crepuscularrays-01 · 2 years
Watching Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix Volume 3 Episode 2 “Something in the Sky”. As a biologist I’m confident those aliens are doing their protocol level surveys. Gotta catalog all the biological resources on Earth for their Environmental Impact Statement to the Intergalexy Environmental Policy Act. I just hope their bureaucratic system is just as cumbersome as ours is and whatever their “project” is gonna take a while for all appropriate permits!
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twofielder · 10 days
Coin of the Day #135 (9/16/2024)
A little provincial in remarkable condition…
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Roman Province - Lydia
AE15 - 2.35g
Hadrian 117-138 AD
Stratonicea Hadrianopolis Mint
Bust of Hadrian right, laureate, cuirassed
Bust of Senate right, draped
RPC III 1778
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chicoterra · 16 days
Comunicado: Iepa suspende atendimento ao público no Museu Sacaca para revitalização das instalações
O Instituto de Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica do Amapá (Iepa) informa que o atendimento ao público e visitações no Museu Sacaca, em Macapá, estarão suspensos no período de 09 a 15 de setembro, em função dos serviços de manutenção e revitalização preventiva das ambientações e espaços da instituição. A medida busca garantir o conforto e segurança dos turistas, visitantes e colaboradores, bem…
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ambientalmercantil · 26 days
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tsmom1219 · 30 days
Illinois increases investments in climate smart agriculture practices
Read the full story from the Illinois Department of Agriculture. The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) in partnership with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) announced an $111 million investment in the ag sector through a U.S. EPA (USEPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. Building on existing federal and state initiatives, this unprecedented opportunity provides farmers…
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dangmelearner · 4 months
I'm beginning to think I'm studying a REALLY obscure language because when I find videos giving tips on how to learn obscure language most of the tips are useles. Like:
use google translate to make yourself study materials. Dude. Google translate does not know Dangme exists.
Also the tip to look for videos with subtitles is not helpful. If I find ANY video at all I count that a win.
Or what this lady says: contact apps to make resources for your language. Like how? Do you really think apps would be interested in some tiny language in West Africa? (Also, apps are mostly useless anyway. I would much prefer a textbook or dictionary.)
What are the kind of advice I would like to get:
-what kind of questions should one ask from natives to learn a language without resources
-what are some key 1000 words to learn in any language to get started
-where to find videos for very rare languages (I have found out actually that the best place to start is religious organisations. Just try not to get converted on the process haha.)
-how to use IEPA to your advantage
-how to make sence of academic papers that usually write very usefull but highly cryptic notes on gramar
-how to write down unwritten language to learn it from a native (actually I may need to watch for videos concerning the work of linguists/anthropologists)
You know, that kind of stuff. But I guess I have to figure it out myself and make a video. ;)
PS. Aaanyway, these are good videos for like moderately sized languages other than like the top 10 that you find in every language programme.
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chicagochinesenews · 10 months
【營地土檢】伊州環保署: 布萊頓公園帳篷營地需進一步檢測和處理
(芝加哥時報快訊) 伊利諾州環保署(Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, IEPA) 表示, 興建中的芝加哥的布萊頓公園(Brighton Park)地區冬季化帳篷營因為土壤受污染,需要進一步檢測和處理, 之後工程信會依照原定計畫完成。 Continue reading Untitled
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infinysolution · 2 years
Guidelines to Recover Shares in IEPF
IEPF, which stands for Investor Education and Protection Fund, is mainly set up to protect the interests of investors. It also spreads awareness among investors about it by mentioning all the details on its website. Many times, people mistakenly fail to claim their shares which were transferred to IEPF by the Company, resulting in lost shares. And crores of such unclaimed funds take the shape of old equity shares, dividends, debentures, and more which pile up with IEPF.
If your funds are also lying with IEPF, you must track them and claim your shares in IEPF as soon as possible. Speaking of lost shares recovery, in this article, we will discuss the guidelines for recovering shares in IEPF. So, let’s get started!
Required Documents for lost share recovery from IEPF
Claim form with claimant’s signature.
Indemnity Bond claimant’s signature.
Copy of Acknowledgement bearing SRN number duly attested by the claimant.
Advance stamped receipt
Aadhar Card
PAN Card
Original certificate of refund of matured deposit or bond
Share certificate
Client master list duly attested by the claimant.
Proof of Entitlement
Canceled Cheque
Passport (including OCI and PIO for NRIs and foreigners)
Death certificate of the joint holder, in case he is deceased.
Along with these, IEPF Authority mandatorily requires the verification report by the Nodal Officer or Registrar of the bank.
Transfer of Unclaimed funds to IEPF
The Company must transfer the funds which are unclaimed or not paid for more than seven years to IEPF, along with interest accrued. The Company has to submit all the transfer details to the IEPF authority. And the shareholder can only reclaim their lost shares transferred to IEPF by applying to the IEPF authority as it maintains and monitors the accounts’ details.
