#ieroween asks
ieroween1031 · 1 year
Rules: 🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶
I can always count on the BL Baddies for the best asks/tags! Thanks, Kata, you sexy thing, you!
Let's show off my completely unhinged, newspaper-articles-tacked-to-a-corkboard-connected-with-strands-of-red-string-esque taste in music.
Rover by Kai - Probably my most-listened to song over the last week
Circus by Stray Kids - Because of course we knew that I was gonna add this one; I've said it over and over that I want to inject this song into my veins
Werewolf by Motionless In White - Werewolves. Need I say more?
Stay by The Kid Laroi and Justin Beiber - I will never get over this song, it's so fucking good!
On My Shit (Freestyle) by Snow Tha Product - I don't like much rap, but I stan the fuck out of Snow, and everyone else should too, because a queer lanita rappers is something we need more of in this world.
I'm sure the group chat has already been tagged a million times, so let's go with my reliable tags and a few new ones: @pinkkop, @slutty-lightbulb, @prapaiwife, @theyellowhue, @drozdzuwa, @alan-apologist and @nanonkrpt!
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babymetaldoll · 8 months
The annual BAU Halloween Costume Competition (Spencer Reid x fem!Bau reader)
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Summary: Spencer wants to win a costume competition, but wins your heart instead.  Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: Other than cursing? extreme fluff.  A/N: Happy Halloreid and Gublerween everyone!! and if you celebrate it, happy Ieroween as well!  Masterlist
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No one could ever say Penelope Garcia threw lousy Halloween parties. They were always fun, with the best food and theme. Over the years, she had organized incredible celebrations for the entire BAU family. It was her moment to shine. Decorations were always spot on, the altar was always ready for pictures of long-lost loved ones. There were theme cocktails and food, but by far, the most important event of the night was the Halloween costume competition.
It had started as a joke during their first Halloween celebration, and over the years, it had turned into the main event of the night. Each year, Penelope made sure she had a prize for the winner of first place and a little something for second and third. In fact, she usually got something for everybody who participated in the party, 'cos that's the kind of host Garcia was.
And that year wasn't the exception.
The entire team was excited about the celebration. They needed a moment to relax after the last couple of cases they had had. Well, the entire team except for Spencer Walter Reid. Instead of looking forward to the celebration, he was freaking out trying to find the best costume to finally win the BAU Costume Competition. Why? because he was the only member of the team who had never won first place. Hell! He never even got second or third. He just got a participation price every year. And he hated it.
Halloween was Spencer's favorite holiday. He wasn't really into Christmas, it was too emotional and it reminded him of all the holidays he spent alone with his mother growing up, and how sometimes she wouldn't even remember it was Christmas. New Year wasn't his type of celebration 'cos he wasn't a party guy. He didn't enjoy clubbing and his definition of a fun evening included a bunch of books, herbal tea, and his couch. Not to mention Valentines. That was a miserable holiday for Reid. He never had a date that day, and the only girl he wanted to ask out was - at least according to his own words - way out of his league. So, to sum it up, Spencer's favorite holiday was Halloween and he couldn't even win a work costume competition.
He felt it was personal that year. He had to win. He had to have his moment of joy.
- "See you all guys tonight in my house!"- Garcia was beaming as she stood in front of the team that October 31st during their daily morning meeting.- "Everything is ready! We are going to have so much fun!"
- "We'll be there at seven. Savannah is very excited."- Morgan clapped his hands once and chuckled- "And you can all forget about winning this year's costume contest, 'cos me and my girl are gonna kill it."
- "I don't know, me and Will have a matching costume that could be the best one yet."- JJ smiled confidently at Morgan and Spencer frowned.
- "Do couples' costumes get more points?"- the young doctor asked, confused.
- "No, but they are fun!"- Garcia explained with a huge grin. - "Do you have your costume ready, boy wonder?"
- "Yes, and I don't mean to get cocky, but I'm sure this year you are all going to be amazed."- Reid answered with a smirk on his face.
- "No more Doctor Who then?"- Emily teased, chuckling- "You didn't knit any scarf this year."
- "My knitting skills are saved for Whovian's conventions only."- Spencer replied, making Em laugh. - "And I won't say a thing about my costume, it will be a surprise."
- "Hey, Spencer."- Garcia whispered and grabbed his sleeve as they all walked out of the briefing room, forcing him to stay behind with her.- "I was wondering if you are planning to ask (Y/N) out, or if you are going together to the party."
