#ienzo x sephiroth
smartzelda · 1 year
For the Shipping bingo card:
You manufacture situations in which I can talk I love you
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An actual bingo for once??? Their POWER
So uh if you haven't read Undertaker Riddle yet and you don't want to be spoiled I heavily suggest you look away because there's no way to talk about them without spoilers
Anyways BY GOD
You wanna talk King and his knight? Try king and his most loyal secretary
French revolution came to town and on his way to hell Sigurd stopped his soul and was like "I see myself in you (affectionate derogatory)" and then gave Riddle his current name. Very "If you have nothing to live for then live for me" this whole situation kinda is for them
But oh god the DRAMA
Sigurd has been King for so long that he doesn't believe things can get better and that the human world just keeps going downhill, so because of his unique position of being so detached from so long he decides that the only way to fix everything is to shake things up
To which "shake things up" means use his power to swap the positions of the real world and hell
And so Riddle has past decided he'd do anything for him, HOWEVER
Sigurd instructs Riddle in the event that he fails, Riddle is to be the one to kill him so he can make sure his soul reincarnates so that Sigurd can have another chance. And YEAH Riddle does it! But by god does he have tangible feelings about it! All of the other undertakers who knew him at this time describe it as if Riddle was never really the same after that
Heck Riddle was so broken up after that that Roen ended up curating a seemingly onesided love where he wished to live domestically with Riddle and make him happy so he'd never look so sad again
Riddle is so devoted to Sigurd's plan that he plays the long game, and orchestrates practically everything, so he can tear Sigurd out of Hayato and see him again
And that whole event is a BUNDLE of devotion and betrayal and angst holy christ
Do you ever spend centuries following the person you care about most, even after they're dead, and everything goes perfectly except by the time you see him again you've also fallen for his reincarnation and his reincarnation's humanity so you have to be the one to end your beloved once more but you also betray your other beloved in the process because you feel as if you should be eternally punished?
God damn, Riddle
Anyways they're married they're divorced they're married again they're having sexual intimacy in secret they're best pals they're soulmates they have tension they have an unexplained scene in front of a mirror where they're hugging🙂
Ooooh haha Mikamatsu I never get to talk about them
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Two in a row?? CRAZY
Okay I bet you're wondering how a certified rarepair could get so many squares
Well, let's begin with where this ship began for me
Anyone who knows me knows I used to end up with a lot of ships that center around the same person, but wouldn't include the third ship in what would make it a triangle (for example, like liking xxc x sl and xxc x xy, but not xy x xxc). Now, however I tend to be more open to that "secret third ship".
All this to say that I sorta entertained the idea when I was already shipping mikalight and matsulight
But anyways. One day I got to thinking about the death note ending (be aware that I wasn't aware at the time that the manga ending was different)
Or, more specifically, an au in which Mikami lived after yellow box (which I am aware now is canon). I had seen the manga panels of how Matsuda felt about Light after all this, so I thought about them both having feelings about Light.
And that created an angsty Mikamatsu au where Matsuda visits Mikami in prison to learn about what he knew about Light at first, so both of them learn about parts of Light they didn’t know through each other, bond over his death, kiss and yeah
That was the gateway, and now they're everything to me
They're perfect for angst, aus where they were roommates during the events in canon or met at the gym. They're perfect for child raising aus and bonding over the same guy
And yes, they would get sexually intimate with the same guy (Light) in my head
Everything I enjoy about them is made up but oh the what ifs oh the possibilities. Throwing Matsuda’s sweetness and Mikami’s devotion into everything
Also if you haven't already or I convinced you...read these fics
This one is Xion's. It's a fairy-tale au and I adore it:
And this one is just ah so so sweet man I love it:
And now for the one no one expected!
Ienzo/Xexion x Sephiroth
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So you all might be sitting here wondering
Why them? An utter crackship
Well, some of you are aware of a funky au I have that has leagues of lore and worldbuilding and only two fics, the most self indulgent au in my catalog.
That au, is the Twilight Prince au.
What I have learned through fandom is that if you make the situation in which the characters interact, you can make up almost any ship that no one would have thought up otherwise, and you can make it believable by giving them a dynamic.
So, in the business of maybe getting some of you to understand the why, I will explain a bit of the au that no one but my beloved best friend knows about
Now, the aus "Twilight Prince" in question, is Riku from Kingdom Hearts. I had to think up family structures for characters in this au, and so because I love dumb things like this, Xion and I came up with the idea of having the other Rikus as Riku's siblings, and Sephiroth as the current King of the Twilight.
So, yes. One of those "Sephiroth is Riku's dad" aus😂
The next family structure I had to think up was Kairi's. You see, Kairi kingdom hearts is the current young adult queen of Hyrule. She's trying to facilitate peace between Hyrule and the realm of twilight. In the renga fic for the au, I made references to their being war and tensions, so of course I had to figure out how that all came about.
Thus I decided that Ansem the Wise would be Kairi's grandfather, because I decided that, well, he would be my choice for making tensions and the war worse. Through this, I put some structure into the castle staff. Even is head royal scientist and has a secret but not so secret thing going on with Ansem tw. Kairi needed parents. Ienzo is practically the Ansem tw/Even adopted child in kh canon. Ansem tw practically pays high status women to sleep with him until he can produce an heir (Ienzo).
So, long story short. Kairi is Ienzo's test tube baby, Ansem tw is super controlling during Ienzo's short reign as King. Ienzo doesn't really love being King anyways and feels trapped. When Kairi comes of age and is decently prepared he fakes his death and passes the Kingdom on to her (she is aware of this btw)
And so, King Ienzo rebrands himself as Zexion, royal scientist (after splitting for a while and learning more before ending up working his way up through the castle of course).
Now, keep in mind. The people don't know he's the same guy. To most of the people, Zexion isn't incredibly well known. The castle family structure? They're aware by now, but they can't do anything about it. So, they allow Zexion to go on trips to the Twilight Realm on Royal business (or basically, Twili King Sephiroth and Queen Kairi both allow the other to handpick people to send across borders under supervision, and Zexion is there for scientific reasons).
Now, Sephiroth isn't stupid either. He knows Zexion is the presumed dead King Ienzo.
And pretty much what happens is they sorta end up in this will they won’t they relationship where they're passive aggressive to each other but also Sephiroth invites Ienzo to what's practically a private Twili spa and yeah tensions go up and things just...begin for them. Sephiroth is a bit hopelessly attracted, Ienzo is definitely ace and arospec
I love them
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ohhicas · 4 years
We've seen Aeleus' parents, do you have designs for Ienzo's, Dilan's, Even's, and/or Ansem's parents?
I don’t! I mean, besides the obvious joke of “but! But but! Ienzo’s parents are right there in the game! Even and Ansem, obviously”, of course. 
I’ve never needed a reason to come up with parent headcanons for Even or Ansem, and the few times I’ve used a younger Dilan the parents were more Peanuts “ghosted in the background” style than necessary needed characters. Honestly I had no reason for Aeleus’s set; I was just really in the urge for it and was going through a ff12 phase so the stars aligned.
While I don’t have parent headcanons or designs for anyone (I’m sure they all resemble their father to some degree), I do have joke headcanons about like, family? 
It’s more a “how can I work more Final Fantasy into this game that promised me Disney x Final Fantasy” bid than an actual headcanon. 
Dilan: Related to Lulu (10) somehow. Don’t ask how. Don’t try to figure out why he’s an adult when the other 10s are running around & lulu’s husband is an Infant. Nothing has to make sense, it’s just fun. For an AU, I’d probably work the angle harder. It’s honestly just based on their hair and general >:3 attitude.
Ansem: Related to Reeve (7). How? Why? I dunno, cousins I guess. Brothers? It doesn’t matter! It started as a joke with a friend and then spiraled into “Wait, no, I think we’re on to something here” to work in for an AU. Especially the new leaks of 7R Reeve. Ansem’s the older of the two.
Ienzo: I have struggled forever and I still can’t find a good match-up. I think my brain is protecting me against the risk of canon showing up even in a secret file or offshoot boardgame where it’s casually dropped in a character battle card. Where did you come from, dude? Who knows! His family is probably dead and he has a new, better set of parents with “Shitty Science Dads”. So far he’s literally just a free-range man.
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Essentially this; I think I made a joke about this awhile ago and I love that it keeps coming up again and again. Except! Different Take: He’s related to Hojo, closer. But given Hojo’s relation to Sephiroth (is this still a spoiler? Do I have to spoiler FF7 backstory with the remake coming out and new players coming?) this makes Even related to Sephiroth. Because who the hell needs to make sense around here. 
Honestly though I’m sure Even = a much less batshit Hojo like Axel = Reno; remastered and reworked versions and tropes for a new game series. So this one probably makes the most sense out of any of those nonsenses up there I pulled outta my ass. lksdfhkere
No I don’t have any designs for their parents! 
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zdbztumble · 5 years
“Kingdom Hearts II” revisited, Part V
Having only ever played XIII out of the Final Fantasy series, I only know characters like Cloud, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith through their roles in Kingdom Hearts. In that capacity, I like them quite a bit, and I was upset along with all the FF fans that they were left out of KH III, for spurious reasons. “We didn’t need them because we have original characters to fill those roles” basically amounted to handing off the job of exposition dumps to Ienzo, as if it were simply a matter of trading out corporate spokesmen. From KH I to II, Leon, Yuffie, Sid, Merlin, and Aerith establish themselves as a group, each with a distinct personality, notable interplay among themselves, and each with a unique relationship to Sora and friends. Cloud, on his own, did the same. To toss them aside in favor of a character with no personality, and no connection to Sora, makes the exposition dumps in KH III far more tedious to get through, not helped by the fact that the exposition itself is so much more ridiculous by then. The character dynamics lost are hardly worth the promotion of one unremarkable figure just on account of his being “original.”