How to recover the lost shares from IEPF?
Follow these steps for IEPF shares recovery,
Filing to IEPF Authority
The claimant must submit Form IEPF-5 on the MCA portal for recovery of lost shares. Information that needs to be provided by the claimants are:
The claimant’s details
Company details from which the payment is due, including the CIN number
Details of funds of dividend to be claimed
Details of shares to be claimed
Details of bank accounts linked to the Aadhaar card, from where the claim will be refunded
Demat account number
Aadhaar number
Submit the claim to the Company
The next step is sending a copy of the filled form to the Company’s IEPF Nodal Officer or Registrar. It should be sent in an envelope labeled “Claim for a refund from IEPA Authority.” Required documents are:
Copy of filled form IEPF-5 with claimant’s signature
Copy of Acknowledgement with SRN number
Receipt of original advance stamped along with the signature of claimant and witnesses.
Original indemnity bond with claimant signature on non-judicial stamp paper with the amount mentioned under the stamp act.
Aadhaar card
Proof of entitlement
Passport (including OCI and PIO for NRIs and foreigners)
Original share certificates or copy of transaction statement
Canceled cheque
Copy of Demat account’s client master list
Submit the claim from the Company to IEPF Authority
Within 15 days of receiving the claim, the Company needs to provide the verification report and submit it to the IEPF Authority, attached with the documentation of the claimant.
Refund from IEPF to Claimant
The final procedure is of IEPF Authority, where they have to decide on the reimbursement application given by the claimant within 60 days. On approval, they issue a refund sanction order on the condition that the claimant shares the funds with the competent authority. And after verifying the claimant’s entitlement, IEPF Authority, along with the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, sends the bill to the Pay to Account officer, who makes the payment.
Assistance from financial firms
Taking assistance from financial firms helps in recovering lost shares without any hurdles. And at Infiny solutions, you get assistance from professional certified financial and legal advisors. It solves all the problems occurring in IEPF shares recovery. Infinity Solutions helps in recovering unclaimed funds, including,
Issue of duplicate shares
Recovery of lost shares
Claims shares from IEPF
In conclusion, we can say that, for IEPF shares recovery, claimants need to fill out a prescribed form, Form IEPF-5 and submit it to the IEPF Nodal Officer or registrar of the Company. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs presented the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) rules in 2017 under Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013. This states that any unclaimed dividend for more than seven years, counting from its date of declaration, gets transferred to the IEPF. And those who intend to recover their lost shares need to complete their transmission procedure from the Company. And once it’s filled and goes to the Nodal officer, they verify it and send the report to the IEPF authority, who later issues a receipt of the transfer and sanction letter for the refund to the claimant. After this, the shares are transferred to the claimant.
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envoirnment · 2 years
Benefits of Envoirnmental Protection
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Have you experienced improved environmental conditions as a result of living and/or working close to an open space?
Improved Air Quality
Trees are called the earth's lungs. Not only do they provide oxygen for us to breathe, but they clean the air of many pollutants harmful to humans. Open space has an overall positive effect in the improvement of urban ventilation. By protecting open space and creating parks, trees and other vegetation are also preserved and protected, often planted. This vegetation plays a significant role in improving air quality in the region.In a study focused on the greater Chicago region, "trees in leaf season removed an average of 1.3 tons/day of carbon monoxide (CO), 4 tons/day of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 4.6 tons/day of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), 11.9 tons/day of ozone (O3), and 9.8 tons/day of particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM10)." – McPherson, 1994
According to the Illinois Annual Air Quality Report, which utilizes standards established by the Clean Air Act, portions of the region are currently in nonattainment for ozone and particulate matter less than 10µg (PM-10). In order to meet these standards, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) works to regulate point-source and area-source emitters, like power plants and dry cleaners, as well as mobile sources like vehicles. In addition to these regulations, the preservation of open space and creation of parks can assist in meeting the Clean Air Act standards. In an area with 100% tree cover, such as contiguous forest stands within parks, trees can remove from the air as much as 15% of the ozone, 14% of the sulfur dioxide, 8% of the nitrogen oxide, and 0.05% of the CO (Sherer, 2006). Another benefit from parks and open space is the capacity that leaf cover and vegetation have for filtering air pollutants such as dust, gases and soot (Givoni, 1991). This is both an environmental and public health benefit that is significant to highly urbanized areas like the northeastern Illinois region. Open space may be used as a noise barrier or buffer zone when the need for noise control arises due to the proximity of incompatible uses (e.g. frequently-travelled highway next to a residential area). In such case, a linear open space with tree cover may serve to reduce the noise as well as the pollution emitted from the highway.
