#Heidi Hansen
bone-chain · 1 year
Stimming isn't enough I need to be my special intrest
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shrikebrother · 6 months
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everything i ever did, i did it all for you.
ella wilson / steven levenson / metamaiden / pasek & paul / lana del rey / bates motel (image source: @sofialamb) / dear evan hansen / andrew barth feldman / @corpsecoded / lorde / ocean vuong / ethel cain / kira madden
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kkachi35 · 2 months
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Doodle requests from instagram
Requests under the cut
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elcatgamernoof · 27 days
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I love these three! <3/ Amo a estos tres! <3
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nothingunrealistic · 2 months
1, kleinsen
1. “I love you, please don’t go.”
“And as soon as the new car gets delivered, the minivan is mine for good.” Jared flops onto his back so that he’s lying across the entire foot of Evan’s bed, legs dangling over the side. “The Jaredmobile is gonna hit these streets harder than —”
“Are you really calling it that?” Evan has ridden in Jared’s mom’s minivan, soon to be Jared’s minivan, and it is mobile, but that’s kind of a low bar. It probably shouldn’t be hitting anything hard.
“Haven’t decided. But I know what bumper sticker is going on there first.” Jared sticks his phone in Evan’s face. “Check it.”
“‘Caution: This vehicle makes frequent stops at your mom’s house.’”
“It’s gonna be true. Especially at your mom’s house.”
“You mean my house?”
“Is your name on the property deed? I don’t think so.” Jared grimaces, wriggles around, and nearly whacks Evan in the face with his phone as he pulls out a mechanical pencil he was lying on. “And when, after I’ve spent another week chauffeuring your sorry ass around, she invites me to stay the night —”
“Mom works nights.”
“— is it gonna be you saying ‘please, I love you, please don’t go’ in the morning?” He rhythmically raps Evan’s knee with the pencil. “I. Don’t. Think. So.”
“You’re gross. And that’s my pencil.”
“Finders keepers, bro.”
“Boys?” Mom knocks on the door and opens it half a second later; in that half second, Jared shoves himself upright and slaps the pencil into Evan’s hand, and something that sounds a lot like Jared’s phone hits the floor. “Everything okay? Is that project coming along?”
“Going great, Mrs. H.,” Jared says, over top of Evan’s “Fine, Mom.”
“Good. That’s good. Well, I’m heading out to work.” She already looks as frazzled as if she just came back from a shift. “There’s money on the table so you two can order dinner. I think Domino’s is doing their half off deal again, but make sure you check. Jared, will your mom be able to pick you up? I’ll be back too late to give you a ride home.” And suddenly Evan is terrified that Jared will say some stupid thing about Mom giving him a ride, and she’ll get mad and tell him to go home now, and Evan will have to finish this English project on his own, and he’ll probably get a terrible grade, and Jared will be mad at him even though it’ll be Jared’s fault in the first place, and —
“Won’t be a problem,” Jared says, perfectly polite.
“Great. Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Evan, I love you.”
Mom walks back out, but she doesn’t shut the door, so Evan counts to five before he says, “Thank you for not saying anything weird.”
“To your mom? What, do you think I’m some kind of male chauvinist pig? Thanks for nothing, Billie Jean.”
“Is that what that song’s about?”
“What — no. Never mind.” Jared bends over and retrieves his phone from the floor. “I’m hungry. Let’s get some shitty half-price pizza. Which is a ridiculous deal, by the way.”
“I think it’s a March Madness thing.”
“In April?”
“Maybe it’s an extra-long deal.”
“Madness is right. How much money are we working with here?”
“Probably twenty dollars.” An engine starts outside; Evan shifts over on the bed to look out the window, watching to confirm that it’s Mom’s car, until it turns left and vanishes from sight. “But, uh, when the pizza gets here —”
“Yes, I’ll get the door so you don’t have to have a breakdown about it. Never fear.”
(angst/fluff prompt list)
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dear-evan-fansen · 2 years
So many criticisms of Dear Evan Hansen revolve around the show being messy/morally convoluted as if that was an overlooked flaw in the writing and not the whole point of the show.
