permanantheadache · 5 years
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It’s officially the 5th where I am! Happy DEH Gift Exchange! @sincerely-us My person was @iellostar Hope you like this!!
The prompts were: evan and connor on a road trip. like, to set the scene: like those aus of people running away and disappearing when they turn 18. And: Connor comes out to his dad and it doesnt go well, he goes to evans and heidi and evan comfort him and its super sweet and cute.     And, like....for the art I did the first one, but...I kind of also did fic. Because I was worried that this drawing wasn’t very good. So, I combined the two prompts and made the fic below. It’s also on Ao3
Connor is smiling. It’s a gentle thing, this smile. Warm, happy. It’s Evan’s favorite, even though it’s the rarest.
Evan has been watching this smile form for the past hour. The further they get away from civilization, from all the drama waiting for them back home, the more relaxed Connor gets.
Anxiety and anger and stress leach away from his face, softening the line of his shoulders until he’s practically slumping in his seat.
“You’re staring,” Connor says. It’s not a complaint.
“I have a cute boyfriend,” Evan counters anyway.
Connor rolls his eyes, but his cheeks turn pink. “No, you.”
The road around them is deserted, which is how Evan’s anxiety likes it. This is the main reason he doesn’t protest when Connor takes one hand off the wheel to lace with Evan’s.
Evan pulls their joined hands up to give Connor’s knuckles a kiss.
It’s Heidi’s idea, originally. Long before Connor and Evan are even dating, she suggests that the two of them take a roadtrip, the summer before college. She thinks getting away from the stress of school and work, as well as their peers, might do them a lot of good.
She references Evan’s pin map, the one he abandoned at the beginning of the year--he’s replaced some of the old pins in their spots, as well as adding new pins to places that Connor mentions he’d like to see someday.
Heidi’s pleased that Evan’s retaken up his old habit, but she’s a little too smug about those new pins for his liking.
They have nothing to do with his crush on Connor, mom!
Not…not that he has a crush on Connor.
Okay, yes, he’s completely gone on Connor.
Thankfully, as Evan finds out later, Connor reciprocates those feelings!
But that’s a story for another time.
Connor is completely on board with Heidi’s idea, once it’s brought up to him. He’s perfectly happy to spend some time away from his family, especially if Evan’s there. The three of them make a cautious plan that, the month after graduation, Connor and Evan will hit the road.
Heidi, after nearly thirteen years of single-parenthood, is a master at budgeting. She helps them plan out where they’ll stay and the costs. It’s more than a little confusing to both boys, but to Connor especially. He’s shit at math and numbers.
Between their two jobs, and Heidi and Connor’s mother helping, they should be perfectly fine, money-wise, to do what they’d like.
“I wanna go to Bear Mountain,” Connor tells Evan.
Evan blinks, surprised. “I mean, me too, but isn’t hiking more my thing?” His eyes widen and he tries to backtrack. “Not that I think you don’t exercise! I just--”
“Let’s be real, I don’t exercise,” Connor scoffs, cutting Evan’s panic off at the knees. “But it’s in On the Road and you know I’m a hoe for anything to do with books.”
“Yeah, but you’re my hoe.”
“You know what I meant, asshole!”
They end up having to move up their timeline by a week. Because Larry and Connor get into their worst fight since the beginning of the school year.
The thing is, Connor and Evan have been open about their relationship to Heidi since the very beginning. And they tell Cynthia not long after. Both women are, to put it lightly, overly supportive of their relationship. It’s genuine, but Connor can tell that some of Cynthia’s furver stems from guilt. And because Evan and Connor have been mentally healthier since they became friends.
(They both still have their bad days. Some are worse than others. But, it helps. To not be alone.)
Unfortunately, Cynthia broaches the topic of telling Larry.
And she keeps bringing it up.
It takes two full months of convincing before Connor agrees to tell--if only to stop her nagging him.
Because Connor is a realist, he expresses his doubt to Evan. Larry has never been the most accepting--even about things that most straight, white men at least tolerate.
Connor won’t say that he’s worried, per say. But he’s got a bad feeling in his gut. And his gut is rarely wrong.
Connor has an emergency bag stashed at the Hansen house.