And Spencer's heart stopped. He opened his eyes and stared at his friend in disbelief. Not that he thought no one knew about his crush on his teammate. He just wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.
- "Ok, breathe, Reid!"- Garcia shook his arm as he nearly panicked in silence, standing in front of her. - "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but it's getting painful to watch. She likes you too!"
- "I don't... I don't feel."- Spencer tried to rearrange the words in his head, but failed. Instead, all he managed to do was frown and sigh.
- "Wow, an IQ of 187 slashed to nothing just like that. It's amazing. You hear the legends about it, but when you see it happen, it's disturbing."- Penelope did her best not to laugh at Spencer's humiliated face. His cheeks were burning as he kept trying to explain what was happening inside his brilliant brain.
- "You don't get it, I can't ask (Y/N) out! We work together! We are on the same FBI team! What if it doesn't work? What if I lose my friend all because I thought I had a shot with her? or worse! What if she doesn't like me that way, and she laughs in my face? How do I work with her after that?"
- "But how do you live with yourself now?"- Garcia whispered after Spencer's speech.- "You are alone, loving a girl in silence. That's even worse than failing. That's just being miserable."
Spencer didn't reply. He stared at Garcia in silence as she cut him a short smile and gave him a small hug.
- "I know you love Halloween, maybe tonight could be your night."
That poor man just wanted to win a simple Halloween costume contest, and now he wasn't sure he actually wanted to go to that celebration.
Spencer took his time getting ready for the party. He had picked a Beetlejuice costume that went with his crazy natural hair. He did his makeup, put on the stripped suit, combed his crazy hair, and stared at his reflection in the mirror.
- "You might not get the girl tonight, but you are getting your first prize in that costume competition."- he assured himself in the mirror before leaving his bathroom, ready to go to Garcia's.
- "Reid! Wait for me!"- (Y/N) shouted as she ran to cross the street, holding her bag and wig in place. Spencer turned and stared at her, feeling the wind was knocked out of his lungs. She looked hot. Not good. Hot. Smoking hot. So hot he couldn't help but scan her outfit up and down before he even tried to speak. She was dressed as Lydia Deetz, wearing a red dress that hugged her body in all the right places.
- "Wh... wh... w... wow."- that was all he could say when she smiled at him staring at his costume.
- "I know, right?! I can't believe we are matching!! I had no idea you were coming as Beetlejuice!"
- "I... when I... I really... wow."- Spencer was glad no one could see him making a fool out of himself. Well. no one but the co-worker he loved. Yet, he knew if Morgan or Rossi saw him, it would be worse.
- "You look amazing, Spencer!"- (Y/N) smiled and rubbed his arm as he just stared at her, trying to form an intelligent sentence.
- "Thank you, so do you."- that was all he managed to say. (Y/N) continued smiling as she walked inside the building and into the elevator. Spencer just followed her in silence, trying to make his brain function again.
- "Oh my god!! You look amazing (Y/N)!"- Garcia nearly yelled as she opened the door and found her teammates in the hall. - "And! Oh, Jesus!! You are matching costumes too! This is amazing!"- Spencer smiled, awkwardly, thinking his friend was already one or two cocktails in, which meant that in about half an hour she was potentially going to start embarrassing him in front of (Y/N).
- "So you really wanted the extra point for matching costumes?"- JJ teased Spencer as he and (Y/N) walked into the apartment.
- "You said there were no extra points!"- he replied immediately, hoping no one would start teasing him right away. Because, obviously they would.
- "There are no extra points, but there is extra fun when you get back home."- Morgan teased him, holding Savannah's waist as she stood next to him.- "Is that your plan too, kids?"
- "You guys look amazing!"- (Y/N) ignored Derek's comment and smiled at them. They were dressed as Aladdin and Princess Jazmine.
- "Not really creepy, though."- Spencer added.- "And Halloween is the night to be creepy."
- "You are creepy all year long."- Morgan's snarky comment was ignored when Garcia walked over with drinks for everybody. JJ and Will were dressed as Harley Quinn and The Joker, Rossi was dressed as Dracula, Hotch was Neo, from Matrix, Emily was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, and Garcia was Tiffany, Chucky's girlfriend. Sergio, her cat, was walking around the apartment in a tiny Chucky costume.
If you asked Spencer, he was sure he had a chance to win the competition that year. If only he could focus on it. But with (Y/N) dressed as his character's bride, dancing with Em and JJ, he had trouble thinking clearly.