Climate Change
There is a rising interest in limiting our greenhouse gas emissions and becoming more energy efficient, both regionally and globally, in order to deal with climate change. Natural lands like forests, grasslands, and parks are key assets in this effort, whether they are large preserves serving as carbon "sinks," or small local neighborhood parks helping cool their environs.
Temperatures in urban areas have increased by about 0.5-3.0°C over the last 100 years. This is termed "heat island effect" and can exacerbate air pollutant problems and lead to increased energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Typically, electricity demand in cities increases by 2-4% for each 1°C increase in temperature. Researchers estimate that 5-10% of the current urban electricity demand is spent to cool buildings just to compensate for the increase in urban temperatures (Akbari et al, 2001). Trees and parks can offset or even reverse the heat-island effect, both directly and indirectly. Planting trees has the direct effect of reducing atmospheric CO2 because each individual tree directly sequesters carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. According to a study focused on the greater Chicago region, 1 acre of tree cover absorbs 2.2 tons of carbon per year (McPherson et al, 1994).One study estimated that, in the Chicago region, the impacts of a large-scale tree planting program could potentially cool the ambient air temperature by up to 1.4°C. – Taha et al, 1996
Planting trees in cities also has an indirect effect on CO2 by reducing the demand for energy, and thereby reducing emissions from power plants. Parks and trees can reduce building energy use by lowering summertime temperatures, shading buildings during the summer, and blocking winter winds. According to a study focused on the region, increasing tree cover by 10% could reduce total heating and cooling energy use by 5-10% (McPherson et al, 1994). Furthermore, trees and vegetation can improve the ambient atmospheric temperature through evapoTranspiration in the summer and their wind-shielding effect in the winter. Both these direct and indirect benefits of energy savings from vegetated parks and open space translate into reductions in CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.
It is interesting to note that the two criteria pollutants for which the region is in nonattainment, ozone and PM-10, are both related to temperature. Ozone is created at elevated temperatures, and PM-10 tends to stay mixed in the atmosphere longer in hotter weather (USEPA website, 2008). The vegetation within parks and natural lands plays a major role in lowering temperatures and sequestering carbon in developed areas. Forests, grasslands, and other naturally vegetated lands in the U.S. absorb an estimated 20-46% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (USEPA 2008). Without preservation, these parks and natural lands could be developed and the carbon sequestration, energy-savings, and cooling benefits would be lost.
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Throwback to last Friday with the 1st cohort of the Gauteng interns on the EPC Practitioner Skills Programme completing their practicals. The interns are now at host companies where they continue their work assessments and gain experience in the EPC process. Reach out to us for more information related to the EPC Practitioner Skills Programme or the EPC process. #buildbackbettergreener #energyconsultant #energymanagement #traininganddevelopment #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyPerformanceCertificates #SANEDI #GIZ #IEPA #DHET #EWSETA https://www.instagram.com/p/CaZ0Chrg6F2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lemlemco · 3 years
Get a broom and cleanup ! Don’t plow you trash & dust to someone else! The plowing is air pollution #polluter #geneandgeorgettisteakhouse #iepa #goodcitizen Shalom (at Gene & Georgetti Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRR8qaqpODq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twofielder · 26 days
Coin of the Day #119 (8/31/2024)
Might send photos of this one to RPC, it’s better than their example…
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Roman Province - Phrygia
AE23 - 7.29g
Pseudo-Autonomous 161-218 AD
Synnada Mint
Bust of Senate right, draped
Winged Nemesis standing left, plucking chiton and holding bridle, wheel at feet left
RPC IV 4024
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chicoterra · 2 months
Clima no Amapá: confira a previ são do tempo para a sexta-feira, 9 de agosto
Previsão é de chuvas de intensidade leve a fraca sobre grande parte do estado. O Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Amapá (Iepa) divulga a previsão do tempo para esta sexta-feira, 9. Os prognósticos indicam que o dia deverá amanhecer com poucas nuvens em todo estado, permanecendo com essa configuração ao longo do dia. As temperaturas deverão oscilar entre mínimas de 26?°C e…
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photodebiere · 7 years
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IEPA (brasserie Akerbeltz - Pays Basque - France) -  via “Saveur-Biere.com” -  Akerbeltz = bouc noir 
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tsmom1219 · 7 months
Illinois EPA announces grant opportunity to fund energy efficiency assessments in areas of environmental justice concern
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Director John J. Kim today announced the Energy Efficiency Assessment Grant Program, with up to $500,000 in total funding available to public housing authorities, units of local governments (municipalities, counties, or townships) or nonprofit organizations for energy efficiency assessments at single family or duplex properties. The Energy…
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queue-portfolio · 3 years
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IEPA Projects: Character Art Studies & Concepts
> watch the process video here
> link to the HIRAYA page
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