilling under trees, making art together! They’d be vibing!
Meera Israni @potionboy3 - tbd
Nymeria Lee @gcldensnitch - As she’s also more of an introvert, Jupiter instantly felt connected to her. She talked to her occasionally in their first year and slowly but surely they became good friends. She deeply appreciates her honesty and their cats are besties!! Late-night conversations and reading sessions in the common room are a no-brainer. (Dormmate)
Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch - Loves her upbeat energy and fierceness! She definitely knows how to make her laugh. Ngl Jupiter sometimes worries about her and does not hesitate to call her out. Nevertheless, Pandora definitely was one of the leading forces boosting her confidence levels!
Other Friends:
Dafne Arcano @kathrynalicemc - Dafne and Jupiter grew up together in Skalafell. The two often can be found at the library, studying with a nice cup of hot cocoa.
Siv Arcano; Mikael Arcano @kathrynalicemc; Lennox Arcano @endlessly-cursed - They grew up together and basically consider each other cousins.
Dawn Harvelle @potionboy3 - Jupiter befriended Dawn through Jimmy. They share their love for music and sometimes have little songwriting and jam sessions.
Declan Rovere @potionboy3 - They find out they are 2nd cousins in their first year. More loading …
Devil's Snare Members aka Vanille Sparks, Locan Vance, Circe Brattleby, Ethan 'Warsh' Warshaw, Genevieve Cadfellow @magicallymalted - story loading ...
Canon Friends:
Colby Frey - Jupiter bonds with Colby after finding him secretly reading poetry at the library in their 3rd year. They also take care of a baby dragon secretly.
Godfather: Kaari Arcano @kathrynalicemc - She adores Kaari to bits! When she was little he‘d carry her around on his shoulders everywhere. They‘d spend hours taking care of dragons and going for rides. Jupiter would always giggle like crazy when they‘d zoom through the skies.
Godmother: Semele Thorne @endlessly-cursed - Being a strong woman herself, Semele taught Jupiter how to stick up for herself and that softness or ‘femininity' doesn’t equal weakness.
Open for more friendships, rivals and love interests :) Animals: chocolate brown cat called ‘Chou’
Headcanons & MISC:
literally knows every single star in the night sky
as a kid, she loved it when Kaari would take her on magic carpet rides on Ryoko (she still does ngl)
has a penchant to take in injured animals
enjoys bizarre, noir and horror films
*sees an empty chair* *proceeds to sit on the floor*
writes songs and loves to go to poetry slams; after a bit of convincing from her girls she actually agreed to participate from time to time
obsessed with Ancient Rome and the Italian Renaissance
Side hustle: occasionally plays at bars, pubs and cafés
versed in archery and knows how to handle a sword/daggers although looking at her you’d never assume so xD (Occasionally get’s up early to train or go for runs to not grow rusty; she also enjoys running to clear her head)
*accidentally switches languages mid-sentence*
*accidentally speaks in verse*
*genuinely fond of everyone*
Vegan since the age of 15
had a dragon plushie as a child
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Happy FFWF! Artemis' dream road trip, so to speak? [ellie-e-marcovitz 😊]
Happy FFWF! 🧡 Artemis is one of my more widely travelled OCs. Exploring new places is one of her favourite things to do, and here’s a selection of her top picks…
London - Artemis grew up in London, and it will forever feel like a sort of home to her. She’d recommend Camden, Notting Hill, and Soho.
Prague - I went to Prague earlier this month. Artemis has decided that she would like to live there. What Artemis wants, she invariably gets. She’s a bohemian now.
Istanbul - Artemis’ second placement during her Gringotts training was in Turkey, and she visited Istanbul for one weekend during her time there. She adored the Grand Bazaar. And the Baklava. Yum.
Southern Spain - Artemis would particularly recommend Sevilla for the tapas and flamenco, but she also liked Cadiz, the beaches, and the Alhambra.
Morocco - it’s not hard to get across to Morocco from the south of Spain, as Artemis discovered during her time there. She loved Marrakech and Chefchaouen, but the highlight was getting to ride on a camel, so she would suggest doing that. You can also get more baklava.
Peru - Artemis spent three months here during the summer/autumn of 1992. She loved Macchu Picchu and the rainbow mountain, but more than anything, she loved the alpacas.
Vietnam - her favourite place in South-East Asia. It was here she developed a taste for spicy food, and has since destroyed the tastebuds of almost anyone she has ever cooked for. She found it difficult to choose a favourite place in Asia (beaches and good food are Artemis’ favourite things) but the lantern city of Hoi An tipped the scales in Vietnam’s favour.
Transylvania - Artemis met a vampire here once. Also, after spending a year living in the Carpathian Mountains, she has a soft spot for the Romanian countryside.
Ireland - Artemis went to Dublin when she attended the wedding of Barnaby Lee and her former Quidditch teammate Ellie Hopper in Ireland. Other former teammate Lizzie Jameson happened to be doing the same thing, and she and Artemis had a very fun spontaneous night out, fuelled by Guinness and shots. Artemis has returned to Dublin a few times since, she loves the bustle of the city, its lively bars and good music. @thatravenpuffwitch @lifeofkaze
Norway - Artemis wasn’t in a position to fully enjoy Norway on her first visit in 1997, but has since returned and appreciated it more. She would recommend the island of Svalbard for the Northern lights, the fjords of the countryside, and the Viking town of Skalafell. Just try not to take some of its inhabitants too seriously. @kathrynalicemc
USA - after years of estrangement, Artemis actually visited some of her American relatives in the noughties. She loved California, especially the beaches on the West Coast, the vineyards in the North, and Yosemite National Park. She’d go back there again. Her favourite place in the States was Hawaii, however.
Mexico - again, go for the food. Stay for the festivals - particularly the Day of the Dead and the 5th of May.
The one place Artemis has never been but is desperate to go is Madagascar. She’s seen lemurs at the zoo before, but never in the wild.
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