But KH II has the opposite problem with its FF guest stars: at a pivotal moment in the story, an excessive number of cameos make unavoidable appearances, creating a painful drag on the pace of the game and distracting from the main story just when major events get underway.
This is unfortunately evident as soon as Sora arrives back in Hollow Bastion after his first pass at the Disney worlds and runs into Cloud. I have absolutely no objection to Cloud being included in this game, and I love that he’s in Hollow Bastion with the others. But Cloud’s history with Sephiroth - and with Aerith, and with Tifa - have nothing to do with the main KH II story, and when the game is building toward King Mickey’s reintroduction, the twist with Ansem, and a shift in power among the villains, being forced to take time out for cutscenes teasing conflicts and relationships from a different series is most unwelcome. The scenes of Tifa rifling through the castle are, if anything, even more of a distraction - one could at least argue that Cloud’s conversation with Aerith has some thematic connection to Sora and Kairi, and that his relationship to Sephiroth has some thematic relevance to Riku and “Ansem.”
A far better reintroduction for Cloud, and a first introduction for Tifa, would have been to have them with the others when Sora first comes to Hollow Bastion. Cloud could be aloof, if that was desired, and Sora could have been surprised to see him there. Tifa could have been introduced as another member of the Restoration Committee, with a line from Aerith or Yuffie or somebody about how “it’s not just us, y’know.” Their first appearances would thus have come at an appropriate moment in the game, and they would have already been established as part of the Hollow Bastion world before Sora returns after completing the first pass at the Disney worlds. If Sephiroth, Tifa’s desire for Cloud, and Aerith’s relationship with him were all things the staff dearly wanted in the game, that all could have come in the form of completely optional material unlocked after the big Heartless battle, just the way that Sephiroth was an optional fight in KH I. There was no reason to make this material mandatory.
Worst of all are the appearances by the Gullwings. My understanding is that Final Fantasy X-2 is a controversial title in the series, and all I know of it comes from this game and a comedic “review,” but I can still wholly understand if any fan of that game had a problem with their cameo here. Besides the pixie makeover, they are, more than any other FF characters, completely irrelevant to what’s going on. A gift of a Keyblade after the fact does not a justification make, and I really can’t believe that they were included, just for the sake of Nomura’s notion of doing “not human yet human” versions of the characters.
(I hate to say this, but Stitch’s introduction is pretty appalling too. He’s just there, no rhyme or reason, and there’s no relationship established between him and any other character before he jumps down. At the very least, Merlin could’ve introduced him a “a stray I picked up along my travels” or something.)
But, I’ve gotten ahead of myself - and while this issue is a substantial one, it’s my only major gripe with this middle portion of the game. There’s a medium-sized one as well...but we’ll get to that.
Since I tend to play “in character” as Sora, I can sometimes find myself reacting to certain things in unusual ways. In the case of the first return to Twilight Town, I started to get excited at the thought of seeing Kairi again even as I knew how the story plays out, which makes me very grateful that I was alone at home while playing the game. Kairi’s brief interaction with the Twilight Town trio is nice, though having been introduced to the KH II manga, it’s hard to watch her being taken by Axel and not wish she showed the sort of fight she puts up in that adaptation. 
Twilight Town is also the first time in quite a while that signs of Roxas appear, as he asserts himself from within Sora with the blue stone. At first, I found this moment a little jarring - Sora has just been learned that Kairi was kidnapped, after all - but given that it’s a moment for Roxas to briefly take control, I made peace with it.
Out of all the Disney titles used for Kingdom Hearts worlds, Tron is the one I have the least amount of experience with; I’ve only seen it once, I didn’t care for it very much, and I never bothered with the sequel. Here in KH II, the level is fun and colorful, it isn’t too stiff a recap of the movie from what I remember, and it represents a clever way to tie Disney material in with the original elements of the KH universe. Though I do wonder if Tron was only selected as a world because it offered Nomura and company a platform to indulge in nonsensical techno-speak dialogue.
Tron is also the catalyst for that medium-sized complaint I mentioned before: I see no good reason why Sora’s talk with King Mickey about Ansem had to wait until after Sora goes back into Space Paranoids. There’s no clear ticking clock demanding that he go back right away, and all this does is undercut the reunion with King Mickey and the sense of revelation in the air over the true identity of “Ansem.” When we do finally arrive at that moment, however...it’s not bad. It has to be admitted that there is no real set-up for this twist. You can’t even go back to KH I and find lines equivalent to “there’s too much of his father in him” in Star Wars to retroactively make into foreshadowing. Nothing from KH I, or CoM, is negated by the revelation that “Ansem,” Seeker of Darkness was really Xehanort the apprentice, however. For a twist that exists just for the sake of having one, it’s innocuous, and well-placed within the narrative to give an appropriate jolt to the proceedings. Certainly it’s better-handled, and more benign conceptually, than later “twists” in the series. 
This leads us into the long battle with the Heartless, and there’s a lot to recommend this whole sequence. As clumsy as Cloud’s reintroduction was in this game, the moment of him and Leon fighting back-to-back was fantastic; I imagine that scene is an even bigger thrill fro FF fans. What’s more, it’s appropriately placed to be both cool and relevant. The run down the hill that sees Sora fighting alongside one FF character after another is just as delightful. I’d completely forgotten about this part of the game, so it was a pleasant surprise...and a painful reminder at the lack of effort put into giving the other Keyblade wielders some time with Sora in KH III. I will note, however, that Aerith’s absence from the line-up in this run is a problem, and that by rights Merlin should be there too.
The villain material in this section isn’t bad, though it would have been more powerful if their respective plots hadn’t been in such a long lull in the back half of the Disney worlds. Maleficent battling the Nobodies, and ultimately confronting Saix to buy Sora time, is a wonderful idea, and helps to illustrate her story as one of a long and ultimately fruitless climb back towards the top of the villain totem pole, but a larger presence for her in some of those Disney worlds would’ve helped build to that more. Some appearances by the Organization would’ve done the same for the battle with Demyx. It’s not a bad fight, for the first serious boss battle with a member. The shorter time trials got pretty aggravating, though. 
There are also some character beats in this section that are on the whole nice additions, if imperfect in execution. Sora being conflicted over whether to help Leon like he promised or to go search for Kairi and Riku is fine - it’s a conflict Sora’s faced, in various guises and degrees, since the beginning of the series, and he’s well-established at this point in the story as someone who goes where the greatest need is over his own desires. But the scene is just a little overdone. I’d say the same about Goofy’s fake-out death, which is cleared up just a little too soon. On the other hand, it’s in the midst of all that that the 1000 Heartless fight takes place, and that’s just as much fun as I remember. 
(While I’m on this section of the game, I want to air a nitpick with the gameplay that pops up before, during, and after this section. What is the point of these “runs” where you take about two seconds’ worth of steps after one cutscene just to trigger another? Just go straight to the next scene!)
This section also reveals that Kairi managed to get away from Axel. As an idea, that’s fine. But why isn’t it a scene? Give me one reason why that wasn’t a serious enough story beat to warrant a cutscene. Of course I’m advocating for more material for Kairi, but - and I can’t believe I’m saying this - such a cutscene might have even given Axel some development. I’ll be talking more about the additions to Final Mix in a later post, but the fact that a long-ass walk down hallways was a priority over expanding on this plot point tells you something about the warped priorities the creative team developed in the years after KH II’s release.
We leave this section of the story with Sora, Donald, and Goofy on the retreat, guided out of darkness by Riku and guided by the Keyblade to some unknown destination. But when that lane opens, Sora declares “not yet! I have to look for Kairi!” thus setting up the second pass at the Disney worlds. How often in this series does Sora voice an urge to follow his own desires over the call of duty? I thought it was an impressive moment for his character.
EDIT: corrections made (thank you @khtrinityftw.)
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nadziejastar · 5 years
I know u like Isa and Lea, but did you enjoy any other of the Nobodies? Their personalities?
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Oh yeah. I pretty much liked all the Organization. They just never got developed that much. Heck, even Lea and Isa never got their whole backstory shown and are still underdeveloped as characters. Which is sad. I found the Organization politics so interesting, too. It’s why I became kind of obsessed with the weapons in 358/2 Days. They had such specific names, shapes and colors that I knew they HAD to have some secret deeper meaning. And since BBSV2 was cancelled, I knew that we were most likely NEVER going to learn about what those secrets were. But I wanted to figure it out to learn more about them…all of them.
For instance, Luxord is so cool, yet he’s a total mystery. I like his demeanor and how he was sad when he lost half the poker league in Days. He never truly seemed like a bad guy, either. It’s a shame that we may never get to learn more about him. I’m sure there was stuff to be revealed about him. He was one of Nomura’s favorites, after all. There’s no way I can see him joining the Seekers of Darkness willingly. I think he was always supposed to be in the New Organization, but for a different reason than KH3 gives. Well, KH3 didn’t actually give one, but whatever. I think he wasn’t there willingly, and that’s why he was so happy when Sora defeated him and freed his heart.
I would have loved to learn more about Lexaeus, too. He didn’t seem to be thatbad. He was tending to Even and Dilan after they woke up. And I think he genuinely wanted to help Lea when he was looking for Isa. He seemed like he might have felt guilty about everything that happened. And somewhat concerned when Lea said he was going to go look for them. Ienzo and Lexaeus were rather low-ranking members. Lea seemed tolerate them in a way I doubt he would have with Braig, for instance.