- "Ok, loverboy. How did you manage to keep it in the dark about this?"- Derek asked Spencer after an hour or so into the celebration. Reid was standing next to a table, holding a drink and staring at (Y/N) dancing, not even being subtle.
- "About what?"
- "You two are clearly together. When did that happen?"
- "What? No... we... I am... she doesn't. We aren't.... no!"- he tried to explain and failed in the process. Derek raised an eyebrow staring at him, and Reid made his best effort to explain his mind. - "We didn't plan this, it just happened. I had no idea she was gonna show up dressed as Lydia."
- "Kid, you don't have to lie anymore. I'm glad things worked your way."
- "We are not together. She doesn't... we haven't. It.. it's not gonna happen, Ever!"- Spencer wanted to storm out, but he stayed still. Instead of leaving, he turned around and looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. Morgan walked a step closer and stood next to his friend.
- "You didn't plan this? You are not dating?"- and Reid just shook his head,- "And what are you waiting for?"
- "It's not gonna work."
- "Of course it won't. Not if you have a lousy attitude. She loves you, stop being a coward and kiss her."
- "Easy for you to say, no girl has ever rejected you."
- "Come on, kid. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. As far as I know, she likes you too. Now go there and ask her to dance."- before Spencer could argue, Morgan walked away. And the young doctor stood there, staring at the guacamole bowl, not able to move.
- "What caught your eyes?"- (Y/N)'s voice nearly gave him a heart attack. She just stood next to him with a big smile and stared at the food on the table.- "Hungry?"
- "I'm... I'm... the cheese board looks great."- he mumbled and mentally facepalmed himself for making such a stupid comment.
- "It does! Garcia has really outdone herself this year. And last year was already pretty awesome."- Spencer didn't reply, he just stared at the food, avoiding eye contact, in a desperate attempt to keep his brain working. But (Y/N) just sighed, and after a few seconds of silence, she just walked away. Reid closed his eyes and bit his lips.
- "Well done, asshole. You really know how to look like a jerk."- he argued with himself.
- "Everybody! Get together! we are gonna vote for this year's best costume!"- Penelope clapped a few times and stood in front of the group, next to the altar with pictures of their loved ones.
- "As every year, we'll choose the winner with our clap-o-meter"- which they didn't really have, but the costume with the louder reaction from the team was the winner.
- "First we have the Joker and Harley Quinn."- JJ and Will walked to the front and the entire room started clapping.
- "Then we have Aladdin and Jasmine."- Morgan held Savannah's hand and walked in front of their friends. Everybody clapped as Savannah did a little dance and Morgan rubbed a golden lamp. Spencer looked at (Y/N), she was clapping and smiling, looking as happy as ever.
- "Next one, Beetlejuice and Ly..."
- "No!"- Spencer interrupted Garcia, raising his arm.- "We didn't come together as a couple."- and as soon as he delivered those words, Spencer turned and looked at (Y/N). Her smile was long gone from her face. Instead, she stared at him in shock. She was hurt, she was embarrassed. And most of all, she was storming out of the apartment.
- "Shit!"- Spencer whispered as she quickly followed her, as all their friends stared at them in silence. They were all thinking pretty much the same: he had fucked it up and he better fixed it.
- "(Y/N) wait!"- Spencer ran after her and held her arm before she reached the stairs.-
- "No, Spencer! I'm done! I know you hate me, but you don't have to be so mean! I thought we could work together and be civil, but clearly, you don't stand me! So, please! let me go home so you can enjoy your evening at peace."
Spencer stared at her in shock. That's what he had accomplished. That she thought he hated her. And all because he didn't know how to act around her anymore.
- "(Y/N), no. I don't hate you."
- "Don't lie! You are just gonna make it worse. I know you hate me, you never talk to me, you walk away whenever I show up, and clearly, you don't wanna participate in a silly costume competition with me!"- (Y/N) pulled her arm from Spencer's hand and started walking down the stairs. But before she could go too far, Spencer held her hand and stopped her.
- "I don't hate you, I fucking love you! I have no idea how to act when you are around! I can't even speak when you are looking at me!"- he blurted out, not even thinking. (Y/N) stared at him, frowning. None of them said a word for a few seconds until she managed to whisper.
- "What?"
- "I... love... I love you."- Spencer repeated, in a softer voice. (Y/N) took a step closer and tried to read his face, looking for any sign of deceit. But there wasn't. Instead, he stared at her in adoration, waiting to see if his words had had any kind of effect on her.