Everything in Dear Evan Hansen is intentionally messy. Everything has two sides. Social media is a positive place where people can come together to make a difference AND it's a breeding ground for hate and vitriol. Evan is a deeply caring, empathetic person AND he does a horrible thing. Heidi is a dedicated, loving mother AND she works so hard that she never spends any time with her son. Connor is agressive, angry, violent, AND he is a depressed, lonely person, ostracized by his peers and longing for connection. Larry Murphy is a domineering authority figure who treats his son like a criminal AND he's a frustrated parent that wants to help Connor get better the only way he knows how. Evan's lies are harmful and manipulative AND they give a family that was tearing apart at the seams time to come together, reflect, and grieve.
All of these things can be true at the same time, and one doesn't have to overshadow or cancel out the other. In ignoring one to focus on the other, you're wilfully missing the point of the story. Real life is messy and complex, and that's exactly what the show is trying so hard to emulate. That's not bad writing, it's just being realistic.
Pasek and Paul said that in its earliest form, the show was meant to look at why people insert themselves into tragedy through a much more cynical lense, criticizing people like Evan. But somewhere in the writing process they found that it's not that simple, because people don't just do that shit for no reason, and it's naive to believe they would. Evan didn't do what he did to be popular or get a girlfriend or gaslight a grieving family. He did it because he saw a chance to help people who were hurting. In the process, he found connection that he had longed for his whole life, and allowed that to complicate things, making him a lot more reluctant to do the right thing and come clean. But the show makes it explicity clear that his initial intention was rooted in helping someone else, not himself. And as bad as it was, it did force the Murphys to come to terms with their loss instead of running away from it, to come together instead of drifting apart.
Yes, the morality of everything that happens in the show is deeply questionable, complex and muddy and that's the ENTIRE POINT. It doesn't mean the show is endorsing what Evan did. The vast majority of the fan base doesn't endorse what Evan did either. Most of us understand what that final scene in the orchard is getting at. It's not arguing that what Evan did was somehow morally correct, or handing him some magical "get out of jail free card". It's acknowledging ALL the consequences of his actions (good AND bad, the healing he brought about AND the hurt he caused) and letting us come to terms with that along with him and move forward. That scene encompasses one of the most important messages of the show: that doing something bad doesn't make you evil. One mistake doesn't have to define you for the rest of your life, and it doesn't make you less human, or any less deserving of growth and self acceptance.
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heymartinah · 11 months
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all my dear evan hansen (argentinian cast) fanarts!!!
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mymomhatesmyguts · 4 months
ok so i know the dear evan hansen fandom is deceased and rolling in their graves BUT can we talk about how hard heidi's life must be??? likee ive always felt so fucking bad for her, she works endless shifts at a HOSPITAL which means every day she sees people in pain or fucking dying,, shes raising a fucking child on her own and he needs her support BUT SHES FUCKING AT THE HOSPITAL SO THAT SHE CAN AFFORD TO FUCKING FEED HIM
bro im sorry if you read all of this i ramble like a BITCH
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"YOU are the only--THE ONE GOOD THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME, EVAN" might mess me up more than any other line in the show. There is so much going on in that line that I've never seen anyone else talk about.
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screaming-static · 1 year
Is anyone from the dear evan hansen fandom still alive? Please interact with this post if you are because I swear there's actually no one-
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shrikebrother · 5 months
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i hate the deh novel
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kkachi35 · 2 months
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sweaty-confetti · 5 months
so lately on tumblr there’s been a pretty cool revival of certain musical fandoms, regarding art and writing and general appreciation, and that’s awesome to see !!! and i think it’s time dear evan hansen joined those ranks! so me and @silksong-when are thinking of hosting a Dear Evan Hansen Big Bang!
we’re not sure how it’ll work out yet, so here’s a poll to gauge engagement !
thank you guys so much, we’re very excited to make this happen !
please reblog for reach !
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im-not-a-l0ser · 1 month
I'm only on chapter one of the fic that @thatoneteen recommended, but I love the idea of Jared having Heidi as more of a mom figure. Like, his parents are his parental units, but Heidi is his mom. That's why they're only family friends; they're basically brothers but not super close ones.
Idk if this is something this fic has, but it did make me think of it.
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bemorekleinman · 1 year
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tumblr user bemorekleinman saw their third and final (for now, at least) performance of dear evan hansen. tumblr user bemorekleinman is experiencing emotional damage
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