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What on earth was happening within the hearts of my six beloved apprentices? While pursuing the mystery of the darkness of the heart, could they themselves have strayed into its depths?
Speaking of Braig…I love Xigbar. He’s such a smug and unapologetic asshole. But he’s so cool at the same time. He always seems like he’s having so much fun. I really hated how it was revealed that he was Luxu because I thought Braig was such an interesting villain. He was just an ordinary guard and apprentice. Probably not a very nice guy, but not actively harming anyone, either. Ansem the Wise cared about all of his apprentices and trusted them. Even Braig. Then Xehanort comes along and offers him power. The Keyblade. And that’s all it takes to turn him into such a monster.
Day 355: Mind
The gears of Xemnas’ plans have begun to spin wild since the loss of half our membership at Castle Oblivion. The results are there, but can this state of affairs fairly be called a success? If Kingdom Hearts can be said to possess a mind of its own, it is surely rejecting Xemnas—no, rejecting Xehanort. Roxas left the Organization today.
He knows full well that Xehanort wants to access Kingdom Hearts and pretty much end the world as we know it. And he doesn’t give a DAMN. This entry is entitled “Mind”. Xigbar talks about Kingdom Hearts having a mind of its own, and rejecting Xehanort. He is aware that what Xemnas is doing is wrong.
And this doesn’t seem to be the first time he has pondered something having a mind of its own, either. The mind of Kingdom Hearts rejects Xehanort. The whole concept is quite similar to the way they tried to get the mind to renounce its sense of self, so that the vessel couldn’t reject Xehanort’s heart. I definitely think this was a subtle reference to the mind control experiments.
Xigbar: Man, does that Xehanort scare me like nobody’s business, the way he can see into minds. And it doesn’t help that no one knows what it is that the old man wants. I wonder if even you know what’s going on inside your own head.
I believed him when he said that Xehanort scared him. He doesn’t know what Xehanort is really after by causing the Apocalypse (we never get to learn either). But he goes along with him for his own selfish reasons. I was very disappointed that Xigbar’s personality was revealed to be Luxu putting on an act the whole time. No, I simply refuse to accept that.
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Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
—Revelation 8:6-7
I admit, I couldn’t help but laugh when I read the KHwiki descriptions for some of the characters’ Mystery Gear weapons, which are said to draw forth the wielder’s personality. These were clearly meant to tell you something important about each of them. The wiki description for Xigbar’s Trumpet said that it may be a reference to his tendency to “toot his own horn”.
I think the trumpet had FAR more significance than that. The trumpet is a symbol. It’s the harbinger of the Apocalypse, to be exact. Xigbar and Xemnas are the only ones with Biblical references in their weapons. Even the concept of 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses is mostly Biblical in origin.
Seven is the number of completeness and perfection, both physical and spiritual. It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things. There are 7 days in a week and God’s Sabbath is on the 7th day. The Bible, as a whole, was originally divided into 7 major divisions. The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. 13 represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.
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Ruler of the skies, protector of the stars, the Ultima Weapon will appear and destroy any threat it perceives. It has shot down countless airships, man’s means to reach the heavens. The stars align against us…
Final Weapon is another apocalyptic reference. Its design is based on the Ultima Weapon from FFVII. And we know how fond Nomura is of that game. I am quite fond of it, too. The Ultimate Weapon of Final Fantasy VII is one of the five Weapons created by the planet as a defense mechanism. It was released from its slumber in the North Crater after Sephiroth summons a giant meteor in an attempt to bring about the Apocalypse.
Then there’s Cupid’s Arrow, which is green, possibly as a reference to the Heart chakra. We all know who Cupid is. He shoots people with arrows and they fall in love. However, Cupid also has a devious side. His gold-tipped arrows are what link people in love. However, he can fire lead-tipped arrows, which cause people to feel indifference or hatred. This side of Cupid is not very well-known. As for Xigbar’s weapon, the bullets produce dark sparks on contact with enemies and gold ones on contact with anything else. Hmm.
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Am I alive? I awoke in a cell, alone until the researchers came with their tests and their prodding to uncover my identity. I had no answer to offer them. Four friends, and a key…that is the sum total of my memory. I could not even recall my name. I was simply called “X” there. My only solace was the time I spent talking with the two boys who would visit from time to time. One day, a man came to take me from the prison. I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch. Even now, years on, I feel no closer to understanding who or what I am.May my heart be my guiding key.
I make it no secret that I think Isa was originally Subject X. And who is the last person Subject X remembers before their memory cuts off? Braig. Wouldn’t surprise me if Xigbar gave Isa the X-shaped scar. Other than Xemnas, he was the only one in the Organization who was confirmed to know about Xemnas’ desire to turn people into vessels. I think Even probably knew as well, but I just can’t see him giving Isa the scar.
Xemnas disappeared nearly before he heard his order acknowledged.
“Don’t let us down now, kiddo. Shouldn’t be too much trouble without a heart,” Xigbar told Saïx.
Then he was gone, too. Alone in the Round Room, Saïx raised his eyes to the high domed ceiling.
Braig? Definitely. I think he was the main abuser of Isa. I think he used a “lead arrow,” so to speak, and turned Isa’s love into hatred and indifference.
Sa��x: Something at Castle Oblivion changed you. Does the past mean nothing to you now?
Since Saïx had Isa’s memories, he no doubt would have told Axel who his main abuser was. Not to mention Braig probably abused Lea as well.
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Given the right memories, the Replica could mimic the powers of the original. Which meant that if he were implanted with somebody else’s memories, he would, hypothetically, gain other powers. Somebody’s—or maybe even a Nobody’s. He had one particular Nobody in mind. All the members of the Organization were still influenced by the memories of their human lives.
Personally, I think Axel was talking about Xigbar here in the novel. I definitely think Axel wanted revenge on Xigbar. And I like that Cupid’s Arrow is Ultimate Gear. In that same weapon class is Saïx’s Horoscope, which has the symbols for Venus and Cancer. Venus in Cancer is basically the astrological correspondence of ultimate love and affection. If it shows up in your horoscope, your love life is looking good.
Another one of Xigbar’s weapons is called Crime and Punishment. It refers to an 1866 novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It is about the mental anguish of a destitute man plotting to murder an unscrupulous pawnbroker who ripped him off, and contemplating whether or not going through with the plan will be worth the risks involved.
He grows increasingly his nihilistic, and believes that killing would benefit society, therefore justifying that crime and others. After committing murders, his isolation grows because of his intense guilt and the half-delirium into which his guilt throws him. Over and over again, the man pushes away the people who are trying to help him, and then suffers the consequences. In the end, he finds the total alienation that he has brought upon himself intolerable.
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Day 117: Him and Roxas
Roxas is maturing at an impressive rate. His face, the way he handles the Keyblade, it’s all exactly the same. The worlds seem so divided and alone, but there’s always that steady thread there to connect them. And we Nobodies can never escape the things we did as humans. So it goes.
Xigbar does seem to have some guilt about what he did to Roxas/Ventus deep down. He says that Nobodies can never escape what they did as humans. He knows that what he’s doing is wrong. Everything he did was so that he could gain Master Xehanort’s Keyblade.
Q: What happens to Lea hereafter now that he has become a Keyblade wielder?
A: Lea, having returned to his human form, chosen by the Keyblade. Does him getting a Keyblade have anything to do with his best friend Roxas? And is there a possibility that Lea’s become one of the protectors of Light?
Yet Lea was able to wield because of how strong his heart was, and due to his desire to save his friends, including Roxas/Ventus and Isa, two people whose lives he helped destroy. And although this idea is never followed up on, in the KH3D Ultimania, Nomura suggested that Roxas had something to do with Lea’s ability to wield the Keyblade.
I’m really not convinced that Xigbar’s suicide at the end was always supposed to just be a ruse. In the original version of the story, I think he actually did decide to end his life. And I would have preferred that outcome rather than “Well, he was never really Braig, and he was just pretending to be a power-hungry bastard the whole time, lololol!”
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Axel: Try not to bungle everything while I’m gone.
Xion: Now, why would we do that?
Axel: Well, considering your track record…
Xion: Hey! Don’t make me come over there!
I also really liked Roxas and Xion when i played Days. For me, Xion was everything that Kairi should have been from the beginning. The way Kairi was written always felt unintentionally sexist to me. I think the female writer for Days, Tomoco Kanemaki, really helped in the writing of that game’s female protagonist. It was a very good idea to bring her on board. Plus she’s an excellent writer, based on the KH novels.
Axel: Well, even if things change, we’ll never be apart–
Xion: As long as we remember each other…right? Don’t worry, Axel–we got your hokey speech memorized.
Axel: Just checking.
Xion jokes and teases Roxas and Axel, but never in a mean-spirited way. She’s very pure-hearted, sweet, and feminine. Which can often come across as annoying for me, if the writers are not careful. Kairi was a Princess of Heart. She’s very pure and filled with light. But we were mainly TOLD this fact about her character, rather than being able to see it through her actions. Which came across as…kind of annoying.
But Xion’s character never felt sexist to me. Her interactions with her friends felt far more charming and personable than Kairi’s interactions with Sora and Riku ever did. She was written with such sincerity.
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Roxas: Just feels strange, that’s all. Usually, I do all the worrying over you. I don’t think it’s ever been the other way around before.
Xion: Well, for your information… I worry about you all the time, Roxas.
I liked how she responded to Roxas. She worries about him all the time. Kairi also worried about Sora, but she always felt like a passive participant in the story, instead of an active one.