- "You do?"- she asked, and Spencer blinked, nodding- "'Cos I love you too. So much."- she whispered, blushing.
- "You... do?"- Spencer nearly choked with the words. (Y/N) nodded and smiled, as the two of them fell silent one more time
- "Now kiss the girl, damn it!!"- Rossi yelled from inside the apartment, making them giggle. Spencer held (Y/N)'s hand and moved closer to her, staring right at her lips. She smiled in anticipation and nearly had a heart attack when she felt Spencer's lips on hers, kissing her so slowly, carefully, and sweetly, like she was made of crystal.
After a few seconds, they moved apart from each other and simply smiled, still in disbelief.
- "Do you... wanna go back inside?"- (Y/N) whispered, and pointed to Garcia's apartment.
- "Or... would you like to go out on a date?"- Spencer suggested, and her eyes shone in excitement.
- "A date on Halloween sounds like the best plan ever. But I thought this year you wanted to win the costume contest."
- "A date with you is the best prize ever."- Spencer replied and held her hand, leading the way downstairs. 
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milligramspoison · 1 year
27 29 33
27 - Seen them live? How was it?
I wish! Had plans on going to the September 24th show in Sunrise but life got in the way lol
29 - Ever cosplayed as a member of the band?
No. Almost went as Gerard for Ieroween once but that’s it haha
33 - Has MCR helped you in terms of mental health?
In recent years, yes. My mental health has definitely gotten worse due to the pandemic. They’re one of the things in my life that makes me really happy and their music helps a lot when I’m having a bad day or when I have these random mood swings in the middle of the day, where I go from being happy to being sad for literally no reason. And the people I’ve met thanks to MCR are awesome and so sweet- y’all are amazing and I love experiencing the horrors with you all and being a fan of this band with you all <3
Send me an ask!
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Thank you so much for your ask yesterday! I was out and on mobile and I wasn't sure if I should reply back as private cuz I wasn't sure if you'd want that posted I didn't see the reply option only post lol I'm always happy to have active mcr blog mutuals I went so long, years only having a small handful before the reunion so I'm happy everytime there's mutual interaction with other fans. I'm always down to clown on here if you ever wanna fan out. Hope you had a great ieroween 🎃
(I don't mind if you post this)
Yay! I am also down to clown! I hope you had a good ieroween !
Sorry it took me so long to respond. I wanted to say something deep and profound about how much i love frankblr but i guess i sort of just did
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youwereagoodg1rl · 2 years
yeah i cosplayed revenge frank and came to uni like that, people asked me if i was alright as if it's not ieroween today
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somewhatelderemo · 2 years
hey jess on a scale of 1 to emo kid how many MCR facts make up ur personality (asking for a friend)
A solid 13 (emo kid) honestly. Here’s some that I can remember from the top of my head:
1. In the early days, Ray would get left at gas stations constantly. The rest of the band wouldn’t know until he called them to pick him up.
2. Their last ever show was performed at Asbury Park, NJ and the last song performed was Helena (obviously it’s was before the break-up).
3. Frank’s birthday is on Halloween and Mikey has unofficially coined the term (via Twitter) for Frank’s birthday to be Ieroween.
4. Many people know that Gerard created Umbrella Academy but don’t know that he’s also been apart of the newer Doom Patrol Issues.
5. Frank is the only member to still live in Jersey (he’s only an hour away from my aunt and uncle’s).
6. Frank and Mikey both dropped out of college to persue the band full time & Gerard and Ray both graduated from art and film school respectively.
7. In one interview Frank mentioned that he wore a blink-182 shirt to his college orientation.
8. Mikey came up with the band name along with another one called the new London fire.
9. Gerard was on a ferry from NJ to NYC to head to his job with Cartoon Network when 9/11 happened. Which lead to a crazy domino effect that created Twlight and Fifty shades of Grey.
10. Some of the bands influences include The Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden, Black Flag, The Smiths, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Misfits, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Queen and The Cure to name a few.
11. Frank tackled Gerard during the “Famous Last Words” music video which resulted in him tearing some ligaments in his leg.
12. The Black Parade is heavily influenced by the Wall (Pink Floyd) and A night at the opera (Queen).
13. For Conventional Weapons, the band didn’t want to make a concept album and the record company did so they tabled it to make Danger Days.
Which other facts do you want to know? Hope you enjoy looking through these my friends.