The first time that Connor has a fight with his family, post-becoming-friends with Evan, Connor crawls in through Evan’s bedroom window. It’s the middle of October, and freezing, and Connor has on shorts and a thin shirt. He’s shivering, in rage and because he’s cold.
After Evan gets done shrieking at the potential burglar, he loans Connor some sweats and makes him hot chocolate. He gets down all the spare blankets and make a cocoon in the living room.
Connor spends the night. The sweats are too short, but he wears them anyway. They don’t talk about what drove him to Evan’s house. They watch Food Network in near comfortable silence (though Evan can’t stop the worried look he keeps aiming at Connor, and Connor can’t fully relax until he’s passed out).
Connor crawls through Evan’s bedroom window three more times before Heidi (having caught on after the second time) gives him a spare key and a suggestion that he keep extra clothes in Evan’s closet.
“We’re always happy to have you over,” she tells him gently, closing his hand around the key she’s put in it. She’s smiling, her gentle amusement crinkling her eyes. “Just, maybe use the door?”
And so, there comes to be a small backpack filled with just enough clothes for an overnight visit and something for the next day.
At first.
Over time, the contents of the bag shift, as Connor comes over for impromptu sleepovers--and, as he and Evan became closer friends, more scheduled sleepovers--and switch out the clothes for fresh ones.
Eventually, Evan, kind of tired of how over-full the bag is getting (he keeps tripping over it when he needs something from the back of the closet), cleans out the bottom drawer of his dresser and puts all of Connor’s things in there.
It feels like something permanent, Connor having his own drawer in Evan’s house.
Connor drives, half-blind from the angry tears streaming down his face, until he reaches the familiar street that the Hansens’ reside on. He probably parks crooked.
He doesn’t care.
His hand is shaking as he pulls out his phone.
Connor: Im outisde
Im outsidee
He can’t fucking type properly because his hands are shaking and he’s crying too hard and he hates this he hates his dad he hates himself he hates--
“--hey, Con, hey.”
He didn’t hear the car door open. Evan’s blurry figure is beside him, close but not touching. Connor nearly lunges to pull his boyfriend against him, immediately burying his face in Evan’s neck. He desperately needs the contact.
Evan is good at hugs.
(When Connor brings it up, their first month of dating, Evan goes deeply red. But he hugs Connor even more after that, so he counts it as a win.)
He breathes in Evan’s scent, a woodsy floral thing that never fails to send some signal to Connor’s brain that he’s safe . That, paired with the shaky hand running over his hair, practically hard-resets all the tension in his body.
He doesn’t know how long he stands there, curled around Evan’s body, but eventually he finds himself pulling away. “I fucking hate crying,” he grumbles, voice crackly from tears. He scrubs at his face roughly.
Evan pulls Connor’s hands away from his face. He keeps holding them. “C’mon, you can wash your face. And you’re probably dehydrated now, so I’ll get you some water. Otherwise—”
“—otherwise I’m gonna end up with a migraine,” Connor agrees. He’s suddenly exhausted. He allows Evan to lead him inside.
Heidi is on the phone when they come in. Her back is to the door, so she doesn’t see them right away. “Yes, Cynthia, of course I’ll look out for him. Yes. As long as he needs to be here. He’s like a son to me.”
Connor can’t hold back the intake of breath at her words--she actually seems to mean them. It makes his chest ache. His eyes burn anew.
Heidi turns at his small noise. Her eyes go wide, and then soften with sadness and affection. “He’s here Cynthia. I’ll have him call you later.” She puts down the phone and immediately gathers him into a hug. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”
Connor crumples in her hold, going limp against her. And, he finds, he is not quite done crying.
There’s a brush of another hand on Connor’s back. “I’ll go get you that water,” Evan says gently. He leaves the two of them alone.
Heidi leads Connor over to sit on the couch. He sits, curling against her like a little kid. She’s patting at his hair. It’s nice.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Connor shrugs. “Did my mom tell you what happened?” he asks, after a moment. His voice is scratchy as hell.
“She said that you and Larry had an argument.”
He scoffs. “That’s putting it lightly.”
She waits for him to go on.
“I just.” He sighs. “You and my mom and Zoe--you guys were all happy when Ev and I got together. I wanted. Part of me just wanted Larry to at least…accept it.” He laughs. It’s not a happy sound. “It’s not like I’ve ever exactly hidden the fact that I’m not super hetero.”