Kairi: Who are you? And that’s not my name. I’m Kairi.
Roxas: Kairi… I know you. You’re that girl he likes.
For the most part, Kairi existed in relation to Sora, and only Sora.
Kairi: What are you going to do with us?
Saïx: You’re the fire that feeds Sora’s anger.
Kairi didn’t get to actually DO things. Things happened TO Kairi. Xion had a lot more agency as a character. You’re invited to put yourself in her shoes, and understand how she’s feeling in a way you never are with Kairi. She’s a subject instead of an object.
Kairi: I can’t help?
Sora: You’d kind of be in my way.
Kairi: Hehe. Okay. You win.
I also liked that Xion being able to fight was just taken for granted by the story. It’s not treated like it’s a big deal, just because she’s a girl. It’s just normal, like how it was with Aqua. On the other hand, Kairi always got treated by everyone like she was made of glass.
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Day 352: What I Must Do
Riku gave me this time. Axel told me to spend it thinking for myself. The Organization is determined to erase either me or Roxas. They’ll never allow us to coexist. I love Roxas and Axel. I’m sure Saïx would scoff at that. Call it a trick of my artificial memories. But the time I spent on that clock tower was real. I wish the three of us could stay together, just like this, forever. But I have to end this. I’ll never forget today’s sunset. Even if Roxas and Axel do, I won’t forget.
Xion said that she loved Roxas and Axel. I found that really touching. Kairi was introduced to the story in KH1 mainly as the girl that Sora and Riku were competing for. She was more of love interest than a protagonist.
Kairi: You know, Riku has changed.
Sora: What do you mean?
Kairi: Sora, let’s take the raft and go—just the two of us!
Sora: Huh?
Kairi: Just kidding.
She never had any chemistry with Riku as part of their trio, and her role in the story diminished as his grew. In KH1, Sora and Riku’s animosity towards each other is fueled largely by Riku’s possessiveness toward Kairi, which I didn’t like.
Riku: Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.
Sora: Wha… Wait a minute…
She was treated more like a prize for Sora and Riku to compete over than a valued friend. It just felt sexist to me. And I think it’s why Riku and Kairi barely interacted after KH1. I actually felt very sad when Xion disappeared. I felt an attachment to her, whereas I felt nothing but irritation (at the writers) when Kairi “died”. I connected with Xion in a way I that I was never able to with Kairi, because she was written like a real person instead of love interest.
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After playing KH3, my feelings towards Roxas and Xion are…complicated. I know this is kind of an unpopular and controversial opinion in the fandom, but…I didn’t want either Roxas or Xion to come back. Even though I loved them both. Frankly, I don’t think they really “work” as stand-alone characters. Plus I was never fond of all of these identical characters running around simultaneously. Roxas and Sora look and act different enough. But Roxas and Ven? Many people seemed to like the scene where they meet and exchange an awkward glance. But for me it was just…stupid. Plus I think bringing them back ruined the poignancy of their story arcs.
Despite Xion being formed from Sora’s memories of Kairi, she felt very distinct from Kairi, due to the superior dialogue quality in 358/2 Days. This was both a good and bad thing.  
Kairi: Who’s this new Riku and where’s the old one?
Riku: New me?
Kairi: Yeah. You’re more like Sora.
Riku: Should I be flattered? I try too hard to be the role model. It’s more fun to just listen to my heart. Which is Sora-esque.
Kairi: Well, we still like you. Master, I came here because I wanted to help somehow. What can I do?
Honestly, I was just hoping that Kairi would have been written more like Xion going forward. I didn’t actually want to see Xion come back. I think that was always the plan, since Kairi certainly was in need of better characterization. And after Days, Kairi’s personality actually was more like Xion. I found her far more charming in KH2.8 and KH3 than I ever found her to be in any of the other games. They tried to give her more chemistry with Riku, who is supposed to be one of her best friends. I know the damage had been done by this point, but I appreciated scenes like this nonetheless.
Lea: Now that we’re going back, I’m worried about everything.
Kairi: Well, you don’t have to worry alone anymore, Axel.
I found her relationship with Lea so enjoyable, too. She was like his little sister. Kairi’s relationship with Lea felt just like Xion’s relationship with him. Xion promised she’d never forget Axel, after all. Unfortunately, this had the effect of making Xion’s return feel even more unnecessary and redundant to me. I feel the same way about Roxas.
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A common opinion I hear is that Roxas is so much “darker” than Ventus, and therefore they cannot possibly be the same person. I agree that Roxas showed a darker side to his personalty than Ventus did. After all, Ventus had his darkness artificially extracted from him. But my response is: that’s what character development is for. What, did everyone think that Ven was going to remain the same naive kid until the very end the story? Even if he regained his memories as Roxas? Even after learning that Xemnas was Terra?
What was the whole point of Vanitas then? He’s Ven’s shadow self. These games are heavily inspired by Jungian philosophy, very much like the Persona series actually. Probably why I love both series so much. They even have the yellow eyes thing in common. The boss fight in KH3 was against Aqua’s shadow self. She was the embodiment of all the repressed, subconscious dark thoughts Aqua would be too ashamed to admit consciously.
Part of her IS angry at Mickey for abandoning her back then. She IS filled with so much despair that she wants others to feel it, too. That’s what made her shadow so interesting. I wish we had gotten to fight Shadow Terra, Shadow Riku, Shadow Isa, etc. I’m sure they’d have plenty of interesting things to say.
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Quasimodo: Master Frollo–he made me live inside the bell tower, but the real walls were the ones I built around my heart. You helped me see that, Riku.
Riku: I was…speaking from…personal experience.
Phoebus: I’d say you still keep a lot locked inside.
Esmeralda: We all do that sometimes. There are just some things we need to keep separate from the world at large, at least until we have time to figure them out.
Personally, I never felt like Riku was finished dealing with his pain. His character arc was far from over. I think he needed to confront his feelings of jealousy towards Sora and his shame over getting possessed by Xehanort’s Heartless. What Dark Riku was saying in KH3 had some truth to it. Riku was always so competitive towards Sora because he felt inferior to him. Learning his darkness was part-Terra would definitely help him forgive himself. Of course that never happened.
Xehanort: Master Eraqus, you see, is so afraid of darkness, that he too, hassuccumbed–not to darkness, but to light. It shines so bright, he forgets thatlight begets darkness. And Aqua and Ventus, their lights shine too bright. It is only natural that they cast shadows on your heart.
Part of Terra does believe that Aqua and Ven are too bright for him. He pushed them away because they made him feel ashamed of himself. I’m sure his shadow self would try to push Ventus away while he tried to use the power of waking on him.
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That would have been the perfect time to introduce the idea of Saïx’s jealousy. Let’s assume they stuck with the idea that Isa sacrificed himself for Lea. I tweaked his dialogue a tiny bit:
Saïx: “I sacrificed everything for you. You’re the one who went off and made other friends. Left me in the dust. I lost…all sense of purpose.”
Personally, I don’t think Saïx himself was jealous of Lea’s friendships with Roxas and Xion. Shadow Isa would be another story entirely, though. His captured heart was influencing Saïx subconsciously. I think that was why Anti-Saïx was included as a boss in 358/2 Days, along with Anti-Riku. 
Saïx:“Do you know what happens to those who lose their true purpose? Inevitably, they destroy themselves.”
I absolutely think he’d feel abandoned and forgotten by Lea. Axel left the Organization to chase after Roxas, while his heart was still left in Xehanort’s clutches. I think his shadow self would have a lot to say on that matter.
Aqua: A pure heart filled with light… It’s strange, The Master taught medarkness needs to be destroyed. But how, if not with light?
Fairy Godmother: Oh, my dear, you’re too young to know. Experience more things, and you’ll find the answer. Just trust in your dreams.
BBS was trying to send the message that darkness isn’t necessarily bad. OBVIOUSLY Ven was going to have to face his dark side and accept it as part of himself, too. That’s what Jungian psychology is all about. Of course like so many other things, that never happened. Probably because Roxas’ return made it pointless, if he’s supposed to be the “dark” one.
Part of me is surprised (and relieved) they didn’t redeem Vanitas and give HIM his very own replica, too. But yeah. These games are BIG on Jungian philosophy. Well, Xion and Roxas were envisioned as personas of other characters—not unique characters unto themselves. And that’s all they ever felt like to me. I never understood the idea that they deserved to be their “own people”. They already were.
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To me, what made Roxas and Xion valuable to the story, was that they were alter egos of two of the main characters: the Guardians of Light, Kairi and Ventus. Even though they disappeared, their character arcs would have continued on. They would have given those two characters SO much additional development if they had been accepted and reintegrated as personas of Ven and Kairi. What does having BOTH Kairi and Xion around offer to the story? What does having BOTH Roxas and Ventus offer?
Naminé: One day, Sora will have to call them to the surface. They’re important memories…but very dangerous ones.
Mickey: Dangerous how?
Naminé: These memories are too painful. Handled the wrong way, they could damage Sora’s heart–even break it. I needed you to find a way to face that kind of hurt. That’s why I left the message.
Sora was supposed to confront the memories in his heart. The people’s whose memories were inside of him needed relief. The memories needed to go back to their rightful place: Kairi and Ventus. And Ansem the Wise’s experiments were all about the heart and its connection to memory. Sora was robbed of meaningful character development because of this, too. He never confronted these painful memories nor did he have the opportunity to grow from it.