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star-six7 · 4 years
Here In This House of Wolves
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MCR x Gender Neutral!Reader Choose-Your-Own-Ending Halloween Extravaganza!! Word Count: 1042
A/N: Happy Halloween, Ieroween, and Mcrween! Hope you guys have an amazing day and enjoy this fic! I’ll add links to the endings at the bottom of this part as they are posted :) 
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. No part of this story is meant to be libel, slander, or in any way derogatory towards any character’s real life counterpart. I’m not delusional; I know that these characters are simply based off of a public persona and may not actually resemble the people behind those personas. Any additional characters that you do not recognize are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. And finally, if you got here by Googling yourself, whatever happens next is 100% on you.
You and Gerard tumbled out of the van after Brian, squinting into the bright, brisk October sky. It was My Chem’s favorite time of year- Halloween. Not only was it the birthday of one Frank Iero, it was also a time when the band’s vampiric and gothic style was in every storefront and front lawn, movie theatres showed only the best kind of movies, and the spooky spirit seemed to hang in the air. (Not to mention, fake blood was both abundant and relatively cheap, something that Brian greatly appreciated). Essentially, Halloween was a moment when all of MCR’s interests and influences came into one, perfect, horror-tastic circle.
You were snapped out of your reverie when you accidentally slammed into Gerard’s back, not noticing that he had stopped at the brochure display right inside of the gas station’s convenience store. He was staring at one lying haphazardly on the top of the shelf with wide eyes, seemingly transfixed.
“What’d’ja find, Gee?” you asked after you had recovered from the jarring collision.
“We have to do this,” he said, still not breaking his gaze. “Look, it’s for a haunted house! And there were actual murders there!” 
“Hm,” Mikey said from Gerard’s elbow, where he had seemingly appeared from out of nowhere. “Let me see that.” He snagged the brochure from his brother.
“Hey. Why are you all standing in between me and the snacks? Oooh, Mikey, is that for a haunted house?” Frank cut in, as Ray carried him in reluctantly. He then tried to grab the brochure from Mikey, which, of course, turned into round 453 of the everlasting Mikey-Frank-Gerard squabble. 
“Children,” Ray said, giving a long-suffering sigh before turning to you with a friendly grin. He dumped Frankie on the floor and moved further into the gas station in search of the aforementioned snacks.
All of this commotion had caused Brian to turn away from the register, where he had been poring over a map of the greater Midwest with the cashier. “Why is it that every time we stop for directions and gas, and only directions and gas, it always devolves into this?” He turns to stare down Frank, Gerard, and Mikey. “If the three of you are not off the floor in ten seconds, I will be calling your mothers. And you-” he swiveled around to glare at Ray, who had his arms piled high with snacks- “unless you’re planning to take out a loan, I suggest you stick to the peanut-butter sandwiches in the van.” Everyone scrambled to attention under his glare, though there was no real malice in it.
“Wait, Brian!” Gerard interjected from where he had emerged victorious with the brochure. “Come on, we have to go to this haunted house. Here, look!” 
Brian studied it. “Are you sure this is legit? It looks like it was made in MS Paint.” “That’s what makes it exciting! The risk factor!”
“Well then. If you’re sure about this… we’re still about a day out from the next venue. If you’re okay with giving up motel night tonight, we can do it, but we’ll have to drive through the night.” “Deal,” Gerard said instantly.
“Tis the season.” Mikey smiled.
“Best pre-birthday murder trip ever!” Frank exclaimed.
“What the hell, why not?” Ray grinned.
The rest of the band turned to you expectantly as you thought it over. It was only a couple days before Halloween, and you had been drumming shows literally every day since the second week of October. You had been dreaming about the hot showers at the motel for three days. On the other hand, the guys all seemed so excited, and you couldn’t deny it would be nice to spend a little extra time with… no, nevermind that. It was Halloween and this was a fun way to celebrate, that was all.
“I’m definitely in,” you nodded. “Let’s go.”
The haunted house was a few hours drive from the gas station, in a small town not far off the interstate. It was late in the afternoon, but the streets were empty. The shops seemed to be open, yet there wasn’t a single customer in sight. After some hectic directions from Frank, Ray parked the van in front of an old, three-story building on the back edge of the downtown area.
“I thought you said this was a haunted house,” Frank said, squinting up at it. “This looks like a hotel or a club, or something.”