“Sometimes we’re blind to things we don’t want to see,” Heidi says gently.
Evan sits down next to them, placing three cups of water on the coffee table. He takes Connor’s hand again.
Connor chokes on a sob. “I don’t get why the hell it hurts so bad? It’s Larry , I shouldn’t be so cut up about this!”
It’s Evan who speaks, squeezing at their laced hands. “He should’ve been supportive of you. It’s not your fault he’s a--a shitty human being.”
“I don’t want to see him,” Connor confesses. “I don’t--I can’t…”
“Well, you’re staying here, honey,” Heidi says, firm. “As long as you want. Cynthia is sending Zoe over with your stuff in the morning.”
“I’m sorry. I’m shoving all my garbage off on you guys.” He feels like such a burden.
“Hon, we care about you. The people in your life that care, they help carry anything you can’t.”
Connor sits up, rubs at his running nose. Evan hands him a glass of water. He drinks half of it down. “‘M tired,” he says.
“It’s late,” Heidi agrees. “You boys should go ahead and lay down.”
Connor and Evan are still holding hands as they make their way upstairs. They curl up together on Evan’s tiny bed, but neither of them sleep yet.
Evan is tracing circles across Connor’s back with his free hand. His voice is quiet. “How would you feel about leaving this week, instead of next?”
Connor slumps in relief, giving a brief, jerky nod.. “That would actually be perfect.” His hold on Evan tightens. “I don’t…I can’t stay in the same town with him. I think I’ll lose my shit if I see him.”
“Valid. I think I might punch him if I see him.”
“I’m serious. He hurt you, I hate him.”
They’re driving down to Harriman State Park, their first stop--mainly due to its proximity to Bear Mountain and the Appalachian trail.
It’s sunny, but not hot. It’s the perfect temperature for a hike. At least, according to Evan.
Connor has to sit down on a rock twenty minutes in. He’s sweating buckets and glaring at Evan. Evan is entirely too cheerful. “How are you so upbeat?” Connor whines. He reluctantly accepts an offered water bottle. “Don’t you hate sweating?”
“Of course I do, but when I’m sweating because I’m doing something I enjoy, it doesn’t affect me as much.”
Connor smirks behind his water bottle, giving Evan a raised eyebrow.
“Oh shut the hell up, you know what I meant!”
“Do I?”
“I’m not the one wearing black!”
The sun is just beginning to set when they make camp. Which is something that Connor actually knows how to do.
Those few years in Boy Scouts that Larry forced him to do are actually useful.
Connor scowls. He’s not going to think about Larry. He’s on a trip with his awesome boyfriend and he’s not going to let anyone ruin that. Not even himself.
It’s still early enough in the summer that night time is significantly cooler. It’s the perfect temperature for cuddling. Evan and Connor take full advantage and curl up together.
“Jeezus ,” Connor squeaks, flinching away from the icicles currently assaulting his legs. “Why are your feet so cold?”
A somewhat devious giggle slips out of his boyfriend. “I have p--I have poor circulation?”
“How come I haven’t noticed this before?”
“I usually wear socks at home, but I’m not going to sleep in sweaty socks. That’s gross.”
Connor heaves a long sigh and submits to Evan sticking his freezing toes all over his shins. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Evan hums happily and says, far too seriously, “I love you, too.”
It should be a big moment, them saying those words to each other for the first time. But, Connor likes this better. He likes that they’re calm and pleasantly sleepy from the long drive and difficult hike. His muscles ache in a good way (though he won’t likely feel that way come morning). And he is cuddling with his boyfriend, who loves him.
He snuggles more firmly against Evan and drifts off to sleep.
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ao3feedtreebros · 5 years
Build Up to A Journey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SSzb3V
by 10MonthDay (AwwKeyboardNo)
This is my Gift for iellostar for the Dear Evan Hansen Gift Exchange.
'Connor has an emergency bag stashed at the Hansen house.'
Words: 2274, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Evan Hansen, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Heidi Hansen
Relationships: Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy, Heidi Hansen & Connor Murphy
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Non-Linear Narrative, Fluff, Gift Fic, in my google docs this is saved as 'dear ev hansen why r u so hard to write', Swearing, bc connor, Present Tense, Road Trips, Sort Of, Larry Murphy's A+ Parenting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SSzb3V
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