I agree with Nomura. I think there ARE “too many” characters. It prevented them from getting properly developed. KH3 had little in the way of meaningful character development. And I doubt Nomura can really give Ven or Kairi much in the way of interesting development now that their alter egos are back. Their relationships with Lea already got sidelined. Ventus’ was even worse than Kairi’s, though.
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Ven: Already?
Lea: I’ll see ya when I see ya. After all, we’re friends now. Get it memorized.
Ven: Okay, Lea.
Lea’s comment made Ventus very happy. Immediately afterwards, Lea tells Isa that inside people’s memories, he can live forever. This exchange felt very meaningful. I do believe that Axel took such a liking to Roxas in Days because he recognized him as Ventus. Yet what was the impact of their fateful meeting?
Lea: You remember me?
Ventus: Yeah, ‘course! We’re friends. I can’t believe you became a Keyblade wielder just like me.
Lea: Yeah…
Sora: Axel, you know Ven?
Ventus: Axel? Who’s Axel?
Lea: See, see, see? Major brain-ache.
It was rendered so…pointless thematically. Lea was obviously fine with Ven being Roxas. He was clearly hoping that Ven would remember their time together in the Organization. But ‘twas not to be. It honestly felt to me like much of Axel’s dialogue in KH3 was just Nomura parodying how ridiculous the story has become. Nomura even said in an interview that he has a hard time remembering who’s met who. It’s like he just threw his hands up and didn’t even care anymore. So he’s turning everything into a big joke.
Axel’s whole character arc in KH2 was trying to bring back Roxas, then deciding he had no right to turn Sora back into a Nobody. He sacrificed himself to atone for his actions. Of course, it wouldn’t feel right to simply have Axel form a friendship with Sora to carry on his friendship with Roxas. They were too different. Ventus’ story arc was the perfect way to bring Roxas’ heart back, allowing Lea focus on a new goal this time: bringing back Isa. As I mentioned earlier, Nomura implied that it was Roxas who gave Lea the ability to use the Keyblade.
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Roxas: Hey, Axel. You haven’t forgotten? You made us a promise.
Axel: I did?
Roxas: That you’d always be there…to bring us back.
Axel: “Oh yeah…”
Roxas: “Got it memorized?”
Axel: “The promise of two best friends.”
I think that’s why he had a dream of Roxas before he woke up. Roxas’ legacy as a Nobody was to pass on the ability to wield the Keyblade to his best friend Axel. Then Axel would be reborn as Lea and reunite with Roxas, who would be reborn as Ventus. Neither knew each other’s past in Days. Roxas had amnesia and Axel kept everything secret.
Axel: You really think the truth is going to make you feel better? It won’t.
Roxas: What makes you so sure? I have a right to know who I am! How did I  get here? Why am I special? Where did I learn to use the Keyblade? I deserve those answers!
Axel: Roxas…
Roxas: Are you gonna tell me or not? Axel… Who am I?
Axel: You’ve just gotta trust me, Roxas.
Roxas: I don’t.
Axel: Hey, c'mon…
Roxas: If I can’t get answers here, I’ll get them somewhere else. Somebody knows where I came from. That’ll be the person I trust.
Axel said that learning about his past wouldn’t make Roxas feel any better. Maybe that’s true. Maybe not. But the real reason Axel didn’t want Roxas to know about his past because he was afraid that Roxas would leave him. Although his reasons were sympathetic, Axel was wrong to lie to Roxas. And he knew he was wrong. He felt guilty about lying. Roxas did have a right to know the truth. This creates a chasm between them and it is the ultimate cause of their relationship falling apart.
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Roxas: I wonder what kind of guy I was before…
In KH3, it felt like the characters were being forced into stasis and not allowed to truly grow or mature. If anything, they were regressing. In Days, Roxas didn’t WANT to be his “own person”. He wanted to learn about his life and identity before becoming a Nobody. He was jealous that Axel had memories of his past before the Organization. So the idea of Roxas coming back and having no real past or life history outside of the one year he spent as an Organization member just didn’t sit right with me.  
And Roxas and Axel will never have to overcome the issues that made their relationship fail in the first place. Axel needed to accept that it was okay for Roxas to remember his past before the Organization. And Roxas needed to trust Axel. If Axel was reborn as Lea and Roxas was reborn as Ventus, they’d finally learn each other’s past and find out that they have so much in common. A loved one from their past is being used as Xehanort’s vessel. Then they’d be able to develop a much more open and healthy relationship and grow a lot closer.
Ventus: You’re here…
Terra: I heard you too, Ven. You found me, just like you promised.
Ven made a promise to Terra that he’d be there when Terra really needed him. And Axel made a promise to Roxas that he’d always be there to bring them back. It was a promise of two best friends. Immediately afterwards, Lea goes and searches for Isa. He still didn’t know at that point that Isa was Xehanort’s vessel. But his friendship with Roxas inspired him to not give up on any of his best friends. In KH3, it could be shown that Axel’s loyalty inspired Ventus to keep his promise to Terra, too. Then their meeting in BBS would have actually been meaningful.
In KH3 we just get a rehash of KH2 where Axel is looking for Roxas. Only this time he makes no progress on that goal, nor does he develop as a person along the way like he did in KH2. He just felt so utterly useless to the story. Literally everyone in real life I know who played KH3 complained about how useless and unimportant Axel was. Even Axel acknowledges how useless he is in KH3. My intention is really not to bash Roxas and Xion. I liked them. But since Lea and Isa are my favorite characters, I admit I do have quite a bit of saltiness towards the preferential treatment Roxas and Xion received from the story in KH3.  
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Their return just felt so…contrived. I didn’t even find the trio’s reunion emotional due to how forced it was. Xion just randomly shows up out of nowhere and starts bawling, and Axel brings up ice cream. It felt like the writers were trying way too hard to make the scene emotional. But it had the opposite effect on me. That scene came across as cringe-worthy because it felt so pandering and fanservice-y. And now they need DLC just to properly explain why they are back.
—Was Lea insisting on being called Axel so that when Roxas came back he would recognize him?
Nomura: Yes, but also because when he saw Kairi as Xion, he remembered that there was someone he was supposed to remember, which made him feel that being called “Axel” was important.
I also have mixed feelings about Lea wanting to be called “Axel” and staying in his Organization cloak.
Mickey: But gosh, I didn’t expect you to save us…Axel.
Lea: Axel didn’t. My name is Lea.
In KH3D, he made a big deal about his name being “Lea”, not “Axel”.
Lea: Axel? Please. The name’s Lea. Got it memorized?
I don’t think it was really necessary, but I can see him maybe wanting Kairi to call him Axel if he subconsciously remembers her as Xion. But everyone else?
Riku: Why are you here, Axel?
Lea: No, I told you my name’s– Agh, whatever, Axel, fine. Now let’s get outta here!
It annoyed him when they still called him “Axel”. He only tolerated it begrudgingly. After all, it’s the name Xehanort gave him to symbolize the death of “Lea”. I don’t think he’d be too fond of going by that name at all, especially once he learned the full truth about the Recusant’s Sigil.
Originally, I think he wanted to stay in the black cloak because of Isa. That makes total sense to me. But since that idea was scrapped, it felt more like Square was afraid of having his character go by a different name or look too different from before, since people who haven’t played any of the games since KH2 might be put off by that.
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Then, there was the final boss battle with Saïx. Roxas and Xion are back now. And honestly I had no idea how the game wanted me to feel about Isa at that point. It may have sounded like an afterthought, but Lea still said he wanted to bring him home, too. Am I supposed to care about him as a friend of Lea? Or am I supposed to take pleasure in seeing Roxas and Xion “clobber” him, the same way I’m supposed to when Sora defeats Xehanort?
Roxas and Xion are popular characters; I get that. I knew how much fan demand there was to bring them back. And it concerned me because I couldn’t imagine how they could return in a way that actually made any sense. And it was as I suspected. We got the stupid Replica nonsense in KH3 to make it happen. But it was way worse than I feared. They had to throw Isa’s entire character arc by the wayside to make room for Roxas and Xion.
Roxas, Axel, and Xion get a tearful reunion, but poor Isa was just left as a vessel… totally forgotten about. Lea said that he never forgot Isa, but he did. Sometime between KH3D and KH3, to be precise. Roxas and Xion even look at him with pity. I almost got the sense that the scene was meta-commentary. Like Roxas and Xion felt guilty about how badly his character had to be destroyed to allow them a place in the story. And Isa certainly did get left in the dust in order to focus on Lea’s other friends, who had more popularity in the fandom.
In canon Isa suffers from a bad reputation, because of how Saïx treated Roxas and Xion. But it was plain as day to me that Isa in BBS was NOTHING like Saïx! I always assumed that was the whole point of meeting Lea and Isa in BBS. To show how different they were as humans—especially Isa. The audience never knew that Saïx in KH2 was just a vessel for Xehanort, and neither did Axel. If the truth had been revealed, it would have been a pretty cool plot twist actually.
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Despite it being both obvious and heavily implied, the story never even clearly stated that Isa was NOT Saïx. That he was possessed by Xehanort. That he was a victim. The Recusant’s Sigil on his face literally means “death”. And since that concept got thrown in the trash, so did Isa’s character arc. We are never even told how he got his scar. And his personality never goes back to the way it was in BBS, either. It’s funny to me that people thought Roxas was so different from Ventus that he deserved to be his own person. If there was any character who had nothing in common with their Nobody and deserved to be their own person, it was Isa, not Roxas. Axel and Saïx both admit how much he’s changed.