“I said it was a haunted house set up in a place where real murders actually happened. Apparently, it used to be a boarding house for miners in the area, and there were a couple of killings over the years. Bar fights and prostitutes and such.” “Well, whatever,” Mikey said, glancing over his shoulder suspiciously. “I still can’t shake the feeling that the zombie horde is gonna come by any minute.”
While Ray and Brian went inside to buy tickets for everyone, you leaned against the van, taking a moment to enjoy the cool fall breeze and collect your thoughts. On the way to the haunted house, you had become both nervous and excited. Though you had tried earlier, you really couldn’t deny your crush anymore. If you were honest with yourself, it had been there since the beginning of the band, and it showed no signs of going away anytime soon. While it could be inconvenient at times to have a crush on your bandmate, you still wanted the chance for something more. And with the band’s growing success and a major record label deal on the horizon, you were starting to realize that it was now or never. However, you just couldn’t help but keep looking for the perfect opportunity to tell him…
You were startled out of your train of thought when you realized that everyone was heading inside. You glanced at them, hoping that they hadn’t somehow been able to tell what you were thinking. Taking a deep breath to steel your nerves, you followed the group into the lobby. You had no idea what was going to happen next, be it murder or maybe, just maybe, a chance to finally get your feelings off your chest. Horror movies have happy endings all the time, right?
A/N: Stay tuned for the special endings! And as always, feel free to send in requests or tell me what part you liked best!
- Mikeyway Ending
- Frank Iero Ending
- Ray Toro Ending
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! And happy birthday to Frank Iero. Fuck I have a lot to say about this dude. This dduuUuuUUUUDE. Man. He and his music have been here for so long in my life, and through so many tough times. His work has kept me from a lot of bad situations a lot of times over. I couldn’t ask for a more genuine person to look up to. Thanks to this motherfucker for everything he does and all the lives he saves. And Happy Ieroween to all!! Xoxo
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selenoplexia · 7 years
How was your Ieroween, friendo?
I just spent the night stuffing my face with candy and crisps and drew frnk while everyone else was out partying and drinking snkabskjdns I hope u had a lovely Halloween, thank u for asking! 🖤🖤
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
Dearest, please continue your prapai/sky fic. Pretty please, with the cherry on top?
Wait, which one? The post-series finale hurt/comfort one or the Dom!Sky/sub!Prapai one?
Either way, I’m working on it! I have almost this whole week off work to write (minus two concerts) and two 5-hour car rides back and forth to Chicago to work on them, so hopefully I’ll have one or both updated by the end of the week!
(Exclusive: I’m also almost done (I think) with a Don’t Say No Leon/Pob first time expansion fic that I’m really excited about!)
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ieroween1031 · 1 year
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications ✨
Thank you!
Five things that make me happy…
1. Stereotypical emo kid answer, but 100% music. Could not live without it, especially live music. I’ve been to more concerts in the last five years than most people have in their lives and I’ll never get sick of it. Plus, I have the best concert squad ever (my brother and sister because we’re losers that actually enjoy spending time with each other)!
2. Reading and writing. Whether it’s books or fanfiction, I am happiest when I’m curled up with my laptop, balls-deep in a great story, be it mine or someone else’s.
3. Nail polish. It sounds superficial, but one of my few comfort zones is at my desk with 162 bottles of nail polish, a mess of swatch sticks and a mountain of used cotton balls around me. They’re never perfect, but I love every design I make.
4. Enamel pins. I’m a pin collector and the rush I get when I find a new pin from one of my favorite bands or movies, especially if it’s not a popular movie, is a high I love to chase. My collection is tiny compared to others’, but I love every single one of them and seeing the blank space on my pin board get smaller and smaller every week is the most fulfilling feeling.
5. BL series (we all knew this was coming). I’ve only been watching these shows for maybe six or seven months but they’ve completely taken over my life. There’s not enough queer media in the US, and I’m living for the LGBT support from these shows.
+1. In addition to the BL shows I’ve become addicted to, another thing that makes me happy is all the amazing people I’ve met because of them. There are so many fantastic people I’ve met on this website not to mention my new besties in the group chat. I’m not kidding when I say that getting to scream about our favorite shows and actors with these guys and dolls is the highlight of my day. I love each and every one of them so much already and they are literally making every day brighter!
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ieroween1031 · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!😘💛
Stop it, I will kiss you on the mouth (threat). 😘😘
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
OOF just read the first chapter of Effective and Permanent on AO3 and i am absolutely PINING for more. please feed my insatiable hunger
Thank you so much! I’m working on it! I promise!
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