#tfp striknut au
TFP Lugnut and Strika would be some kind of insane Gomez and Morticia-esque battle couple. KoBd would think the two of them were disgustingly sappy. The amount of destruction they would wreak would be a full squad of Wreckers worthy.
Megatron sent them to the hinterlands because he's moderately concerned that they'll make him their third and he really doesn't want that mental image of what that would entail. Also they are devoted to ensuring his wellbeing will he nil he.
They come to Earth when Megatron calls for reinforcements. Strika absolutely terrorizes Blackarachnia because she don't trust that bitch. They Parent the Vehicons to everyone else's chagrine. The Dark Energon "mysteriously" gets incinerated. "OH NO! THE ABOMINATION THAT WAS SAPING MY LORD'S VITIALITY AND MENTAL PROWESS SEEMS TO HAVE SPONTANEOUSLY DETONATED WHEN THE INCINERATOR TURNED ON!"
Exactly yes yes exactly
They'd be such a force on the battlefield, especially with Strika being a fucking general (we don't give her enough credit for that)
Ffghjkk. Tfp Megs does not want to be the filling in that sandwich.
Blackarachnia v Strika sounds like such a dynamic (ESPECIALLY regarding tfa BA's science inclinations)
How often do you think she's gonna be compared to Arachnid (I can exactly see someone calling her the diet version of 'Nid lol)
Sddf yes yes yes. Those there are their children now, and the vehicons find it more than a little smothering
It would be such a fucking thing regarding TFP Megatron's absolute obsession with dark energon and Striknut's hatred of it. (ESPECIALLY depending on what point in the series we're at. S1? S2? S3? Just how involved with it had he become, has the Unicron shit went down, ect ect) it would be absolutely hilarious.
I'm torn between Soundwave often siding with Strika and Luggy, or him having a sort of rivalry with them (after all we saw in tfa how Lugnut regarded Shockwave, I mean Starscream was no help in that lol. Do you think tfp Starscream would also encourage it? Or is she avoiding them, or well is he rogue rn??). I can totally see a petty Lugnut v Soundwave thing.
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I see Screamer just tossing Megatron under the combined bus of General Strika and his personal Bodyguard Lugnut. Like Megatron's so much easier to deal with when they're around. Strika, while abrasive and willing to snark back, is someone he can work with and doesn't throw tacticaly sound plans aside for personal vendettas. Not to Megatron's too busy dogeing them to play too close atention to Starscream's schemes.
I kinda see more of a one-sided semi-rivarly. Lugnut trying to prove himself superior to the TiC as the more loyal Deceptacon. Soundwave just exvents or stands motionless like the cryptid MFer he is. At most Lugnut elicits the 😞 sigh emoji after he leaves.
Shockwave is avoid the Nemisis like poison though. Strika is not an open he wants to tangle with.
Though StrikLug might accidentally blow the masquerade with where they land/crash. Alien death machines crash their ship into the US Capital building and proceed to climb out of the wreckage having an old married couple argument of "I told you should have turned right at the moon."
Ssdgy yes. Yes Starscream would. Because of course.
Makes sense makes sense, hilarious as hell. Lugnut just making an absolute fool of himself while Soundwave silently reminds himself why he can't murder him. cryptidwave: TIC edition ftw
OWO? Shockwave not wanting to deal with Strika? Methinks there's a story there.
Sdff oh. They do not know the disguise part of robots in disguise. That's hilarious.
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I feel like the human kids when they get yoinked by the cons would be threatened by Strika and guilt triped for worrying their carriers at the same time. "Such unduitiful mechlings! It is a disgrace that you will die here and your poor carriers will never know what happened to you!"
When Megatron asks what the actual hell Soundwave replayed Megatron's call for Deceptacon Warriors. Starscream just shrugged "They came to nurse you back to health my lord." Knockout "Breakdown and I tried to kick Lugnut out of the medbay boss, we really did. But we couldn't pry him out without breaking your lifesuport." From very, very far down the hall they hear echos of "MY TERROR EXCELLENT NEWS! REJOICE LOYAL DECEPTACONS LORD MEGATRON HAS AWOKEN FROM HIS SICK BED!"
Okay that's adorable and hilarious.
The parental instincts are stored in the Lugnut and Strika
Sdfghj yes Meggsie this is technically your fault and Soundwave will never let you live this down.
Considering how Megs very nearly got his life support yanked in canon, maybe he needed Lugnut more than he realizes.
Primus I love how Lugnut is always on full volume.
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Let's be real Soundwave just offlines his audiles when Lugnut starts blathering most of the time. Lugnut is a valuable resource to the Deceptacons but "Soundwave: Superior." That's all there is to it.
I think the issue between Strika and Shockwave is Strika believes the idea to futz about with Dark Energon came from Shockwave originally back in the day. True or not, it's plausible enough cause Shockwave is Shockwave. Strika believes it; therfore, Lugnut believes it. If the two of them can corner him and assassinate him for that, they will. Lugnut's stealth check might be in the negative but Strika's is suprisingly high. More than that she can roll twice and keep high when using Lugnut's antics as a distraction.
Also the Vehicons are losing their mecha-pharmacutical crutches to StrikNuts enforced sobriety program. On the bright side they are being upgraded with armor that is more than "tissue paper and good intentions."
I kinda see them showing up while Megatron's in his coma.
Hmmm, she's making sense, I can see why she does not like him.
Sdfgh. Yes. They would.
Lugnut is a top tier distraction
ohhhh the poor vehicons. They are To Be Parented by the most efficient antidrug campaign possible: Striknut.
A bright side indeed, yeah yeah!
Megatron, who just woke up: "why are you here, what the fuck happened while I was out."
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