Even in that short scene, it was not hard to see what kind of person Isa was. He was introverted and had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. But when he smiled at Lea playing with Ventus, you could tell that he was kindhearted. He was just reserved, and reluctant to express his feelings openly. He’s shy, but with Lea around, he’s able to come out of his shell and share a laugh with Ventus while they tease him. So yeah, in my opinion Isa is dead. In KH3, we get left with a watered down Saïx taking on the role of “Isa”, even though they were nothing alike.
The moment where Xemnas is going to finish off Lea, is when Saïx should have saved him, proving that Isa’s heart was still in there, and that he never forgot Lea, just like he said all those years ago. That was Isa’s crowning moment. The very moment that would earn his place eating ice cream with everyone in the epilogue.
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Roxas and Xion stole the thunder from not only Isa, but Kairi too. During what should have been her crowning moment: her first major battle. She was so useless and forgotten in her own fight. Her only real contribution is getting kidnapped. Then she was killed off! Apparently to justify Namine coming back? I guess? I was so looking forward to Kairi finally becoming a more well-rounded character. Man, was that a let down. My sisters despise Kairi. They were raging during the ending. They think she’s such an insult as a female protagonist, lol. I just think it’s sad. Kairi DID have potential. But unfortunately it was mostly all wasted…
I love most of the KH characters. But I have NEVER seen a character get shafted by a story as badly as Isa. Even Kairi was treated (marginally) better by the narrative. It was the main inspiration for this blog and why a disproportionate amount of my posts are about Isa and/or his relationship to Lea. In KH3, Skuld took his backstory, Roxas took his role as the friend who Lea would need to bring back, and Xion took his crowning moment of redemption. It was so insulting how the story treated him. I’m sure even the creator of Xion, Tomoco Kanemaki, would be disappointed in how Isa got treated. I could tell by the way she writes the novels that she liked Isa, as well as Xion.
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datauthorress · 5 years
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If you want me to write about your character, please send me a description of them and a brief summary of their personality and their connection with the canon character.
Please take this as a reminder that I am a human being, and I will need time to write out the commissions.
I will be taking payment first, and then I will write out the commission. For longer commissions, I will write out an outline and make sure that is what you want.
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phoenixmiko · 5 years
KH3 Final Mix/DLC Wishlist
A lot of this is wishful thinking but they are still things I’d love to see:
Repliku interacting with Namine - perhaps their hearts have a conversation in the Final World before he passes on.
Riku being playable for a world or two, not just two battles. We can take pictures and selfies as him.
Namine interacting with Kairi and some indication she is stirring within the princess of heart.
We know Xehanort came to know about the outside world thanks to his future self.  But we need to see how he left Destiny Islands and met his master and Eraqus. More flashbacks of his past with Eraqus would be welcome too.
What Lea and Kairi had to do during training in the Secret Forest. Having either or both as playable for this would be great.
Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands are explorable and they contain all of the areas they had in BBS and KH2 respectively. Maybe we even get to meet Riku and Sora’s families and Kairi’s adoptive family.
Twilight Town is expanded to include all of the areas from KH2.
Kairi reacting to Radiant Garden when she gets there and her memories of her birthplace. Perhaps she even meets her grandmother and we get to hear more of what the old lady knows about the Keyblade War, maybe even how she knows. Seeing the rest of Kairi’s biological family, if any, would be even better, considering that NPCs are plentiful in this game. Exploring the city as Kairi would be amazing. Any NPCs we hear could even talk about their experiences of the world falling to darkness or at least what they remember of it. Anything about people’s thoughts on rumours of Ansem of Wise’s experiments or Apprentice Xehanort would be a bonus.
Lea and Kairi talking about their pasts at Radiant Garden together. I wonder what Lea thought of Apprentice Xehanort? Did Kairi ever meet him?
What happened to Kairi and what she did or said between her getting taken away by Xemnas and her floating, unconscious, beside Xehanort in the Keyblade Graveyard.
How Riku and Mickey get their new keyblades. Yen Sid apparently forges Braveheart but I’d love to see how he did it. It is explained what type of keyblade Braveheart is, why it looks like a Kingdom Key (and if it is one, which realm it represents) and what this keyblade means for Riku. Kingdom Key D and Star Seeker merge to become Kingdom Key W; we are told what W stands for in Mickey’s profile or Jiminy’s journal.
Riku and Kairi interacting with each other.
Whether the norted Repliku we see is evil CoM Repliku from the past, a completely new version or a failed replica which got reused and upgraded.  He’s not Data-Riku or KH1 Riku, we know that for certain. Whoever he is, this Repliku definitely has Riku’s memories.
Seifer and his friends appearing in Twlight Town. Roxas’ heart reacts to seeing them, Sora can interact with them and perhaps even enter a Struggle tournament. The Radiant Garden Restoration Committee, Cloud and Tifa appearing in their restored world and commenting on how great everything appears now that it is finally back to how used to look, Sora reuniting with them again. Heck, perhaps Kairi and Riku can even talk to them, seeing as we have never seen this happen. Sephiroth is here too; his story with Cloud gets resolved, Sora interacts with him and you can have a boss fight like in the previous two numbered entries.
LIngering Will and Namine talking. This conversation was read out by their voice actors at an orchestra concert in Japan but never featured in the game.
Roxas and Namine interacting. Maybe their hearts could speak in the Final World while Sora is there, for example.
Ventus and Roxas talking.
The destiny trio interacting together.
Xion’s heart reacting to things and people. Sora may not know who the third heart inside him belongs to but it would have been nice to see Xion stir within him as well.
What Isa and Lea did as apprentices under Ansem the Wise, what kind of dynamics they had with the other apprentices and what made them want to become Nobodies.
More details on the experiments that Ansem the Wise, his apprentices and Xehanort’s Heartless did and what happened to the subjects of those experiments. Did Kairi ever hear the screams mentioned in the secret reports?
What legends say, if anything, about the black box and why Xigbar had the Organisation looking for it when the box appeared during the epilogue beside him. How and why did it get there?
Where the thirteen pieces of darkness went after the original X-blade shattered, whether the seven pieces of light dwell within the princesses of heart and if or how these fragments choose who will inherit their pure light once their hosts fulfill their purpose. Do those who pass on that pure light lose the powers they had as princesses of heart? Do their hearts go back to being comprised of darkness and light?
The reason why Xehanort needed thirteen keys to create the X-blade, if this X-blade is the original one which shattered centuries ago and whether the X-blade he forged is made up of the hearts of the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness.
What happened to the X-blade after Sora used it to close Kingdom Hearts.
Riku and Terra interacting. Aqua talked to Kairi and Ven spoke to Sora so these two should have had a conversation, especially since Riku flashed back to meeting Terra as a child in this game.
Riku remembering Xion, showing he knows who she is and interacting with her. He is the only one of the three (him, Lea and Roxas) who forgot her and did not get this. Riku should have, considering he met Xion again in DDD and asked her who she was.  
We get to see data Twilight Town. Sora, Pence, Olette and Hayner never get the chance to at least have a look at it on the screen, let alone go inside and explore. The town is brought up and they get access to the computer thanks to Pence and Ienzo but then nothing is ever done after that and the plot thread is left hanging. On another note, it would be funny if the data versions of the characters from Recoded were there.
The reason why bug blox are back in this game, especially how the Organisation is able to use them, where they came from and why they look different to the ones from Recoded.
Your mileage may vary but Data-Sora, Data-Riku, Data-Namine and Data-Roxas could have appeared (perhaps on the gummiphone?) and Sora could have perhaps shown signs of starting to remember Castle Oblivion.
This is an interesting one but I’m dying to know if Xion and Repliku ever met, both being replicas. They could have been created at the same time or not long after the other. Who knows? Even if they never met, a conversation between the two would be very intriguing.
A secret boss linked to the next saga appearing.
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mooglepalooza · 5 years
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tester10001000 · 5 years
How KH3 could have gone and still been Nomura’s:
I’ve never posted on tumblr before, might never again, but I needed to get this out; for the sake of the catharsis I didn’t receive after 16 years with the end of KH3. The game itself was fine, in fact, I’d even rate it as a ‘great’ up until the Keyblade Graveyard. That’s when things go off the rails. So let’s rethink KH3, keeping all of Nomura’s plot points and intentions, but communicating them in a way that feels, I hope, much more rightful. I hope you enjoy this! First, the good and mostly-good. -Keep Gameplay as is—very nice. Very satisfying. Keep nice world set-up and secrets. Maybe ratchet up difficulty. Make a Coliseum in Zeus’ court to round off the whole thing as a triad. Have Yoko Shimomura write the soundtrack for real life, plz. Keep the lovely humor. Keep Sora’s excellent arc. Keep most worlds as-is: I was pleasantly surprised by how relevant and well-done most of the world’s plots were. -Cut back on the ridiculous amount of minigames that like 5% of people will be invested in and use those resources to make other improvements (like these?).-Rewrite Arendelle and Corona (and maybe Pirates?) to be unique stories–or, at least, only loosely based on the movies, while actually including important plot points. Have Pixar do it, because they kicked butt with their worlds. Include more Disney-bosses and either get rid of 100-Hundred Acre Wood, or do something more with it. -Don’t give Larxene and Marluxia magic cutscene powers like sleep and time-stopping they won’t use elsewhere. Don’t let the others, like Ansem SoD in TT or Luxord in Caribean, became decayed and cheesy versions of their prior threat. Get rid of, or explain better, why there are six new Princesses+Kairi. Explain “the Power of Waking” just a bit better. -Give us scenes between every world with more meaningful stuff re:Kairi and Riku. We haven’t really known them in awhile, so we need to be reacquainted. Have Riku actually do stuff—rather than constantly fail until Sora literally falls from the sky—like, expand on Repliku return? Or involve him in the Maleficent angle, because of his obvious and interesting connection? Maybe follow her around out of suspicion, making the Maleficent stuff feel less-tacked-on?   -Have Kairi do more stuff, with more scenes expanding on her (like that lovely scene where she talks about Namine!), rather than just how Axel sees her as Xion (but still keep that, too—hence, more scenes!) -Insert a mid-climax between Corona and Monstropolis, with a return to Radiant Garden. Seriously needed to unbloat the climax and evenly redistribute the story. You could do some of this: 1. Meet the FF peeps and conclude their plot with RG’s redemption (How cool would be to hear Leon finally say “you can call me Squall”?); see how everyone is doing and how they interact with the people like Ienzo and the apprentices who caused RG to fall. We could setup the replica/sea-salt trio better here (Roxas body/who and how Xion/further Axel redemption), even though it’s probably the best thread currently, behind SDG. The FF folks were foundational to the start, they should at least be acknowledged in the end. 2. Give. Us. Sephiroth version 3.0. and resolution to that thread. 3. Have some seriously needed interaction among the Destiny Trio—(A) as individuals (sorely needed for Riku and Kairi–have her interact with her forgotten home!), (B) as a united friendship (Kairi/Riku, plz!) and © to set up the SoKai stuff better. Like, for real, we need to be able to take selfies with them—seriously, how could we have the phone and NEVER have a change to selfie with our OG friends?!) 4. Save Aqua here (don’t make her passively suck suddenly with OOC decisions) and then Ven; cement their return and relationships to everyone else (so as to stop rushing the finale and let their moment have its own power—just say they need to “rest” till the climax). 5. Tell wtf happens with Demyx. Set up Vexen/Ansem stuff better. Nomura, you could even tease Subject X girl more. C’mon. Have a tease-fight with the Org, rather than saving it all for the end.
6. It would probably be too much to ask to have Kairi and/or Riku accompany Sora the rest of the way, though it would be dearly needed. So have them do something interesting and important with their time post-RG. Make RG/HB the hub world, returning to it for various stuff. Play up Repliku, Namine, and Roxas/Xion in their hearts so we feel more invested in their persons and, thus, more catharsis when they are retrieved. -Expand on the lovely “calm before the storm” moments for our heroes—especially the Destiny Trio. Have the paopu moment, but don’t rush it so much. Have Riku, Sora, and Kairi doing something together. Have Axel engaging with someone about Xion/Roxas—along with the good Isa stuff. Show us what Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are doing -together-. -At Keyblade Graveyard opening, don’t make everyone suddenly suck. Why is Aqua not reacting -at all- to Terranort killing Ventus? What was the point of Kairi’s “infinite time training” if she just stands there so Sora can, also, not draw his Keyblade? Why are Riku and Mickey just twiddling their thumbs? Have everyone be badass, but still get beaten—then do all the interesting Final World stuff, with Riku’s words keeping Sora encouraged in death while SHOWING Kairi, as a PoH, still in the Realm of Light, somewhere in the tornado, ACTIVELY WORKING to keep Sora’s hanging on in the FW, rather than including her passively after. Or show her doing something beforehand. Just show some damn agency and the profound bonds of the Destiny Trio.
-Make the Namine scene here mandatory—I can’t fathom why they’d let that crucial plot point pass as optional.
-Keep sick final-boss rush, but don’t make everyone take a heel-turn redemption (and give us some team-up limits with everyone! Riku/Sora limit! Sora/Kairi limit! Sora/Roxas limit! SoRiKai Limit!). Marluxia and Xemnas needed to be more ambiguous in death. Luxord, Larxene, Xion, Vanitas, YX, Terranort, Xigbar, and Repliku were all great—even perfect. Saix needed to prove himself more, and there’s NO WAY Ansem SoD can suddenly be sympathetic like that. Slow it down. -Give the Xion-return moment to Kairi—not Sora. It’s perfect for her; she’d remember her because she is made of her. Gives Kairi agency and unique engagement for the both of them. Keep giving other characters agency in these moments other than Sora—let Aqua and Ven play centerstage in returning Terra, rather than Sora’s magic. Don’t make Sora the savior of every story—it feels cheap and demeans the character journeys we’ve been invested in for so long when they don’t play an active and significant role in their resolution. -Don’t have Kairi just be kidnapped again after 30-seconds of scripted fighting, after promising to -finally- invest in her immensely untapped potential. Have Saix (+Xemnas?) versus Sora, Xion, Roxas, Kairi, and Axel (also, explain how Axel got his keyblade -back-). Axel, even though he couldn’t face Xemnas, still has -powerful- character moments—at least give Kairi the same respect. Make that the last scripted battle, so that Kairi accompanies Sora to meet Mickey and Riku. -Either have Kairi use her infinite-training to join the fight with Xemnas, Ansem, and YX (to resonate that the whole Destiny Trio is together at the end, evolved, but together) or have her doing something else important (maybe with, I dunno, PoH POWERS?!). Have her ACTIVELY sacrifice herself for Sora, mirroring what he did for her in KH1, rather than MX passively killing her for no good goddamn reason while snarking at the camera that Kairi exists literally only for Sora’s motivation—even though Sora was already charging MX. Also show Riku have some damn emotion about his other best-friend. Sorry, I’m reaallly salty here. -Don’t have MX give up so easily, and get his motivation to work better with what came before in all these years. Don’t swap it out to something else in literally the last 30 minutes of the game. Don’t let the story treat flippantly him being the cause of everyone’s pain and suffering , as he is given a divine “thumbs-up” by turning into a kid with his best bud, giggling, and floating away into the light of Kingdom Hearts. What was that? Xehanort deserves better than that. Have him struggle to the end, and have our heroes really counter him—thematically, emotionally, and physically. Have Eraqus usher him away—stubborn to the end. If you want to redeem him, Nomura, you gotta be setting that stuff up WAAAAAY earlier. -Have anyone, anyone, other than Sora also care that Kairi is now missing. Have Riku and Sora go together to find her—because, you know, they’re BFFs and have the power to. Preferably explain and make it playable how they do that. Then have the lovely ending with Namine returning and with everyone together (except redeem Isa better). Keep everyone’s great new clothes, and have the whole party on the beach—end happily, with everyone (seemingly) together again in satisfied bliss. Wrap up the saga on a cathartic high note, for goodness’ sake. Then, and only then, Nomura gets to keep his ending—but in its proper place, separate in our minds from the ending-ending, in which we can feel full satisfaction for 16 years of investment. -In the Epilogue, before going to the Foretellers, show Sora, Kairi, and Riku leaving the Island. Riku and Kairi are on ahead, everything seems happy and complete (joking about Sora finally getting his mom’s dinner, eh?), when suddenly Sora hears the echo of YX telling him that “there’s a cost for it all” and that “it’s too late for him”—suddenly, Sora fades away. Show Riku/Kairi reactions -together-. Fade his fading into the dust of the Keyblade Graveyard. Do all the Epilogue. Do the Secret Ending. Everything on whatever track Nomura wants—but for us, the audience, all of us, we FINALLY GET SOLID, CATHARTIC CLOSURE FOR EVERYONE IN THIS SAGA AFTER 16 YEARS—WITHOUT IT ALL BEING TEASER BAIT FOR SOME UNION CROSS/TWEWY CROSSOVER COMBINED WITH NOMURA’s OBSESSIVE BITTERNESS OVER FFv13! Sorry, also salty about that. -Secret Ending is Riku AND Kairi going together to find Sora in Shibuya. Boom. -Also, for all our sakes, get rid of the concept of worldlines and minimize the time travel here, plz. That’s the quickest way to undermine the stakes of your story. Tl;dr: Give us more of the characters and their agency, don’t have them act OOC for bad plotting, give us a mid-climax to slow down the rushed 3-hour ending, let us appreciate what’s happening with more characterization, explain some things better, don’t fridge Kairi (and everyone other than Sora, really), give us a real, cathartic ending for 16 years of investment—then tease us in the epilogue/secret. Thoughts? Too much to ask? Too little? I tried only to make only minimal changes to Nomura’s vision, adjusted to some universally shared criticisms among fans. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and what you liked/didn’t like! If you liked this at all, I’ve been writing Kingdom Hearts at Fanfiction under the name “Marsuvees” (with hopefully increasing quality) for over ten years. I love this series deeply, and hope Nomura can get it back on track next time. He really needs to get other people involved in writing and plotting.
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thehorriblemu · 7 years
Just for fun: What if KH Ships had shipping names?
- Shipping isn’t serious business. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I pretty much just listed every ship I could think of and come up a name with from the top of my head.
- I pretty much pulled all the names out of my ass. So shipping names that are similar and/or match already existing shipping names from Pokémon and/or Yu-Gi-Oh are pure coincidence.
- This includes a lot of crack ships. Just so you are warned
- The list might get updated infrequently. Any names that were suggested go under the “Added Names” Section.
List of names I came up with (in no particular order):
Heartshipping - Sora/Kairi (SoKai)
Paopushipping - Riku/Kairi (RiKai)
Islandshipping - Sora/Riku (SoRiku)
Seasaltshipping - Axel/Roxas (AkuRoku)
Nobodyshipping - Roxas/Naminé (RokuNami)
Memoryshipping - Sora/Naminé (SoNam)
DataMemoryshipping - Data!Sora/Data!Naminé
Bootleg(x)shipping - any ship that includes either Data!Sora or Data!Naminé
Witchshipping - Naminé/Larxene
Captiveshipping - Marluxia/Naminé
Sociopathshipping - Marluxia/Larxene
Oceanshipping - Kairi/Naminé
Skyshipping - Sora/Roxas
Telepathyshipping - Roxas/Kairi
Tensionshipping - Roxas/Riku
Shoreshipping - Riku/Naminé
Protectorshipping - Axel/Naminé
Cloneshipping - Roxas/Xion (RokuShi)
Grandstandershipping - Roxas/Hayner
Clocktowershipping - Axel/Xion
Twilightshipping - Hayner/Olette
Summershipping - Roxas/Olette
Kidnapshipping - Axel/Kairi
Mirrorshipping - Roxas/Ventus
Adventureshipping - Sora/Yuffie
Caloryshipping - Pence/Sea Salt Ice Cream
Rowdyshipping - Hayner/Seifer
Recycleshipping - Sora/Vanitas
Blitzballshipping - Tidus/Wakka
Couchshipping - Kairi/Olette
Artistshipping - Demyx/Naminé
Radiantshipping - Leon/Aerith
Searchshipping - Cloud/Tifa
Officeshipping - Leon/Tifa
Promiseshipping - Cloud/Aerith
Bantershipping - Leon/Cloud
Lightdarkshipping - Cloud/Sephiroth
Contrastshipping - Leon/Yuffie
Cheerfulshipping - Yuffie/Selphie
Introshipping - Roxas/Jessie
Mischiefshipping - Rikku/Yuffie
Classmateshipping - Kairi/Selphie
Replicashipping - Riku/Repliku
Championshipping - Roxas/Setzer
Struggleshipping - Sora/Seifer
Hillshipping - Roxas/Seifer
Shoppershipping - Pence/Olette
Grandmastershipping - Master Xehanort/Eraqus
Darkmastershipping - Terra/Master Xehanort
Mentorshipping - Terra/Eraqus
Keybladeshipping - Terra/Aqua
Girlygeekshipping - Pence/Selphie
Girlynerdshipping - Selphie/Olette
Ritualshipping - Terra/Riku
Flowershipping - Aqua/Kairi
Guardshipping - Aeleus/Dilan
Broodingnerdshipping - Riku/Olette
Sameboatshipping - Riku/Joshua
Knightshipping - Terra/Cindarella
Sandlotshipping - Seifer/Fuu
Yaknowshipping - Seifer/Rai
Staircountshipping - Rai/Fuu
Heroshipping - Zack/Hercules
Arenashipping - Zack/Aqua
Stoicshipping - Leon/Paine
Disappearanceshipping - Zack/Sephiroth
Wordlessshipping - Fuu/Paine
Manicpixieshipping - Selphie/Rikku
Strongshipping - Hercules/Tifa
Asskickshipping - Tifa/Mulan
Importanceshipping - Sora/Selphie
Yellowshipping - Wakka/Selphie
Sunshineshipping - Tidus/Selphie
Challangeshipping - Sora/Tidus
Pipsqueakshipping - Roxas/Larxene
Thugshipping - Seifer/Beat
Dealshipping - Leon/YuRiPa
Knowledgeshipping - Ienzo/Olette
Fireynymphshipping - Larxene/Axel
Destinyshipping - Sora/Riku/Kairi (SoRiKai)
358shipping - Axel/Roxas/Xion
Singeshipping - Axel/Hayner
Hadesshipping - Cloud/Auron
Scarshipping - Leon/Seifer
Firewatershipping - Axel/Ariel
Traineeshipping - Lea/Kairi
Starpupilshipping - Aqua/Eraqus
Wonderlandshipping - Sora/Alice
Afterlifeshipping - Sora/Yozora
With Characters that don’t appear in KH:
Soldiershipping - Cloud/Lightning
Gunbladeshipping - Leon/Lightning
Lossshipping - Leon/Rinoa
Summonershipping - Yuna/Garnet
That’s all I can come up with for now. Feel free to add more.
Added names:
Seashellshipping - Kairi/Xion
Fakepromiseshipping - Repliku/Naminé
Forgottenshipping - Xion/Naminé
Otherhalfshipping - Ventus/Vanitas
Dandellionshipping - Ephemer/Skuld
Oldfriendshipping - Axel/Saix
Saviorshipping - Sora/Ventus
Unionshipping - Ephemer/Player Character
Sacrificeshipping - Riku/Xion
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mysoulismyink · 7 years
1. Your favorite KH guy? Zexion/Ienzo
2. Your favorite KH girl? Maybe Larxene..She’s grown on me over the years
3. Your least favorite KH guy? Why? Ugh..maybe..Lexaeus. He’s kind of boring..His name’s funny though. Spelled backwards, it’s sue Axel. (Aeleus = sue Lea) Nope, nope. Donald steals the f*cking cake on this one.
4. Your least favorite KH girl? Why? Kairi. She seems like a half-assed and lazy character.
5. Favorite World? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) Pride Rock, ‘cause I love running around as a lion!
6. Least Favorite World? Beast’s Castle…just..ugh…
7. Favorite Weapon? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) Ultima II or Oblivion..probably the latter.
8. Least Favorite Weapon? Kingdom Key
9. Fave. Summon? (includes both KH1 and KH2) Tinker Bell maybe. I don’t summon much.
10. Fave. Form? (aka. Sora’s Forms) Final or Anti-Sora
11. Favorite Pairing? (includes yaoi coupling) Why? AkuSai: It’s adorable seeing Axel as the type to embarrass his lover Zemyx: They’re perfect together ZekuSai: It’s an interesting pair that’s rarely done.
12. Least Fave. Pairing? (includes yaoi couples) Why? Demyx x Xemnas..It just…WTF no…It wouldn’t work
14. Weirdest Pairing(s) You’ve Ever Heard Of? Marluxia x Vexen Marluxia x Zexion Demyx x Xemnas Demyx x Saix
15. Any “KH-pet-peeves” you have? Chain Of Memories card thing. WTF, right? Or ever ubiquitous Xehanort
16. Fav. Partner in KH? (includes both KH1 and KH2) Riku. Goofy’s okay, but Donald SUCKS!
17. Do you believe in the Xemnas/Saix theory? *laughs for a good 13 minutes* maybe
18. Do you believe that Zexion is emo? No, there’s no reason that should be so widely believed
19. Do you believe that Marluxia is gay? I believe he’s bi with a strong preference for guys, though I also believe he’s polyamorous. So, yes?
20. Do you believe that Kairi is the most annoying character in KH? Nope, it’s donald. Unlike Ventus and Kairi, he wasn’t unconscious the whole time, so he has no excuse for being so useless.
21. If Roxas had to choose either Naminé or Olette, who would you root for? Why? Namine. She is far more interesting, and he seems a lot closer to her anyway.
22. What’s your theory on “Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?” *shrugs* still haven’t beat the whole game
23. Was Chain of Memories a waste of time? No, even if my sis seems convinced so.
24. If you had the choice of meeting ONE (and ONLY ONE!) KH character, who would it be? Zexion.
25. Which KH character do you relate to the most? Why? Zexion, because I know how he feels.
26. What’s the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you that had something to do with KH? I remember a recent one where I was tired and ranting something about Xemnas and Dinosaurs. This was one of the times I was watching my sis play Dream Drop Distance.
27. Have you ever cosplayed as a KH character? If so, who? If not, who would you like to cosplay as? No, but I plan on Zexion. Or Axel.
28. The Funniest Moment in all of KH would be…? I love a lot of moments, but this one comes to mind. In 2, when Roxas is on Sunset Hill with his friends, waiting for the ghost train, and Seifer walks up: Seifer: Why does looking at you always tick me off? Roxas: I dunno. Maybe it’s destiny. Seifer: Destiny…In that case, let’s be friends. I don’t feel like cooperating with destiny.
29. The Hardest Enemy/Boss was…? Maybe Sephiroth. Xaldin was pretty bull too..
30. What was a good edition in KH2 that made it oh-so-addictive? the new moves and forms
SECTION THREE: Decisions, Decisions…Only One…
31. Hayner or Pence? Hayner.
32. Zexion or Marluxia? Zexion.
33. Riku or Roxas? Riku
34. Roxas or Sora? Roxas
35. Axel or Demyx? ..Axel. I am the pyro in my family, and my sis already claimed Dem
36. Kairi or Larxene? Larxene
37. AkuRoku or SoRiku? SoRiku. I don’t ship AkuRoku anymore
38. Namixas or Namiku? Namixas
39. Zemyx or AkuRoku? Zemyx
40. SoKai or SoRiku? SoRiku.
41. Sea Salt Ice Cream or Paopu Fruit? Sea Salt Ice Cream.
42. Cloud or Leon? Cloud.
43. CloTi or Clerith? CloTi
44. Simple and Clean or Passion? Simple and Clean
45. List all the KH characters you’ve fallen for. (This includes Final Fantasy characters as well) Xemnas, Xigbar, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Demyx, Riku, Cloud, Sephiroth, Zack, Xehanort
46. What crossovers would you like to see with KH? Kuroshitsuji would be interesting. Or Fullmetal Alchemist.
47. Does anyone in KH look like another character? List 'em all! Axel looks like Reno from FFVII Roxas looks like Denzel from FFVII: Advent Children Ventus, Sora, Vanitas, Roxas Zexion looks like Blaine Kairi, Xion, and Namine Axel and Renji (from Bleach) look related
48. Which new KH game can you absolutely NOT wait for? 3
49. Do you like KH1 or KH2 better? Why? 2, because lions, the abilities, more worlds
50. LAST QUESTION! What makes Kingdom Hearts one of the best games in the world!? Awesome characters, worlds, freedom for theories, gameplay
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